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When can you plant seedlings in the garden? What trees and why are best to plant in the fall. What plants to sow in seedlings

It should be noted that favorable days for planting potatoes depend primarily not on the calendar date, but on what year it turned out to be. Sometimes spring is early, the earth warms up quickly, and even the flowering of plants is ahead of the usual time. Sometimes, on the contrary, frosts last until the end of May, dampness and lack of solar heat they do not allow you to start planting work longer than usual. Therefore, gardeners and summer residents tie the timing of their work to the calendar very conditionally, focusing on a variety of signs of optimal time.

How not to miss the optimal time

Planting time directly affects the yield of this crop. If you plant potatoes too early, you may end up with frost-damaged seedlings; if there is excessive moisture, the potatoes become sick, resulting in the seedlings dying altogether. If the most suitable time is missed and potatoes are planted too late, there is a risk of losing part of the harvest due to the soil being too dry during planting.

The planting time depends on the region. As is known, in different areas warm weather sets in different time. In the central part of Russia, potatoes are traditionally planted in mid-May, in the eastern regions - at the end of the month or even in June, depending on the depth of soil heating. To determine the optimal time, it is worth knowing that the earth should warm up to +7°C to a depth of about 10 cm. There are places where such indicators are observed only in June or July. In such regions it can be very difficult to grow potatoes.

You can also determine the readiness of the soil for planting potatoes visually, in other words, “by eye.” There are also a number of true signs that help summer residents navigate time.

In order to determine the appropriate time for planting, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • various insects, worms have awakened and are actively swarming in the soil;
  • dandelions are blooming;
  • small leaves appeared on the birch;
  • The bird cherry blossomed.

As a rule, all these signs appear approximately simultaneously - at the end or second half of May. However, there is such a thing as “bird cherry cold”. This period coincides with the flowering of bird cherry and is characterized by a sharp drop in air temperature. This does not mean that frost will certainly occur; it may be cool, but the soil will retain the desired level of warmth. If frost hits, and this also happens, then some part of the planting can be lost. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and study everything available sources, reporting the weather forecast.

By the way, you can also do this in order to find out approximately what time rain is expected. Precipitation is quite common in May. Of course, no one will plant potatoes during the rain, but time does not stand still, and the most best time you can simply miss it. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what date is best to plant potatoes. Finding the best time is a constant balance between climate and weather conditions.

Sometimes it happens that the rain that began at the end of May continues with minor interruptions in June and July. If the circumstances are this way, then this is an extremely unfavorable situation for growing potatoes, since the tubers of this crop are prone to rotting when there is excess moisture. There is nothing that can be done here, you just need to understand that in such conditions you can’t expect a bountiful harvest.

Dependence of the result on planting time

In this case, we are not even talking about the amount of harvest, which is influenced by the correctly determined planting date, but about other features. Some people do not engage in large-scale potato cultivation, but plant a few in order to try new potatoes in July. What is important here is not even the quantity of the harvest, but its presence in principle. Therefore, if you want to get results already in the middle of summer, you need to plant tubers in April. More or less the right time to plant the first potatoes is the second half of the month. Of course, this is possible if we are talking about the central and southern regions of the country, since in other regions it is unlikely that it will be possible to plant this crop before the end of May or even in June.

To grow potatoes for storage, they should still be planted taking into account the traditional requirements described above. First of all, because this is done for practical reasons. The harvest must be plentiful, and the tubers must reach a condition at which they can last in the cellar until spring. Therefore, it is recommended to plant potatoes en masse no earlier than the second half of May, in as a last resort, if the year is very cold and spring is late, in June. If the timing was chosen correctly, shoots will appear in less than a month.

Selection and preparation of tubers

Of course, it is very important to correctly determine the time when to plant potatoes, but it is equally important to choose its variety. There are many varieties of this crop, each of which has certain characteristics, requirements for conditions, ripening period, etc. You can always choose the most suitable one for cultivation in a particular region, even if the climate is not particularly warm or full of sun. There are varieties of early ripeness or late ripening, you can plant both, and harvest as the tubers ripen.

It is recommended to plant several varieties of potatoes at the same time, since from each of them you can eventually get different quantities tubers. You shouldn’t plant the same variety year after year; it’s better to try new options, exchange planting material with someone, and from time to time you can purchase varieties imported from other regions or even countries. The more choice, the better the result. For example, varieties planted at the end of April early maturation You can start trying it already in July, and the later ones, which were planted in the second half of May, are perfect for storing for the winter.

Rotted manure can be sprinkled between the rows of potatoes during planting, this will greatly increase the yield.

Tubers intended for planting must meet the following main requirements:

  • the tuber is hard, without signs of rotting;
  • the presence of small rudiments, or “eyes”;
  • the buds are greenish, not dry and not rotten;
  • the rudiments are not too long (the possibility of breakage during planting is excluded);
  • the tubers are not too small and not huge (a large tuber can be cut, but so that the rudiments are preserved on each piece).

Preparing the tubers does not require much effort, the main thing is to get the “eyes” to peck. To do this, just place the potatoes in a well-lit place for a couple of weeks. Then, when the time is right for planting, plant the tubers in the ground. The landing site should be as open as possible and well lit by the sun.

It is better to plant tubers in a checkerboard pattern; this saves space and makes it more comfortable to process the bushes. Caring for potatoes during the growth period consists of watering, hilling and spraying against pests. Potatoes also suffer from various diseases, such as late blight. There are two pretty ones here effective methods prevention. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully clean the area from which the potatoes were collected, destroying the remains of tops and tubers. On the rotting remains of both, foci of various diseases develop. Secondly, it is worth choosing a variety that is resistant to this disease, especially if the problem already exists.

Even the smallest crop rotation can increase potato yields by 2 times. If there are not so many options for choosing a place, you should at least alternate two of them, planting potatoes on one and something else on the other. On next year to swap.

In any case, it’s worth trying and experimenting. Growing potatoes is such a common practice that you can always turn to someone for advice or planting material. A product grown on your own plot is always a great joy. It is both healthier and tastier than the purchased one. And with large planting volumes, it also allows you to significantly save money, since you will have to go to the cellar rather than to the store to buy potatoes. If you follow all the advice, choose the right potato variety and planting date, the result will definitely please the gardener.


The period in which the main planting work, considered spring. However, it is still worthwhile to prepare for this season. At this time, the pre-sowing treatment of asters and the placement of coniferous seeds for stratification begins. Place the aster seeds in a container with soil mixture and cover it under the snow until March. If you are going to grow spruce or pine from seeds, place them in damp sand and put the container in a room with a temperature no higher than three degrees until April.

The second half of March is suitable for sowing tomatoes and sweet Bulgarian, if you are going to grow these crops in seedlings with subsequent planting in open ground. Before placing the seeds in a container with soil mixture, soak them for ten to fifteen minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The seedlings sown at this time will appear before the daylight hours become long enough for normal plant development. To avoid this, use a fluorescent lamp for illumination.

If you grow cucumbers in seedlings, at the beginning of April, soak the seeds for fifteen minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with running water and germinate by placing them in a damp cloth. After the first roots appear, plant the seeds in a container with soil mixture and place in a well-lit place. If you are growing aster seedlings without prior stratification, sow them in a container with soil mixture in April.

In April, plums, cherries, apple trees, pears and other seedlings purchased from a nursery can be planted in thawed ground. in early spring or buried since autumn. Place plants in prepared autumn planting pits, straighten the roots and sprinkle them with fertile soil. The same time is suitable for disembarkation ornamental shrubs.

At the end of April, loosen the bed prepared in the fall for spring garlic and plant the cloves in the ground.

At the end of April or closer to the beginning of May, when the soil thaws and dries, plant potato tubers in the soil prepared in the fall. After the threat of frost has passed, seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers can be transplanted into open ground. When starting work, make sure that the soil has had time to warm up to fifteen degrees.

At the beginning of August or the very end of July, arrange a bed for garden strawberries, the harvest from which you plan to get next year. As planting material You can take advantage of well-developed rosettes formed on mature bushes.

Closer to autumn, when the soil temperature is no higher than ten degrees, plant tulip bulbs in the ground. In September-early October it is time to plant winter garlic. The same period can be used for planting winter-hardy fruit trees and bushes.


Deadlines are given for middle zone Russia.

Helpful advice

If you want to grow tomato or pepper seedlings and then plant them in a greenhouse, move the timing of sowing the seeds 2 weeks earlier.

Related article

Tip 2: Why is it needed? moon calendar when working in the garden

A lunar calendar is a calendar compiled taking into account the shifts lunar phases or rhythms (synodic month of the Moon). It contains tables with favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out various types of agricultural work.

Growing seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, care of fruit and decorative trees and shrubs, as well as work related to preparing the soil for seasonal cultivation, all this can be found in this calendar.

In the lunar calendar, days are marked according to the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac that are fruitfully suitable for work and vice versa.

What every vegetable gardener needs to know

To collect good harvest, It is important to know:
- favorable days for sowing seedlings and transplanting them
- time to control plant pests
- the most effective time to feed plants
- schedule of agrotechnical activities

The influence of the Moon on the processes occurring on Earth is quite obvious. These are the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, periodic fluctuations in sea level, changes magnetic field Earth. And since in nature all processes are interconnected, certain cyclic processes also occur in living organisms under the influence of the Earth’s satellite.

The movement of juices within plants depends in part on atmospheric pressure. Moon month lasts 29.5 days, which is shorter than the calendar; during this period the Moon goes through 4 phases: new moon; Waxing Crescent; full moon; waning moon. The waxing Moon has a beneficial effect on active growth The above-ground parts of plants are leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The waning moon has an influence on the underground parts - roots, bulbs and tubers.

During the periods of new moon and full moon, living organisms are especially vulnerable.

The influence of lunar phases on plants.

During the waxing moon, the life processes of plant roots slow down. This is a beneficial time for cultivating the soil, loosening it, as well as for... Trimming and grafting at this time is not recommended, so as not to injure aboveground part trees, shrubs, climbing plants. During this period you need greens, leafy vegetables And fruit plants, sow lawn grass.

During the period of the waning moon, vital processes are activated in the underground part of plants and roots, and intensive root formation occurs. Active watering with the use of biogrowth stimulants is necessary for plants during this period. Now is the time for pruning, grafting, and plants.

Planting root crops, potatoes, onions, thinning dense seedlings and weed control are the main work during this period. Can be planted berry bushes, because strong is healthy root system determines a good harvest.

Full and new moon days are considered unfavorable for any kind of work with plants.

On the day of the full moon and in the first 2 days after it, it is recommended to pick berries and fruits. 1 day before the new moon and 1 day after it they destroy garden pests, removal of wild growth and diseased plants.


  • Moon calendar

In order for the garden to please you with a good harvest, it is important to follow the agricultural techniques for growing vegetables and herbs. Crop cultivation activities begin with the selection of seeds, their preparation and compliance with planting dates.

You will need

  • - vegetable seeds;
  • - prepared soil;
  • - pots for seedlings;
  • - gardening Tools.


They are grown in the central part and in the north of Russia through seedlings, since they have a very long growth period from planting to fruit appearance. The time for sowing eggplant seedlings for subsequent planting in a greenhouse is the end of February. Eggplants do not grow in open ground before the middle March and then under film.

The culture is cold-resistant, so lettuce seeds can be planted in early spring and winter sowing. When sowing in early spring, a film cover is necessary, this will speed up the production of the first harvest. The growth period of cabbage varieties is from 50 to 80 days. Grown through seedlings, all types of lettuce produce a higher quality harvest and early dates.

It is better to sow dill little by little, but every two weeks. Then fresh herbs will always be on the table. The timing of sowing dill seeds depends on temperature conditions. For the harvest, you can carry out the first sowing in early April, under film. Usually, dill is sown in open ground, directly on the garden bed, in the third ten days of April.

Seeds can germinate when low temperatures, the plant can withstand even short-term frosts. Usually sowing is done in early spring, but winter sowing also gives good results.

Usually grown in open ground, since the crop is unpretentious and not very sensitive to temperature. With the seedling method, the harvest appears 1-2 weeks earlier than usual. Sowing of zucchini seeds for seedlings begins in the second ten days of April. Sow into the ground in May.

As a fairly cold-resistant plant, carrots can withstand low temperatures. Therefore, sowing carrot seeds can be done both before winter and in spring, starting in March.

Cucumbers can be sown in open ground or grown as seedlings. For ground sowing, it is necessary to wait until the soil begins to warm up to +18...20°C during the day. This happens at the very end of May.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing as seedlings should begin quite early - in early February. Sow tomato seeds in pots in early March. Tomatoes are sown with seeds in the ground at the end of April.

Helpful advice

Additionally, in June, you can carry out a second planting cycle of parsley in order to get another harvest of greenery before autumn.

The use of lunar calendars in the country gives rise to controversy around their appropriateness: some summer residents claim that the position of the Moon at the time of sowing serves as the main measure of good yield, others are skeptical about this.

You will need

  • - moon calendar;
  • - online service.


The fact that the Moon influences most of the processes occurring in nature on Earth has long been proven: the gravitational force of the Moon affects sea ​​tides and low tides, scientists have determined the influence of this Earth satellite on changes in the electromagnetic field of our planet. Based on this, the influence of the Moon on all living organisms inhabiting the Earth does not seem like a fantasy.

It is believed that depending on the phase of the moon, its influence on flora and fauna changes. In addition, the Moon passes through all the signs of the Zodiac in the sky, in each of them acquiring special qualities inherent to them. The waxing Moon affects the rapid growth of the above-ground parts of plants, and the waning Moon affects the root system, tubers and bulbs. During the new and full moon periods, plants experience a certain amount of stress, they are more vulnerable to disease and are less susceptible to injury. During this period, gardening work is not recommended.

On the waxing Moon, work with the root system and soil is encouraged: during this period, the root system is less susceptible to damage, and therefore tolerates replanting more easily. During this period, you should not prune or graft plants - life processes in leaves and stems are accelerated, and damage to them can negatively affect the condition of the plants. During this period, you need to plant plants with greenery, flowers, and herbs. When the Moon is waning, you cannot do anything that causes injury to the roots, but you can carry out pruning, weeding and thinning of seedlings. At this time, you can plant potatoes and other root crops.

The zodiac is divided into four elements: the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). When the Moon passes through water signs, you should not harvest crops - they will not be stored for long, planting during this period will give a rich harvest, but these should not be root vegetables, but green crops, herbs, cabbage.

With the Earth's Moon opposite, harvested will be stored for a long time. This time is favorable for planting, picking, and hilling root crops. The Fire Moon is favorable for fertilizing and treating plants against diseases and pests. Damage caused to plants during this period does not heal well. It is not recommended to plant plants during this period - this barren signs, you won’t be able to get a good harvest. The air Moon is neutral - during this period all work on planting, processing and harvesting can be carried out.

As you can see, the Lunar Calendar has a right to exist, which is why many gardeners consult the Moon. Knowing the basic principles of constructing the Lunar Calendar, it is advisable to compile it yourself, since in magazines data about the Moon is often printed with offset dates and times. Such calendars are more intended for entertainment; you should not trust them recklessly.

It is better to use serious sources about the phases of the moon, if they are at hand. You can also find many services on the Internet where you can find out the phase of the Moon and its sign up to the minute. If this method is also not available, you can use a tear-off calendar, where all the data related to the Moon is indicated in detail.

The question of when to plant certain crops for seedlings is most often asked by beginning gardeners. After all, due to ignorance, you can be late with planting and ultimately lose part of the harvest. In general, the timing of sowing seeds should be calculated according to two indicators:

  • the period from the beginning of sowing to planting seedlings in the ground;
  • the period from the beginning of sowing to the beginning of fruiting.

For example, you can start harvesting mid-season tomato varieties 4 months after planting (120 days), and if you need to get a harvest from this crop in mid-summer, you should make simple calculations and sow on the required dates. So, to harvest vegetables on July 15-20, you need to count back 120 days (this is for mid-ripening varieties; to calculate early and late-ripening varieties, 100 and 140 days are taken as a basis, respectively), and also subtract about 10 more days (for germination and survival after transplants into the ground). In total, we find that seed planting should begin on March 8-13.

When planting seeds for seedlings, you should not lose sight of whether the crop will be grown in a greenhouse or in open ground in the future. For example, tomatoes from the moment of sowing until planting permanent place it takes about 60 days, in central Russia, tomatoes can be planted in a greenhouse in mid-May, and in open ground in early to mid-June, from this we can conclude that planting of this particular crop can be started in mid-March - greenhouse varieties , in early to mid-April - varieties for open ground.

Using the method described above, you can calculate when to plant seedlings, for example, peppers or eggplants. Both crops can be planted in a greenhouse in mid-May, and in open ground in early-mid June, however, about 90 days should pass from the moment of sowing until the moment of transplanting peppers, and 70 days for eggplants. From this we can conclude that that greenhouse peppers and eggplants should be planted in mid-February and early March, respectively, and varieties for open ground should be planted no earlier than early to mid-March and early April.

First, I will give a general algorithm for calculating when to sow seedlings not only in 2018, but also in any other year. To do this, open the calendar and count back from the planting date the optimal age of the seedlings plus another 3 to 10 days for germination. We check the resulting date with the lunar calendar. We choose a suitable day for sowing seedlings of vegetable crops and flowers, always on the waxing moon. If the sowing day falls on the waning moon, then it is better to postpone sowing for several days.

Now let’s calculate when to sow seedlings in 2018 using tomatoes as an example. Age ready seedlings by May 25, the moment of disembarkation - 40 days. Let's add 5 days for germination. Then the date for sowing seedlings - March 11 - falls on the third quarter of the lunar cycle. On the waning Moon it is good to sow root crops, so if you decide to grow celery seedlings, then March 11 is a favorable day for sowing. And we wait for the growing moon and sow tomatoes on March 20, 22 or 23, on the most favorable days of the lunar month.

Planting dates for other vegetable crops:

  • Eggplants and peppers - 55-60 days from germination plus 10 days from sowing to germination. In 2018, we sow from February 18 to March 1 or simultaneously with tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers, melons, watermelons, zucchini and pumpkins are planted at the age of 20-25 days, seedlings appear after 3 - 5 days. In 2018, we sow from March 24 to March 30 on window sills and from April 18 - in the ground in a greenhouse.
  • I don’t recommend sowing all types of cabbage on the windowsill at all. She is very sensitive to lack of light and excess heat. You won't get good seedlings at home.

Don't forget that seedlings heat-loving plants sensitive not only to heat and soil, but also to lack of lighting. When sowing in February and March, it is worth considering the possibility of additional lighting. Or shift the sowing time of some crops to April, when daylight hours become long enough and the sun becomes bright. Planted in open ground, later seedlings will take root more easily and will quickly catch up with those sown in March.

To reap a good harvest, you need to take care of growing seedlings in time: prepare seed material, dishes, soil, and provide optimal conditions so that the sprouts develop strong and survive the picking well. Important factor– when to sow seeds.

Seedlings are planted in such a way that after planting in open or closed ground, they have time to bear a harvest or bloom during the warm period of the year. The timing will be different for each crop. On average, seeds are planted in February, and preparations begin immediately after the New Year.

Taking into account the lunar influence

The position of the moon determines many processes occurring at the cellular level. Most favorable time for sowing seeds - when the moon is in its waxing phase. It enhances the circulation of juices and, accordingly, gives the sprouts additional strength for development.

It is not advisable to plant seedlings during a waning moon. At such a time, it is better to care for developed bushes, loosen and fertilize. The most inappropriate time for plant growing is the new moon, the day before it and the day after it. During these three days, it is recommended not to touch the plantings to maintain their viability.

We take into account the vegetation cycle of plants

Before sowing, the seeds are subjected to stratification, i.e. awaken them. After this, once in a nutrient medium and warmth, vegetation processes begin in the seeds. The plant must go through a full cycle from embryo, then sprout, to adult plant and fruiting. However, in most regions of Russia, the warm period of the year is too short, which is why it is necessary to grow tropical perennials as annuals and plant the crops not immediately in open ground, but first at home, in the form of seedlings.

All plants differ in the duration of their development stages. The characteristics of a particular variety must be indicated on the seed bag. However, there are also average indicators for different cultures. So, heat-loving vegetables are sown in early May. These include cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cauliflower, squash, early ripe white cabbage.

The general rule is that seedlings are moved to open ground when the root system has become sufficiently strong and 2-4 true leaves have appeared on the stem. If you are dealing with seedlings for the first time, we recommend making calculations based on the calendar given below.

Average time for germination and transplantation of seedlings:

Culture Emergence of seedlings, days Age of transplantation, days
cucumbers3 up to 30
Peppers14 up to 75
Tomatoes6-8 up to 60
Zucchini5 up to 30
Eggplant10-15 up to 60
Pumpkin4-5 up to 30
10-15 up to 55
Head lettuce4-5 up to 45
Cabbage5-6 up to 50
Celery15-18 up to 85

Counting backwards

Knowing what period and level of heat a plant needs to bear fruit (or flowers, in the case of ornamental crops), and the approximate age suitable for transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is not difficult to calculate in which month to sow the seeds.

To do this, you need to subtract the required age of the sprouts and the number of days of germination from the seeds from the planned date of picking the seedlings and about 5 more days for the adaptation period of the seedlings. Some especially heat-loving plants, such as petunia, are recommended to be sown no earlier than March and replanted in June to avoid the threat of spring cold snaps.

Advice! It is better to move seedlings that are slightly undergrown than overgrown ones. Overexposed, it is difficult to survive the transplant, grows more difficult, and easily succumbs to disease during the adaptation period.

We take into account climatic conditions

Cold-resistant crops that germinate slowly, such as carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, lettuce, parsley, etc., can begin to be sown in open ground when the soil at a depth of 7-12 centimeters warms up to 7-10 ° C during the day. For Moscow and In the Moscow region, this stage approximately falls on the first of May, for Leningrad region- May 10, for black earth regions - the first ten days of April, for the southern regions - March 15.

Warm-loving crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) should be planted in open ground when time will pass frosts and constant warmth will come. As a rule, for the Moscow region - June 8-10, for the Leningrad region - June 12-15, for the black earth regions - early May, for the southern regions - April 5-10.

Gardeners need to understand when... sustainable heat, the duration of this period. These characteristics change from year to year. Therefore, you need to focus on folk signs, average climate norms and forecasts based on the analysis of the movement of global air masses.

Let's play it safe

Since none of the ways to predict the weather a month in advance gives absolutely accurate information, it makes sense to plant heat-loving crops that are not resistant to cold weather under a film. To do this, cover the bed for a while, set up a stationary or collapsible greenhouse or a tunnel (a greenhouse open at the ends).

To enhance the heat-saving effect, the film is additionally covered with a nylon mesh with medium or small cells (the effect is provided by static electricity that occurs due to the friction of two coatings and retains warm air).

Advice! Disembarkation dates in open land and in the greenhouse differ significantly (by 35-45 days).

Most convenient option- combined plantings, when the entire area is planted at the same time: cold-resistant crops without shelter, and heat-loving crops (peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers) in a greenhouse.

Taking into account the position of the sun

Direct Sun rays negatively affect transplanted seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out picking early in the morning, or in the evening - at dusk. Considered optimal overcast, at which it is possible to plant in the middle of the day.

Seeds are less sensitive to the position of the sun. In an apartment, they can be sown at any time of the day, but it is better to do this in the first half of the day. It is recommended to sow cucumber seeds in an open garden bed on a sunny day.

We are planning landings

When considering the list of plants that you intend to plant this season, analyze which species and how you will grow, and outline approximate planting dates. This way you can figure out when to sow seeds for seedlings.

  • name of species, variety;
  • planned planting site (greenhouse or open bed);
  • whether you are going to grow seedlings or sow outdoors;
  • age of finished seedlings;
  • calendar days for sowing seeds for seedlings, you can easily calculate them based on previous information.

It will be useful to additionally add a column with the expected date of fruit formation or flowering. It is calculated based on the duration of the growing season of a certain variety. Following the table, sow the seeds at a certain time interval - this way you can harvest or enjoy flowering longer. This is also convenient because the crop ripens gradually, and not all at once, so it is easier to dispose and store it. In addition, differentiated planting allows you to be less dependent on weather changes. If we take into account the variety of weather conditions and growing locations, a spread of 10 days is allowed.

A systematic approach and calculation of the timing of planting seeds will help you grow healthy seedlings and get a rich harvest, increase fruiting periods, and ease garden work and improve their productivity.

The kaleidoscope of the January holiday holidays lasts almost a whole decade, during which time you have time to enjoy the holiday, have a lot of fun and get bored. And only gardeners know how to appreciate every free winter minute, so they put their seed reserves in order, and also think about early planting of seeds for seedlings. This article contains the pros and cons. early landing vegetables for seedlings, seed preparation, agricultural technology for growing vegetable and flower seedlings.

DIY seedlings: pros and cons

To begin with, I would like to talk about the need to grow vegetable seedlings with your own hands, because in the spring many companies and private nurseries offer an abundance of ready-made seedlings of different cultural varieties and decorative species. So why bother in the winter, arranging all the window sills with boxes with plastic or peat cups, when you can safely buy the entire assortment of vegetable seedlings immediately before planting the plants in open ground?

Despite the labor intensity, growing your own seedlings has significant advantages:

  1. Compliance with the declared variety - by purchasing seed material from companies with a high reputation, you can be sure that in the end the cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage that you have chosen based on certain positive characteristics will ripen in your garden beds.
  2. Mandatory seed treatment before sowing - when you prepare the seeds for sowing yourself (disinfection, soaking, stratification, scarification, stimulation, soaking, warming, bubbling), you don’t have to worry about the health of the seedlings in the future. Buying young plants secondhand does not provide such confidence.
  3. Hardening - gardeners carry out mandatory hardening of seedlings, which helps to form strong, squat plants that are resistant to return frosts. When purchasing seedlings in stores or markets, you cannot be completely sure that the plants have undergone the hardening procedure and will withstand planting in open ground if there is a short-term drop in temperature, and this is quite possible even in the middle of winter.
  4. Dates for sowing seeds - experienced gardeners strictly adhere to the recommended timing of planting seed material in the soil for germination, so their own seedlings do not stretch and do not outgrow.

Now we come to the main question of this article, when is it worth sowing garden plants for seedlings?

When to plant vegetable seeds for seedlings

How to properly plant seeds for seedlings, and at what time is it preferable to do this? Not everything is so simple; the timing of sowing certain crops depends on many factors:

  • individual timing of seed germination;
  • growing time before picking;
  • ambient air temperature;
  • certain phases of the moon when planting vegetables in the ground is possible;
  • planting sites (greenhouse complex, greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground);
  • expected harvest dates.

Dependence of seedlings on temperature

Vegetables are divided into cold-resistant and heat-loving; the peculiarity of these groups is different requirements to the temperature when growing plants in open ground.

Cold-resistant crops (cabbage, radish, radishes, parsnips, rhubarb, carrots, beets) can be sown directly in the ground before winter or in early spring in garden beds, but it is also possible to grow vegetables through seedlings.

Warm-season crops are often grown by seedlings. These include cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pumpkin, and pepper.

Important! Seedlings of heat-loving vegetables should not outgrow by the time they are planted in open ground, otherwise they will get sick for a long time and will not adapt well to fresh air, such plants will give a harvest later.

Temperature conditions that should be maintained when growing seedlings of various vegetables:

Name of culture

Temperature range

Name of culture

Temperature range

From +10 to +11С

From +10 to + 12C

From +13 to +15С

From +13 to +14С

From +2 to +3С

From +8 to +13С

From +10 to +12С

From +2 to +3С

From +15 to +17С

From +15 to +17С

If this temperature regime is observed, all seeds will germinate in due time, and the seedlings will be strong and friendly.

Individual timing of seed germination

Each vegetable crop has individual seed germination times, which can be found in the table below. Of course, these values ​​are average, because old dried seeds can take much longer to germinate, but the given values ​​should be used as a guide when calculating the time for sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings in indoors(greenhouse):

Name of culture

Duration in days

Name of culture

Duration in days


The best lunar days for sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings

You can believe or not believe in it, but old-timers claim that the mysterious planet is capable of influencing the rate of seed germination and the harmonious growth of seedlings. Therefore, I will give the best dates for sowing vegetable seedlings in January (second half of the month) and February 2018.

Vegetable plants

Sowing date

Vegetable plants

Sowing date


Spices, salad

Provided that the temperature conditions for growing seedlings are observed and the plantings are illuminated with special fluorescent lamps, we can say with confidence that seedlings can be grown from seeds in January. However, it is worth noting that young plants will overgrow until May, when vegetables can be transplanted into open ground without fear of return frosts. Therefore, seedlings planted in January are only suitable for growing in a greenhouse and producing early-ripening vegetables. The only open ground crop that should be sown for seedlings in January is celery. The vegetable plant has a very long growing season (up to 160 days), so it will form just in time for planting in open ground.

Optimal age of seedlings for planting in open ground

Each vegetable plant takes a certain time to form from seeds strong seedlings. Approximate time frame for growing crops (in days) after sowing and picking before planting in open ground.

  1. Early tomatoes - up to 45-50 days.
  2. Mid-season tomatoes - from 55 days.
  3. Late-ripening varieties of tomatoes - from 70 days.
  4. Cucumbers - 30 days.
  5. Eggplants - up to 60 days.
  6. Cabbage - from 35 to 40 days.
  7. Pepper - up to 65 days.

Young seedlings easily tolerate transplantation and take root faster in open ground beds or greenhouse complexes.

Desired harvest time

This factor is very great importance, because if you wish, you can shift the timing of obtaining high-quality vegetable products by growing seedlings a little earlier or a little later. Usually in the southern regions several harvests of cucumbers are obtained:

  1. In the greenhouse (super early) - sowing seeds for seedlings in January-February.
  2. Early open ground - seeds are sown from mid-February to late March.
  3. Average harvest - sowing seeds in open ground or for seedlings in April.
  4. Late harvest- sowing seeds in the ground or for seedlings in June-early July.

Of course, this does not depend only on the desire of the gardener; the formation of the harvest is influenced by many factors, one of which is climatic conditions. Sometimes it happens that the seedlings are grown on time, and their quality is excellent, but they cannot be planted - the ground has not thawed, and frosts are observed every night.

When the seedlings are warm and when they are cold

Experienced gardeners divide the sowing time (planting seedlings into the ground) for cold-resistant and heat-loving plants into two indicators (terms):

  1. Cold - at this time, you can without hesitation plant cold-resistant plants in open ground, and heat-loving vegetables in greenhouses. Measuring the soil temperature at a depth of approximately 8-10 cm will help determine this period. If the temperature in depth vegetable bed equal to 8 degrees, then you can sow carrots and beets, onions, garlic, mustard, and plant tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in greenhouse beds.
  2. Warmth - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and seedlings of other vegetables that cannot tolerate frost can be planted in open ground. This indicator can be found out from meteorological reports, and it also coincides with the end of the flowering of viburnum.

Consider the information on the seed packet

Each package of seeds, in addition to colorful pictures and descriptions, has a lot of useful data. To calculate the time for sowing seeds for seedlings, you will need an indicator such as the duration of the growing season, which varies in the amount of time for vegetable crops.

This factor is taken into account when calculating the time for planting seeds for seedlings.

Calculation of planting vegetable seeds for seedlings by timing

Overgrown seedlings do not contribute to a bountiful harvest and improvement in the taste characteristics of vegetables, so there is no need to rush into sowing seeds, unless the plants are intended for growing in greenhouse conditions.

An example of calculating sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings for growing in open ground.

Let's take for example the variety white cabbage ElizaF1. The plant is a cold-resistant species, so in the south cabbage seedlings can be planted in open ground as early as early April. The seedlings should be about 30 days old before planting. So for southern regions cabbage can be sown in mid-February - early March. Full-bodied, crispy heads of cabbage can be harvested as early as June. For the middle zone, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings is shifted by about a month to a month and a half. This early ripening variety will have time to ripen even in a temperate climate.

In January, checking the lunar calendar, cabbage can be sown as seedlings for growing in a greenhouse on January 24-26 and 28-30, seedlings can be transplanted into greenhouse beds in early March, the harvest will ripen at the end of May.

Happy shoots to all!


Seedlings are brought into the greenhouse around May 10-20, and open beds planted no earlier than June 10, since frosts on the soil are possible at the beginning of summer.

Expect that seedlings will appear after your sowing in 3-15 days. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the seedlings, which they must reach before planting in a permanent place. The plant needs 2-3 days to take root.

Here is an example of such a calculation: a celery seedling is planted in a garden bed around May 25th. Subtract the optimal age of the plant from this date, it is 70-80 days, subtract another 15 days that will take for germination, and a few more days for adaptation. It turns out that you need to subtract about 95 days from May 25th. It turns out that you need to sow celery seedlings after February 25th.

If you need to get your first harvest by certain period, take into account the duration of the plant’s growing season from planting to the appearance of fruit. This time is indicated on the seed package.

The early growing season is approximately 100 days. The best age for seedlings to move to a permanent place is 45-50 days. Sprouts sprout in 7-8 days. The seedlings are planted in the greenhouse around June 1. Goes out to get a tomato harvest for fresh salad by July 20, you need to sow the seeds 100 days before this day, plus a week for germination and several days for adaptation. It turns out the date is April 1-8.

Cucumbers, zucchini, melons are faster-ripening crops, but do not tolerate transplantation into the ground more easily. Start growing them in separate peat pots. These are very light-loving plants, so there is no point in sowing them earlier than April 10-20.

If you have heated greenhouses, sow tomatoes and peppers in February or early March. Then you will start replanting the plants in late April or early May. There is no need to rush; there is nothing good in overgrown seedlings.

To make it easier for you to navigate the deadlines, the following are the landing dates for the most popular summer cottages plants: Celery. Ground – May 25. Seedling growth – 70-80 days. Germination – 15 days. Sowing seeds - after February 25. Sweet pepper. Ground – June 5. Seedling growth – 70 days. Germination – 12-14 days. Sowing seeds - after March 10. Early white cabbage. Soil - after May 20. Seedling growth – 50 days. Germination – 5 days. Sowing seeds - March 15. Eggplant. Ground – June 5. Seedling growth – 50 days. Germination – 12 days. Sowing seeds - April 1. Tomato. Seedling growth – 45-50 days. Germination – 7-8 days. Sowing seeds - April 1-8. Cucumber. Soil - after May 25. Seedling growth – 25-27 days. Germination – 3 days. Sowing seeds - no earlier than April 25. Head lettuce. Ground – June 10. Seedling growth – up to 40 days. Germination – 4 days. Sowing seeds - after April 25. Mid-season cabbage. Soil - after early cabbage. Seedling growth – up to 40 days. Sowing seeds - end of April. Pumpkin, squash, zucchini. Ground – June 10. Seedling growth – 25-27 days. Germination – 4 days. Sowing seeds - after May 10.

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Tip 2: When to sow seeds for seedlings in April and May 2018 according to the lunar calendar

April and May are the busiest time for summer residents, gardeners and gardeners. It is during these spring months that there is so much to do and nothing to forget. The lunar calendar can be a good clue gardening work during this stressful time.

Optimal days for working with seeds, planting and replanting seedlings of flowers, vegetables and others garden plants in April and May 2018:

Plant care work: