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Electricity from the ground working circuits. DIY alternative energy: how to generate electricity at home. Electricity from the ground

For many years, scientists have been searching for an ideal alternative source of electricity that would make it possible to extract current from renewable resources. Tesla thought about how to get static electricity from the air in the 19th century, and now scientists have come to the conclusion that yes, this is quite possible.

Types of production

Alternative electricity can be produced from the air in two ways:

  1. Wind generators;
  2. Due to the fields that permeate the atmosphere.

As is known, electric potential tends to accumulate over a certain period of time. Now the atmosphere is riddled with various waves produced by electrical installations, devices, and the natural field of the Earth. This suggests that electricity from atmospheric air you can get it with your own hands, even without having any special devices and circuits, but we will talk about the features of current production for this option below.

Photo – lightning battery

Wind generators are long-known sources alternative energy. They work by converting wind power into current. A wind generator is a device that can operate for a long time and accumulate wind energy. This option widely used in various countries: the Netherlands, Russia, USA. But one wind turbine can provide a limited amount electrical appliances, so entire fields of wind turbines are installed to power cities or factories. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using this method. In particular, wind is a variable quantity, so the level of voltage and accumulation of electricity cannot be predicted. At the same time, it is a renewable source, the operation of which does not harm the environment at all.

Photo – wind turbines

Video: creating electricity from thin air

How to extract energy from thin air

The simplest circuit diagram does not include any additional storage devices and converters. Essentially, all that is required is a metal antenna and ground. An electric potential is established between these conductors. It accumulates over time, so it is a variable value and it is almost impossible to calculate its strength. Such a current-generating device operates on the principle of lightning - after a certain period of time, a current discharge occurs (when the potential has reached its maximum). Thus, it is possible to extract enough from the earth and air a large number of useful electricity, which will be enough to operate electrical installation. Its design is described in detail in the work: “Secrets free energy cold electricity."

Photo - diagram

The scheme has its own dignity:

  1. Easy to implement. The experiment can be easily repeated at home;
  2. Availability. No tools are needed; the most ordinary plate of conductive metal will be suitable for the project.


  1. The implementation of the scheme is very dangerous. It is impossible to calculate even the approximate number of amperes, not to mention the strength of the current pulse;
  2. During operation, a kind of open ground loop is formed, to which lightning is attracted. This is one of the most important reasons why the project did not “go to the masses” - it is dangerous for life and production. A lightning strike sometimes reaches 2000 volts.

From this point of view, free electricity, produced using wind generators is safer. But nevertheless, now you can even buy such a device (for example, the Chizhevsky ionizer-chandelier).

Photo – Chizhevsky chandelier

But there is another option for a working scheme - this is a TPU generator of electricity from the air from Steven Mark. This device allows you to obtain a certain amount of electricity to power various consumers, and it does this without any external recharge. The technology has been patented and many scientists have already repeated the experience of Stephen Mark, but due to some features of the scheme it has not yet been put into use.

The operating principle is simple: current resonance and magnetic vortices are created in the generator ring, which contribute to the appearance of current shocks in metal taps. Let's look at how to make a toroidal generator to extract electricity from the air:

At this point the construction can be considered complete. Now you need to connect the leads. First you need to install a 10 microfarad capacitor between the return and ground terminals. High-speed transistors and multivibrators are used to power the circuit. They're getting picked up empirically, because their characteristics depend on the size of the base, types of wire and some other design features. To control the circuit, you can use the standard power button (ON - OFF). For more detailed information We recommend watching the video on Steven Mark's generator in Xvid or TVrip quality.

An equally sensational discovery was the Kapanadze generator. This fuel-free energy source was presented in Georgia and is now being tested. The generator allows you to extract electricity from the air without using third-party resources.

Photo – tentative diagram of the Kapanadze generator

Its operation is based on a Tesla coil, which is located in a special housing that stores electricity. There are videos from the conference and experiments in the public domain, but there are no documents that actually confirm the existence of this invention. The scheme has not been disclosed.

One of the greatest values modern world is electricity. Due to the rising cost of energy resources, humanity is trying to find alternative and available sources energy, leaning towards the most radical solutions. Some enthusiasts go to great lengths to create electricity from nothing, and their ideas sometimes look downright crazy.

general information

For many years, scientists have been searching for an alternative source electrical energy, which will allow generating electricity from available and renewable resources. Tesla was interested in the possibility of extracting valuable resources from thin air in the 19th century. But if enthusiasts of past centuries did not have as many technologies and inventions at their disposal as modern researchers, today the possibilities for implementing the most complex and crazy ideas look quite real. There are two methods to obtain alternative electricity from the atmosphere:

  • thanks to wind generators;
  • with the help of fields that permeate the atmosphere.

Science has proven that electrical potential can accumulate in air over a certain period of time. Today, the atmosphere is so permeated with various waves, electrical appliances, as well as the natural field of the Earth that it is possible to obtain energy resources from it without special effort or complex inventions.

The classic way to extract energy from the air is a wind generator. Its task is to convert wind power into electricity, which is supplied for household needs. Powerful wind turbines actively used in leading countries of the world, including:

  • Netherlands;
  • Russian Federation;

However, one wind turbine can only serve a few electrical appliances, so for power settlements, factories or factories have to install huge fields of such systems. In addition to significant advantages, this method also has disadvantages. One of them is the variability of the wind, which makes it impossible to predict the level of voltage and the accumulation of electrical potential. Among the advantages of wind generators are::

  • almost silent operation;
  • no harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Reality or myth

When it comes to getting energy out of thin air, most people think that this is downright nonsense. However, it is quite possible to extract energy resources from literally nothing. Moreover, in Lately On thematic forums, educational articles, drawings and installation diagrams appear that make it possible to realize such a plan.

The principle of operation of the system is explained by the fact that the air contains some tiny percentage of static electricity, you just need to learn how to accumulate it. The first experiments to create such an installation were carried out in the distant past. As a shining example you can take the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, who repeatedly thought about affordable electricity from nothing.

The talented inventor devoted a lot of time to this topic, but due to the lack of opportunity to save all the experiments and research on video, most of the valuable discoveries remained a secret. Nevertheless, leading experts are trying to recreate his developments, following the found old records and testimonies of contemporaries. As a result of numerous experiments, scientists have built a machine that opens up the possibility of extracting electricity from the atmosphere, that is, from practically nothing.

Tesla proved that between the base and the raised plate of metal there is a certain electrical potential, which is static electricity. He also managed to determine that this resource can be accumulated.

The scientist then constructed a complex device capable of storing a small amount of electrical energy using only the potential that is in the air. By the way, the researcher determined that a small amount of electricity contained in the air appears when the atmosphere interacts with the sun's rays.

When considering modern inventions, you should pay attention to Stephen Mark's device. This talented inventor has released a toroidal generator that holds much more electricity and is superior to the simplest designs of the past.

The resulting electricity is quite enough for the functioning of weak lighting fixtures, as well as some household devices. The generator operates without additional recharge for a long period of time.

Simple circuits

Wanting to get atmospheric electricity with your own hands, you should consider various schemes and drawings. Some of them are so simple that even a novice inventor can bring them to life and create a primitive installation without much difficulty. It is important to note that modern networks and power lines cause additional ionization of the airspace, which increases the amount of electrical potential contained in the atmosphere. All that remains is to learn how to extract it and accumulate it.

The simplest scheme involves using the ground as a base and a metal plate as an antenna. Such a device can accumulate electricity from the air and then distribute it to solve everyday problems.

When creating such an installation, there is no need to use additional storage devices or converters. An electric potential is established between the metal ground and the antenna, which tends to increase. However, due to its variable magnitude, it is very difficult to predict its strength.

The principle of operation of such a device is somewhat reminiscent of lightning - when the potential reaches its peak, a discharge occurs. Because of this, an impressive amount of useful resources can be extracted from the earth and atmosphere.

Among the advantages of the above scheme, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Easy to implement at home. This experiment can be easily performed in a home workshop using available materials and tools.
  2. Cheapness. When creating a device, you do not have to buy expensive devices or components. Just find a regular one metal plate with conductive properties.

However, in addition to the advantages, there are also significant shortcomings. One of them is the high danger associated with the inability to calculate the approximate number of amperes and impulse strength. Also, when in operation, the system creates an open ground loop that can attract lightning. It is for this reason that the project has not gained mass distribution.

Stephen Mark Generator

There is another interesting working diagram- a TPU generator that allows you to extract electricity from the atmosphere. It was invented by the famous researcher Stephen Mark.

Using this device, you can accumulate a certain electrical potential for maintenance household appliances without using additional recharge. The technology was patented, resulting in hundreds of enthusiasts trying to replicate the experience at home. However, due to its specific features, it was not possible to release it to the masses.

The operation of the Stephen Mark generator is carried out by simple principle: in the ring of the device, a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices are formed, which cause the appearance of current shocks. To create a toroidal generator you need to follow the following instructions:

After completing the above steps, all that remains is to connect the leads, first installing a 10 microfarad capacitor. The circuit is powered using high-speed transistors and multivibrators, which are selected taking into account the size, type of wires and other design features.

Methods for extracting energy from the earth

It is no secret that it is easiest to extract electricity from a solid and moist environment. The most popular option is soil, which combines solid, liquid, and gaseous media. Between the small minerals there are drops of water and air bubbles. In addition, there is another unit in the soil - a micelle (clay-humus complex), which is complex system with potential difference.

If the outer shell creates a negative charge, then the inner shell creates a positive charge. Micelles with a negative charge are attracted to upper layers ions with positive. As a result, electrical and electrochemical processes are constantly occurring in the soil.

Given the fact that soil contains electrolytes and electricity, it can be considered not only as a place for the development of living organisms and growing crops, but also as compact power plant. Most rooms concentrate an impressive electrical potential into this shell, which is supplied via grounding.

There are currently 3 methods of extracting energy from soil at home. The first is the following algorithm: neutral wire- load - soil. The second involves the use of a zinc and copper electrode, and the third uses the potential between the roof and the ground.

In the first option, voltage is supplied to the house using two conductors: phase and neutral. The third conductor, grounded, creates a voltage of 10 to 20 V, which is enough to service several light bulbs.

The next method is based on obtaining energy only from the earth. To do this, you need to take two rods of conductive materials - one of zinc and the other of copper, and then install them in the ground. It is advisable to use the soil that is located in an isolated space.

Finding industrial devices for extracting electrics from the ground is problematic, because almost no one sells them. But creating such an invention with your own hands, following ready-made diagrams and drawings, is quite possible.

When creating a device for extracting electricity from the air, it is necessary to remember a certain danger, which is associated with the risk of the appearance of the lightning principle. To avoid unforeseen consequences, it is important to observe the correct connection, polarity and other important points.

Work on manufacturing a device for obtaining affordable electricity does not require large financial costs or effort. All you have to do is pick simple diagram and follow the step-by-step instructions exactly.

Of course, creating a super-powerful device with your own hands is problematic, since it requires more complex circuits and can cost a pretty penny. But as for manufacturing simple mechanisms, then this task can be accomplished at home.

Gone new year holidays, the Christmas tree garlands burned out and the electricity bills arrived. Heating based on electric convectors never ceases to please me with the overall cost of the heating system country house, but the thought of free kilowatt-hours becomes obsessive. I will share another find from the area of ​​the obvious and incredible.

This time we will extract electricity directly from the air. Everyone knows about electrostatic discharges - if you pet a fluffy cat, and then with the same hand grab a metal door handle, it will give you an electric shock. More interesting option– after removing the woolen sweater, wash your hands with water from the tap. It turns out that she also beats with static discharges! But that's not what we're talking about today. Let's imagine in a simplified way what our planet looks like: the solid sphere - we are here, the atmosphere - birds fly here, the ionosphere - charged particles fly here.

The upper layers of the atmosphere are called the ionosphere for a reason – there are a lot of positively charged particles – ions – in it. It is believed that the planet itself, in turn, is negatively charged. Hence the “grounding” - connecting the negative pole to the polar electrical diagram to the "ground".

Now, if we imagine our planet as a spherical capacitor (in a vacuum), it turns out that it consists of two plates - the positively charged ionosphere and the negatively charged surface of the earth. The atmosphere plays the role of an insulator. Ionic and convective leakage currents of this “capacitor” constantly flow through the atmosphere. But, despite this, the potential difference between the “plates” does not decrease. We still observe lightning, auroras, and there are no fewer ions.

This means that there is a generator that constantly recharges this system. Such a generator is the Earth's magnetic field, which rotates along with our planet, and the solar wind, which ionizes the upper layers of the atmosphere. If you connect to this generator in any way payload, we will receive an almost eternal and free source of electricity.

The potential difference between the atmosphere and the earth's surface can reach from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of volts per different heights and in different time of the year. Schematic diagram The “power plant” in this case is extremely simple: we build a high conductor pole (or lift the cable with a balloon), ground it well and cut it at the base at the height we need. The top of the column will have a positive charge, the bottom will have a negative charge. With the help of transformers, we reduce the voltage to the values ​​we need, simultaneously increasing the current strength... and that seems to be all. We turn on the payload and rejoice.

But in this simplicity lies the whole trick. Problem 1: Conductor Height. It is believed that the electric field strength of the planet is strongest near the surface, i.e. at an altitude of 100-150 m. It is difficult to build higher, although there are always balloons... Problem 2, which is also the main one: so that current flows through our conductor, i.e. the movement of electrons from the negative pole to the positive, this very positive pole should be there. But if we just build a grounded metal pole, then electric field in the face of the atmosphere will bypass him, “mistaking” him for new point surface of the earth. Thus, electrons that should move from below, from the grounded surface along the conductor upward, to the positively charged ions in the atmosphere, will not do this because they will not be able to leave top part conductor. They will remain “locked” in it, which will ensure the neutral charge of the entire system.

Roughly speaking, current does not simply pass from a metal (conductor) through the air and into the air. If it's really abstruse, there are such things as electric field strength vectors. The conductor field strength vectors are directed upward, and the electrical strength vectors. atmospheric fields are directed downward. They meet at the top point of the conductor and, when folded, compensate each other. The overall charge of the system is neutral, but the greatest electric field strength is concentrated at the tip of the conductor.

Electrons cannot leave the top point of the conductor on their own; they do not have enough energy to leave the conductor. This energy is called the work function of an electron from a conductor and for most metals it is less than 5 electron volts, but even this is nowhere to be found. What if we help the electrons leave the conductor? Then everything will work - electrons will rise up, be captured electric field and current will flow through the conductor. You just need to constantly help them in this process. The trick is in a device that would release electrons from the conductor into the atmosphere and do this constantly.

It turns out that we need a transformer - a conductor of electrons into the atmosphere. And there is such a miracle - Tesla coils. If excess electrons are directed into the atmosphere using corona discharges, or a plasma arc, or something similar plasma, the electrons will leave the surface of the conductor and pass into the atmosphere through the air, just like that.

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Quite simply, we will connect the plates of the “capacitor” with a corona discharge at the top of our pole; a plasma arc is the same conductor that can connect the negatively charged metal of a grounded conductor with the positively charged atmosphere... a living example is lightning striking a lightning rod.

Power stations-pillars with Tesla generators on top, reaching hundreds of meters in height - look futuristic, technocratic and canonical! I like this picture so much that I will not spoil it with calculations and formulas. The curious will find everything themselves. And just in case, you won’t be able to become a pioneer; the technology was recently patented.

In 1729, the world learned that there are materials on earth (mostly metals) that can pass current through themselves. These materials became known as conductors. Other substances (for example, amber, glass, wax) that do not conduct current were also found, which became known as insulators. But humanity was able to use electricity only at the beginning of the 17th century. It became clear that current could be used to produce heat and light. It was then established that electricity is a flow of small charged particles - electrons. And each of them carries a small charge of energy. But when many electrons are collected, the charge becomes large, and that's when electrical voltage. Therefore, electricity can travel long distances through wires.

Let's look at one interesting phenomenon. A man takes off his sweater over his head and suddenly, out of the blue, a crash is heard. If you undress in the dark, you can observe how this crackling sound is accompanied by sparks. It sparks and cracks clothes. Looking more closely, you can see that the sweater is adjacent to the shirt that was still worn on the body. Thus, a current arises between things. Its manifestation on different objects leads not only to attraction, but also to repulsion. This is the action of electricity. It turns out that nowadays a person cannot take a single step without electricity.

Electricity from water at home

This pipe can pressure tap water convert into electricity that can be used at home.

To generate electricity, you need to install a device in the pipe, then open the valve. The water will then produce the desired electricity by moving small wheels inside the device.

The generated energy is accumulated in special lamps, which are installed after charging in their place for the intended use, and the brightness of their glow can be adjusted.

This method can be used by people all over the world where tap water is available. It's strange that no one thought of this before. Therefore, Choi’s invention reached the finals of an industrial design competition and is already being prepared for serial production. One English inventor, Ryan Yongwoo Choi, developed a method for generating electricity at home from tap water, and came up with a pipe that has a water wheel inside, and called it ES Pipe Waterwheel.

Solar panels

Solar panels are great way extraction for home electricity.

But this business requires some costs to acquire solar panels, of which you need a lot. But these technologies are expanding every year, and solar panels decrease in value.


Produces electricity at any time.
To create electricity you need sunlight.
No other fuel needed.
Environmental Safety.
No noise.


Considerable open space is required.
No electricity is produced at night or during rainy weather.
Expensive and fragile panels.

Creative approach

One summer resident invented a device that is a wheel in which hamsters constantly run, but only large ones. A dog was let into this wheel and began to run around there. This wheel was then connected to the generator using several belt drives. The generator produced electricity by converting the dog's energy into electricity.

How to get electricity from potatoes

Almost any vegetable or fruit has electricity. To create a current generator you will need:

Potatoes 1 piece;
toothpicks 2 pcs;
tea spoon;
wires 2 pcs;

The wires need to be cleaned. Cut the potatoes into 2 halves with a knife. Pull the wire through one half of the potato. Using a teaspoon, make a hole in the other half of the potato - its size is equal to the size of the spoon.

Mix with salt toothpaste and fill the hole made in the cut potatoes with it. Connect the two potato halves with toothpicks. The generator is now ready!

To extract voltage, you need to wrap a piece of cotton wool around one of the wires. Wait two minutes (until the battery charges).
Then bring the wires close to each other until a spark appears.

How to produce electricity in small quantities

For this you will need: aluminum foil, copper and aluminum pins, copper wire, transistor, salt, water.

1. The aluminum pin must be inserted deeply into the tree so that the pin passes through the bark and penetrates a considerable distance into the trunk. Then, stick a copper pin into the ground, about thirty cm. If you insert not just one pin, but several into the tree, there will be more electricity. The voltage between the pins will be about 1 V.

2. Take the transistor and open it, but the main thing is not to damage the crystal inside the case. Connect the wires to one of the junctions, “collector-base” or “emitter-base”. On a sunny day, instead of a transistor, you can use a photocell; between the wires there will be a voltage of approximately 0.2 V. Using several transistors you can make a battery.

3. Take several glasses and fill them with a solution of table salt. Then take a few pieces copper wire and wrap aluminum foil one end of each segment. Use these wires to connect the glasses with the solution so that in one glass the wire is with its bare end, and in the other it is wrapped in foil. The resulting voltage will depend on the number of glasses.

Of course, it is difficult to completely provide your home with your own electricity. There are too many power-hungry electrical appliances: computers, microwaves, refrigerators, multi-cookers, TVs and others. All these devices consume a lot of electricity; today we cannot generate 100% of such electricity at home. But what is really real is saving and reducing your electricity bills.

There are many alternative sources in nature from which you can get wind, sun, water... And you can also get electricity from the ground. The method is not at all fantastic. Using the basic laws of electrostatics, the process becomes completely feasible.

Electricity from the ground

The earth is a kind of spherical capacitor, which is charged up to 300,000 V. Inside the surface has a negative charge, and outside, in the ionosphere, it has a positive charge. The atmosphere acts as an insulator. Huge currents flow through it, but the potential difference remains the same.

It follows from this that there is a natural generator that replenishes lost charges. They act as a magnetic field, thanks to the connection to which it is possible to obtain electricity from the earth.

The process consists of creating a reliable ground on one side, and connecting to the generator pole on the other. If the first task is easy to implement, then the second will require a fair amount of tinkering.

DIY electricity from the ground

First, a conductor is installed on the surface of the earth and grounded. Then you need to think about a device that helps electrons leave the conductor, that is, an emitter. For this you can use high voltage generator or a device called a Tesla coil. The final current strength will depend on its operation.

The top point is at a certain potential level of the earth's electric field, which will begin to move electrons upward towards it - to where the emitter is located. It will release electrons from the conductor metal, and they, as ions, will go into the atmosphere. The movement continues until the potential there is aligned with the Earth's electric field, that is, until neutralization is achieved.

So natural electrical circuit closes and the energy consumer is connected to it.

It should be taken into account that the electric field is located above the grounded conductors. Their role is played by all buildings, trees, power lines, and so on. Therefore, in order for the installation to work in urban conditions, it must be raised above nearby roofs, spiers and ground electrodes.

This is how you imagine electricity coming from the ground. The diagram is in front of you.

Natural generator

A logical question arises: “If such installations are located throughout the Earth, how will this affect its electric field?”

Of course, it is currently not possible to measure the power of this natural global device. But, given that during such constant natural phenomena as storms, hurricanes, cyclones, and so on, a lot of energy is consumed, but this does not weaken the Earth’s electric field, therefore, it can be assumed that if electricity from the earth is used everywhere , this will not lead to global changes on the planet.


As a result of the actions taken, the connection to the negative pole is made by grounding, and to the positive pole using a conductor, convective current (that is, the same electric current, but in which the transfer of charged particles occurs in an orderly manner).

It turns out that it is simple and convenient to design and operate, environmentally friendly and extremely cheap.

Of course, it is subject to fluctuations depending on the time of year and weather conditions. But usually these natural phenomena account for no more than 30% of the average. In any case, as an alternative source from the earth it seems very promising.