home · Lighting · We are decorating the dining area in the kitchen. If there is little space: dining area design Dining area design with a sofa

We are decorating the dining area in the kitchen. If there is little space: dining area design Dining area design with a sofa

Summer house projects

Number of projects 164

One of the main advantages of living in a country house is the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the yard. In the warm season, even the process of cooking is transferred from home to the summer kitchen. Most best option- This is a summer kitchen with a barbecue, which allows, in addition to regular dishes, to cook meat and vegetables over an open fire. In this article we will talk about what summer kitchens are like, how you can install barbecue equipment in them, what their design and layout can be.

What are summer kitchens?

The buildings in which kitchens are installed are divided into many types according to design, building materials used, style, and layout. According to the type of construction, they are open and closed.

Closed kitchen

A closed structure has walls with windows, a floor and a roof. In most cases, they are built from ordinary wall materials on a lightweight foundation. These buildings can be used in any weather. In addition, they can be equipped heating system and can be used all year round. Kitchen equipment and furniture for the dining area can be chosen without any restrictions, since being located in indoors all this will not be affected by precipitation or temperature changes.

A closed kitchen is also more convenient because you can hide in it from annoying insects, as well as from the heat if you install air conditioning. In addition, it can be used as a guest house if necessary.

Closed kitchens also have their disadvantages. Firstly, they require more materials to build, and the materials themselves must be more expensive. Secondly, such structures need to be built on the basis of a professional, carefully designed design. At the same time, the construction process is quite labor-intensive and is not cheap for the owners.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies providing services for the design of small architectural forms: gazebos, grill houses, etc.

Open kitchen

Such kitchens are built on the principle of terraces or gazebos with a canopy. They are concreted or lined paving material a platform around the perimeter of which support beams are installed that support the canopy structure.

Semi-open buildings are those that have one, two or three walls. A summer barbecue kitchen can be built from any material for supports and roofing. Often such buildings are supplemented with light fences made of wood or metal.

An open building is constructed according to simple drawings, can be built very quickly, and with minimal costs materials. This is a platform for placing a recreation area, part of which is reserved for the installation of kitchen equipment. But it is not protected from bad weather and insects, it cannot be used in winter, it requires the installation of special equipment designed for working outdoors.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for the construction of small architectural forms: gazebos, grill houses, etc. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


An enclosed summer kitchen can be built from materials used for the construction of residential buildings. It could be a brick cellular concrete, stone, frame construction, profiled timber, etc. Wide glazing is usually used. A foundation is installed for the construction that corresponds to the technology for using the selected material. In some cases, kitchens are simply built on concrete screed. A building without a foundation will last less, but its construction will cost much less.

An open kitchen can be built using the same materials as a closed one. Wall materials are needed for arrangement support system, construction of partial walls and decorative design. There are many ways to arrange an outdoor area. The main load carried by such a structure is the weight of the roof. Therefore, there is no special need to build a foundation.

Using wooden covering The platform level is often raised above ground level. This is necessary in order to flooring always remained dry and lasted as long as possible. A summer kitchen project with a barbecue may involve a low podium or several steps.


The usual layout of a summer kitchen is no different from the kitchen-dining room designed in a cottage. Part of it is allocated for the work area and is equipped with a sink, stove, and fryer. Sometimes instead ordinary cuisine A barbecue area is planned and only equipment for cooking over an open fire is installed. The remaining space is occupied by a dining table, chairs, benches, armchairs and other furniture for relaxation.

Recently, more and more often, summer kitchens are built combined with other buildings. This is done to save space on the site. So, a bathhouse acts as an extension, storage for gardening tools, guest house, or anything else.


The summer kitchen can be free-standing or attached to the house. The extension is convenient because it is easier to connect to communication systems. It is a continuation of the house, increasing its area. In addition, it complements the exterior of the cottage well, decorates it and makes it more attractive.

Separately standing kitchens also have their advantages. They do not block the premises of the house from sunlight, decorate the recreation area on the site, can have any shape, regardless of the configuration of the house. In addition, if the kitchen is built at a distance from the house, you don’t have to worry that the smells of cooking food will penetrate into the living rooms.


The style of the summer kitchen should be subordinated to the overall style of the house and site. This applies not only to the building itself, but also to its internal filling. Even in a closed building great importance has the design of its interior. And for an outdoor barbecue kitchen, in which all the details are visible, you need to select furniture and equipment with even greater care.

If the house is built in a discreet classic style, the kitchen can be more original in design, made of any material and in any style. But the contrasting appearance of the building must be supported by the landscape of the site.

A wooden gazebo or terrace would look ideal near a house made of logs or timber. Since wood is a very expressive material, it is better to build the kitchen in the same style as the house. Otherwise, the harmony of landscape design will be disrupted.

If the house is built in a modern minimalist style, a kitchen in the form of a log house will look out of place next to it. But the construction of the correct rectangular shape With flat roof with wooden flooring and pergolas as fencing.

BBQ oven

Barbecue ovens installed directly under open air, under a canopy or in a summer kitchen are becoming increasingly popular. This is explained by the great advantages of such equipment:

    Everyone loves food cooked over fire;

    it is healthier than foods cooked on a conventional stove;

    the process of cooking using a barbecue is quite exciting;

    You can use old cut trees for fire in a barbecue oven, which eliminates the need to remove them from the site;

    at regular use Natural fire stoves can save on gas or electricity costs for a conventional stove.

Barbecue is primarily a method of cooking that uses a grate placed over a fire. Barbecue equipment can be different - from portable metal structure to an industrial stationary unit.

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Options for gazebos with barbecue

Often, stoves in summer kitchens are designed to accommodate a barbecue. A barbecue differs from a barbecue in that it is used to cook meat and vegetables on a skewer. In this sense, the barbecue is more versatile, since you can put food of almost any consistency and any size on the grill.

Exist multifunctional devices, which combine such elements as an oven, stove, barbecue, tandoor, cauldron. On top of this entire structure there can be ordinary burners, powered by gas, electricity or according to the principle rustic stove from coals.

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Construction of an oven with barbecue and cauldron

The simplest stove is a brick-lined hearth, over which there are special sides. They are needed so that you can put a grill or skewers. This kind of design can be expanded over time by adding other modules with additional elements - a cutting table, oven, sink, smokehouse, wood burner. If there is enough space in the kitchen, but there is no means to install all the compartments at once, you can build a brick oven for barbecue and grill, and add other modules as possible.

A metal Dutch oven can be made specifically for a specific oven. But often, when arranging a stove structure, ready-made barbecues or barbecues are used, which are simply installed in prepared niches.

In a closed or semi-closed kitchen, you need to build a chimney or hood above the stove. The furnace structure itself must stand on a concrete or stone foundation. If the gazebo is built of wood, the stove must be insulated from wooden elements stone or brick.

Most often, barbecue ovens are built of brick. This material is unpretentious and easy to use. From it you can lay out structures of different shapes, different in design, with all kinds of additional modules, as well as shelves and stands for dishes and kitchen utensils. But brick is not the only material for building stoves. Some masters use for this purpose rubble stone or cobblestone. Sometimes ovens are made from monolithic concrete followed by cladding.

The minimum oven size is 70 cm in height and 90 cm in width. This means that a summer kitchen with a brick grill does not have to be large. But it is better to immediately build it to be more spacious, since during the operation of the stove, ideas often arise to expand its functionality.

In some cases, homeowners first build outdoor barbecues for occasional use for picnics. But then, having experienced all the advantages of such a stove, they grow it to the level of a full-fledged kitchen, and only after that they build a gazebo or enclosed space around it.

The stove can be angular or straight. In style and design, it should match the design of the kitchen and the entire area as a whole. Although the Dutch oven is most associated with rustic style, designers today create very beautiful modern stoves.

Options for summer kitchen projects with barbecue

Summer kitchens come in a wide variety of layouts and designs. Some homeowners prefer small, lightweight gazebos, while others prefer canopies or terraces. Some build entire complexes, including several functional structures.

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Kitchen gazebo with barbecue

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer from the partner of the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country” - the company “ Garden barbecues", for the construction of gazebos with a stove complex, barbecue and grill.

Kitchen with sauna and terrace

In addition to the house and garage, it is possible to fit several additional buildings on a small plot if they are combined. This is exactly the option shown in the image below. Here closed kitchen combined with a bath complex and a terrace. Such projects of summer kitchens with barbecue and oven allow you to create very comfortable multifunctional recreation areas.

By combining a kitchen and a bathhouse, the work on connecting communications is made easier and cheaper. It is easier to connect one object on a site to the water supply and sewerage system than 2 or 3. This layout option eliminates the need to provide the kitchen with a separate bathroom - you can use the one located in the bathhouse complex.

Multifunctional buildings are completely autonomous. They can be built quite far from the main residential building. And one more advantage - the bath complex can be designed without a rest room, since this role will be played by the kitchen and terrace.

Simple square kitchen

In summer cottages for seasonal recreation, summer kitchens are usually built with the simplest design and construction. So, in the following example, we can consider the option with elementary zoning. The layout provides for wide glazing on three sides.

Such a kitchen can be either free-standing or attached. In the second case, it will be adjacent to the house with a facade that has no windows. A bathhouse, garage, barn or any other building can be attached to the same facade.

Kitchen gazebo

The easiest option to set up a summer place for barbecuing is to build a wooden gazebo and equip it with a stove with a chimney. Gazebos with a summer kitchen and barbecue, the designs of which are quite varied, look great in any landscape design. IN in this example a hexagonal structure made of stone and wood is presented.

A compact gazebo will take up minimal space on the site. However, it can easily accommodate a dining table and chairs or benches. A barbecue stove with a chimney will allow you to cook over a fire right in the gazebo. There is even provision for installing a compact sink next to the stove.


A kitchen with a barbecue oven can transform an ordinary cottage or Vacation home V perfect place for family holidays and receiving guests. It expands the possibilities of private home ownership and simplifies the process of daily cooking. In addition, a well-designed building can adequately decorate a site, making it more solid and attractive in design.

Our family is almost three years old and consists of three people. When we got our own apartment, the first thing we did was plan the kitchen, since, as it seems to us, it is the main place in the house.

We started our project traditionally - by viewing what someone had already created. After studying many articles, samples, examples of kitchens, including the first “My Kitchen” competition, we decided: we want a snow-white kitchen with a light wood countertop.

First, we “drew” the location of the furniture in a 3D program. This helped us see our dream in reality and correctly place the set, arrange sockets, switches, lamps, and also select Decoration Materials, choose their color.

They decided to divide the kitchen itself into 2 zones - cooking and relaxation. Many will agree that for studio apartment additional zone rest will never be too much.

To make zoning clearer and more logical, we used:

1) an additional laminated chipboard wall between the two zones;

2) ceiling configuration.

To highlight the recreation area more clearly, we placed false beams under the tree, made from a ventilation duct painted with stain. They turned out just like the real thing.

Kitchen - with white plastic facades and a light thuja countertop, height - 91 cm. Its continuation plays 2 roles: a dining table and work surface for cooking.

An apron made of tempered glass with a picture of green grass gives a cheerful note to this part of the room. Taking care of the facades, countertops and aprons is not difficult.

When planning the interior of the kitchen, we tried to make it not only cozy, but also comfortable, so we paid attention to every little detail so that everything was in its place and at hand. It turned out very successful in this regard, for example, the distance from dining area to the sink (only 1 meter).

By the way, the Franke sink is very spacious. We have it with the function of blocking the drain (this is very convenient for rinsing and washing dishes). There is an additional tap on it for drinking water after filters. The water in our village is simply terrible, and installing filters has made life much easier and better.

Since we prefer food cooked in the oven or slow cooker, we decided to limit ourselves to hob Beko with two burners. The panel was placed with its long side along the wall - this created additional space. Our oven is from Bosch.

Set of small household appliances quite standard: food processor, kettle, multicooker, coffee maker. All this is placed on the work surface.

Our refrigerator is built-in, domestically produced.

There are no handles on the upper and lower facades of the cabinets due to the fact that the upper facades protrude 3 centimeters below the cabinets, and the lower ones are mounted in combination with the L-profile. This profile was recommended to us by the company when placing an order for the headset. Its advantage is that it is hardly noticeable, unlike the profile that is mounted on the door itself. Opening the bottom doors is quite convenient.

But, unfortunately, there are no handles on the tandem refrigerator-freezer doors. All doors are hinged, with closers, drawers in the bedside tables are also with closers.

I would like to devote a few words to one “homemade” item in our kitchen - a stool with a trash can. The standard location of the trash can under the sink did not suit our family, and the industry does not offer similar options, so we developed our own project for a pull-out trash can made from a stool. On the door under the sink, instead of a trash can, there is a container for bags, and there is still plenty of space left.

The ceiling above the cooking area is suspended, white gloss. Liquid wallpaper is applied to the walls. The floor in the kitchen is made of light wood laminate. The color matches the countertop perfectly!

Classic wooden bar stools perfectly complement the set.

As for the recreation area, first of all I would like to say that we are very pleased that it was provided: thanks to this, our family spends more time together.

We wanted to see the “relaxation” zone in a loft style, which we tried to create using a “brick” TV wall, photo wallpaper, and beams on the ceiling. In addition to this, we repainted the battery silver and bought a metal board for the magnets - don’t throw away the memory of your vacation. We glued the bricks ourselves.

Photo wallpaper from one of the streets of old Vilnius was made to order for us. By the way, you can watch TV from anywhere in the kitchen thanks to the swivel bracket.

Unfortunately, the choice of sofas that would suit us in style and size was small, but we managed to find a company store where you can change the factory configuration of the sofa: its length, the width of the armrests, color, material, etc. As a result, the sofa was made to order for us at an affordable price. It folds out to create a full-fledged sleeping place that can be used for guests. Plus, it has a storage compartment.

We paid a lot of attention to light. In the kitchen we have four types of light. The main light for the kitchen area is a chandelier above the dining table, made with your own hands from a tea set. We, of course, spotted the idea in one of the construction hypermarkets, but it didn’t cost proletarian money at all, so we had to resort to ingenuity. To illuminate the facades, we used spotlights built into the box; this light can be turned on for cooking and as an independent light.

In the recreation area, the main light is a spot chandelier. There is also decorative lighting from two spotlights to add emphasis to the “brick” wall.

We did the decoration of the room ourselves, except for the ceilings.

Thus, the main part of the kitchen renovation and improvement is completed. Now we are working on the decor. We plan to make a panel of photographs on the white wall opposite the kitchen area. But since we still have a young family and important events Not much yet, we decided to just hang frames in which we will place the most memorable photographs. We will also add a minimal amount of greenery and window decorations. We also have plans to purchase a chest of drawers for a TV, but we haven’t found one yet suitable option. Will have to be made to order.

This is our small, but very functional, cozy and already beloved kitchen.

Final estimate:

  • Oven - 560 BYN (300 USD)
  • Hob - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Washing - 243 BYN (130 USD)
  • Refrigerator - 560 BYN (300 USD)
  • Mixer - 73 BYN (39 USD)
  • Ceiling in both zones - 196 BYN (105 USD)
  • Electrician work - 18.7 BYN (10 USD)
  • Decorative brick and fugue - 108 BYN (58 USD)
  • Laminate - 597 BYN (320 USD)
  • Backing - 17 BYN (9 USD)
  • Sofa - 633 BYN (339 USD)
  • Sockets, switches - 103 BYN (55 USD)
  • Beams and glaze - 93 BYN (50 USD)
  • Set - 2887 BYN (1547 USD)
  • Set with installation and insertion - 485 BYN (260 USD)
  • Skinali - 411 BYN (220 USD)
  • Bar stools - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Stool - 37 BYN (20 USD)
  • TV wall and facade lighting fixtures - 90 BYN (48 USD)
  • Chandelier above the tabletop - 93 BYN (50 USD)
  • Spot chandelier - 75 BYN (40 USD)
  • TV - 831 BYN (445 USD)
  • Water filter - 280 BYN (150 USD)
  • Photo wallpaper - 69 BYN (37 USD)

Total: 9019 BYN (4832 cu)

Above the dining area you need to create soft and cozy lighting, conducive to pleasant family gatherings. It is better to place it near a window to make the best use of natural light. In respect of artificial lighting perfect With adjustable height suspension, and it should not hang in the center of the kitchen, but directly above the table. Several such small lamps can be provided. If you don’t like this option, you can use Wall lights , and if the kitchen area allows, even floor. Also, the dining area can be highlighted with spotlights built into the ceiling, and multi-level ceiling – generally a great idea, because it will visually divide the space into zones.

With all this, we should not forget about the need general lighting for kitchen, which will combine zones and be used when bright task lighting is unnecessary.

No. 2. Zoning using wall decoration

If we are talking about a small kitchen, then the easiest way to divide it into zones is to use different, so and . So, in the work area the walls are best, and near the dining table use a warmer and cozy material: washable, or paint of a certain shade. Transition between different materials should be noticeable, but it should not be too contrasting, because the room should be perceived as holistic and harmonious, but at the same time with several zones highlighted.

It's worth making an amendment. If we are talking about the kitchen-living room, then in this case it is appropriate to use even contrasting shades, but you still need to act carefully. If you are not sure about own decision, then it is better to use shades of the same color or resort to the help of a designer. The same applies to: must be observed general style, but the furniture should not be the same in the working and dining areas.

No. 5. Podium

If the kitchen is large enough or you are arranging a kitchen-living room, then you can use not only visual zoning, but also completely physical. This could be, for example, where the dining area will be located. This is great design technique, which also allows you to get additional storage space, but at the same time you should think about how convenient it will be in your particular case: perhaps there are elderly people and small children in the family for whom such a podium will cause difficulties. The podium is sometimes used as a working area, but this is often explained by the need to hide communications. Additional lighting of the podium will add the finishing touch to the zoning of the room, and at the same time allow you to create an unusual interior.

Can be used sliding partitions, which are perfect for spacious kitchens or kitchens combined with a living room. During cooking, the partitions can be closed to prevent odors from spreading, and then opened, visually uniting all zones.

Another option - barrier or half-partition with low height. You can also hide some kitchen furniture behind it, and in this case the eating area will be perfectly separated.

Bar counter – multifunctional item. Not only does it do an excellent job of dividing space, but it also transforms the interior, making it modern and stylish. Moreover, this is also an additional place for a snack and even a full meal. In some cases, the bar counter can even become a full-fledged place for lunch and dinner, if, of course, we are talking about a small family.

No. 8. Unusual ways to zone space

The need to allocate several zones of different functionality in a small room at once pushes people to make bold decisions. So, the two zones can be divided aquarium or shelf system, on which to place flowers, kitchen utensils, souvenirs and other items. The dining area can be separated photographs or paintings, interesting etc. Looking for optimal solution You need to use your imagination, and then in the end you can get a beautiful and unique interior.

No. 9. Is it worth combining the kitchen with the living room?

This solution is very popular today. By combining the kitchen with the living room, you get a lot of advantages:

  • increase usable space , because there are no more walls that took away space and light;
  • opportunity for the hostess look after the children who are in the living room, watch TV, and generally be together with the whole family, without interrupting the cooking process. There is also no need for a separate TV in the kitchen;
  • when there are guests in the house, very easy to cover, because all the dishes and dishes can be moved much faster and spend less effort on it;
  • opportunity create

    But the desire to make the space larger and brighter requires some victims. Smells will spread into the living room area; in the kitchen you will have to keep order twice as strictly as required open space. Some also complain about the lack of cozy privacy while relaxing or eating, but zoning helps with the latter.

    But still It is better to combine the kitchen and living room only if you have a large apartment and each family member has a separate room. If the area of ​​the kitchen and living room is small, then such a solution will also come in handy. What zoning methods, besides those described above, are suitable in this case?

    No. 10. Zoning with furniture

    It is very easy to separate the work, dining and relaxation areas with the help of furniture. Most affordable optiondinner table, which is placed at the border of the zones: fulfilling its direct function, it becomes a clear space separator. To enhance the effect, you can place chairs of the same style, but different colors, around it, and their shade should match the chosen one. color scheme for the kitchen and living room areas.

    In conclusion

    The function of any zoning is to highlight comfortable zones in one room in which a person will feel comfortable. Zoning is necessary not only for large kitchens and kitchens combined with living rooms, but also for any, even the smallest space, otherwise different zones will mix, turning the kitchen into chaos. In order to highlight zones in kitchen area, you can use several different methods, but it’s better to combine them, and then it will even turn into comfortable place for cooking and family gatherings.

In the middle of the last century, a kitchen and dining room were included in the layout of any apartment. Over time, apartment designs changed, and dining rooms were pushed out of standard architect plans.

The kitchen began to look like a small room, in which a family of 4-5 people could hardly fit.

However, the kitchen-dining room in a modern apartment occupies a special place. Family and guests gather there, fun celebrations and get-togethers are held. Therefore, the design of the kitchen dining room must fulfill all the requirements for this room.

Interior decoration

Today there are 3 options for dining room layout:

  • Separate dining room;
  • Kitchen combined with dining room;
  • Dining room - living room.

Advice. Be sure to divide the kitchen dining room interior into separate functional areas.

Combining the kitchen-dining room with the hall, a very comfortable room is created for fully entertaining guests. After finishing the meal, you can move with your guests to watch TV or drink a cup of mulled wine by the fireplace.

When creating a kitchen dining room project, do not forget to combine the style of the room and divide it into functional zones.

How to properly do zoning in the kitchen dining room

Walls painted in different colors. You should not play with bright contrasting shades.

The selected palette should be in harmony with each other.
It is better to make the flooring part of the kitchen area from tiles, while for the recreation area the ideal choice is: laminate, parquet, carpet.

Installing a bar counter is one of the popular options for planning a kitchen dining room in small apartments. This zoning looks elegant, adds sophistication to the room, and also allows you to save valuable centimeters.

If you are the owner big table new kitchen, then it’s better to give up the bar counter. Firstly, the chairs are too high for small family members; it will be quite problematic to sit on them. Secondly, sitting on such stools is not comfortable enough.

Advice. When cooking food, food odors may spread; to avoid this, take care of a powerful hood in advance.

Recommendations for designing a kitchen and dining room

A kitchen-dining room in an apartment is a solution to the problems of modern housewives. Gone are the days when the family watches TV in one room and the wife prepares food in the kitchen in complete isolation.

Stick to it the following tips when creating a kitchen-dining room:

  • Take care of the lighting of the dining area. Can be installed panoramic windows- will add zest to the room. When decorating windows, choose light tulle or blinds designed for the kitchen.
  • You can use paintings to decorate the walls;
  • Place long decorative vases on the floor;

Varieties of layouts

  • Linear;
  • Double row;
  • Ostrovnaya.

The linear layout is ideal for the interior design of a kitchen dining room with a narrow area. The kitchen set should be installed near one wall, and the dining table should be placed against the opposite one.

The two-row layout is suitable for walk-through kitchens with a dining area. It allows you to turn your main disadvantage into an undeniable advantage. This option is a good solution if there are 2 housewives in the house.

Advice. If the kitchen-dining space is small, then if you have a balcony you can increase it. Just tear down the wall and glaze the balcony room.

An island arrangement is a sophisticated option when creating a kitchen dining room in the home, where a piece of equipment or a dining table is located in the center.

  • Items that can serve as an island: table, bar counter;
  • Various shapes can be chosen: square, circle, oval;
  • A two-level version of the island can be used if one part is work area, and the other acts as a dining table;
  • Folding table - perfect solution for receiving guests;
  • The style is selected in accordance with the style of the kitchen and dining room.

Below are photos of the dining room kitchen, where you can see possible options design of this room.

Photo of kitchen-dining room design

A home means not only a burning fireplace and a cozy bed, but also the presence of a special place for a comfortable meal. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are not just a meal together to satisfy your hunger, but also another way to unite with your family and spend time together. In the old folk wisdom it is said that the beauty of a hut is not only in the corners, but also in the pies. Fragrant dishes on a beautifully served large table, at which all family members and guests are located, a pleasant atmosphere, soft lighting, leisurely conversation - this is what a person really needs to relax. From the dining room to strong families There are numerous traditions that bring household members together. The design of the dining area is created not only with an eye on the tastes of the apartment owners, but also taking into account the special psychological techniques visualizations that can affect the appetite and mood of those eating. We’ll talk further in this article about how to beautifully and competently decorate this special part of the house.

Dining area location

Traditionally, the dining area is located in the kitchen next to the food preparation area. Unfortunately, the housing problem has not been resolved since Bulgakov’s time, and most of the country is forced to huddle in cramped “boxes”, where it is simply not possible to allocate a separate room for a dining room. If the kitchenette is very tiny, then the dining area is moved outside it into a more spacious room or even onto a balcony or loggia. Last option is considered non-standard, since the “round table” in additional room it will not be possible to install. We'll have to be content linear layout, like in a cafe, when they sit down to eat at a long tabletop-window sill, and the chairs are placed in one row. In complex combined options, the dining area can act as an integral part of a large studio that contains a hall (entrance hall), living room and kitchen. If the designer has at his disposal a spacious cottage or a country house, a dacha, then the dining area finds its place in one of the free rooms.

In the kitchen

The location of the dining area in the kitchen depends on the dimensions of the latter. Considered ideal island layout. In this case, the table and chairs are equidistant from kitchen set and walls. It will be convenient for household members to approach any place and there will be no feeling of “crowding”. If the kitchenette is small, then the dining area is located in the corner, close to the walls. To increase the number of “seats”, you can install a static soft sofa (corner). If the family is small, then two or three chairs around the table will be enough. When placing the dining area in the kitchen, avoid using large quantity textiles It quickly absorbs odors and will require frequent washing.

In very sad cases, when owners are seriously thinking about what to choose: a refrigerator or a stove, since both units simply will not fit in cramped kitchen conditions, they recommend turning to multifunctional furniture. A folding table and “garden” chairs can be easily assembled and securely hidden in a decorative niche or closet.

In the living room

A dining room combined with a living room is becoming more and more common. The hall is the most large room in the apartment. Its area allows you to fit not only the main functional area for relaxation, but also to allocate a place for a table with chairs. As for the location of the dining area, it would be optimal to place it close to the doorway. Trays of food won’t have to be carried across the room, which means fewer crumbs and debris will accumulate in the seating area. Zoning can be done actually (furniture, arches) or conditionally (color, light, different textures of finishing surfaces). Since the dining room is a rather “dirty” area that requires systematic cleaning, it is of course better to separate it with a real “obstruction”. If the living room is not as large as we would like, then “airy” partitions are used (screens, curtains, low furniture or with through shelves).

In a separate room

A separate dining room, perhaps, has become dream No. 2 for every housewife. At the first place comfortable kitchen, where there is enough space for culinary maneuvers. A separate dining area allows you to install a large table in the center of the room, where whole groups can comfortably gather. You can also place a bar counter here, additional furniture for holding buffets or relaxing after a hearty dinner. In a separate room, the interior can be unique, without regard to the design of adjacent areas. Unfortunately, the opportunity to equip such a dining room usually appears only to owners of private houses. In apartments, as a rule, there is no space for a whole room for meals.


The furniture set will be the center of any dining area. If the dining room is located in a combined room, then when choosing its furnishings, they are guided by the stylistic decision of the neighboring areas. For example, a plastic table cannot be combined with an expensive classic kitchen set. This is bad manners, but any furniture should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable.

Choosing a dining table

On average, the area for one person at the table is 60 cm wide. This is enough to prevent neighbors from elbowing each other in the sides while eating. If one of the household members has non-standard sizes, then this area must be increased. Thus, before buying a table, calculate the number of people who will eat at it every day and multiply it by 60 cm around the perimeter for each. Don't forget to add "spare" for a couple of guests and remove wasted space on the corners. Tabletops can have different shapes: square, rectangular, oval, round. Creative models may have non-standard shapes. From a psychological point of view, it is better to avoid sharp corners. Even if a square table has been chosen, let its edges be rounded. This “softness” of the atmosphere is conducive to pleasant communication and sweeps away internal psychological barriers at the subconscious level. The table legs can be located in the corners in the amount of four pieces, in the center in the form of a “column” or form two end supports at the edges. The central location is typical for small tables. Classic options have four legs. By type of materials, preference is given to:

  • Solid wood. It is durable, has a rich range of natural shades and original designs. IN luxury interiors use valuable species, which cost a pretty penny.
  • Metal. It is durable and resistant to mechanical damage, but organically merges only with modern “high-tech” styles.
  • Glass. It can be transparent or matte, with an etched pattern. The material is durable, as it is used to make furniture strained glass, which at strong impact It will only be decorated with a web of cracks, and will not crumble into dangerous fragments.
  • Acrylic, conglomerate, natural stone. The materials are considered universal and are suitable for both classic and modern styles.
  • Plastic. Budget option for inexpensive interiors. Ideal as a temporary solution.

It is not recommended to buy a table before creating a design project for the dining area. Although this element is the central, main part of the furniture group, it must correspond to the overall style and be matched to it, and not vice versa.

Choice of chairs

The chairs should be combined with the table, but this does not mean that they will necessarily be from the same set. Recently, it has become fashionable to choose these furnishings separately. Do not be mistaken that any chair you come across will suit your table. In order not to miss, and the combination looks organic, focus on the shape. If the table is square, then the chairs should be the same. The rounded edges should also be repeated in each element of the prefabricated kit. It is advisable to choose a table and chairs from the same material. The only exceptions can be win-win combinations:

  • Metal and wood. Classic combination, which is difficult to spoil.
  • Stone and wood. An expensive and luxurious option that suits lofts and chalets.
  • Glass and metal. An original modern solution.

The presence or absence of upholstery, armrests and even backrests also matters. Of course, stools are rarely associated with comfortable dining. But whether upholstery and armrests are needed is a matter of convenience.

Other dining room furniture and accessories

In the dining area, in addition to the main set (table and chairs), additional elements can be located. These include large (shelves, sideboards, cabinets) and small (shelves, stands, baskets) furniture. It is placed for practical reasons, since extra seats for storage in some apartments is worth its weight in gold. But with the right approach, a piece of furniture can turn into stylish decoration dining room The buffet is decorated with painted sets, plates on stands, and sets of glasses. However, you shouldn’t go overboard and turn it into a sideboard that was mandatory element Soviet living rooms. Cabinets and chests of drawers are decorated with photographs or thematic paintings depicting fruits, vegetables and other foods. To set the mood, vases with freshly cut flowers are placed on them. The walls are covered with photo wallpapers with images of romantic landscapes or still lifes. Suitable for modern styles Modular pictures from seasonings, coffee beans, cereals and other “bulk” culinary attributes.

An original solution would be to place a large slate board with chalk, like in a cafe. On it you can write down wishes for your family or notify your family about the menu for today.


When it comes to lighting the dining area, everything is quite simple. If the room is small, then hang it above a small table ceiling chandelier. It is necessary even in cases where its neighbor is already located above the culinary area in the combined room. Sometimes the lack of light is compensated by using sconces on the walls or tall lamps on the floor. However, local lighting will not be able to completely replace the main one, so it is better to opt for an individual chandelier intended only for the dining area. If the table is long, then place a group lighting fixtures in a row.

Color selection

IN color palette Warm shades should prevail in the dining area. Studies have shown that they stimulate good appetite and improve mood. The dining room can be decorated according to the principle of similarity or contrast. As the main tone, it is better to choose white or one of the pastel shades: peach, pink, yellow, gray, walnut. Its neighbor in the spectral circle is chosen to play the role of the second color. The third shade will be bright, which is acceptable, because it is used little (only in accents). If the kitchen windows face the sunny side, then you can dilute the natural “warmth” of the interior with blue, lilac, green, and turquoise.

Design style

Stylistic decisions play an important role in the design of any room. First, they choose a direction for interior design and only after that they choose colors, furniture, and decorative details. There are no restrictions on the style of the dining room at all. However, it is often “tied” by the interior to the zone that is closest “in spirit” - the kitchen. It looks more impressive if the rooms are located next to each other. Popular trends include minimalism, high-tech, loft, chalet, art deco, classic, fusion, ethnic, Scandinavian, Japanese, East style And French Provence. Let's talk about several design options in more detail.


In a classic style, the interior composition looks royally magnificent and chic. This direction does not accept cheapness, imitation or practicality. Classic always strives for luxury, which is deliberately displayed. The walls are covered with wallpaper, richly decorated with floral patterns. IN color scheme white, brown and its shades prevail. In large rooms, a massive, elongated table with rounded corners made of precious wood is installed. It comes complete with elegant chairs on twisted, curved legs. They are upholstered in soft velvet or other expensive textiles. In colors, choose deep noble tones or neat designs on a gold, chocolate, bronze background. Wall decoration is limited to hanging portraits in frames or landscape paintings. The ceiling is richly decorated with stucco, and a multi-tiered, heavy crystal chandelier is installed in its center. The doorway is decorated with full columns or pilasters.


Traditional dining area in gothic style reminiscent of a formal palace dining room. The same one where pigs roasted on a spit were served, wine was drunk from goblets encrusted with precious stones, and they ate to the songs of troubadours. IN spacious rooms the ceiling is vaulted and decorated with beams. The walls are decorated with photo wallpapers with engravings depicting heroic scenes from the life of knights. In more simple interiors they can be draped with fabric with a luxurious floral pattern. The table should be large, made of durable oak. Chairs are used without upholstery, with carved backs. If the table has the shape of a rectangle, then several chandeliers are placed in a row above it. By the way, the light bulbs on them are placed in such a way as to create a resemblance to the candlesticks that illuminated meals in the dining room in the Middle Ages.

Gothic prefers dark, gloomy tones, so the style is not recommended for use in cramped spaces, as the palette will play a cruel joke on the perception of space.


The dining area in Provence style has a special comfort and softness. The color scheme is dominated by white and pastel shades. The windows are covered with colorful curtains. Placed on the walls beautiful landscapes or a whole photo gallery of family photos. It is better to choose a round table, since Provence prefers soft lines. It can be artificially aged by painting one layer of white over the previous tone. Before lunch, the table must be covered with a festive tablecloth. A couple of elegant vases with fresh flowers are placed on the windowsill. The walls are covered with wallpaper with delicate, floral patterns. On chairs soft upholstery pink, turquoise, yellow, mint or olive in color small flower. If there is a bedside table or closet nearby, then they must be decorated with decorative plates on stands, miniature sculptures, vases, and boxes.


Moroccan style belongs to the group of oriental styles. In domestic interiors it looks very exotic. There is a small wooden table in the center of the dining area. Remember that eastern peoples eat little by little, and most spend time on philosophical conversations. Next to it, two sofas with colorful upholstery are installed in parallel, which are casually “sprinkled” on top with decorative pillows with flirty tassels at the ends. The windows are decorated with multi-colored mosaics. Decorated plates and panels are hung on the walls. The floors are covered with colorful hand-made rugs. If the dining area needs to be separated from the kitchen or hall, then use decorative partitions, which can be decorated with themed patterns with curls. An original design solution would be to place groups of Moroccan lamps on the ceiling, which will emphasize the oriental flavor in the interior.


When decorating a dining area, you need to rely on only one rule: eating in it should be comfortable, pleasant and easy. There should be no pressure from color on appetite, a depressive mood or lack of space at the table. If this does happen, then the dining room was furnished incorrectly. Remember that a dining area or a separate room should create a calm mood and stimulate the appetite, unobtrusively encourage conversation and bring guests and household members closer together.