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Spells for a strong family and love in the home

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about how to attract good luck with the help of independent conspiracies. Magical influences on attracting good luck (specifically financial) are not destructive, which means they do not harm either others or the performer himself. This material will be entirely devoted to the current conspiracies of two magical traditions - black magic and white magic.

The undesirable consequences of a good luck plot can only be discussed from the perspective of the performer’s own shortcomings. This is especially true for money rituals of black magic, when the performer works for dark ones. By the way, you also need to be able to work with a cemetery, so as not to suffer in the future from the consequences of your independent rituals for attracting good luck into your life. So, we begin, and the first example will be quite simple: how to spell a ring for good luck.

How to read a ring spell yourself for luck and good luck in business

Do a witchcraft ritual on the waxing moon. In order to bewitch good luck and become lucky, take:

  • a ring that you wear all the time
  • skein of white wool threads
  • unblessed wax candle

“A tit bird lived overseas, a tit bird built a nest, a tit bird found a ring in the nest and brought it to me (name). I will decorate myself, I will dress up, I will be useful to good people, all doors will open to me, all secrets will be revealed to me, everything will come true in my opinion. Amen".

Put the ring on your finger, leave the candle, let it burn. Let it burn to the end. An effective ritual for good luck works on the strength of the performer; there is no need for payoffs. Place the yarn in the pillowcase of your pillow. Its task is to bring prophetic dreams to you. And the ring will help in difficult situations, and in fact will become a strong amulet and talisman for good luck in business. But let me make a reservation right away: it’s effective. spell to attract good luck doesn't work for everyone. However, this is true for any witchcraft rituals done independently. And now - another version of a simple amulet to attract good luck to yourself - a charmed pin.

An easy spell of good luck on a pin - make an amulet of good luck for yourself

Make for yourself a strong amulet for good luck in business on the new moon or when the moon is already waxing. The best time is the turning point in the solar day, noon or midnight. You will need:

  • wax candle
  • safety pin
  • natural fabric amulet

Light the candle and wait for the wax to start flowing. Place a pin under the melted wax so that it goes through the eye of the pin and seals it.

You need to read the spell for happiness and good luck 3 times, until the wax hardens:

“The moon is born, the power of the moon awakens, and (name) is heading towards me. Just as the moon cannot part with the night, neither can this pin. Follow me on his heels, do good to me. This pin was given to me for pleasure, for luck, wealth, and for a sweet life. Amen".

Wait until the wax hardens, put the witchcraft talisman in the amulet and carry it with you as an amulet that can influence situations and change them in your favor. A home ritual for good luck in a person’s life can be done with several pins, making amulets for each member of your family.

Strong old spells will attract good luck

Get up just before sunrise, go to the window and wait for the first rays of the sun to appear. Light a candle and, looking at the rising sun, 7 times read a strong plot for good luck and luck in any everyday situations:

“Red sun, clear sun, come out from beyond the edge of the earth, light the way for me (name) so that in the light of day good luck will accompany me. Let it be, according to my words. Amen".

Here is another magical ritual to become lucky in life. The matter in itself is simple; whether a proven conspiracy to attract good luck will work for you can be understood through experience. You will understand for yourself by the events. Before the witchcraft ritual, you can make a diagnosis for good luck in your work. But, this is generally recommended before any magical influence.

Take 3 wool threads: yellow, green, blue. Weave them into a braid, reading the plot three times to attract good luck in a specific situation and in general on the event plan:

“I’ll get up at dawn, pray, go out the gate, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around in all four directions. How on the eastern side a black horse grazes on a green meadow, the wind is violent, yes. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know either stirrups or reins. I will tame that horse, I will tame that wild horse. He will obediently walk under me, wherever I want, he will carry me. My will is strong, my word is flint. Amen".

Tie the resulting thread braid onto your left wrist. A handmade amulet for success will make luck your companion and bring prosperity to your life.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How to attract good luck with a white magic spell

In white magic there are home spells to attract good luck, but how strong they are depends on how strong your connection with the Christian egregor is. Here is one example of a self-made ritual to attract good luck to yourself through the help of white magic. On any even day, read a strong prayer for prosperity, for financial success, for a nickel, and then bury it under any young tree, except aspen:

“God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live from the harvest, so that a mouse won’t gnaw you, a worm won’t drain you, so that no one will waste my money. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the practices of white and black magic, a huge number of rituals are tied to the lunar cycle. The ideal time for the desired result to read spells for good luck in business, the new moon and the waxing moon are recognized. It is during this lunar phase that the processes influenced by the moon are activated, and therefore the positive spell becomes effective.

Simple conspiracies and spells for good luck and monetary gain

In the first days of the lunar cycle, read strong spells for good luck using spring water, then sprinkle your wallet and the place where you keep your money. And here are the words of the water spell to attract happiness and good luck to your home:

“Lord, come, Mother of God, help. The moon is born, thin and thin, its mother feeds it at night and adds to it every day. It was a bad month, it will become a full moon. So I had little money, but my purse will be as full as the moon will be full. Amen".

Here is another independent conspiracy for good luck in business.

For it, prepare the following ingredients:

  • cup with spring water
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 3 dimes
  • new handkerchief

Throw salt into spring water, dip coins in it, then go out into the yard under the new moon, hold the money in your hand and read the text of the plot to attract good luck and money three times:

“The month is young, how many stars are in the sky, how much water is on the earth and under the earth, let there be so much money in my wallet. Amen".

Wrap the charmed coins in a scarf and carry them with you until the next new moon. The witchcraft ritual has good reviews; a proven spell for good luck improves, especially when repeated regularly. It is useful to carry out a magical ritual, and those similar in meaning and algorithm, whenever the time of the new moon comes.

Black conspiracy for financial success - attract money through apples

An effective conspiracy works to improve the financial situation of the family. Money can come into the house through you, if you do it for yourself, but also through someone who has a good stable income. The energy of the dead is used here, but no additional payoffs are needed, the payoff is apples. And here’s how to make this plot for good luck and improvement of family well-being.

On one of the new moon days, take 3 red ripe apples, read the text of a strong spell to cast a love spell for good luck with money three times:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and health and wealth are always with me. Amen".

Take the apples to the churchyard to an unmarked grave. The owner, of course, receives gifts, as usual. I won't say that this is... the most powerful spell for good luck and luck, but in itself it is not bad. If there is contact with the cemetery, if you work on necro-energies, the result may please you.

A person who practices folk magic knows that there are situations when protection is absolutely necessary, for example, but the words of the required spell have flown out of his head. And anyway, can you remember them all? You need to be a true fan to remember thousands of conspiracies, and even at what moments they should be used. Of course, an ordinary person will not keep such voluminous information in his head.

To provide yourself with magical support, you need to learn just a few universal spells. They are usually short, but quite effective. For example, most people automatically remember that you need to spit to avoid the evil eye or knock on wood. You can develop the same habit in relation to several small conspiracies. A little work, but you will attract great power to your deeds!

A conspiracy for all occasions

“My angel, I believe, she is with me! Guide me with your reliable hand, protect me with your wing, clear the path! Amen!"

These phrases are said when leaving the house, when they are about to start an important task, and when they are afraid of something in the dark. Always! Simple words create incredible protection around a person. Just keep in mind that a conspiracy is not a panacea. If you are destined for failure or trouble, then they will happen. The conspiracy will help smooth out and minimize losses.

Plot for good luck in life

These are the words they say to the first star on any day. It is not necessary to prepare for the ritual. You will see an asterisk, a spell has come to mind, you know it’s time to pronounce it. With practice comes understanding and awareness of magic. A certain special feeling appears. At first, it is recommended to make it a habit to speak several times a month. That is, control yourself until the ritual becomes a habit.

The following words are said to the first star:

“A star lit up in the sky and illuminated my life. You go ahead of me, in the dark night and in broad daylight. Light the way, bring good luck! Amen!"

A spell for good luck in your personal life

Do you often go to work, to the store, or for a walk? So any walk can be used and good luck. You just need to take the “high road”. That is, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a place where a road opens in front of you, going into the distance, without turns. Stop for a moment, look into the distance and whisper:

“It is not given to us to understand the ways of the Lord. I will wait and believe that the Lord will measure out happiness for me! Amen!"

If you don’t forget and say these words more often, you yourself will begin to change inside. After all, personal life is not a grumpy old woman with an impossible character. There is no need to negotiate or ask for anything with her. It will work itself out as soon as you are ready for it. And this simple conspiracy will help you remove all obstacles and begin to radiate attractiveness and positivity.

Spell for a happy life

There is such a simple ritual that everyone is recommended to remember and use. Isn’t it good when there are happy and satisfied people around? Everyone loves it. When you see a red flower somewhere, remember a simple conspiracy. It can be read on live roses or painted ones. Even for decorations or accessories stylized as flowers. The main thing is that they are red.

Look at the chosen magic attribute. Imagine a ray of light coming from it into your groin and say:

“Three Angels above my head, collecting happiness, pouring it on me! Let them fly, let them not go astray, let them shine, so that I don’t turn away from happiness and joy, so that there are no enemies and nasty things in life. Amen!"

Plot for a rich life

There is a simple ritual that is performed literally every day, or as often as you want. Are you going to the store? There, when you pay, say a few words. This will not complicate your life, but will open the way to money. When you start giving money, mentally say:

“I’m not giving, but thanking!”

If you take the change, say this:

“Everything that is mine remains with me, multiplies and increases!”

You yourself will not notice how your well-being will significantly increase.

Spell for a happy family life

“Father brownie! We are friends with you! You're good to me, I'm chocolate to you! Let the family bloom and make you happy, and protect your home and protect your love!” Just don’t forget to really thank Domovoy, don’t deceive him. In the evening before going to bed, put a candy in a dark corner (behind the sofa or behind the closet) with the words: “Do not disdain, Mr. Master!”

If you find candy that the brownie didn’t eat, take it into the yard and give it to the dog. Just be careful that the cat or (God forbid) the child doesn’t get the treat. This is bad. The brownie will take revenge and cause scandals for you.

Conspiracy for a bad life

This ritual is not recommended. The fact is that by wishing harm on someone, you are “exceeding your authority,” as they would say now. That is, you take on the role of the Lord. Are you up to it? Think carefully. Will you not bend under such a weight? Will responsibility weigh you down? Do you think you can overcome anything? Then here are the words of the conspiracy.

They are uttered in the back of the person for whom they wish a bad life. This conspiracy acts like damage. It is difficult to remove because it is difficult to figure out where it came from. Say this:

“The black crow is on your side. Let the liver bite and not let you live. Let it cloud your eyes and bring disaster!”

After that, spit after the person.

Be sure to immediately turn away and mentally say:

“What was said stuck, but it has come unstuck from me! Any trouble passes me to the grave! Amen!"

It's just a kind of protection. It won’t come to you like that if you turn out to be weaker than the one whose life you decided to ruin. Just think many times about whether you should do this to a person? Maybe let the Lord punish him?

    I made a conspiracy on a pin, I would never have started doing this, but when you are in rubber Moscow from the nearest foreign countries, then you really believe in everything. He pinned the enchanted pin to his jacket and went for an interview. You won’t believe it, but they hired me, and this place is quite interesting, many wanted to go there, but I ended up there. So you can cheat a couple of times in your life, don’t be afraid, good luck in all your endeavors)

    Six months ago everything in my life went wrong. I didn’t even know what to do. And then I came across a conspiracy to turn a blind spot in life. Like a man, he overcame himself, read it, but didn’t tell anyone. And now everything has begun to improve, and therefore I want others to know that this really works. Just try and believe in yourself.

    How about a pin that is open and can be attached to different clothes?

    I still remember that period with a shudder. When everything went wrong. When everyone turned their backs on me and I thought I was at the bottom. But then I found out about the conspiracy at the grave. It was creepy and people looked at me strangely when I came to visit the grave, which was completely overgrown with grass and read some kind of conspiracy. But after that, my life quickly changed, everything went uphill and all my relatives forgave me and accepted me into the family. So try it, maybe the conspiracy will be your salvation!

    I have always been very unlucky in life, everyone around me was lucky in one area or another, someone became successful in their work, someone started a family with charming children, but I never even found money on the road. I decided to correct this situation with spells... And you won’t believe it, yesterday I found a thousand at a pedestrian crossing))) I also tried these methods:

    thanks to the conspiracies that save us in difficult times

    Some time ago everything went wrong for me. And the child was upset and the mother was sick and there were problems at work.
    What I didn’t do. She left a fortune with the psychologist. Grandmother whispered about a spell for good luck. I watched a lot of things and didn’t like them. And here is the beauty of as many as five together. I tried it, and now I’m happy, the white stripe has appeared.

    I tried a spell on water.
    Over the past month, failures have directly fallen on my head. The beloved dog died, the cat ran away, the dacha was robbed.
    And you will truly believe that luck has turned away. I read the spell for water and did everything as written. I hope that the series of adversities is over and everything will be fine now.

    Our troubles began with our aunt's funeral. This was half a year ago. First, my husband crashed the car, but he got away with minor fractures - the car was trash. Then my mother-in-law broke her hip and is lying sick. Then the turn came to me, I went through a medical examination, so they found a problem, where to run with it.? It seemed like I had decided - they helped me. So a new misfortune, first my husband was laid off at work, then me.
    Zebra life? where is the white stripe???
    I will look for an unmarked grave, I hope everything will work out.

    Remember the movie “Unlucky”, it’s about me. What happens to me in life?
    One day I woke up in the morning and decided enough was enough! I started looking for information, first I asked my friends, they just threw up their hands, and some even twisted their heads like you’re a man.
    Finally I went online and found this page. I read and carried out the procedure with a pin.
    A month has passed since then. I must say that it passed CALMLY. and this cannot but rejoice.

    As a child, my grandmother always whispered at me. I didn’t understand then why it made me feel so good. Later I found out that these were conspiracies. Now it’s my turn to try it myself. I took a simple one for testing, for water. I'll tell you what I liked. In reality, luck seemed to turn its face towards me. I began to feel like a new person. Thank you for the article!

    I didn’t think it would work, but it should. Believe it or not, I am a gambling person. What's the main thing about excitement? That's right luck! So I said goodbye to her for the last year. And I felt so sad without her that I decided to ask the conspiracy for help. I studied the issue in detail. I looked through everything I could find in print and online. I stopped here, at an unmarked grave.
    TTT works))))

    For a long time I struggled with the temptation to use a spell. But in the last month it has become very difficult. We live in a small town, you go to your grandmother with problems and everyone will know everything. There's no shame in it, I'm a teacher. So I had to figure everything out with my own mind. Thanks to this site. They suggested and told me what and how. Of course, I didn’t decide on an unmarked grave, again due to the small town. But now the pin is always with me. And it even seems to work!

    Yeah) the pin helps me too. My mother told me about it, and my grandmother told me about it.
    But no one really knew how to do it right. What to say.
    Usually they just put a pin on the clothes and that’s it.
    Thanks for the useful information. I liked the article. And I love my pin)

    Yeah... people... your comments are pushing me to sin)
    I'll go and try something. I’m a lucky girl, usually, but then somehow the luck ran away or was covered with a copper basin, I don’t even know. Everything falls out of hand. Nothing works.
    I'm thinking about trying some of what's written. I hope and believe)

    I’ve known about the pin in clothes for a long time; I read about it here two years ago. She helped me out many times. Now I’m here again, I want to try some water. Even though they say I’m not looking for good from good, but the pin still helps.
    I still want it. And precisely as a separate ritual. So I’ll try, it’s already Wednesday.. I’ll write back in a month

    How to interpret whether this is good or bad if you are a leader, you left the office for lunch, and when you returned you found a pin with thread and fabric on the table. Apparently this is some kind of conspiracy or some kind of damage? I would be grateful for clarifications from knowledgeable people. And then the first reaction was surprise, and then I started looking for information and I don’t even know what to do now.

    At the institute, before taking exams, I did a ritual with a pin and it always brought me good luck, I pulled out the right ticket. Thanks to the pin, I managed to finish everything with honors. She brought confidence and calmness, and a confident student is valued in the eyes of teachers!

    I want to try a plot about a grave and a cemetery. There are doubts, but when the black streak drags on, you look for any options. Share information, who did it? Did it work out and how soon did luck come into your life? It’s a little scary, but you have to start sometime!

Everyone has their own concept of happiness. For some, monetary profit is the highest reward for the time and effort spent, while for other people, a sign of great happiness is the well-being of the family. A spell for happiness is a universal magic that allows you to get what you want, no matter what your dreams turn out to be. What is the most effective spell for happiness and good fortune? The choice of ritual should be approached consciously, with an understanding of your own needs.

Conspiracies for good

Conspiracies for happiness refer to white magic that does not harm the customer of the ritual or other people. They do not enslave the will of relatives or friends, and do not influence other people’s energy. In order for the secret ritual to work, it is reinforced with attributes, special words of the spell. Conspiracies for happiness attract to a person what he cannot achieve on his own. The most powerful force is hidden in people, in their subconscious. Magic doesn't come from anywhere and doesn't go anywhere. It originates inside every person and depends only on the individual - whether the energy will fade away or become a real weapon against everyday adversity.

Affirmations are certain words that are repeated in the text. A small phrase consists of special verbal formulas that can awaken magical powers. By repeating a mantra or prayer, a believer appeals to higher powers, to the invisible component of human life. A spell for happiness can be based on one or more affirmations, depending on its effectiveness. What is happiness and how is it achieved?

Types of effective spells for happiness

There are several effective rituals to attract happiness:

  1. Muslim ritual. A believer resorts to magic only in extreme cases. This type of ritual is performed in strict secrecy, without outside help and unnecessary attention. A beginner will not be able to induce happiness with the help of Muslim rituals, but experienced magicians often use ancient magical actions for their own purposes.
  2. Ritual for good luck. It is not difficult to summon luck with the help of consistent actions at home, without special skill and preparation. Before performing the ritual, you should cleanse your house and your own thoughts of excess garbage. General cleaning is something that needs to be started before the secret ritual begins. For new events and happiness you need free space, and for this you need to get rid of everything that is burdensome and outdated.
  3. A spell for lasting happiness. To perform a secret ritual, you should guess the position of the celestial body. The ritual to attract benefits is carried out on the waxing Moon - an ideal time for new beginnings and love spells. It is not so important how people define happiness, magic will give him what he wants. Otherwise the motives are unimportant. The main thing is how a living creature uses the chances it receives in the future.
  4. Conspiracy to attract money. It is not always easy to attract material wealth into your own destiny. A conspiracy for wealth or well-being is carried out on the day of receiving wages or receiving previously borrowed funds. Happiness consists of a dozen equal parts that need to be taken care of. An imbalance in at least one area of ​​human life affects the well-being of men and women of different ages.
  5. Prayer for money to always be found. For a caring mother, for her daughter and son, for her husband and everyone she loves, a woman asks for protection from God or higher powers. White magic is used by mothers, fathers, grandparents. Protecting your son or daughter is a parent's top priority.

How to read a conspiracy correctly and what mistakes in performing rituals will deprive a person of the opportunity to live a happy life? It is very important to follow all the conditions very precisely, not to change the step-by-step execution and to strictly learn the words of the spell.

Help of magic in everyday problems

A conspiracy is a targeted magical effect that can be performed at home or with the help of a qualified magician. A conspiracy for day or night requires a person to concentrate all his strength and attention. The best ritual is one that does not arouse suspicion or mistrust. To draw a lucky ticket for life, how possible is that? Even a beginner can make dreams of a happy future for himself or his family. The principle of how magic works is quite simple; as soon as it finds a response in the soul of another person, the words of the magic spell begin to work. To attract good luck to a player, a businessman or a creative person - everyone is equal in magic. It is also not worth demanding that the universe fulfill all the whims, because the individual receives (luck, wealth, love) according to his deserts. It is better to read the words of the conspiracy by heart, showing due respect to higher powers.

Strengthening your health with the help of magic will not be difficult for a diligent student. Attracting material wealth should not be considered a sin or a deed displeasing to God. The desire to know a better life is natural, normal and absolutely safe. There is no need to fear the consequences of your own actions for yourself or your loved ones. When attracting good luck, you should follow all the magician’s recommendations and not make your own adjustments. Casting a spell for health, a rich life or obtaining all kinds of benefits without preparation is a waste of time, because magic requires respect for itself in return for positive changes in work or personal life.

Folk methods of protection

To preserve their newfound happiness, people tie a red thread on their hand and believe in supernatural protection. They worship invisible deities, seek refuge in sects, or consider themselves ardent atheists. Each person is individual, his view of the world is unique, and the imprint left by him after death is their immortal heritage. Magic can help any living creature with a kind heart and eyes full of joy before the discovery of a new world.

A happy life does not require a reason; it is not at all necessary to read conspiracies every day. A ritual performed once will work for several months, even years. Draw a conclusion for yourself: humanity needs magic or a rational approach will sooner or later prevail over recklessness. One has only to remember that for a happy life, what is more important is not the external background, time, events, but a person’s ability to cherish even a small piece of true bliss.

A variety of spells for happiness

“I want” refers to fleeting desires that pass as quickly as they appear. Living solely on unreasonable desires is unwise and even dangerous. A person without far-reaching plans is already in a stupor, there is a dead end in front of him and there is nothing he can do about it. It is better to read a strong ritual alone, without outside energy. For the sake of their beloved, men are less likely to take bold actions of this kind.

Representatives of the fair sex call for echoes of happiness; they are ready to risk everything for the sake of personal happiness. Secret rituals are performed for the beloved for the whole family, for the husband and children. A strong ritual will not require a lot of free time or effort, and will protect the entire family from financial losses or shocks.

Accepting a prosperous life is a test that not every daredevil will pass. A strong and brave man or a weak woman strives to get as many benefits as possible, and at the same time do not think about why they need them. A strong ritual is not used for every moment's whim. Only balanced decisions will receive a proper response from the universe, magic, and higher powers. Rituals that you can read at home will help you achieve:

  • women's happiness (successful marriage, meeting a soul mate);
  • strong family life;
  • strongest cash flow (unexpected profits, gifts of fate);
  • success in professional life;
  • good luck in your creativity.

Love is not the only facet of human life worth caring about. Multifaceted happiness has a great future ahead. It will not be possible to return the old relationship with the help of special rituals, because everything unnecessary and outdated will be swept aside and forgotten like a bad dream. People say that one’s well-being must be found among the benefits intended for other people. What is it really like - your own, personal, unique? From birth to death, day after day, those around us show us how to live. Who to love and who to abandon without asking why. A ritual to achieve happiness will help get rid of unnecessary pressure from society. A comprehensive impact on a person, his worldview and behavior, allows you to get incredible results in a matter of days. How to attract love, wealth, joy and prosperity?

Spellbound happiness, what is it?

The ritual performed on Maundy Thursday or your own birthday will be the most powerful. The basis of rituals performed on major Orthodox or personal holidays is the power hidden within a person. An adult or a child rarely uses their own weapon for all problems. One gets the impression that he doesn’t know about it at all. On a birthday, the family and circle of friends make not only a wish by blowing out the candles. On the eve of the holiday, before sunrise, rituals are performed that are only available on one day of the year. The family does not need to know about secret magical actions. At Easter, the rituals are the strongest, and their effect does not wear off for a long time.

Finding your place in life and being satisfied both at home and at work is not an easy task. Not letting joy go, but on the contrary, increasing well-being is only possible for the most persistent. For a beginner, choosing the appropriate attributes for magical manipulations will be a real pain. At first, you can use useful literature that uses detailed descriptions of techniques and methods. Natalya Stepanova’s book will show you the right path and help you get rid of pressing problems (in the family, at work, in your business). Before performing a secret ritual, you should make sure that all conditions in the house are created and the recommendations are followed.

Condition for performing rituals

The lunar calendar will help you calculate a good day to perform the ritual in your own home. The growing month will help to implement your plans and not harm a person. The house should be cleaned before the ritual begins. If this is not possible, then the conspirator should put on new clothes before the ceremony. The day before the magical action, you can cast a spell on baked goods or other foods that the family eats (there is no particular difference in the choice of food for an effective spell).

The main condition for an effective ritual is the absence of strangers in the house. A husband, daughter or son will not interfere with the mother, but it is not advisable to drag her into secret rituals. Prayer will help ease the soul of a person who has turned to magical powers for help. The word heals but harms one's neighbor. It's worth keeping this in mind when experimenting with different spells. If your daughter has taken up seemingly harmless rituals or your son has shown strange inclinations towards esotericism, you need to worry, because even safe magic without specific safety rules is a real harm to a teenager’s energy.

A quick ritual for good luck and happiness

If the day before was Friday, and a well-deserved weekend lies ahead, it’s time to call upon a happy coincidence. All sorrows and adversities should be left behind. A person is his own boss, and no one else can control aspects of his life. Ahead of a single person or a family awaits success, the joys of life, the pleasure of spiritual and physical growth. The necessary ritual is carried out at the intersection of two days (exactly 00:00 local time). For the ritual you will need:

  • two small mirrors;
  • you need to bring a candle from church;
  • Holy water.

To ensure a good atmosphere in the family and harmony, the conspirator closes the curtains and sits down at the table. The mirrors are placed opposite each other (the conspirator is between them). The fire burns slowly in the candles, illuminating only a slight shadow of the person’s appearance. You should concentrate on your desire - to have a trusting atmosphere and comfort in the home. The fire is spoken on the candles with the following words:

“There is a golden church, with a silver throne, a speaking icon, looking at me. I will enter the church, stand before the throne under the icon, before the Mother of God. Mother of God, make me happy from this day forward. I’ll go out with my own feet, I’ll take happiness with my hands.”

The wax is left for several months in a dark, secluded place. The morning after the ritual, in order to ensure harmony in the family, you should visit three different temples at once. Candles are lit inside the Church of the Mother of God, and the saints are asked for help and protection. The first candle is lit with thoughts about yourself, then about your loved ones. By starting his day in this way, a person gains confidence in the future. Finally, the prayer ends with the word “Amen.”

Love spell for luck

Prayer can be a powerful tool. For a child, from the day he is born, a path begins on which he will encounter many difficulties and unpleasant surprises. The first phrase he says, the first steps he takes - events that soon turn into memories cannot be overshadowed by adversity. A child has a happy childhood - a prerequisite for future well-being. In early childhood, habits are formed and basic ideas about the world around us are established. Protecting a child, especially a small baby, is not easy. Evil eyes, damage, failures: negative programs can manifest themselves in a newborn child or teenager. The key to the baby’s happiness will be the actions of the mother (her prayers so that her daughter or son does not know troubles). First of all, simple spells using candles are made on the child. For such purposes, the first diaper is often used.

A prayer to make your daughter happy in the future is read at dawn. Conspiracy words:

“I call for happiness in the life of my child, I call for good luck, prosperity and harmony! So that the words of prayer are heard, so that everything I ask for my child will be fulfilled. Evil people should not walk near them, they should not live under the same roof with misfortune. Let every day become pleasure, pleasure and peace in their hearts. My children will have it the way they want! Everything that a child’s heart dreams of will come true!”

It is allowed to perform a simple ritual at any time of the year, on weekdays or weekends. Attracting success to your own offspring is a noble cause.

Conspiracies to attract wealth and prosperity

It’s easier to live with money, children and adults know this. Material wealth helps you build a career, travel, experience new cultures and develop. Prosperity without material wealth is extremely rare. How to attract material wealth to yourself?

A spell for a successful coincidence of circumstances when a man or woman either finds a certain amount or receives a long-forgotten debt. For the plot you will need a green candle. The name and the required amount are written down on a piece of paper. Then the candle is lit with the words:

“Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.”

At the end of the ceremony, you can go about your usual activities and hide the cinder in a secluded place. You should expect cash receipts soon.

New Moon and conspiracies for success

A ritual for quick money may seem wonderful and strange. People who want to find a permanent income drive a nail into an oak board, uttering incomprehensible words to themselves. Seeing such a picture is very rare, because such a ritual has not been used by magicians for a long time. The magical attraction of the plot consists of a tree that stores information from all four elements of the Earth. Its roots touch the subsoil, hide deep in the ground, branches develop from gusts of wind and remain persistent when heavy rains pour, while the main purpose of the wood is to support a fire that saves in the cold. A unique building material and fuel, wood is useful for rituals for material benefits.

A person should buy a new block or log. The first thing that caught your eye is chosen. On the days of the New Moon, the wood is sanded and then nails are driven into it. A simple work is accompanied by words of conspiracy:

“From the mighty land, I began to ask for strength, I ask for liberation, I ask for joy and favorable treatment! As these nails are hammered, so luck is nailed to me forever. Amen".

Afterwards, the tree should be left in the backyard or storage room. It should not be used for further construction work.

Spell to find happiness

You can do money spells from professionals or try to recreate the ritual at home. The outcome will be different, but not necessarily bad. Spells to find happiness will work if secret magical actions are repeated for several days in a row (until the full moon or until church holidays end). Things whispered with special magic words will enhance the effect of the spell. They will become a talisman, reliable protection against negative programs sent by enemies. If energy does not leak from the house, then the accumulation of certain wealth will proceed faster.

If you want to bring peace and prosperity to your home, choose a spell for happiness for your family. They normalize the climate at home, make it possible to live life without worries and losses, and return feminine happiness to those who have lost it. There will also be the right spells for your children that will help them cope with their life difficulties.

These simple texts are aimed at only one thing - to bestow happiness and good luck to the one who pronounces them. It can be different, come from where you didn’t expect. A quiet family evening, a dream job, well-being in your son’s home - all these are different facets of the same happiness. Use the plot with a pure heart - everything will work out.

How to speak family happiness (for women)

It doesn’t matter how you lived before this conspiracy - it will bring you family happiness and prosperity. In what form it will come - fate itself will decide. When you are attacked by despair, you have lost your beloved husband, there has been a divorce, or you are simply ready to look for new happiness for yourself, your children - do a small ritual. Happiness will burst into your life with a new man or bring your lawful husband home, or maybe even give you the opportunity to start your family life anew or you will finally be able to have the child you want. The spell brings you good luck in any form.

The text for the ritual is very simple:

“What I need, I take away, what I need, I lock, so that it happens, what I wish once and for all. Amen".

You need:

  1. Place a chair in the center of the room.
  2. Say your deepest prayers.
  3. Place two green and two red candles and a glass of water on it.
  4. Light the candles and start visualizing your happiness. The universe will definitely hear you, find you, and understand how it can help.
  5. Read the text of the conspiracy.
  6. Drink water from a glass, go to bed.

In a dream, you will definitely see something that will help your family become happy, because this is a very powerful way of summoning positive energies. For everything to work out, you need a strong skill in visualizing the result. The solution to your problem will come quickly, because you asked from the bottom of your heart only what is necessary.

“Happy Home” conspiracy

Another effective conspiracy that will help your family is called a “happy home.” It brings harmony, stops quarrels between relatives, and gives success to your joint endeavors. Perfect for a young family with no children yet - you are just starting your journey, so let it be happy. Take the newest thing in the house, you can buy something specifically for the conspiracy. A candlestick, a painting, a piece of furniture, or a decoration will do. It is better not to take something that can be easily broken - happiness and luck cannot be glued together with glue.

  • You need to place a red candle next to this item and write your last name on it.
  • The candle is lit only with matches.
  • Say three times: For my happy home, for my lucky family, for my children, future and present, for the wealth of the house, for good luck wherever we are, I light this candle, illuminate our home with it.
  • Mentally remember each family member by name, call him affectionately.
  • Now read the text:

“Life-giving fire, burn away the bad - the devil. I conjure with the cross, I save for the glory of the Heavenly Father. Water is a darling, a breadbasket for all creatures! Cleanse the black creatures, take them into the sand, take them into the ground, guard the home of God’s servant (name)! For the glory of God! Amen!".

  • Let the candle burn out to the end.

Now you have a charmed talisman for the house. If you are moving, take it with you to your new home. Your prayers will be heard, happiness will burst into life, capture all those you named, bring luck into their lives, make it easier, bring wealth to the house.

Short spells that bring happiness

Several small rustic whispered spells that bring happiness.

  • For my beloved daughter

“My Lord! God, All-Good and All-Merciful! Give me Your eyes to see Your image in my children. Give me Your heart to love them without any condition. Give me Your tenderness and Your boundless love to grow them like flowers. Give me Your wisdom to guide them in Your ways and guide their path in life. Give me Your strength to give them freedom of choice when the time comes. Amen"

  • For my only son

“I am leaving in the chemise of the Mother of God, may the wounds of my God, the four crowns of heaven, overshadow me: the evangelists St. John, St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Mark. May they protect me from men and women, from lead and iron, from steel, so that they cannot wound, cut, or break my bones, so that my friends cannot control and push me around, neither take me with flattery, nor embrace me with fear, so that wine didn’t make me drunk, other people’s gold didn’t attract me, and if I had my mother-church and my own mother above me. Amen".

  • Dear husband

“From evening to night, angels until light will guard the servants of God (names), and Jesus Christ will guard young people until the end of the century. I am Christed, I am surrounded by Christ, the Cross is with me, the Cross is also in me. The Mother of God is at the heads, Angels are at the sides, Jesus Christ is at the feet. Take care, holy Mother of God.”

  • For parents

“As I collect Strength from the Horseshoe, so I send goodness to my parents (full names), I drive away all the bad things from them, I attract joy and happiness to them. If you have only one parent left, you should pronounce the spell words like this: As I collect Strength from a Horseshoe, So I send goodness to my parent (full name), I drive away everything bad from him (her), I attract joy and happiness to him (her). !

  • For wealth

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. I didn’t catch up with the hare, but I found a forged casket, lined with steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is strong, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. This key is intended not for a simple man, not for a gray wolf, but for me, the servant of God (name). I will find the key, I will open the casket, I will take stones and gems from it, I will collect gold and silver. I’ll hide the key so that it comes true.”

Great for reading before important events, public speaking, or if you're sending your son on a long trip. Such short prayers will help in a difficult situation. You not only conjure good luck and happiness for yourself, but also send a powerful charge of positive energy to your loved ones. This is always valuable energy that will come back to you. What could be more valuable than the smiles of loved ones, what could replace family well-being?

Spell for happy love

Are you haunted by failures in love? Then invite happiness, create a new opportunity for yourself to meet love. From a pure heart in need of love, prayers will always be heard and accepted. Buy yourself a houseplant with flowers. This conspiracy and ritual will help unite the energy of earth, water and sun into one - new love.

Read this spell over the water you will water your plant with:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask for, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick path to the only one who is capable to illuminate my whole life with new light and to open my heart towards mine for the miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen".

Place the flower on the sunny side, talk to it more often, tell your secrets, share your experiences. Ask through the water, the Sun, the earth for help in love. She will definitely come to you. Let your indoor plant bloom in lush colors, and let a wonderful man appear in your life. This is a very powerful way to call luck to your side, to literally grow it. The fruits will not keep you waiting. Women's happiness will come to your home, and with it success, children, wealth.

Speak happiness to your children (for son and daughter)

Your children should have a happy life, full of success and smiles. You can talk to her. You are a parent, which means you have so much of that very necessary strong energy that can protect the child and warn against mistakes. With all your wisdom, think about what is really needed for your daughter, what kind of life you would like for your son. Of course, each of them is destined to go their own way, to achieve success, but you can ask Providence to be favorable. Your prayers for children will not go unanswered.

If the children are small, a conspiracy will do:

“Angel, archangel, seraphim and cherub, come and give advice on how to put God’s servant to bed (name). Rock the crib, cross the child with your wings, your fingers. So that he sleeps soundly and does not know grief. The key and the lock are in my words. Amen".

Light pink or blue (for your son) candles near their cribs more often and say prayers to the Saints. They will help you fulfill your wishes, bring happiness, protect you from all your nightmares, and convey your love to them.

And for an adult son, another happy plot will do:

“An angel from birth to his preservation, With your wings brush away the enemies, Likhodeev, murderers with Fire, destroy with the sword, Save My child. Amen".

  • You will need his photographs, blue candles, honey.
  • Read the text three times over the jar of honey while looking at the photo. Honey absorbs all positive wishes.
  • Invite the kids over for dinner or just tea.
  • Light blue candles, give them the charmed honey for tea, or as a gift.

Additional attributes, materials for spells

  • Everything that brings you good luck will be useful. If your family has some kind of talisman, then you can keep it nearby during rituals and reading conspiracies.
  • When pronouncing love spells, be sure to visualize the result, try to feel your joy. You might even see your betrothed.
  • When pronouncing conspiracies for your son or daughter, never tell them or anyone else about it. You or your children can easily be jinxed.
  • When calling for happiness, ask for wealth less often. Mercantile desires rarely bring truly strong happiness and joy. The organization will hear you and give you the necessary means for there to be harmony in the house. Wealth does not always mean family happiness.
  • Every time you go to church, say prayers, ask for health to your loved ones, family, friends. Your sincere, heartfelt wishes will return to you more than once.
  • Light blue candles at home more often - you can generally make any good wishes on them.

All this is important. But, if there is one rule: fate gives you everything you ask for with a pure soul. If you wish yourself luck and wealth, call for love, but in your heart you have envy of another person, his happy family life, career - such desires will not be fulfilled. Do not wish evil, do not ask to be taken away from others and given to you. Even when you ask for your children. Especially for them.

When envy of someone else’s happiness appears in your heart, say:

“The Lord will hear you (name) both in your joy and in your sorrow. He will help you with His deeds and consolations. And you (name) will rise up and convert to His faith, and you will bloom with flowers in His endless meadows. And everyone will see the birth of your new life, and will smile at you, and help you. And you will become one of Power’s own, and they will accept you. And your books will be written in dreams.”

Ask sincerely and you will receive a full cup. Happiness in the home, peace, love of loved ones - this is the real wealth that should be desired.