home · electrical safety · Cherry blossom in clothes - delicious combinations, photos. Cherry color in clothes: rules for successful combinations Combination with other colors

Cherry blossom in clothes - delicious combinations, photos. Cherry color in clothes: rules for successful combinations Combination with other colors

Symbolizes power, luxury, power. Monarchs all over the world preferred to surround themselves with them. It was used in the design of clothing, furniture, decoration and interior design. Rich decoration in this color was demonstrated to high-ranking guests, important visitors and visitors. Cherry shades emphasized the wealth and abundance of resources in the country.
Do not use burgundy color when decorating a small kitchen, as it brings objects closer

In modern times, burgundy color is used mainly in kitchens. It is popular in high-end restaurants. It is believed that such a kitchen would be preferred by a self-confident person. His choice is quite justified, because individuality and solidity fill the interior.

Features and shades of burgundy

The color of cherry furniture is not trivial, but there are other advantages. He has strong energy. The point is the combination of scarlet and brown, which complement each other and displace each other. The combination contributes to the formation of a festive mood, but not without peace and comfort.

Dark cherry color is practical. It gets dirty a little, dust, dirt, and food debris are not noticeable on it. If scratches or abrasions appear, they are barely visible. This feature will be appreciated by all housewives.

Fig. 1 Dilute the cherry-colored kitchen with other shades, otherwise its advantages will turn into disadvantages

Cherry blossom, according to medical and psychological research, relaxes and normalizes the condition nervous system and blood pressure. The effect in addition to dinner (or another meal) will not be superfluous.

But a burgundy-colored kitchen should be diluted with other shades. Otherwise, the advantages are nullified or worse - they turn into disadvantages.

Color combinations

What does burgundy color and its shades go with? There are many successful combinations. The most successful of them:

Fig.2 According to designers, the combination of white and burgundy is the best possible

  1. A combination of burgundy and white. The tandem is spectacular, the latter looks rich against a cherry background. If you add black, the elegance factor will increase. According to the designers, this combination is the best possible.
  2. You need to carefully combine burgundy with green, because... You can overdo it with brightness. Or green tea will do.
  3. Combination with burgundy color in calm neutral shades (beige, pale pink, blue, etc.). The combination is filled with warmth and tenderness, which ensures comfort and harmony.
  4. Coral doesn't go well with burgundy. If you leave only these two colors in the interior, it will look bad. Coral can be used in details, it should not be the main color. But when it is correctly combined with interior and decorative elements, the decor is striking in its originality.
  5. Combination with burgundy gray. An unsuccessful tandem if you don’t add a third shade. Gray seems to dilute, separate the tones, or act as a background;
  6. The combination with black shades evokes darkness. But if you know when to stop, then you can achieve consistency and clarity of style.

Burgundy shades and their use

Light and dark burgundy colors belong to the warm palette. They visually bring objects closer. Therefore, they cannot be used in a small room. Although in this case, burgundy is used in details.

He also loves cherry blossoms good lighting, regardless of shade. The lack of light aggravates the situation with the visual reduction of space. For the same reason, designers recommend combining it with light, delicate shades. Then it looks more rich and bright. It is better to use diffused lamps with lamps - they do not put pressure on the eyes.

Fig. 3 If you decide to make a cherry kitchen, then you will need to install good lighting

Shades of burgundyrarely combined in direct contact with each other, they need to be separated, for example, white or beige. If light shades are chosen, then black or gray is used between them.

A cherry-colored kitchen can be light or dark. The solution is focused on other interior details and/or finishing.

Style solutions

Cherry cuisine is unique because... its peculiarity lies in its ideal combination with any interior. Designers prefer to work with modern styles, but the classic also looks solid.

You need to know how to combine furniture correctly to get good interior. The process depends on the chosen style:

Fig.4 When choosing furniture for the kitchen, consider its style

  • Luxurious art decor. The cabinets are finished with gold or silver edging, and gold fittings are installed in places;
  • Classic. Solid wooden furniture is treated with burgundy material (paint or, for example, cherry laminate). Chipboard or MDF look cheap, the style is not maintained;
  • Country. A complex combination of simplicity and solidity is only possible for designers. You need to combine unpretentious “antique” furniture with consistent lines of the set. Properly selected accessories play a role;
  • High tech. Emphasis on functionality, saturation with technology, the appearance of which has a burgundy color;
  • Minimalism. The only change here is covering the furniture with glossy acrylic or laminate. Matte colors will not work. Look impressive chrome parts, for example, on modern technology.

To maintain the chosen style, you need to follow the advice of designers, the rules of harmonious combination and clear selection of colors and shades. Without the skills, experimenting with Bordeaux is dangerous and can lead to a tasteless kitchen environment.


Kitchens in burgundy color successfully harmonize with light walls. This shade brightens them even more. For detailed finishing, silver or gray can be used. When burgundy is used to decorate the walls, the set blends in with them. Light wallpaper or paint will highlight the choice of primary color.

Fig.5 Light wallpaper or paint will emphasize the choice of primary color

It is undesirable for any part of the decoration to repeat the color scheme of the headset. For example, burgundy suspended ceiling will visually increase, decrease, approach the person. Therefore, there is a feeling of a “cave”, a pressing space. It is better to have a snow-white ceiling; it will visually expand the kitchen area and eliminate the reverse effect of the set or furniture.

The white floor is in harmony with the burgundy set, but it is impractical. Designers recommend a classic brown or beige shade. Perfect option– black glossy floor. But at the same time, a lot of details are needed in the delicate and light colors, otherwise the kitchen decor becomes oversaturated with dark, rich colors and becomes oppressive.

It is advisable that some other elements of decor and interior support a foreign shade, not burgundy. Pale pink airy curtains or beige tablecloths look good.

Furniture and interior details

The surfaces of the headset can be glossy or matte. The latter will give the effect of severity, the former - festivity. The matte version is the most functional, because... defects are less noticeable on it. And they always appear in the kitchen.

Furniture can be made using glass surfaces. Stones, mosaics and tiles are successfully combined with color. By the way, if you apply the mirror finish correctly, then burgundy is also suitable for small room, it will visually increase the space.

A Bordeaux kitchen looks more attractive if the interior has a lot of details, such as curtains or tablecloths, napkins or towels.

It is advisable that they be executed in one color palette, different shades are allowed.


Burgundy color in the kitchen is a symbol of luxury and prosperity. It cannot be used frivolously and boldly; frivolity is not allowed. Only a competent approach to creating an interior can make a kitchen noble and cozy.

Home comfort

What color goes with cherry blossom in the interior?

November 6, 2017

Cherry color in the interior, people often associate it with luxury, causing only positive feelings. However, in order to achieve maximum harmony, you need to know what colors cherry blossom goes with and what shade is best to choose.

Despite the fact that cherry color is very close to red, it is less saturated, but interior design with this shade is perceived as energetically strong and rich.

When choosing a stylistic solution when decorating your home, you need to know what color cherry blossom goes with, and also take into account all the nuances of using this rich tone.

Cherry blossom in the interior

Many people, when decorating, are interested in what colors cherry goes with in the interior and how to make it look luxurious and presentable. There are many shades of cherry, among which you can choose exactly the tone that will become a real decoration for your apartment. This color gives the interior a certain solemnity, so it is often used for decoration:

  • halls;
  • conference rooms;
  • speeches.

In residential interiors it looks a little heavy, so it is advisable to combine it with other, lighter and lighter shades. A bedroom with light and dark tones looks stylish, as this combination will complement each other perfectly. A combination of cherry and turquoise in the bedroom will look great. This will create a unique impression of a completed and properly thought-out interior.

In the living room, cherry-colored interior items look stylish, as they will help make absolutely any interior bright and cheerful. However, you should not combine it with rich and bright colors, in particular yellow or orange. The cherry shade can be successfully used in the hallway or bedroom as bright furniture, and in the living room you can simultaneously place furniture and other interior items, stylishly located throughout the entire area of ​​the room.

Using cherry in the kitchen will help visually transform this room. Using this shade you can make it brighter and bolder, as well as modern and stylish. As decoration you can use vases, napkins, dishes and decorative elements. In the nursery, the amount of cherry blossoms should be limited. It is best to use it only in play area, and the sleeping area should be done in muted and pastel colors.

Rules for using color

It is important to know not only what color cherry blossom goes with, but also how to use this shade correctly to make the room more impressive. In a bright hallway, dark cherry furniture will look beautiful, which will also fit perfectly into the bedroom interior. Add created style Stylish ones will help sofa cushions, a bright satin lampshade, as well as a coral-colored vase.

If you choose the wrong combination of shades, this will lead to the fact that cherry color will introduce a certain disharmony into the interior. If the room is quite light and sunny, then dark cherry color can be the main tone. Ideal for poorly lit and small spaces light cherry shade, as it helps to somewhat expand the space.

In a bright living room, a dark cherry sofa in combination with other interior items located throughout the room will look interesting. You can visually determine what color cherry blossom goes with using the palette. Designers often combine it with delicate and muted tones that help soften the richness of cherry. This allows you to create a cozy and luxurious atmosphere in your home.

What style suits it?

When arranging the interior, you need to know not only what color cherry blossom goes with, but also what style this shade suits. Cherry tone goes well with natural stone, glass or metal surfaces, therefore it is often used in high-tech and urban interiors.

The combination of several shades, which contain notes of cherry, makes it possible to create a sophisticated atmosphere of country or fusion style. Even reserved Finnish or sea ​​style will acquire a certain beauty and flavor if cherry accessories are present in the decor.

What colors does it go with?

What colors does cherry blossom go with? This question very often worries those who decide to independently furnish the interior of their home. Many designers often use a combination of cherry and brown tones, calling this technique “cherry in chocolate.” For example, you can make a cherry floor and choose brown furniture. Light shades will help to dilute this color scheme somewhat.

The cherry shade goes well with light yellow, silver, gray, beige, milky, Ivory. You can combine it with sand and beige shades. For oriental interiors Characteristic combination of cherry and turquoise tones.

Cherry furniture and accessories

When determining which colors cherry goes with, you need to take into account the fact that this shade is very popular in the manufacture of furniture, so you need to select accessories so that the interior does not seem too gloomy.

Cherry-colored furniture can be made in rich, bright colors or have muted colors. Oxford cherry looks very beautiful, as the wood has a muted cherry tint. In the bedroom, a set of this color can be combined with light green wallpaper, light flooring, and olive-colored curtains.

Against the background of cherry-colored furniture, carpeting and textiles made in muted orange, olive and milky tones look good.

Finishing details

If you plan to purchase furniture in this shade, you need to think in advance about what color dark cherry will go with. Since the furniture has bright colors, it is best to make the floor and walls light. And to make the apartment look more stylish, you can purchase a door in walnut color.

A good solution would be to use accessories in a chocolate tone. In this case, the wallpaper should be light or made in a pastel palette. If you need to create a luxurious interior design, then ideal solution there will be a combination of cherry with gray details. They will look stylish against the background of cherry cabinets. gray curtains, as well as smoky wallpaper.

The most harmonious color combinations are those that can be found. Exactly natural palettes stylists and interior designers are inspired in their work. For these people, there are special computer programs and online services that allow you to expand a photo winter nature, fruits, flowers or any other color palettes - “sets” of 5-8 shades. Such palettes help us see how a wide variety of warm, cool, bright, rich, delicate and other shades interact with each other.

Winning combinations with cherry

Examples of successful combinations with cherry:

Cherry, coral and pastel shades of grass green;
- cherry and pastel blue;
- cherry, ash brown and pastel pink (cold);
- cherry, chocolate and dark green (color of spruce needles);
- cherry, denim ( warm shade blue) and brown;
- cherry, lemon yellow and dark green;
- cherry, milky and gray-brown;
- cherry, lilac and khaki (protective green);
- cherry, blueberry and bright lilac;
- cherry, warm blue and warm blue;
- cherry, lilac and plum.

Combinations with cherry in nature

All the combinations described above, which can be successfully used in clothing or interiors, are taken from nature. For example, imagine a cherry lying on a porcelain plate. There is milky shade porcelain and delicate green color berry cuttings. But the fruit itself will never be uniform in color: its dark and dull cherry sides “echo” with specks of lighter and warmer coral. Depending on how the light falls, you may see several on one berry. pastel shades pink and also beige.

So, a cherry cocktail dress can be “played up” with soft pink beads and beige shoes.

Imagine an ordinary room photograph photographed in cold lighting. This fleshy plant is usually dark green in color. The top of its stems are covered with many milky, yellowish or brown fluffy spines, and in the center a red flower lights up with a bright flash.

The American flag, slightly faded from wind, rain and dust, contains denim, cherry and milk.

Denim, cherry and milk are easy to combine in everyday clothes: wear regular jeans, a cherry pullover and white sneakers.

Delicate tropical flower flowing through its translucent petals sunlight, gives rise to shades of lilac, lilac, plum, blueberry and, of course, cherry.

Ranunculus flowers appear completely yellow (lemon), but upon closer inspection, the tips of their multiple petals appear to be singed with cherry red. The proximity of such petals to dark green foliage makes this combination one of the most juicy and memorable.

Selecting colors is an important and responsible matter. Shades are important in clothing, makeup, interior design and design. For a respectable appearance, clothes are selected in 2-3 tones. This is a universal variation that allows you not to overdo it in colors. The same applies to interior design.

After all, the variety of incompatible palettes leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the room. Therefore, it is very important to know the combinations. This article will tell you how to choose the right colors for clothing and interior items.

Shade compatibility

What colors does blue go with?

  • Light purple.
  • Bluish.
  • Yellowish-greenish.
  • Brownish.
  • Grey.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Reddish.
  • White.

What colors does green go with:

  • Golden brown.
  • Orange.
  • Light green.
  • Yellowish.
  • Cream.
  • Black.
  • Ivory.

Light green shade harmonizes with the following tones:

  • Golden brown.
  • Brown-pink.
  • Dark orange.
  • Dark blue.
  • Grey.

Green with olive tint harmonizes with:

  • Yellowish.
  • Brownish.

Light green compatibility:

  • Dark blue.
  • Yellow with a tint of brown.
  • Reddish.

Reddish speaks of leadership, tenacity, creativity, dynamism, perseverance, superiority, power, and the impulse to win. In psychology it means cruelty and stubbornness, harshness and intolerance.

What colors does red go with?

  • White.
  • Greenish.
  • Bluish.
  • Black.
  • Yellowish.

Red with a cherry tint harmonizes with this color scheme:

  • Grayish.
  • Light orange.
  • Sand.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Beige.
  • Azure.

With a raspberry tint, combine with:

  • White.
  • Grayish.

What colors does purple go with?

  • Brown with a golden tint.
  • Pale yellow.
  • Grey.
  • Turquoise.
  • Light orange.

Brown promises good luck, declares respectability, importance, maturity, stability, elegance, refined simplicity and hard work.

What colors does brown go with?

  • Cream.
  • Pinkish.
  • Blue.
  • Greenish.
  • Beige.

Light brown combine with:

  • Pale yellow.
  • Shafranov.
  • White with a cream tint.
  • Carrot color.
  • Blue.
  • Red.
  • Pale gold.
  • Purple.
  • Red.

Dark brown looks organic with:

  • Yellow with a lemon tint.
  • Bluish.
  • Mint.
  • Pinkish.

Combine brown and red with the following colors:

  • Dark blue.
  • Purple.

"Mocha" is suitable:

  • Light pink.
  • Pink with a beige tint.
  • Bright red.
  • Shafranova.
  • Beige.

Grayish clothing speaks of awareness, realism, and common sense. Rarely used in design. Causes fear of loss and melancholy.

What colors does gray go with:

  • Blue.
  • Bluish.
  • Violet.
  • Reddish.
  • Light pink.
  • Peach.
  • Sand.
  • Azure.
  • Saffron.

Gray is a universal tone. Therefore, all components of the color palette are suitable for it.

Orange in clothing speaks of strength, endless energy, excitement, tolerance, high self-esteem and love of freedom. In design it is associated with attracting wealth.

What colors does orange go with:

  • Black.
  • Azure.
  • Light pink.
  • Violet.
  • Ivory.
  • White.

Light harmonizes with tones of grayish, olive, mint and saffron.

Dark looks organically with dim sand, olive, red with a cherry tint.

White is presented as a calm, peaceful tone. It symbolizes lightness, openness, dedication, and pristine clothing style. In the interior it is familiar as a tone of isolation and peace.

Selected for him:

  • Bluish.
  • Scarlet.
  • Reddish.
  • Black.

For beige choose:

  • White.
  • Bluish.
  • Reddish.
  • Emerald.
  • Black.

Pinkish foretells friendliness, femininity, maturity, awareness, romance, kindness.

Pinks harmonize amazingly with this palette:

  • Brownish.
  • White.
  • Greenish.
  • Light green.
  • Olive.
  • Turquoise.
  • Soft bluish.
  • Light grayish.

Dark pinkish is called “fuchsia”. It is combined with gray, green, light green, mint tones.

Light pinks go well with beige, lilac, grayish-bluish, cobalt, and milky.

Yellowish speaks of dexterity, intelligence, originality, joy, honesty, justice, freedom, fun, confidence and patience. In design it is associated with liberation and inspiration.

Yellow is a sunny tone. It is bright and attracts attention. Combines with:

  • Bluish.
  • Greenish.
  • Bluish.
  • Marine.
  • Grayish.
  • Violet.
  • Black.

Yellow is divided into:

  • Citric. Reddish with a cherry tint, bluish, grayish, violet are suitable for it.
  • Golden. Combines with grayish, brown, red, black.
  • Sand. Suitable for:
    1. Fuchsia.
    2. Grey.
    3. Reddish.
    4. Purple.
    5. Bluish.

The turquoise palette is combined with the following palette options:

  • Fuchsia.
  • Dark red.
  • Bright, rich red.
  • Violet.
  • Cream.
  • Beige.

For blue select:

  • Red.
  • Grey.
  • White.

For lilac shades, choose orange, pink, violet, yellowish, grayish, white.

Violet suits:

  • Pale sandy.
  • Gray.
  • Turquoise.
  • Orange.

Black is a universal shade. The easiest way to match it is to choose the palette of desired shades. Symbolizes creation, meaningful personality, motivation. Rarely used in design. Causes apathy and fear.

It goes with:

  • Red.
  • Lilac.
  • Yellow.
  • White.
  • Light green.
  • Pinkish.

Burgundy conveys pride, inaccessibility, audacity, elegance, richness. Clothes of such a palette visually hide excess weight and figure problems.

Burgundy combine with:

  • Red.
  • Black.

Looks great with cobalt and violet.

Methods for selecting a palette

There are three ways to select the required variations color range:

  • Based on a single color theme. This refers to the combination of one color with different shades. Example: red - light red - dark red.
  • According to the antipode principle. This refers to the selection of the antipode according to the palette:
    1. To olive - red.
    2. To light green - pink.
    3. To yellow - violet.
    4. To orange - blue.
  • Using the contrast method. This means selection in one color palette. Example:
    1. Violet is suitable for red.
    2. For violet blue.
    3. For green - olive.
    4. For olive - mint.
    5. For yellow - sand.
    6. For pink - fuchsia.
    7. For blue - cyan.

The psychological side of choosing color solutions

When decorating the interior, pay attention to the color of the walls and decoration:

  • Red - causes depression, apathy, reduces sensitivity, causes hypertension.
  • Black - visually reduces space.
  • Brown - causes despondency.
  • Gray - causes sadness.
  • Blue is an uncomfortable shade for a room.
  • Yellow - tunes to good mood. Invigorates.

When choosing color solutions you have to be very careful and attentive. After all, incorrectly selected palettes will ruin the whole appearance: will make the image inappropriate and the interior uncomfortable.

In the interior, cherry color is more reminiscent of the shade of “ripe, juicy cherries.” It is much darker than scarlet and softer than bright red, and notes of purple add depth, nobility and substance to it. Warm colors cherry color attracts, saturates the kitchen design with luxury and sophistication. The correct distribution and combination of colors emphasizes the exclusivity of furniture and kitchen decoration, style decision and decorative elements.

Features of cherry cuisine

Ripe cherries evoke pleasant associations for many. That is why cherry cuisine is quite popular. But this color has one drawback that is worth paying attention to.

The special depth of cherry color can enlarge objects and furniture, visually narrowing the space. That's why " juicy cherries" V large quantities When decorating a kitchen, you should use it carefully.

This applies not only to owners of small spaces. For owners spacious kitchens abuse of cherry shades in combination with insufficient lighting and bad combination colors can play a cruel joke - darkness, sadness and an uncomfortable atmosphere will settle in the interior.

Cherry color belongs to the palette of red tones that strong, desperate and passionate people prefer to surround themselves with. In reasonable quantities, “ripe cherry” predisposes to conversation, philosophy and spirituality, balances and, according to Feng Shui experts, even brings good luck. In addition, it emphasizes the solidity and leadership position of the owner. And medicine, moreover, assures that cherry shades normalize blood pressure and strengthen the nervous system.

“Ripe cherry” in the interior

Any color in the kitchen can either dominate or perform an additional or accentuating function, favorably emphasizing individual elements. Its overall perception always depends on the presence of contrasting tones and their total number. For example, if the kitchen design involves finishing the walls, ceiling and floor in light shades, then dark cherry furniture in the interior will look harmonious. But if you decide to paint the walls dark color, That kitchen set It is recommended to choose in sandy shades, and flooring- in light colors.

It is important to remember that dark cherry walls are only permissible if the kitchen has good daylight, and its layout is oriented towards the sunny side.

Cherry blossom goes harmoniously with:

  • white;
  • beige or pale yellow;
  • soft orange, peach or sandy;
  • light gray.

Such combinations are considered when thinking about kitchen design in different styles. Such combinations are especially appropriate for African and Asian trends, romantic and modern interior solutions. Pale shades mute active cherry tones, soften general atmosphere and create a cozy atmosphere.

Combination with other colors

The most popular shade of cherry color in the interior is “ripe cherry”. It is used for furniture facades, floors, walls and decorative elements. But there are also other options - “pale cherry” and “rotten cherry”. In the first case, the cherry color turns out to be pastel, and in the second, it combines “brick” and burgundy.

  • The combination of white and cherry color is a classic. Their contrast successfully emphasizes the dazzling snow-whiteness against the background of juicy cherries.
  • The combination of beige or pastel shades with cherry color makes the atmosphere in the kitchen warmer and more tender.
  • Gray in a cherry interior looks aristocratic and elegant. And silver is amazingly harmonious.
  • The union of cherries and greenery is profound, thanks to the variety of shades of light green (from pale pastel to olive).
  • Combinations of cherry and blue should be treated with caution. In particular, azure and turquoise in large quantities They will give the kitchen coldness and formality, depriving it of the comfort and warmth of a home environment. But small elements or small curtains will make the interior fresh and airy.
  • The tandem of black and cherry in the kitchen does not always turn out to be coordinated, although this option close to the classics. In fact, there may be notes of inhospitability in the interior of the kitchen. But if you add white to these two colors and reduce black to a minimum, the results will be fantastic.
  • Adding orange and coral to cherry tones can ruin even the best design solution or vice versa, turn a simple interior into something amazing.


The cherry-colored kitchen set fits harmoniously into almost any style solution. But most interesting option is the design of furniture made in the Art Nouveau style. Such headsets are in demand, and largest producers they know about it. That’s why there are quite a lot of modern cherry cabinets in their catalogs.

Facades can be matte or glossy, made of wood or MDF.

Furniture design with matte doors looks stricter and more noble. Golden patina, inlay elements, expensive finishing and appropriate fittings make the set worthy of the Art Deco style. But simple, artificially aged furniture fits the image of a modest country cuisine. Glossy cherry facades made of plastic or MDF in combination with stainless steel, glass and modern built-in appliances will be a good option for decorating kitchens in high-tech, minimalism, urbanism or modern style.

The ripe cherry color kitchen set is extremely practical. Its facades do not have to be looked after as carefully as cabinets with light-colored doors. It is recommended to install cherry furniture next to contrasting surfaces:

  • light walls;
  • glass or wooden partitions;
  • chrome decorative inserts;
  • facing stone.

Decor elements

Hanging on cherry walls:

  • openwork shelves made of metal, light or painted wood;
  • mirrors, large photographs or pictures on a light background in unusual frames.

Chandelier with satin color lampshade ripe cherries against a white ceiling background will take on accentuating functions. The shade can completely replicate the colorful furniture facades or window textiles.

Decorative elements look interesting in a cherry kitchen turquoise color, silver plated or gold plated. Eastern craftsmen have long used similar combinations in the manufacture of jewelry, textiles and carpets. For them, the burgundy color, the palette of which also includes a cherry tint, has been associated with wealth and luxury since ancient times.

Cherry curtains made of soft fabrics will decorate the kitchen window and emphasize the chosen style against the background of light wall decoration. Tablecloths, chair covers or decorative pillows on kitchen sofa contrasting color.

A kitchen decorated in cherry shades can become the “highlight” of the whole home. But its design and color combinations should not allow frivolous and too bold decisions.