home · electrical safety · We are decorating the dining area in the kitchen. The best summer kitchens in the country with a barbecue: projects and layout and design Design of a dining area with a sofa

We are decorating the dining area in the kitchen. The best summer kitchens in the country with a barbecue: projects and layout and design Design of a dining area with a sofa

In the middle of the last century, a kitchen and dining room were included in the layout of any apartment. Over time, apartment designs changed, and dining rooms were pushed out of standard architect plans.

The kitchen began to look like a small room, in which a family of 4-5 people could hardly fit.

However, the kitchen-dining room in a modern apartment occupies a special place. Family and guests gather there, fun celebrations and get-togethers are held. Therefore, the design of the kitchen dining room must fulfill all the requirements for this room.

Interior decoration

Today there are 3 options for dining room layout:

  • Separate dining room;
  • Kitchen combined with dining room;
  • Dining room - living room.

Advice. Be sure to divide the kitchen dining room interior into separate functional areas.

Combining the kitchen-dining room with the hall, a very comfortable room is created for fully entertaining guests. After finishing the meal, you can move with your guests to watch TV or drink a cup of mulled wine by the fireplace.

When creating a kitchen dining room project, do not forget to combine the style of the room and divide it into functional zones.

How to properly do zoning in the kitchen dining room

Walls painted in different colors will help to properly differentiate the kitchen from the dining room. You should not play with bright contrasting shades.

The selected palette should be in harmony with each other.
Floor covering for kitchen area It’s better to make it from tiles, but ideal for a recreation area: laminate, parquet, carpet.

Installing a bar counter is one of the popular options for planning a kitchen dining room in small apartments. This zoning looks elegant, adds sophistication to the room, and also allows you to save valuable centimeters.

If you are the owner of a large dining room - kitchen, then it is better to give up the bar counter. Firstly, the chairs are too high for small family members; it will be quite problematic to sit on them. Secondly, sitting on such stools is not comfortable enough.

Advice. When cooking food, food odors may spread; to avoid this, take care of a powerful hood in advance.

Recommendations for designing a kitchen and dining room

A kitchen-dining room in an apartment is a solution to the problems of modern housewives. Gone are the days when the family watches TV in one room and the wife prepares food in the kitchen in complete isolation.

Stick to it the following tips when creating a kitchen-dining room:

  • Take care of lighting dining area. Can be installed panoramic windows- will add zest to the room. When decorating windows, choose light tulle or blinds designed for the kitchen.
  • You can use paintings to decorate the walls;
  • Place long decorative vases on the floor;

Varieties of layouts

  • Linear;
  • Double row;
  • Ostrovnaya.

The linear layout is ideal for the interior design of a kitchen dining room with a narrow area. The kitchen set should be installed near one wall, and dinner table place it on the opposite side.

The two-row layout is suitable for walk-through kitchens with a dining area. It allows you to turn your main disadvantage into an undeniable advantage. This optiongood decision, if there are 2 housewives in the house.

Advice. If the kitchen-dining space is small, then if you have a balcony you can increase it. Just tear down the wall and glaze the balcony room.

An island arrangement is a sophisticated option when creating a kitchen dining room in the home, where a piece of equipment or a dining table is located in the center.

  • Items that can serve as an island: table, bar counter;
  • Various shapes can be chosen: square, circle, oval;
  • A two-level version of the island can be used if one part is a working area, and the other acts as a dining table;
  • Folding table - perfect solution for receiving guests;
  • The style is selected in accordance with the style of the kitchen and dining room.

Below are photos of the dining room kitchen, where you can see possible options design of this room.

Photo of kitchen-dining room design


Dining area design: Mirrors

In the dining area, mirrors can work real miracles: place them next to the table, and a table for 4 guests will seem like a dining room for 8 people. A vase of flowers, cutlery and candles, and a beautiful tablecloth will be reflected in the mirror, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room.


You can hang a small mirror opposite the table, put a rectangular floor mirror in beautiful frame, if you wish, you can even mirror the entire wall opposite - the effect will be wonderful.

We turned to this technique in a small project two-room apartment in style:

Elegant furniture and modern style

If you have small apartment and for the dining room we can allocate no more than 3 sq.m., refuse the pompous ornate classics, puffy legs, lush armchairs and carved wooden table. Choose the lightest, most elegant furniture:

1. Transparent furniture Great way deceive the eye. Chairs and tables made of acrylic, plexiglass or glass seem to evaporate into the room, making it more spacious.



2. Lightweight designs

Bright hues

Everyone knows that White color makes the room more spacious. Notice the white dining table and light chairs. Make a bed milky tablecloth, paint the walls in light pastel colors.

Dining room in dark colors

However, if you like dark, dramatic interiors, don't shy away from rich colors in small spaces. It is believed that in a dark room the corners are hidden, and the furniture seems to dissolve against the background of dark walls.





Competent zoning

To make the room seem more spacious and functional, you should pay attention to Separate the dining area with any in a convenient way:

contrast wall opposite the table ( bright wallpaper, a darker tone of paint, or a full-wall painting);

– zoning using lighting: highlight the dining area with brighter light by hanging a lamp above the table;

– contrasting carpet.

By the way, about the floor: I often see interiors online in which the dining area is highlighted with the help of another flooring. For example, tiles in the kitchen area, laminate in the dining area. I even came across this advice more than once: to zone certain parts of the room using a contrasting floor covering. In fact, this is a rather gross design mistake, and very rarely does such a technique look harmonious. Never combine various materials in the floor covering of one room! (I’m not talking now about where the whole apartment is one room, and different coating for the floor it can separate, for example, the kitchen from the living room or corridor.) The task of zoning in the room is perfectly handled by a contrasting one (rug, mat).



I hope these tips will help you in your fight for square meters in the dining area and the design of a small dining room will not be a problem for you! Stay with us! =)

The kitchen is an important place in an apartment or house. In this room we prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners, eat the prepared dishes, and invite guests. The design of the dining area must be impeccable so that your stay here ends with delight. Therefore it is necessary before starting repair work think through all the design details and select the right options and ideas for implementation.

Modern design ideas allow you to turn the most ordinary kitchen into a cozy and stylish corner

The location of the dining room is influenced by certain conditions, for example, the dimensions of the apartment, the number of inhabitants of the home and their style preferences. However, one thing remains unchanged - only two rooms are suitable for arranging a dining room: the kitchen and the living room. To create a place for lunch you need to follow some rules.

Layout details

Zoning Dinner table – this is the “highlight” of the program, the whole place for lunch. It is installed separately from the working areas in the kitchen and seating areas in the living room.
Furniture Practical and comfortable pieces of furniture are selected. The size and design of products must match the style room , its configuration and the preferences of the inhabitants.
Decoration For the perfect creation dining area A minimal amount of decor is used so as not to overload the decor.
Practicality Current requirement for this zone. Must be able to move freely table and to it.

The dining area can consist of a massive table with chairs or a soft corner sofa with a low table

Advice! If the apartment does not have spacious kitchen or a living room, it is unlikely that you will be able to create a full-fledged dining area. Although it will be possible to create a place for lunch in the kitchen and purchase an extendable dining table. It can be unfolded and taken a large number of guests, friends.

If there is very little space, place a round dining table that can accommodate more people than at a square or rectangular table

Ways to arrange the dining room

IN modern apartments the living room is reserved for relaxation and entertainment, and a place in the kitchen is organized for the dining room. Provide best location Several design techniques will help create a dining area for the whole family:

  • Single-row method - arrangement of furniture along one wall, most often used for rectangular kitchens.
  • Double row method – suitable for spacious areas square kitchens. The dining area and the working area are located parallel to each other.
  • The “L” shaped method is a common option for creating a dining room in the kitchen. Placed on one wall workplace, and on the corner adjacent to it there is a table and chairs.
  • “U” shaped method - used for rooms with a window at the entrance. The dining place is installed against one wall or in the center of the room.
  • Island method - suitable for large kitchens, possibly combined with a living room. It involves creating a dining room that does not come into contact with the work area or with any other furniture or objects.

The most optimal for organizing a dining area is a linear or angular layout

Parallel layout is suitable for the room large sizes, like U-shaped

Furniture selection

Furniture elements must emphasize the chosen style; therefore, they are made in brighter colors or have stronger stylistic expressiveness. There are a sea of ​​options suitable furniture, just remember that the objects need to be part of the interior.

Transparent furniture looks beautiful and light

The dining area will stand out with the help of bright objects: chairs, table and decor. Furniture can be made in different colors, and even from different materials. This further accentuates the dining room.

Everyone makes their own decision on the style of the dining area, depending on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

It is better to choose furniture according to color kitchen set. The result will be positive if the tabletop is bright shade or facades - combined with each other.

Wooden surfaces go well with any pastel colors and add “warmth” to the interior

Interesting idea! If it is not possible to choose contrasting furniture, you will be able to get out of the situation in another way. A bright tablecloth on the table or colorful covers on the chairs can radically transform the design of the dining area. This option will fit well into provencal style interior

Textiles are used to decorate kitchens in all rustic styles

The tablecloth can also be chosen for a more modern interior.

A good choice for a miniature kitchen would be a minimalist decoration for the dining table. It will be enough to place a vase with flowers or fruits or napkins on it. You also need to remember that colorful execution lunch place should be accompanied by a light, light surface finish.

Finishing walls, ceilings and floors

When creating a delicate, light dining room, it must be highlighted using such decorative means as: interesting design ceiling, wall decoration or choice of unusual flooring. However, you should not combine all these means at the same time; this will load the interior and make it difficult to perceive.

A bar counter is often used as a separator between the kitchen and the dining room.


Most often, dividing the kitchen into zones helps with the ceiling. Can be applied various ways zoning:

  • Option 1. The ceiling divides the kitchen into two parts by painting different colors or installation tension covering different shades, possibly with a pattern or design. It is allowed to choose the shape of the zone, which can be expressed correctly or curvilinearly.
  • Option 2. Classic interior style involves dividing the ceiling, imitating ceiling niches or installing moldings. This idea will refresh the room.
  • Option 3. Can make the dining room attractive multi-level ceiling. This will make it possible to install many spotlights and visually enlarge the entire room, making it brighter. The perfect way to transform a small kitchen.

Decorative ceiling lighting helps enhance the zoning effect

To decorate the ceiling in rustic style wooden beams are ideal


A dining area located near a wall or in a corner suggests the creation decorative finishing only in this area. Registration methods include:

  • photo wallpapers with city or natural landscapes, floral themes or food themes;
  • masonry imitating brick or stone;
  • gypsum products;
  • bright plain wallpaper, the color of which is radically different from the main one.

Snow-white walls will make the dining room open and bright

White color suits almost any style

In a classic style, the walls are decorated with wallpaper and moldings

It is also best to highlight small area walls to emphasize the compactness and character of the dining room.

Zoning the dining room with a bright wall


It will be possible to divide the kitchen into two areas using flooring if the room is of sufficient size. The floor surface divided by any covering in a miniature room will more clearly show its imperfections and visually reduce it.

Floor zoning goes well with ceiling separation

Advice! It is necessary to pay attention to the coating material and, when laying it, take into account that the floor of the workplace must withstand heavy loads. And the dining room can be decorated with any covering, since this area is not subject to heavy loads and mechanical damage.

The podium can be used to zone space

Lighting installation

Light solves any problem and can transform even the most modest room. It just needs to be used correctly. You can’t do without lighting in the dining room and kitchen in general.

First of all, you need to realize all the possibilities of natural lighting

There should be additional light sources above the dining area

Exist various options lighting implementation:

  1. Placing the dining table in the center of the room helps to incorporate an interesting idea such as installing a chandelier or massive lamp directly above the table. Lighting device forms a light cone, which uniques the interior and brings comfort and warmth to it.
  2. The corner dining area involves installing a chandelier in its usual place - in the center. And also the presence of additional light - one or two wall lamps.
  3. Modern interior design styles are expressed in unusual lighting solutions. For example, in a group of spotlights or an interesting unusual chandelier in a minimalist execution style.
  4. Light panels are used. They work well in loft style, minimalism and other rough interiors. Mounts to both walls and ceilings.
  5. The dining area, located near the windowsill, already has a natural source of light. However, it will have to be supplemented by a chandelier located above the dining table or by forming a second level of the ceiling. Here you can install a number of spotlights.

The chandelier is mandatory element For classic style kitchen-dining room design

For low ceilings Built-in lamps or flat chandeliers are suitable

Decoration methods

Among the variety of ideas, simple and extravagant, everyone will find something suitable for their kitchen or living room - dining room. Below are some of them.

  • Decorating the dining area with a rug. He will be able to highlight this area most clearly.
  • Completeness will be added to the dining area: paintings, posters, photographs, Wall Clock, decorative plates, shelves with figurines.
  • An original option would be a mirror, empty frames, wooden boards, interior letter or words.
  • Cushions on chairs or sofas will help add comfort to the dining room.
  • Decorating a table or window sill with small details (vases, plates, figurines, indoor plants, frames with photos).

The carpet will decorate the dining area and at the same time serve as a space divider

Mirror in the design of the dining area

Video: choosing a table and chairs for the dining area

Our family is almost three years old and consists of three people. When we got our own apartment, the first thing we did was plan the kitchen, since, as it seems to us, it is the main place in the house.

We started our project traditionally - by viewing what someone had already created. After studying many articles, samples, examples of kitchens, including the first “My Kitchen” competition, we decided: we want a snow-white kitchen with a light wood countertop.

First, we “drew” the location of the furniture in a 3D program. This helped us see our dream in reality and correctly place the set, arrange sockets, switches, lamps, and also select Decoration Materials, choose their color.

They decided to divide the kitchen itself into 2 zones - cooking and relaxation. Many will agree that for studio apartment additional zone rest will never be too much.

To make zoning clearer and more logical, we used:

1) an additional laminated chipboard wall between the two zones;

2) ceiling configuration.

To highlight the recreation area more clearly, we placed false beams under the tree, made from a ventilation duct painted with stain. They turned out just like the real thing.

The kitchen has white plastic facades and a “light thuja” countertop, height - 91 cm. Its extension plays 2 roles: a dining table and a work surface for cooking.

An apron made of tempered glass with the image of green grass. Taking care of the facades, countertops and aprons is not difficult.

When planning the interior of the kitchen, we tried to make it not only cozy, but also comfortable, so we paid attention to every little detail so that everything was in its place and at hand. For example, the distance from the dining area to the sink (only 1 meter) turned out to be very successful in this regard.

By the way, the Franke sink is very spacious. We have it with the function of blocking the drain (this is very convenient for rinsing and washing dishes). There is an additional tap on it for drinking water after filters. The water in our village is simply terrible, and installing filters has made life much easier and better.

Since we prefer food cooked in the oven or slow cooker, we decided to limit ourselves to hob Beko with two burners. The panel was placed with its long side along the wall - this is how it appeared extra space. Our oven is from Bosch.

Set of small household appliances quite standard: food processor, kettle, multicooker, coffee maker. All this is placed on the work surface.

Our refrigerator is built-in, domestically produced.

There are no handles on the upper and lower facades of the cabinets due to the fact that the upper facades protrude 3 centimeters below the cabinets, and the lower ones are mounted in combination with the L-profile. This profile was recommended to us by the company when placing an order for the headset. Its advantage is that it is hardly noticeable, unlike the profile that is mounted on the door itself. Opening the bottom doors is quite convenient.

But, unfortunately, there are no handles on the tandem refrigerator-freezer doors. All doors are hinged, with closers, drawers in the bedside tables are also with closers.

I would like to devote a few words to one “homemade” item in our kitchen - a stool with a trash can. The standard location of the trash can under the sink did not suit our family, and the industry does not offer similar options, so we developed our own project for a pull-out trash can made from a stool. On the door under the sink, instead of a trash can, there is a container for bags, and there is still plenty of space left.

The ceiling above the cooking area is suspended, white gloss. Liquid wallpaper is applied to the walls. The floor in the kitchen is made of light wood laminate. The color matches the countertop perfectly!

Classic wooden bar stools perfectly complement the set.

As for the recreation area, first of all I would like to say that we are very pleased that it was provided: thanks to this, our family spends more time together.

We wanted to see the “relaxation” zone in a loft style, which we tried to create using a “brick” TV wall, photo wallpaper, and beams on the ceiling. In addition to this, we repainted the battery silver and bought a metal board for the magnets - don’t throw away the memory of your vacation. We glued the bricks ourselves.

Photo wallpaper from one of the streets of old Vilnius was made to order for us. By the way, you can watch TV from anywhere in the kitchen thanks to the swivel bracket.

Unfortunately, the choice of sofas that would suit us in style and size was small, but we managed to find a company store where you can change the factory configuration of the sofa: its length, the width of the armrests, color, material, etc. As a result, the sofa was made to order for us at an affordable price. It unfolds and turns out to be a complete sleeping area which can be used for guests. Plus, it has a storage compartment.

We paid a lot of attention to light. In the kitchen we have four types of light. The main light for the kitchen area is a chandelier above the dining table, made with your own hands from a tea set. We, of course, spotted the idea in one of the construction hypermarkets, but it didn’t cost proletarian money at all, so we had to resort to ingenuity. To illuminate the facades, we used spotlights built into the box; this light can be turned on for cooking and as an independent light.

In the recreation area, the main light is a spot chandelier. There is also decorative lighting from two spotlights to add emphasis to the “brick” wall.

We did the decoration of the room ourselves, except for the ceilings.

Thus, the main part of the kitchen renovation and improvement is completed. Now we are working on the decor. We plan to make a panel of photographs on the white wall opposite the kitchen area. But since we still have a young family and important events Not much yet, we decided to just hang frames in which we will place the most memorable photographs. We will also add a minimal amount of greenery and window decorations. We also have plans to purchase a chest of drawers for a TV, but we haven’t found one yet suitable option. Will have to be made to order.

This is our small, but very functional, cozy and already beloved kitchen.

Final estimate:

  • Oven - 560 BYN (300 USD)
  • Hob - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Washing - 243 BYN (130 USD)
  • Refrigerator - 560 BYN (300 USD)
  • Mixer - 73 BYN (39 USD)
  • Ceiling in both zones - 196 BYN (105 USD)
  • Electrician work - 18.7 BYN (10 USD)
  • Decorative brick and fugue - 108 BYN (58 USD)
  • Laminate - 597 BYN (320 USD)
  • Backing - 17 BYN (9 USD)
  • Sofa - 633 BYN (339 USD)
  • Sockets, switches - 103 BYN (55 USD)
  • Beams and glaze - 93 BYN (50 USD)
  • Set - 2887 BYN (1547 USD)
  • Set with installation and insertion - 485 BYN (260 USD)
  • Skinali - 411 BYN (220 USD)
  • Bar stools - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Stool - 37 BYN (20 USD)
  • TV wall and facade lighting fixtures - 90 BYN (48 USD)
  • Chandelier above the tabletop - 93 BYN (50 USD)
  • Spot chandelier - 75 BYN (40 USD)
  • TV - 831 BYN (445 USD)
  • Water filter - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Photo wallpaper - 69 BYN (37 USD)

Total: 9019 BYN (4832 cu)

The kitchen is the place to create culinary masterpieces. And for the housewife’s efforts to be appreciated, a comfortable dining area in the kitchen is needed, where all members of your family will gather for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In this article you will see 60 photos of various dining areas in the kitchen interior and learn how to properly design it, taking into account all the nuances.

Dining area in the kitchen: accents with decor and furniture

Everyone makes their own decision on the style and design of the dining area in the kitchen, depending on their capabilities and preferences. Below we will just offer you a few interesting ways create a cozy, inviting atmosphere at the table. One of the most popular of them today is decorating the walls in the kitchen in the dining area, which allows you to visually separate it from working area. For this purpose, the walls in the dining area are highlighted using the following materials:

  • Beautiful photo wallpaper or wallpaper with a bright pattern;
  • 3D wall panels;
  • Cork covering;
  • Tiles or mosaics for walls;
  • Facing decorative stone;
  • , for example, panels, photo frames, etc.

Also, the design of the dining area in the kitchen can be emphasized with the help of spectacular pendant lamps installed above the table, or original lighting LED strip or spot lighting. Let's give examples in the following photos:

Bright dining chairs, sofa upholstery, pillows, other decor and furniture fittings They also help highlight the dining area in the kitchen and make its design even more pleasant for relaxation and family gatherings.

Spacious dining area with corner sofa - 11 photos in the interior

A corner dining area is often associated with comfort, because a soft corner sofa with many pillows can give a special pleasure from eating. And at the same time there is still room for several chairs that can be added in case of receiving guests or visiting relatives. It is worth noting that the corner sofa should match the interior of your kitchen and be upholstered in a material that can be easily cleaned. In general, the dining area with corner sofa has undeniable advantages:

  • Increase in serving (seating) places;
  • The presence of internal space in the sofa for storing things;
  • Saving kitchen space.

Let's take a look at what her dining area design could be like in the photo!

Also read:

Dining area for a small kitchen (ideas with photos)

A small kitchen area should not prevent you from creating a beautiful and functional design dining area. To solve this problem, you just need to imagine a little. Your lifesaver when decorating the dining area in a small kitchen can be:

  • Roll-out or retractable tabletop, which can be hidden under the work surfaces;
  • Folding table stored on the wall or in a separate corner;
  • A small bar counter or window sill counter;
  • Compact round tables, etc.

The last selection of photos in this article clearly demonstrates how attractive a dining area can be for a small kitchen. Please also note that it is better to have a dining area away from the food preparation area. Since the space is not large, it is important that everyone is comfortable, including the housewife who prepares food and the household members who are dining at the table.

Also read:

Design of a dining area in the kitchen: layout secrets

So that you have no doubt about how to properly design the dining area in the kitchen, I have prepared some tips for you and good photos examples. See:

Agree, the photos are beautiful! However, we cannot always copy the design as in the picture. To do this, let's begin to understand the basic principles of planning.

  • How to highlight the dining area in the kitchen?

Look at your kitchen with a designer's eye! Happened? Now take a look from the owner's point of view. There is a difference?

The thing is that the dining area should be equipped not only according to all the canons, but also in such a way that it is convenient for you! You beautiful view from the window? Set up your dining table right in front of it! So, every day you will enjoy the beauty from your window and be absolutely happy! A kitchen with a dining area by the window is something! See for yourself.

And here is the option with a bay window:

So how to highlight the dining area in the kitchen? We think you will succeed!

Well, as you can see, the dining area in the kitchen will look just great, rest assured! All you have to do is listen to the wise advice from Dekorin designers, and you will see how your life and your home will turn into a fairy tale!

Surround yourself with beauty, and good luck!

Cozy dining area in the kitchen - 60 photos with design ideas updated: January 25, 2019 by: Tatiana Borovik