home · Networks · Types of switches for a home bar. Household switch. Functionality of pass-through switches

Types of switches for a home bar. Household switch. Functionality of pass-through switches

To be able to turn on and off lighting a switch should be provided in the electrical circuit. If we are talking about apartments or private houses, then switches are used in them different designs. The assortment presented to the consumer’s attention is quite diverse in functionality and design, but when choosing a suitable product you should pay attention Special attention its quality.

What is an electric switch, its scope

Essentially, switches are switching devices that have two operating positions (on-off) and determine the state:

  • an open electrical circuit in which the voltage supply to the lighting device is stopped,
  • a closed circuit that supplies power to the electric lighting device.

Usually household switches are controlled manually, their scope of application is limited to installation in home wiring, operating within the nominal parameters of the network.

The design of a household electrical switch does not allow it to be used to cut off currents under excessive loads or short circuits. For execution protective functions special automatic devices should be installed - apartment panel switches; they are equipped with current releases, a cut-off mechanism and a system for extinguishing the electric arc.

Types of switches, their features

Each of the switch models is created:

  • under a certain voltage or current in the network,
  • may have special Climatic performance, have an increased degree of moisture or dust resistance,
  • differ in the method of connecting wires or installation option,
  • switching and control method.

Most switch models provide for connecting wires using various types of screw terminals. This time-tested option is being replaced today by a simpler option with spring-loaded terminal blocks; they make it possible to speed up and simplify the process of inserting the wire lug into the clamping device.

However, experts recommend using switches with screw terminals for networks with aluminum wires, which begin to flow over time when heated, this leads to sparking and weakening of the contact. In order to correct the situation, it will be enough to simply tighten the screws.

It is better to fasten with screwless clamps copper wires- their fastening with a special terminal will be reliable, its implementation is extremely simple and fast.

Depending on the functionality, the switches can be:

  • ordinary,
  • indicator,
  • dimmer.

The design of the switches allows them to be divided into:

  • rotary,
  • changeover,
  • push-button,
  • light-regulating.

Options for installing switches for open and hidden wiring

Wiring in an apartment or private house can be open or closed; depending on its type, you should choose a specific switch model.

Most often, open wiring can be found in country house or in old houses built at the beginning of the last century, the wires in this case are on the surface of the wall, then the switches will need to be installed on surfaces.

IN modern construction It is customary to carry out the wiring hidden, the wires go inside the walls, and the switches are installed in specially prepared recesses. In older models of switches, to fix the entire structure in a certain position, “legs” were provided, which, when installed, rested against the wall.

Modern switches have a more reliable fastening - an installation box is first installed in the wall cavity, and the switch is fixed on it using screws.

Single-, double- and multi-key switches

In stores you can most often find a two-key or one-key switch, but if you set your mind to it, you can find three-key models. In practice, if necessary, have a large number of lighting control keys, resort to installing several single-key switches and unite them with a common frame.

Manufacturers of electrical equipment from South Korea and the USA produce switches with a large number of keys, from 1 to 6, and each key is equipped with an indicator light. In models manufactured in European countries, indicator lamps are installed in single-key versions.

In practice, a double switch turns out to be quite convenient; with its help, you can control the operation of two lighting devices from one point.

The advantage of a two-key switch is the ability to:

  • location of a large number of control points in a fairly limited space,
  • groupings of control of lighting devices with separately switched sections, for example, multi-arm chandeliers.

The on/off direction of the keys on a two-key switch is always the same.

The switch should be connected in such a way that the phase wire is broken. Its off position de-energizes electrical appliances and allows for safe servicing. Connection neutral wire produced directly to the devices.

Touch switch, its advantages

The design of the touch device allows you to control electrical devices without mechanical impact. To perform the on or off procedure, just touch the special panel located on the front side switch.

The design of the touch panel includes a sensitive element; touching it is perceived as a command to be processed immediately. Arriving at electronic circuit the signal is converted into a form that can be perceived by the switching part, which provides power switching.

Particularly attractive are models configured in such a way that to activate them, it is enough to bring your hand to a distance of 3-5 cm; such switches are indispensable in the kitchen, they eliminate the need to touch their surface with wet or dirty hands.

Built-in touch switches are usually equipped with LED backlight, allowing you to easily find the location of the switch in an unlit room.

The appearance of the touch switches is quite refined, it is a smooth plate with markings, this design allows you to use the touch device in any interior design.

Using this switch you can:

  • turn electrical appliances on and off,
  • change the lighting intensity,
  • change direction luminous flux.

Among the advantages of touch switches, let us recall:

  • simplicity and ease of use,
  • possibility of connecting to different types lamps,
  • fire safety,
  • extension of service life lighting lamps glasses,
  • efficiency.

Features of models with remote control

A remote light switch is a receiving device that cuts into the wire that supplies power to the lighting fixture. It is controlled contactlessly - using a radio signal coming from the remote control. The remote control is powered by batteries; the operating mode assumes that they can operate without replacement for quite a long period.

The expanded functionality of the remote switch is ensured by the presence of microprocessor controllers in its circuit, which:

  • are able to ensure smooth starting,
  • allows you to change the intensity of light,
  • Allows you to set a timer.

The remote switch is connected depending on what lamps are used for lighting:

  • incandescent lamps - connects as regular switch,
  • If the lamps are LED or energy-saving, it is recommended to install the switch as close to them as possible.

The advantages of a contactless device include:

  • Possibility of control using any remote control,
  • installation does not require replacement of wiring; installation can be performed at the site where the old device was located,
  • the ability to adjust the level of illumination, which has a beneficial effect on the life of the light bulbs, in addition, it allows you to choose a lighting intensity that is gentle on the eyes,
  • Possibility of switching on and off at a specified frequency.

Touch switches equipped with remote control allow you to perform lighting control procedures at a distance of about 25 - 30 m, i.e. within an apartment or house, without moving from one room to another. The range is determined by the design of the building and the materials used in its construction.

The latest developments by engineers in this area make it possible to control lighting fixtures using mobile devices- iPad or iPhone.

Switch with sensor

The light switch can be equipped with a motion sensor that monitors movements in the room and independently turns on the lighting devices when there are people in the room, or it can have a sound sensor and respond to words, clicks, claps, etc.

Reaction to certain types of stimulus - activation of a contact device responsible for connecting or opening the contacts of an electrical circuit.

The sensor is equipped electronic components which analyze:

  • ambient light level,
  • presence of moving objects.

Features of twilight switches

This type of switches is distinguished by a design that operates on the principle of a photo relay that responds to changes in the intensity of illumination by a sensor. A decrease in the luminous flux causes the sensor to trigger and the subsequent switching on of the lighting device; when the natural shutdown intensity is restored, the lamp will be turned off automatically.

To make the operation of luminaires more economical, twilight switches can be supplemented with presence or motion sensors.

Pass-through switch

The invention of walk-through switches was facilitated by the need to turn the lighting device on and off from different points in the room, this is especially convenient in the case of long corridors - the light can be turned on when starting to move along the corridor, and, accordingly, turned off when moving to the end of this corridor.

This option involves installing two pass-through switches in the network, one at the entrance to the room, the second at the exit. Most often this option is used in long corridors, stairs or on garden plot, on illuminated walking paths.

If earlier is a reason to install pass-through switch served certain architectural features premises, today it is customary to install them in rooms of any configuration - for example, at the entrance to the living room and near your favorite chair or sofa - so that you can turn off the lights without getting up.

In appearance, pass-through switches do not differ from ordinary ones; their functionality is ensured by the special structure of the contact system.


A separate type of switches are dimmers, which are light-control devices. They are designed to turn lighting devices on and off and adjust their brightness.

The selection criterion will be the load for which the device is designed, for example, if “300 W” is indicated on the dimmer, then with such a dimmer it will be possible to regulate a five-arm chandelier with sixty-watt light bulbs. Experts recommend purchasing such devices with some power reserve.

Electrical switch, secrets of choosing the best electrical switch

  • on inside products must indicate the current strength and voltage for which the device is designed, it is desirable that there is a sign of Rostest, which is a kind of guarantee of the state,
  • To ensure trouble-free operation, you can buy products from well-known manufacturers; visually they are distinguished by clear lines of shape and a smooth, durable surface; the product should not be light - thin plastic with a loose structure will quickly lose its attractive appearance,
  • a quality product must be disassembled into spare parts - body, latches, frame, standardized modules,
  • the kit must contain assembly instructions; its text can be printed on the film packaging of the switch,
  • you should choose models that correspond to the type of wiring and wire material,
  • when choosing, it is advisable to be guided by your knowledge and experience or get advice from electrical specialists - sometimes sellers recommend purchasing the most expensive product that is not popular with consumers,
  • It would not be amiss to make sure that there is no smell of plastic emitted by the switch - an unpleasant aroma is evidence that the plastic is cheap and of low quality; in a confined space of a room, such a product can pose a danger to humans,
  • model suitable design should be selected exclusively from products that are suitable for technical parameters,
  • Taking care of your own comfort, you should give preference to backlit models - using them at night is much more convenient.

If the light switch is selected for a sauna or bathroom, or will be installed outdoors, then the requirements should include a point about increased moisture resistance, equipped with a special rubber or plastic casing.

When installing the switch in public premises It is rational to purchase anti-vandal models - they are made of metals or heavy-duty plastics, inner part made from non-conductive durable composite materials. It is almost impossible to damage such a switch.

Switch - electrical appliance, designed to connect and disconnect an electrical circuit. Most often, switches control lighting fixtures, less often they are used to turn on and off exhaust fans, air conditioners, etc.

According to the type of installation, switches are divided into concealed switches and switches external installation. The first ones are used during installation hidden electrical wiring, the second - when laying wiring in an open way.

Types of switches

The switch is the device that people most like to improve and tweak additional options technical designers. Depending on the methods of switching, adjustment, purpose and protective properties Switch housings can be divided into several types.

1. Keyboards

The most common type of switches. The electrical circuit is closed and opened when the key is switched from one position to another. One-, two- and three-key versions are available.

Key switches are inexpensive, convenient to use and easy to repair. On the other hand, they have a rather low operating life, the lighting intensity cannot be adjusted, and there is no energy saving mode.

2. Push-button

The principle of operation of a push-button switch is similar to a key switch: you press the button - it locks and closes the contact. Pressing it again opens the contact. Often available with LED backlighting. Such switches should not be confused with ordinary electrical buttons, for example, on a bell: such buttons make a contact only if they are held by hand.

Pushbutton switches will easily fit into the interior of any room, despite its slightly non-standard appearance. They cost a little more than their keyboard counterparts. But they will serve you faithfully for a long time.

3. Dimmers (switches with regulator)

They are a kind of rheostat, which is familiar to most of us from school physics lessons. A dimmer works on the same principle. A rheostat changes the resistance of an electrical circuit, and therefore the current strength in it. Higher resistance means lower current. The lower the current, the dimmer the light bulb included in the electrical circuit. With the help of such switches, you can adjust the lighting intensity by turning the control wheel.

The advantage of dimmers is energy savings (some devices even turn off on their own when no one is in the room) and ease of use. But there is also a minus: due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such switches. Note: dimmers work great with incandescent lamps, but with fashionable ones Lately LED lamps and lamps may conflict and function incorrectly.

4. Rotary

About 50 - 60 years ago, rotary switches were still actively used in the construction of houses, but recently they have been used only in “antique” design projects or in creating interiors in country, loft, and Provence styles. Typically released only for outdoor installation, are used in conjunction with open wiring. Switched by turning the lever 90°.

5. Rope

The operating principle of this switch is similar to a push-button switch: by pulling the string until it clicks, you close the contacts. Pull a second time and open. This type of switch is mainly used in wall sconces and sometimes to turn on exhaust fans.

Rope switches are used not only in decorative purposes, they have a number practical advantages. For example, a dangling cord is easy to find by touch in the dark, and such switches are also suitable for families with small children; the child can easily reach it and be able to turn the light on and off independently.

6. Touch

A modern type of switch with a long service life due to the absence of mechanical parts. Triggered by touch. Many models of touch switches are equipped additional functions, such as smooth dimming or auto-off. They like to use such switches in “smart homes”.

7. Acoustic

Such switches are also called clap or sound switches. Switching on occurs from the supply sound signal a certain volume, such as clapping your hands. Switches of this type with a timer are installed not only in apartments, but also in staircase landings. Some models provide a time setting after which the switch disconnects the circuit. Often acoustic switches are hidden in distribution boxes and are duplicated by regular keyboards.

The main advantage of this model is obvious: with it you don’t have to feel for the switch in the dark or walk across the entire apartment in dirty shoes because you forgot to turn off the lights. However, such devices do not always respond the first time and can operate spontaneously, which sometimes irritates owners.

8. Remote

These are switches that are triggered by a signal from the remote control remote control. Meet and combined models: e.g. touch switch with remote control. Remote switches are not very common because they are quite expensive. In addition, remote controls tend to get lost.

But there are also advantages. Firstly, with remote switches you don’t have to damage the walls: you just need to arm yourself with screws or double-sided tape and secure the switches in in the right places. And no problems with fixed wiring. Secondly, you can turn light bulbs on and off from anywhere in your apartment or house and feel like the master of light.

9. Passing

Externally, a pass-through switch is no different from an ordinary one, but its internal filling has a slightly different layout. Pass-through switches allow you to control one electrical appliance (or a group of electrical appliances) from different points in space.

For example, you have two-storey house. You approach the stairs and turn on the lamp that illuminates it with the switch located below, on the first floor. You go up to the second floor. Light on the stairs is no longer needed. If there was a regular switch downstairs, you would either have to leave the light on the stairs on or go down to turn it off. This is exactly the problem that pass-through switches solve: you place them on top and bottom and control one lamp from different points.

Unfortunately, in order to fit such convenient pass-through switches into the lighting system of your home or apartment, you will have to spend a lot of money and effort (compared to classic options) due to the complex wiring diagram, the impressive amount of materials used and the high cost of the mechanisms themselves.

10. Sealed

A special type of switches is hermetic switches designed for installation in rooms with high humidity or dustiness: in baths, saunas, showers. Just like waterproof sockets, they are classified according to the degree of protection. Thus, a switch that is installed in a bathroom or shower must have a protection class of at least IP-44. Read more about protection classes in our.

11. Switch with built-in motion sensor

As the name implies, the switch, or more precisely, the sensor connected to it, reacts to movements: the light turns on when a person appears in the field of view of the sensor, and turns off when that person disappears from it. Most often, the operating principle of such sensors is based on tracking infrared radiation.

Switches with built-in motion sensors save energy. Using them, you can also adjust the intensity of lighting, turn on spotlights, sirens, CCTV cameras and control other useful equipment. Unfortunately, these super mechanisms come at a price to match.

Useful tips

  • For the bathroom and kitchen, use sealed switches with a moisture and dust protection class of at least IP – 44
  • Rope switches will fit harmoniously into the nursery: the baby can easily reach the cord and can quickly turn on the light in the dark if he suddenly has a bad dream at night
  • Dimmers are best suited for the living room, since to watch TV and read a book you need different quantities Sveta
  • For your convenience flights of stairs in a private house it is worth equipping with either pass-through switches or switches with built-in motion sensors

The lighting equipment market is constantly evolving, and the range of switches is being updated with innovative developments that provide maximum comfort. However traditional devices do not lose popularity. Agree, among such variety it is not easy to decide on the purchase of a suitable light switch.

To make choosing easier, we have prepared detailed review existing switching devices, classified the types and types of light switches according to the main technical parameters, and also described the features of their installation and use.

In addition, the article lists best manufacturers lighting devices. This information will help you choose a high-quality and reliable option for specific operating conditions.

A switch is a switching device that is responsible for closing/opening the electrical circuit that powers the lighting fixture. It is always installed in the area where the phase wire breaks.

You cannot trust illiterate “electricians” who claim that zero and phase wire. This will cause a short circuit and wiring problems.

Household switch models are designed to work with wiring using regulatory burden. They cannot be connected to a network with other parameters. Each of the switches can only operate with a certain operating voltage and current. These parameters are always specified in technical documentation and on the device body.

The main task of the device is to provide power to the electrical device and stop it when there is no need to use the lamp. Switches are available in a wide variety of designs. They differ significantly from each other in a number of ways. Let's take a closer look at these differences.

A standard switch is connected to the area where the phase wire is broken. The purpose of the device is to close or open an electrical circuit, thereby turning on the lighting fixture

Switching methods used in switches

When installing switches, only two methods of connecting wires are used, which have certain features.

Screw clamp mechanism

To switch wires, this type of switch has special clamps that are secured with ordinary screws. This connection method is more difficult to install, but the result is a high-quality contact. Over time, this connection may loosen a little and then you will have to slightly tighten the screw.

Pass-through or reversible models

They allow you to control lighting from several places remote from each other at once. One or more lighting fixtures can be connected to such devices.

Popular manufacturers: who to prefer

The quality of switches, like any other product, largely depends on the manufacturer. Companies that have earned a good reputation strictly monitor the quality of their products, guaranteeing customers long-term, trouble-free service for their products.

Therefore, when choosing a switch for your home, it is important to pay attention to this point and, if possible, choose products from famous manufacturer. Let's talk about the best of them.

Legrand company from France

The French brand entered the market in the mid-19th century with table porcelain. After the advent of electricity, porcelain became in demand as an insulator, and the company began producing electrical products.

Management initially relied on use in production latest technologies, which yielded good results - the company is one of the five best European electrical manufacturers.

Products Legrand known in more than 150 countries around the world, it is sold under various trademarks among which Contactor, BTicino, Sarlam, Legrand and others. The company's products are distinguished by highest quality, safety and reliability.

The product range is very wide, it includes the most different types wall switches. Among them you can find traditional models, as well as unusual combination devices.

They are a three-key or standard switch installed in a common housing with a socket. The company pays special attention to the quality of components.

In addition, the housings of all devices, regardless of their cost, are made only of self-extinguishing plastic. This significantly increases the operating safety of the devices. Legrand produces its own devices different designs that fit into any interior.

Swedish company ABB

It appeared at the end of the last century as a result of the merger of two large Swedish concerns. Today it is one of the leading manufacturers of electrical installation products. Their distinguishing featurehighest safety and quality.

The brand offers comfortable modular solutions, allowing you to collect the necessary variations from the proposed elements. For the production of cases, only impact-resistant, UV-resistant materials are used.

ABB brand products are distinguished not only by the highest quality, but also stylish design. True, the cost of such electrical installation devices is quite high.

Among them are natural ones, such as steel, wood or bronze. The structural simplicity of the products allows for simple and quick installation.

Brand assortment ABB includes several product lines, each of which has a special, easily recognizable design. Eg, Reflex made in traditional strict geometric shapes, and here Impuls has soft rounded lines.

Collections of electrical installation products are diverse. Moreover, even in basic collections, the manufacturer offers not only standard solutions.

For example, all have frames with a fluorescent coating, which illuminate the body of the device in the dark. ABB products are highly expensive, which some consider to be a significant disadvantage.

French brand Schneider Electric

Founded in the 19th century as a weapons production company, it has long mastered the electricity markets and become a leader in the production of electrical installation products.

In the product range Schneider switches with light indication, walk-through switches, with remote control, with sensors and other complex variations. Moreover, they are all of the highest quality.

The Schneider company has launched the production of combined electrical installation devices assembled on a common basis

The signature feature of Schneider products is the presence of spring contacts made of bronze. This allows you to avoid using an additional clamp without losing the quality of the contact created. Thanks to this, installation of products from the French brand is extremely simple and fast.

The design of electrical installation devices is widely varied. Here you can find interesting models in a different range: from laconic classics to catchy avant-garde.

All brand collections include removable horizontal and vertical frames of various colors. The company's products are represented by several model lines. Very popular Unica, offering modular devices that allow you to create the most different combinations elements.

We compare electrical installation devices from different manufacturers:

What does the housing protection degree marking mean:

Modern switches are complex devices that make a person’s life as comfortable as possible. At the same time, they also help save energy; this applies to high-tech models equipped with light and motion sensors.

Manufacturers produce products of different designs, which allows them to easily fit into interiors of any style. It’s easy to choose from a range of models suitable option, you just need to determine which switch is needed for existing conditions operation.

Do you have anything to add or have questions about choosing a light switch? You can leave comments on the publication and participate in discussions. The contact form is located in the lower block.

According to the installation method, switches can be external (surface) and internal (built-in). External switches are installed with open wiring or in cases where it is not possible to install internal ones. For internal switches, the mechanism is recessed into the wall; they are used for hidden wiring; currently this is the main type of switches installed in homes.

According to the type of switching off/on, switches are divided into:

- rotary

- push-button

- keyboards

- with motion sensor

- rope

- sensory

- wireless

- dimmers

- switches

Invented about a hundred years ago and currently in demand, in particular among fans of retro style.

Pushbutton switches, to control the lighting of rooms, have been used relatively recently, so they look original and unusual in any interior. They are very convenient to use, but, like everything new, it takes some time to get used to.

Most widespread key switches. Currently, they are equipped with lighting systems for the vast majority of residential or office buildings. Three- and two-key switches allow you to control entire groups of lighting fixtures.

Switches with built-in motion sensor, tracks movements, activating the lighting when a person appears and, accordingly, turning it off in the absence of any movement. Typically used infrared sensors, which are able to distinguish between the presence of a person and, for example, a pet.

The operating principle is based on monitoring the level of infrared (IR) radiation in the field of view of a sensor (sensor), most often pyroelectric. A presence sensor, which has a wide viewing angle, is usually mounted on the ceiling of a room and, in addition to tracking human presence, also allows you to control the light intensity. Most often, they are used to temporarily turn on lights and to ensure security, for example, they can turn on sirens, spotlights, and video surveillance cameras if a person enters the field of action of the sensor.

A switch with a motion sensor can be used on stairs in private homes. When installing them on each span and setting them accordingly, the light will turn on in the place where the person is.

Rope switches (with cord), enough exotic look, but nevertheless, many famous manufacturers have such models in their lines of electrical installation devices. A number of properties that such switches combine are not found in other types. In addition to the obvious, when they are installed in places where, due to the switch being too high, it is inconvenient to turn on/off lighting fixtures, they also give a person unique tactile sensations during operation, plus they are easy to touch in the dark.

Touch switch and - an innovative generation of light control devices. Their operating principle is based on current control via a microcircuit, whereas conventional switches use traditional sliding contacts. The use of a microcircuit makes it possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of short circuit, which allows you to increase the service life of the lamps several times, and also significantly increases the service life of the switch due to low wear. Such switches operate by simply touching them, but there are models that require simply moving your hand nearby.

Remote switches- this is a set of a small control unit and a remote control (there can be several control units and remote controls), externally resembling a regular switch, only more often flat. To install it, you don’t need to tap or drill the walls - you just need to fix the switch in convenient location using self-tapping screws or double sided tape. No hidden wiring, no noise, dust and dirt, no wallpapering and expensive repairs.

The principle of operation is simple - when you press the switch button, a radio signal is sent, which is received by the relay. It opens or closes the circuit on the phase that goes to the light source. The radius of action depends on the structural features of your home, and on the materials used, usually fluctuates in the range of 20-25m. The transmitters are powered by batteries that last up to 5 years depending on the intensity of use.

With this system you can control the light from anywhere in the house. The controls operate on radio frequencies via digital signals and do not interfere with television or radio equipment; mobile remote controls may be included. The wireless switch may be complex system lighting control " smart home"and it can be supplemented with various modules. Such systems are very popular due to their ease of installation and reliability, and often solve many problems with fixed wiring.

Very popular today dimmers, they control the light intensity. Usually, external panel The dimmer is equipped with keys, a rotating button, and less often an IR sensor that receives signals from the remote control. Dimmers, depending on the type of lighting lamps, are divided into 3 groups: those controlling incandescent lamps and halogen lamps; halogen lamps, which are connected through electronic and ferromagnetic transformers; energy-saving LED and fluorescent lamps, which are equipped with electromagnetic ballast.

Modern dimmers have an expanded set of functions such as: brightness control, presence simulation, automatic shutdown, dimming modes, smooth on and off, remote control function.

Switches (changeover, redundant or pass-through switch)- looks like a regular one rocker switch, but has a fundamentally different operating scheme. When a conventional switch only breaks a circuit, a switch, breaking one circuit, transfers the contact to another. This property allows you to use switches to control lighting from two, three or even more places simultaneously. When a control scheme involves more than 2 switches, so-called cross switches are added to the circuit; they can be installed in an unlimited number, depending on how many places you want to control the lighting.

The ease of operation using switches is highly appreciated by consumers, and every year the percentage of objects where switches are used is steadily growing. The only negative is the more complex wiring diagram, large quantity materials used and the slightly higher cost of the switch mechanisms themselves.

Currently, switches allow you to solve a much wider range of problems than their original purpose. This is first of all important element design that complements many interior solutions. Also switches irreplaceable helpers, which save energy, allow you to control lighting without spending unnecessary effort, making a person’s life as comfortable as possible. Therefore, we advise you to seriously approach the issue of choosing switches, now knowing their main types, you can choose perfect option for any conditions.

Household light switches- this, along with sockets, is the main type of electrical installation equipment that we encounter in everyday life.

Switches vary in switching method- they can have screw or screwless terminals. In the first case, the wires are clamped between the plates using a screw. The disadvantage of this type of connection is the possible loosening of the contact over time, which is why you have to periodically tighten the screws. The screwless clamp significantly speeds up the installation process, and due to the design of the mechanism, reliable contact of the wire with the conductive fittings is ensured.

According to the installation method, switches can be external (surface) and internal (built-in). External switches are installed when open wiring or in cases where it is not possible to install internal ones. Internal switches have a mechanism recessed into the wall; they are used for hidden wiring; currently this is the main type of switches installed in homes.

According to the type of switching off/on, switches are divided into:

  • rotary
  • push-button
  • keyboards
  • with motion sensor
  • rope
  • sensory
  • wireless
  • dimmers
  • switches

Rotary switches invented about a hundred years ago and are currently in demand, in particular among fans of retro style.

Pushbutton switches, to control the lighting of rooms, have been used relatively recently, so they look original and unusual in any interior. They are very convenient to use, but, like everything new, it takes some time to get used to.

Most widespread key switches. Currently, they are equipped with lighting systems for the vast majority of residential or office buildings. Three- and two-key switches allow you to control entire groups of lighting fixtures.

Switches with built-in motion sensor, tracks movements, activating the lighting when a person appears and, accordingly, turning it off in the absence of any movement. As a rule, infrared sensors are used that are able to distinguish the presence of a person and, for example, a pet. The operating principle is based on monitoring the level of infrared (IR) radiation in the field of view of a sensor (sensor), most often pyroelectric. A presence sensor, which has a wide viewing angle, is usually mounted on the ceiling of a room and, in addition to tracking human presence, also allows you to control the light intensity. Most often, they are used to temporarily turn on lights and to ensure security, for example, they can turn on sirens, spotlights, and video surveillance cameras if a person enters the field of action of the sensor. A switch with a motion sensor can be used on stairs in private homes. When installing them on each span and setting them accordingly, the light will turn on in the place where the person is.

Rope switches (with cord), a rather exotic look, but nevertheless many famous manufacturers have such models in their lines of electrical installation devices. A number of properties that such switches combine are not found in other types. In addition to the obvious, when they are installed in places where, due to the switch being too high, it is inconvenient to turn on/off lighting fixtures, they also give a person unique tactile sensations during operation, plus they are easy to touch in the dark.

Touch switch and - an innovative generation of light control devices. Their operating principle is based on current control via a microcircuit, whereas conventional switches use traditional sliding contacts. The use of a microcircuit makes it possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of short circuits, which allows you to increase the service life of the lamps several times, and also significantly increases the service life of the switch due to low wear. Such switches operate by simply touching them, but there are models that require simply moving your hand nearby.

Remote switches- this is a set of a small control unit and a remote control (there can be several control units and remote controls), externally resembling a regular switch, only more often flat. To install it, you don’t need to tap or drill the walls—you just need to secure the switch in a convenient place using self-tapping screws or double-sided tape. No hidden wiring, no noise, dust and dirt, no wallpapering or expensive repairs. The principle of operation is simple - when you press the switch button, a radio signal is sent, which is received by the relay. It opens or closes the circuit on the phase that goes to the light source. The radius of action depends on the structural features of your home, and on the materials used, usually fluctuates in the range of 20-25m. The transmitters are powered by batteries that last up to 5 years depending on the intensity of use. With this system you can control the light from anywhere in the house. The controls operate on radio frequencies via digital signals and do not interfere with television or radio equipment; mobile remote controls may be included. A wireless switch can be a complex smart home lighting control system and can be supplemented with various modules. Such systems are very popular due to their ease of installation and reliability, and often solve many problems with fixed wiring.

Very popular today dimmers, they control the light intensity. As a rule, the external panel of the dimmer is equipped with keys, a rotating button, and less often an IR sensor that receives signals from the remote control. Dimmers, depending on the type of lighting lamps, are divided into 3 groups: those controlling incandescent lamps and halogen lamps; halogen lamps, which are connected through electronic and ferromagnetic transformers; energy-saving LED and fluorescent lamps, which are equipped with electromagnetic ballast. Modern dimmers have an expanded set of functions such as: brightness control, presence simulation, automatic shutdown, dimming modes, smooth on and off, and remote control function.

Switches (changeover, redundant or pass-through switch)- outwardly resembles a regular key switch, but has a fundamentally different operating scheme. When a conventional switch only breaks a circuit, a switch, breaking one circuit, transfers the contact to another. This property allows you to use switches to control lighting from two, three or even more places simultaneously. When a control scheme involves more than 2 switches, so-called cross switches are added to the circuit; they can be installed in an unlimited number, depending on how many places you want to control the lighting. The ease of operation using switches is highly appreciated by consumers, and every year the percentage of objects where switches are used is steadily growing. The only negative is a more complex wiring diagram, a larger amount of materials used and a slightly higher cost of the switch mechanisms themselves.

Currently, switches allow you to solve a much wider range of problems than their original purpose. This is primarily an important design element that complements many interior solutions. Switches are also indispensable assistants that save energy, allow you to control lighting without spending unnecessary effort, making a person’s life as comfortable as possible. Therefore, we advise you to take the issue of choosing switches seriously; now knowing their main types, you can choose the ideal option for any conditions.