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Where to plant plants on the site. Planning a garden plot - planning, planting, distributing. Review of fruit trees and their features

Every gardener knows that working on a tomato harvest is a long and labor-intensive process, the result of which often depends on the amount of effort expended.

One of the stages of this process is the selection and use of green manure - plants that act as organic fertilizers and nourish the soil to obtain a rich harvest.

Benefits of using green manure

You will have to work hard to use natural fertilizer, but it is worth it.

  • The data helps the tomato grow green mass much faster. This happens due to the attraction of bacteria that produce nitrogen, which stimulates growth.
  • Green manures in the form of top dressing are organic compounds, the duration of action of which exceeds the effect of chemical drugs.

Did you know?Tomatoes are used in cosmetology: perfumers use the smell of their leaves and fruits.

  • The roots of such fertilizers prevent weeds from germinating.
  • The plant nitrogen in their composition is harmless to both the tomato and the environment.
  • This natural way feeding, because it is from the plants of previous generations that the nutrient soil and the basis for the growth of a new culture.
  • Such natural fertilizers are much cheaper than store-bought preparations, and their effect will please you in the first season.

The best green manures for tomatoes

It is difficult to answer unequivocally which green manure is best for tomatoes, because each plant has its strengths:

  • white mustard effectively resists soil erosion, prevents weeds from growing, and also saturates the soil with nutrients: phosphorus and sulfur, which are responsible for fertility;

  • Vika- one of best options for tomatoes. The roots accumulate nitrogen, and the green mass turns into excellent organic matter, which increases the yield of tomatoes by 30-40%.

  • phacelia neutralizes soil acidity, eliminates weeds, prevents the appearance of fungi and viruses. As a fertilizer, it increases the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil;

  • alfalfa from the legume family improves the structure of the soil, enriching it with useful microelements and promotes the accumulation of nitrogen;

  • lupine by loosening the soil, it increases the level of oxygen in it and also effectively eliminates pests.

Important!Using several crops simultaneously as green manure will significantly increase the effectiveness of their impact.

What crops are undesirable to use for tomatoes?

Having figured out what is best to use as green fertilizer for tomatoes, you should also pay attention to plants that absolutely cannot be used as green manure for tomatoes.

First of all, you should avoid plants with toxins: datura, hogweed, nightshade, etc. Also, you should not plant tomatoes after eggplants, potatoes, peppers and other nightshades.

Features of planting: time and methods

An important aspect choice natural fertilizers It will be time for them to disembark. Green manure for tomatoes is planted throughout the season, from early spring to late autumn.
For spring, it is better to select crops that are not afraid of sudden frosts and can grow at relatively low temperatures. Sprouted future fertilizers are mowed down early to make room for tomatoes.

Important!Some of the spring green manures are mowed already in the summer; the main thing is to do this before they begin to bloom: during this period the concentration of useful elements in them is maximum.

Many novice gardeners are worried whether it is possible to plant mustard before tomatoes in the spring. It should be noted that along with phacelia white mustard- the best option for this period. For greater efficiency, cut plants can be watered with additional feeding or fertilizer. With the help of such additives, the synthesis of green mass is accelerated, which increases the nutritional value of the soil. As for the autumn period, it is better to plant winter rye or the same mustard.

In this case, planting is carried out after harvesting, and the sprouted plants overwinter under the snow in the form of green grass. Green manure for tomatoes, which are planted in the fall, is mowed in the spring right before planting the tomatoes themselves. In addition to mowing, when the green mass is removed and the roots of green manure remain in the ground, there are two more methods of using these natural fertilizers.

Green manure is used as a fertilizer for tomatoes when planting plants in the ground and growing them in a greenhouse. This helps to significantly increase productivity, since green manure acts as a fertilizer, they also perform other functions - they saturate the soil with nitrogen and nutrients. The main thing is to choose the right green manure and plant them in a timely manner.

When gardeners plant tomatoes, they count on... good harvest. But collecting it is not so easy; the reason for this is specific factors that can affect the fruitfulness of the crop.

You can use various fertilizers, buy preparations and water the tomatoes with them, but it is easier to use green manure because they:

  1. Allows you to increase crop productivity.
  2. Reduce the risk of damage to tomatoes various diseases, pests.
  3. Reduce the number of weeds from which the planting will have to be protected.

Green manures are plants that can significantly affect the qualitative and quantitative indicators harvested. They act as a natural fertilizer.

During the process of growth and development, plants saturate the soil with nitrogen, and also increase the effectiveness of the preparations used if the gardener decides to fertilize the tomatoes.

There are several crops that agronomists recommend using for growing tomatoes. Plants have their own characteristics.

Types of crops and their properties

When deciding which green manure crops are best to sow, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their features and differences. Most often, preference is given to one crop, but you can use several plants - this will significantly increase the yield. However, the choice remains with the gardener, and it depends on the planting conditions and the characteristics of the tomato variety.


This is, first of all, Pancake Day radish, it has good characteristics: germinates quickly, develops a branched root system, grows in any climatic conditions and is not picky about soil. Due to its features green manure not only saturates the soil with azine, but also reduces the likelihood of nematodes (worms) appearing in it.


This is about different cultures; The following plants can be included in this group:

  • vetch;
  • rye;
  • oats

If we talk about oats, they are more useful because they enrich the soil with potassium. As for rye, it dries out the soil and absorbs excess moisture, for this reason it is better to plant it in the ground or greenhouse, in which it is noted high humidity. Vetch is considered universal; gardeners turn to its help most often, but do not forget about the benefits of other crops.


They are often used and combined with other plants. Such a “tandem” can significantly influence the yield of tomatoes.

Legumes include:

  1. Lentils.
  2. Clover.

They have good germination, are frost-resistant and saturate the soil with oxygen. If you decide to use clover as green manure, then remember that this crop is not suitable for acidic soils. Otherwise, legumes create abundant green cover, which can be considered their advantage.

Differences for open ground and greenhouses

In general, there are no special differences, since green manure can be used in any conditions: they are equally suitable for greenhouses and open ground. But gardeners have their own “preferences”.

IN open ground You can plant any crops without thinking about the nuances of planting. For a greenhouse it is better to use:

  • rye;
  • vetch;
  • mustard;
  • bush beans.

Attention! Green manure is planted in a greenhouse in the spring, after the harvest. Then they mow before planting tomatoes - during this time the plants saturate the soil with useful substances.

We calculate sowing density and material consumption

Green fertilizers are planted between the beds, the consumption directly depends on the type of crop. Let's consider several options and calculate average material consumption:

When to seed

As a rule, this is done during the off-season. Before you start sowing green manure, make sure the soil is ready for such procedures.

in spring

Planting is carried out before planting tomatoes; the time is calculated so that the crop has time to sprout and grow. When greenery appears on the surface of the soil, it must be mowed before the flowering period, otherwise all efforts will be wasted.

in autumn

IN autumn period planting is carried out after harvesting. “Under the snow,” as they say. Over the winter, the plants “nourish” the soil with useful substances. You will have to mow them before planting tomatoes.

Plan for sowing and caring for green manure

As mentioned earlier, planting of green manure is carried out at different time periods. This allows you to significantly increase the tomato yield. Let's consider the characteristics of crops and determine the appropriate time for them.


Can be planted in the soil three weeks before the planned planting of tomatoes. It is considered one of the best options, as it increases tomato yields by an average of 30%.


A crop that tolerates frost well, it can be planted at the end of summer, or better yet, in autumn.

It has good frost resistance, so after harvesting it can be planted in the ground. It saturates the earth with useful elements: sulfur and phosphorus.


Suitable for reducing soil acidity, it can be planted in spring. Phacelia significantly increases the level of potassium, nitrogen, and also prevents the appearance of weeds.


Due to its specificity, it improves the quality indicator of the soil; it can be planted in early spring or closer to summer, in May.


The plant is effective against pests and loosens the soil. Lupine can be planted in a greenhouse, but better in the ground, in mid-spring.


It is good at any time of the year, tolerates cold calmly, germinates quickly and does not require additional care. Plant it in spring or autumn - there is no big difference, but if the climate in the region is harsh, then it is better in April or late March.

Oilseed radish


Differs in versatility. This crop tolerates frost well, but it is better to plant it in the spring, at the end of April.


Planted for the winter, late summer or early autumn. Under the snow, the crop “nourishes” the soil, it is frost-resistant and grows quickly. Before planting tomatoes, it is mowed.

Let's consider the scheme of actions, in accordance with the time of year, and analyze the actions of the gardener:

Mow or dig up

In addition to mowing green manure, there is another method of planting them. The seeds are planted in the soil and then dug up. But this method is considered less effective for several reasons:

  1. The integrity of the soil cover is destroyed, resulting in the release of useful substances necessary for plants from the ground. This is considered a disadvantage of this technique.
  2. You can plant green manure in the ground or greenhouse together with tomatoes. But in this way they will not be able to bring maximum benefit to the crop, but they will perfectly “protect” it from weeds.

Alternative replacement for green manure

For organic lovers, the modern agricultural industry offers various preparations that will not harm the soil and will not cause it to be poisoned.

Preference is given to:

  • mowed weeds; It is advisable to use them without seeds, so that later you don’t have to pull out the grass for hours;
  • food waste, but preferably without meat scraps, it is better to use leftover plant food;
  • ground wood branches, but it all depends on the characteristics of the tree; for example, poplar, walnut, willow and oak are not recommended.

But most often, previously mowed grass is used as organic fertilizer; it is placed around the site after harvesting. Preference can be given to tops of plants that were recently harvested.

Green manure is an option for lovers of organic fertilizers. Plants will help increase concentration useful substances in the soil, “saturate” it with nitrogen, and also increase productivity and get rid of pests and weeds. But do not forget that this method has its disadvantages, as well as its advantages.

During the green manure process, several hundred annual and perennial plants. When choosing green manure for tomatoes, take into account plant compatibility, soil characteristics, climatic features. The most commonly used in our climate are lupine, vetch, mustard, phacelia, barley, oats, and rapeseed..

They are planted as predecessors at the very beginning of spring or late autumn, as a winter crop. In some cases, the main crop is planted directly in green manure and grown together, using the ability of fragrant herbs to create a protective zone from pests, fungal and viral diseases.

Why is green manure needed?

Green manure performs several functions at once, influencing the composition of the soil layer, protecting plantings from pests, and attracting plants to the site during the flowering period. beneficial insects. When choosing green manure for tomatoes, use plants from the cereal, legume, and cruciferous families, excluding nightshade crops related to tomatoes.

The grown green shoots are dug up. The effectiveness of plowing green fertilizers on the standing soil is comparable to the use of manure. In some cases, the green flooring is mowed, used as mulch or for making compost.

Using Features various groups plants, naturally improve physicochemical characteristics soil:

  • incorporating green mass into the soil increases the organic content and significantly accelerates the process of humus formation;
  • increased microbial activity contributes to the creation of beneficial microflora, which gives the plant the opportunity to receive nutrients in an accessible form;
  • the short growth period and powerful root system of some green manures contribute to effective fight with weeds. They shade the top layer of soil and inhibit the germination of weeds;
  • green manure roots loosen the soil, improve its aeration and moisture capacity;
  • Some plants are able to reduce soil acidity and resist fungal infections and pests.

Depending on the characteristics and degree of soil depletion, plants are selected for green manure. These crops are not demanding to grow, but when watered they gain green mass faster.

Which plants to choose

IN middle lane In Russia, tomatoes are mainly grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. Cold-resistant plants that can tolerate changes in sub-zero temperatures are chosen as green manures. Green manure is planted in the spring under film, as soon as the top layer of soil begins to thaw, in order to have time to cut the greens and prepare the greenhouse for planting seedlings. In the fall, after completing the harvesting work, winter crops are sown in the greenhouse soil, which can successfully overwinter, and with the onset of the first warmth, quickly grow green.

Lupine, mustard, a whole range of legumes, and cereals are most suitable for the greenhouse:

  • Lupine loosens the soil well, lifting up useful substances, including nitrogen, from the deep layers of the soil. Repels soil-dwelling pests;
  • White mustard is the most common green manure that enriches the soil and fights well against a number of pests, fungal and viral diseases. The plant limits the growth of weeds, prevents erosion of the soil layer;
  • Oilseed radish has a powerful root system, perfectly loosens the soil, and lifts a whole range of useful substances to the top. The plant protects vegetable crops from diseases;

  • vetch, with its abundant green mass, is an excellent supplier of organic fertilizer. Root system, in symbiosis with bacteria, accumulates in upper layers soil nitrogen, in a form accessible to plants. Planted with tomatoes, it can increase their yield by 40%;
  • Phacelia is an excellent honey plant that attracts bees and bumblebees. Effective as an organic mass. It can influence soil acidity and reduce the number of weeds;
  • alfalfa also reduces the acidic soil environment and improves its structure. Accumulates nitrogen and nutritional elements in a form suitable for tomatoes.

Most often, legumes are used for green manure, the roots of which harbor bacteria that can enrich the soil with nitrogen. They have good germination, are cold-resistant, and have an excellent effect on soil aeration. Peas, beans, clover, lupine, vetch - and many other plants belong to this large family.

It is better to choose cereal green manure from frost-resistant winter crops, which are planted after harvesting tomatoes in a greenhouse. These are oats, barley, fescue, and chumise, which are well known to everyone. They winter successfully, releasing maximum nutrients into the soil during the winter season.

Cruciferous green manures are very unpretentious. Substances secreted by their root system prevent the spread of a number of diseases, including late blight, and repel pests. Our most popular crops are mustard, oilseed radish, rapeseed, and rapeseed.

Planting green manure

The landing rules are very simple. The main thing is to choose the most suitable crops that can improve the health and structure of the soil in the autumn or in early spring. This way the earth will not just rest, but restore strength for the next season. The cost of seeds of this category of plants is low and makes it possible to sow green manure not only in small areas of greenhouses. Sideration allows you to prepare large areas of open ground.

  1. Green manure for tomatoes should not belong to the nightshade family of plants, to which the main crop belongs. Plants should be rotated seasonally and annual repetitions should be avoided if possible. If tomatoes were planted in the spring cereal crops, then in the fall they are sown in the greenhouse cruciferous plants. It could be mustard or rapeseed.

  1. Plants are sown thickly in moist soil, combining the seeds with sand. After sowing, the area is sprinkled thin layer peat or garden soil. When planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the ridges are completely sown in the fall. In the spring, the planting pattern is changed, leaving a strip that will be planted with tomatoes.
  2. When green manure reaches technical height, they are mowed and left on the soil surface as mulch. You can also dig up the green carpet. The main thing is not to let the plants throw away their seeds and not to cut off the greens. later period flowering.

  1. Green manure, like anything else organic fertilizer, works successfully for a fairly long period of time. The question of which green manure to choose is directly related to the chain of previous crops. With this method of influencing the soil, it is better to plant green fertilizers taking into account the overall crop rotation of the site.
  2. For a greenhouse where one or two basic crops are grown, this rule is also true. Not all plants can be successfully sown as predecessors for tomatoes and cucumbers. When choosing green manure, draw up a planting schedule for 2-3 years in advance.

Green manure is a good, natural fertilizer that can be used without fear of making a mistake in dosage. The complex effect of plants during the green manure process on the structure and quality of the soil allows for more efficient use of the land, permanently changing its productivity.

According to experts, a triple harvest of legumes is equivalent to a portion of manure necessary to restore soil fertility. So, simply planting peas, lupine or clover will help land plot with minimal financial costs. True, this method requires additional labor, so everyone has the right to choose a simpler method. Considering the peculiarities of growing tomatoes in small greenhouses, it is much easier to plant green manure, thereby extending the life of the soil.

Today, an increasing number of gardeners are switching to natural farming, completely ignoring mineral fertilizer compounds. In this case, the most significant way to improve soil quality is the use of green manure. But their thoughtless use for tomatoes can not only be useful, but also cause harm, reducing crop yields.

This is the name for some types of annual plants, sowing them on the site before planting or after harvesting crops makes it possible improve the composition and structure of the soil.

The root system creates channels in the soil, which improves drainage. The roots become food for microorganisms, which subsequently intensify their activity. Dense green manure protects the soil from drying out and weathering.

At the final stage life cycle When plants decompose, they fill the soil with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus necessary for the active development of plants.

Sowing can be done early spring or autumn. It all depends on how you plan to grow the main crop - in unprotected soil or in greenhouse conditions.

If green manure is planted in the fall, then next year It is again allowed to plant tomato seedlings in these beds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some gardeners are afraid to use green manure, fearing that the plants will clog all the beds. But this opinion is erroneous, because such plants need a lot of time for the seeds to fully ripen. They do not have time to do this, since they fall under harvest long before the formation of seed material - during their flowering period.

It should be noted that there are a number of negative points:

  • there is a group of perennial green manures that can germinate again and spoil your plantings;
  • Do not overexpose herbal fertilizers. If they form seeds or the stems become dense, it will be very difficult to get rid of green manure. It is best to do this during flowering.

Plan for sowing and caring for green manure for tomatoes

Most green manures are planted by general technology. The soil in the beds should be cleared of weeds, slightly loosened and leveled. You can sow in rows, but many people prefer to do this all over the place. If you do not have the necessary skills, then even sowing can be achieved by mixing the seed with sawdust or sand in equal proportions.

Sowing is completed by sowing the seeds with a conventional rake. The depth should not be too great.

It will be better if you roll the bed - this will make it possible to achieve uniform germination. To protect the beds from birds, they can be covered nonwoven materials until sprouts appear.

Combining different green manure plants for tomato

There is no need to sow one plant throughout the garden. By combining herbal and cereal varieties, you can have a complex impact on the soil, fertilize it perfectly.

As a rule, ready-made mixtures containing seeds are used for this:

  • phacelia;
  • wiki;
  • marigolds, etc.

Planting in shady areas

In such beds, green manure grows excellent green mass, as it actively reaches out to sunlight. After cutting the stems, they can easily be transferred to tomato beds and used as compost.

It is best to plant in the shade vetch, phacelia, oily radish, mustard.

Important rules for growing

Green manure plants must be planted for tomato crops, observing a number of requirements:

  • You should not plant tomato seedlings after fertilizer grass that belongs to the same family together with tomatoes;
  • sowing should be done as thick as possible;
  • "fertilizers" alternate annually;
  • aboveground part of green manure cut before they begin to ripen.

All sowing and growing activities must be organized several weeks before planting the tomato. Greens from green manure are best left on the surface of the beds - they make excellent mulch.

The best green manure for tomatoes

As a rule, preference is given to the following plants:

Alternative replacement

Unfortunately, growing green fertilizers is, although effective way, but requires additional time and effort.

Fans of organic farming methods recommend biological products, are capable of quickly and with good quality enrich the beds with useful components without planting green manure. The raw materials for this can be food waste, containing no meat residues. Mown grass, weeds that do not yet have seeds, and small twigs are also added.

Make sure that nuts, hornbeam, oak, poplar and willow do not get into the compost. Hogweed, datura, nightshade and other plants containing toxins are also prohibited.

Recycled waste will allow you to save on purchasing seeds and will not require much time to use.

This is how many gardeners maintain the fertility of their beds in the ground and in the greenhouse. You just need to sow the plants and then embed their green mass into the soil. If you use the recommendations given, you can independently enrich the beds for tomato seedlings useful elements.