home · On a note · Examples of siding combinations. What siding goes with a green roof? Selection of siding: successful and unsuccessful color combinations

Examples of siding combinations. What siding goes with a green roof? Selection of siding: successful and unsuccessful color combinations

As a rule, the facade of the house is finished after the roof has been installed. And if you don't take care of the selection harmonious combination colors in advance, then you will have to rack your brains about what shade to choose for finishing.

For example, you have green roof. This perfect solution for the house around which they grow perennial trees. The color of the roof will fit into the landscape and look beautiful against the background of tree crowns. But the question is: what siding goes with a green roof? Even a professional designer will not give a definite answer. It depends on many factors. And first of all - from the taste of the owner. But there are some design tricks that will help you decide.

3 main rules for a harmonious combination of facade and roof

    Classic: dark top, light bottom.

    If you have a dark roof, choose siding in lighter shades. This is a classic rule that always works.

    Inversion: light top, dark bottom.

    A more extravagant solution. Slopes, external corners and the gutters can be made the same color as the roofing.

    Tone-on-tone: roof and walls are the same color.

Such a house looks monolithic, like a single whole. But some people may find it boring.

Nuances that should not be forgotten

To create a truly successful combination of facade and roof, designers recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Look wider. Pay attention to the neighbors' houses, the landscaping of your site, the landscape against which the house is located. Perhaps they will suggest the colors for the facade. For example, if all your neighbors are choosing a brown roof, it often makes sense to join them. And if you have a green area with a lot of flowers, bushes and trees, the roof and facade in green and brown shades will look very advantageous.
  • Choose variety. If you have a green roof, it is not necessary to clad the façade in the same color scheme. Pick 2-3 primary colors and use them on different elements of the house. This way it will look more alive and brighter.
  • Texture is also important. Sometimes it is the type of surface that determines the color choice.
  • Be discreet. Don't combine several bright colors. It is better to choose one catchy one and complement it with calm, pastel shades.
  • Don't be vulgar. Do not use too bright a shade as the main one.
  • Geometry matters too. If the house has an unusual architectural form with complex elements, it is quite acceptable and even desirable for the roof and facade to have the same light color or differ by only 1-2 tones. In this case decorative elements the facade can be emphasized with a contrasting shade.
  • Don't combine things that don't go together. There are colors that don't go together. So don't combine them!
  • There is always a way out! Can't find siding for your green roof? Choose the same color, just a few shades lighter.

How to choose siding color for a green roof

So you have a green roof, what color siding should you choose? Everything depends primarily on the shade of the roof: dark or light, rich or pastel, warm or cold.

For example, siding in light shades of beige or peach will suit a bright green roof.

Pairs well with green all shades of yellow-brown. It’s only better in this case to give preference to soft tones. If we look around, nature itself tells us an excellent solution: brown bark goes with the green crown of trees. Therefore, the combination of a block house with a green roof will look very natural.

The photo below shows light green siding, which can also be installed under a green roof. Notice how refreshing it is general form home white accents: gables, outside corners, window openings and gutters.

By the way, the white color itself will also look good with a green roof. This is confirmed by the following photo:

To help homeowners, designers have developed entire color compatibility tables. So, the following siding colors are suitable for a green roof:

  • beige
  • yellow
  • pink
  • white

However, a lot depends on the shade. For example, if we are talking about a pink facade, then it should not be bright and saturated.

Don't trust your eyes

Do not forget that both the roofing and siding will look different “live” than on the stand in the showroom. In addition, it is not always possible to attach roofing material to the facade to evaluate how they will look together.

Do you want to avoid making mistakes and choose the right one? siding will do to a green roof? Use Alta-Planner - online program on the selection of finishing for the house. It contains about 200 color and texture options from the Alta-Profile catalog! You will see your home from different colors roofing and siding and you can choose the most optimal one that will delight you long years. Experiment and decide!

Modern residential buildings represent diversity architectural styles. A huge selection of finishing materials allows you to make the appearance of your living space unique and memorable. The most acceptable option for finishing the facade is siding panels for cladding the house.

Features of the material

One of important features siding is its variety.

There are several types of siding depending on the material:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • vinyl;
  • ceramic;
  • cement.

Each type has a rich palette of shades and different texture. For example, basement siding imitates texture natural materials- stone, wood. The colors are neutral, muted - light, beige, brown tones.

Metal siding is made from galvanized steel. The surface of such material can be smooth or textured. Smooth panels can be placed in vertical and horizontal positions. The color range allows you to choose from light to dark shades.

Wood panels are an environmentally friendly material, but require more careful maintenance than other types. The paint needs to be updated periodically.

The most common type is vinyl. It comes in a wide range of colors, which correct selection They will create an individual house façade for each owner.

Ceramic siding is made from clay, adding special binders. Imitation of brick and wood, safety, fire resistance are the advantages of this type.

The more wear-resistant and practical cement siding, due to its considerable weight, is not suitable for all buildings.

Finishing siding has a number of advantages:

  • withstands temperature changes;
  • refractory;
  • easy;
  • resistant to bacteria and fungus;
  • easy to maintain and install;
  • has protective and aesthetic functions.

High quality material has a service life of 40-50 years. If painted conscientiously, panels of dark shades begin to fade after 10-12 years, then the color gradually loses saturation, which is not noticeable. The colors for cladding the house can be chosen in white, pastel and bright colors.

Current colors

Thanks to the rich palette, a residential building covered with siding will sparkle with new colors. Manufacturers of this building material use Newest technologies when painting panels. Color stability is provided by sodium dioxide, mass and color stabilizers, as well as high-quality dyes. Dark panels can attract a lot sunlight, ultraviolet source. Siding in pastel shades will look like new for a long time.

Can be done classic design Houses. For this purpose, the palette includes colors - white, beige, cream, Ivory. Such tones are less susceptible to fading in the sun and fit harmoniously into the environment.

Red, graphite and black will add extravagance. Take on the appearance wooden house The colors “golden oak” and “stained oak” will help.

Bright shades of yellow, green, blue and blue attract the attention of others. But brown and chocolate colors also remain relevant.

Manufacturers from different companies offer consumers entire collections of flowers. The names of the shades are different. Common colors are white, red, green, black. There are original ones, for example, “delicious” ones - cream, chocolate, kiwi, lime, ice cream, banana.

For every taste and color, you can choose an unsurpassed option for decorating the room. High-quality building materials for cladding will for a long time delight residents with your appearance.

Combination rules

Decorating a house requires an individual approach to color selection. Features such as the shape of the building, the number of floors, the surrounding landscape and size should be decisive in the choice of siding.

The easiest way to install is with one color. This does not require special skills or calculations. Light shades visually increase small house, and dark ones, on the contrary, reduce the large structure.

Houses with several floors can be decorated in an original way with siding, combining multi-colored panels. The main thing when combining is to take into account that light shades are combined with dark ones, and bright colors It's better not to abuse it.

But it is also important to pay attention to what texture the plinth sheathing is made of. Mostly the finishing is made of wood or a natural stone. In this case, panels in pastel colors, ivory, bronze and amber shades are ideal.

Door and window openings can be played out optimally by choosing a color to match the roof, and making the eaves and corners light against a dark background.

It is better to make complex architectural buildings unified, focusing attention on a certain fragment - they are decorated in a different color. This allows you to give the building a more elegant look.

If the house is built on an open area, finishing in sand and pearl tones will look advantageous. The White House, surrounded by garden greenery, classic version exterior.

Small, simple houses covered with siding bright colors, will acquire an attractive appearance. For example, an old dacha with a bright yellow color will charge passers-by with a positive mood.

An excellent addition to the design will be made in uniform style courtyard buildings, fences.

Choice of colors

When cladding the facade of a house, it is recommended to use no more than 2-3 colors. Optimal combination: dark bottom - light top, dark top - light bottom or tone on tone. You can choose the color yourself or use a computer program for choosing shades, presented on the manufacturer’s websites. This will help you see the structure in its finished form. But there are also tables for selecting colors.

The color of the facade is matched to the shade of the roof:

  • brown roof + cream, beige, chocolate panels;
  • blue roof + white and all light shades;

  • green roof+ light gray, yellow;
  • cherry roof + all colors except green, blue and brown;

  • light roof + bright sunny shades;
  • Galvanized roofing can be combined with any shade.

When choosing the right finish, it is important to consider the area surrounding the house. If there is a pond or river near the house, blue and all shades of blue will be optimal. A house surrounded by trees should not be built in dark color, it will look depressing. A light facade against a green background will look elegant and fresh.

Gray tones They bring boredom, it is undesirable to cover a house with them alone; it is better to choose additional panels of a different suitable color. Brown is the color of modesty, symbolizes simplicity, perfect for a country house.

The red façade will be very bright, but it should be diluted with more muted tones. For example, decorate the corners and window openings with white.

The yellow shade evokes a feeling of joy and is one of the most popular for creating the exterior of a house. Green color spring mood, will transform and highlight a small house.

Lovers of all things natural can opt for pastel shades. Bog oak, ivory, golden oak - shades that can satisfy the needs of people who want to be closer to nature.

Spectacular design examples for inspiration

Houses lined with siding look modern and presentable. The choice of style and color is available to everyone who wants to decorate their home and make it unique. Cladding a new house or restoration old dacha are able to turn working with panels into an exciting creative process.

Let's look at the example options in the photo.

  • The house with a red roof is lined with pastel-colored siding. Cladding window openings and corners in the color of the roof is an excellent addition to the light facade.

  • Brown roof, inserts on the windows, beige facade on the background green spaces make the two-story building presentable.

Many people wonder about covering their home with siding. Siding looks interesting and, despite its popularity, does not lose its relevance to this day. All thanks to all sorts of variations color range and the material from which it is made.

The site has a lot of information about siding, its varieties, types, methods of fastening, etc. In this article we have prepared a photo gallery on the topic of decorating a house with siding.

Example of exterior siding, finishing a house in terracotta tones:

Cladding a house with siding provides a lot of different options.

Sheathing a house with metal siding is practical and aesthetically pleasing.

An important advantage of a house covered with siding is the ability to combine different materials.

Siding cladding involves big choice color range.

Finishing the facade of the house with siding made from imitation natural wood.

Covering a house with siding and insulation requires high professionalism.

The exterior decoration of the house with stone-like siding creates a feeling of respectability.

The siding facade goes well with windows in any style.

Has its own characteristics.

Frame and block houses with siding.

Basement façade panels siding is a special chic.

When covering with metal siding, various elements are used.

A facade made of metal siding is a good solution for a wooden house.

Facade finishing metal sidinga good choice for home, cottage, cottage.

Finishing buildings with siding is becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

Finishing the facade of a private house with siding is a budget option for exterior design with high quality materials.

Covering the facade with siding provides many advantages.

Houses covered with metal siding look respectable regardless of the size of their area.

Finishing the siding of a private house is suitable for a house made of timber.

Finishing a house with stone siding - The best decision for those who are concerned about their status.

What's happened fiber cement siding- it's beautiful and durable material, maintenance-free.

Combined siding on the facade provides a lot of options for design ideas.

What is metal siding? This is a universal choice.

External corner for siding - a necessary element high-quality cladding(2 photos).

By using exterior finishing home siding can be obtained excellent result, regardless of whether it is a large house or a small country house.

The exterior decoration of a house with siding is important stage, who completes the construction of the building.

Facade finishing vinyl siding– high quality at reasonable prices.

Finishing the facade with siding with insulation allows you to achieve high energy saving rates.

Even small houses siding has a very aesthetic and rich appearance

Buildings that have been finished with stone siding acquire a special charisma.

The facades of siding houses always look neat and well-groomed.

Is it possible to paint siding, and what is the best way to do it? There is a special paint for this, selected according to several parameters.

How to paint siding? Only with special paint High Quality from a reputable manufacturer.

Windproof film under siding covers the entire area and provides reliable protection.

The service life of siding is long provided that high-quality material is used and cladding rules are followed.

How to quickly remove film from metal siding? It can be easily removed after installation and secure fixation.

Sheathing a wooden house with metal siding must be done with waterproofing.

Facing the façade with insulated siding guarantees warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

Used for cutting metal siding special tools– these are hacksaws, metal scissors, electric saws with carbide teeth, as well as other power tools.

The huge selection offered by manufacturers allows you to find your best siding.

Siding elements for cladding a house are an assortment of auxiliary fittings, without which it is impossible to achieve high quality of work performed.

Components for metal siding are necessary accessories, without which it is impossible to sheath the house.

Siding can be perfectly covered wooden house. For a wooden house it is difficult to think of more suitable covering. Plaster is difficult to apply. And sading is just that.

This concludes the selection of photos for the article. Usually, articles mostly consist of text.

If you do not find the information you are looking for, pay attention to the blocks on the right and below the article. There are traditional articles on the topic of siding. And, of course, the site’s editors will be grateful for your feedback and suggestions.

Siding is one of the most popular materials for home decoration. This popularity can be explained by its versatility, it is used for both internal and external external works, ease of installation and ease of maintenance. If you decide to cover the facade of the house with this material, then before starting work, you should choose the color of the siding.

Figure 1. Brown and green colors of siding and roofing will look harmonious in the design of a building surrounded by trees.

What to look for when choosing

The correct choice of color combination of finishing materials on the roof and walls of the house is very important. This will depend not only appearance structure, but also how it will fit into the surrounding landscape and how other people will perceive it.

Figure 2. A variety of siding colors allows you to choose the desired shade.

When choosing the color of finishing material for your home, you should take a close look at the houses in the neighborhood. This will help you decide whether to make your home different, not like the others, or fit into common line houses on the street.

The landscape also has great importance. If the house is surrounded by greenery, then it would be correct to make the facade and roof in natural green and brown tones (Fig. 1). For a cottage built near a pond, the best finishing materials are blue, coral, beige colour and their shades.

Variety of colors and options

The color palette of siding is very diverse (Fig. 2). In addition, each color has many shades. Therefore, choosing a finishing material is not as simple as it seems. When choosing, you need to take into account the combination of colors not only of the roof, walls and base, but also of finishing details, such as corners, trims, soffits and even gutters. Everything should look harmonious.

Figure 3. The traditional combination of a light facade and a dark roof is perfectly complemented by the contrasting decoration of the windows and base.

Many years of experience in using siding have allowed us to determine the most successful combinations its shades on one building. A traditional and often used option for finishing a house is a light facade under a dark roof. The overall picture is complemented by a contrasting plinth and window frames (Fig. 3).

With the same shade of siding for the roof and walls, a monolithic and harmonious structure is obtained, in which the roof and facade are a single structure. However, many may consider this color combination boring.

For those who prefer more extravagant color solutions and is not afraid of new ideas, you should think about an option with a light roof and a facade 2-3 shades darker. Door and window openings should be made to match the roof. All attention in such a project will be paid to the walls.

Figure 4. The combination of two light shades in the design of the facade visually emphasizes the interesting design of the house and enlarges it.

A building finished with light siding will visually appear larger than it actually is (Fig. 4). Such a house will stand out well against the background of vegetation and outbuildings Location on.

The combination of dark shades of finishing will visually reduce the structure of the house and make it less noticeable. In some cases this becomes appropriate. For example, so as not to distract attention from the beauty of the landscape. In the same time dark shades are able to give the house a respectable and solid look.

An interesting option would be a combination of several shades of the same color on the roof, walls and other elements of the facade. Pairs perfectly with each other natural colors. In addition, a house finished with siding natural colors, fits well into the landscape. However, so that it does not get lost against the background of green spaces, you should not choose a combination of green and brown tones for its decoration.

Choosing a color for decoration

Decorating a house does not end with selecting siding colors just for the walls. Do not forget about additional details of the house design: window and doorways, cornices and other elements, without which the appearance of the house will be incomplete.

The simplest design of a house will look more expressive if you choose contrasting colors for decoration. For example, bright or dark walls will look interesting with the decor white. If you select for walls pastel shades, then the decor should be chosen brighter.

This combination is not suitable for houses that have columns, balconies, and terraces. Here it would be more appropriate to use neutral color combinations of wall decoration and decorative details. To prevent the house from looking massive and heavy, it is better to make all protruding elements several tones lighter.

To decorate your house, you should not use siding in poorly compatible colors or choose ones that are too bright. A structure of one tone, devoid of accents, will not look interesting.

When choosing finishing options, you should not expand the color palette of the facade too much. In order for the structure to look harmonious, 2-3 colors will be enough.

Siding has been popular among finishing materials for decades. Performs several functions at once, protects the house from influence external environment, decorates it, making it more presentable. Variety of materials and color palette allows you to clad the house in any variation. Options for covering a house with siding, photo examples design solutions will help you decide and possibly find the most suitable finish for your home.

Types of siding

The finishing coating in the form of a panel has differences in material, strength, weight, texture and color, which is important to consider when choosing for a private home.

The most popular types:




    fiber cement;



This finishing material most popular. There are panels different sizes, can be imitation wood, stone or brick.

    a light weight;

    resistant to temperature changes;

    not difficult to maintain, does not require painting, vinyl panels are easy to clean;

    simple installation work;

    large selection of colors;

    thanks to the sentinel elements, it is not difficult to finish any part of the building, such as the basement, window openings, pediment;

    Vinyl siding imitates the textures of other materials well, masonry, rounded timber.

    low cost.

    afraid of mechanical damage;

    melts under fire.

    short service life.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.


Decorating the outside of the house with metal siding is durable and reliable. There are these types:




Steel models are usually used for industrial buildings, aluminum for private ones. Features of metal siding:

    Long-term operation.


    Great variety in color.

    Good fire resistance.

    high noise

    not suitable for houses that are in difficult climatic conditions, With high humidity, with frequent temperature changes.

    aluminum material should not be used in finishing facades with an increased likelihood of damage.

Note! When decorating a private house with metal siding, you must take into account the weight of the structure and its load on the foundation.

On our website you can find. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Fiber cement

Finishing the facade of a house with fiber cement siding is a good alternative to previous materials. Made from environmentally friendly material, it has many advantages. Can imitate wood, brick,

    fire resistant;

    does not rot, does not mold.

    not afraid of damage;

    withstands high and low temperatures;

    easy to care for.

    difficult to install;

    heavy in weight, so a strong frame is required. Not suitable for old houses;

    small selection of colors;

Beautiful finishing options from this material:

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most. In the filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Made of wood

During manufacturing, wood, or lining, undergoes a special treatment, thanks to which it is more resistant to fire and moisture, and looks similar to natural wood. Service life is 15 years. Ecologically pure material. On panels where ventilation is provided in the form of holes, condensation does not form. More suitable for areas with a temperate climate, with dry weather.

Now that we’ve figured out the quality of materials a little, let’s talk about colors and their combinations

Variety in color palette

The facades look beautiful and harmonious in different colors, which makes them unique.

Let's highlight the main 3 groups by color:


Colored ones, in turn, are divided into light and dark.

Light-colored siding

After some time, the panels may lighten a little, fading in the sun. Therefore, in places with scorching sun, it is advisable to choose material of lighter shades. Often preferred country houses paneled in pastel colors.

It is worth noting that resistance to fading depends on the quality of the dye and color stabilizers. Accordingly, the price will be higher. The information is specified in the instructions and quality certificate.

Finishing the facade of the house with siding in light colors visually increases its size, it seems more majestic.

Beautiful combination of sand panels warm shade with a gray roof and white elements, columns.

Please note that houses with protruding structures, balconies, columns are best decorated in light shades. So that the building does not seem very massive.

Video description

Technology for siding a house in the video:

Dark colors

Design solutions for finishing houses with siding in dark gray green, blue, brown, and burgundy red are harmoniously combined with the nature around them. But it’s worth considering that dark tones of the finishing material visually make the building smaller, so they are not suitable for small buildings.

Dark finishing material makes the house expressive and bright; a properly selected design will not leave it unnoticed. Such a building will definitely not get lost among other buildings.

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.

Muted shades, cappuccino, brown, give the house sophistication and solidity.

The walnut finish looks noble

Red brick cladding has always been relevant; such houses look prestigious. But the downside is high cost material, effort when laying it, wasting a lot of time. Red brick siding will not cost as much, it is much faster to install, and the resulting look is no less impressive.

Options for decorating a house with siding are practiced, where the facade and roof are red, but there is a possibility that the interior of the house will merge into one.

Therefore, it is advisable to use elements of a different shade, black, white for contrast; this interior of the house makes it bright and expressive.

The red façade is beautifully combined with white windows, columns and a gray roof; the picture stands out wonderfully against the background of greenery.

It is worth paying attention that premium class panels are the same color on the inside and back side. A budget option has a lighter color on the reverse side than on the front side, paint is saved in production.

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.

Horizontal and vertical siding

There are several finishing options that differ in installation method:



Vertical installation visually makes the house taller. An appearance is created high walls. Suitable for small houses.

The horizontal type of installation is more common, and always looks harmonious with any building interior.

In this case, you don’t even need to resort to different color schemes.

Siding combination options

There are so many options, it all depends on your imagination and desire to make your home special and unique. Facades with two colors look beautiful.

In this type of decoration, it is important to choose the right colors that will harmonize with each other. To do this, it is worth using a palette of color compatibility. Connecting profiles are also selected that match the color and do not accentuate the attention.

Most often combined external finishing home siding is used to highlight corners, or the bottom and top part window openings.

Video description

A bit more useful information about the types of siding in the video:

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.


Pictures of houses covered with siding show a wide variety of options in material, color and texture. You need to decide what is more suitable for the design of the building, what texture is pleasing to the eye, and what color will harmoniously fit into the interior of the surrounding environment. If you doubt your personal taste, entrust this to designers and specialists who will professionally implement all your wishes.