home · On a note · Facade cladding with cherry color siding. A selection of photos of houses made of siding. Combination of siding colors and shapes

Facade cladding with cherry color siding. A selection of photos of houses made of siding. Combination of siding colors and shapes

Siding belongs to the category of very popular and in demand in our country finishing materials, used for cladding the facade or basement of a building, as well as for arranging the cornices of buildings. It has found wide application not only in private, but also in industrial construction. You can select such material for cladding yourself or use the help of professionals.

The color and shade variety of this finishing material provides an excellent opportunity to select the most appropriate option for arranging the external wall covering. However, sometimes it can be difficult to understand the varieties of texture and color and make a choice in favor of one option.

General information

The main purpose of siding panels is to protect the facades of the house from weather conditions such as snow, wind, rain and dirt. The color palette of this material is very wide and allows you to choose the shade you like best for finishing buildings for any purpose. Selecting a color is quite difficult, due to the large number of colors of the panel material. Moreover, each color has a rich palette of shades. There are 25 primary colors and they are divided into three main classes, including color, white and pastel groups of tones.

You can choose the optimal color scheme for siding panels for any home on your own. It is also possible to entrust the design of the cladding to professionals who can initially advise the homeowner on the choice color palette and design. It often happens that there is no confidence in own strength. In this case, the palette can be selected on specialized websites dedicated to construction and finishing topics. Most of these sites have special programs or online configurators that help implement color selection design design Houses.

The use of siding allows you to choose the most successful and original type of color scheme for the facade decoration of buildings. Right choice colors and shades make it easy to select the finishing materials, accessories and fasteners necessary for installation. Such elements are usually monochromatic with the main option of finishing panels. However, contrasting design is also allowed, giving the building an original appearance.

Review of Grand Line vinyl siding (video)

Colors and rules for their selection

Currently, the most popular colors for house cladding are blue, light green, red, white, brown, lemon yellow, pistachio, gold, light cream, light or dark green, “Noble Champagne,” “ Ivory", sky blue, "Caramel", pink, and all shades of gray. In addition, the combination of the following colors is especially popular in the color scheme of the cladding:

  • white and red;
  • white and pistachio;
  • yellow and brown;
  • blue and shades of gray;
  • brown and pistachio;
  • white and green;
  • yellow and dark green;
  • white and cream.

It should be remembered that white color is combined with almost all shades of cladding and gives the appearance of the house freshness and volume. No less in demand are facades of a single-color type, the cladding of which uses beige siding; gray siding or plain dark siding are popular.

Rules for choosing colors

Finishing external walls with siding panels is characterized not only by the beauty, but also by the practicality of this modern and high-quality material. Various materials can be used as the main raw material, but the most popular is siding based on vinyl or acrylic, which perfectly withstands the adverse effects of temperature changes and air humidity, and is also resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The pink color of siding for home decoration looks impressive, as well as the colors “Ivory”, “Champagne”, cream, “Sakura” and “Caramel”.

Combination with the surrounding landscape

If the walls of the house are surrounded by forest or park greenery, then designers recommend using all combinations Brown, as well as siding panels in Ivory, cream, beige, pink or Cream color. The color combination “Champagne” and pink looks interesting. For cladding a rural-type house, panels with the “Under” texture can be used. bog oak", "Goldene Eiche" or "Golden Oak", and also "Cedar of Lebanon". In recent years, Sandalwood siding and Herringbone siding have been gaining momentum in popularity.

When choosing the color of the siding panels, you should take into account that the dark color scheme and texture “Stained Oak” or “Lebanese Cedar” will make the house or any other structure visually smaller. Dark colors and wood structures such as “Lebanese Cedar” or “Simple Cedar” more actively absorb heat from the sun’s rays and heat up significantly more. Houses built in hot climates are best equipped with exterior siding in light colors, including pink, sandalwood, sakura and champagne. It should be remembered that the combination of colors “Champagne”, “Sandalwood” and pink is perfect for one-story buildings.

Features of color selection

Classic colors

The safe and most popular option for a long time has been the use of the classic combination, which involves the design:

  • dark roof - light walls;
  • roofs and walls in the same color, but with different degrees of saturation;
  • light roof - dark walls.

Of course, selection color design siding panels depends largely on the personal preferences of the homeowner. It is for this reason that consumers currently have an excellent opportunity to experiment with the type and type of such finishing for facades and basements.

Siding color (video)

Special programs allow you to visualize all possible finishing options for the façade of buildings and structures, which facilitates quick and optimal selection. In addition, there is always the opportunity to make a choice after viewing the gallery of finishing materials, as well as ready-made design solutions.

Siding is considered one of the most practical materials used for cladding work on the facade.

The siding has good quality and performance characteristics, and is also very easy to install.

The products have a varied range, which makes it possible to provide your home with an ideal appearance.

In this article you will see photos of houses covered with siding.

The material consists of panels, which subsequently acquire an integral system on the facade of the house. The material used to produce products is varied.. Accordingly, each type of siding has its own characteristics and performance characteristics.

Options for achieving what you want design solution quite a lot, each type of product has its own color scheme and variety of textures. Basically, the products are characterized by a fairly high level of strength and reliability; they are also profitable to use because their price level is not too high.

Beautiful siding for cladding a house - photo:

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of positive characteristics of siding material, the main ones are:

  • the period during which siding can be used without problems reaches 50 years;
  • Thanks to the finishing with siding panels, the house acquires an attractive appearance. Using this material it is possible to create the most different styles and realize the most daring design ideas;
  • the material does not require special care, there is no need to paint it. It is very easy to handle;
  • siding is characterized by lightness and elasticity;
  • the process of installing panels is very simple, it requires the efforts of only one person, which allows you to significantly save on a team of workers;
  • has high resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • creates a reliable protective barrier for the surface of the facade of a house finished with siding from the effects of negative destructive environmental phenomena;
  • condensation does not form under the surface of the panels, since there are ventilation holes in it that remove accumulated moisture;
  • the material is resistant to rotting and corrosion processes, and is also not destroyed due to the activity of insects and microorganisms.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. The material from which siding is made is completely synthetic. Respectively, does not have a sufficient level of environmental friendliness. This does not apply to the wooden variety of panels, although it is not as reliable as the others.
  2. Flammability of siding. This point is important in the event of a fire. If the panel begins to melt from the fire, then it releases caustic and toxic substances that are dangerous to the health of people and animals. Stewing products is very difficult.
  3. If low temperatures persist for a long time, then the siding the panels become very brittle and may begin to crack. It is even possible for parts of the panel to break off.
  4. The material is not very resistant to mechanical damage. This is especially important for the metal variety, since for it even a scratch on the surface is a significant threat to quality. The panels cannot be restored, which requires the cost of replacing a damaged panel.


For homes that are exposed to sunlight more often, it's best to choose light-colored siding because it's less prone to fading.


Those who decide to use siding for finishing work on the facade need to familiarize themselves with the varieties of such material.


  1. Aluminum. It is characterized by a wide range of different reliefs and colors; this variety is intended for finishing office premises or residential type multi-storey buildings. This is explained by the fact that the panels weigh very little, and therefore will not weigh down the facade of a private house.
  2. . It consists of wood fibers that are compressed under high temperature conditions with the addition of a special resin. In appearance they imitate natural wood. The price category of such products is quite high. The panels are characterized by flammability.
  3. Steel. In most cases, this type is used in industrial construction. The color range is quite wide, the product weighs a lot and is prone to corrosion processes.
  4. . This variety is one of the newest invented by foreign industry. Has a high level of fire resistance. Made from cement and cellulose fibers. In appearance it resembles wooden boards. Well suited for finishing work in educational institutions and kindergartens. It is also gaining popularity in private construction.
  5. . It is also one of the newest inventions. It has its origins in Japan. The price category of the material is low. Siding contains clay and some other natural materials.
  6. . It is considered the most common and popular because it has an affordable cost, a simple installation process, the ability to hide all defects of the facade surface, and is also resistant to moisture and does not support combustion.
  7. . A type of siding panels that vary in width. Made from steel (galvanized). During production, a polyester coating is applied to the surface of the product, which protects the material from corrosion. The main advantages of this type are high level fire resistance, strength and maximum possible service life. Resistant to a wide temperature range.


When choosing aluminum siding for finishing your house, you must take into account that there is a risk of injury during the installation process. This kind of work should be approached as carefully as possible.

Photos of houses covered with siding of different colors:

Finish options

Moving away from performance characteristics and the protective properties of the siding material, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the building, which will be achieved through the panels. There are a great variety of finishing options, since the range of this material allows any imagination and fantasy to be realized.

In addition to the fact that it is possible to combine several colors of material on the façade of a building, you can purchase panels different textures and, for example, create an imitation of , or .

Regarding finishing options based on installation technology, there are two of them:

  • horizontal.

With the help of vertical installation of siding panels, the facade of the house is visually stretched, the height of the wall becomes visually larger. Horizontal finishing creates a single, holistic system that looks harmonious and cozy.

To create a more expressive and brighter facade of the house, you can use dark-colored siding on the corners of the building.

Features of care

To maintain the neat appearance of your home, it is necessary to occasionally clean the surface of the siding panels from dirt. If the contamination is insignificant, then it can be easily removed using a strong stream of water.. You can use a regular Karcher for this. If more significant dirt appears on the surface, use a soft brush to remove it.

If mold is found on some panels, then after removing it, the panels must be treated with a solution with a 5% concentration of chlorine. IN pure form Chlorine should not be used on panels. You cannot clean the surface if the temperature outside is low.

It is not recommended to use various cleaning products that include abrasive structures, as they can damage the top layer of the material. Chemicals should not be left on the siding surface for more than 10 minutes.

Useful video

In this video you will see many design options for houses with siding:


The ease of use of siding material, as well as its simple installation and affordable price, make it a very good option for finishing work on the facade. Observing everything necessary recommendations during operation, you may not return to repair work for a very long time.

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Siding color combinations

Decorating any house is a painful choice of not only the material with which your facade will be finished, but also the colors that will be adjacent to this facade. In this article, I will help you choose the most interesting combinations. First, remember a few rules that most designers resort to.

This does not mean that you need to do exactly this, but most people resort to the following laws:

The building's base should be darker than the main façade. Dark - below, light - above. It is better that the roof of the building is dark and matches the base. The color of the gutter system is usually combined with the color of the roofing or finishing elements. That is, if the roof is red, then you should choose a red gutter.

The trend in recent years dictates that we use contrasting edging elements. If you have a light facade, then the planks should be dark, for example, brown (this applies to corners, platbands and slopes, connecting elements etc.) As I already said, this is a rule that can and even sometimes needs to be broken, especially if you want to have a house that will be different from the buildings located in the neighborhood.

Many of my friends used when installing plastic facade principle of “inversion”, that is, they decorated the walls with dark siding, but the roof and all other parts of the house - with light materials. True, there are very few such brave homeowners, so I offer you options that you will like and will not shock your loved ones)))

When choosing a siding color, you can use different applications. They are offered by almost all production plants plastic trim. The most realistic models of houses can be visualized by “Alta-Planner” - a program developed by employees of the “Alta-Profile” plant (by the way, with its help, I prepared the illustrations for this article).

Combination of siding of different colors

Since we work with such material as siding, color combinations - this is a huge field for creativity, since today panels come in completely different colors.

Important rule! For the facade of a country house, you can “try on” all the colors associated with nature without any fear:
  1. White is a great color associated with snow,
  2. Green - tree, grass, vegetation,
  3. Brown - spring earth, tree crown,
  4. Red - flowers and fruits,
  5. Yellow - sun, flowers,
  6. Beige - flowering fruit trees,
  7. Blue - sky, water.

Combining all the colors described above with each other is dangerous. It might get vulgar! Therefore, I suggest you choose one main color - the one that you like best (this color will be used to decorate your façade of siding panels). Have you chosen? Great! Now it’s time to familiarize yourself with the correspondence table, which will help you choose “related colors” - it is better to use this color for roofing and edging. Important ! The roof may differ and be a completely different color, this is not scary. Main - harmonious combination and the presence of no more than three colors on the facade (as in clothes)!

Color matching on the facade of the house

The following harmonious shades are best suited to the main color of the facade:

  • White: Blue, red, brown
  • Green: Orange, yellow, brown, beige
  • Brown: bright blue, beige, green, pink
  • Red: yellow, white, blue, green
  • Yellow: Blue, purple, gray, brown
  • Beige: White, brown, blue
  • Blue: green, yellow, orange, red.
Here are some examples that may seem quite bold, but in life they look very harmonious and beautiful!

Option No. 1: combination of white siding and blue planks:

Option No. 2: combination of green panels and orange finishing elements:

Option #3: combination brown facade and pink corners and trims:
Option No. 4: combination of red PVC panels and blue trim moldings:
Option No. 5: siding combination yellow color and gray cladding (in this case it is better to make the roof brown, like drainage system PVC):

Option No. 6: combination of beige walls and white cladding:

Option No. 7: combination of blue siding panels and green finishing profiles:

If you pay close attention to my advice, which, by the way, was prepared for you by a designer friend of mine, you will get an excellent façade and beautiful combination siding colors on it. Go ahead, don’t be afraid to be bold in your decisions and, of course, having chosen a color scheme for the walls of your house, contact us to install siding on the facade of the house.

Video "Choosing colors for the facade of a house":

Video "How to choose a color on the facade":


The finish of any home - it is a painful choice, not only material which will be trimmed to your facade, but also colors, which this facade will adjoin. In this article I will help you to choose the most interesting combinations. To begin with, remember a few rules that are used by most designers. This does not mean that you need to do so, but most resort to the following laws: The plinth of the building should be darker than the main front part. Dark downstairs, bright upstairs. It is better that the roof of the building was dark and combined with the base.

The color of the drainage system are usually combined with the color of the roof or finishing amanatov. That is, if the roof is red, then you should choose the gutter red. The trend of recent years dictates the use of contrasting framing elements. If you have a bright facade, the strap should be dark, e.g., brown (this applies to the corners, architraves and jambs, connecting elements, etc.) As I said, this rule, which is possible and sometimes necessary to break, especially if you want to have a house that is different from the buildings next door. Many of my friends used while installing the plastic facade the principle of “inversion”, that is designed dark wall siding, but the roof and all other parts of the house - light materials. However, such a bold homeowners are extremely small, so I would like to offer options that will appeal to you and not subjected to a shock your loved ones))) When choosing a color of siding you can use for different applications.

They offer almost all the plants for the production of plastic finish. The most realistic building models allows you to visualize the “Alta Planner” program, which was developed by employees of the plant “Alta Profile” (by the way, with its help, I prepared the illustrations for this article). The combination of different siding colorsSince we work with such material as the siding, the combination of colors is a huge field for creativity, as today the panels are made of different colors.

An important rule! For facade country house is absolutely not afraid to “try on” all the colors associated with nature: White is the color associated with the snow, Green - wood, grass, vegetation, Brown spring earth, the crown of the tree, Red flowers and fruits, Yellow - the sun, the flowers, Beige - flowering fruit trees Blue - sky, water.To combine everything the above-described color - it is dangerous. Can get vulgar! Therefore, I suggest you choose one main color - one that you like best (exactly this color will decorate your exterior siding panels). Choose? Great! Now it"s time to familiarize yourself with the table of correspondence, which will help you to choose the “related colors” - like this color better to do the roof and okoncovke. Important! Roof can vary and be completely different colors, it" s not scary.

The main thing is a harmonious combination and the presence on the facade not more than three colors (as in clothes)! Matching colors on the facade of the houseBest suited to the main color of the facade of sledujushie, garmoniruya shades: White: Blue, red, brown Green: Ornzhevye, yellow, brown, beige Brown: bright blue, beige, green, pink Red: yellow, white, blue, green Yellow: Blue, purple, gray, brown Beige: White, brown, blue Blue: green, yellow, orange, red. And here are some examples that may seem rather bold, but in real life they look very harmonious and beautiful!

Option #1: a combination of white siding and blue straps:Option #2: combination of green and orange panels finishing elements: Option #3: combination of brown and pink facade corners and frames: Option #4: combination of red PVC panels and blue finishing mouldings:Option #5: the combination of yellow siding and gray cladding (roof in this case it is better to do brown as the drainage system of PVC):Option #6: combination of beige walls and white veneer:Option #7 : combination of siding panels of blue and green finishing profiles:If you are attentive to me, which, by the way, have prepared for you my friend designer, you will get a great facade and a beautiful combination of colors of siding on it. Go ahead, don"t be afraid to be bold in their decisions and, of course, choosing the color scheme for the walls of your home, contact us for installation of siding on the front of the house.

One of the most acceptable and modern options for decorating house facades is siding. The technology for installing the panels is quite simple, so almost anyone who wants to cover the facade of their house with this material can do it themselves with their own hands, without the help of specialists.

The main difficulty is to choose the right color and texture of the panels. Selecting the siding color for your home is what this article will discuss.

When choosing a material, the homeowner, in addition to own preferences, it is necessary to take into account some more factors, namely:

  • Predisposition to fading;
  • Heating of the material under the influence of solar heat;
  • Uniform color distribution over the panel surface;
  • Cost of panels;
  • Features of the surrounding landscape;
  • Peculiarities architectural style building.

Varieties of coloring

Selecting siding colors is not such an easy task. Currently, there are about twenty-five common panel colors, and each color has a rich palette of shades; do not forget that choosing siding color is a creative process.

All colors are divided into 3 groups:

  • White;
  • Pastel;
  • Colored.

Features of choice

Deke color scheme

Note! Therefore, when buying inexpensive material, it is better to choose pastel colors, since high-quality dye is not very cheap.

When selecting siding by color, it is necessary to take into account the uniformity of color. For example:

  • Premium material painted evenly, both inside and outside they have the same tone.
  • For budget options panels backside a little lighter, which is not considered a deviation from the norm. This color indicates that during production the manufacturer used less dye in order to save money. As a rule, such panels have a price significantly lower than that of the extra class.

When choosing siding colors, it is necessary to take into account that when producing dark panels, in order to preserve the original bright color for a long time, a larger number of color stabilizers are used. To protect rich and dark colors from exposure to sunlight, a special compound formulation is used.

Dark panels heat up more in the sun, therefore, they need stronger protection from atmospheric deformations. Cost of saturated vinyl panels dark shades approximately one and a half to two times higher.

Related articles:

Which is better - light or dark?

To prevent the selection of siding by color from becoming a problem, you can use some more tips.

Light color

  • Panels of light colors, that is, beige, sunny yellow, lavender, cream, can give the building the effect of large volume. Light-colored cladding will help highlight the building against the backdrop of the green surroundings. Thus, if you want to emphasize some individual elements of the house or somehow designate it, use beige color, as well as any other light tones.
  • In areas where dense plantings predominate, there are many coniferous trees, and on the site there is hedge, it is preferable to use light-colored trim. Imitation of red brick will also serve perfectly for this purpose.
  • If the surrounding landscape is quite light and open, you can use light, cool shades of siding, for example, sand or pearl gray.

Dark color

And now let’s talk about how to choose siding color in order to visually make your house smaller and make it least noticeable in the surrounding landscape.

This can be achieved by using dark tones, such as:

  • brown;
  • blue or green;
  • burgundy red.

Human perception tends to evaluate juicy and bright shades as newness, giving a feeling of freshness, and muted tones feel like something solid and solid. With the help of brown and green tones, you can best achieve the dissolution of the house into the surrounding landscape; this is noticeable, especially in the summer.

Color scheme of individual building elements

The selection of siding colors is complicated by the presence of various architectural elements of the house.

If the building has simple design and does not contain large quantity architectural delights, it can be decorated with bright colors.

When imagining most of these houses, what comes to mind are traditional structures with red as the main color and white slats edging the doors and windows.

If the house has an impressive veranda, columns, or attic, then it is better to use a combination neutral colors and their shades. It is better to design the external protruding elements of the house structure in a more light colors Compared to other areas, it makes sense to use darker shades for the base.

Note! If you live in small town, and the choice of finishing materials, and even more so their colors, is not great, choose several shades and combine them so that your building becomes unique. Remember, everything perfect is simple!

A modern miracle - timber finishing

The market offers a choice of vinyl or metal Block House, or timber finish. The color range of log siding is extensive, but in addition to colors, there is also texture natural wood.

  • Block House plastic siding is produced in colors that are close to the range of natural wood: cream, banana, caramel, pistachio. Full color range in the photo below:
  • But to make the house seem truly made of wood, then a metal Block House is just what you need. Here, on the covering of the panels, all the signs of real wood will be drawn and structured - age-old rings, knots and fibers. Although both simpler and cheap option- They are also painted according to RAL tables.

Helper programs

Special configurators, often developed by the manufacturers themselves, can provide assistance in choosing siding colors. This program is a kind of pre-sale instruction for choosing a color.

They will allow you to see how the chosen shade will look in a building of a certain architectural design, and in different landscapes. Some programs even allow you to look at your home depending on the time of year and the weather outside the window. An example of working with the configurator can be seen in the video:


When deciding how to choose the siding color for your home, you shouldn’t get too hung up and sort through a million pieces of information. Remember, the main selection criterion will be your own taste, which will help you create your ideal home!

Siding decoration of houses and color combinations interest people even at the stage of the finishing project. After all, work is not done in one day and everyone wants to do everything harmoniously.

Here you need to take into account the color combination of siding and roofing and also not forget about windows and doors. Literally everything is important here.

In this article we will look at what siding colors go together. You can also watch visual examples in the video in this article and make the right choice.

How to choose siding color

Wanting to beautifully decorate a residential building, most often they choose materials such as fiber cement or. In fact, such owners are doing the right thing, because it’s really worth seeing these materials once to understand that this is so.

Siding, the combination of colors plays an important role and there is a choice here, because the materials have a fairly large range of colors. They are able to imitate the texture of wood, brick, moreover, they can also be embossed panels of various colors.

Important information

As soon as you wish to purchase such materials, you should find out that they have some features and nuances, which you must remember.

  • For example, few people know that premium class siding is painted most evenly, speaking about the colors of panels from the inside and outside, then they are practically no different, so be sure to take this into account. It is especially good to choose a combination of siding and stone here. Its price is significantly higher than other types.
  • If you are interested in budget material options, then know that on the inside they usually have a light color, and this only confirms that they have high quality. And the combination of siding colors here will also be at its best.
  • Speaking of resistance to fading, know that everything here depends on the quality of the dye, as well as the content of color stabilizers in it, so this must be taken into account. Naturally, the better the dye is used in the production of a material of this type, the correspondingly higher its price will be. This is indicated by the instructions for the material and the certificate of conformity.

Attention: Panels of dark and bright colors, as a rule, fade less; it is customary to use a huge number of color stabilizers for their coloring; they, in turn, are more expensive compared to panels of light pastel shades.

  • Often, many people believe that under the influence of sunlight, siding begins to lose its attractiveness, but this is not so, it fades slightly, evenly, so it will not be noticeable.

Light or dark color

The combination of roofing and siding colors (see) is one of the important points. This plane is the most visible. Therefore it requires additional attention.

  • If you can’t decide, then you need to know in advance that light siding colors include: white, light green, yellow, etc. Remember also that different manufacturers shades of the same color can differ significantly, so this cannot be ignored.

Attention: A house that will be finished with light-colored siding, as a rule, seems larger than it actually is, so you can choose this particular material option.

  • But if you want to use dark colors to decorate your home, then know that in this way you can visually reduce its volume.

Things to consider

Naturally, you must understand that when choosing such a material, you need to achieve a high-quality combination of the color of the walls with the finishing elements, then you will be able to enjoy the attractiveness and originality, and this is the main thing.

Attention: It should be noted that horizontal fastening will make the building visually lower. Whereas with vertical you will imagine it much higher.

If you want decorative elements to match the color of the walls, you need to use a special color compatibility table.


  • If we are talking about a house of simple design, then you can always use only contrasting combinations. Thus, you can make them more expressive and beautiful, this applies to platbands and cornices white etc.
  • As a rule, houses in Scandinavian countries are usually finished in this way, but if you chose calm colors to decorate the facade of the house pastel shades, then know that the decor can be made brighter.
  • Be sure to keep in mind that this principle will not work for houses that have a large number of protruding structures, such as balconies, columns and terraces.

In this case, it is best to use exclusively neutral color combinations material with decorative elements. Moreover, designers advise making all protrusions and details light, in this way you can avoid the effect of massiveness, which means you should not forget about it.

  • If you don’t know which combination to choose so that it looks advantageous, it is best to give preference to a discreet option. You also need to take into account and remember the design of the basement and roof, because this is important.

Special programs for color selection

Know that you can always use special programs that will allow you to competently and efficiently select the right siding colors that are truly ideal for your home.

Such computer programs are in demand and popular, because they can solve many problems, which means that you should definitely use them.

Attention: You should know that on a white background, color combinations may not look the same as in reality, under certain lighting conditions, so take this into account in advance.


Now you can make your home cozy, attractive and beautiful, both inside and out. The color combination of siding and corrugated sheeting should be selected according to the same principles.

Remember that siding is the most common option for façade cladding, so it’s impossible not to use it.