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Decorative types and varieties of crocuses. Crocuses - “winter awakening”: planting and care Use in cooking

Crocus (lat. Crocus), or saffron, forms a genus of herbaceous corms of the Iris family. In nature, crocus saffron grows in the steppes, forests and meadows of the Mediterranean, Central, Southern and Northern Europe, Lesser and Central Asia and the Middle East. Scientists have described about 80 species and 300 varieties of crocuses. The name “crocus” comes from a Greek word meaning “thread, fiber,” and the word “saffron” comes from an Arabic word that translates as “yellow,” which is the color of the stigma of the crocus flower. Crocus is mentioned in Egyptian papyri - philosophers and doctors wrote about it. For modern gardeners, crocus is interesting because it is one of the most beautiful primroses - early spring flowers. However, not everyone knows that there are many crocuses that bloom in the fall.

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Planting and caring for crocuses (in brief)

  • Landing: Spring-flowering species are planted in autumn, autumn-flowering species in summer.
  • Bloom: spring species bloom for 2-3 weeks in April, autumn species - in September-October.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: permeable light loams; some species are comfortable even in heavy clay soils.
  • Watering: will be needed only if there was no snow in winter and no rain in spring.
  • Feeding: full mineral fertilizer in the spring on snow and potassium-phosphorus during flowering. Organics cannot be used.
  • Reproduction: daughter bulbs, and spring species can also be propagated by seeds.
  • Pests: field mice, wireworms, aphids, thrips.
  • Diseases: viral diseases, gray rot, fusarium, penicillosis, sclerotial rot.

Read more about growing crocuses below.

Growing crocuses - features

Crocus is a low-growing plant, reaching a height of about 10 cm. The flattened or rounded bulbs of crocuses reach a diameter of 3 cm, they are covered in scales and have a bunch of fibrous roots. The stem of crocuses does not develop. Appearing during or after flowering, narrow, linear, basal leaves are collected in a bunch and covered with scales. Single goblet crocus flowers with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm in white, cream, blue, lilac, purple, yellow or orange color, blooming on a short leafless peduncle, are surrounded by membranous scales. There are varieties of crocuses with spotted or two-colored colors. Mass flowering of crocuses lasts from two to three weeks. Types and varieties of crocuses are divided into 15 groups.

Planting crocuses in open ground

When to plant crocuses

Spring crocuses are planted in the ground in the fall, and autumn-blooming ones in the summer; a sunny site is chosen, although crocuses grow well in partial shade and even in the shade. The soil for growing crocuses is preferably light, dry, loose and nutritious. When preparing a site for crocuses, it is advisable to place fine gravel or coarse river sand in the soil for drainage. As an organic additive, compost, rotted manure or peat with lime are added to the soil for digging, since acidic soils They don't like crocuses. Ash is added to clay soil. For those species that do not tolerate wet soils, arrange raised beds with crushed stone or gravel as a drainage layer. Planting material must be without flaws or damage.

In the photo: How crocuses bloom

Planting crocuses in autumn

To see crocuses bloom in the spring, their bulbs are planted in open ground in September. Planting crocuses in loose soil involves planting the bulb to a depth twice its size. If the soil is heavy, then a depth of one size will be sufficient. The average distance between the bulbs is from 7 to 10 cm. After planting, the area is watered.

Do not thicken the planting, because crocuses grow in one place for 3 to 5 years, and during this time one bulb becomes overgrown with a whole colony of children, and the area with crocuses turns into a continuous carpet of flowers. After the five-year period, the crocuses need to be planted.

Planting crocuses for forcing

Many flower growers miss their favorite garden flowers in winter, so they grow them in their apartment even in winter. The easiest way to grow a bouquet is from bulbs, including crocuses. Large-flowered Dutch varieties are most suitable for forcing. Crocus bulbs of approximately the same size are planted from five to ten pieces in shallow wide pots in order to obtain a whole bouquet of primroses by the appointed time. The soil for crocuses planted for forcing must be neutral, loose, air- and water-permeable.

The cycle of autumn-blooming crocus usually begins in August with flowering, during which the growth of leaves and the formation of a replacement corm occurs. And their dormant period begins a month earlier than that of spring-flowering ones. Therefore, if there is such a need, you need to dig up the bulbs of crocuses blooming in autumn from early June to mid-August.

Storing Crocus Bulbs

After being removed from the ground, crocus bulbs are dried in the shade, cleaned of soil, dead roots and scales, and laid out in a single layer in a box or box. The smallest bulbs can be placed in candy boxes. Until August, the storage temperature should not be lower than 22 ºC, because more low temperature will interfere with the formation of flower buds. In August, the temperature is lowered to 20 ºC, and a week later to 15 ºC. But these are ideal storage conditions, which are created only in specialized farms. At home, before planting, crocus bulbs are stored in a dark, dry place with room temperature and good ventilation.

In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

Types and varieties of crocuses

All varieties of crocuses are classified into 15 groups. The first group includes autumn-flowering crocuses, and the remaining 14 groups represent spring-flowering species and varieties of crocuses. The spring crocus species was the basis for many varieties and hybrids, most of which were created by Dutch breeders. The most popular commercial varieties are classified as Dutch hybrids. Another popular group of commercial varieties in cultivation is Chrysanthus, which was formed by hybrids between golden crocuses, two-flowered crocuses and its hybrids. We offer you a brief introduction to these groups and their best varieties.

Spring-blooming types of crocuses:

Spring crocus (Crocus vernus)

Grows up to 17 cm in height. The corm is flattened, covered with mesh scales, the leaves are narrow, linear, dark green with a longitudinal silver-white stripe. Lilac or white flowers with a long tube of bell-funnel shape, one or two, develop from a single corm and bloom for about three weeks in the spring. In culture since 1561.

In the photo: Spring crocus (Crocus vernus)

Crocus biflorus (Crocus biflorus)

It is found in nature from Italy to Iran, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea. It has a variety of natural forms: with white flowers, lilac-blue flowers brown spots on the outside of the petals, white with violet-brown stripes, white on the inside and violet-brown on the outside. The throat of the flowers is white or yellow.

In the photo: Crocus biflorus (Crocus biflorus)

Golden crocus (Crocus chrysanthus)

Grows on rocky slopes of the Balkans and Asia Minor. It reaches a height of 20 cm, its corm is spherical but flattened, the leaves are very narrow, the flowers are golden-yellow with bending, shiny leaves. outside perianths. Some forms have brown stripes or markings on the outside of the petals. The anthers are orange, the styles are reddish. Blooms in April for three weeks. In culture since 1841. The following varieties are common in floriculture:

  • Blue Bonnet– flowers up to 3 cm long with a pale blue perianth and yellow throat;
  • Nanette– a variety with large yellow-cream flowers with purple stripes on the outside;
  • I. G. Bowels- a crocus with very large bright yellow flowers on the inside and gray-brown flowers on the outside.

In the photo: Golden crocus (Crocus chrysanthus)

Crocus tommasinianus

It grows naturally in deciduous forests and on hillsides in Hungary and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. It has pink-lilac perianth leaves, sometimes with a white border along the edge. The open flowers are star-shaped with a white throat. The flowers have a white tube. Up to three flowers up to 6 cm high develop from one corm. This species blooms in April for three weeks. Crocus Tomasini, one of the most popular species, has been in cultivation since 1847. The most famous varieties:

  • Lylek Beauty– wide-open, almost flat flowers up to 3 cm in diameter with yellow anthers and oval-elongated narrow lobes of lilac color on the outside and a lighter shade on the inside;
  • Whitewell Purple- large, wide-open, almost flat lilac-violet flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with narrow elongated lobes. White tube up to 3.5 cm long.

In the photo: Crocus tommasinianus

In addition to those described, the following spring-flowering crocuses are known in culture: narrow-leaved, reticulated, Crimean, Korolkova, Imperate, Zibera, yellow, Geufel, Ancyra, Alataevsky, Adama, Corsican, Dalmatian, Etruscan, Fleischer, Malya and the smallest.

Autumn-blooming crocuses:

Beautiful crocus (Crocus speciosus)

It grows on the edges of forests in the mountainous regions of Crimea, the Balkans and Asia Minor. Its leaves reach a length of 30 cm, lilac-violet flowers with longitudinal purple veins up to 7 cm in diameter bloom in early autumn. In culture since 1800. Garden forms of this species are known with dark blue, white, light blue, lilac and light purple flowers. The best varieties:

  • Albus– white-flowered variation with a cream-colored tube;
  • Artabir– sky-blue flowers with bracts covered with dark veins;
  • Oksinan– flowers are violet-blue with a wide dark perianth and sharp, elongated leaves.

In the photo: Beautiful Crocus (Crocus speciosus)

Pretty Crocus (Crocus pulchellus)

A very beautiful plant with light purple flowers with dark stripes, the diameter of which is from 6 to 8 cm, and the height is from 7 to 10 cm. On each plant, 5-10 flowers open in September or October. The pretty crocus is not afraid of light frosts.

Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus)

Grows in the Carpathians, Romania and the Balkans. The name was given in honor of the historical region of Banat, located in Romania. It has linear silver-gray leaves up to 15 cm long. Graceful light lilac flowers with yellow anthers rise 12-14 cm above the ground surface. The outer tepals are up to 4.5 cm long, the inner ones are narrower and half as long. Cultivated since 1629.

Autumn-flowering crocuses are also cultivated: beautiful, Pallas, kholmovoy, Sharoyan, Gulimi, holoflowered, kardukhor, medium, Cartwright, Kochi, trellised, medium, yellow-white and late.

In the photo: Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus)

Dutch hybrids, or large-flowered crocuses, are unpretentious and prolific spring-flowering plants, the flowers of which are on average twice as large as the flowers of the original species. The first varieties of Dutch hybrids appeared in 1897. Now there are more than 50 of them, and they are divided into groups according to the color of the flowers. The first group includes varieties with flowers of pure white or white with a spot of a different color at the base of each bract lobe. The second group combines varieties with violet, lilac and lilac colors. The third represents varieties with netted or striped flowers with or without a spot at the base of the lobes. Hybrids bloom during May, flowering lasts from 10 to 17 days. We recommend several varieties that grow well in our climate:

  • Albion– white goblet-shaped flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with rounded lobes, with a tube up to 5 cm long with a rare purple streak;
  • Vanguard– cup-shaped, open bluish-lilac flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with elongated oval lobes with small spots of a darker color at the base, with a bluish-lilac tube up to 4.5 cm long;
  • Jubilee- goblet-shaped flowers of blue color with a barely noticeable purple-violet tint and with a clear light purple spot at the base of the lobes, as well as a narrow light border along the edge. The tube is light purple, up to 5.5 cm long;
  • Sniper Banner- goblet-shaped flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with oval lobes of a netted color - a light grayish-lilac shade on the outside and with a dense lilac net on the inside. The lobes of the inner circle are of a lighter shade than the outer lobes. At the base of the lobes there is a small but very clear dark lilac spot. Tube up to 4 cm long, dark lilac color;
  • Kathleen Parlow– cup-shaped flowers of white color up to 4 cm in diameter with a short lilac streak at the base of the inner lobes and with a white tube up to 5 cm long.


Spring-flowering hybrids, in the formation of which golden crocuses took part, natural forms Crocus biflora and their hybrids. The flowers of plants in this group are not as large as the flowers of the “Dutch” ones, but among the chrysanthus there are many varieties with yellow and bluish flowers. The most famous varieties:

  • Gypsy Girl- cup-shaped, wide-open flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, light yellow on the inside with a dark yellow throat, and yellowish cream on the outside. There is a small brown spot on the inside of the lobes. The tube is up to 3 cm long, cream-colored with dusty purple streaks;
  • Marietta- wide-open, almost flat flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter with oval narrow dark cream lobes with a yellow throat, outside at the base of the outer circle lobes, covered with thick dark lilac stripes, a greenish-brown spot. Tube up to 3 cm long, light gray-green;
  • Lady Killer- cup-shaped, almost flat flowers up to 3 cm in diameter with oval elongated lobes white on the inside, the lobes of the inner circle are white on the outside, and the outer ones are dark purple with a white border and a small dark bluish spot at the base. The bud is purple, the tube is up to 3 cm long and has a dark purple-violet hue;
  • Saturnus- wide-open, flat flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter with slightly elongated tips of the outer circle lobes. The color is yellowish-cream with a bright yellow throat. On the outside there is a greenish-brown spot at the base, the lobes of the outer circle are streaked with thick lilac strokes. The tube is grayish-green, up to 2.5 cm long.

In the photo: Glade of crocuses

From the latest achievements of breeders, the following varieties of chrysanthus are on sale: Ai Catcher, Miss Vane, Parkinson, Skyline, Zwanenburg Bronze and others.

When spring is just beginning to approach our latitudes, its first heralds are primroses, which include charming miniature flowers - crocuses. Gardeners watch in awe as the first of these plants “hatch” from the soil, and lovers of home flowers enjoy the blooming of crocuses right at home, since it is quite possible to plant crocuses in pots and flowerpots. So, what kind of flowers are these, how do they grow, what is needed to care for these plants and for their propagation? You will learn about this by reading our review.

The genus of crocuses, or saffrons, belongs to the iris family and is represented by low perennial bulbous plants. The habitat of these bright blue, purple, lilac or yellow flowers is represented by the territory of Europe and Asia. The first crocuses appear from under the snow at the beginning of spring, which means that by planting them in the garden, you will witness the enchanting awakening of nature. Crocuses also bloom in late autumn.

Idea! Properly selected varieties of crocus with their flowering will mark the beginning and end of the season in the garden. Their colorful petals will invigorate you after the winter cold in the spring and become a reminder of the warm summer in the fall.

Types of crocuses

On this moment About three hundred varieties of crocuses have been bred, so gardeners have plenty to choose from. Interestingly, some of them can even be eaten - for example, crocus sativus. So if you want to get some spices own production, choose him.

Traditionally, crocuses are divided into varieties according to the flowering period, as well as depending on the color (yellow, blue, white, and so on). The names adopted in different countries may differ, so it is better to choose plants based on color and cold tolerance. Let's name a few of the most popular varieties suitable for our climate:


  • Crocus Thomas - early, purple or light purple OK.
  • Violet Queen - incredibly beautiful purple crocus flowers.
  • Hubert Edelitern– purple crocuses with white and yellow stripes.
  • Cream Beauty - delicate cream flowers.
  • Blue pearl - white crocuses with a slight blue tint.


  • Albus - white crocuses that bloom in September.
  • Oxonian is a plant with dark blue buds.
  • Valikola - capricious cream flowers.

This list is far from complete. Of course, it can be continued and supplemented.

Advice! If you want to cover your lawn with crocuses, pay attention to the two-colored varieties. Thus, up to 15 flowers emerge from one bulb of the Alexandra variety.

It is possible to grow crocuses outdoors and at home. To achieve an aesthetic effect, hybrid Dutch varieties are placed in pots. They are large and look good in the room:

  • Blue Vangart – early flower with lilac petals and bright yellow stamens.
  • Remembrance is also a former plant. The buds are dark purple and the stem is straight and strong.

Crocus or saffron is very popular among many gardeners. This flower amazes with the variety of shades of its petals., they can be colored purple, pink, yellow or lilac.

Crocus is a corm-like perennial plant belonging to the iris genus. In nature, this flower grows in meadows, steppes and sparse forests of central and southern Europe.. Saffron can also be found on the Black Sea coast, in Asia and the Middle East.

Some species of crocus are considered endangered and are listed in the Red Book.

On average, the height of the plant is 10-15 centimeters. Leaves growing directly from the ground have a linear, narrow shape, while the edges of the plate are slightly twisted. They are painted in rich green color with whitish streaks in the middle. Leaves appear towards the end of flowering and continue to grow after the buds wither.

Crocus is also characterized by the presence of lower leaves that form directly in the ground and envelop the young shoot.

The corm of this plant is formed in the lower internode of the flowering shoot and lives only one year. That is, during the growing season and flowering they are actively consumed nutrients and in the spring the old corm is replaced by a new one.

U different types Crocus corms differ from each other. Typically, they have a spherical or slightly flattened shape and are covered with brownish or burgundy scales. The diameter of the corm is 2-3 centimeters, in the lower part there are dense fibrous roots.

Saffron has no stem at all; instead, a long peduncle stretches out of the ground, resembling a long tube. The flower itself consists of 6 petals, which, when fully opened, form a funnel-shaped bud with a diameter of 7-8 centimeters. From a distance, the saffron flower resembles a bell.

Wild species of crocus have simpler, monochromatic petals, most often colored yellow, orange, blue, purple or White color. Hybrid varieties boast two-tone coloration or the presence of spots and other fancy patterns.

Crocuses bloom only in clear, sunny weather.

As a fruit, such a plant forms a capsule consisting of 3 lobes. Initially, it develops underground, and comes to the surface with the help of a perianth tube only after full maturity.

The most popular varieties of Crocus

Flower growers have a huge number of species and varieties of crocus, so everyone can choose the ideal option for themselves. Typically, this plant is usually divided into two groups: autumn or spring flowers. In the first case, the buds bloom in early autumn, and in the second in April-May.

Among flower growers, spring varieties are the most popular because they are no more attractive and decorative:

Ketlen Pirlow ( Kathleen Parlow)

This plant blooms in record time short time And pleases with its beautiful appearance for 2 weeks. The petals are painted snow-white; on average, the diameter of the flower is 6 centimeters;

Joan of Arc

This variety is distinguished by its resistance to adverse weather conditions and various diseases. White flowers decorated with soft purple strokes on the inside of the petals appear quite early. Fully opened buds reach a diameter of 6 centimeters;

Susian ( Crocus susianus)

Small flowers, with a diameter of only 3 - 4 centimeters, appear very profusely and boast good resistance to a variety of climatic conditions. The petals are painted golden, while on their outer side there are dark purple strokes;

King of Striped ( King of the Striped)

Flowers with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters are painted white with the addition of spots of light lilac color . There are dark purple stripes on both sides of the petals;

Little Dorrit ( Little Dorrit)

The petals of this variety of crocus are painted in a delicate blue color, with dark purple streaks on them. On average, flowering lasts 12-14 days, the diameter of the bud is 5-6 centimeters;

Remembrance ( Remembrance)

Large flower, with a diameter of 6-7 centimeters usually colored purple. It is worth noting that there is a dark spot at the base of the perianth, and the outer petals have a more saturated shade than the inner ones;

Yellow Mammutch ( Yellow Mammouth)

Characteristic feature variety is the flowering duration, which is 18-20 days. The petals of the plant are colored rich yellow., the diameter of the flower is 5-6 centimeters.

Time frame for planting a flower in open ground

The timing of planting crocuses in open ground depends on the type of plant chosen.:

  1. Varieties that bloom in spring, it is customary to plant in late August-early September;
  2. Plants that bloom in autumn, transferred to open ground in early to mid-summer.

Compliance with planting dates is a very important component in growing crocuses. This is due to the fact that the flowers must have time to take root and gain strength before flowering begins, which usually occurs almost immediately after the snow melts.

Rules for planting plants

When planting crocus in open ground, it is worth considering that this plant prefers sunny areas, but can also grow in more shaded places.

Before planting a plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil; it should be light, loose and nutritious.:

  1. Crocuses do not tolerate excess moisture, therefore, in the place where they will grow, it is recommended to build drainage from fine gravel or coarse river sand;
  2. To improve soil quality it is dug up with the addition of compost or rotted manure;
  3. To reduce the acidity level of the soil during digging To organic fertilizers add peat with lime or ash.

Be sure to check before boarding planting material, it should not show any signs of damage.

When planting a plant in loose soil, the bulb is buried 6-8 centimeters, and if the soil is heavy, then it is planted so that top part was level with the ground. On average, the distance between two flowers should be 7-10 centimeters. Immediately after planting, water the soil abundantly.

Care after landing

Caring for crocuses is very simple and understandable even for a novice gardener.

It is necessary to water the plant only if the winter was snowless and spring without rain.. This is due to the fact that saffron tolerates drought well and does not tolerate severe waterlogging of the soil.

Immediately after the snow melts, the soil on the site is loosened and cleared of weeds and other debris. Such work is repeated every 1-2 months.

During active growth and flowering, crocuses need to receive as many nutrients as possible:

  • early spring, right complex mineral fertilizers are scattered onto the melting snow with the calculation of 35-40 grams of substance per 1 square meter soil;
  • the second feeding is carried out during flowering using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Crocuses do not tolerate fresh organic matter, so it should never be used to feed plants.

Care after flowering

An interesting feature of crocuses is the ability to form many daughter bulbs, due to which the flowers grow greatly and a neat planting turns into a chaotic carpet. Besides, small bulbs begin to interfere with each other, due to which the quality of the grown plants suffers greatly, they become smaller, and the color of the petals fades.

It is necessary to dig the bulbs out of the ground every 3-5 years. P Such work is carried out in the middle of summer, during the dormant period of the plant:

  1. For spring varieties from mid-July to early September;
  2. For autumn varieties from mid-June to early August.

After the bulbs are removed from the soil, they are thoroughly dried, cleaned of damaged scales and diseased roots are removed. Then planting material is processed using crushed coal or ash.

Store the bulbs in a dry, well-ventilated area at room temperature. Any boxes can be used as containers, but the planting material should be laid out in only one layer.

Preparing for winter

Immediately after planting and over the next 3-5 years, the plant will winter in open ground, so it must be prepared for the onset of cold weather. For this, after the crocus leaves turn yellow, the area with flowers must be mulched a thick layer of peat or dry leaves.

By growing crocuses in your area, you can slightly bring the onset of spring closer. In addition, given the variety of varieties of this plant, it can be used to create the most beautiful and unique garden compositions.

Crocus is the Latin name decorative perennial, which has taken root along with saffron. A plant with a bright palette of colors is popular in gardening and is grown in greenhouses and at home using the forcing method. In nature, crocuses inhabited the center and south of Europe and the Caucasus. Crimea, most Asia. Some species are endangered and are therefore listed in the Red Books of European countries. Low and medium-sized crops with narrow leaves and goblet-shaped flowers adorn the landscape of city parks and private plots in early spring and autumn.

Botanical description and distribution

The scientific name of the herbaceous, bulbous plant is saffron; from the photo, many people know it as a crocus. The culture belongs to the Iris or Iris family. The genus saffron has more than 80 species. The flower will grow from a bulb with a diameter of up to 3 cm. It can be spherical or flattened in shape. The outside of the bulb is covered with brown or reddish scales. A fibrous root is formed in its lower part. There is no aboveground stem, the leaves are narrow, linear, and rigid. From below they are covered with vaginal scales. Green foliage may appear before or after flowering. In many species, the basal leaves have a light longitudinal stripe.

Information. Saffron is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It was known in Ancient Egypt several thousand years BC. e. Appeared in Europe in the 10th century. thanks to the Arabs. Latin word"crocus" means thread and is associated with elongated pistils. The Arabic name “saffron” is translated as yellow, it is associated with the coloring ability of the flower.

Flowers emerge one or two at a time from the corm itself. They are located on a leafless peduncle 7-25 cm long. The size of the flower in different species ranges from 3 to 8 cm. The bud has 6 petals, blooming only in clear sunny weather. On a cloudy day, the buds are closed, but this does not diminish their beauty. A blooming crocus flower looks like a cup or a star. The stamens of the plant are attached to the pharynx of the perianth; the style (part of the pistil) has three stigmas that serve to catch pollen. Stigma is the most valuable part of the plant; when dried, it is a food coloring, medical raw material and the famous spice - saffron.

Information. Saffron sativum is cultivated to collect stigmas. The plant is sterile because it was obtained by crossing several species.

Based on the color of flowers, natural species are divided into two groups: yellow-flowered (color from light yellow to orange) and blue-flowered (violet, lilac, blue). Cultivated varieties are more varied in color; two-colored specimens have been bred. In terms of popularity in gardening, crocuses are second only to tulips and daffodils.

Saffron - uses of the plant

Dried saffron stigmas have long been used as a spice with a specific aroma and bitter taste. Today, 90% of the crop is grown in Iran. The spice is used in cooking for preparing rice, peas, and soups. It indicates a preservative effect, keeping the dish fresh for several days.

Information. In ancient times, saffron was valued more than gold and 15 times more expensive than black pepper. And not surprisingly, to prepare 1 kg of stigmas, it was necessary to manually process 200 thousand flowers.

Saffron stigmas are used in medicine. Compositions based on them have antispasmodic and stimulating effects. IN folk recipes Dried stigmas are used as an analgesic and diuretic. They increase appetite. Medical properties are manifested thanks to chemical composition plants. The following was found in the stigmas:

  • essential oil;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • crocin dye;
  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids.

The stigmas contain a coloring substance used in Food Industry. The natural compound crocin allows you to give a yellow tint to cheeses, liqueurs, dough, and soft drinks.

Varieties of crocuses

Numerous photos of crocuses prove the importance of their decorative use in the design of gardens and home interiors. This is one of the first crops to bloom in spring in open ground. All types of crocuses are divided into 15 broad groups, 14 of which include plants that bloom in spring, autumn varieties collected in one group.

Spring flowering (April-May)

At the beginning of spring, without waiting for the snow to completely melt, crocuses bloom in the garden. In open ground they are grown in flower beds, lawns, and alpine hills. Already in April, the primrose opens cup-shaped buds on a short peduncle. Leaves may appear after flowering. They are narrow, green in color, and may have a light stripe in the middle. A month after the flower a seed pod appears on the surface.

Spring crocus (Crocus Vernus) is a herbaceous plant 15-17 cm high. The flower is funnel-shaped, white or purple, the anther is yellow. The mother bulb is renewed annually. 1-2 flowers grow from it. Most often planted in gardens Dutch hybrids. In total, about 50 varieties of the crop are registered. Based on color, they are divided into three groups: white, mesh and plain (lilac, violet and others). Flowering lasts a little more than two weeks.

Among the common varieties:

  • "Remeberance" - large flowers with a diameter of more than 5 cm of a purple hue with a silvery sheen;
  • "Pickwick" - petals are rounded, light lilac with gray veins;
  • "Snowstor" - round flowers with a diameter of 5 cm, snow-white with purple stripes at the base;
  • "Nigro Boy" is a dark purple flower with a purple base and is distinguished by late blooming - in May.

Golden-flowered crocus (Crocus chrysanthus) – height up to 20 cm. The leaves are narrow, appear in early April along with yellow flowers. The bulb is spherical, slightly flattened. The perianth lobes bend outward.

There are varieties:

  • Snowbunting - with white petals and a golden center;
  • Blue pearl - blue with yellow bases;
  • Lady killer - purple on the outside and white on the inside;
  • Blue Bonnet 0 blue petals with a yellow spot in the throat.

Heyfel's Crocus (Crocus heuffelianus) is named after the Hungarian botanist J. Heyfel. This species is common in the Carpathians. Plant height is 10-19 cm, the corm is round. The leaves are linear with curled edges. There is a silver stripe in the center. The petals are purple, less often white. Darker on the outside. Flowering period - 25 days.

Net saffron (Crocus reticulatus) is a rare species listed in the Red Book. Found in Central and Eastern Europe, Crimea, Transcaucasia. Height 15 cm, bulb spherical. The leaves become significantly longer after flowering. The color is white or purple, with purple stripes on the outside of the petals.

Tomasini saffron (Crocus tomasinianus) is one of the earliest spring varieties. The plant is unpretentious and thrives in shaded areas. The height of the crocus is 7-8 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2-4 cm, this is one of the most miniature species. The color of the petals is lilac, purple, white. It grows easily in any conditions and is often found in parks.

  • “Lilac beauty” - purple petals;
  • “Ruby Giant” - large star-shaped flowers have a purple-violet color;
  • "Roseus" - soft pink and white petals.

Autumn-blooming (September-October)

A large group of decorative crocus blooms in the fall, like the last chord of a fading garden. Autumn crocuses are low and compact; they are used in border plantings along paths. Bright flowers look great at the foot of trees and shrubs. Saffron, which blooms in September, decorates the rocky alpine coaster. Often the crop is grown in pots and flowerpots. Flowers decorate the entrance area, window sills, and terrace in picturesque groups. Among the autumn species:

Beautiful crocus (Crocus speciosus) is one of the largest autumn crocuses. Its leaves reach 30 cm, the diameter of the flowers is 7-8 cm. The color is lilac, purple with dark veins. The petals are symmetrical with pointed tips. Flowering continues for a month. The number of leaves is 2-4, length is up to 40 cm. The stigmas contain a dye.

Garden forms:

  • Albrus - white petals;
  • Artabir - a variety with blue inflorescences and purple veins;
  • Oxinan – distinguished by pointed petals, slightly bent back, color – purple.

Saffron (Crocus sativus) is a plant that is not found in the wild and is propagated by humans. It is cultivated for its stigmas, which are used as a popular spice. Height herbaceous plant 12-30 cm. The bulb is spherical with fibrous roots. Fragrant large flowers come in white, purple and yellow. They consist of 6 folding petals. The stigmas are long, red, hanging between the petals.

Pallas saffron (Crocus pallasii) - narrow green leaves emerge from the ground in April, and flowering does not begin until September. Spectacular buds up to 5 cm in diameter, light purple in color with purple veins. Stigmas are yellow. It grows naturally in Transcaucasia.

Hill or valley crocus (Crocuse vallicola) is a miniature plant 6-12 cm. It grows in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia in mountain meadows. The corm is flat, covered with a fibrous shell. The leaves appear in the spring and dry out by summer. The petals are white, the stigmas are short and orange.

Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) is a large species that grows in deciduous forests and meadows of Eastern Europe. Height 15-30 cm, leaves are thin, flowers are pale lilac or purple. Each bulb produces up to two flowers. The three inner petals are significantly smaller than the three outer ones. The plant was first described in 1831 by the French scientist J. E. Ge. Crocus is listed in the Red Book in Serbia and Ukraine.

Growing Crocuses

Regardless of the flowering time, decorative saffron is grown using the same technology. A sunny place with loose, well-drained soil is chosen for it. The soil should be fertile, neutral, structured with an admixture of sand. The composition of the soil can be improved by adding compost and humus before planting. Per sq. m will require 15 kg of compost and 100 g of superphosphates, which ensure abundant flowering. Plants overwinter in the ground.

Attention. Saffron is grown in one place for 4-6 years.


Crocus or saffron, which blooms in the spring, is planted in the fall, and autumn varieties are planted in late summer. Before planting, the bulbs are inspected, choosing only healthy material. Autumn flowers are planted in groups of 5, at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. In light soil they are buried to a depth twice the height of the bulb. After a few years, each bulb produces many children, the flowers form a continuous carpet, but due to crowding, the size of the buds decreases. It is recommended to plant the plants in other areas.


Saffron requires minimal care: watering, loosening the soil and weeding. There is no need to moisten flowers often; weather conditions must be taken into account. Excess moisture– a fertile environment for fungal infections. After flowering withered leaves and the flowers are cut off, the bulbs are left in the ground or dug up for drying and sorting.


The best way to propagate crocuses is by daughter bulbs. They are dug up and dried for 2-3 months in a well-ventilated area at room temperature. Then they clean off old roots and exfoliated scales. Spoiled copies are immediately thrown away. You can propagate saffron by seeds, but this method does not always preserve varietal characteristics and delays the flowering time by 2-3 years. Autumn crocus is a plant that does not always have time to produce a ripe seed pod before the onset of cold weather.

The saffron flower is insect-pollinated or self-pollinating. Its fruit grows and ripens underground, and is thrown to the surface already formed, ready to open. Seeds of spring-flowering varieties are planted in the ground in the fall or in spring in containers for seedlings.

Growing crocuses does not create difficulties or problems with care, and the bright blooms will be a wonderful accent of the garden.

  • crocuses: the best varieties
  • crocuses: when to plant at home
  • Is it possible to plant crocuses in spring?
  • where do crocuses bloom
  • crocuses have bloomed: what to do

Crocuses: the best varieties

In early spring bloomingcrocuses can give us feelings of happiness. "Beacons Have a good mood“- that’s another way to call them. These flowers fill the garden with gentle light on a cloudy day, and dazzlingly bright on a sunny day. Today they are popular as wildcrocus species , and varietal. The seven species listed below crocuses - one more beautiful than the other. Start collecting these bulbous plants. Fortunately, they require little space in the garden. And their prices are quite affordable.

Spring crocus

(Crocus vernus, Giant Crocus, Dutch crocus).

Other names : large-flowered crocuses or Dutch crocuses. It is one of the hardiest crocus species. Therefore, it should be in every garden!Flowers large, single or in “bouquets” of 2-3 pieces. Theirform - bell-funnel-shaped, cup-shaped.Coloring The flowers of this species are usually white, lilac or purple and white with contrasting stripes.Flowers have a size from 3 to 9 cm in diameter. At the end of the growing season, several children are formed above the mother corm.

These crocuses look good in group plantings in flower beds, lawns, under tree canopies, borders and rock gardens. Suitable for growingin pots and tubs . Ideal for forcing. Grows in sun or partial shade.Blooms for a long time - from 10 to 17 days, depending on the variety. In order to save space in a flower bed or in a container, crocuses can beplant on top other bulbous plants. You need to divide and replant every four to five years.Attention!Mice can eat the corms.Flowering period - March, April. Plant height – 8-15 cm.

The best varieties: Crocus Grand Maitre . Hybrid. Giant crocus! It was launched back in 1924. This is one oflate blooming crocuses . The flowers are lavender blue with a pale purple tint. The orange stigmas attract attention. Corms usually produce 2 flowers.

Crocus Remembrance (Crocus vernus ‘Remembrance’). Hybrid. It appeared on the market in 1925. Each corm producesseveral flowers . Their color is violet-lilac with a silvery sheen.

Other varieties of spring crocus : Crocus King of the Striped, Crocus Pickwick, Crocus Negro Boy, Crocus Jeanne d'Arc, Crocus Flower Record.

Crocus Korolkova or saffron Korolkova

(Crocus korolkowii).

It is a wild species. It grows in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Very cold resistant crocus!

Flowers appear from under the snow, as if candles are lighting up.

They medium size , shiny, yellow in color with dark markings (brown or red).

Size flowers are from 2 to 5 cm in diameter. Because thehabitat These crocuses are suitable for rocky areas and will look good in group plantings in rock gardens and rocky gardens. Ideal for growing in containers.

Location - sun or partial shade. It can grow in one place without replanting for four to five years.

Attention! Mice can eat the corms.Flowering period – late winter - early spring. Plant height is about 15 cm.

Golden-flowered crocus or chrysanthus crocus

(Crocus chrysanthus)

Early flowering view! It is also called “Snow Crocus”. This is one of the popular bulbous plants among gardeners.
This type of crocus grows wild in Greece. It has smaller bulbs and therefore more small flowers than spring crocus. However, its bulbs produce more flowers (3 or more).
And usually this crocus blooms 2 weeks earlier than the spring crocus. Its flowers show not only yellow shades, but also soft blue, lilac, violet, milky white, and lemon shades. Very spectacular two-color varieties – yellow-bronze, violet-white, etc.

Form flower - cup-shaped. Petals are oval or pointed. These crocuses require well-drained soil in a sunny location. They look spectacular in rock gardens, under trees and shrubs, on lawns, in flower beds, borders and containers. Suitable for forcing. Plant height 8-10 cm.

Blooming season – end of winter - early spring.

The best varieties: Crocus Miss Vain . It has goblet-shaped flowers of a delicate creamy white color.Flowers in “bouquets” of 3 or more pieces. Stigmas are orange.

Crocus Prins Claus . Will not leave anyone indifferent! It differs from other varieties in its spectacular two-tone color. The petals are white with dark purple spots on the outside.

Other varieties of Golden-flowered Crocus: Crocus Goldilocks, Crocus Ard Schenk.

Crocus Prins Claus (photo)

Crocus Tomasini or Tomasini saffron

(Crocus tommasinianus)

It grows wild in Hungary and the Balkan Peninsula. Hiscoloring varies from lilac to dark purple. The flowers are star-shaped, usually wide open.
size – up to 5 cm in diameter.
Petals narrow with sharp ends. It looks good in mass plantings on lawns, under trees and bushes, as well as in rock gardens.
Ideal for creating compositions in pots and tubs. Suitable for forcing.
Growing on any soil with good drainage.
Location – full sun.
Blooms in February-March for 3-4 weeks. Plant height is about 10 cm.

The best varieties : Crocus Ruby Giant . It has flowers of rich purple-violet color. Stigmas are yellow-orange in color.

Other varieties of Crocus Tomasini : Crocus Yalta, Crocus Barr's Purple.

Crocus Ruby Giant (photo)

Beautiful crocus

(Crocus speciosus)

Refers to autumn-blooming crocuses It thrives in the wild in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Balkans and Asia Minor.Flowers large in size, numerous (up to 5 flowers on one plant).
Size The flower is amazing - about 7 cm in diameter!
Flowers usually light purple with a violet tint. But today there are crocuses of other colors: white, dark blue, violet-blue, lilac, blue. The longitudinal purple veins are clearly visible on the petals.
Flowering period early autumn. Plant height is about 10 cm.

The best varieties: Crocus Conqueror (photo)

Crocus Etruscan(Crocus etruscus, Tuscan crocus). Another name for this species is Tuscan Crocus. Refers tospring blooming crocuses Comes from northern Italy. It is listed in the Red Book.Flowers lilac in color, pale on the outside, with clearly visible light small veins and a yellow throat. Thisview It spreads very quickly and, unfortunately, runs wild. Requires a sunny location. Plant height – up to 10 cm.

The best varieties: Crocus Etruscus zwanenburg (photo).

Crocus Susiana(Crocus susianus). One ofthe most beautiful spring blooming crocuses. It hasbright orange flowers with longitudinal dark brown strokes. The petals are shiny, oblong in shape.Size flower - 3 cm in diameter.Flowering period – mid-April. Flowering duration is about 3 weeks.

The best varieties: Crocus Angustifolius (photo)

Crocuses: when to plant at home

Delicate and beautiful crocuses can begrow not only in the flowerbed, you can use them to decorate your apartment or country house.Crocuses They look very impressive and sophisticated in containers and flowerpots. They will complement the interior of any room or other space. When is the best timeplant crocuses? Everything will depend on when you want to see flowering plant. Do you want to treat yourself to a blooming flower for the New Year? Thenplant crocuses In the end of August , if you want to give it as a gift on the eighth of March, then it is better to plant a crocusIn November . You can regulate the flowering period yourself at home!

Do not forget , that the bulbs for planting need to be prepared in advance!In June dry the bulbs, and then keep them at very highhigh temperature (about 34 degrees Celsius). After a week, you can lower the temperature a little and continue lowering it every 14 days.Optimal temperature for mid-August - 17 degrees above zero. Around September, a new stage begins -hardening of the bulb . Find a cool room, a cellar, a cool garage, or even a refrigerator will do. The readings on the thermometer should be around six degrees Celsius. In a month you canplant plant in a pot.

Plant crocuses are very easy. Select nutritious but not heavy soil, place it in a pot and plant a few bulbs. Theyshould not touch the walls of the container, as well as each other. After thatremove crocuses in a cool place for two months, and then we put them in our room. In 14 days you will enjoy beautifulflowers.

Many gardeners and florists recommend planting crocus bulbs onlyin autumn time. After all, the preparation for planting itself can take 15 weeks. Crocuses planted in the fall usually bloom during the colder months. For example, a crocus planted in Septemberblooms by the New Year, and in November - by the eighth of March. This applies to crocuses in pots and containers. If you grow crocuses in the garden or country house, thenoptimal time for landing - early September. Then in the spring your garden will definitely be decorated with beautiful and delicate flowers. If you want to plant a crocusin the spring , then you can do this, but the bulb must go through the entire cycle: heat, decrease in temperature, cold and increase in temperature again. In early spring, it is difficult to find a room where the air temperature is 34 degrees. And in the middle of summer, look for refrigerators. More oftenin the spring Crocuses are planted in pots by professional flower growers, collectors or florists who have all the necessary premises and special refrigerators.

For many gardeners, spring is characterized by beautiful and tender crocuses. Many varieties begin to bloom when the snow has not yet melted. This is an excellent spectacle! If you want to get large, healthy and very beautiful buds, then you need to know where the crocus isit will bloom better Total. To do this, choose sunny places, because in nature crocus grows on sunny slopes. Rare varieties will bloom spectacularlyin partial shade . An open and sunny area is the key beautiful bloom. In very light partial shade the plant blooms, but the flower size will become much smaller. Be sure to pay attention to the soil. On highly fertile, moist or clay soils, crocuswill not bloom . Light nutritious soilperfect plant. So where isblooms our crocus? In a sunny area and on properly selected soil. A novice amateur gardener must remember these two rules.Remember! Every five years you need to replant crocuses, otherwise they will no longer delight you with their beauty.

Crocuses have bloomed: what to do

Unfortunately, crocuses will fade sooner or later, but next year they will delight you with delicate flowers again.After flowering Many gardeners cut off flower stalks. Butdo not touch green leaves, because they will continue to decorate your garden.
If the leaves have dried, you can dig up the bulbs for forcing or for other purposes (transplanting to a new location). It is also recommended to replant crocusesevery five years. If you planted the plant recently, it is best to use bulbs at all.do not touch .
Mulch the soil dry leaves or peat and wait for the new season.