home · Appliances · How to decorate the walls in the bedroom. How to decorate the wall above the bed in the bedroom? Geometric shape ornament

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom. How to decorate the wall above the bed in the bedroom? Geometric shape ornament

The bedroom is the most peaceful space in the house. Here each of us not only remains in the arms of Morpheus, but also greets a new day. To fall asleep and wake up in a good mood, the decoration of the walls in the bedroom is chosen in accordance with the personal preferences of the owners. It should promote relaxation and healthy sleep.

Let's figure out what options for finishing materials the modern construction market offers us. What is the best way to decorate a bedroom? How can you design and decorate the walls in your bedroom?

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom

When decorating a bedroom, it is better to use natural and environmentally friendly materials. Paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster, fabric panels, brick, laminate, cork and drywall are suitable for this. These materials will make it possible to bring to life the bedroom wall design conceived by the owners. It is necessary to take into account the decorative qualities of coatings, and not their practicality. This allows you to use a variety of wall decoration options in the bedroom.


Wallpaper is the most popular material used in. They are presented in a huge range of colors and textures.

Wallpaper is a classic finishing material for the walls of a room.

Paper wallpaper is ideal for rooms that do not receive direct sunlight.

Using vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, you can hide uneven walls. They are not afraid of ultraviolet rays, and the variety of textures will give the walls a sophisticated look.

The advantages of glass wallpaper are resistance to mechanical stress and the ability to repeatedly paint walls in different colors.

How to choose the color of the walls in the bedroom

The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners. However, it should also match the color of the furniture and flooring.

White color harmonizes perfectly with light and dark furniture. In such an interior, you need to make a contrasting accent with the help of some decorative element.

Light-colored furniture will go well with walls painted in. For decoration, it is better to use bright paintings framed in white or gold.

It should be used very carefully so as not to make it dull. White furniture will look perfect in such a room.

In a sunny bedroom, you can paint the walls blue. According to psychologists, it promotes relaxation, tranquility, and peace.

Lilac shades on the walls will successfully highlight the refined shapes of light furniture. They go well with decorative items, bedspreads, pillows in pink and beige tones.

It is best to complement dark walls in the bedroom with wall or pendant lamps. This design is perfect for large rooms.

For those who have problems sleeping, psychologists recommend using soft shades of green to decorate the walls in the bedroom: pistachio, olive, mint.

If you can’t decide what color to paint the bedroom walls, it’s better to choose a beige color that fits well into any interior.

How to decorate a wall above a bed

At the head of the bed, as a rule, there is an accent wall in the bedroom. For its decoration, tiles, wood, textiles, and various decorative designs are used.

For example, a brick wall in a bedroom interior is suitable for or. This decoration of the wall above the bed can look brutal or romantic - it all depends on the chosen texture and color of the brick.

When choosing a bedroom design with a brick wall, you should pay special attention to the selection of furniture. It should be a contrasting color.

The wall at the head of the bed, pasted over, will look original. In the bedroom interior, they can be used in several ways: pasted on the entire wall, creating the effect of presence in a voluminous space, or in the form of paintings framed in a decorative frame with LED backlighting.

You can decorate the wall above the bed. For example, large mirrors on both sides of the headboard will visually increase the space and give the bedroom a more comfortable look.

Small mirrors of different shapes and sizes will fit perfectly into a modern interior. The light reflected in the mirrors in the evening will add mystery and romance to the atmosphere.

The space above can be decorated with paintings. Their size depends on the width of the bed: the wider it is, the larger the picture. You can hang one picture, or you can make a composition from several parts of one image.

The choice of plot depends on the overall style of the bedroom. Portraits and abstractions are often used. For a classic-style bedroom, landscapes are the best choice.

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom

Wall painting in the bedroom looks elegant and respectable. It can be used to decorate an accent wall, the head of a bed, or placed in small patches across the entire surface of the walls.

One of the popular types of decor is wall stickers for the bedroom. They look very stylish, create a unique atmosphere and can be placed anywhere.

The most common finishing elements are moldings on the walls in the interior of a bedroom made in any style. They can be used to decorate panels and be used to frame paintings, lamps, and other wall items.

On the wall in the bedroom you can hang photographs and decorative objects, which, of course, should be combined with its interior.

To place decorative items, figurines, photo frames, it is better to install wall shelves in the bedroom for small items, or floor shelves for large flowerpots and figurines.

You can make any dreams and fantasies come true in wall design. These can be pastel, delicate colors, or, conversely, bright accents on an intricate pattern. A variety of types of finishing, decor, and color schemes will allow you to create an interior that is in harmony with the inner world of the owners, successfully fitting into the overall style of the house.

The bedroom is an intimate room - “not for prying eyes”, so here you can realize all your desires and ideas, give free rein to all your imagination! Just don’t forget about some nuances in order to avoid getting a too pretentious and flashy atmosphere in the room, which is not comfortable for staying in it. But the bedroom is a place for relaxation, for mental and physical rest. Although, of course, everything depends on taste and color.

A few rules:

  • It is best to make the accent wall the one that first catches your eye when entering the room;
  • It’s enough to focus on one wall, or at most two, but three walls is already too much;
  • It is not necessary to highlight the entire wall; sometimes it is sufficient (or even more appropriate) to use only its fragments, protrusions, partitions;
  • to create a calm atmosphere in the room, the accent color should be close to the main color of the walls;
  • if you want a bright and dynamic interior, then to achieve the desired effect, the accent should be chosen in a contrasting color;
  • if the main color of the walls is neutral, then the accent can be of any color;
  • warm shades (red, orange, yellow, brown) can visually bring the object closer. That is, if a short wall of a rectangular room is decorated in a warm shade, then its shape will approach a “square”, and if there is a long wall, the room will become visually even more elongated. Don't forget about this!
  • Cold shades (blue, green, purple), on the contrary, visually remove the object. Accordingly, long walls in a rectangular room are best decorated in cool colors. This way you can slightly expand the space.

The bedroom is not only a personal space for privacy and complete rest. Often this is a multifunctional room that combines a dressing room, workshop or office. Therefore, it remains relevant to decorate the walls in the bedroom, which determines the atmosphere, as well as to separate the work area from the sleeping area. What to choose - peace and tranquility for the evening or an emotional interior that charges you with vigor and energy in the morning to go and “move mountains”? Perception depends on the harmonious combination of furniture, interior textiles and surface finishes. Professional designers will share their secrets with beginners about the variety of choices.

Often the bedroom combines a study, a dressing room and a workshop

In the bedroom it is better to separate the work area and the sleeping area

A bedroom is not only a room for sleeping, it is an isolated space in which the individuality of its owner is reflected. It would seem that if you put the bed and hung the curtains, you’re done. But modern design trends offer many options so that the design of the wall in the bedroom simultaneously carries different loads:

  • stylistic;
  • aesthetic;
  • functional;
  • informational.

Agree, the bedrooms of a dressmaker and an artist should be somehow different. In the same way, the design of the wall above the bed should make it clear whether this is the bedroom of a grandmother or granddaughter, a married couple or a single woman. First of all, the owners themselves should feel cozy and comfortable here. On the other hand, the personal room should be such that it is pleasant to lift the “veil of mystery” and show the main place where everyone remains without a mask, such as it is.

Bedroom design reflects the character of its owner

The main thing is that the room is cozy and comfortable

Advice. Don’t buy the first wallpaper you come across at a reasonable price at the nearest building materials store, if for the same money you can buy something that suits you 100%. Think in advance about how to decorate the wall in the bedroom opposite the bed and at the head.

Somewhere deep in our mentality there is a habit of covering the bedroom walls with the same wallpaper, but many people admire interior design projects. But who is stopping ordinary townspeople from adopting ready-made models, inspired by the examples they like? Of course, it is not always possible to find photo wallpapers with the same pattern or textiles for panels.

If desired, you can select an analogue from catalogs that will carry a similar atmosphere. And designing the walls in the bedroom with your own hands means endless possibilities for realizing creative ideas and your wildest fantasies. Nothing prevents you from making a themed bedroom at home, like in the picture in the magazine:

  • a semblance of a glamorous boudoir of an actress;
  • bohemian bedchamber in Art Deco style;
  • handicrafts workshop in boho style;
  • a romantic matrimonial bed “from the Middle Ages” by the fireplace in Romanesque style;
  • a small “corner of Japan” with bonsai;
  • interior of a bungalow with a collection of orchids, like a native Tropican;
  • the dancer's chambers in the spirit of the Arab East, as in the photo.

You need to think about the design of the walls in the bedroom in advance.

Don't cover a room with the same wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the bedroom interior

If you really want to do something special in your bedroom, nothing can stop you. Even budget wallpapers and textiles are produced in such an assortment that you can leaf through catalogs for weeks.

The only condition is when people with different tastes and age characteristics are forced to share a common bedroom. Then to decorate the wall in the bedroom you need to select an average option that will suit everyone. For example, a classic bedroom, a Provencal style room or a high-tech room for teenagers.

Important! When choosing finishing materials, decor and accessories, you should not overload the room. This is not a living room for shared gatherings, but a private room for the closest people. Therefore, even the most luxurious interior is designed, first of all, for themselves.

Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of wallpapers

If disagreements arise during registration, you should choose something average

Stylistic choice

Why decorate a bedroom in one style? To avoid inappropriate confusion of the characteristic differences of each direction. Provence means lavender fields, which are easy to find on photo wallpapers, light painted wooden furniture and small floral prints on textiles. But rustic “country style” furniture will look ridiculous against the backdrop of elegant “palace” wallpaper under the ceiling with LED lighting in the fusion style.

  1. The fusion style itself is eclectic; it arose at the intersection of the classics of several modern trends. When choosing decor above the bed in the bedroom, various variations with original lighting are acceptable. You can leave plain walls, but think about the design of an accent wall, floor and ceiling.
  2. To complete the look of a bedroom in a historical style, be sure to choose appropriate wallpaper and furniture. In specialized catalogs they often indicate Baroque, Renaissance, Rococo or Empire style. You can make an average interior or exactly copy all the elements of how to decorate the walls in a palace bedroom. The only negative is that such furniture is expensive.
  3. There is nothing pretentious in a classic bedroom, but good taste and sense of style are important. You will need a bed made of solid wood and wallpaper in pastel colors with a discreet pattern.
  4. Minimalism is an excellent solution for those who are alien to any excesses. Everything here is simple and functional. Most often these are just white walls, but you can play with the texture, for example, choose wallpaper for painting.
  5. White wall color is most appropriate in Scandinavian minimalism. All that remains is to choose suitable furniture, for example, a bed from IKEA and some decor for the wall above the bed in the spirit of Scandinavian ethnic groups.
  6. Another option is Japanese minimalism, with its inherent Asian decor. To decorate the wall at the head of the bed, large hieroglyphs, wall paintings with a sakura branch, or a large painting with an elaborate geisha outfit are suitable.
  7. For those who like antiques, the retro style is suitable - so warm, familiar and elegant. It is easy to combine luxury and practicality, peace and dynamism here. The hardest thing is to choose wallpaper that would reflect the spirit of a bygone era.
  8. Romantic style is suitable for a girl’s room or a matrimonial bedroom. There is nothing difficult in choosing wallpaper with small flowers and sewing curtains with ruffles and ruffles. The main thing is not to overdo it with small patterns.
  9. A bedroom-office will suit a single man, which will undoubtedly be decorated with a leather Chesterfield sofa bed and wooden panels in the style of English classics.

The room must be made in the same style

Minimalism is suitable for those who are alien to any excesses

White wall color is most appropriate in Scandinavian minimalism

Choosing the color of the walls

You need to decide on the choice of the overall shade at the renovation planning stage, so that when purchasing finishing materials you stick to the chosen color scheme. Remember that for classics it is better to choose a ceiling that is lighter than the walls, and floors that are darker. It is better to choose the same color of wood near the floor, furniture and interior doors, but contrasting finishes are acceptable.

The easiest way is to choose background wallpaper of the desired shade. A wooden bed or forging looks good on a white background. A dark background will perfectly set off light furniture. Think about this before you decorate the wall above the bed - jewelry is served on black velvet, the same principle can be used in the interior.

The reflective properties of surfaces are also important to consider - black glossy wallpaper, suspended ceilings and mirror tiles do not appear dark. But they perfectly set off the artwork and luxurious wall decoration at the head of the bed in the bedroom.

You need to decide on the color of the walls in advance.

A dark background will perfectly set off light furniture

What shade to choose for a bedroom on the north side of the house? Of course, compensating for the lack of sunlight:

  • cream;
  • citric;
  • peach;
  • canary;
  • orange;
  • coral (red-pink);
  • anise (yellow-green).

On the south side, in regions with hot summers, wallpaper with a “cooling” shade is needed:

  • lilac;
  • gray-blue;
  • turquoise;
  • mint (cool green).

If the window in the bedroom faces north, you should choose brighter colors

Wallpaper in cool colors is suitable for the south side

When choosing a wall color, consider all the features of the room.

The east or west bedroom is decorated according to your choice. A beige base with terracotta or chocolate decoration on the wall above the bed would be appropriate. Light pastel colors, cognac and caramel, burgundy and pinkish shades are acceptable. You can try a luxurious gold or silver pattern against dark, jewel-toned walls:

  • emerald;
  • aquamarine;
  • amethyst;
  • sapphire.

It is not necessary to choose wallpaper with a pattern; textured or imitating natural materials are also suitable. Any design of the walls in the bedroom, if it matches the chosen style, can be taken as a basis or as an accent wall.

Decorate the walls according to the style of the room

Textured or imitating natural materials will look very beautiful in the room.

In a small room, it is advisable to think about how to visually expand the space using light colors. A large bedroom must be broken up a little with the help of contrasts so that it does not look empty.

Attention! If the renovation is completed, but it turns out somehow pale and unattractive, correct the situation with spectacular curtains and a bedspread. Choose multi-layered tailoring, rich colors or large prints, depending on the style.

Space above the bed in the bedroom: decor and design ideas

Wherever the resting place is located, the design of the wall above the bed in the bedroom plays an important role. It is best to choose one large element rather than overload the perception with small decor, but sometimes it is also appropriate.

Placement opposite the eyes or at the head of the head. The wider the bed, the larger the canvas format. A bright color accent or addition to the overall scheme. In the bedroom, a landscape and the theme of a naked female body are appropriate.

Photo wallpaper

The theme is selected according to the style; for a modern bedroom, images on an urban theme, retro and country - nature and rural landscapes - are suitable.

Mirror, mirror wall

Behind the bed is not very functional, but it will help fill the room with light and visually expand it. An alternative to carpets so as not to stain the wall at the head.

Installations, multi-level shelves

The original decor can be made of plasterboard or wood. Small horizontal modules are the best place for glasses and a comb, a smartphone and a charger (near an outlet).

Decorative panels

Many decisions on how to decorate an empty wall in a bedroom using panels and wall panels depend on the material and the idea of ​​design style.

Contrasting wallpaper

You can highlight a wide panel or decorate the entire wall behind the headboard to dilute the nondescript tone of the surface and set off luxurious furniture.

Textiles and soft panels

A solution for an accent wall, used primarily in the bedroom. Compensates for a low headboard (its absence) in a podium-type bed, replaces carpets and large decor.

Vinyl stickers

The finished design of the wall in the bedroom above the bed, the theme or plot composition is selected according to the general concept of interior design (birds, leaves).

You can hang a picture above the bed and illuminate it

An accent wall near the bed imitating a brick wall will perfectly complement the bedroom interior

A soft panel with gilding and rounded corners will add elegance and richness to the room

Design options for wall decoration:

  • one color for all walls, but a different texture, for example, painting brickwork to decorate a wall in a bedroom in a loft or urban style;
  • original wallpaper design - abstraction, geometry, ornament, large print, repeating rhythm of intricate lines;
  • decorative plaster or the “bare” effect of unplastered walls (concrete, stone, blocks, brick), an excellent solution for modern urban apartments;
  • decorating an accent wall with shelves for an exhibition display of hand-made products (knitted or sewn dolls, origami flowers and butterflies, feather birds, paper snowflakes, decoupage bottles in the form of flowerpots with leather flowers);
  • finishing with materials uncharacteristic for a bedroom - ceramic tiles, shells and sea pebbles, wooden blocks, foam cubes, etc.;
  • a collage, a rug in a patchwork style, a mosaic panel, plaster modeling - anything you want to decorate the wall above the bed with your own hands;
  • designer wallpaper or printout on a large-format industrial printer; you can process any photo, painting or picture on a computer in order to decorate your chosen surface instead of photo wallpaper;
  • unusual painting of walls or wallpapering diagonally;
  • own art gallery or exhibition of thematic photos in decorative frames.

Any option that I have long wanted to see in my personal space awaits implementation as in the photo.

Photo wallpaper near the bed will look very nice

Use graffiti or other modern solutions

Practical decor near the bed:

  • luminous names and pictures replacing sconces and auxiliary lighting;
  • corner multi-level shelves for placing souvenirs, books and small items;
  • shelves for indoor flowers;
  • compact furniture of small shapes mounted on the wall - glass shelves, consoles, mirrored dressing tables, cosmetic shelves and niches with a secret;
  • an interior clock with a large dial, or you can simply decorate it with “stopped” time, which resembles some happy moment;
  • an ordinary curtain made of the same fabric as the one at the window is a great way to decorate the entrance to the dressing room or hide defects in the walls until you get around to major renovations or expensive decor above the bed.

It is not necessary to select practical wall items to decorate the corner with the bed in the bedroom. Sometimes you want to arrange something that is dear to your heart or simply “pleasant to the eye.” These can be accessories that emphasize the style, for example, a large Chinese fan or a red dragon drawn with your own hand.

Use graffiti or other modern solutions. If you don't know how to draw, use stencil painting, aerosol spraying or other original techniques. The decor is designed to create a special aura of the bedroom, as in the photo examples of our gallery.

Video: Bedroom wall design

50 photos of bedroom wall design ideas:

Organizing a bedroom space is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, therefore, when arranging the interior, many make mistakes that in the future affect not only the image of the room, but also your personal comfort.

Let's look at the most common mistakes made when decorating a bedroom and find out how they can be avoided.

1. The chandelier is too large

Unless you are the owner of a one-room apartment, and the bedroom in it also serves as a living room and kitchen, installing a large lamp under the ceiling may be unnecessary.

Intense flood light is most often not justified in a bedroom interior; moreover, it makes the room look like a reception hall, but not a relaxation room.


In the bedroom, the main light is not overhead light at all, but additional light in the form of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. It is these devices that should illuminate the room, but under the ceiling it is better to hang a neat lamp - a pendant, or a ceiling-type chandelier with two or three medium-power lamps.


2. Library near the lodge

A passion for reading will always distinguish you as an intelligent, culturally developed and well-read person. And your own library is a current trend at all times. And yet, it is not recommended to place a large number of printed publications in the bedroom, especially in the bedside area.

Due to the dust that constantly settles on books, a sleeping person may have difficulty breathing and develop allergic reactions.



If possible, minimize the number of books in the bedroom; however, they should be placed away from the bed, for example, on a rack or shelves on the opposite wall.


3. Mirror along the bed

One of the obvious mistakes in bedroom design is a mirror installed in close proximity to the bed. Your reflection, at first, will amuse and interest, but soon you will feel that it instills anxiety and prevents you from falling asleep peacefully.

Such mirrors include those installed in wardrobes, the structures of which are placed parallel along the bed, or large floor mirrors installed opposite.


The mirror in the bedroom interior should be positioned in such a way that you, lying on the bed, cannot see your reflection in it. For example, place a floor mirror against the wall at the foot of the bed, place two identical ones above the bedside tables, or use a mobile mirror in a frame on wheels that can be turned in any direction.


4. Empty walls

Even though the bedroom is a room for relaxation, it would be a mistake to make it a space intended solely for sleeping. An ascetic environment, undecorated walls, boring furniture and bed linen - all this does not improve the mood at all, but on the contrary, creates a gloomy mood.


The walls in the bedroom are a blank slate that you can transform into something original, beautiful and unique to your own taste. Even just painting one wall a contrasting color and decorating the other with a few photos from the internet, printed and framed, can really transform the atmosphere of the room as a whole.


5. Too dark interior

You should not be deluded by the beauty of the thick dark tones of interior paint, because the rich color of the walls may not take root in the bedroom. It has long been known that it is better not to use dark blue, burgundy, blueberry, chocolate and black in large quantities for the bedroom, since such an environment will have a noticeable impact and interfere with a vigorous awakening in the morning.


If you like a rich palette, try choosing derived shades that are several tones lighter, for example, instead of black or graphite, choose taupe or gray for the walls, and blue can be replaced with cornflower blue or azure.

Don't forget to combine dark tones with lots of white and cream, complementing with shimmering accessories and bright decor.


6. Massive structure above the headboard

When planning a system for storing things in the bedroom, it is important to properly distribute the load, including the visual one. For example, if you install part of the wardrobe cabinets above the bed, it will be uneasy for a person to fall asleep or just lie down under them.


If the room does not have a better area for installing a storage system, you should still leave the area above the head of the bed free. It is better to install the main part of the cabinets on the sides of the bed, and one or two light shelves can be hung above it, but nothing more.


7. Incorrect bed position

The center of the composition in any bedroom is the bed, around which the rest of the furnishings are installed. But it happens that so little attention is paid to the sleeping area that they do not take care of its proper organization at all, caring, first of all, about the wardrobe, curtain textiles or wall decoration.

In particular, experts in the field of planning call it a mistake to place the bed incorrectly: at the entrance to the bedroom, with the headboard towards the window, in the corner, etc.


Regardless of the size and shape of the room in plan, you can find the optimal area for placing the bed in it, ideally this is a wall perpendicular to the window, or a partition between the windows.

Also, it is better to install the sleeping place as far as possible from the doors, so that while lying on the bed, you feel comfortable, and sounds from the outside do not interfere with your full rest.


8. Cold floor

In pursuit of the beauty of the floor, we often neglect some of its characteristics, such as practicality and durability. In addition, installing a floor made of tiles, cheap laminated boards, or self-leveling mixture is contraindicated for the bedroom.

Unless such materials are equipped with a “warm floor” system, other types of coatings should be used.


The ideal option, practical, durable, aesthetic and warm, is, of course, a covering made of natural wood. But due to its high cost, not many people can use it. As an alternative, it is recommended to lay parquet boards, cork, or soft and warm carpet on the floor.


9. Monotonous design

Several years ago, the use of a single fabric for sewing curtains, bedspreads and upholstery of upholstered furniture for the bedroom became fashionable. Today, design using the same type of textures is considered bad manners, and the interior of the bedroom is tasteless and insipid.


Don’t be afraid to mix materials, shades and textures of fabrics and accessories. Just remember that the combination of natural materials in one interior looks most stylish and expensive: velvet and silk, wool and cotton, knitted and jacquard products. In addition, decorative items in the color of precious metals will add a unique charm to the design of the bedroom.


10. Lack of proper storage system

For small bedrooms, it can be simple to choose a good closet that would not only accommodate your entire wardrobe, but also would not take up extra space, hiding the usable area of ​​the room.

But besides a poorly organized wardrobe area, there can only be its absence, which at the same time affects the cleanliness and functionality of the bedroom.


A simple design consisting of shelves with brackets, rods and drawers that slide out on guides will help organize the space of a small bedroom. We recommend, however, that you focus on hanging sections that will ensure the excellent appearance of your clothes.


When decorating bedroom walls, it is better to focus on the environmental friendliness of finishing materials rather than on their practicality. The bedroom does not have high humidity, splashes of grease and water, as in some other rooms of the apartment, but it is a place of relaxation, so materials must be as safe and natural as possible. In addition, due attention should be paid to the decorative qualities, as well as the color scheme, because using flashy shades in the bedroom is inappropriate. So, what materials are most suitable?

No. 1. Wallpaper

Wallpaper is most often used for decorating bedroom walls, because they have the proper variety and allow you to create. Almost everyone can handle it, and the range is amazing. It’s easy to find smooth and textured wallpaper on sale, as well as wallpaper that replicates the texture of wood, stone or other materials. Wallpaper can be plain or with a pattern, have different densities and differ in some performance qualities: water resistance, ability to withstand washing, etc. For the bedroom, it is not so important that the wallpaper can be washed - it is better to focus on the most natural materials possible.

  1. They are great for the bedroom, especially if the room is not too sunny, otherwise they will quickly fade. This is an affordable material available in a huge variety of colors. Paper wallpaper breathes, providing a healthy microclimate in the room, can be embossed, and provides additional heat and sound insulation.
  2. are distinguished by better performance, but almost all types are not capable of allowing air to pass through, with the exception of wallpaper using hard vinyl, but this is a rather expensive and uncommon type of finishing.
  3. An excellent option for the bedroom: they are environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to stick, but require a perfectly flat starting surface.
  4. They are also good for the bedroom: threads of fabric are attached to a paper base. The result is an environmentally friendly coating with good heat and sound insulation, which is important for a relaxation room. In addition, they are pleasant to the touch and are available in a wide range. However, such material can attract dust, so you need to pay attention to wallpaper with special impregnation, and carefully care for the coating after installation. Similar properties are characteristic of carpet wallpaper.
  5. There are also wallpapers based on wood veneer. This is a natural finish that increases heat and sound insulation in the room, creating coziness and comfort in the bedroom.
  6. It is better not to use them in the bedroom - they do not breathe. The way out of the situation is to combine them with other, more environmentally friendly types of finishing.
  7. in the bedroom they are used less often, but in vain: they have excellent performance qualities, they can be repainted several times, they are able to let air through.
  8. They also perform well, with which you can create a seamless surface.
  9. , which in terms of naturalness can compete with cork wallpaper.
  10. They are also coming back into fashion, which have a textured surface and fit perfectly into classic interiors.
  11. Separately, it is worth noting for which the bedroom is an ideal room. With their help, you can give the room the desired atmosphere, and even visually enlarge a small bedroom.

No. 2. Dye

Among the minuses When using paint, it is worth mentioning the need to carefully prepare the surface of the walls, because they must be perfectly smooth. Not all paints dry to a washable surface, so the need for this property must be taken into account.

The paint can have a matte or glossy surface. Although gloss can slightly mask wall defects, it is not very suitable for a bedroom due to the formation of a lot of glare from. It's better to choose matte paint calm shades. You can combine different paint colors in a room, highlighting, for example, a wall. This technique allows you not only to make the interior more interesting, but also to visually adjust the geometry of the room.

What paint can be used to paint the walls in the bedroom?

To decorate the bedroom walls you can use Not everyone types of paints. So, oil-based is definitely not suitable: although it is not expensive, it has a pungent odor and a high probability of cracking. Great fit acrylic paints, which can be tinted at your discretion, and water-based, that can withstand light and infrequent washing. Also performed well water-dispersion and latex paints.

No. 3. Plaster

In addition, with the help of decorative plaster it is easier to decorate bedrooms with various projections and other architectural elements. Of the minuses The only thing that can be highlighted is the high price, but taking into account the durability and uniqueness, the cost is quite justified.

No. 4. Textile

Of the minuses This option will result in the accumulation of dust by the fabric, which means that the walls will have to be vacuumed carefully and regularly. But finishing with fabric will allow you to create an original interior, and the walls will become a little more heat and sound insulated.

No. 5. Decorative rock

Decorative stone has excellent performance qualities, it is strong and durable, and does not emit any harmful substances. It is better to use this finish in combination with paint or plaster, for example. So, you can use stone to lay out part of the wall above the bed, around the window or other elements in the room, but if you decorate all the walls in this way, you won’t be able to create a cozy interior - it will look like a room in a medieval castle.

No. 6. Wooden lining

If you want to create the most relaxing and cozy environment in your bedroom, then you cannot find a better material than natural wood. For walls it is possible. It is made from natural wood: pine is the cheapest option, but at the same time this material looks great and performs well in use. The main advantages of wooden lining are:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness, which is so important for a relaxation room. In addition, wood gives a pleasant aroma, creates a unique microclimate, and can maintain an optimal level of humidity;
  • great appearance. Depending on the chosen one, the color and texture may differ: spruce and pine, for example, have a yellow tint, larch has a brownish tint;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability. The service life of such finishing can reach 50 years with proper care;
  • additional heat and sound insulation.

It should be noted that natural wood sensitive to moisture, but there are no sources of it in the bedroom, so this drawback can be ignored if you do not live on the top floor directly under the roof. In addition, the tree is susceptible influence of pests so it needs to be covered.

It is worth noting that there is budget alternative to wooden lining –. It can replicate the texture of any wood or other material, but it is still undesirable to use it in the bedroom. Firstly, it can hardly be called environmentally friendly, and secondly, it is not very durable, and even a slight blow can damage its integrity.

No. 7. Laminate

Laminate can be used for more than just flooring. Today this material is widely used both, and. Thanks to laminate, the walls in the bedroom are beautiful, strong and durable. The main advantages of laminate include:

  • a huge range of patterns and textures, you can choose the material of the desired shade to create the desired interior;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • no harmful fumes, so this type of finish can be used in the bedroom.

However, laminate susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, but such influences are not observed in the bedroom, so this material is excellent for these conditions. To save money, you can use laminate class 21-31: it is designed for rooms with minimal load on the floor, and is ideal for walls.

No. 8. Cork covering

The main advantage of this coating is its environmental friendliness. It is made from the bark of a cork tree, and the ones mentioned above are used for wall decoration, as well as sheets and canvases. In addition to being natural and environmentally friendly, cork has a lot of other advantages:

  • light weight, which makes transportation and installation easier;
  • sound and heat insulation properties;
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • Dust does not accumulate on the cork surface, which makes cleaning the coating easier.

The cork has disadvantages such as vulnerability to moisture, abrasive materials, dents from heavy objects remain on it, but the bedroom walls are not subject to all these influences. There is only one drawback - the high price, but you have to pay for everything natural.

No. 9. MDF panels

MDF panels today are widely used for finishing various types of premises, since they have proven themselves in operation, have an excellent appearance and, at an affordable price, are an analogue for more expensive materials, because they perfectly imitate them. MDF boards are much more environmentally friendly than chipboard, since they are made from very small wood shavings, which, when heated, release lignin, the main binder. In contrast, in the production of fiberboard, epoxy resins are used as a binder.

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • No. 10. Soft wall panels

    A relatively modern type of wall decoration is one that has a characteristic relief. Their surface is made of any type of fabric, leather, eco-leather and other nonwoven materials. The main feature of this type of finish is a soft and slightly convex surface. As a rule, such panels consist of three layers: the base is hard plastic, the center is soundproofing, and the outer layer is fabric or leather.

    The main advantages of soft wall panels:

    • unique appearance;
    • excellent sound and heat insulation qualities;
    • hide small unevenness of the original surface;
    • relatively simple installation;
    • variety of shapes and colors;
    • pleasant tactile sensations.

    There are also flaws:

    • high price;
    • soft panels are easily damaged, and the damaged element will have to be replaced;
    • soft panels strongly attract dust, and even more accumulates in the raised parts, so careful and regular care is needed.

    A good option is to use soft wall panels in the bedroom: in this case, the cost of finishing will be lower, and the room will look cozy and stylish.

    Other options

    Of course, to decorate the bedroom walls, you can use other materials to implement all imaginable and inconceivable design ideas. Sometimes they can even use the most unpredictable materials: wine corks, belts, pebbles, etc. Not bad idea -

    In addition, the walls can be decorated, e.g. vinyl stickers, creating a certain atmosphere in the bedroom. These stickers are very easy to apply and remove, and the effect is amazing.