home · Other · Research project “Growing cucumbers on a windowsill” (photo report). Cucumber is an important vegetable crop Problem: In our climatic conditions, it is impossible to grow vegetable crops in the garden all year round, but the human body. Growing cucumbers on

Research project “Growing cucumbers on a windowsill” (photo report). Cucumber is an important vegetable crop Problem: In our climatic conditions, it is impossible to grow vegetable crops in the garden all year round, but the human body. Growing cucumbers on

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"How to grow delicious cucumbers»


MKOU "Vodyanovskaya Secondary School"

Privolzhsky district.

Teacher: Dzhanmurzaeva Zulfira Murzabekovna.

Astrakhan - 2012


1. Introduction.

2. The main part “How to grow delicious cucumbers.”

1) Where to plant cucumbers?

2) The soil needs to be moistened.

3) Temperature conditions.

4) Care.

5) This is interesting.

3. Conclusion.

Introduction: I really love cucumbers. What a pleasure on a hot summer day to taste a fragrant, crispy cucumber, freshly picked from your own garden bed. There are probably no people in the world who do not like, or at least do not eat, cucumbers - fresh or lightly salted, salted or pickled. Fresh ones are especially good. Strong, juicy, they increase appetite and improve the body’s absorption of nutrients.
substances that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. But in winter and spring there are none! It would be nice to grow them all year round.

Once, in a lesson about the surrounding world, we covered the topic “Development of a plant from a seed.” The teacher and I germinated cucumber seeds and planted them in a pot.

I became interested in how they will grow, how they need to be properly cared for and what is necessary for the plant to grow. To do this, I had to learn a lot: I read articles from the magazine " Homestead farming“, but my teacher Zulfira Murzabekovna told me a lot of her own experience.

Tasks: know how to grow cultivated plants and is it possible to get the fruits at home;

study the varieties of cucumbers, where and how they are grown.

Hypothesis: You can grow cucumbers at home and get a harvest.

Research methods: reading specialized literature, caring for plants, observations, analysis.

So I learned that the cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family, and warm India is considered to be its homeland, although since ancient times cucumbers grew in Africa, Greece, and the vast territory of the Roman Empire.

Cucumber is the only vegetable (and from a botanical point of view, a fruit) that we eat unripe. Cucumbers are very popular in vegetable salads, as well as in salted or pickled form.

For numerous “merits” in 2007, a monument to the cucumber was even unveiled in Shklov (Belarus).

The length of the fruit ranges from 5 to 30 centimeters or more. The seeds are white. At proper storage seeds do not lose their viability for 8-10 years.

I found out that cucumber is a short-day plant and loves warmth, light and moisture. It consists of 95% water and contains sugar, as well as useful vitamins and microelements. Cucumber juice is one of the best natural skin care products.

From books I learned that cucumber varieties can be divided into three groups:

greenhouse- with long smooth fruits up to 30 centimeters or more in length;

garden beds- for open ground with fruits measuring 10-15 centimeters;

gherkins- fruit size does not exceed 10 cm.

So, during the course of my research, I decided to answer many questions for myself: at what temperature do cucumber seeds germinate? What happens to plants when the temperature drops? Under what conditions do they grow and bear fruit better? Does the crop require soil and air moisture?

First, I found out that the location for planting cucumbers should be well lit by the sun (partial shade is acceptable) and protected from the wind.

Step 1. Where to plant cucumbers?

We brought in the soil mixed with humus in advance and warmed it up to room temperature during the day. The soil for cucumbers should be loose and fertile. We decided to plant our cucumbers on the windowsill classroom- it was a well-lit and sheltered place from the wind.

Step 2. The soil must be moistened.

I found out that cucumber loves water. Watering especially important for cucumbers during active growth and fruit formation.

Water the cucumbers with warm water ( cold water leads to growth inhibition and the appearance of gray rot).

I had to water the plants every 2 days, as they dried out and the plants were lethargic. If the plant slightly curled its leaves, I watered it and immediately watched how these leaves unfolded before my eyes.

With the appearance of the third true leaf, the vines and leaves of cucumbers grow rapidly.

Step 3. Temperature.

The optimal temperature for the normal development of cucumbers (as well as other pumpkin crops) ranges from 23-30 degrees. Air temperatures below 15 degrees lead to inhibition and cessation of plant growth at any stage of development.

I noticed that as soon as the heating in the classroom was turned off, and the air temperature outside did not exceed 10 degrees, the growth of our plant stopped.

Step 4. Care.

Caring for cucumbers comes down to weeding, watering, fertilizing (if necessary) and tying them to trellises.

With the onset of stable air temperatures of about 20 degrees, our plants began to grow actively.

After the holidays, on May 3, I noticed that the first ovaries on the cucumbers had increased and reached 5 centimeters.

Step 5.The root system of cucumbers needs air!

In order for the cucumber roots to breathe, I had to carefully loosen the soil around the plants so as not to damage the roots.

The “bitter” truth about cucumbers.

Sometimes cucumbers are bitter. It turns out that most cucumber plants contain substances called cucurbitacins, the presence of which causes the bitter taste of the fruit. If the content of these substances is low, the bitterness is unnoticeable, but if there is a lot of them, the cucumber can be very bitter - so bitter that it is impossible to eat. If a cucumber plant is stressed, its cucurbitacin content increases. And stress for a cucumber, as I understand it, is a drop in temperature, a lack of daylight or moisture.
Varieties without bitterness have a mild taste. These are varieties such as “Courage” or “Quadrille”. Imagine my surprise when my cucumbers turned out to be tasty and without bitterness!

Step 7. Pick cucumbers correctly!

Some gardeners, when picking cucumbers, quickly break them off the vine. Cucumbers must be picked carefully without damaging the vine.

The more often you pick cucumbers, the faster the rest grow.

This is interesting!

During my research, I learned that inquisitive people have long been interested in the question of whether vegetables can be grown in basements, cellars, or in underground mines in general. The first experiments, says the magazine "Homestead Economy" (N2 1, 1986), were carried out in 1875. The light source was kerosene lamps, gas-burners and other primitive means. Currently using modern lamps incandescent

The results of experiments carried out in underground premises exceeded all expectations. Thus, in the laboratory of light physiology and light culture of plants of the Agrophysical Research Institute, the professor received an unprecedented harvest of tomatoes during the year.

Air temperature, it chemical composition, Atmosphere pressure in underground workings are close to external ones. All this is very useful for growing vegetables in cellars and basements, especially such as onions, sorrel, lettuce, and dill. But for cucumbers and tomatoes, the underground technology had to be “adjusted”.

The difficulty was the light mode. It turned out that the length of a day underground should be no more than 18 hours. Cucumbers need 10 hours of daylight, tomatoes -12.

Step 8. Draw conclusions.

So, in the course of my research, I answered all my questions and came to the following conclusions:

1. Cucumber seeds germinate at a temperature of 12 degrees, but the most favorable temperature for germination is 24-30 degrees.

2. With a temperature drop of less than 10 degrees per long time growth stops, they are susceptible to various diseases and do not produce a harvest.

3. Cucumbers can be grown not only in the ground, but also on a well-lit windowsill.

4. They grow and bear fruit best at an air temperature of 25-32 degrees, soil temperature - 20-25 degrees.

5. Plants need constant watering.

6. They need to be systematically weeded.

7. Cucumbers grown by yourself turn out to be much tastier!

8. They can also be grown in basements.

9. After conducting our research work, we came to the conclusion that it would be better to carry out such work in the school greenhouse, which is located in our school.


1. Aleksashin, on vegetable growing. 2nd ed. reworked and additional /, A. B. Alpatiev, P. A. Andreeva. D.: Kolos, 198 p.

2. Leopold, A. Growth and development of plants / A. Leopold - M.: Mir, 19 p.

Valentina Krasnova

]Growing plants from seeds is a very exciting process. Observing all phases of plant development from seed germination to the appearance of the first flowers or fruits is the magic of nature in action. It takes a lot of time and patience before a full-fledged plant grows. Plant growth usually begins with the germination of the most important reproductive organ - the seed.

1st experiment: Some of the seeds were placed in gauze soaked in water for several days. Some were sown dry. The presence and absence of moisture showed that the seeds in a humid environment sprouted within 3-4 days. And dry only after 6-7 days, provided that the soil was wet.

2nd experiment: We planted 4-5 grains in each glass. A week or two after the sprouts in the glasses hatch, picking is carried out. The weak ones are removed - one or two sprouts should remain in each glass.

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop. But you should water them very carefully. We water from a watering can with warm water (25-30) once every 1-2 days, loosen the soil with a rake after watering.

Also, a grown cucumber needs support - its stem is quite weak.

6 weeks after planting, the bush pleased us with its first harvest.

The following conclusions were drawn:

1. For cucumber seeds to germinate, the air temperature must be +18 -+19, moderate humidity

2. The plant must receive good access to light for proper development.

3. Water affects the growth and development of plants. With moderate watering, the plant develops quickly. And with insufficient watering, plants develop much worse or do not develop at all.

Publications on the topic:

Children's research project “Vitamins on the windowsill” Brief summary of the project This project is an organization of work to familiarize with the value and structure of the onion, and understand its benefits for.

“Vegetable garden on the window” has become a tradition in our kindergarten. Every year in winter time The boys and I are planting our fabulous garden. Winter is knocking on the window.

Great value in cognitive development children, raising an ecological culture and correct behavior in nature is the cultivation of plants.

Educational - research project “Button - Sorceress” for children of the second junior group. Goal: formation in children naturally.

Last week we planned the theme “Winter garden on the windowsill”. Having invited the children to grow onions together on their own, they...

Municipal educational institution Berezovskaya secondary school

Pervomaisky district

(research work)

Work completed

Malysheva Tatyana

6th grade student

Head of work

Tsion V.P. teacher

chemistry and biology.

With. Berezovka. 2011


2. Main part

2.1. Biological characteristics of cucumber…………………..…5

2.2. History of cucumber cultivation……………………………..6

2.3. Application in medicine and national economy...................8

  1. Experimental work on growing cucumbers……...9




  1. Introduction

Creeping stems

The leaves are prickly,

Flower - a funnel,

With a yellow crown;

And the green fruit

Good for mouth from the garden.

Our family loves cucumbers. Cucumber is one of the most common vegetable crops. In any garden in the tropics and subtropics, in the temperate zone, as well as in protected ground, you can find beds with cucumbers, from which green fruits are collected every day. Cucumbers are good at any time of the year; they are eaten fresh, salted and pickled, canned and stuffed with rice and meat. The refreshing aroma of cucumbers combines well with the aromatics of other foods and stimulates the appetite.

Green plants are a source of staple food. Species diversity vegetable plants are extremely rich. Vegetable plants play an important role in the nutritional structure. Being a source of proteins, they add variety to constant use in food rice and starch. Eating vegetables increases the content of calcium and iron compounds in the diet and provides the human body with vitamins.

To increase the yield of vegetable crops, the use of mineral fertilizers is increasing, the use chemicals to combat diseases and pests. Thus, we are already getting a not entirely clean environmental product.

Based on the above, we believe that subject our research "Growing cucumbers in room conditions» relevant.

Relevance studying this topic is due to the fact that each of us loves this vegetable and uses it at home for food, as it is a very healthy food product. But due to the difficult economic situation in our country, prices for this type of product are very high, and not every person will be able to buy organic cucumber at the market or in a store.

Problem of this study: Is it possible to grow organic cucumber indoors?

Target project: to reveal and study the stages and characteristics of the growth of cucumbers at home.
Tasks project:

  • form an idea of ​​​​a cucumber as biological form;

  • compose a biological characteristic of this plant;

  • study scientific and educational literature about the plant being studied;

  • study the conditions for growing cucumbers at home;

  • conduct research work on growing cucumbers indoors;

  • carry out step-by-step observation of the plant under study;

  • develop the ability to see a problem and outline ways to solve it;

  • instill hard work and responsibility in the child.

Hypothesis research: if you use certain seeds when growing cucumbers indoors, follow the rules of planting and caring for the plant, and create favorable conditions for growing vegetables, you can get an environmentally friendly harvest of cucumbers.
Stage 1- “Immersion” in the problem. At this stage, we have established that cucumber is the most common vegetable crop, which, unfortunately, is not always available.

Stage 2- Search and theoretical. At this stage, we studied the literature about the plant under study.

Stage 3- Carrying out activities. At this stage, research work and observations were carried out on growing cucumbers indoors.

Stage 4 - O generalizing. Results of obtaining the product. General recommendations.

Stage 5- Presentation.

2. Main part

2.1. Biological characteristics cucumber

Heat requirements.

Cucumber is one of the most heat-loving plants. It does not tolerate temperatures below zero, and temperatures such as 3-4 degrees Celsius for 2-3 days stop growth and cause plant death. Optimal temperature air for the growth and development of cucumber is 25-30 degrees, and soil 20-25.

Day length requirements.

Cucumber is a short-day plant. Plant development in the initial period is faster on a shortened day; a short day (10-12 hours) is necessary during the period of growing seedlings. Young plants grown on short day, develop better and form a higher early yield.

Light requirements.

Cucumber is the most demanding on the intensity and duration of light. When shaded, the cucumber grows poorly and does not bear fruit. Strong shading (when thickening) of cucumber crops causes increased development of the main stem and the formation of male flowers.

Requirements for soil and air moisture.

The cucumber has a high need for increased moisture in both the soil and relative humidity air. The plant's need for water increases as it grows and becomes greatest during fruiting. Ensure normal fruiting and good quality greenery is possible only if you maintain high humidity soil. Cucumber places especially high demands on air humidity. The optimal air humidity for cucumber is 80-90%. With increased soil moisture, plants tolerate dry air much more easily.

Requirements for soil fertility and nutrients.

Relatively underdeveloped root system cucumber adapted for use nutrients from soil rich in humus, which explains the exceptionally high demands of this crop on soil fertility. The high need for nutrients in cucumber is also explained by the intensive growth of plants. Mineral fertilizers provide plants with nutrition in the first periods of their growth and development, while organic ones provide more later periods.

During the growing season, cucumber is very sensitive to changes in mineral nutrition. Optimal nitrogen nutrition ensures rapid growth of the leaf apparatus and root system, a sufficient supply of plants with phosphorus and potassium accelerates flowering and the growth of vegetative mass, phosphorus-potassium nutrition with a lack of nitrogen retards plant growth and leads to crushed and deformed fruits. Cucumber is very demanding of potassium fertilizer. Potassium fertilizers not only increase yields, but also increase resistance to diseases and low temperatures and improve the marketability of fruits.
Biological features of the variety Podmoskovnie vechera F-1.

Early ripening, parthenocarpic hybrid of female or predominantly female flowering type with massive yield for protected and open ground.
2.2 History of cucumber cultivation
Cucumbers are the most common light-loving, heat-loving vegetable. In no other country do they eat as many cucumbers as in Russia. Our folk vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions and cucumber. Fresh, it crunches pleasantly on the teeth. Its cool smell stimulates the appetite. But I especially loved it

cucumber to the Russian peasant because, like cabbage, it can be stored for future use.

In the old days, among Russian villages there were many cucumber gardeners. In the village of Bolshoye Akulovo, on the banks of the Oka River, opposite the city of Murom, peasants grew early-ripening Murom cucumber. The borage plants near Moscow had their own varieties: Borovskaya and Nerosimy, which is hardy to wet weather. The Ivanovskys have their own, Vyaznikovsky, with a white spot on the top of the head. The gardeners worked with love and diligence, but our summer is too short for a tropical vegetable.

The cucumber comes from Italy. There, not so long ago, thirty years ago, its ancestor was discovered - the thick-skinned wild cucumber. The Egyptians were familiar with cucumber two thousand years BC.

Cucumber was grown in many southern countries. To please Emperor Tiberius, an amateur fresh cucumbers, craftsmen Ancient Rome They came up with the idea of ​​growing seedlings in boxes placed on wheels. The wheels were turned so that sunlight fell on the seedlings all day.

Russia is a northern country. Here in March, and sometimes in April, white with snow, cold ground. You can’t ask the sun: start spring early, warm the earth! The man decided to do it himself. He dug a hole, placed a frame made of logs over it, filled the hole with hot manure, poured it over the ground, and sowed cucumbers in it. And the top of the frame was covered with a glass frame.

Manure floats the earth, hence the name – greenhouse. It’s like there’s a stove burning underground, without wood, without coal, without fire. The sloping glass sun roof lets in Sun rays, but does not release heat from the sun-heated earth. There is snow in the field, but in the greenhouse, by the will of man, spring has begun and the seedlings have turned green.

The manure burned out, and the underground self-heating stove cooled down. But the frosts have already ended, and the seedlings are moving to the beds, into the soil warmed by the sun.

The village sold cucumbers to the city. The urban population grew and the demand for early vegetables. The cucumbers needed a more spacious frost shelter, with a stove that would be lit for several months a year.

We are the first warm houses for cucumbers - greenhouses with one sloping glazed wall, with an iron stove - were built in the middle of the last century in Klin. Living space in the greenhouse is tight. Cunning Klinov craftsmen installed a trellis in the greenhouse - a wooden frame on which strings are stretched like strings. Clinging to them with his antennae, the cucumber, becoming a steeplejack, rose up to the ceiling.

It seemed that the person had defeated the frost, but the plant needed not only warmth, but also light. In the dark winter months, Klin craftsmen did not light the stoves, did not sow cucumbers, and kept the greenhouse locked.

But the man did not give up. The cucumber craftsmen also found allies: chemists, designers, builders, glassblowers.

In the old days, when glass had not yet been invented, those who were richer inserted it into window frame mica plates, who is poorer - pulled a bull over the wound

bubble. The cloudy window did not let in any light. And today, without a glass solar roof, there would be neither a greenhouse nor a greenhouse.

How did chemists participate in the war against frost? They came up with a recipe for making plastic film. By May, the cucumber seedlings became crowded in the greenhouse; they were planted in the beds. But often she died from May frosts. Now the seedlings are covered with plastic wrap like a blanket. A polyethylene roll is taken out to the field, the film is stretched over placed metal arcs. And it turns out to be a long tent, like a tunnel. Seedlings can be planted in such a tent earlier. It will protect the plants from frost, and they will have enough light.

The hardest thing for the cucumber to penetrate was the Far North. And yet the cucumber violated the border. We have greenhouses with steam heating on Dikson Island in the Arctic Circle. There is impenetrable darkness outside the windows. The black polar night lasts six months. But as soon as you turn the switch, it’s as if the sun has risen in the greenhouse - the home of the cucumber. Solar-bright lamps are supplied to winterers by the electric plant.

A cucumber grows in a warm and bright house, and it also grows in open ground. Is it possible to grow a cucumber indoors?

2.3 Applications in medicine and national economy
In folk medicine, cucumbers are used for stomach diseases as a laxative; cucumber juice is widely used in cosmetics.

Cucumbers are eaten not only by ripe green fruits, but also by the testes. In some countries South-East Asia And in Western Europe, such fruits are preserved. Marinades and gravies are also prepared from them. In Malaysia and Indonesia, young cucumber leaves (fresh or boiled) are eaten.

The cucumber can also become an export item. World production of cucumbers currently occupies one of the leading places in the national economy. In the subtropical and other regions of China, up to 4 million tons are collected per year, in Russia, in the temperate zone, the collection is 1.4 million tons. Cucumbers are grown a lot in Japan, the USA, and Turkey.

3. Experimental work on growing cucumbers Results of our own research.
Equipment: soil, seeds, planting equipment, camera.




general recommendations


Preparation of soil, drainage, selection of seeds “Moscow Nights F1”, sowing of seeds, watering. The prototypes were placed on the windowsill.

(see photo No. 1)

It is necessary to select the soil for seedlings in pots, select seeds of varieties for indoor soil (self-pollinating) and having a stem that is not too long.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, at a temperature of 25 0 C, and watered moderately with warm water.

Future seedlings should be placed on south-east windows.


Observation of samples. The first shoots appeared, and 12 plants sprouted from 12 seeds. We carried out loosening and watering.

(see photo No. 2)

At this stage of plant growth, it is important to observe the temperature regime (do not overcool the plant!), moderate watering, monitor the health of the plant, and additional lighting.


Observation and care of plants.

The real first leaves have appeared.

Spray the leaves every day.


We carried out diving of seedlings. We continue to monitor the plant and provide timely care.

(see photo No. 3)

When diving, the seedling depth is 2-3 cm. Care consists of weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing. Watering should be done after sunset with warm water.


The first tendrils of our cucumbers have appeared. A trellis was installed.

(see photo No. 4, 5)

It is advisable to choose a trellis made from environmentally friendly materials.

Check the plant daily for pests and diseases. Cucumbers can be infested by whiteflies - hang some sticky tape nearby.


Abundant flowering plants, appearance of ovary. We observe and care for our plants.

(see photo No. 6, 7, 8,)

Be sure to monitor the temperature and soil moisture conditions.


We received the first product - the first cucumber.

(see photo No. 9)


We carry out the harvest, collecting 3-5 cucumbers every other day. We continue to monitor the plant and provide timely care.

(see photo No. 10)

We recommend harvesting as the greens ripen.

For almost three months I watched the growth of cucumbers on the windowsill. Res

Shultsev Anton

Is it possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on a windowsill? winter period? My research proves that it is possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on a windowsill, but to do this, you need to know well how light, heat, water, and soil affect their development.




“Secondary school No. 10 in the village of Razdolnoye, Nadezhdinsky district”, Primorsky Territory



Completed : student of 4th "A" class

Shultsev Anton

Razdolnoe village - 2013

1. Introduction

2. Goal, objectives, work hypothesis.

3. Research.

4. Results of the work.

5. Conclusions.


Under a leaf, by the fence,

Little frog sleeps in the garden bed:

All green, pimply,

And the tummy is whitish.

Cucumber appeared in culture more than 6 thousand years ago. The homeland of this species is the tropical and subtropical regions of India, the foothills of the Himalayas, where it still grows in natural conditions. Mentioned in the Bible as a vegetable of Egypt.

This culture was already known to the Greeks, from whom it passed on to the Romans. The first mention of cucumbers in the Moscow state was in 1528. Nowadays, the cucumber culture is widespread and has many varieties and varieties. The fruits of wild varieties are small and inedible due to the content of bitter substances.

The cucumber received its Slavic name from Greek word“aguros”, which translated means “unripe”, “immature”. It is worth noting that a cucumber is not a vegetable at all, but a real berry. 2

The size of these berries, round and oval, ovoid and cylindrical, can be from 5 to 30 centimeters. Cucumbers contain 97% water and many minerals and trace elements that are so necessary for our body: potassium and phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, iron and aluminum, as well as compounds of manganese, molybdenum, zinc, fluorine.

The composition of cucumber fruits includes nitrogenous and ash substances, fiber; fresh green fruits are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. Cucumbers are called the body's orderlies. As centuries-old medical experience has shown, cucumber juice has the greatest healing effect. It is useful for a wide variety of diseases: it has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, emollient, analgesic effects, and is used in the treatment of burns. It is a cough suppressant, diuretic and choleretic. A drink made from cucumber seeds is good for fever and respiratory diseases. Cucumber juice is good for joint diseases, poor condition of teeth and gums, and helps with dropsy and edema of cardiac origin. A decoction of overripe fruits is used to treat jaundice and liver diseases. Cucumbers contain an enzyme similar in composition to insulin, which is why cucumbers are necessary for diabetics. Widely used in cosmetology.

In our country, cucumbers with a lumpy surface have always been loved, and they are considered the “real” ones. Europeans, on the contrary, prefer smooth fruits, and those with “pimples” are called cucumbers in a “Russian shirt”.

Interesting Facts:

1. In the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region, a monument to the “Cucumber Breadwinner” was erected.

2. In Iran, cucumber is considered a fruit and is served along with sweets.

3. July 27 is International Cucumber Day; it was on this day that the Cucumber Festival was organized for the first time in Suzdal.

Cucumber records are even listed in the Guinness Book. Thus, the longest cucumber - 1 meter 83 cm - was grown in Hungary and belongs to the Chinese variety of cucumbers. It was possible to grow a cucumber weighing more than 6 kg indoors.

Purpose of the study-Determine whether it is possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on the windowsill in winter?

Research objectives:

Watch the growth of cucumbers;

Draw a conclusion on the work done.


In winter, sometimes you really want to eat a salad from... fresh vegetables. Cucumbers bought in a store quickly deteriorate: they become soft and slippery, and mold appears on them. So I had a question: is it possible to grow cucumbers at home on a windowsill?

The work was carried out in November-January 2011-2012. Observations were carried out under a combination of daylight and artificial lighting and an air temperature of 25 - 30°C. Watering was done every 2 - 3 days, once a week the soil was loosened and weeds were removed.

On November 10, I took 10 cucumber seeds at random and put them in a wet cotton cloth on a saucer for them to germinate. The next day the seeds swelled, and already on November 12, 6 of them had a small root. By November 15, all the seeds had sprouted (Fig. 1).


On November 15, I planted the sprouted seeds in moist soil, placing them in 3 boxes, and placed them on the windowsill on the south side. On November 18, sprouts of 3 cucumbers appeared, and on the 19th, six more plants appeared (Fig. 2). These were two smooth, oblong leaves with white veins.


On November 24, a true leaf appeared on one sprout; on the 27th, each sprout had one true leaf (Fig. 3). They are heart-shaped and have a rough surface.


The plants developed well, new leaves, tendrils and inflorescence ovaries appeared. By mid-December, rapid flowering was observed. I counted 6 - 8 flowers on each plant.

I had a question: who will pollinate the flowers, since there are no insects in winter? After reading the literature, I learned that there are varieties of cucumbers that

pollinate on their own. And I ended up with one of these varieties, because I found small fruit ovaries, but they began to fall off. By January 12, the strongest plant had two good cucumber ovaries (Fig. 5). Unfortunately, my plants gradually began to wither due to lack of nutrients in the soil.


Conclusion: my research once again proves that it is possible to get a harvest of cucumbers on the windowsill, but for this, you need to know well how light, heat, water, and soil affect their development.


1. Popular articles from the Internet

2. V.R. Dovzhenko, A.V. Dovzhenko “Secrets of medicinal plants” / Your health, 1990

3. Slatov I.V. “Green Pharmacy”/IZ Slatov Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 1991

4. Ganichkina O.A. “Cucumbers” / JSC “Young Guard”, 1992

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1 Research work Topic of the work: “Growing cucumbers on a personal plot” Completed by: Tikhonova Olesya Vitalievna, student of 3 “A” class of the Municipal budgetary educational institution of secondary secondary school with in-depth study individual items 30 of the city of Pyatigorsk Head: Kobrina Natalya Viktorovna, teacher primary classes MBOU secondary school 30. 0

2 Contents Introduction 2 2. Methodology 3 3. Research results Literature review Results of observations and research Conclusion 5 5. Conclusion 6 Appendices

3 Introduction Cucumbers are a source of trace elements and iodine. They contain more iodine than lettuce, potatoes and onions (Appendix 1). In therapeutic nutrition, cucumbers are used for obesity and diabetes. Cucumber fruits contain little sodium chloride, which retains water in the body, a lot of phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which the body needs for cardiovascular diseases, in a word - cucumbers contain a lot beneficial properties. Cucumber is the health worker of our body. The fruits contain tonic enzymes that promote better absorption of protein foods and improve digestion. Purpose of the work: to grow cucumbers in open ground and get fruits. Objectives: 1. Obtain information about growing cucumbers in open ground. 2. Sow and grow cucumbers. 3. Observe the growth and development of cucumber plants and fruits. 4. Record the results, take photographs. Relevance of the study: cucumber consumption is diverse. They are most valuable fresh in salads, mixed with green onions, tomatoes, radishes, parsley, dill. Cucumbers are also used in preparing stuffed second courses. Finally, the cucumbers large quantities prepared at home for future use: they are salted, pickled, canned (Appendix 2). In folk medicine fresh cucumbers and the juice is used for diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and for caring for the skin of the face, neck and hands. Duration of the study: research on the growth of cucumbers took place over a period of 5 months (from May to September 2015). Location of the study: cucumbers were grown on a personal plot. 2

4 2. Method of work We studied the experience of several gardeners, but used the recommendations set out in the book "Encyclopedia of a Gardener" (2000). Conducted observations using recommendations from the manual “Young Explorer of Nature”. 3. Research results 3.1 Literature review Cucumber annual herbaceous plant pumpkin family. Its stem is rounded, rounded-faceted or faceted, usually creeping, but with the help of tendrils it is able to wrap around supports and take vertical position. The cucumber has a main stem and side shoots. The length and degree of branching of the stem varies depending on the variety and growing conditions (Appendix 1). The root system of the cucumber is weak, so it is necessary to maintain its integrity as much as possible when growing cucumber seedlings. When sowing cucumber seeds, it is unacceptable to thin them by pulling out excess plants. You should pluck out their above-ground parts or trim them so as not to damage the roots of nearby plants. You cannot loosen the soil deeply with ordinary hoes. The bright orange-yellow color of flowers containing small amounts of nectar attracts bees and other insects, which transfer pollen from male to female flowers (Appendix 3). Cucumber is a light-loving plant that responds to changes in lighting. Most high yields can be obtained in good lighting, so sunny places on the site should be allocated for the cucumber. Cucumber is very demanding temperature conditions. Plants do not tolerate frost at all and immediately react to changes in temperature. To grow a cucumber you need high humidity soil and air, so to get a good harvest the plant should be well watered. 3

5 The growth and development of cucumbers is affected by the wind, as it increases the evaporation of water from the leaves, from the soil surface, and carries away carbon dioxide and, as a result, photosynthesis and productivity decrease. When there are strong dry winds, the growth and development of plants, the formation of fruits, and their overall productivity decreases, and sometimes stop altogether. 3.2 Results of observations and research Features of landing. We planted cucumbers in two ways: 1 way. We soaked the seeds and planted them in open ground when the soil warmed up to +15, +17 C. Holes were prepared for sowing, which were placed in one row. 4-5 seeds were placed in each hole. Sowing depth up to 2 cm (Appendix 4). Method 2. We used seedlings. To do this, we laid out ridges, in the middle of which we made holes 20 cm deep and planted seedlings in them (Appendix 5). Growth of cucumbers. Cucumber shoots appeared 8 days after sowing. They were in the form of two succulent cotyledon leaves, which, after reaching the surface, continued to grow for 10 days (Appendix 6). Then real leaves began to develop and 25 days after emergence, the plants already had 3-5 leaves. Antennae began to develop in the axils of the 8th leaf (Appendix 7). Within a month, the stems reached 7-12 cm. The plants began to bloom 40 days after sowing. After another 7 days, fruits appeared (Appendix 8). We measured the fruits and found that at a daytime air temperature of C, cucumbers grow on average 3-4 cm per day (Appendix 9). We received our first harvest 45 days after germination. Watering cucumbers should be done with warm water. To do this, we installed a barrel near the ridge with cucumbers and poured water into it early in the morning, so that in 4

Day 6 she warmed up. During fruiting, we watered the cucumbers once every 2 days in the evening (Appendix 10). The fruits must be removed carefully so as not to damage the vines. At the same time, we removed yellow and diseased fruits and hooks so that they would not weaken the plants and delay the formation of new ovaries. We collected cucumber fruits every other day, about 5 cucumbers from one bush. Features of growing cucumbers. We used several methods of growing cucumbers: 1st method - "Grow". We used to grow cucumbers in ridges where there was more space so that the plants could spread freely along the ground. The uniform distribution of cucumber vines allowed the plants to make full use of sunlight. In July, when it was very hot, moisture remained under the leaves longer and the cucumbers did not dry out (Appendix 11). However, the fruits had to be collected very carefully so as not to disturb the plant stems and their position. In wet weather, the cucumber fruits were dirty, damp, and began to hurt (Appendix 12). Method 2 - growing cucumbers on a trellis. This method saves space, so we used it on beds where there was little space. Pegs were driven into the ground, and trellis wire was attached to them on top. When using a trellis, we tied the cucumber vines with twine (Appendix 13). The fruits here were clean, visible, good light conditions were maintained, and the risk of developing diseases was reduced due to ventilation. But during the drought, the vines were quickly sent to dry, and the cucumbers became bitter and hooked. 4. Conclusions 1. We used various ways planting cucumbers and found that cucumbers planted with seedlings produce fruits a month earlier than those sown. 5

7 2. According to the recommendations received, we grew 12 cucumber bushes and received a harvest from July to September. 3. Watching the growth of cucumbers, we found out that different growing methods have advantages and disadvantages. However, cucumbers grown on a trellis produced more fruit. Lack of moisture or its excess leads to cucumber disease and fruit spoilage (Appendix 14). 4. During the observation process, we recorded the results of the research and took photographs, which can be viewed in the Appendix. 5. Conclusion Growing cucumbers is not an extraordinarily difficult task, however, this crop has its own requirements. Cucumber loves light and moisture very much, and in relation to heat it is one of the most heat-loving crops. And if you take this matter seriously, you can get excellent harvest and not only enjoy cucumbers in the summer, but also prepare them for the winter. The whole family grew cucumbers with me. Dad, Vitaly Vladimirovich Tikhonov, made trellises for the lashes. Together with my sister, Yulia, and grandmother, Oleinik Evgenia Mikhailovna, we watered the cucumbers, tied up the vines, loosened the soil, and harvested the crops. And with my mother, Tatyana Nikolaevna Tikhonova, we recorded observations, took photographs, and did work. And the whole family prepared excellent pickles for the winter. Our research did not end there. We plan to grow cucumbers in barrels next year. 6

8 Appendix 1 Cucumbers are a source of trace elements and iodine. Appendix 2 7

9 Appendix 3 Cucumber flowers. Appendix 4 Cucumbers sown in the ground. 8

10 Appendix 5 Cucumbers planted with seedlings. Appendix 6 First shoots. 9

11 Appendix 7 Antennae appeared. Appendix 8 Fruits have appeared. 10

12 Appendix 9 We measure the fruits. Appendix 10 11

13 Appendix 11 Planting Appendix 12 The cucumbers got sick. 12

14 Appendix 13 Appendix 14 Good fruits. 13

15 Sick fetus. 14

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