home · Tool · Facades of cottages with a brown roof photo gallery. Green color of the roof of the house: photos of original options. Elements and color

Facades of cottages with a brown roof photo gallery. Green color of the roof of the house: photos of original options. Elements and color

The appearance of your home is a reflection of yourself, your wealth and your level, so it is extremely important that the colors of the facade and roof are not only beautiful, but also combined with each other. If the facade of your house has a bright shade, then it is wrong to cover the roof with a moderate color and vice versa.

For brick buildings, the most suitable roofing color is brown or dark green. Also, for a brick building, metal roofing should be used. This way you will achieve the most harmonious combination of the color of the facade and the roofing.

For a wooden structure, light shades are more suitable, which will emphasize the expressiveness of individual elements of the building and give it a respectable appearance.
How not to make a mistake when choosing a roof color

Of course, the best thing to do would be to contact a designer, but there is a possibility that you will not like his decision. In this case, you can get down to business yourself. There are several factors to consider when choosing a roof color:

· Compatibility of the color of the roof with the color scheme of the facade;

· Climatic features;

· Consider the location of the building in a certain area;

· Take into account the color characteristics of nearby buildings.

If you stick to these guidelines, you will naturally get the desired result.

The most common roof colors

The most common roofing colors are:

· Black;

· Brown;

· Burgundy;

· Dark green.

These colors are most often and clearly combined with different types and colors of facades

Natural materials are harmoniously combined with green color: wood, brown or yellow clinker, natural stone. Which façade should I choose if the roof is gray or graphite? Walls in a full range of colors - from white to brown - go well with such a roof. A variety of facing materials, such as clinker or wood, are also suitable. Graphite color allows for bold color schemes, which is why it is often used in modern architecture. How does a white facade combine with a brown roof? In the traditional way.
In this case, it is better to use ceramic tiles than shingles or seam roofing. What roofing material and color are best suited for a wooden house? In the case of a stylized house, I suggest a beautiful shade of green, for example, the color of moss. In the case of local construction, for example, in the mountains, it is better to use black shingles or metal tiles sprinkled with stone chips. In modern houses with a facade trimmed with wood, a dark roof - graphite or various shades of gray - is harmoniously combined. What kind of houses are roof decorations suitable for? Ceramic figurines - cockerels and storks - are increasingly appearing on the roofs of houses.

How to choose the color of the chimney? In this regard, several solutions can be proposed. Often a color is chosen that harmonizes with the tone of the facade: this is a good choice in the case of small, inconspicuous chimneys. If the chimney is high and wide, it most likely spoils the overall impression - in this case, I suggest choosing its color to match the tone of the roof, thanks to which it will “dissolve” and disappear into the plane of the slope. The third way out of the position is the contrast with both the color of the roof and the façade. Then I recommend using a stone finish that matches the cladding of the house, or a different color that should appear on the facade, for example.

The appropriate combination of roof and facade colors largely determines the appearance of the house as a whole. The remaining finishing elements only give the house the finishing touch. There are many possible solutions, so making a choice is not easy. In this regard, many questions arise.

Can the landscaping plan strictly dictate the color of the roof? Why?

The landscaping plan for the development area is regulated by local law, which has the right to oblige us to use a certain roof color. That is why it is necessary to get acquainted with it in advance, even before the planned construction. The requirement to design roofs of a similar color is dictated by the need to maintain a harmonious organization of space, to capture and emphasize the unique character of the area.

In this regard, it is worth citing the example of French cities. The characteristic red-orange ceramic tiles used in Provence have inspired many artists. Today it would be difficult to find roofs that are uniform in color: after all, we have so many manufacturers, so many different building materials, and there is no arguing about tastes. Local authorities most often limit themselves to naming the acceptable color palette, while eliminating atypical, eye-catching tones, for example, blue. It would seem that frame houses using Canadian technology are a simple matter. And high-quality materials combined with professional work will do the trick. However, not all so simple! In any construction, not only technical, but also aesthetic parameters are important, because the future structure should look beautiful and harmonious, causing the delight of its owner.

The choice of color palette for the facade and roof plays an important role in the final result. It is thanks to the correctly selected shade that a Canadian house acquires the finishing touch in the composition of stylish and luxurious buildings.

Which color do you prefer?! What properties do colors have?! How to combine them correctly?! Let's look at all these issues...

Choosing the color of the roof and facade

In order to decide on the shades of the building being constructed, ask yourself - how do you see your Canadian home?! Do you like it when a building fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, as if dissolving into it without attracting attention?! Then you should turn your attention to the traditional brown-green color scheme. For expressive natures, bolder shade solutions are suitable: purple, yellow, blue, red.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of warm and cold tones of the roof and walls of the house. In no case should you combine walls of cold colors with warm colors of the roof and vice versa (for example, a blue facade will certainly not be decorated with a brown roof). White and gray walls are considered universal options - any color of the roofing material suits them.

Classic schemes for combining colors of the facade and roof:

· Light walls with a dark roof are a traditional option for home design, suitable for conservative individuals and all connoisseurs of already established architectural standards.

· The walls and roof are in the same tone - in this color scheme the building looks quite interesting and stylish, like a solid canvas by an artist. However, to many today such unity seems somewhat boring and monotonous.

· Dark walls with a light roof - an extraordinary look at frame houses using Canadian technology (when the structure seems to dissolve in the clouds). This is a great combination for brave, extravagant people who are used to standing out from others.

Training video on choosing a combination of roof and facade colors:

Properties of flowers

Not many people today know that each group of colors has its own unique properties that can change the shape of a building, hide flaws and emphasize advantageous aspects.

Muted dark colors actively attract light and heat up, which is why they are most often preferred by residents of the northern regions. But light shades of the facades not only visually expand the building, but also protect it from exposure to direct sunlight.

A bright and saturated background fades much faster and loses its original appearance. However, some muted light shades may develop unattractive yellow spots over time.

Helpful advice: catchy and ornate colors are suitable if the Canadian house has a simple shape with a minimum set of “exterior details”.

· Shades that are produced from the same color are ideally combined with each other (the most advantageous option).

· Using the colors of the surrounding landscape (brown, green, terracotta) in decorating the house will give the building a strict, classic look.

· Light colors do not “get boring” so quickly; their use is associated with less risk of making a mistake with the combination of the color of the walls and roof.

· If you are in doubt between two similar shades, it is better to choose a less intense one.

· Gutters and other additional exterior elements should also be designed to match the facade or roof.

· Study your surroundings. Frame houses using Canadian technology located in close proximity to a reservoir will look great in any shades of blue and blue, but the “forest area” will be emphasized by chestnut colors.

· If you want to use several colors for the walls and roof at once, then the maximum combination of tones should not be more than three (otherwise you may get the impression of excessive variegation).

What should be the order of decisions when choosing the colors of a house?

It is established by the construction process itself: the roof is laid even before the facades are finished. Choosing a roof color is a very important decision. The tiles are not replaced for decades, and the walls of the house are painted every few years (bold color schemes are possible).

Can the color of the roof affect the temperature inside the attic?

If hydro- and thermal insulation is carried out appropriately, then the color of the roof, in principle, should not have any effect on the temperature of the attic rooms. But reality makes its own adjustments: in fact, a dark roof heats up somewhat more. We will feel the heat given off by such a roof more strongly when we open the attic windows on a hot summer day. Roofing material is also important in this regard: the problem of heating and heat transfer by the roof concerns primarily residents of houses whose roofs are covered with bitumen shingles or seam roofing.

Is the shape of the roof taken into account when choosing a color?

Basically, it doesn't matter. If, however, the slope of the roof is greater than usual or the roof is relatively large and has a complex shape (for example, attic or multi-slope), then its color will be dominant, and sometimes even overwhelming, especially in the case of dark tones.

How is the choice of roofing material related to color?

Some roofing materials impose their colors on us. This applies primarily to natural materials that have a natural color: if the shingles (wooden piece material), then black, if the tiles are brick-colored. Meanwhile, manufacturers of bitumen and metal tiles offer a rich range of colors. Hence, for example, blue roofs are increasingly appearing, which, standing out sharply against the background of the natural landscape, disfigure its overall appearance. The coloring of the house, including the roof, should echo its natural environment, so I personally recommend using a natural palette. It is worth studying the specifics of the material well, checking how it looks in one color or another. Therefore, it is better to choose it directly in the store or where you can see a fragment of the roof with your own eyes. I do not recommend choosing a roof color from a catalog or company website!

What roof color would be most suitable for a house located among trees?

A beautiful garden should inspire us to come up with an interesting color scheme. In this case, natural tones and materials fit best into the natural environment. Among the possible combinations, it is necessary to avoid too harsh tones, such as pure red or blue. In the process of building a house, sooner or later everyone is faced with the need to select the shade of the roof and walls, but this process is not so simple. An experienced designer will be able to offer you the most unusual and varied combinations of roof and facade colors, justifying his choice with various reasons. But what do experts rely on? How not to “miss” in the matter of exterior color – we will discuss in our article.

Some useful tips on the principles of color selection
If dark and saturated colors are used for the roof, then it is advisable to make the shade of the facade light.
For a house in a classic, English, Russian and Provence style, natural “earth” shades are better suited - for example, beige, brown, alder, etc.
For lovers of modernism and minimalism, choose combinations in bright colors (blue, black, white). Preferably nothing “in between” like beige, gray, etc.
For those who admire Byzantine architecture, you should choose the calmest shades of light (beige, yellow, white).
Flashy and bright shades, as a rule, quickly irritate, so if possible, it is better to choose calmer colors, but of the same palette.
For the facade, do not use more than 2 different shades, and for the roof - more than 1.
Bright red and black colors should not be used as dominant colors - they are good in detail.
Look around: what is the situation around the house? For example, shades of brown and green blend perfectly with their natural surroundings. On the other hand, a red roof will stand out against the blue sky. Thus, you can either “hide” or “highlight” the building.
Do not forget that the image of your site as a whole will seem more complete if shades similar in tone prevail near the building.

Harmonious combinations: designer tips

In order to choose the right combination of colors for the facade of the house and the roof, you need to know some principles of “harmony” of shades, let’s note some of them:
A light yellow, white or gray façade goes well with a green roof - a wonderful addition to the surrounding natural beauty.

Yellow, cream and beige facades go perfectly with a brown roof - it turns out simple, but tasteful.
White, gray, blue, green walls will suit a black and gray roof (such combinations are very rare) - reminiscent of winter coolness, such combinations look noble and rich.
Red roofs are combined with brown and gray - a bright solution, but one of the ways to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your wealth.
A gray and white facade will also go well with a roof in blue shades - such combinations do not strain the eyes and are associated with cleanliness and airy coolness.

Another point worth mentioning is the breadth of modern choice of materials. So, if modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of different paints for the facade, the roof is presented in a narrow spectrum. However, to make the selection of shades faster and easier, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the visual color combination scheme.
Psychological approach to choosing shades

It’s no secret that each shade has its own effect on a person’s psyche and mood. This applies to the clothes we wear, the surrounding interior and even the shades of the walls of the house in which we live. For this good reason, some psychologists advise paying special attention to your character and even lifestyle when choosing suitable colors!
For example, for conservative people it is better to choose a dark roof/light facade. This combination is traditional and occurs most often. The solution will become a kind of “calming” for the owner and will help him feel relaxed and calm within the walls of his home.

Calm individuals should choose options when both the roof and the facade are monochromatic - a combination of colors (photos of such buildings look quite attractive) of this kind does not change a person’s foundations and does not irritate him. To add brightness to the overall exterior, you can add small decorative elements in the form of rusticated stones, original window sills, etc.
Light roof/dark facade - for brave individuals, innovators by nature. Such houses are very rare, the buildings seem to “dissolve” in the clouds, everything is incredibly harmonious, calm, and cozy. Just what daring and stubborn people need.

Finding the ideal combination of colors of the roof and the facade of the house (photos can be viewed in various sources) is a troublesome task and not as simple as it seems at first glance - you cannot do without recommendations. But, of course, the tips outlined in the article are not strict instructions for action, no matter what shade of roof you choose - the solution must be unique and appeal specifically to you.

Color harmony is a combination of two or more colors. There are a large number of different rules for arranging colors and their compatibility with each other. Everything in the house should be beautiful and well designed. This rule does not bypass the task of choosing a color scheme for the appearance of the building. The combination of colors of the facade and roof is an interesting topic that should be approached carefully. Classic color combination


If you want to not stand out from the architectural ensemble and the landscape surrounding the house, the main things you should pay attention to when choosing the color of the roof and facades are neighboring houses and natural areas. Is your house located on the seashore? Feel free to choose coral, blue, white, beige or turquoise for decoration. If the building is surrounded by a rich forest or there is a picturesque pond, park area, etc. next to it, you can experiment and choose a successful combination of roof and facade in brown and green shades. Even a small flower bed outside the window can inspire an unusual design. Don't forget about the neighbors' houses. It would be a good idea to take into account the color scheme of the surrounding buildings and use them in the decoration of your home to support the overall color scheme of nearby buildings. This point should be observed both in the case of choosing the same style as neighboring buildings, and in the case when you want to stand out from their background. Advice! Do not forget that love for color and its understanding is individual. Therefore, when you have a palette or photos of different colors and textures in front of you, base your choice on your inner feeling, and not on fashionable new items. All flashy names are good for advertising, they should not guide your decision. Examples of profitable and beautiful combinations


If your house has any obvious shortcomings, they can be easily hidden with the help of a successful combination of colors in the facade of the house and highlight all its advantages. If the building has a complex shape, you should not use bright colors in decoration. They will only emphasize and distort all his curves. It would be better to use calm tones with dark accents in the decoration of windows, doors and decor. White or light color makes the building appear larger. It is often used in architecture precisely because of this property. Therefore, if you want a small house to look rich and luxurious, decorate it in white. However, in any case, do not forget about interesting accents and details. If your house is located in the south, you should pay attention to light shades, which will attract less light.

Conversely, a house located in the north should be made darker. When choosing facade finishing, you should be interested not only in price, but also in all the characteristics of a particular finishing material for the facade. Choose fade-resistant colors. As you know, bright shades are more susceptible to fading than others. The most practical color is gray. Dust does not settle on it, it does not turn yellow and does not fade over time. Advice! Before you start choosing a combination of roofing and facade colors, determine for yourself what result you want to achieve. To ensure that the house fits well into the surrounding landscape, use natural colors in the exterior decoration - blue, brown, green, and so on. To create contrast with the sky and surrounding vegetation, choose brighter colors. An example of contrast - a red roof against a blue sky


Select combinations of shades of the same color. Use natural colors in exterior decoration. Choose two or three colors for the roof and facades and use them in decoration. Use contrasting colors. For example, the roof is bright, the facade is calm and small details are dark.


Choosing a large number of different colors and excessive use of various decorative elements. Selection of sharp, strongly contrasting colors that do not fit well with each other. Choosing too bright a color for the main background. Use only one color in decoration. Advice! When you are unsure of your abilities and do not want to select color combinations with your own hands, it is better to entrust the color design of your home to a specialist. You can also pre-select colors on paper or in a computer program and see how certain colors will look together. This will make it easier to choose the appropriate option. Color combinations and types of color solutions for roofing


When you select a combination of colors for the facade and roof of a house, try to examine the chosen color under different lighting. You should evaluate the texture or material several times throughout the day to understand how it will look at different times of the day and under certain lighting. Keep in mind that the same material will look different on the south and north sides of the house. To be sure to find the right color, pay attention to several different samples. If possible, watch several videos with examples of cottage facade design, where you can see how light affects color and texture. TRADITIONAL TYPES OF COLOR SOLUTIONS FOR HOUSES

One color for the whole house, including its various variations. In this case, the combination of the color of the facade and the roof forms a single whole. This solution creates harmony and a feeling of solidity of the whole house. However, such a building looks rather inconspicuous. Light bottom combined with dark top. Quite a traditional combination of colors in the facade of the house. Large walls are favorably emphasized by a roof in a contrasting color. In addition to the roof, the facades may have small details of the same contrasting color. Dark bottom and light top. A rarer combination of facade and roof. A special feature of this design is the roof, which seems to dissolve into the sky. The walls of the house attract attention. Harmony is created by light decorative elements, doors and windows matched to the roof. Advice! You can hide elements that are undesirable to the eye, such as gutters, by painting them the same color as the facades. Black, gray and white are great colors for accents. For example, black railings, white shutters on the windows, white cornices and the like. This combination of colors on the facade of the house will make it more interesting and beautiful. Successful combination of color of facades and roof Making a private house attractive with a beautiful facade is not at all difficult. The main thing is that there are good instructions and knowledge of the basic rules for designing facades and roofs.

To what extent does the stylization of the house and following certain patterns influence the choice of roofing material and color?

A house designed in a certain style requires appropriate proportions, materials and decor. The choice of the right roofing material (and therefore color) is also associated with style. Stylized houses are usually covered with traditional materials, that is, shingles or straw, or they use a special metal tile similar to traditional ones.

I dream of a green roof. What facade color will be most suitable?

It is best to choose warm colors, such as beige or yellow, but white walls also go well with a green roof. In this case, it would be possible to decorate the facade with other green details, for example, window frames or shutters. Green colors harmoniously combine natural materials: wood, brown or yellow clinker, natural stone.

Which façade should I choose if the roof is gray or graphite?

Walls in a full range of colors - white to brown - go well with such a roof. A variety of facing materials, such as clinker or wood, are also suitable. Graphite color allows for bold color solutions, which is why it is often used in modern architecture.

How does a white facade combine with a brown roof?

In traditional architecture, a white wall and dark, even ebony wood were a typical combination - just remember the technique of half-timbering (half-timbering is a frame system consisting of interconnected posts, beams and braces; it plays a constructive and decorative role, visually dividing the facade). Such a sharp contrast, however, requires careful finishing. So, when choosing a white facade (which may be dictated, among other things, by financial considerations), we must think about the wooden elements of the external decor, that is, about shutters, balustrades, and the finishing of the rafter structure. Wooden parts can be dark brown, but this is not necessary: ​​to soften the contrast, it is good to choose other combinations - mahon (or red), with light, almost white wood, saving tones, for example, blue or green shades (to for example, shutters).

If you still abandon the ubiquitous white color, I suggest cream, yellowish, beige tones for façade cladding, from light to darker (this applies to both plaster and ceramic cladding). Warm colors of the walls make the whole building “warmer” - that’s why I recommend beige tones, which are fashionable recently.

What roof color goes best with a white caviar façade?

Both white and cream (slightly yellowish) walls look good in similar combinations, for example, with a red or brick-colored roof. With white walls, you should use wooden frames and decor that “insulate” such a facade. Cream walls, as less contrasting, go well with white trim and frames of openings. Green roof color suits both tones. White color also harmoniously combines graphite and brown colors.

What roofing material is most suitable for ceramic cladding of the facade? Should the roof color be the same as the facade color, or can they be different? When is the best time to use ceramic tiles?

Clinker has a rich palette. In addition to the most typical shades of red, warm tones of yellow and brown are also available. If the ceramic cladding is red, it is unlikely to go well with red tiles. The best color solution in this case would be the graphite color of the roof (it goes well with almost all shades of clinker), dark brown is also allowed. If the cladding is made in warm colors - yellow or brown - then the best choice would be brown or green tiles.

Using high-quality finishing materials, which include ceramic cladding, you need to select the appropriate material for the roof. In this case, it is better to use ceramic tiles than shingles or seam roofing.

What roofing material and color are best suited for a wooden house?

In the case of a stylized house, I suggest a beautiful shade of green, for example, the color of moss. In the case of local construction, for example, in the mountains, it is better to use black shingles or metal tiles sprinkled with stone chips. In modern houses with a facade trimmed with wood, a dark roof - graphite or various shades of gray - is harmoniously combined.

What kind of houses are roof decorations suitable for?

Ceramic figurines - cockerels, storks - are increasingly appearing on the roofs of houses... Sometimes they delight, but sometimes they cause ridicule. This type of decoration is suitable primarily for stylized, traditional or very simple houses, rectangular in plan, with a gable roof.

How to choose the color of the chimney?

In this regard, several solutions can be proposed. Often a color is chosen that harmonizes with the tone of the facade: this is a good choice in the case of small, inconspicuous chimneys. If the chimney is high and wide, it most likely spoils the overall impression - in this case, I suggest choosing its color to match the tone of the roof, due to which it will seem to “dissolve”, disappear into the plane of the slope. The third way out of the position is the contrast with both the color of the roof and the façade. Then I recommend using a stone finish that matches the cladding of the house, or a different color that should appear on the facade, for example, framing window openings.

Do I need to match the eaves trim to the roof?

The lining of the eaves and gable overhangs does not always have to exactly match the color of the roof; you can choose a contrasting one. In the case of wooden paneling, it is worth using a full natural palette, that is, all sorts of shades of brown: light red tones to dark ones, even black. White lining, made of wood or siding, is very popular. If the eaves overhang is large, then thanks to such filing the interior becomes lighter and more illuminated.

What color is most suitable for gutters, valleys and other finishing elements?

Gutters, roofing parts, and components can be made in different color options. The standard solution is to match them to the color of the roof, using, for example, different shades. Less often, more original color solutions are used, when the finishing of gutters and gutters echoes the color of the facade.

The sharp contrast of white walls and a dark brown roof requires careful finishing and skillful selection of decorative details

Facade color and roof color
Most often the facade is yellow. This color seems neutral and at the same time warmer compared to the once popular white, which gets dirty more quickly. You need to choose the color of the roof to match the color of the facade.

People who don't trust their own artistic imagination can entrust the color design project to professionals. This is done by architectural bureaus, sometimes also by design studios collaborating with manufacturers of facade materials. The service may also consist of visualizing the color concept proposed by the customer. But it should be borne in mind that the electronic version produces a much more accurate display of colors than when using watercolor paints and crayons. In addition, the colors of the facade and roof that we see on the computer screen will be closer to real ones than those that we get on a printout from a conventional inkjet printer.

Brown-beige details of the window frames, gray window sashes and drainage system, as well as the fence are matched to the main color combination - gray roof and beige walls. Together they create a holistic architectural and artistic composition

Template and sample. How to do without a project? It is necessary to check in advance whether the façade colors chosen from the sample will look good on a large surface of the façade and whether they are in harmony with each other. Making a template that will allow you to “try on” the colors can help in this matter. To do this, you will need a drawing of the facade (a photocopy of the project) or a photograph of an unfinished house (as little artistic as possible, “flat” facades converted into a plane).

Then you need to cut out these fields and elements that will be painted, and paste the remaining ones onto transparent film or tracing paper. The template prepared in this way can be applied to the colorful color layout of the paint and plasters manufacturer.

It's also good to use swatches that show colors on larger formats.
Special computer programs can provide great assistance in choosing the color of the roof and the color of the facade of the house, allowing you to check a large number of color solutions in a short time.

Test on the wall. The perception of the color of the facade and the color of the roof is influenced by many factors, primarily the type of lighting and surface texture. Therefore, before ordering materials for the entire facade, it is advisable to apply a sample to the surface of the wall that is not covered by scaffolding. The test consists of plastering or painting approximately 0.5–1 m2 of wall. Color assessment should be carried out repeatedly, at different times of the day, under different lighting conditions. Identical specimens on a north and south wall assessed on a sunny or cloudy day will look different. We need to check whether the chosen color suits us in changing natural light. It is best to perform and compare two or three different samples of pre-selected color sets.

Advice for the cautious. To avoid mistakes when choosing the color of the roof and the color of the facade, it is worth remembering the following rules.
Shades derived from one primary color will always harmonize with each other.
The combination of natural colors and earth colors (ochre, beige, brown) gives the house a classic look.
The use of light, pastel colors is associated with less risk than intense ones. Dark and saturated colors get boring faster than neutral ones.
If you have doubts about choosing paints for large façade surfaces among similar colors, it is recommended to choose the least intense one.
Without risk, you can use dark and saturated colors on smaller surfaces or in combination with lighter tones.
The use of different colors on the façade (for example, a dark base and the main color of the walls, in combination with lighter frames around the windows and inside the slopes) will help diversify it and give it individuality. In this case, it is best to limit the number of facade colors to two or three. If there are more of them, the impression of diversity may be created.
Composition of many elements

Finally, you will need to select colors for other elements that affect the appearance of the house: window frames, basement, garage doors, fence, drainpipes, stairs, landing...

It is a real art to ensure that all the details are in harmony with the shade of the walls that we have chosen or that - to our surprise - “turned out” on the facade.
Since the perception of color is very subjective, trust your own eyes first. Don't follow stereotypes: yellow always goes with brown. Remember also that the advertising definitions invented by marketing specialists (Sicilian orange, wet asphalt or ripe cherry) are just words. They should not influence your choice. It is better to choose suitable solutions and color combinations for yourself using the example of completed houses.
Yellow, but which one?

The number of shades of yellow is large, therefore, having settled on this facade color, we are still faced with the problem of choice. For the cautious, sand, cream, and vanilla shades are suitable; sunny, but not very saturated. For the brave - more intense. In addition to warm ones, there is also a lemon color - colder, it attracts the eye less and can emphasize the distance in relation to the surroundings.
Active colors on the facade indicate that the house is recently built and well-maintained, so painting a 60s “cottage” bright canary yellow often changes it beyond recognition. Such a house is visible from afar and attracts attention.
It is worth noting that the rich color of the facade justifies itself the more, the simpler the shape of the house and the fewer small architectural elements it contains. That is why such colors are most often found in houses with modern architectural solutions. If the architecture is more traditional and rich in decorative details, then the appropriate background for them will be the calm color of the walls.

The color of the facade can give the house a completely different look: after reconstruction and modernization, the gray walls were painted yellow

The color of the facade is in a cool palette: yellow walls contrasting with a dark roof and cool clinker details. This effect was achieved, among other things, thanks to the choice of dark brown window frames. This house looks presentable

The color of the facade is in a warm range: yellow, sunny walls and a traditional red tiled roof are combined with a warm orange tone. White elements such as windows, garage doors, shutters emphasize the well-kept home and give it a cheerful character.
Walls and roof

The choice of color for the facade is always related to the color of the roof. Roofing coatings are presented in a narrower color palette compared to facade paints. When choosing a coating, we always have a specific product in mind.

Depending on whether it is a standing seam metal roof, metal tiles, ceramic shingles, cement shingles or asphalt shingles, there are different, but often limited, options for choosing the color of the roof. Therefore, before choosing the most important combination of colors for the appearance of the house - roof and walls, it is better to familiarize yourself with the proposals of roofing material manufacturers. Remember that the color of the roof in sunlight may look different than indoors.

Before you start choosing colors for your exterior walls and roof, you need to answer one simple question: what do you want from your home? If it should fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and even merge somewhat with it, it is better to pay attention to natural greenish-brown shades. If you need to create some contrast with nature, then, for example, a red roof against a blue sky will stand out quite brightly. And in order not to cross the boundaries of common sense and aesthetics, we will consider in more detail the relevance of different groups of colors for the architecture of a private house.

Hide cannot be emphasized

Colors in the architecture of a house play a much larger role than one might think. With the help of color schemes, they hide the flaws of a house or emphasize its advantages, visually change its shape, increase or decrease insolation. The latter is especially important for latitudes with climates warmer or colder than temperate. So, what surprises do colors hold?

The degree of heat absorption. According to the laws of physics, dark surfaces attract light more, therefore, in northern latitudes, dark shades are preferable for facades and roofs, and in southern latitudes, light shades are preferable.

Resistant to fading. According to the same laws, bright, saturated colors are most susceptible to fading. The leader in this marathon is black. The lighter the color, the less noticeable the sun's exposure to it. It would seem that white is ideal in this regard, but not everything is so simple - in the sun it tends to turn yellow over time. The most practical color, unfortunately, is also the most discreet: gray does not fade, does not turn yellow, and dust is not visible on it. Over the years, the gray color can only change its shade slightly, and even then only slightly.

Visual properties. Light colors visually enlarge the building, which is why white is the favorite color of classical architecture, striking in its grandeur. Cream and light beige shades also look noble. But the pastel colors themselves look faded. Objects with dark accents in decoration look much more interesting.

Dependence on form. Bright, saturated colors are justified only with simple house shapes and the absence of small architectural details. Otherwise, it is better to choose a light and calm color of the walls, which will smooth out the intricacy of the design.

White and blue are an elegant tandem that also harmonizes with the shades of the sky and clouds

Wall colors

Most often, colors that are somehow related to nature are used to paint facades - yellow, brown, beige, green. They are usually . For example, a house with “sunny” walls, complemented by windows and doors made of dark wood, looks both presentable and very cozy.

White and gray walls are often found. The first is considered neutral and harmonizes with absolutely all colors, the second serves as an excellent background for the bright elements of the building (windows, doors, gutters). Both of these wall colors combined with a red roof are a timeless and fashionable classic.

Red color also present in the façade palette. True, this is more of a brick shade - this is exactly what walls acquire thanks to the use of clinker tiles in cladding. A light roof and windows will successfully complete this look.

Blue- one of the fashion trends - goes well with shades of gray, beige and white. The house with blue walls, white windows and a gray roof looks very elegant.

Black, purple or dark blue facade- a choice for the brave. Walls of these colors are appropriate in northern latitudes and in modern architecture without unnecessary details. The remaining elements of the building should be light.

The red house looks impressive, but there is a danger that the bright paint will fade over time

If the roof of the house is green, then the problem is practically solved, because this is a universal option that goes well with any facade. The only exception may be dark blue, which is not very compatible with green roofing. In general, a green roof opens up new horizons and makes it possible to experiment.

Lovers of classic style can make a combination of gray or beige with green. A combination of light and dark shades of green will also look beautiful. In order for the facade of the house to be completely combined with the green roof of the house, it is necessary to bring some bright colors to the decoration of the house, to use green shades when finishing the facade or some of its parts. For example, you can add green window frames, gutters, or a roof over your porch. A house with a green roof will fit well with landscape design and create a unified composition with nature.

It is very important to choose the right not only the color of the roof or its shade, but also the roofing material that will be used to cover the protective structure. First of all, you need to find out whether this or that material is suitable for the type of roof used, and whether this material is available in green. In general, when choosing a material and its shade, you need to rely on your own opinion, since it is the owner of the house who will live under this roof.

How to choose the right shade?

Before choosing the required shade, you need to ask yourself the question of what exactly is expected from the house, what functional load it will carry and how this shade will make it special. In general, you need to choose the color and its shade, relying only on your perception and personal taste, because the house can either harmoniously combine with the landscape, or vice versa, be a bright spot against the general background.

If the walls of the house are covered with siding, then it is necessary to take into account the finishing of the facade when choosing the shade of the roof. In general, the color of the roof and the facade should be combined with each other as much as possible; you need to take into account whether warm or cold colors are used. The green color of the roof is universal, so you can decide on frank ideas and bring the most unusual ideas to life.
The most popular schemes for combining facade and roof:

  • Dark roof and light wall decoration. In this case, you can get closer to the classic style, make the house elegant and interesting in appearance.
  • A light roof and dark walls is a less popular option, however, it can be used to create an unusual effect. Looking at such a house, it seems that it can disappear into the clouds, and this is what many brave people like.
  • Color harmony of the roof and facade using one tone. In general, this option will connect the roof and the facade; this option is monolithic, but very boring and will quickly get boring, so not everyone can decide on it.

Often, not everyone sees the final result in their imagination; they are not completely sure whether this or that shade will be as successful and appropriate as possible. In this regard, there are a number of recommendations and tips that can guide the homeowner to the right choice:

  • If green is the color chosen, but it does not quite suit the facade, then you can use its derivatives, ranging from light green to dark green.
  • It is necessary that the shade of the roof is fully compatible with the architectural style of the building. The classic style, for example, is a supporter of calm tones, so bright shades would be inappropriate here.
  • If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities and ideas, and the fear of ruining the house does not leave your subconscious, then it is better to turn to professional designers who can do everything for you.
  • You need to decide whether the house will blend with neighboring buildings or stand out. The construction will be aimed at unity with nature or play in contrast.

Choosing the color of the roof and facade

Before choosing a color combination, you need to decide whether the house will be special or similar to the others, because using different colors you can make the building not only original, but also fabulously beautiful. Green color is soft and natural, capable of creating harmony at home with nature.

The decoration of the facade should not only be combined with the roof, but also emphasize it. Roofing material plays a very important role, because not every building material has a large selection of colors, in particular green. Probably the right decision would be to choose a shade of green for the roof, purchase material and install the roofing, and then start finishing the facade. This decision is due to the fact that the number of building materials and color variations for facades is much greater, which means that it will be possible to adapt to the design of the roof after the fact.

It is worth noting that dark shades make the house visually smaller, absorb light and heat up, so they are better suited for the northern part of the country. In the south, on the contrary, a light roof would be a more preferable option, since the dark one fades more strongly, while the light one remains almost unchanged.

Finally, I would like to say that only the homeowner can decide what the house should look like. Using the imagination and skills of specialists, you can create not just a house with a green roof, but a real work of art that can delight you every day for many years.

For complete harmony, you need to listen to the following advice:

  • The roof should be made in one color, the facade finishing should have one or two colors.
  • Warm colors cannot be combined with cold ones.
  • The roof and façade must be in harmony not only with each other, but also with the buildings on the site and the fence around the building.
  • You need to choose windows, doors and pipes that match the roof or facade so that they fit well into the overall exterior of the house.

It seems that homeowners are no longer happy with a light and neutral exterior color paired with a darker roof shade. In 2019, there is a clear trend of demand for more unusual and bold colors of houses in the private sector. However, the desire to stand out from others does not always lead to the desired “Wow” effect. In this article, we have collected 35 photos of successful examples of painting houses and combining colors of the facade and roof with useful tips for those who are planning to update the appearance of their home this year . Enjoy reading!

Here are some general tips for choosing a color for the facade of a house before moving on to an overview of popular shades and color combinations of the facade and roof:

  1. If you want to paint your home an unusual color that you love but don't know what to pair it with, then simply choose a shade that is a couple of shades lighter or darker than your base on the color wheel. And to make such a simple solution unforgettable, paint the front door some bright and contrasting color, as in the following photo.

Also read:

2. Are there natural materials in the facade of your house that do not need painting? Then know that if they have a cold texture (concrete, slate, etc.), then it is better to combine them with bright colors of facades, and vice versa. Thus, concrete today is combined with orange exterior walls of the house, and warm wood and stone are combined with elegant gray facades.

3. The monochromatic color of the facade can become much more interesting if you highlight its individual details with white or another suitable color. Thin gables, window frames and other small elements can be very expressive decorations for the exterior of your home.

4. Contrasting (in relation to the facade walls) shades are ideal for painting the base, canopy over the porch, bay windows and other protruding parts of the facade. Just make sure they have interesting enough shapes that are worth highlighting.

5. Surprisingly, bright and bold colors are best suited for unremarkable or even repulsive facades, because... distract our attention from low quality details and design. At the same time, if your house has beautiful bas-reliefs or other attractive elements, then the color of the facade should be gentle or neutral.

6. If your house is made of stone, wood or other unpainted material and you are looking for a color to paint the roof and other exterior elements, then try to find it in the facade material itself. This could be brownish-green specks on the stone, or darker shades of “knots” in the wood. Nature is the best master at creating stylish color combinations.

7. After you have roughly decided on the color of the facade, try painting a fairly large piece of drywall, plywood or whatman paper. Apply this sample to the outside of your home and stand back to see how it looks. Any tone may look gorgeous in someone else's photo, but in reality it will not harmonize with the environment of your home. An extra check never hurts! Based on its results, it may well turn out that you need to dilute the paint a tone lighter or darker.

Color combination for house facades and roofs - 35 photos

If you don’t have a specific favorite shade and you need ideas on what facade color to choose, then especially for you, we provide an overview of several of the most popular shades for the facade of a private house in 2019.

The most fashionable facade color is sage

This soft light green shade looks great against any background and pairs well with both bright and dark tones. In the next photo of the facades you see examples of its combination with red-orange and dark blue “Navy”. Both houses are made in the same style, have two floors, siding and the same shape of windows, but the details of different shades against the general background make them look completely different! Which combination do you like best?

Elegant gray house facades

No matter how versatile the shade of sage is, it cannot be compared with gray. By the way, gray tones are now in demand in the interior decoration of private houses. Below we show several photos where gray is used as the main color of the facade.

Facade finishing in luxurious red color

Deep ruby ​​red shades, as well as last year -, are loved by facade designers not only for their luxurious appearance, but also for their ability to combine with the green plants that surround most private houses. This is because red and green are opposites on the color wheel, and therefore provide the greatest contrast to each other. If your home has an interesting shape that's worth highlighting, paint it a color that complements the surrounding landscape.

Combination of gray and brown colors for the facade of the house

Gray and brown are versatile earthy shades that are guaranteed to look good against any background. The combination of these colors is no less suitable for the facade of the house and the roof than the fashionable gray-brown color, which is also called “taupe”. The photos below prove it.

Other beautiful colors of house facades (photo)

Finally, we will present some more successful color combinations for the facade of the house and the roof, including houses in blue, yellow, black, etc. We will be grateful for any comments and opinions on this article!

Also read:

Rules for choosing facade color

Multicolor facades

  • Place the main accents.
  • Glossy and matte.

  • dark brown and pistachio roof color;

The project can involve almost any color combination, but the most popular colors in recent years have been gray, pistachio, beige, black and blue. In any case, the final choice of color for the part remains with the owner of the building. An interesting solution is a monochrome design with the addition of flowers to the façade.

Monochrome design

  • Home style.

You should take into account the fact that color can have a significant impact on the dimensions and dimensions of the house. Dark shades can always visually reduce the volume of a building, while light colors, on the contrary, significantly increase the visual perception of the house. It is for this reason that for painting small buildings it is advisable to use light colors, and when painting large buildings, almost any color can be used.

Currently, there are various design options, and choosing the right color scheme for facades can be very difficult. Many people are interested in the combination and selection of paint according to Feng Shui. You can understand which specific color scheme project will be appropriate in each specific case after familiarizing yourself with the selection rules.

Rules for choosing facade color

Painting the façade of a multi-storey building, private households or other buildings yourself is absolutely easy. It is much more difficult to correctly select the color scheme and type of paint.

There are certain rules, following which you can choose the optimal paint option. One of the most important rules is to use three primary paint colors or three shades of the color scheme in the design. In this case, one of these shades will be dominant, the middle color or tone will indicate the accents and emphasize them, and with the help of a deep shade it will be possible to add the final, but no less important, touches. The two main colors should be chosen in calmer tones such as beige or grey. These two tones should be in maximum harmony with each other.

You can opt for bold or contrasting color accents, but this issue should be approached with extreme caution and care. A fairly popular option lately has been replacing the classic white or beige color on window frames with brighter and more unexpected colors. In addition, many homeowners try to select as correctly as possible when painting their home.

Multicolor facades

A home color design project can be based on the use of several colors at once. The multi-colored façade attracts attention. In addition, the multi-colored facade of the house can be made in accordance with Feng Shui, which will make living in it more comfortable from a psychological point of view.

Colored facades are very relevant not only for low-rise construction. If the project involves a color combination of several shades, then you should pay attention to some important nuances and steps that make the choice easier.

  • Place the main accents. As an accent, you can take bright colors by painting the windows and doors of the building in them. It is convenient to use architectural construction programs that will speed up the selection of paint colors and save time.
  • Evaluate the style and exterior interior. The optimal combination is a combination of common elements of the chosen style and design. The paint color for the facade and roofing surface can be selected in a single color scheme. However, recently, modern design allows for contrasts in which the painting of these parts of the house can be done. The yellow color of the building's facade and the black color of the roof look impressive.
  • Glossy and matte. Wooden houses look more attractive if they are painted with glossy compounds. It should be remembered that according to Feng Shui, excessive shine of glossy paint in the sun is not welcome. If the location of the house is an area illuminated by the sun most of the time, then preference should be given to choosing matte paint.

Choosing paint for the facade (video)

Additionally, the painting project should consider:

  • paint texture, including smooth or rough, as well as uniform or matte;
  • direct colors and shades of paint, representing red, blue and yellow;
  • lightness or overload of color;
  • cold or warm paint colors for the building.

Depending on what design project is drawn up and what color scheme will be dominant, the same houses can end up looking completely different.

Nowadays, most homeowners base their preferences on compliance with Feng Shui decorating rules. The following unusual color schemes are very popular, making the appearance of the building very attractive:

  • yellow facade of the house and black roofing tiles;
  • combination of green and brown colors;
  • pistachio and brown colors;
  • pistachio facade and orange trim;
  • bright yellow facade and pistachio color of decoration;
  • bright green roof color and pistachio facade;
  • a combination of hot pink and bright red trim;

  • dark brown color of the wooden facade and pistachio color of the roof;
  • light facade and green or pistachio roof color;
  • combination of beige facade and black roof;
  • gray facade and brown roof;
  • blue facade and gray roof;
  • red façade with gray trim;
  • gray facade with bright pink edging;
  • gray facade with red roof;
  • beige-brown façade finishing option.

The project can involve almost any color combination, but the most popular colors in recent years have been gray, pistachio, beige, black and blue. In any case, the final choice of color for the design of the facade remains with the owner of the building. An interesting solution is a monochrome design with the addition of flowers to the façade.

Monochrome design

The monochrome design option is traditional. This classic design falls into the category of conservative design. To choose the right base tone for coloring, you should take into account some features.

  • Home style. Wooden houses in the “Russian hut” style are usually painted in natural colors, and preference should be given to pastel tones, honey or brown colors and shades. Ancient castle-style houses are painted in the color originally intended by the architect who designed the building. In this case, gray color looks very natural.
  • Combination with the surrounding landscape. The building must be in harmony with neighboring buildings. The predominant color scheme will become the basis for the monochrome design of the house. It is allowed to use a shade that is richer than the solo color. In addition, the color scheme should fit well with the landscape and other small architectural forms on the site.

You should take into account the fact that color can have a significant impact on the dimensions and dimensions of the house. Dark shades can always visually reduce the volume of a building, while light colors, on the contrary, significantly increase the visual perception of the house. It is for this reason that when painting small buildings it is advisable to use light-colored paint, and when painting large buildings, almost any color can be used.

An excellent design solution is to complement the monochrome facade with decorative elements, including a mosaic panel or painted flowers on the facade.

Modern facades of private houses (video)

The facade of any building is the business card of the owners, and sometimes an indicator of their lifestyle, creating the first impression of others about them. To prevent a residential building from looking dull and uninteresting, you should seriously and thoroughly approach the issue of choosing a color scheme, and in addition, carefully select paint, the quality of which should be at the highest level.