home · Other · Lilac garden flowers. Purple flowers species. The flowers are purple. Names, descriptions, meanings of purple flowers. Indoor flowers with purple flowers

Lilac garden flowers. Purple flowers species. The flowers are purple. Names, descriptions, meanings of purple flowers. Indoor flowers with purple flowers

The effect of the color violet on humans cannot be called unambiguous. It is unusual for perception, so each person has his own reaction to this color. Purple is the color of mysticism and night. It is preferred by intellectuals and travelers. On flower bed or among flowers in the garden, plants with flowers in purple shades look very impressive. They are found both among perennials and annuals. Some of these flowers are not only beautiful, but can also be used as medicinal raw materials.

Magnificent asters

Among the many varieties of these flowers there are both annuals and perennials. Asters have flowers in lilac, purple, blue, red, orange and white. Below are those varieties in which purple or lilac shades predominate:

Clematis hedge

Autumn-blooming crocuses are planted in late July, and spring crocuses in the fall. It is necessary to take into account that crocuses grow quickly, so the distance from one bulb to another should be significant - about 10 cm. After flowering, the bulbs must be dug up and stored in a dry place until the start of the next season.

Delphinium and muscari

The soil for planting these flowers should be slightly acidic and slightly moist. It blooms well both in sunny places and in the shade. Soil fertility affects the size of the bulbs, appearance colors. Mouse hyacinth should be fertilized with compost or humus.

The appearance of purple spots on the skin signals a person that various pathological disorders are occurring in his body. The epidermis is an independent organ covering the body. The body needs the skin primarily to perform protective function from various types of exposure to bacteria and infections, as well as to regulate temperature regime bodies. In addition, the human skin reacts to exposure external factors and on the condition of internal organs.

When various kinds of problems occur in the functioning of any internal organ, the skin is one of the first to begin to react to such disturbances, and in some cases such a reaction is observed in the form of the appearance of various spots on its surface. color range. Purple or blue spots can form on the epidermis as a result of a violation of the integrity and structure of surface capillaries, however, in some cases, such neoplasms indicate the development of some serious pathological process in the human body. If blue spots on the body appear for no reason and are multiple in nature, then this is the first signal of the need to consult a specialist.

Macules, or skin spots, can appear on almost any part of the epidermis and have a variety of colors, ranging from flesh-colored to dark purple or brown. All macules are divided into:

  • congenital;
  • vascular;
  • acquired.

The main reason for the occurrence of such skin tumors is a disruption in the production of melanin in a certain area of ​​the epidermis. Thus, light or flesh-colored maculae are often one of the signs of excessive exposure of the human body to sunlight. This phenomenon mainly occurs among people who often vacation at seaside resorts. However, in addition to this, the reasons for the appearance of spots on the skin are light shade All kinds of skin pathologies of a fungal nature may appear, during the development and progression of which the processes of normal production of melanin, a skin enzyme whose function is to regulate the color of the epidermis, are disrupted.

Wine-colored or dark-colored skin spots can be congenital, in which case they are called birthmarks, or moles (nevi). Such nevi can form in very young children, but often these neoplasms appear in people over the years. It is impossible to injure, or, even worse, remove birthmarks on your own due to the fact that this can provoke the transformation of a nevus into a malignant skin neoplasm.

Brown or light coffee-colored spots can appear as a result of excessive sun exposure. These macules are called freckles. They appear mainly in the warm season on the face or other parts of the body and gradually disappear with the onset of cold weather. In addition, this kind of skin tumors can appear in pregnant women, and in this case they are called “chloasma”.

Brown macules also occur in older people. Such neoplasms are also called liver spots, or lentigo. Such macules are larger in size than freckles, and under the influence solar radiation don't darken. Lentigines can be located both on the arms and on other parts of the body, including the face. The appearance of this kind of macula does not indicate the presence of any pathological processes in the human body and does not cause harm to his health, but is natural physiological process, which is a cosmetic defect. But the formation of black spots on a person’s skin can be a consequence of various diseases of the adrenal glands or an endocrine disease such as diabetes.

In most cases, the bluish or purple tint of the skin tumor is of vascular origin. In this regard, this kind of spot on the epidermis can arise as a result of mechanical damage to one of its areas, which also causes damage to the structure of the surface capillaries. Mechanical damage This or that part of the epidermis occurs due to injury or bruise. However, in some cases, the appearance of purple macules may indicate the occurrence of various pathologies in the human body that affect its vascular system. Such diseases include meningococcemia, thrombocytopenic purpura and capillary toxicosis. Most often, macules of a violet hue appear on internal surfaces hands, forearms or ankles of a person.

If this kind of spots does not disappear over a sufficiently long period of time, then this is not a bruise, but subcutaneous damage to the capillaries, during the development of which blood leaks from the damaged blood capillary. In older people, the appearance of such port-worn macules is facilitated by age-related changes in the circulatory system, which are characterized by thinning of the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. This phenomenon is called senile purpura.

In addition, the formation of purple skin spots occurs against the background of too much vitamin E consumption, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, any blood thinning drugs, and as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Other more serious causes of wine-colored skin growths include:

  • the presence of any diseases affecting the liver;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • leukemia - blood cancer;
  • marbled skin syndrome;
  • flaming nevus;
  • Fabry disease;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • Cobb syndrome.

In case of presence of wine macules big size and persisting for a long period of time, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Kaposi's sarcoma is characterized by the appearance of small dark purple skin tumors that occur in a person due to the presence of AIDS or as a result of undergoing transplantation of any internal organs. This phenomenon occurs against the background of the development of a malignant tumor in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, neoplasms affect the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine or large intestine.

The risk group for developing a disease such as Kaposi's sarcoma includes:

  • elderly and male people;
  • HIV-infected people;
  • people who have type 8 herpes virus in their body.

The spots that form on the skin of a person during the development of Kaposi's sarcoma disease are similar in appearance to specific rashes of a purple or blue hue and have the appearance of rounded small nodules, the size of which can reach 50 mm in diameter. Moreover, such maculas are accompanied by painful sensations if pressure is applied to them.

Treatment of this pathological process involves the use of local and systemic use of various chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapy that directly affects the tumor.

Flaming nevus is a pathological process that is characterized by a violation of the structure and integrity of the vessels of the human circulatory system, located quite close to the skin. This disease is a type of dysplasia. Popularly, flaming nevus has a name such as port-wine stains because of the characteristic purple subcutaneous growths. This pathological process develops in a child during the period of intrauterine development.

Flaming nevus appears as macules irregular shape and does not disappear throughout life. Sometimes the development of such a disease may be one of the symptoms of the presence of genetic pathologies such as:

  • Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome;
  • Cobb syndrome.

Treatment of a flaming nevus is carried out only by completely removing it using laser radiation or cryotherapy (freezing the pathological area of ​​the skin).

The appearance of spots of any size and color on the skin should not be ignored, and therefore, if you discover such a phenomenon, you must consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

We present to your attention a selection the best cuisines purple color with many real photos, useful ideas and tips for their implementation.

White and purple design

The traditional combination, which has not gone out of fashion for more than ten years, is suitable for both small and spacious rooms.

A fashionable option is modern with glossy lilac facades and white countertops. This headset is convenient due to its wide work surface. We recommend purchasing built-in household appliances to create a holistic composition.

An apron with a print will be a good accent. Find drawings for him that look organic in purple tones. Ideal, in our opinion, flowers. Lavender, violets, irises - the choice is quite wide. The main thing is that the image is of high quality and clear, otherwise the result will not be very attractive.

However, you can also use berries if you plan to add bright colors. We recommend making a wide, long apron over the entire work surface.

Beautiful white purple kitchen It will work if you decorate it in muted colors. It's more classic version design, so choose appropriate furniture and appliances: without too complex shapes, matte texture. As a decoration, we recommend purchasing a ball chandelier with an elegantly woven lampshade.

Black and purple design

Another popular combination, which, however, requires care and attention to detail. When using black in the interior, especially with dark tones of purple, there is a risk of making the room too gloomy and even visually making it smaller. But if you play the colors correctly, you will get an original and stylish design.

For spacious rooms, matte, complemented by glossy facades and black, is perfect. household appliances. If you are afraid that the kitchen will seem too dark, add one white wall. Use tableware as accessories: for example, place bright purple glasses with beautiful shapes.

Does the interior seem to lack color? No one is stopping you from adding them. Try a yellow countertop. It goes well with basic tones, while acting as a bright accent. This solution is suitable modern styles design - in classic ones it will seem too catchy.

If you don’t plan to make a big one in your studio apartment kitchen area, arrange a neat corner. This will help - its side part will act as a partition, especially if you complement it with a built-in bar counter.

Modern idea: for wall cladding use decorative brick lavender shade. It looks very unusual and fresh even in high-tech interiors.

In gray-violet color

Elegant gray fits perfectly into a room with purple tones.

We recommend experimenting with color selection: different shades complement each other and look completely new when combined correctly. Good example- on this photo. The apron is made from tiles of similar colors, resulting in a three-dimensional effect. We advise you to resort to this technique in not too spacious rooms - in Khrushchev-era buildings and other panel houses.

Are you planning to remove a wall to create a real kitchen-living room? Try not to dismantle the entire partition. Its figuratively decorated part will become a luxurious addition to the interior, giving the renovation originality and unique style.

If 2 colors are not enough, add a couple of accents - rich chocolate parquet on the floor and a little white on the walls to brighten up the interior.

There is no need to limit yourself exclusively to dark purple tones - delicate pastels look no worse, and in some cases even more advantageous. Find a suitable frame for them: Appliances metallic colors, pink walls, smoky backsplash.

However, the deep fuchsia shade also deserves attention. If you manage to play it correctly, the interior will turn out unique and stylish. We like this option, where bright glossy facades contrast with the muted design of the partition. You need to think carefully, for her - here the choice was made extremely successfully.

Gray also looks great as an addition. Decorate the kitchen in violet tones and make the countertops steel. It seems like nothing special, but it still makes an impression.

Green and purple kitchen

It would seem that these are two self-sufficient shades, but they combine amazingly with each other.

Oddly enough, they are used mainly for bright interiors- this is facilitated by a wide color palette.

Fresh and unusual option for a spacious room - a combination of light green and rich purple. It all looks very catchy and bright, so think carefully - perhaps this design will quickly tire you. If you prefer just such rooms, focus on accessories.

Elegant painting on the wall, thin hanging shelves for dishes and wine - all this helps to create a unique atmosphere in the kitchen.

However, there are more discreet examples - like in this photo. Purple bottom, rich grass color for hanging cabinets and White background. So, with the overall brightness, the interior seems quite elegant and does not tire the eyes. An excellent solution for a minimalist style.

Delicate lavender tones look good when combined with a pastel green splashback and chartreuse walls. Add some print from the same range to the facades - you will be surprised how elegant your kitchen looks.

Yellow-violet design

An interesting design will help create a combination of these colors. We recommend that you do not be afraid of its apparent excessive brightness - with a competent approach, the overall impression is very worthy.

A loft-style kitchen with yellow walls and dark purple furniture looks unusual. This type of repair is easy to do, and thanks to some details it looks amazing. Aging the walls a little, install above hob metal apron - don't you agree, it's a nice picture?

If this option seems excessive to you, use these colors as a complement. You will need to make a two-level suspended ceiling, find beautiful wallpaper and choose curtains to match. Both shades are used in sufficient quantities, but white furniture slightly smoothes out their brightness.

Classical modern sets in such a palette it will also play in a completely new way. Glossy fuchsia facades, sunny matte apron. There are no complicated techniques or fancy decor - but the room looks nice and fashionable.

Classic style

However, you can combine different paints almost endlessly - in any combination there are winning and absolutely disastrous options.

Therefore, we propose to talk a little about traditional styles registration It would seem that other tones are more typical for classics - it is associated with beige, white, brown or burgundy. However, in purple it is not uncommon. Now we will prove it!

A rich dark purple shade looks luxurious when combined with silver and cream marble flooring. Of course, such renovations are not cheap, but they make an impression.

Lilac set and apron made of fine mosaic tiles looks less pretentious, but also deserves attention. Beautiful kitchen small dimensions with a minimum of effort. All you need to do is select a few decorative elements. For example, a pendant chandelier of complex shape, dinner table with a painted tabletop.

Relief facades with patina are not suitable for every interior. However, if you decide to stick to the basic classic trends, you cannot do without them. True, it is better to abandon gold patterns - silver ones are more in harmony with purple.

Modern style

Here everything is much simpler: any combinations and the most daring solutions are at your service. Moreover, purple is a very multifaceted color and it will not be difficult to choose the right shade.

In a spacious room, a glossy lavender set with white countertops looks good. If you plan to decorate the kitchen-living room in this way, we recommend abandoning the partition in favor of a bar counter as a border. It is both fashionable and practical.

Coup: For finishing use photo wallpaper in basic colors for walls. The print can be almost anything. The only thing is that we do not recommend placing them on the entire floor - you risk creating an interior that is too overloaded with details.

Metallic purple furniture is also suitable - especially if you are planning a high-tech kitchen. It is worth complementing it with a multi-colored apron - bright accent in mono design.

Look for unusual textures and color combinations. We like this option - extraordinary relief facades and walls made of small tiles that create a three-dimensional 3D effect. Nothing complicated, but it looks cool.

In a small kitchen

Is it possible to implement all this in a small room of 4-10 square meters? Why not! The main thing is to take into account several recommendations. More details about them are written in a separate article. Here we’ll just list a few successful ones. design solutions for small purple kitchens.

Give preference to pastel colors - for example, almost transparent lavender or pale lilac color. This will make the room visually appear wider, especially if you use a glossy texture.

If you prefer dark, rich shades, complement them with white walls and light countertops to balance the look. This combination looks beautiful, but does not hide the space.

You don't have to buy it exactly corner kitchen: straight headsets are also quite appropriate. Especially for elongated but not wide rooms. The deep plum tone of the facade looks elegant and noble.

Well, let's make a brief summary. Due to its diversity, purple can be used as a basis for the interior of a kitchen decorated in any style. Many combinations and interesting solutions make it extremely popular, so you can easily find the option that suits you.

The color violet does not have an unambiguous description of its effect on humans due to its annual bipolarity. There is a certain tradition to consider it the most unusual for perception. Experts in the field of psychology, after conducting certain studies, came to the conclusion that each person reacts to it differently. Including color options for flower buds.

In some countries, the color purple is considered to be a mystical color, making it a symbol of the night, under whose auspices many inexplicable things happen. Some people compare it to the air, which has tropical notes in it. Intellectuals and those who are partial to secrets and travel love this color. But again, psychologists say that it is impossible to determine exactly what types of people are fans of this shade.

Those who love this color and gardening can try to improve their flowerbed or garden plot by planting purple flowers.

What does the purple color of flowers mean?

In general, purple flowers mean that a person is admired, they also symbolize charm and friendship. Violet itself is a connecting color, it is able to reconcile and connect different people. Therefore, purple flowers will help different personalities find mutual language. Purple is the favorite color of poets and royalty, which is why compositions made from flowers of this shade look so regal and unusual.

Purple flowers: names

There are many purple flowers in nature, and if you want them not to disappear from your flowerbed over a long period, then you can make a continuous flowering bed out of them.

  • Crocus. A bulbous plant, quite common, begins to bloom in early spring. Many varieties of this crop have purple flowers. If you plant several at once on one plot, you will get a very unusual and beautiful combination. By the way, all varieties of crocus develop well and grow both in the shade and in sunny areas. They will take root in any soil without stagnant moisture, special care they do not demand it in relation to themselves. They are not afraid of frost and snow, but their flowers open only in sunny weather, and vice versa in cloudy weather: they close their petals tightly. They can grow in one place for up to 5 years, after which it is recommended to transplant them to a new place of growth. They will look great among lawns and stones. They are also used for winter forcing;

  • Hyacinths - they are called the kings of spring! Translated from Greek, their name translates as “flower of rains,” which is probably due to the rainy period in the place of its origin. These plants themselves are beautiful, strong, at the same time delicate and very beautiful, they also have a very pleasant smell and a variety of purple shades;
  • Tulips. There may not be many varieties of this plant with purple flowers, but they look very impressive. The flowers themselves are large, often with a white edge;

  • Rhododendron. This evergreen shrub, sun loving. There are not so many varieties of this shade, but they look very beautiful and bloom for a long time. It is used for both single and group landings;
  • Lilac. She has a lot of fans. This plant got its name thanks to the purple hue of its flowers!;

  • Delphiniums and lupins. The first ones have semi-double flowers of a dark color. The flowers of the 2nd plant are also unusual and very beautiful;
  • Irises. They don't have any colors! They are considered the leaders among purple flowers. The coloring of some of their varieties is very unusual and immediately attracts the eye, as does the shape of the flowers themselves;

  • Decorative bow. Its flowers are collected in graceful inflorescences. It can become a decoration for any garden plot;
  • Salvias, aquilegias, Wittrock violets, campanulas, phloxes and aconites begin to bloom in mid-summer;

  • Purple mackerel and purple hazel also begin to unfurl their beautiful leaves in the summer;
  • Rose. Although this shade is not very characteristic of roses, but, nevertheless, the variety of this color exist in nature;

  • Bedleya Davida or "Black Knight" is an interesting exotic plant. It blooms thickly, long and majestically. Velvet inflorescences consisting of small flowers. Their aroma is similar to that of honey, which is why they attract butterflies so strongly. It grows very quickly. Bushes can be planted either singly or in groups;
  • Cat mint. It blooms with small tubular flowers of a light shade. They exude a very pleasant aroma and bloom for a long time. If faded inflorescences are removed in time, flowering will recur;
  • Lilies. There are some hybrids that grow quickly, have a beautiful appearance, and their flowers sometimes reach a diameter of 20 cm!;
  • Gladioli. Hybrid varieties can bloom with buds that are painted in several shades at once;
  • Clematis. climbing plant, blooms magnificently, in Lately is gaining increasing popularity among gardeners;
  • Wisteria grandiflora "Multiuga". This plant is a vigorous growing vine. It blooms long and beautifully. Flowers reaching a length of 30-50 cm are collected in inflorescences. The shrub itself is perennial, and sometimes reaches 18 m in height, the leaves are up to 30 cm long. It blooms in early spring, and in southern regions- in the month of May;
  • Asters. Very common flowers, begin to bloom in the 2nd half of summer.

Purple flowers: photo

Flower with purple leaves: description

Not all lovers of purple flowers have the opportunity to grow them in their garden, but this can be done in an apartment! Eat indoor plant, which has purple leaves. At first glance it may seem that this is very rare view, but in reality this is not the case at all. Purple sorrel or oxalis has these qualities. You can breed it not only inside the house, but also on personal plots. It attracts attention with its leaves, which are painted in a rich purple color.

The flowers of this plant are inconspicuous and small and look very delicate against the background of bright foliage. They can be yellow, white or pink. Oxalis blooms for a long time, and 3-4 flowers bloom at the same time, and then, as they fade, they are replaced by new ones.

In many countries around the world, this plant is considered a symbol that brings happiness to the home. It was even popularly nicknamed the “clover of happiness” and is given as a gift decorative pots on New Year. There is such a sign: if on the last day of the outgoing year the wood sorrel changes its owner, then it will definitely bring happiness to the house.

Its leaves look like butterfly wings and can fold if the light changes.A main feature oxalis is that it closes the leaves in cloudy weather or at night, and on a sunny day, on the contrary, it opens them to the rays of the sun. Because of this, the place where oxalis grows must be chosen carefully. It should be such that the plant does not burn from the sun's rays, but at the same time it should not be in semi-darkness.

Also, the place should be cool, with diffused light. Regular watering is recommended. In nature, it grows in damp places on the banks of ponds and swamps, as well as in the shade of massive trees. Due to prolonged darkness, oxalis will lose decorative look leaves, and bright light will simply burn them.

In general, this plant is unpretentious in terms of care. But there are some varieties that require a dormant period, which often occurs in winter. Aboveground part the plants die off for 1-1.5 months, and in the spring new shoots appear. During the rest period, the air temperature in the room should be approximately 12 degrees Celsius, but it is not always possible to maintain it. Due to failure to comply with this condition, sorrel often does not grow for many gardeners.

In summer, oxalis needs regular watering, but without stagnation of water. In autumn, watering should be reduced, and in winter, stopped altogether, keeping the soil slightly moist. In dry weather, the leaves can be sprayed, but it is better to do this with boiled, settled water so that later there are no streaks left on the leaves.

The main advantage of this plant is its resistance to pests. And among the diseases it only exposes to rotting of the root system due to excess moisture.

If you want your garden to shimmer with mysterious and enigmatic purple colors, then plant flowers in this beautiful shade of the palette. You can also supplement them various elements decor, as a result you will get a spectacular and very beautiful flower bed!

It is advisable to use purple in the kitchen in doses, “diluting” it with additional shades. The best “companion” flowers are:

  • white;
  • silver gray;
  • salad;
  • blue;
  • golden;
  • beige;
  • turquoise;
  • coral.

A composite color is obtained by mixing red and blue colors. Their ratio makes it possible to create wide palette shades. If red dominates, then the main shade approaches a warm color scheme, if blue - to a cold one.

When choosing a particular shade, you should take into account the orientation of the room according to the cardinal points. For a room with windows facing north, where there is a lack of sun rays, we need warm and gentle colors:

  • purple;
  • fuchsia;
  • mauve;
  • dull plum;
  • amethyst.

In a room facing south, cool shades are more appropriate:

  • lilac;
  • lilac;
  • lavender;
  • ripe eggplant;
  • violet;
  • blackberry

Colors can be bright, since the abundance of light will still soften them and “whiten” them slightly.
You should avoid combining several shades of purple in one interior - this has a negative effect on the psyche.

Saturated color variations are used for small accents, or diluted with contrasting patterns and decorative elements.

Purple looks great in classic kitchens or interiors designed in Art Deco, Provence and Art Nouveau styles. By the way, the color purple is .

Kitchen in purple tones

Additional colors used in the interior make you perceive the main color differently. Against the background of warm shades, it seems colder and vice versa. This must be taken into account when choosing the overall color scheme of the room.

White and purple kitchen: photo

This version has two options:

White and its shades are used for walls, and purple for cabinet furniture.

Plum, lilac or lavender colors are used in decoration and serve as an effective background for a light set.

In any case, the home galley with this design will look very elegant and stylish.

Furniture in rich colors should have a sleek, modern shape and, preferably, a glossy finish. Large, shiny surfaces will help avoid some of the gloom that is typical of kitchens in bright, cold colors.

It is advisable to diversify white walls with either patterned wallpaper or photographic paintings. Interesting solution- an apron with a 3D image in lilac or violet tones.

Black and purple kitchen in the interior: photo

This combination is quite possible if the purple shades are pastel, and the number of black elements is strictly limited. The duet of two ambiguous colors, which are rarely seen together in residential interiors, should be diluted with neutral gray or white.

Light furniture natural wood will also soften the dramatic atmosphere that inevitably arises when using these two main saturated shades at the same time.

"Checkerboard" tiles on the floor or in work area in this case it will be an excellent decorative solution. Black and white looks bright and elegant. And lilac or lavender facades of the furniture set will add brightness to this achromatic world.

A black and purple kitchen is an inappropriate solution for small spaces with problematic lighting. Having decided to use such a combination, you need to think through every detail, balancing on the line between an atmosphere that is comfortable and difficult for the human psyche.

For example, a black ceiling can cause shock. But if it's mirrored stretch fabric With spotlights, reminiscent of the starry sky, the atmosphere is not at all tense, but mysterious and romantic. This option is suitable for a young couple with a creative vision of the world.

Gray-violet kitchen: photo

A gray-violet kitchen looks elegant and presentable not only in the photo. Shades of steel in combination with the color of lavender or ripe plum soothe and relieve nervous tension.

An important rule: the richer the purple, the smaller its share in the overall color scheme of the room.

Gray can be used for wall decoration, for flooring, and as a companion color in a furniture set.

Interesting accents include chrome fittings and accessories, metal-look household appliances or furniture for dining area with steel frame.

Green-purple kitchen: photo

A positive and bright combination, immediately reminiscent of spring and the blossoming of nature.
It is preferable to combine light green and warm purple shades.

In spacious rooms, both colors are used in equal proportions, if the sizes are not pleasing in scope, then only one of them should dominate.

Green and purple are made different in tone, then the space seems “airier”.
This color scheme is complemented with milky white, beige, chocolate or sand shades.

As a rule, a combination of green and purple is chosen for the interior of a modern kitchen. However, this duet will look no less advantageous in rooms decorated in Provence style. True, the shades chosen are slightly different: lavender and light mint or olive on a milky white background.

Don't forget about plant motifs. They perfectly “reconcile” two opposing spectral colors: magenta and green.

Small purple kitchen: pros and cons

Shades of lavender and lilac are quite appropriate in a small kitchen. To prevent the room from seeming cramped and gloomy, it is necessary to use pastel shades, combining them with white, in a ratio of 1:2, respectively.

In decoration, it is better to avoid purple wallpaper with a pattern or use it on small area for zoning space. It is best to cover the walls with plain paint, making accents with bright accessories, curtains and textiles.

It is not advisable to choose a set with local purple facades for a small kitchen. Let some of them be light, close to white. This solution, combined with open shelves and glazing, will make the furniture “lighter” and the room as a whole more comfortable.

Bright colors in a cold range small rooms They look heavy and visually “narrow” the space. The exception is accessories in fuchsia or Persian lilac; they will refresh the interior and charge it with positive energy.

Purple in the design of a large kitchen: photo

If you choose for a spacious kitchen warm shades magenta, it will become more intimate and welcoming. Cold purple ones will “push” the walls of the room even further, adding sophistication and aristocracy to it.

Rooms with large area allow you to combine different types of finishes in texture, pattern, tone and shade, which significantly expands decorative possibilities purple color.

For example, the dining area should be highlighted bright wallpaper with a fine white or golden pattern, paint part of the adjacent walls in the same color, only “bleached”, and make the rest light beige. In such an interior, furniture made of natural wood in warm colors would be especially appropriate.

Sets in the color of ripe eggplant, blackberry or plum are well suited for spacious rooms. Purple cabinets and cabinets against the background of light walls modern design will not seem bulky or too gloomy.

For the Provence style, namely it is most often found in spacious kitchens country houses, wallpaper with a delicate lavender pattern on a milky white background in combination with pale purple upholstery, textiles and decorative elements is suitable.

Purple curtains for the kitchen: photo

The color violet, especially its cold shades, reduces appetite. This will please those who are on a diet, but even they should not get carried away. There should not be too much bright purple or plum in the kitchen.

For kitchen area with purple furniture set and with light walls it is better to choose transparent, white or curtains close to this color. This will increase the illumination of the room, which will have a beneficial effect on the people dining in it.

If purple is used only in chair upholstery or soft corner and accessories, it must be supported with curtains of a similar shade. This technique is typical for the Art Deco or Provence style.
Purple curtains for the kitchen should not be made from thick fabrics, such as velor or velvet. Even silk is appropriate only in spacious kitchens, where there is a lot natural light. The best choice would be translucent Roman blinds or asymmetrical curtains that only partially cover the window.

Purple curtains should have a laconic design: no abundance of ruffles, multi-layer scallops or lush folds. Tiebacks, if necessary, are chosen in silver or golden color.
Great option for not large kitchen– elegant thread curtains of lilac, lilac or amethyst shade.

Purple is a color for creative people who are not afraid of experiments and are open to everything new. If you are exactly this type, feel free to use all the shades of magenta for your kitchen and get a truly unique, noble, stylish interior, in which you will be comfortable.

Purple wallpaper in the kitchen

Very unusual decorative solution, which in last years is becoming more and more popular.

Wallpaper takes up a large area and has a decisive influence on general atmosphere premises. Having chosen to decorate the walls of this color scheme, you must follow the following rules.

For small kitchen will fit plain wallpaper pastel shades: lavender, wisteria, Persian lilac.

Canvases with patterns are used in fragments, for example, to highlight a dining area. The pattern should be contrasting to the main tone of the wallpaper.

For a spacious, bright kitchen you can choose Decoration Materials rich lilac shade, but cover only part of the walls with them. Perfect option: use of wallpaper companions: plain and with a print, preferably floral.

Images of plants give the kitchen a cozy look. It is possible to combine paintings of three different colors and textures:

  • dark with a pattern;
  • the same shade, but in a light version;
  • neutral - white, silver, creamy.

​It must be taken into account that dark wallpaper fade under the bright sun. Therefore, you need to choose a material with high light resistance.
Wallpaper in the Provence style is very beautiful in the kitchen - a lavender floral pattern on a light background. The room looks sophisticated, delicate and airy.

Purple is a color for creative people who are not afraid of experiments and are open to everything new. If you are this type, feel free to use all the shades of magenta for your kitchen and get a truly unique, noble, stylish interior in which you will feel comfortable.

Purple kitchen: photos of interior solutions

(all photos are enlarged)