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Rules of conduct with electrical appliances. Rules for using electrical appliances Rules for handling household appliances

Every person should have basic knowledge about safety precautions (HS) when working in electrical installations. When in contact with electric current, our body reacts as if it were a normal, but thousands of times stronger, nerve impulse. Muscle tissue begin to contract chaotically from high speed, but it is not possible to relax them due to the fact that the external stimulus acts on the brain more powerfully than the signals from the internal organs about damage.

The most common causes of electric shock

Causes and Effects

The most common example is electricians touching wires. outside hands so that in the event of an electric shock, the hand does not clasp the conductor, but clenches into a fist and pushes the limb away from the contact. Prolonged contact with current can result in muscle ruptures, dislocations and even bone fractures.

The dangerous parameter is the current, not the voltage. IN household networks its value is 10-16 A, which is a deadly level for a living organism. Such electric current may cause malfunction nervous system, paralysis respiratory system, fibrillation and cardiac arrest.

The mechanical effects of electricity are divided into chemical and physical:

  • Chemical – change current properties chemical composition body fluids (blood, lymph, gastric juice and other glands). Calls serious condition victim.
  • Physical – the release of heat when passing through the tissues of the body. Body resistance healthy person under normal conditions it is 1 kOhm. In the event of an impact under such conditions, a person receives burns of varying severity. If the skin is wet, then the overall resistance of the body decreases, and electronic flows begin to affect the internal organs.

The degree of injury depends on the magnitude of the current and voltage class, body parameters, external conditions, at which the incident occurred, and the time of action physical quantity. Fatalities account for approximately 0.5% of the total, but injury is inevitable in almost any situation. Therefore, you should not neglect the rules for the safe use of electrical installations.

A source of increased danger is a cable with damaged or removed top layer insulation, because internal parts become more susceptible to mechanical stress. In such cases, it is necessary to measure the current on the wires with a multimeter.

The source of electrical discharges at home is Appliances and electrical appliances that contain capacitors in their circuits.

In de-energized circuits, a leakage current remains and when touched, a person can receive a fairly serious discharge. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use grounded sockets for the corresponding devices.

Fire safety

The cause of such incidents is considered to be faulty wiring and long-term operation of old aluminum wires. Their insulation cannot provide the required level of safety for new devices (air conditioners, heaters, electric furnaces, etc.). Increasing the power has a negative effect on old wiring - it causes excessive heating and increases the possibility of a fire.

In the event of a short circuit (hereinafter referred to as short circuit) with a line break, an explosion may occur, characterized by a strong magnetic field. In such cases, all electrical equipment within the affected area fails. Fires can be caused by short circuit. Short circuits are caused by: faulty wiring, insulation, electrical appliances, weak contact at connections.

Basic rules of TB

It is forbidden:

  • check the presence of current in the network with your hands;
  • come close to power transformers, distribution devices, other electrical facilities;
  • can't continue to use electrical devices if sparking appears when you turn on the network;
  • plug in a large number of devices, general meaning whose power exceeds what is permissible for a given consumer;
  • approach sagging cables, broken wires (if the power line voltage is more than 380 V, then the minimum safe distance is 10 m);
  • use faulty sockets and circuit breakers (if the device begins to overheat, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the malfunction as soon as possible);
  • touch switched on electrical appliances wet hands;

Failure to comply with safety rules when handling electricity at home

  • touch taps and metal (wet plastic) pipes if you are holding a switched-on electrical appliance (hair dryer, etc.);
  • leave electrical devices turned on for a long time (irons, heaters, electric stoves);
  • install electric stoves closer than 0.5 m to curtains and curtains;
  • leave on heating devices(straighteners, hair straighteners, hair dryers, heaters) on plastic surfaces;
  • bend and twist household cables(after several years of operation, insulation failures appear);
  • nail wires to walls;
  • touch the exposed parts of cables of electrical and lighting accessories during installation ( household switches, sockets, sockets, lamps);
  • replace lamps while standing on wet floor, with wet hands;
  • repair live electrical networks;
  • do not allow liquid to come into contact with switched on electrical appliances;

Failure to follow electrical safety rules in the bathroom means a high probability of an accident

  • cover incandescent lamps with fabrics and plastic materials;
  • use homemade electrical devices(automatic machines, fuses);
  • leave electrical appliances plugged in when leaving home;
  • pinching cables and wires in doors and window frames to avoid breakdown of insulation and fracture of current-carrying conductors;
  • leave unused electrical appliances plugged into sockets - when network parameters change (thunderstorms or line failures), current may be present in them;
  • use devices that feel tingling when touched - this indicates the presence of breakdown and leakage current;
  • allow children to play wet areas, near sockets, insert pins into them, pull wires, etc.;
  • turn devices on and off with both hands;
  • turn appliances on and off, while holding onto wet or metal pipes, grounding objects;
  • extinguish a fire caused by an electrical fault with water. In this case, you can get an electric shock through the jet.

Failure to comply with electrical safety rules in the kitchen

Household electrical network

  • It is necessary to install fuse links in accordance with the installed load (exceeding the indicator can lead to a fire).
  • Junction boxes, switches, and sockets must not be left open.
  • Connect the devices according to the diagram (cord to the device, and then to the network).
  • Do not wash or clean live equipment from dust.
  • Fill kitchen devices(kettles, coffee makers) with water when turned on.
  • It is necessary to monitor the load on the apartment's electrical network and the readings of the electric meter. If the indicator deviates from the norm, the cause should be found out and eliminated.

TB during repairs

  • All work should be done in a group of at least 2 people. This is necessary in the event of an incident in order to be able to provide assistance to the victim.
  • During construction, it is always necessary to monitor the condition of the power tool. The slightest crack can lead to electric shock.
  • Children should not be in the room. The effect of current on a child’s body is many times more dangerous than on an adult’s body.
  • Before carrying out work, it is necessary to de-energize the in the right order room (household switches, then automatic ones for each load, RCDs and input circuit breakers).
  • During the period of work, a sign warning about repair work should be hung on the floor panel in order to avoid accidental activation by neighbors.
  • Before work, check that there is no voltage in the network.
  • It is prohibited to replace old plugs with similar homemade ones. This can cause a fire, especially if the load increases.
  • It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation work in damp areas, standing on a wet floor.
  • After all the work has been carried out, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the network: there should be no exposed wires and open sockets. To check the operation of the lines, their continuity is necessary.
  • You cannot drill into walls in places where electrical wiring may be laid without the need to replace a section of wire or install a junction box.
  • Wires must not be laid openly above gas pipes and radiators.
  • If after the repair the machine is triggered, it means there is a short circuit in the area. In this case, diagnostics are necessary - completely disconnecting the load and connecting electrical appliances in series to the sockets of the area.
  • Do not cut wires and cable sheaths lengthwise with knives.
  • It is prohibited to conduct renovation work under voltage.
  • Wires should not be cut with wire cutters.
  • All sockets and household switches must be promptly replaced with new ones. Even a part of the network that is completely normal in appearance may have loose or broken pieces of wire inside. Replacement will help avoid a number of accidents and damage to household appliances.
  • It is prohibited to lay wires in a bundle or openly in residential areas.

Improving electrical safety

  • When working with electrical appliances, you should follow the instructions. The devices should be connected to a grounded electrical network if this is required by the operating rules.
  • It is necessary to provide differential protection - an introductory RCD (to increase fire safety), differential circuit breakers for bathrooms and children's rooms, for washing, dishwashers, boilers and electric boilers.
  • Check regularly for proper operation circuit breakers and differential circuit breakers, monitor the insulation condition of household appliances.
  • Never use extension cords with defective plugs. There should be no dust on the carriers so that sparking does not start a fire.
  • Do not pull plugs out of sockets by cords.
  • Portable lights should not be used in the bathroom.
  • Lamps with a higher wattage than the permissible wattage should not be screwed into the lamps (if they are overheated, the plastic elements may begin to melt).
  • Do not leave lamp sockets hanging only on the wire. Over time, the contacts will loosen and sparking will occur when turned on.

Safety. Video

About ensuring the safety of an electrician during maintenance transformer substations and distribution points is explained in the video below.

Following the rules for the safe use of electricity will help avoid dangerous situations and also extend the life of electrical equipment.

Rules for using household electrical appliances.

Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Electrical appliances are our faithful friends and helpers. Although they are not living, but iron, they must be handled with care and caution. Electric current, without which no device will work, can be very dangerous. In order not to suffer due to improper handling of electricity, we will get acquainted with the basic rules for using electrical appliances that everyone should know.

Rule one:

Don't plug it into a socket foreign objects!

As you already know, the socket is intended for connecting electrical appliances to the network, and not at all for your fingers. However, it is dangerous to insert not only your fingers into the socket, but also foreign objects, especially metal ones: nails, wire, knitting needles, hairpins. These items are good conductors electric current! The current through them, like a bridge, will instantly transfer to your hand and hit you as if you had stuck your finger into the socket.

Rule two:

Do not touch exposed wires with your hands!

The wires through which electric current flows to the devices have insulation protection. This means that the metal wire where the electricity flows is placed inside another wire, plastic, rubber, with a fabric winding. Rubber, plastic, and fabric are insulators through which current does not pass and cannot harm anyone. But it happens that the insulating sheath of the wire is damaged, and the dangerous metal wire is exposed. It is very dangerous. If you touch the exposed wire of a switched-on device, you may receive an electric shock.

Therefore, before connecting the device to the network, check whether the metal wires. If yes, then never use such a device until it is repaired!

Rule three:

Do not touch switched on devices with wet hands!

Remember that water is a conductor of electricity. She, like metal objects, is a bridge through which electricity moves to a person. If you touch a switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk receiving an electric shock.


Before turning on, turning off or doing anything else with an electrical appliance, you must wipe your hands dry!

Remember, young friend:

Tok doesn't like wet hands.

Before turning on the device.

We need to wipe our hands!

Rule four:

Do not wipe electrical appliances when they are turned on with a damp cloth!

The water in a damp cloth serves as the same conductor for electric current as water on wet hands. If you want, for example, to wipe the TV while it’s on, first turn off the device and then wipe off the dust from it.

Rule five:

Do not use electrical appliances touching water!

As you already know, water is an excellent conductor-bridge for electric current, so never touch water and a switched-on electrical appliance at the same time!

You cannot hold one hand under running water and the other turn on the electric stove or washing machine. Never use electrical appliances while lying in the bathroom!

Rule six:

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended!

When leaving home, always check that the lights are off and that the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off. Electrical appliances left unattended often cause fires.

Rule seven:

Do not fall asleep with the TV, tape recorder, electric heater or other household electrical appliances on!

Rule eight:

Do not plug more than three electrical appliances into one outlet!

Rule nine:

Do not wrap electric lamps with flammable materials (cloth, paper, oilcloth, etc.).

How to behave in case of fire of electrical appliances.

We hope that all the appliances in your home are in perfect working order and will never catch fire. But, unfortunately, due to various reasons electrical appliances may ignite and cause a fire. In order to avoid getting into a dangerous situation, you need to know the basic rules of behavior in case of fire of electrical appliances.

Rule one:

If the device catches fire and your parents are at home, you need to immediately inform them about what happened!

Rule two:

If you are alone, then you need to remember the basic rule:

Under no circumstances should you extinguish the appliance with water while it is plugged in!

First you need to turn off the device, that is, remove the plug from the socket, and only then

fill with water. If there is no water nearby, you can cover the device with a blanket and fall asleep

sand, earth.

Rule three:

If you see that you cannot cope with the fire, then you need to leave the apartment or house and call adults.

To call the firefighters, you need to dial 01.

Rule four:

If you can’t leave the house and you don’t have a phone, then you need to look out the window and attract people’s attention.

It is necessary to shout loudly and persistently: Fire! Fire! Dial 01!

Information for adults! How to help a child who has suffered an electric shock.

Sadly, our children do not always listen to us and sometimes act in their own way. To prevent your child from being harmed by electricity, it is necessary to take measures in advance.

All sockets must be equipped with special current-proof plugs.

Try to hide all electrical wires so that it is difficult for children to reach them.

If a child nevertheless sticks a finger or an object into the socket and receives an electric shock, it is necessary to push or pull the child by the edge of his clothing or belt. For safety, you need to stand on a dry board, rubber mat, stack of newspapers or books. You need to wrap your hand in a dry cloth or wear a rubber glove.

If a child grabs a bare wire, you must immediately disconnect the device from the network. If for some reason this cannot be done, then you should cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or use wire cutters with well-insulated handles. You can push the wire away with a dry stick.

After the current has stopped, it is necessary to place the child on flat surface, cover him and call a doctor immediately.


We hope that our children will never find themselves in such situations, and that electric current, without which no electrical appliance can operate, will not harm anyone!

Do not leave plugged-in electrical appliances unattended or install them near combustible objects and materials.

Electric heating devices, as well as televisions, refrigerators, computers, DVDs, VCRs, radios, tape recorders, fans, etc. must be connected to the network only through plugs.

It is unacceptable to use faulty electrical appliances, as well as devices whose wires have damaged insulation. You cannot use homemade electric heating devices and fuses (bugs); they must only be factory-made.

The most reliable are automatic fuses, which can always be bought at any hardware store. If strong heat is detected electrical plug, appliance or socket, immediately turn off the appliance and tighten the contacts or replace the plug or socket.

Do not use low-current (radio telephone) wires to connect electrical appliances to the network; they cannot withstand heavy loads and fire will occur.

Never, even for a short time, leave plugged-in electrical appliances for any purpose unattended.

Do not trust people with the work of laying electrical wiring and do not do it yourself - this work should only be carried out by a specialist - an electrician.

Constantly, you need to monitor the health of the electrical wiring. For connecting wires to residential buildings And outbuildings Do not use bare (without insulation) or flat wires. Do not leave bare ends or joints.

They must be securely insulated insulating tape. Electrical connections must be secure. You cannot nail electrical wires to combustible structures without laying asbestos cardboard 3–4 cm wide.

Where wires pass through wooden walls, partitions and ceilings, they must be enclosed in additional insulation (rubber or ebonite tubes).

Electric lamps must be installed no closer than 50 cm from any combustible materials.

Lamps must not be covered with fabric, paper or other combustible materials. Everyone knows how great a child’s curiosity is, how he wants to quickly learn and experience for himself. Children show especially great interest in the exciting spectacle of fire.

Seeing how adults light matches, smoke, light stoves, and turn on electrical appliances, children try to do the same in games, and when playing with fire, they often contribute to fires, from which, unfortunately, they themselves often die. In the absolute majority, parents who leave them alone are to blame for the death of children.

Unfortunately, not only young children like to play with fire, but also schoolchildren who smoke secretly from their parents, make fires, shoot from homemade “scarecrows” loaded with gunpowder or sulfur match heads, which is far from harmless fun.

Parents should provide appropriate explanatory and educational work, explain to them the harm fires cause.

It is necessary to explain to the child the meaning of his actions, to convince him that fire is not a joke and playing with it is dangerous. I would like to stop at general issues provision fire safety in a residential building and on a personal plot.

The territory of the household must be kept clean and systematically cleared of garbage and waste. Timber, hay, straw and other combustible materials must be stored away from residential buildings and outbuildings.

Every home must have primary fire extinguishing equipment (a barrel of water, buckets, shovels, sand, thick fabric, etc.).

Group fire propaganda and public relations of the OND Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow

Can you imagine your life without household electrical appliances, our faithful friends and helpers? Probably not. Literally a couple of decades have passed, and humanity has become so accustomed to them. And it’s not surprising, because they simplify our lives, allowing us to take care of ourselves or our family, and not household chores. In return, people are obliged to treat such helpers with care and respect. Rules safe use Everyone should know about electrical appliances. Adults should teach their children basic safety precautions, and in schools teachers reinforce the acquired knowledge with the children. Next in the article we will look at the basic rules for using household electrical appliances.

Be careful with the socket!

For a sane adult, it is clear why you should not put foreign objects into an outlet. But not for a child. All children are very curious, and if the mother says the standard “no”, this is not enough for the baby, he does not yet understand the meaning of this word. Therefore, it is necessary to explain what the consequences may be, and it is better to minimize possible contacts of the child with the socket, for example, insert special plugs.

The socket is intended for connecting electrical appliances to the network, and not for children's fingers. Not only is it dangerous to insert them into an outlet, but also other foreign objects. All metal things are especially dangerous in this regard: nails, knitting needles, wire, hairpins and screwdrivers. These items are excellent conductors of electricity, so if you put something like that into an outlet, your child will instantly receive an electric shock. The task of parents is to warn their children that they should never do this under any pretext, and explain why. This is a basic rule for using electrical appliances that all family members should know.

Do not touch exposed wires!

Let's talk about one more rule. Electric current moves through the wires, so they should be protected first. Each of them that is connected to the network must have an insulating coating resembling a plastic, fabric or rubber tube - an insulator. It is impossible to get an electric shock through it. But there are times when the wire sheath is damaged. When exposed, it should never be picked up by hand. Parents and teachers are required to announce the rules for using electrical appliances for children, so that when walking on the street after school and seeing a bare wire, the child will immediately inform an adult about it.

Wet hands and electrical appliances

Water is an excellent conductor of electric current. Just like metal, it can connect its source and human body, creating an invisible bridge through which the current strikes people. Therefore, remember that if you touch a plugged-in electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk receiving severe electric shock. Use the rule that before each contact with electrical appliances, your hands must be completely dry.

Also, do not carry out wet cleaning on devices that are turned on. The main rule for the safe use of household electrical appliances involves careful and careful handling of them. But this does not mean that you need to wash them with a damp cloth while they are on. Naturally, you should regularly monitor the cleanliness of your devices. But first you need to first disconnect them from the network, and then proceed to wet cleaning.

Water and electrical appliances

The liquid is a conductor of electric current, which means that when in contact with any switched on device, you cannot simultaneously touch the water. Here is a standard situation: you are standing, washing dishes, and at this time a pot of water boils on the electric stove, what do you do? Be sure to quickly turn off the stove and continue washing without drying your hands. If you forget all the rules for using electrical appliances, you risk getting an electric shock. Never use them with your hand in the water at the same time. Also, while lying in the bathroom, never touch anything that can be plugged in (sockets, wires or devices).

Do not leave electrical appliances on

Golden Rule, which is taught from childhood, is to turn off all equipment when leaving home. In Soviet times, there were reminder signs hanging on the door that said: “When leaving, turn off electrical appliances!” Any devices left unattended may cause fire and fire. Therefore, be sure to check if the TV, iron, light, stove or other is turned off. Never go to bed with an electric heater or other electrical appliances on.

Rules for using electrical appliances at home

People use a huge number of home devices every day, but they forget the basic rules for their use, which we will discuss below:

  1. Do not connect more than three electrical appliances to one adapter and outlet.
  2. When drying your hair with a hairdryer, do not touch wet hair.
  3. Do not cover electric lamps with easily flammable materials (paper, fabric, oilcloth, etc.).
  4. Do not leave Charger connected to the network.
  5. Don't pull electrical wire by the cord, carefully remove it from the outlet, holding the plug.
  6. Don't leave children sleeping alone in a room with a light on.
  7. Before repairing an electrical appliance, unplug it.
  8. Do not leave devices turned on and a child in the same room unattended.
  9. Don't load electrical network, otherwise a short circuit may occur.

The rules for using electrical appliances were created based on user reviews and experience. Frequent cases of fires, fires and short circuits occur due to the negligence of people.

Fire of electrical appliances

Almost every person is sure that the devices in his home are in full working order and there is no risk of fire. But alas, fire statistics indicate the opposite. In any case, every person must know how to behave if equipment catches fire.

If you have forgotten the rules for using electrical appliances and a short circuit occurs in the network, then use the following recommendations for behavior in such situations:

Remember that following basic fire safety rules is, first of all, your well-being, the opportunity to save your life and the lives of loved ones. Putting out a fire is much more difficult than preventing its occurrence.