home · Installation · Electrical devices. Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers Program for the comprehensive testing of technological equipment

Electrical devices. Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers Program for the comprehensive testing of technological equipment

1. Program of the event

Complex testing machine technological equipment under load: maintenance and additional adjustment of mechanisms during the complex testing of equipment under load in operating modes with the identification of defects; monitoring the operation of machinery and auxiliary equipment, maintenance of the mechanisms of technological equipment after its commissioning for the time necessary to ensure sustainable and reliable operation each mechanism; briefing service personnel customer at work processing of materials for commissioning and complex operation

m of equipment; drawing up an act for the completion of work; drawing up a technical report on the work done.

Additional work, special tests and work to eliminate equipment defects are not taken into account by the program and must be provided for in separate documentation.

2. The procedure for conducting complex testing

After the individual tests and performing commissioning, the equipment must undergo a comprehensive testing idle, under load, in a neutral environment or with a trial delivery of the designed products. Comprehensive testing is the testing of the main units and installations, including all related equipment - production lines, threads, departments, workshops and buildings, to determine the readiness of the constructed facility for operation.

During the complex testing of the technological line, all the main and auxiliary equipment, heating furnaces, lifting and transport devices, production devices and accessories that are part of the line are tested in operating mode and under load. At the same time, equipment, fixtures, transport devices, instrumentation and automation are adjusted and their work is mutually coordinated in order to achieve the designed equipment performance, accurate and accurate performance of all technological operations. production process for the manufacture of products in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for its manufacture and supply. The synchronism of the operation of all units and devices that are part of the technological or automatic line is checked, a trial batch of products is produced.

All work and costs associated with the comprehensive testing are carried out by the customer at the expense of the main activity, according to a special estimate for putting the facility into operation, compiled by the design organization and approved by the customer. Testing of equipment, in which the production of industrial products is carried out, refers to complex testing and is also carried out at the expense of the main activity of the enterprise under construction.

The customer provides everything necessary for complex testing: technological raw materials, electricity, steam, compressed air, fuel, lubricating oils, production and auxiliary materials, necessary instrumentation, products and fittings. The customer involves representatives of the general contractor and relevant subcontractors (mounting and specialized) organizations to conduct a comprehensive testing of equipment. During complex testing of equipment, specialized and installation subcontractors, simultaneously with the customer's operating personnel, are on duty around the clock, observing the work and proper operation equipment and all communications, immediately eliminate the detected installation defects and malfunctions in the operation of the equipment.

The mode, duration and other conditions of complex testing (trial operation) of objects put into operation are established by a special plan. It contains: a list of objects to be put into operation with an indication of the dates of commissioning;

a list of commissioning works with an indication of performers, including in the case of an economic method with assignment to in-plant subdivisions-executors;

calculation of the need for supporting materials, all types of energy, tools, all types of transport, as well as the number of engineering and technical workers and workers providing commissioning. These calculations must be carried out in physical terms and in monetary terms, and reported to the executors of the work.

The type and duration of complex testing of equipment, depending on the nature of the production technology, are defined in the relevant chapters of SNiP (part III) and the technical conditions for the installation of equipment. In the absence of such instructions, products that can be obtained during complex testing of equipment (subject to compliance with its standards and technical requirements) should be assessed and excluded from the total cost of equipment testing. The cost of waste obtained during the complex testing of equipment is also subject to exclusion. Expenses for comprehensive testing of newly commissioned enterprises or their separate parts produced during the launch period are planned as part of deferred expenses.

3. Control over the conduct of complex testing

The type and duration of complex testing of equipment, depending on the nature of production, are determined by the rules for accepting into operation completed construction of enterprises, facilities, workshops and industries of various industries, approved by the relevant ministries and departments of the USSR in agreement with the USSR State Construction Committee. For example, the duration of complex testing for mill cereals, feed mills, seed cleaning plants, corn seed processing plants and elevator industry facilities with continuous, without downtime, at least 8 hours a day, is set: idle - 24 hours; in operating modes - 48 hours. At the same time, the output of products provided for by the project must be ensured for mills and groats.

In the absence of instructions on the nature and duration of the comprehensive testing, they are established by the working acceptance committee. The duration of the complex testing of equipment, as a rule, should not exceed 72 hours of normal uninterrupted operation in the operational mode.

Commencement of complex testing and the entire technological scheme is formalized by a special order of the directorate of the enterprise under construction (reconstruction), establishing the procedure and terms for conducting complex testing of equipment and commissioning, as well as persons responsible for their implementation. The duration of commissioning work is set in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry (department) of the USSR separately for each type of production.

Comprehensive testing of equipment and the entire technological scheme of production is carried out by the production and operational personnel of the enterprise under construction (reconstruction) with the participation of representatives of the general contractor and subcontractors involved in the installation of equipment, and members working commission upon acceptance of the object into operation.

If a specialized commissioning organization is involved in carrying out a comprehensive testing of equipment and commissioning, these works are carried out by the forces of this organization with the participation of production and operational personnel of the enterprise under construction (reconstruction), representatives of the general contractor, subcontractors involved in the installation of equipment, and members of the working commission for commissioning. In this case, by order of the directorate of the enterprise under construction (reconstruction), the ETO organization is entrusted with operational technical guidance ongoing work. The general technical and administrative management of the work performed at the launch facility remains with the chief engineer of the enterprise or a person specially authorized by him.

Operational instructions and orders for the conduct of the technological process during the period of complex testing, start-up and adjustment of the technological scheme of production, issued by the head of a specialized commissioning organization, are mandatory for the operational personnel involved in these works. Cancellation of instructions and orders of the head of a specialized commissioning center 0r. The inspection can only be carried out by the chief engineer of the enterprise or an authorized person. All principal decisions on the start-up and adjustment of production are coordinated by the head of the commissioning organization with the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Comprehensive testing of the technological scheme of production should begin on inert media with subsequent transfer to work on working media before the issuance of the finished product provided for by the project. Characteristics organization and procedure for conducting a comprehensive testing of the technological scheme and commissioning work on certain types productions are determined technological regulations, start-up instructions and schedules that establish the stages, sequence and special conditions for start-up and commissioning. These documents are developed by enterprises jointly with design organizations and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the USSR customer ministry.

Installed equipment, which has passed a comprehensive testing or an individual test under load, if this equipment does not require a comprehensive testing, is accepted by the working commission into operation according to the act for presenting it to the State Acceptance Commission.

Comprehensive testing of a combined technological scheme, which provides for the production of several types of products on the same equipment, can be carried out for the issuance of only one of the types of these products. The decision on this issue is made by the management of the enterprise under construction (reconstruction) in agreement with the State Acceptance Commission.

Completed by construction, detached premises and structures, built-in or attached premises for production and auxiliary purposes, which are part of the facility, if it is necessary to put them into operation during the construction of the facility, are accepted into operation by the working commissions as they are ready, followed by their presentation to the State Inspection Commission, which accepts the object as a whole.

Commissioning procedure ventilation systems And

air conditioning is established by SNiP III-28-75, which provides for the following basic requirements:

acceptance of these systems and installations should be carried out after their pre-start tests and adjustment installation organization subject to continuous and proper operation for 7 hours, followed by the execution of an acceptance certificate. Upon acceptance of the object by the state commission, the absence of coolant in warm time years cannot serve as an obstacle to the general acceptance of ventilation systems and air conditioning installations;

tests for sanitary and hygienic effect and adjustment ventilation devices should be carried out at full technological load of ventilated rooms.

The results of the comprehensive testing of equipment are noted in the equipment acceptance certificate by the working commission, drawn up according to the formula given in SNiP II1-3-81.

8.1 Works related to the comprehensive testing of technological and auxiliary systems are carried out according to the program developed by the customer in accordance with RD-19.020.00-KTN-089-10. The purpose of these works is to ensure the required performance of individual systems in accordance with the instructions of the design documentation and confirm their readiness for acceptance.

8.2 The main requirements for the performance of work at this stage must comply with the provisions established in 6.14 - 6.22.

8.3 By the time of the comprehensive testing of technological and auxiliary systems, the regular fire fighting equipment provided for by the design documentation must be adopted by the relevant working commissions.

8.4 If necessary, to conduct a comprehensive testing of technological and auxiliary systems (on the linear part, technological pipelines, etc.), the customer must issue a permit for filling the pipeline with oil / oil products.

8.5 Prior to the date of commencement of connection and filling of MT with oil / oil products, linear and, if necessary, on-site MT facilities must be completed and adopted by the working commissions with the execution of relevant acts: the pipeline itself with looping and backup lines, with crossings over natural and artificial obstacles, with linear gate valves, starting-receiving units of cleaning and diagnostic devices, power lines, as well as electrical installations, communication lines with nodes and amplifying points, linemen's houses, helicopter landing sites, along-route roads, protective structures against emergency oil / oil spills, ECP facilities , linear telemechanics, technological pipelines PS, RP, pumping, SIKN.

8.6 Filling with oil/oil products and comprehensive testing are carried out under the guidance of the customer.

8.7 The facilities and structures to be accepted prior to the start of integrated testing must be staffed with operational personnel and provided with the necessary operational (operational) documentation; at these facilities, working conditions must be created in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial safety, fire safety And industrial sanitation. The objects put into operation must be equipped with regular (in accordance with the project documentation) fire extinguishing means, including general purpose, fire and burglar alarm, means of environmental control of discharges, emissions, leaks of pollutants, as well as means of communication and a warning system in case of possible occurrence emergency situations.

8.8 Objects and structures before comprehensive testing should be provided with energy resources, water, spare parts and other means necessary for their normal functioning. The specified requirements for materials are satisfied by the customer, while they must correspond to the volumes specified in the project documentation and relevant instructions.

8.9 In the process of complex testing, the following is performed: filling pipelines with oil / oil products (on the linear part, process pipelines, etc.), checking, adjusting and joint interconnected operation of equipment and service systems at idle, working under load and bringing to a stable design technological regime within 72 hours. The specified actions and checks are carried out in the process of complex testing of tanks, loading and unloading racks and at other objects of the OST.

8.10 Comprehensive testing is carried out by the customer with the involvement of a commissioning contractor, a design organization, and, if necessary, specialists from the equipment manufacturer.

8.11 The prompt elimination of defects identified during the comprehensive testing is the responsibility of the contractor who allowed the marriage.

8.12 The number of operational personnel and technical resources during the integrated testing, as well as the mode of operation of the object (including operating parameters, duration, composition and properties of the test medium, temperature restrictions, etc.) are determined in accordance with the integrated testing program developed by the customer in relation to this object. Control over compliance with operating parameters is the responsibility of the customer. When carrying out a comprehensive testing of equipment at facilities that are sources of pollution atmospheric air, it must be ensured that laboratory research quality of atmospheric air in the zone of influence of emissions of the facility in accordance with the program approved by the customer. The results of these laboratory tests are mandatory integral part acceptance committee documents.

8.13 Identified in the process of complex testing additional work, not provided for by the design documentation, must be carried out by the construction and installation organization according to additional agreement. At the same time, the customer develops project documentation for additional work and sets a deadline for completing the work and putting the facility into operation.

8.14 Defects technological equipment and pipes, identified during the comprehensive testing or earlier, must be eliminated by the equipment supplier at the request of the customer before issuing the act of acceptance of the object into operation.

A similar requirement applies to hidden factory defects identified during the hydraulic testing of equipment and pipes for strength, as well as when checking them for tightness. According to the identified defects, the contractor, together with a representative of the IC body, must draw up appropriate acts.

Before putting the equipment into operation, it must be checked. To avoid possible disagreements, the action is documented.

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It allows you to fix all the faults detected during the test. To perform the procedure, it is necessary to know in advance how the act of complex testing is formed.

What you need to know

Before proceeding with the compilation, it is required to study the list of requirements.

Timely familiarization with the data will help to avoid problems that may arise in the process of filling out the documentation so that the paper does not lose legal force.

Required terms

Comprehensive testing of equipment is an event that is a test of the main units and installations before commissioning to identify possible faults and their timely elimination.

During an action technical lines tested in operation. The event allows you to identify how the equipment will behave in working conditions.

Before starting to use new equipment, the company is obliged to test it. Based on the results of the operation, an act of the same name is drawn up.

The action is performed by several people at once. The list includes:

  • customer;
  • general contractor;
  • representatives of the installation organization.

The conditions under which the equipment was run-in should be included in the paper. The duration of the operation is also entered here.

The number of copies of the document is made depending on the number of interested parties involved in the operation. Usually the document is made in 3 copies. Final stage drafting - certification of paper with signatures.

The form must contain the details of all 3 interacting parties or their representatives authorized to perform the action. If the signatures are missing, the document has no legal force.

Fire protection systems

The event is held to check the readiness of protection systems to work in conditions of real danger. The action takes place in

For its implementation, a situation is simulated, during the onset of which the protection system should have worked.

Specialists participating in the event record:

  • alarm response to a suspected fire;
  • activation of warning systems;
  • the appearance of a signal on the control panel of the fire department and the presence of an indication of the place in which the action occurred;
  • shutdown of general ventilation;
  • opening valves in the trigger zone.

Based on the results of the event, a document is drawn up, in which the features of the system's behavior in conditions close to real ones are entered.

The specialist responsible for the event records the reaction of the equipment for each of the parameters. If several systems pass the test at once, it is allowed to include the final data in 1 act.

It should be remembered that the testing of the internal fire water supply should be drawn up in a separate act.

Only equipment that has passed the test can be put into further operation. With the help of the act, a check can be recorded automatic installation firefighting.

lighting systems

The document is required to check the operability of lighting systems put into operation and to identify possible violations during installation.

To perform the action, a set of measures is carried out that simulates conditions that are close to real. Specialists responsible for the implementation of the action record:

  • quality of installation of the lighting system;
  • system performance;
  • deviations from the plan.

The data is entered into the act, the drawing up of which is the final stage of the event.

Sample Fill

With a careful study of the act, entering data into the document is not difficult. The action is performed by all participants of the event. The number of copies of the document is compiled according to the number of parties.

In order for the paper to become legally binding, it must indicate:

  • the date of the event;
  • the name of the companies taking part in the action;
  • representatives of institutions involved in testing;
  • data of members of the commission.

Filling out general information, people must enter information about the equipment that the event was directed to study.

To do this, the paper is fixed:

  1. The name of the unit or technical installation.
  2. The building or workshop in which the object is located.
  3. The name of the company that owns the equipment.
  4. The name of the complex, which includes the property, if such a fact takes place.

Here you can also indicate imperfections and the fact of deviation from the plan for creating an object, which may further affect its functioning.

Then comes the section on the decision of the commission. It specifies:

  • data of commission members;
  • the subject of the act;
  • signatures;
  • the conclusion of the commission.

Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers

Chapter 1.3. Commissioning of electrical installations

1.3.1. New or reconstructed electrical installations and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner set forth in these Rules and other regulatory documents.

1.3.2. Prior to the installation or reconstruction of electrical installations, it is necessary:

get specifications in the power supply organization;

execute project documentation;

coordinate the project documentation with the energy supply organization that issued the technical conditions and the state energy supervision authority.

1.3.3. Before acceptance into operation of electrical installations, the following must be carried out:

during the period of construction and installation of a power facility - intermediate acceptance of units of equipment and structures, including hidden works;

acceptance tests of equipment and commissioning tests of individual systems of electrical installations;

complex testing of equipment.

1.3.4. Acceptance tests of equipment and commissioning tests of individual systems should be carried out according to design schemes by the contractor (general contractor) with the involvement of the customer's personnel after completion of all construction and installation work on the electrical installation to be handed over, and comprehensive testing should be carried out by the customer.

1.3.5. Before acceptance and commissioning tests and comprehensive testing of equipment, compliance with these Rules, the rules for the installation of electrical installations, building codes and the rules state standards, labor safety rules, explosion and fire safety rules, manufacturer's instructions, equipment installation instructions.

1.3.6. For commissioning and testing of electrical equipment, it is allowed to turn on electrical installations according to design scheme on the basis of a temporary permit issued by the state energy supervision authorities.

1.3.7. During complex testing of equipment, the operability of the equipment and technological schemes, safety of their operation; all monitoring and control systems, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation were checked and adjusted. Comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours, and power lines - for 24 hours.

1.3.8. Defects and imperfections made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified in the process of acceptance and commissioning tests, comprehensive testing of electrical installations, must be eliminated. Acceptance for operation of electrical installations with defects and imperfections is not allowed.

1.3.9. Before testing and acceptance, conditions must be prepared for reliable and safe operation power facility:

staffed, trained (with a knowledge test) electrical and electrical personnel;

operating instructions, labor protection instructions and operational schemes have been developed and approved, technical documentation accounting and reporting;

prepared and tested protective equipment, tools, spare parts and materials;

means of communication, signaling and fire extinguishing, emergency lighting and ventilation were put into operation.

1.3.10. Before admission to operation, electrical installations must be accepted by the Consumer (customer) in the prescribed manner.

1.3.11. Voltage is supplied to electrical installations only after obtaining permission from the state energy supervision authorities and on the basis of an electricity supply agreement between the Consumer and the energy supply organization.

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The commissioning organization performs parameter setting, installation of protection and characteristics of electrical equipment, testing of control circuits, protection and signaling, as well as electrical equipment at idle to prepare for individual testing of process equipment in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.05-84 (Appendix 1) and SNiP 3.05 .06-85.
After carrying out individual tests, electrical equipment is considered accepted for operation. At the same time, the commissioning organization draws up and transfers to the customer in one copy the protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage, checking grounding and grounding devices, as well as executive principal electrical circuits. Forms of protocols are given in the appendices.
The end of individual tests is documented by an act of technical readiness of electrical equipment for comprehensive testing. The form of the act is given in Appendix 1 of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

Comprehensive testing of electrical equipment

During complex testing, the following works are performed:
- provision of interconnections, adjustment and adjustment of the characteristics and parameters of individual devices and functional groups of the electrical installation in order to ensure the specified operating modes on it;
- testing of the electrical installation according to the full scheme at idle and under load in all modes of operation in order to prepare for a comprehensive testing of process equipment.
Maintenance of electrical equipment is carried out by the customer. The results of a comprehensive testing of electrical equipment are drawn up by an act of acceptance of commissioning works in the form given.
Readiness of completed electrical work for acceptance is determined by the act of technical readiness of electrical work (form, example), which is the basis for organizing the work of the working commission for the acceptance of equipment after individual tests. The act of technical readiness can be used to formalize the acceptance of electrical work when the working commission has not yet been formed.
Completed forms of acceptance documentation as part of all the technical documentation listed in the appendix, after the execution of the act of technical readiness of electrical work, are transferred to the general contractor for subsequent presentation to the working commission for the acceptance of equipment after individual tests; upon completion of the work of the commission and the preparation of the relevant act, the completed documentation, together with the electrical equipment, is transferred to the customer.
Documentation commissioning presented to commissions for acceptance of equipment after individual tests and when drawing up an Act of technical readiness for electrical work Documentation is stored with the customer or in the commissioning organization.

General forms of acceptance documentation:

- The act of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation;
- The act of readiness of the building part of the premises (structures) for the production of electrical work;
- INFORMATION on the elimination of imperfections;
- An example of drawing up an act of checking the reliability of fastening hooks for chandeliers and lamps;
- ACT of examination of hidden works on installation of grounding devices.

Forms of documents on electrical equipment of switchgears of electrical substations with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive:

- Certificate of acceptance for installation of a power transformer;
- Protocol of inspection and verification of the installed electrical equipment of switchgears and electrical substations with voltage up to 35 kV inclusive.