home · Tool · Atmospheric electricity for the home. Free electricity: how to get electric current from the ground and air with your own hands. DIY electricity from the ground

Atmospheric electricity for the home. Free electricity: how to get electric current from the ground and air with your own hands. DIY electricity from the ground

The benefits, and sometimes the need, of electricity are difficult to underestimate. Especially in emergency conditions. You may need to recharge your walkie-talkie, flashlight, or mobile phone. In this article we will talk about ways to alternatively generate electricity from scrap materials.


For almost any simple way to generate electricity without connecting to an existing electrical network will definitely be needed galvanic cells, namely two metals that, when paired, form oppositely polar anode and cathode, respectively. Now all that remains is to stick one of them, for example, an aluminum rod or an iron nail, into the nearest tree so that it completely penetrates through the bark into the tree trunk itself, and stick another element, for example, a copper tube, into the soil nearby so that it enters the ground 15- 20 cm. Possibly even between copper tube and the aluminum rod will generate a voltage of approximately 1 Volt. The more rods you insert into the tree, the better the quality of the electricity produced this way. After you finish extracting electricity, be sure to clean up the mess and cover the damaged areas on the tree with resin.


Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are all ideal electrolytes for generating electricity in extreme conditions, especially if an extreme situation finds you close to the equator. In addition to the already known aluminum and copper, you can use more effective gold and silver if you or your companion still have jewelry on, bringing the voltage of your electricity up to 2 Volts. If you are generating electricity for the purpose of lighting, then a glass bulb with a piece of charred bamboo fiber as a filament can serve as a light bulb. This homemade filament was used by Edison himself for the first light bulb in the world.


If you have copper wire and foil, generating electricity in this case will take a minimum of effort. Fill several glasses with salt water and combine them copper wire, from glass to glass. Aluminum foil should be wrapped around one end of each wire connecting the glasses. Accordingly, the more wire and glasses. the higher your chances! This type of device was invented back in the 18th century, it is called a “Voltaic Pillar”. But in this case, copper-zinc elements are used. The scheme for their manufacture is shown below:


You can also get electricity from ordinary potato tubers; all you need is salt, toothpaste, wires and potatoes. Cut it in half with a knife, pass the wires through one half, while in the other make a spoon-shaped depression in the center, then fill it with toothpaste mixed with salt. Connect the potato halves, and the wires should come into contact with toothpaste, and it is better to clean them themselves. All! Now you can use your electricity generator to light fires from an electric spark.

Battery manufacturing

Lead and sulfuric acid have proven themselves for decades as a universal electricity generator with excellent power quality, used everywhere, for example in batteries of various Vehicle. To do this, you will need both components, which you need to connect in ceramic dishes(finding clay in extreme conditions and firing it should not be difficult for you; this also applies to glasses in the case of generating electricity from salt water). If the question remains with sulfuric acid, then it is not difficult to obtain it from sulfur by burning it with an excess of oxygen and water. If there is neither one nor the other, electricity will bring you the mineral “galena,” which, already at a temperature of 327 degrees, when mixed with coal, melts into sulfur and lead.

Electricity is now becoming more in demand and expensive.

All more people think about how to save on paying for it and use alternative sources of receiving it. Not only home-grown inventors, but also serious scientists are thinking about this; many attempts are being made to find new sources of energy.

In fact, electricity can be obtained directly from thin air, although many consider this to be outright nonsense, but this is the honest truth.

There are schemes for creating a device that allows you to obtain electricity from the air. The principle of operation of the device is that there is always static electricity in the air in small quantities; it can be accumulated for further use. You can create such a device yourself; for this you can study the works of famous scientists who worked on this problem.

  • The most famous of them was the legendary Nikola Tesla, he became the first person to think about extracting energy directly from the air.
  • In his time, it was impossible to record all experiments on video, so his device and research results have to be restored only from his notes and the testimony of his contemporaries.
  • Using the experiments and research of modern scientists, it is also possible to create a device for generating electricity.
  • Tesla determined that between the base and the raised plate of metal there is electric potential, being static electricity, this electricity can accumulate.
  • Over time, he designed a device for such accumulation, although it did not accumulate much energy, but there was still a result.

According to Tesla, it accumulates in the air due to the rays of the sun; they give up their particles to the air as they penetrate space.

Among modern researchers, Stephen Mark is working on this topic; he created a toroidal generator, which allows one to retain more electricity than simple similar installations.

He is able to provide free electricity not only weak lamps, but also more serious devices. It can work for quite a long time without recharge. Over time, based on it, you can create an installation that will provide complete, and in the future, it will be even more effective.

Electricity circuits from thin air

There are simple schemes for creating such devices; now this is easier to do, since there are many more networks and power lines, they contribute to the ionization of airspace.

There is nothing particularly complicated in the construction of such devices; the ground for it can be the ground, and the antenna will be metal plate, placed above the ground. The device will be able to accumulate the electrical potential available in the air, and in the future it can be used.

At the same time, you need to understand that even the creation of such simple device independently poses certain risks; its operation creates the principle of lightning, which can pose quite a serious danger.

Another point is that it will be quite difficult to create a powerful device for generating electricity from the air; more serious circuits are used, which makes it very difficult for non-specialists to create such devices.

As for the simple device, it also has many advantages; it is simple in design, which makes it easy to create it at home. All materials for it are quite accessible.

  • The disadvantages are the danger of this circuit, since it is difficult to calculate the approximate number of amperes and the strength of the current pulse.
  • An open ground loop is formed, so lightning discharges up to 2000 volts can occur, which is very unsafe. It will be safer to obtain energy from the wind or through a solar panel.

As for Mark’s device, its principle is that a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices is created in the ring, and current shocks appear in the metal taps.

For such a generator you need a base, it can be a ring-shaped piece of plywood, polyurethane or a piece of rubber, 2 collector coils, and a control coil.

Outside diameter the rings should be 23, and the inner 18 cm. The coil is wound inside the collector, the winding should be made of three turns, it is done with stranded copper wire.

To power the light bulb, one turn should be enough, if that doesn’t work, you need another turn, you will need 4 control coils, place each at a right angle so that there is no interference with magnetic field, the winding itself is made flat, with a gap between the turns of 1.5 cm.

To wind the control coils you need a single-core wire, at least 21 turns are made. The last coil requires an insulated wire; it is wound over the entire area.

Now all that remains is to connect the leads. A 10 microfarad capacitor must also be installed between ground and return ground. To power the circuit, multivibrators and transistors are needed, they are selected empirically, as required different characteristics under different designs.

You can try to create a more complex device. There are more complex diagrams on the Internet, as well as video instructions. If you visit, you can find a lot of interesting things on this topic.

The very idea of ​​a device for obtaining free energy from the ether was invariably in great demand. Not only amateurs, but also many eminent scientists have seriously and not without success dealt with this issue. Nowadays, there are no fewer people who want to develop such an installation and make it themselves. Today you can try to obtain energy from the ether for your home using simple and affordable schemes.

Science does not provide an intelligible definition of either field or energy. But she clearly formulates - energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere. Trying to extract “energy from nothing,” we can only try to “fit in” to the process of its natural transformation from one type to another.

Energy is determined by useful work, and the field is determined by the spatial characteristics of the influence of its source. And static electric charge, both the dynamic magnetic effect around a current-carrying conductor and the heat of a heated body are considered fields.

Any field can perform useful work, therefore, transfer part of your energy. It is this property that prompts us to look for sources of free energy in various fields. It is believed that there is many times more such energy than in traditional sources mastered by mankind.

For example, we know how to use the gravitational energy of the huge Earth, but we do not know how to extract it from the attraction of a tiny stone. It's too small to make sense, but it's practically inexhaustible. If we come up with some way to extract it from a stone, we will get a new source of energy.

This is roughly what researchers and developers of all kinds and stripes are doing in an attempt to extract “energy from nothing.” The field from which various prospectors strive to learn how to extract an energy resource is what they call ether.

Ether and its properties

Many of his developments are considered lost since his death.. Some of them are known exclusively as principles, others - only in general outline. However, many current designers are trying today to reproduce Tesla's discoveries and devices, taking advantage of modern scientific and technological discoveries.

Most of Tesla's ideas are based on extracting it from the fields formed by the interaction of the Earth with its ionosphere. This system is considered as a large capacitor, in which one plate is the Earth, and the other is its ionosphere, irradiated by cosmic rays. Like any capacitor, such a system constantly accumulates charge.

And those developed according to Tesla’s ideas are different homemade devices designed to extract this energy.

Current and classic developments

Modern discoveries and technological developments provide a wide field of activity in obtaining “cold electricity”. In addition to devices based on Tesla’s ideas, today such developments for obtaining “energy from emptiness” as:

All these methods have their adherents, but most of them are quite resource-intensive and costly. It is also important that they require deep specialized knowledge and ingenuity. All this makes such construction at home difficult. Energy from the ether can be obtained with your own hands using simple and affordable schemes. Their implementation will not require deep knowledge or high costs, but some adjustment, configuration and calculations will still be needed.

Not all such developments can be called extracting “ethereal energy”. From the point of view of the absence of resource consumption for electricity generation, they can rightly be called extracting “energy from nothing.” The energy carriers of these systems are not destroyed during the transfer of energy - after giving it away, they immediately accumulate it again. The system itself can generate electricity, if not forever, then at least for a very, very long time.

Air thrust energy

This idea is a typical example of such a device. It is not, in the strict sense of the word, a way to extract energy from the ether. It is, rather, a way to obtain it simply, cheaply and for a long time.

To implement it you will need tall pipe, 15 meters or more. This pipe is installed vertically. The bottom and top holes must be open. Electric motors with propellers of the appropriate diameter are installed inside it, which should easily spin with the rotor. The upward flow of air rotates the blades and rotors of electric motors, and electricity is generated in the stator.

Uncomplicated home mini-power station

One of the most basic devices can be made independently from a computer cooler (Fig. 1). It uses such modern development as neodymium magnets.

To make it you need:

Such a power station allows a small light bulb connected to it to work. Taking a larger and more motor strong magnets, you can get more electricity.

Application of magnets and flywheel

The capabilities of such a power plant are significantly increased by using the inertia of a heavy flywheel. Simplified model This design is shown in Fig. 2.Today, there are a lot of developments - including patented similar designs with a horizontal and vertical flywheel arrangement. They all have general scheme devices.

The main part is the flywheel drum, around the circumference of which there are quite powerful neodymium magnets. Along the circle of movement of the rotor-flywheel there are several electric coils, acting as an electromagnet and an electricity generator (stator). The kit also includes a battery and a device for switching the direction of voltage supply.

Once started, the flywheel, rotating in a circle, excites an electromagnetic field in the coils with its magnets. This leads to the appearance of an electric current in the conductor, which is supplied to charge the battery. Periodically, part of the generated electricity is used to push the flywheel. The efficiency of such a mechanism declared by the developers is 92%.

In both of these devices, energy is generated due to rotational inertia and relatively recently developed powerful magnets. Understanding the principle of operation of the device, you can try to make it yourself at home. According to the designers, it can be used to generate up to 5 kWh of useful power.

Simple Tesla Generator

Today's airspace is much more ionized than in Tesla's time.

The reason for this is the existence of a huge number of power lines, sources of radio waves and other causes of ionization. Therefore, an attempt to obtain electricity from the ether with your own hands using the simplest designs according to Tesla’s ideas can be very effective.

It is better to start independent experiments with devices available for making at home. One of them - simple transformer Tesla. This device allows you to literally “get energy from thin air.” His circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3.This setup uses two plates. One is buried in the ground, and the other rises to a certain height above its surface.

Potentials accumulate on the plates, as in a capacitor. opposite sign. The device itself consists of a starting power source (12 V battery) connected through a spark gap to primary winding transformer, and a capacitor connected in parallel. The accumulated charge of the plates is removed from secondary winding transformer.

This design is dangerous because it actually simulates the occurrence of an atmospheric lightning discharge, and work with such an installation must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures.

Using this design, you can generate a small amount of electricity. For more serious purposes, it will be necessary to use more complex and expensive schemes to implement. In this case, you also cannot do without sufficient knowledge of physics and electronics.

Device designed by Steven Mark

This installation, created by electrician and inventor Stephen Mark, is designed to produce quite a significant amount of cold electricity (Fig. 4). It can be used to power both incandescent and complex lamps. household devices- power tools, television and radio equipment, electric motors. He called it the Steven Mark Toroidal Generator (TPU). The invention is confirmed by a US patent dated July 27, 2006.

The principle of its operation is based on the creation of a magnetic vortex, resonant frequencies and electric shocks in metal. Unlike many other similar devices, once started, the generator does not require recharge and can operate for an unlimited amount of time. It has been recreated many times by various testers who confirm its functionality.

There are several designs of this device. Fundamentally, they do not differ from each other; there are some differences in the implementation of the scheme.

Here is the circuit and design of the 2-frequency TPU. The principle of its operation is based on the collision of rotating magnetic fields. The device weighs less than 100 g and is quite simple design. It includes the following components:

Inner ring-shaped base(Fig. 5) acts as a stable platform around which all other coils are located. The material for making the ring is plastic, plywood, soft polyurethane.

Ring sizes:

  • width: 25 mm;
  • outer diameter: 230 mm;
  • internal diameter: 180 mm;
  • thickness: 5 mm.

Internal collector coil can be made from 1–3 turns of 5 parallel stranded Litz wires. To wind turns, you can also use a regular single-core wire with a core diameter of 1 mm. A schematic view after manufacture is shown in Fig. 6.

External collector coil, it is also a bipolar type output collector. To wind it, you can use the same wire as for the control coils. It covers the entire accessible surface.

Each of control coils(Fig.7) - flat type, 90 degrees each to set a rotating magnetic field.

To make coils with the same number of turns, you need to cut 8 wires slightly longer than a meter before winding. Conclusions will help to distinguish different colour wires Each coil has 21 turns of two-wire standard single-core wire with a cross-section of 1 mm and standard insulation.

The terminals with tips (Fig. 7) are two terminals of the internal collector coil.

It is mandatory to install a common return ground and a 10 microfarad polyester capacitor, without which all equipment will be negatively affected by currents and returned radiation.

The connection diagram is divided into 4 sections:

  • entrance;
  • management;
  • coils;
  • exit.

The input section is designed to provide an interface to the square wave generator

and outputting synchronized square waves in a suitable manner. This is achieved using a CMOS multivibrator.

To implement the MOSFET control section The best decision- standard IRF7307 interface offered by the designer.

As can be seen from latest model, a person without special education and skills in working with physical devices and instruments, it will be quite difficult to assemble such a house structure.

There are many diagrams and descriptions of similar devices by other authors. Kapanadze, Melnichenko, Akimov, Romanov, Donald (Don) Smith are well known to everyone who wants to find a way to generate energy from nothing. Many designs are quite simple and inexpensive to make and generate energy from the ether for your home yourself.

It is quite possible that many such amateurs will be able to practically reliably find out how to get electricity at home.

In 1729, the world learned that there are materials on earth (mostly metals) that can pass current through themselves. These materials became known as conductors. Other substances (for example, amber, glass, wax) that do not conduct current were also found, which became known as insulators. But humanity was able to use electricity only at the beginning of the 17th century. It became clear that current could be used to produce heat and light. It was then established that electricity is a flow of small charged particles - electrons. And each of them carries a small charge of energy. But when many electrons are collected, the charge becomes large, and that's when electrical voltage. Therefore, electricity can travel long distances through wires.

Let's look at one interesting phenomenon. A man takes off his sweater over his head and suddenly, out of the blue, a crash is heard. If you undress in the dark, you can observe how this crackling sound is accompanied by sparks. It sparks and cracks clothes. Looking more closely, you can see that the sweater is adjacent to the shirt that was still worn on the body. Thus, a current arises between things. Its manifestation on different objects leads not only to attraction, but also to repulsion. This is the action of electricity. It turns out that nowadays a person cannot take a single step without electricity.

Electricity from water at home

This pipe can convert the pressure of tap water into electricity, which can be used for home use.

To generate electricity, you need to install a device in the pipe, then open the valve. The water will then produce the desired electricity by moving small wheels inside the device.

The generated energy is accumulated in special lamps, which are installed after charging in their place for the intended use, and the brightness of their glow can be adjusted.

This method can be used by people all over the world where there is tap water. It's strange that no one thought of this before. Therefore, Choi’s invention reached the finals of an industrial design competition and is already being prepared for serial production. One English inventor, Ryan Yongwoo Choi, developed a method for generating electricity at home from tap water, and came up with a pipe that has a water wheel inside, and called it ES Pipe Waterwheel.

Solar panels

Solar panels are great way extraction for home electricity.

But this business requires some costs to acquire solar panels, of which you need a lot. But these technologies are expanding every year, and solar panels decrease in value.


Produces electricity at any time.
To create electricity you need sunlight.
No other fuel needed.
Environmental Safety.
No noise.


Considerable open space is required.
No electricity is produced at night or during rainy weather.
Expensive and fragile panels.

Creative approach

One summer resident invented a device that is a wheel in which hamsters constantly run, but only large ones. A dog was let into this wheel and began to run around there. This wheel was then connected to the generator using several belt drives. The generator produced electricity by converting the dog's energy into electricity.

How to get electricity from potatoes

Almost any vegetable or fruit has electricity. To create a current generator you will need:

Potatoes 1 piece;
toothpicks 2 pcs;
tea spoon;
wires 2 pcs;

The wires need to be cleaned. Cut the potatoes into 2 halves with a knife. Pull the wire through one half of the potato. Using a teaspoon, make a hole in the other half of the potato - its size is equal to the size of the spoon.

Mix with salt toothpaste and fill the hole made in the cut potatoes with it. Connect the two potato halves with toothpicks. The generator is now ready!

To extract voltage, you need to wrap a piece of cotton wool around one of the wires. Wait two minutes (until the battery charges).
Then bring the wires close to each other until a spark appears.

How to produce electricity in small quantities

For this you will need: aluminum foil, copper and aluminum pins, copper wire, transistor, salt, water.

1. The aluminum pin must be inserted deeply into the tree so that the pin passes through the bark and penetrates a considerable distance into the trunk. Then, stick a copper pin into the ground, about thirty cm. If you insert not just one pin, but several into the tree, there will be more electricity. The voltage between the pins will be about 1 V.

2. Take the transistor and open it, but the main thing is not to damage the crystal inside the case. Connect the wires to one of the junctions, “collector-base” or “emitter-base”. On a sunny day, instead of a transistor, you can use a photocell; between the wires there will be a voltage of approximately 0.2 V. Using several transistors you can make a battery.

3. Take several glasses and fill them with a solution of table salt. Then take a few pieces copper wire and wrap aluminum foil one end of each segment. Use these wires to connect the glasses with the solution so that in one glass the wire is with its bare end, and in the other it is wrapped in foil. The resulting voltage will depend on the number of glasses.

Of course, it is difficult to completely provide your home with your own electricity. Too many gluttons electrical appliances: computers, microwaves, refrigerators, multicookers, TVs and others. All these devices consume a lot of electricity; today we cannot generate 100% of such electricity at home. But what is really real is saving and reducing your electricity bills.