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How to distribute a site into zones. Zoning of a summer cottage: factors influencing it. Children's play area

The layout greatly simplifies subsequent construction work. This allows you to place all the necessary elements for a comfortable stay in a small area. How to arrange this correctly and beautifully can be seen in the photo of the zoning of the site. This will help to correctly divide the territory, taking into account the total area, location of the house, the number of residents, and their interests.

Important parts of the land plot are residential and commercial zones. Therefore, their planning is done first. The remaining part is divided into a garden, vegetable garden, and recreation areas.

A well-groomed plot surrounded by greenery will become the pride of the owner.

Developing a plan

Zoning of the territory depends on the shape of the site, type of relief, and terrain features. It is necessary to sketch the plan, while marking the boundaries and objects on paper. When dividing the territory into zones, they start from the house, take into account the entrance to it, and the windows.

Owners of private households must decide in advance how to zone the site. Initially, they plan the front part, having decided on the style.

The car entrance, paths, and flower beds are marked on paper. The contours of plantings, collectors, and lighting are also applied.

Front area

Such territory is present on any site. She is given Special attention, since she is always in sight. Think in advance about the location of drains and collectors into which rainwater will flow.

To decorate the entrance, decorative plants are placed along the fence. They provide a platform for cars to enter and a path leading to the house. They are combined or separated using a flower garden.


These components occupy most plot. Trees are planted on the north side so that other crops have enough sunlight. In a small area among fruit trees and shrubs, you can organize a recreation area.

If space allows, it is better to allocate separate part. The modular garden looks great. He will become wonderful decoration plot. Shrubs are used to fence it.

Outbuildings and recreation area

It is necessary to take care of the arrangement of the economic part, which includes a greenhouse, sheds, a bathhouse, and a garage. Paved paths are suitable for this area. If you can’t hide this part, then it can be easily decorated with different plants.

On the site it is possible to provide comfort zone recreation. It usually includes a barbecue, a track, and a gazebo. It is installed near the house to provide easy access to the building during feasts and family tea parties.


They are often planted at the boundaries of zones different plants. Low hedges look great when the following plants are used: unpretentious boxwood, beautifully flowering birch-leaved spirea. Annuals can be planted for the same purposes.

Flower pots arranged in groups can serve as hedges. This option is suitable for small areas. Shrubs are trimmed to give them the desired shape. Free-growing plants are suitable for high hedges: Japanese spirea shrubs, New England aster, dahlia.

Screens and arches for zoning

Plants help make an area beautiful. Screens and arches entwined with perennials will protect the recreation area from the wind and prying eyes. If you plant grapes, you can not only get an excellent hedge, but also reap a good harvest.

Supports are selected according to the size of the plants. Using an arch entwined with flowers, they decorate the central gate to the garden, a gate, and a children's playground.

Dividing territory using color

Visual zoning is carried out by planting plants of a certain shade. Red, yellow and orange flowers give vigor and lift your spirits. The composition is supplemented with coniferous plants.

Yellow, orange and blue crops are suitable for the playground. They will attract the attention of little fidgets. For the recreation area choose pastel shades, which will help you relax and gain strength while admiring the beauty of nature.

Zoning by height difference

By raising part of the area, you can get an interesting effect. A practical option there will be a wooden flooring near the pool. Residents country house It will be convenient to relax in a place separated by a raised flower bed or wall.

If you make a small garden lower than the rest of the territory, in which you create an artificial pond, you can create a special microclimate. This zone will be cooler in the heat, plants grow well in a humid place.

Paving paths

There is another way to zoning a site. Paving paths not only helps to facilitate movement around the territory, but also ensures the division of the area into functional elements. central part transport system the household has strict outlines.

Garden paths often have winding shapes. They are made from paving slabs, gravel and other materials. Paving sets the mood for residents and guests of the country estate to take a leisurely stroll.

The area near the pool is equipped with porcelain tiles and porcelain stoneware. In the garden or near a picturesque pond, paths are made of decorative gravel. For a children's playground, multi-colored paving made of rubber and plastic tiles is suitable.


Several zoning methods can be used on a site. You need to follow the instructions for zoning the site to achieve an excellent result.

Green perennials and bright flowers will help make the landscape unique. To do this you need to show imagination and spend some time. You can seek help from professionals who will help you properly zone your suburban area.

Photo of site zoning

Completed. Conducted Finishing work. Construction garbage taken out. The area at the site has been cleared. Now what? It's time to zoning the land. These measures involve dividing the site into functional areas and planning connections between them. The site plan depends entirely on everyone’s personal preferences and imagination.

To plan all objects, it is important to carefully work out an action plan.

  1. Make a sketch of the plan of the land plot, mark the boundaries on it, and draw the objects present on it. Indicate landmarks – north/south. When zoning, you should start mainly from the house. It is important to take into account all the exits/entrances to the house, the location of the windows, the size of the shadow that falls on the area from the house. You should also take into account the terrain of the area.
  2. The next stage will be planning the front area. At this stage, you should decide on the style in which the garden will be decorated. Based on these points, it will be easier for you to plan areas, paths and flower beds. On a piece of paper, mark the most convenient access for a car and the location of walking paths. This is especially important if, in addition to the house, there are already other buildings on the land plot.
  3. If you want to separate zones from one another, for example, with hedges or flower arrangements, then mark them on the plan.
  4. Next, it is important to determine the view points. It is on them that flower beds/fountains and other decorative elements will be located.
  5. Make a dendroplan and draw the contours of the plantings at the moment of their maximum development. Layout summer cottage involves planting plants. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil, shade tolerance of the plantings and climatic conditions. Be sure to work on the dendroplane separately. Outline areas for planting young plantings.
  6. Also put rain collectors on the plan and indicate street lighting.

Regardless of the size of the site and its features, the arrangement of the front area is mandatory. And here it is important to pay attention to every detail, since the front area will always be in sight. It occupies about 6% of the total area of ​​the territory. It is designed for a car to enter and enter the territory of the house. The area for the car should be neat, and the path leading to the house should be comfortable.

To avoid stagnation of rainwater at the planning stage, you should take into account the terrain and consider places for drains and collectors. The width of the path to the house should be within 1.5–2 m. The functional load of the path is colossal, so arranging it in the form of a lawn is probably a waste of time/money.

If you want to decorate the front entrance, then the landing ornamental plants distribute along the fence. The area for a car to enter and the path to the house can be combined or separated from each other by a small longitudinal flower bed, if there is enough space for this.

Disembarkation fruit plants not appropriate in the front area. It is better to give preference to a complex landscape composition, a green lawn or a small flower bed. It all depends on the area of ​​the territory and your financial capabilities.

The gardening area, as a rule, is allocated 75% of the entire plot. Given this fact, an important place should be given to its organization. The area for the garden and vegetable garden should be as open and sunny as possible.

It is better to organize the cultivation of fruit and large trees on the north side. The recreation area will be perfectly decorated with cherries, peaches and apple trees. If you do not have a large area, for example, 6 acres, then a recreation area can be made right in the garden. Although, if you have enough space, it is better to make a garden, vegetable garden and recreation area separately.

On a small plot of land, a modular vegetable garden with separate beds and hard-paved paths will look beautiful. In fact, this solution looks natural on both six and fifteen hundred square meters. Such a garden will become worthy decoration your plot of land, and it’s much easier to care for it. With this design, shrubs can be used as fences and pergolas.

The zoning of the territory also includes the arrangement of the economic zone. It includes a greenhouse located near the vegetable garden, a barn, a bathhouse, and a garage. Practicality plays an important role in organizing this area. Therefore, paths and areas must be paved. It is impossible to hide a utility block in a small area, but it can be decorated. The easiest way is to plant climbing plants around it.

Over a large area outbuildings can be covered with a decorative fence entwined with grapes, roses or clematis.

The recreation area is an area with a gazebo, terrace, barbecue and patio. It occupies approximately 15% of the land plot or even less. Even on the site small size It is possible to create a full-fledged recreation area with a gazebo, barbecue and grill.

For maximum convenience, create a recreation area near your home. Friendly gatherings and family feasts will take place here, so it is important to have access to the house.

The recreation area looks better behind the house, away from the front part. This way, you can create a secluded environment, a comfort zone, so to speak. This point is especially important to consider when arranging a recreation area in the city. If possible, make it in a clearly visible part, with the opportunity to admire the beauty of the garden.

If you don’t have children, but are planning to have them, then set aside some space on your property for a play area. Maybe there is nothing to equip it for yet, but it should be there in the plan. The children's area should be as safe and child-friendly as possible.

It is better, if possible, to make the site so that it is clearly visible from the house. In this case, the children will always be in your sight. The playground surface must be soft. It could be sand or lawn. Another option is to cover the area with artificial rubber, which will reduce the likelihood of injury.

The playground should ideally be located in partial shade. As the offspring grow older, the need for a play area will disappear. Therefore, think about how it can be changed in the future. Will it become part of the recreation area or join the garden? Or maybe you want to make a pool in its place? This article shows the standard zones that are most popular, but by using your imagination, you can divide the area at your discretion.

Zoning of a personal plot is always carried out on an individual basis, depending on the preferences and wishes of the owners. Do you love pets? Then set aside about 10 m2 for them. Are you into sports? Then treat yourself sports ground made on our own site. In this case, you will not have to waste time and money in the future on the gym.

If there is a problem in your family and you need care for a sick relative, then arrange a sanitary-protected area for him. It can be made in the form of a hedge, but not decorative, as we are used to imagining it, but high enough to reduce Negative influence environment on the patient. This event is especially appropriate in environmentally polluted places.

Proper zoning will allow you to make every square meter of the territory as functional as possible. Meticulous planning and creativity will allow you to enjoy the work of your hands in the future long years. Do you have any questions on the topic? Ask them to a specialist working on our website. If necessary, you will be provided with additional advice.


The diagrams show land zoning options:

Planning and laying out a summer cottage is a big creative process, which will require you not only to have certain knowledge, but also to use your own imagination. Wherein knowledgeable people It is recommended to follow the advice of specialists who will help you complete all the work, as a result, every square meter of the territory will bring benefits and delight you with beauty and comfort every day. We will consider in detail how to plan a summer cottage plot with our own hands, step by step.

Preparatory work

Before you begin drawing up a future site plan, you need to decide on the terrain itself, the nature of the relief, the shape of the land, the presence of any buildings, as well as other features of the area. For example, in rural areas a large number of streams and reservoirs, if one is present on your site, then you can use it correctly.

Pay attention to several features of the location of the dacha:

  • lowland - hill;
  • presence or absence of a water source;
  • wooded area - steppe.

Quite often you have to add or remove soil, make blind areas for walls, and also make organized drains. Only with proper placement of buildings on the site can you make maximum use of the dacha plot and highlight all the zones.

So that everything preparatory work were done correctly, it is best to assess the space and start from the ground.

  1. Relief: hilly, flat, with ravines or mountains. The layout of utility lines will depend on this indicator.
  2. Soil: clayey, humus, sandy. If you plan to equip a vegetable garden, you should increase the soil fertility by applying fertilizers. The set of plants for the garden and flower beds will depend on the acidity level.
  3. Shape and size of the territory: square, rectangular and elongated.
  4. Groundwater: when sufficient high level you should think about water drainage.
  5. Climatic conditions.
  6. Illumination.

All large buildings and it is better to orient the trees to the north side. This approach will reduce the influence of shadows, and the view from the house will be maximally illuminated throughout the day.

Zones on the territory of the dacha

The layout of a summer cottage depends precisely on the zones that will be included here. Each individual case will have its own list, but you can consider the largest example and list of zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • outbuildings;
  • garden.

Each of them should have its own area depending on the total area. Yes, when correct implementation zoning residential part should be up to 20%. If it is planned to build outbuildings, then this percentage should not exceed 15%. At the same time the most large plot allocated to the vegetable garden and garden - 75%. This approach will diversify landscape design and fill it with a wide variety of flower varieties and plant species.

  1. The house is placed first. Most often, a central zone is allocated for it, but buildings are most often located somewhere in the depths. In an interesting and original way, they can be disguised with the help of decorative plantings that are not afraid of shadows.
  2. The place to relax should be the most comfortable and best. In this case, the nature of the zone can be arranged or scattered. Here you should not forget about the place for a children's playground.
  3. The garden should be well lit, so it should be given the sunny side. The shadow of buildings should not obscure the territory.

Shapes of plots

Options for planning a summer cottage can be very diverse, but almost everything will depend on the shape of the land plot. The most common type of plot is a rectangular shape, on which it is possible to implement a wide variety of solutions and ideas. There is also an L-shaped type of plot. It is quite complex, so you will need to think and think about where and how to place everything. The part that protrudes can be used as a place to relax or as a playground.

Location on triangular shape You can consider an asymmetrical approach when planning and dividing the territory. The emphasis should be on round elements:

  • lawns;
  • bodies of water;

It is best to place outbuildings in remote corners.

Planning is a creative endeavor. Experts advise considering the most various options, but do not copy them completely, but make some changes.

Once the important points have been identified and studied various options layouts, you need to sketch everything on a piece of paper. You can seek help from specialists, landscape designers who use special programs to develop the project. But to save money, a regular sheet of A4 paper and a pen (pencil) will be enough.

To sketch the plan, consider an example - a 10-acre dacha plot. It is best if you take a scale of 1:100 and a sheet of whatman paper of the appropriate size - a square of 50x50 cm. For convenience, it is better to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler to line the entire sheet into a grid in increments of 1 cm. Next - a flight of fancy: arm yourself with colored pencils, clippings from magazines and felt-tip pens, with the help of which you can create a real collage.

When working with the diagram, you must take into account:

  • location of the house taking into account all exits;
  • places allocated for outbuildings and auxiliary buildings;
  • rest zone;
  • playground;
  • paths;
  • fence;
  • flower beds, rock gardens and front gardens;
  • bodies of water;
  • engineering Communication.

When preliminary placing objects, you should select the optimal location that will suit the purpose.

So, as already mentioned, the main elements in the following categories should first be placed on the site:

  • the basis is the house;
  • additional buildings and outbuildings: summer kitchen, garage, well, barn, cellar and others;
  • recreational buildings: terrace, patio, gazebo, playground, swimming pool and outdoor shower;
  • garden and vegetable garden: flower beds, front gardens, beds for vegetables and root crops, greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention not only to their placement and shape, but also to decide on the materials that will be used during construction. Only in this case will the site have a harmonious garden style. The children's playground is no less important: when choosing a place, you should opt for the most visible area, so that the kids are always under the visual control of their parents.

We also take into account the legal requirements regarding distance standards:

  • from the house to the red line of the street - 5 m;
  • from the house to the neighbor’s fence – 3 m;
  • between houses made of stone - 6 m, wood - 15 m, mixed - 10 m;
  • from the fence for garden house– 3 m, buildings for animals – 4 m, outbuildings – 1 m, trees – 4 m;
  • from the windows of the house to the neighbor’s utility parts – 6 m.

A variety of examples are given at the end of the article. finished projects layouts summer cottages. Check them out and draw your own conclusions.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden area of ​​12 acres will allow you to place a larger number of objects and highlight extra bed for recreation areas in comparison with the previous version. In this case, the layout will be distributed as follows:

  • House with a spacious veranda – 150 m2.
  • Household part 50 m2.
  • Recreation area and playground – 200 m2.
  • Vegetable garden and greenhouse – 200 m2.
  • Garden plot – 550 m2.
  • Paths and paths – 50 m2.

The principle of placing buildings will be similar to the option of a plot of 6 acres, but in this case there appears additional opportunity for the implementation of various landscaping ideas. So, a large number of not only fruit trees and shrubs, but also decorative ones. They can be planted around each object, as well as along paths.

In addition, additional square meters allocated for the recreation area will allow you to build a gazebo, swimming pool, and barbecue. It is very important to think about decorative lighting here, which will make spending time in the evening possible.

Plot of 15 acres

First of all, we note that 15 acres is as much as 1500 m2 of free territory, on which a wide variety of landscape combinations can be implemented. Most often, the plot has the shape of a rectangle 30x50 m or 25x60 m. There is enough space to include in the project everything necessary for comfortable and functional living not only in summer, but also in winter.

  1. Residential building with attic and veranda – 200 m2.
  2. Summer kitchen – 30 m2.
  3. Guest house – 50 m2.
  4. Bathhouse – 50 m2.
  5. Outbuildings – 70 m2.
  6. Garage with access for a car - 30 m2.
  7. The recreation area includes a gazebo, a children's playground, a barbecue and picnic area, as well as benches throughout the area - 300 m2.
  8. Decorative structures (fountain, artificial or natural pond, garden bridge, stone sculptures) – 100 m2.
  9. Vegetable garden – 200 m2.
  10. Flower beds and mixborders – 70 m2.
  11. Garden – 400 m2.

There are no special recommendations for such a site, so pay attention to the first and second options. Everyone will be able to realize any idea here, and even more than one - it’s enough to rationally weigh and develop everything so that everything fits and harmonizes very well with each other.

A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so a lot of time and effort is devoted to this stage. A large number of flower beds are planned and laid out, and a large front garden is set up in front of the house.

When independently developing a plan for your summer cottage, you need to take into account many nuances and points that will help you complete all the work correctly and efficiently. Please take note of the recommendations and advice given in the article, and also review the sketches of the site plans. As a result, you will be able to create the summer cottage of your dreams, where it will be comfortable to spend all seasons, regardless of weather conditions.


A lot of useful tips is given in the following video:


Zoning of the territory is an essential stage in the improvement of a land plot. Zones are allocated areas for site design objects. To begin with, place a plan for future buildings on a sheet of tracing paper. Zoning of the territory is gradual.

Zoning space is one of the main stages of creating landscape design.

First, the location of the main buildings (house, garage, bathhouse) is determined, then zones for vegetable gardens, orchards, roads are allocated, taking into account natural and economic characteristics, sanitary and hygienic standards and economic functions.

The division of the territory into zones is marked on the diagram, indicating the locations of existing, still planned and proposed for demolition objects, areas of landscaping and landscaping.

Layout of landscape design of the site.

An important factor are. In order to reduce groundwater Drainage, wells, and drainage channels are used. A suitable option is 20 cm wide, 50 cm deep, at the bottom of which a pipe with drilled holes. On steep slopes, terraces 5 m wide are arranged to protect against the washing away of the fertile soil layer.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account the norms of distances between objects from the point of view of sanitation and hygiene. fire safety. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the distance from the house to the barn with animals should be at least 7 meters, to the toilet - 12 meters, from the summer kitchen to compost heap- 7 meters. Planting of trees and tall shrubs should be carried out on the sunny side at a distance of 5 meters from the house to avoid shading. The planting pattern can be in the form of a square, rectangle or checkerboard.

Layout layout of a summer cottage.

For effective zoning, it is desirable to rationally place infrastructure zones, allocate as little area as possible for pedestrian roads, and ensure minimum distances between buildings. In order to save space, it is advisable to combine some auxiliary objects - a bathhouse with a shower, a barn with a poultry house or cowshed, summer kitchen with a cellar. To visually increase the area of ​​the site, you can resort to techniques such as laying winding roads or diagonally.

The planning of the territory can be approached from the point of view of landscape design, which gives a picturesque view. In this case, free placement of the garden and buildings is assumed, original use uneven surfaces - in the depressions - ponds, on the hills - a slide, on the slopes - ladders.

There are an incredible variety of options for zoning a summer cottage, depending on the territorial area, relief features, hobbies, taste qualities and financial capabilities.

Conditionally land plot is divided into the following zones with recommended area:

  • residential zone - 10%;
  • for household and household purposes - 15%;
  • for recreation - 5%;
  • for gardening - 70%.

Methods for placing zones of plots:

  1. The classic rectangular layout allows for division into zones through imagination.
  2. The elongated narrowed layout is complex due to the difficult division of areas into zones. To visually expand the territory, you can plant large vibrant views plants.
  3. The “L”-shaped layout allows the protruding part of the site to be used for recreation.

Main stages of territory zoning:

  1. Collection of information about land plots (direction of prevailing winds, groundwater level, land data, sunny and shaded zones).
  2. Placement of real estate and utility premises on the site.
  3. Arrangement of a children's playground (swings, sandbox, slides).
  4. Selection of area for garden and vegetable garden.
  5. Construction of a living fence from plants, arrangement of flower beds, flower beds, front garden.

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Zoning of residential areas and outbuildings

Territory zoning scheme.

The perimeter of the site is besieged by trees or shrubs. For owners of large plots of land, a fencing option will be layered plantings from taller ones with dense foliage to low-growing single plants.

The immediate start is with the location of the house. As a rule, the facade of the house faces the street at a distance of at least 4 m from the road. For a unique touch in front of the house, you can plant flower beds or build a front garden. It is not uncommon for a house to be built in the central part of a site for the purpose of protection from winds, noise and dust and for privacy. Living rooms should be facing south, with light shining through the windows for at least 4 hours. A variety of ornamental plants and shrubs are planted near the house. It is important to take into account the front entrance, which is the “face” of the site. Visual hospitality requires unusual decoration. For example, a picturesquely decorated climbing plants arched design. It is wise to plant shrubs along the paths to transform the front area. Zoning of the front area occurs not only from a functional point of view, but also from an aesthetic one.

The entrance area, consisting of a garage, entrance or parking lot, reflects the first impression of the owners. Therefore, it is important to decorate it with a fountain and flower pots.

The economic zone of the plots includes sheds, bathhouses, garages, woodsheds, workshops, barnyards, that is, everything that is needed for practical purposes. Despite the fact that the economic zone is not always in harmony with the general landscape style plot, it is necessary to provide a unique design in this area. Buildings for economic purposes are best located on the north or north-west side in the depths of the site. Buildings must be placed in such a way that bathrooms are not located next to a recreation area, and buildings for animals are not located next to a pool or natural body of water. It is reasonable to place the outbuildings of the plots remotely from the street boundaries.

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Allocation of recreation areas and children's playground

Site planning scheme.

Recreation areas attached to the house serve as a place for spending leisure time, receiving friends and guests, and eating food. The recreation area is located centrally or throughout the territory, taking into account the hobbies of each member of the house. It is not uncommon for a plot to be purchased for the purpose of spending leisure time and weekends. Because of this, it is important to carefully plan your recreation area. It should be sheltered from the wind and negative natural phenomena. For such purposes, a fence of plants or original fence. You can’t do here without a gazebo with a flower garden, a swimming pool or a natural pond and beautifully located paths. It is better to place the gazebo in a picturesque place, darkened from the scorching rays of the sun, since here you can gather to contemplate the beauty of flower plantings, birdsong and barbecue. It is important to ensure isolation from unwanted eyes, aesthetics of the environment and ease of communication with the house. To enclose the area of ​​the plots, green curtains and trellises decorated with vines are used. IN summer time you can’t do without belvederes and roof terraces or patios with garden furniture for tea drinking.

If the territories are purchased by young families or those who have small children and grandchildren, then it will be mandatory to allocate an area for children’s games so that the area is in the field of view of the elders from the windows of the house for control. You need to make a place for children in a place protected from sunlight and wind, excluding landing poisonous plants and the presence of bodies of water for safety purposes.

For lovers of active recreation, there is a sports area. Depending on the area of ​​land, you can place a tennis court, football field, basketball, volleyball or badminton court. It is not uncommon for there to be unoccupied space near land plots. It can be used as an active area for various types of games, having previously arranged a lawn. Lawn care is a complex, time-consuming and expensive pleasure. To save money, it can be replaced with gravel or paving. A swimming pool or small pond will be an excellent addition to the landscape design of the plots. A rock garden and rock garden are placed nearby to complement the reservoir.

For a city dweller, a house in the dacha sector is associated with relaxation away from noise and smog, with the opportunity to grow your own organic vegetables and fruits, with the aesthetics of flowering flower beds and with a spacious living space in contrast to an apartment.

To turn a plot of land into a paradise island of another reality, allowing you to forget the bustle of the city and taking into account the needs of all family members, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Planning a summer cottage plot, regardless of its area, is an important and responsible stage of construction and planting work. Having acquired a small plot of land, you need to carefully consider the location of the main areas: a living area, a playground and a recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue, a vegetable garden with vegetable beds and a garden with fruit trees and berry bushes, outbuildings, including a bathhouse and a garage. .

It is not at all necessary that all of the listed zones be present. For some, only the aesthetic component is important, while others like to tinker in the garden. In any case, in order to maintain harmony on your 6 acres, you will need to draw up a site plan taking into account all the regulations.

The first stage of planning is conditional zoning of the site

When zoning a summer cottage, you should largest area(up to 75%) allocated to the garden and vegetable garden. In this case, buildings, including a residential building, should occupy about 10% of the total area. The remaining 15% is recommended to be used for a recreation area and flower beds. It is this ratio of zones that will make the plot harmonious and functional, even if the dacha plot is small. However, for those who do not wish to plant fruit trees and lay out vegetable beds, the ratio will shift in favor of the recreation area, and the main landscaping will become lawn grass and ornamental plants.

Next important point- placement of zones on the site. From a practical point of view, it is advisable to place the house closer to the entrance to the site with the facade to the main street and shift it to one side, but it is necessary to take into account regulatory requirements and orientation to the cardinal points. From an aesthetic point of view, it is better to move outbuildings to the background deep into the site. If you place them along the fence on the north or north-west side, they will not create excessive shade for plants, but at the same time they will become a barrier to cold winds.

Fruit and berry and ornamental plants are placed randomly around the site, based on biological features kind. For vegetable beds and greenhouses, it is better to highlight a lighted place in the center. The recreation area is conveniently placed in the shade of buildings, which will be a salvation on hot summer days.

When zoning, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • microrelief (flat areas with a slight slope have always been valued higher than those with drops or on a slope);
  • shape of the area (it is better to work with rectangular areas with an aspect ratio of 1:2 or close to 1:1, as opposed to very elongated or trapezoidal options);
  • soil type (loamy or sandy loam fertile soils are good for both plants and construction work; sandy and rocky soils will cause more trouble);
  • groundwater level (laying the foundation should be carried out when the groundwater is sufficiently deep; this factor is also taken into account when planting fruit trees);
  • orientation of the site to the cardinal points.

Having a small plot of land, it is easier to avoid heterogeneity in soil type and topography, which can be considered a slight advantage.

When the approximate boundaries of zones and significant characteristics site, you can move on to the next planning stage.

Determining the location and size of individual objects

All buildings must be erected in accordance with SNiP regulations and fire safety standards. The location of rooms in a residential building must be planned taking into account insolation. It is quite difficult and impossible to locate a house on a small plot while maintaining the largest usable area without a rational approach. It is better to reduce the area of ​​the first floor, losing one room, than to violate established standards, which is not only fraught with fines and squabbles with neighbors, but also unsafe.

To save space, it is recommended to build the garage together with the house, on a single foundation. This option is very convenient: there is no need to create gaps and lose valuable pieces of land; on inclement days you can quickly move from the car to the comfort of your home; the asphalt exit part has a minimum length.

Small garden plots do not allow you to accommodate all the desired objects, so you need to immediately clearly define your priorities. For some, it is more important to have their own greenhouse for growing seedlings and early vegetables, for others - a cozy gazebo for tea drinking, for others - playground with swings and fairy-tale figures.

When designing your site, we must not forget about planting cultural and ornamental plants, because personal plot should not be completely built up with various types of buildings.

A small plot of land of 6 or 4 acres has some features that must be taken into account when planning landscape design. Small space is clearly visible from any point, so you will need to create barriers that visually divide the area into zones and distort the sense of space. Hedges, pergolas and arches create the illusion of a large area.

Particular attention should be paid to fencing the site. A high blank fence made of corrugated sheets will squeeze a “piece of paradise” into a rigid frame and emphasize the lack of land. Mesh fence or wooden picket fence, on the contrary, visually removes the boundaries of the area. An equally successful option would be to create a fence covered with vines or climbing clematis.

A network of winding narrow paths makes small plot more interesting, visually increasing the distance between objects.

When there's not enough room for cultivated plants, the problem becomes planting flowers and ornamental shrubs which are necessary to decorate the garden plot. This problem can be solved by using flower beds at the main entrance, growing flowers in flowerpots and hanging planters on open terrace, planting border varieties along paths and creating alpine slides and multi-level flower beds.

A well-thought-out design of small areas will not only accommodate the most necessary objects, but will also create harmony, which is very difficult to achieve in a limited space.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the design of the vegetable garden and garden. From the whole variety of fruit and berry crops, you should choose only those for which the soil conditions are suitable. It is better to purchase apple and pear seedlings at dwarf rootstock, which guarantees restrained growth and a compact crown.

Existing imperfections in the form of a hole, ditch or steep slope can be turned into an original landscape composition. An artificial pond, a babbling brook with wooden bridge or a multi-level terrace will create a special atmosphere and become the center of the recreation area.

Thinking through landscape design small area, we must not forget about the open free lawn for children’s games and accommodation garden furniture(chaise lounge, chairs, table). Unconventional ideas decorating the area near the house will give the area a special mood.

Examples of designs for plots of different shapes

Independent planning of a summer cottage requires theoretical knowledge in various areas and a little patience. When planning your 6 acres, you should not clutter up the land allotment various elements. It is better to leave more space for landscaping than to create crowded spaces and chaos.

A small plot of 4 acres will not be able to accommodate large bathhouse and a potato field, but it’s quite possible to turn it into a cozy and beautiful corner for outdoor recreation with beds of herbs and vegetables for salad.

If garden plot has a rectangular shape and its length is slightly greater than its width, then its project will not take much time. Interesting options planning are shown below.

It is more difficult to draw up projects for small plots non-standard forms. On trapezoidal plots, a residential building with a garage or shed is located immediately in front of the main entrance from the roadway. Along the fence at some distance from the house there are outbuildings, and in the farthest corner you can allocate space for outdoor toilet or compost bin.

Plantings of tall trees are placed along the northern side of the site, and on the opposite side it is possible to plant berry bushes. In the very center of the site there remains enough free space for a vegetable garden or recreation area, the design of which can be done in any style you like.

It will be easier to rationally plan a narrow plot of land if you place the house not with the facade to the main street, but with the end part. But this will cause difficulties with placing the garage. There are projects in which it is proposed to move the house deeper into the site, but this will require decorating all the outbuildings that are open to the first glance. In addition, such a project will need to be coordinated with various authorities, since the structural picture of the street will be disrupted and difficulties will arise for access fire truck in case of emergency.

Designing and landscaping your own site is a responsible task, the successful solution of which will become an object of pride and joy for the whole family.