home · Lighting · Why do they dry out? Why do coniferous plants dry out? Why do fruit trees dry out in the spring?

Why do they dry out? Why do coniferous plants dry out? Why do fruit trees dry out in the spring?

Drying of fruit trees is possible for a number of reasons. Often young trees die from damage to the roots by water voles (if your garden is located near water bodies) or by the larvae of May beetles (if their number in the area is quite high). But trees and shrubs in gardens (at any age) can dry out from getting their roots wet.

Despite the fact that water is of primary importance in the life of plants - it is their main part, it allows them to be extracted from the soil nutrients, necessary for growth and development, saves them from overheating, maintains them in an elastic (turgor) state - its excess amount is sometimes detrimental to all crops. In wet years, plants get sick more often and more often. Excess moisture in the soil contributes to a significant rise in the level of groundwater, and high moisture saturation of the soil prevents the growth and branching of the roots of trees and shrubs, leads to their death, delays the growing season, and weakens winter hardiness.

At high groundwater levels, especially on unstructured, heavy clay soils and their strong compaction, the trees lack air, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the roots.

According to the observations of gardeners, in early spring, even before the start of sap flow, the roots of fruit trees do not suffer from excess melt water and even floods caused by overflowing rivers and rivulets. However, in June-July, during the period of active summer development, they become very susceptible to waterlogging of the soil. In years when there are heavy rains all summer, and the sun only occasionally peeks through the clouds, the entire soil horizon is saturated with water from the precipitation. At the same time, the groundwater level rises closer to the surface. When there is excess moisture, air is forced out of the soil. And the delicate root hairs, with the help of which the fruit tree receives water and nutrition from the soil, with a weak air flow (weak aeration), deprived of oxygen, suffocate (asphyxia occurs) and after three days begin to die. Longer waterlogging leads to gradual death and rotting of thick roots.

On trees with affected roots, the growth of shoots in length most often stops, the leaves turn yellow or brown, often become covered with scab spots or a coating of other diseases, and with the onset of hot, dry weather, early leaf fall often begins. Weakened trees can shed their leaves and fruits in mid-summer and remain completely bare, as if in winter. If rainy weather continues into August, as happened this year, then the thick bark on the trunks of fruit trees affected by excess moisture may warp and begin to separate from the wood, and such trees become completely unprepared to withstand winter frosts.

Most often, not all gardeners pay attention to these changes in the summer and only next year in the spring, seeing dead trees or dried individual branches, they think that winter frosts are to blame. Sometimes severely weakened trees, having gathered all their last strength, bloom in the spring, but soon dry out, since the dead roots no longer supply them with water and nutrients.

But even on a small summer cottage fruit trees react differently to the same conditions. Their condition largely depends on the age, type of crop and composition of the soil under top layer soil directly under the roots of the tree. The youngest trees - up to 4-6 years old - whose root system is located close to the soil surface are least affected by waterlogging. Later, when the roots of a grown tree penetrate into the deeper layers of the earth, the danger of their death from soaking of the roots increases.

However, even in a completely flat area under the upper soil horizon there may be layers of dense loams and clays in the form of saucers, in which excess soil constantly accumulates. rainwater, and micro-elevations, where there is no accumulation of water. That's why sometimes the two are nearby standing trees one dies, and the second can live even 40-50 years. And when a new seedling is planted in place of a dead one, the tree dies, having lived no more than 10-15 years. And they rarely suffer from root death fruit trees on sloping slopes, this phenomenon is usually observed only in areas where springs are located.

To make fruit trees less susceptible to root wetting, pay attention to some features:

  • if there are heavy clays, sand, crushed stone or gravel under the top layer of soil on the site, fruit trees most often grow poorly and may die over time;
  • The depth of groundwater from the soil surface should be at least 2-2.5 meters. Where they are shallow, soil is added (a mixture of manure, peat, sawdust, fertile soil, etc.). To drain excess water, drainage or drainage ditches are made.

Apple tree does not tolerate wet places and shading and prefers fertile loose loams on sandy or loamy subsoil.

Pear even more demanding on growing conditions than an apple tree. It is recommended to plant it in warmer places protected from the wind.

The drying out of your favorite apple tree in the garden is a truly sad phenomenon. Whether only the leaves are drying up or even the branches, even if they are still small, are all alarming signals that cannot be ignored.

But before you take action, it’s important to figure out what the reason is such negative manifestations.

Missed signals can result in wasted valuable time when the tree can still be save. As soon as you see that the apple tree is drying up, you need to look for the reasons.

It must be remembered that each tree is a complex living organism that lives and develops in close connection with environment : other plants, birds, insects.


The greatest danger to apple trees is diseases. Starting with the manifestation of the disease on, branches, roots- everything can end with the death of the entire tree.

Important! A thorough examination of the entire diseased tree can help to understand the causes and promptly take rescue measures.

One of the serious fruit diseases that occurs due to unfavorable weather conditions ( severe frost or heat), can be called ordinary cancer.

This disease can also occur due to injuries caused to the tree (rough branches, breaks and lack of treatment, treatment of wounds).

For ordinary cancer The disease is characteristic of skeletal branches, as well as second-order branches and bark.

In addition, the apple tree can get sick root cancer.

So, if the root system is damaged and gets into cracks rod-shaped bacterium, which lives in the soil, pathological swellings and growths form on the roots.

They contain a large number of these bacteria. If the root collar is damaged, the death of the tree is inevitable.

The appearance of small reddish spots on the leaves may indicate the presence of fungus, called . The spots are scattered over the entire surface, then they increase in size and fungal spores can be found in them.

Bark turns black as if it is charred, cracking, peeling off. Often the disease begins with the forks of skeletal branches. Further, the damage to the cortex expands.

While the apple tree is young and its root system has not reached this level, its development proceeds normally. But when the roots grow, its extinction inevitably occurs.

This could happen in 10 or 15 years. The absence of developed, mature apple trees in neighboring areas will confirm this.

In trees with affected roots, shoots stop growing in length, their leaves change color to yellow or brown, and become more active fungal diseases. And when the summer heat comes, leaves en masse fall off.

Sick roots.

Attention! Will the device help? drainage system in the garden - it’s difficult to answer.

Dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees are more hardy in this case. But their root system is located closer to the surface and can be subject to freezing.

But along with this, the reason may also be drought Without .

In addition to nearby groundwater, danger to roots can also be close-lying saline layer.

Root damage

TO drying out of apple tree branches and its further death can lead to freezing of roots.

This can happen when frosty winter will be snowless.

The problem is not detected immediately. The tree still has a supply of nutrients in the trunk and branches. Maybe grow and even blossom.

But at the beginning of summer, the apple tree will dry out quite quickly. And gardeners wonder why the apple tree dried up in July.

If there is still a part left living roots- the tree can be saved.

Another reason for the apple tree to dry out can be Rodent damage to roots and even May beetle larvae.

Possibly rodent damage to bark young tree at the scion site. If the damage is severe, nutrients do not reach the tree branches, which can also lead to their drying out.

Important! Incorrectly carried out scion on rootstock can also lead to slow drying out of the tree, since the metabolism in the place accretion appears to be violated.

The lack of necessary microelements also leads to drying of apple trees, starting with their leaves. This is the so called starvation.

Fasting may occur:

  • Zinc,
  • Potassium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Manganese,
  • In case of shortage boron.

In this case, the main symptom will be a change in color of the leaf surface.

They appear, and if you do not spray them comprehensively, the leaves will gradually dry out.

If the apple trees dry out?

On the one side

This phenomenon can be observed in the case unkempt apple trees

At a tree that doesn't enough strength, the following signs:

  • Unfertilized,
  • The soil does not loosen,
  • Large bushes grow nearby.

The tree seems to be trying to lighten the load by choosing a weak branch or a branch that burdens it. This is the reason why the branches of the apple tree dry out.

Bark only

The bark on an apple tree can dry out if it is affected by a number of fungal diseases:

  • Cytosporosis;
  • Common and black cancer.

At the ends of branches

The reason for the drying out of the ends of the branches may be root rot, as well as tree disease bacterial burn.

Green young branches begin to wither from the top. And this is one of the reasons why the branches of the apple tree dry out.

ATTENTION! Bacteria that lead to fire blight in apple trees are transmitted by both seedlings and infected fruits, and are carried by insects.

From the top

Dry top of the apple tree.

Supremeness a phenomenon observed in gardens located in areas with close groundwater. The roots that reach the underlying water rot, and the tops of the tree dry out.

This can also happen when potassium deficiency.

Barrel only

Damage to the trunk of an apple tree occurs as a result of damage to the tree black or ordinary cancer. This is the main reason why the apple tree dries out.

After flowering

So why does the apple tree dry out after flowering?

This phenomenon can occur when there is damage roots, what happens when soil water is high.

Thin roots that do not have access to air begin to die.

A tree can bloom with its last strength, but then dies, since its dead roots no longer provide it with the substances necessary for life.

And turns black

Blackening, as if charring of bark apple trees, and subsequent drying out, is characteristic of a tree disease black cancer- a fungal disease dangerous to the tree.

Young and seedlings

Drying of apple tree seedlings can occur when they are infected cytosporosis.

Only fruits

The reason for drying of fruits on an apple tree may be fruit brown. Brown spots appear on the infected fruit, which quickly spread throughout the entire fruit.

The apple is covered with a dusty coating in the form warts(gray-yellowish color). Such fruits dry out (the so-called mummy) and fall off. Mummified fruits become peddler illnesses also for the next year.

In summer

In those damaged due to excess moisture during long rains Apple trees can warp, even the bark on the trunks can separate.

Important! By winter, apple trees will not be ready to withstand frost.

But gardeners pay attention to such changes only next year. And it is then that they begin to look for the reasons why the apple tree dries up.

Such weakened trees may even bloom in the spring, but then dry out, since they cannot receive nutrients from dead roots.

In July

Diseases that can cause apple trees to dry out in summer include:

  • Cytosporosis,
  • Common and black cancer,
  • Bacterial burn.
  • Fungal disease rust if neglected, it can lead to damage to branches.

The fault may be pests living in the soil bark and root diseases. And also long-term consequences frost, even two or three years ago.

Important! With spring excess melt water and even in floods, tree roots are not yet affected by soaking, if the movement of juices has not begun.

But in June-July, during the period of active development, fruit trees become very sensitive to overmoistening soil.

Very important prevention in growing fruit trees, since it is known that people get sick more quickly weakened tree, it is more quickly affected by one or another infection.

The apple tree is not suitable for areas with loved ones soil waters,wet places. She prefers loose loams. This must be taken into account when planting apple trees or bookmark garden

To don't miss the signals, indicating trouble in orchard , you need to be quite attentive to your green spaces and have sufficient knowledge of the symptoms of plant diseases or pest damage.

Observe and pay attention if drying of individual branches of the apple tree is detected. The reasons are usually easy to determine.

Healthy branches and fruits of an apple tree.

Useful videos

Watch the video of an expert talking about the main cause of apple tree drying out - black cancer:

Watch video expert advice on how to deal with scab, which is common cause drying apple tree branches:

Watch the video for prevention and care rules to prevent apple trees from drying out:

Having noticed changes in the leaves, branches and fruits of a tree, it is important take the necessary measures.

In contact with

Many people grow or breed citrus fruits at home, since it is not only an always green, attractive-looking plant, but also a pleasant fresh aroma and, in the case of proper care, good harvest. And what could be more original than lemons grown with your own hands? festive table in any season?

However, it often happens that lemon leaves fall off. Recently green leaf, suddenly begins to curl and dry out. There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

The reason is improper care

One of the most likely reasons why lemon leaves fall is poor care of the indoor plant. Often, the lemon is watered cold water, dry out the soil, or, conversely, due to abundant watering, the soil does not dry out and the root system begins to rot. Also a common mistake, heat And low humidity air, poor lighting lead to exhaustion home tree, curling and yellowing of leaf tips, premature falling of unripe fruits. At the same time, excess light also harms the tree.

Do not be alarmed if the leaves of the newly purchased lemon begin to turn yellow; it can be easily saved from such a disease. The plant's adaptation period takes about 2-3 weeks, after which it will stop shedding leaves and produce new buds. Lemon is a tropical species, and its native atmosphere is the humid subtropics. The most difficult period for him at home is winter.

Lemon leaves also fall off when the soil is insufficiently, irregularly or untimely fertilized. You should not apply copious amounts of fertilizers during the summer heat; during this period they can do more harm to the plant. Fertilizing should be done in winter and especially during the spring growing season. In the photo below you can see what a healthy Meyer lemon looks like.

Reason: pests

It is quite possible that the leaves of the lemon are falling due to spider mite, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs or a disease such as gommosis.

Signs of a mite appearance are the appearance of a thin web at the base of the leaf. In a short period, the foliage begins to curl, turn yellow and fall off. Most favorable conditions for the appearance of mites or other pests, it is dry hot climate. Treating the plant with insectoacaricides helps get rid of such a pest.

If aphids are found on the back of a leaf, remove them along with the affected area and dip the entire tree in hot water, in cases where it is still small sizes or treat with soapy water. If there is a large-scale infestation of aphids, you should spray the lemon with a special preparation, for example, Tanrek.

What to do?

You can save the lemon and ripening fruits by moving it to the southern part of the window, avoiding direct sun rays. Reflective surfaces should be installed around the plant, which will create additional light that will not burn the leaves. IN evening time lamps must be turned on daylight next to the lemon, since it needs longer daylight hours.

Do not let the earthen clod dry out completely, as in this case the roots may die, the movement of juices slows down greatly, especially in a young lemon, it will be practically very difficult to save it. The soil should be kept at medium moisture, drying out is allowed upper layers by 2-2.5 cm. This is necessary condition so that the lemon is green all year round and regularly bore fruit.
In order not to wonder why lemon leaves fall off, you should regularly and timely apply mineral fertilizers. This is especially important during the period active growth in early spring and early summer. You can purchase special complex supplements containing the necessary phosphates, potassium salts, cobalt, zinc, selenium and other minerals.

Maintain air humidity acceptable for the plant, do not move it close to the radiator and regularly spray the foliage with warm water. A cool room and drafts also have an adverse effect on the tree. Required every year spring time carry out for the prevention and prevention of diseases, chemical treatment plants special drugs insectoacaricides.

Video “Why lemon leaves fall and how to deal with it”

This video reveals the most common causes of lemon leaf loss. Tells about available and effective methods struggle.


Why do fruit trees dry out in the spring?

They do not leave winter hibernation.


Plants may be damaged by frost and die.

Also, some gardeners in early spring try to bring under the crown of fruit trees thick layer sawdust Such a layer actually delays the melting of snow, promoting the accumulation of moisture, but at the same time awakens the crown to grow, and the root system, being in frozen soil, does not supply food and water in time. aboveground part. Physiological drying of the crown occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to move away from the crowns of fruit trees. melt water, because when they stagnate, the roots can be supported. Sawdust can be used to retain snow, but only in places where the root system of perennial plants is not located.


Fruit trees may dry out in the spring due to the fact that they could not withstand winter frost. It is recommended to water fruit trees abundantly in the fall, especially if the autumn was not rainy. In dry soil, roots freeze faster and die.

And also, perhaps, you need to get rid of various pests that can eat the roots of fruit trees. The most famous pest, at least for me, is the mole cricket. Therefore, before winter, it is good to treat the ground near the root of the fruit tree with some anti-bear liquid.

Well, as already indicated here, you can sprinkle the hole with the fruit tree with sawdust or straw to retain moisture.

Tata all red

One of the reasons, and most likely the main one, why fruit trees dry out in the spring is that they simply froze in winter. This happens in frosty and snowless winters, when the trees are not covered with snow. For example, our neighbors had a fire and the pears got a little fried. They survived one spring, but then they died.

Olga V

The problem most likely lies in the roots. Weak, or frost-resistant, or excess moisture.


Why does cherry dry? How to prevent cherries from drying out?

A k s i n y a

Cherries can dry out for various reasons.

This is not good soil for tree growth.

Secondly, moderate watering is needed in hot weather (usually we water every day).

And thirdly, maybe there is simply not enough fertilizer for the root system.

My advice to you is just replant the cherry tree in another soil and water it, fertilizers are always handy.


Perhaps the cherry tree does not have enough moisture, and because of this the leaves dry out. But if this is not the case, then the reason may be much more serious. Perhaps it's a disease. It is called monliosis or coccomycosis. With this disease, the cherries completely dry out, the leaves first wither, then turn yellow and fall off completely. Therefore, at the first signs, you need to cut off diseased branches to a healthy place and spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture.

Here everything is explained in detail and clearly visible:


The first reason why cherries may dry out is dry soil due to dry, hot weather. In this case, the cherries need to be watered daily.

MONILIOSIS is a cherry disease; it can manifest itself as leaf burn or fruit rot. In this case, you need to burn the dried branches, spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture with 50-100 grams of soap per 10 liters of water.

COCOMYOSIS is a disease of cherries and cherries; spraying with Folpan helps.


There can be many reasons why cherries dry out, the most important of which are insufficient watering, overwatering and pests. Eliminate these problems and I think you will be able to prevent further drying out of the cherries.


Cherries suffer from coccomycosis and monliosis every year. With moniliosis, cherry branches dry out completely, the branches seem to be scorched by fire. Therefore there is a second name for this dangerous disease- monilial burn. Cherry fruits rot, wrinkle and often remain hanging in this form until spring.

Measures to combat cherry diseases: in the summer, affected cherry leaves, branches, and fruits are collected and burned. Before and after flowering, cherries are sprayed with chorus (3.5 g per 10 liters of water), and after picking the berries, the cherry bushes are treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Nikolai Sosiura

Cherry is drying due to lack of moisture in the soil.

Sometimes drying of cherries is associated with now very common diseases - monliosis and coccomycosis. This fungal diseases, which can lead to the complete death of stone fruit plants, including cherries.

Last year, a young cherry tree died from one of these diseases, which was apparently grafted onto an already diseased cherry.

It’s a pity to watch how plants die that have not yet had time to please with a large harvest.


Why have the apricot trees dried up and no longer grown in our village?



Many people have probably noticed that the climate on the planet has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. This fact is the main problem of our time, especially agricultural crops and naturally fruit trees suffer from this.

Most likely, in the zone where your village is located, the average annual temperature has dropped by a couple of degrees, and this has a great effect on the growth and flowering of such heat-loving fruit trees as apricot.

Therefore, adapt to the situation and try to plant trees that are ideal for your climate.

Strawberries are a widespread berry crop, but that is why they often face unfavorable factors. It is important to understand what certain manifestations of trouble indicate, such as drying out foliage, for example.


If strawberry leaves dry out, it not only produces a worse harvest than it could. The plant loses all external attractiveness. Moreover, it is likely that the disease will spread from one bush to another. This is why it is so important for farmers to know real reasons, which is why the foliage suddenly dries up and the berries disappear.

  • It is quite logical that overdried soil turns out to be one of the main harmful factors. This is especially likely against the background of excessively infrequent watering. Strawberry plants are not adapted to life in desert conditions, and it is not difficult to recognize this condition - the lower leaves are initially affected.
  • But if there is enough moisture, gardeners are obliged to check the assumption of a disease. Drying of leaves is often caused by late blight. Particular caution must be exercised due to the fact that the time of development of the disease exactly coincides with the natural period of leaf fall.

You can accurately determine whether strawberries are affected by late blight by detecting a reddish color at the base of the root. But sometimes the leaves dry out and curl up not because of infection, but because of pest damage.

  • The main danger among them is the whitefly and the strawberry leaf beetle. These insects are very fond of not only leaf sap, but also the leaf blades themselves. Pests overwinter in the upper part of the ground and begin to attack strawberry bushes in early spring.
  • If the edges are browning, rust is almost certainly the actual cause. It attacks strawberries on sour, damp soil. First of all, the disease affects the leaves from below and leads to their drying out.

  • The same problem can be associated with infection by all kinds of spots. All diseased bushes grow slowly and form too small rosettes, the middle of which is often overflowing with small foliage.

Sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that the tips of strawberry leaves turn black. The most likely reason is that the need for mulching with humus and straw is ignored. The appearance of black or brown spots, gradually increasing in size, indicates infection with brown spot. Unfortunately, such a disease is incorrigible and the bushes will have to be uprooted and then burned. The soil is neutralized with Bordeaux mixture, and the spread of infection to other bushes is prevented with the help of copper preparations (most often vitriol).


Exactly preventive measures plays a major role in the fight against drying foliage. There are a number of techniques that can minimize the risk of insect attacks and disease encounters. These include:

  • correct crop rotation (returning strawberries to one place after at least 4 or 5 years);
  • planting it only where garlic and onions are extracted;
  • watering the beds with “Fitosporin” and a thick solution of potassium permanganate before planting;
  • thorough check of the condition of the seedlings;
  • excerpt planting material within 30 minutes before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • spring and autumn processing protective drugs;
  • cutting off unnecessary leaves after the end of the growing season;
  • loosening (ideally digging) the earth before the onset of autumn cold weather;
  • repelling pests with garlic.

How to treat?

It happens that pests and pathogens still overcome the protection. IN similar cases special measures must be taken to stabilize the state of the berry crop.

First of all, if the leaves dry out, you need to do something about watering, since this is the most likely reason.

Usually they do this:

  • irrigate the plantings once every 7 days;
  • increase the amount of water on hot days to 10 liters for every 4 plants;
  • increase moisture retention in light dry soil through mulching.

If you notice a whitefly infestation, you need to wrap wooden sticks tape and place every 50 cm around the perimeter. Control of other pests by spraying is carried out immediately after the snow melts. It is also worth carrying out such events immediately before flowering. At the same time, make sure that the flower stalks have already come out, but have not yet blossomed. You can treat with Karbosof, Actellik and Aktara are also suitable, but it is best to alternate the drugs.

Powdery mildew most often occurs in greenhouses. It also contributes to its appearance high humidity well heated air. It is recommended to supplement the treatment with morning and evening ventilation. Get rid of powdery mildew Whey or milk helps, which are diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3. Treatment is carried out once a week.

You will learn more about how to treat strawberries in the following video.

When growing indoor plants on your windowsill, you need to be prepared not only for their prolonged flowering, but also for drying leaves. Moreover, the drying process often begins from the ends. Below we will explain why the tips of the leaves dry out. indoor plants, and how the situation can be corrected.

Any plant demonstrates health through its appearance. If it experiences discomfort or the conditions are not entirely suitable for it, then the first pathological changes begin to appear on the leaves. To eliminate the problem, you should find out why the leaves of indoor plants dry out.

The problems here may lie in the following:

Also need to be examined root system. When it rots or is crowded, yellowing and drying of the leaves will be a natural process. In addition, it is necessary to determine the degree of soil moisture. This can be done by touch or using a special indicator, which is sold in a flower shop.

It is best to observe the plant for several days, because it is not always possible to identify at the first inspection why the leaves turn yellow and dry. Usually this phenomenon develops as a consequence of long-term improper care.

What to do to normalize the situation depends on what the root cause of the violations was. Wrong actions can only aggravate the problem and lead to the death of a flower or ornamental tree.

How to fix the situation?

If the leaves of a plant grown at home dry out, then only correct and timely actions can save it. Let's consider rescue measures in each individual case.

If due to bad water

Most often, problems with leaves are indoor flowers develop due to irrigation with poor quality water. In this case, the problem is solved by settling and boiling tap water. It can also be acidified by adding certain components or additives. To normalize the condition of the flower, you can use rain or melt water.

If due to improper watering

The fact that the problem lies precisely in watering is indicated by yellowish-brown leaves. If the substrate is over-moistened, it usually takes a long time to dry. In this case, the roots of the plant will emit a rotting smell. If there is insufficient watering, the earthen ball will be very dry.

If the water regime is disrupted, watering the plant should be normalized. Each flower that is grown in an apartment has its own requirements for water regime. Any new acquisition should be checked with the flower shop seller. After all, someone loves high humidity, and another species calmly tolerates even drought.

It is best to water according to a schedule, especially at first.

If due to dry air

Dry air very often causes yellowness to appear on the leaf blade. To eliminate this problem, use a humidifier. If it is not there, then place a container of water near the pot, and the leaves themselves are periodically sprayed with a spray bottle. You can also change the placement of the flower itself in the room (for example, by placing it in).

If due to pests

To flower pot does not become a home for insects, indoor plants should be treated periodically weak solution potassium permanganate. It is necessary to use only clean soil (it is better to purchase it in a store), and also carefully treat the pot before placing the flower in it. In addition, it is imperative to maintain a water regime.

Excessive waterlogging of the soil serves as an excellent environment for the development of not only pests, but also diseases.

If due to a violation of the containment regime

The last common reason why leaves may turn yellow is a violation of the maintenance conditions. House flowers also require maintenance conditions, which are dictated by their physiological characteristics. The room must maintain a certain temperature regime, humidity and . Properly selected one is also important. You also need to make sure that the plant is not crowded in the pot.

The problem here often lies in misuse fertilizers This situation is characterized by the appearance of gray or white plaque. In this case, yellowed and dried ends become reddish or brown. To solve the problem here, it is enough to restore the conditions necessary for the plant.

Now, if the tips of the leaves of a houseplant (flower or tree) dry out, you can quickly and effectively eliminate the problem.

Video “Purchasing, caring for and planting indoor plants”

From this video you will learn how to care for indoor plants.