home · electrical safety · Design of a rectangular bedroom with one window. Rectangular bedroom design. Photo of narrow bedroom design

Design of a rectangular bedroom with one window. Rectangular bedroom design. Photo of narrow bedroom design

The optimal layout for life and design is considered to be square. But in reality you have to deal with a variety of geometries, including rectangular rooms, in which you need to think about the location of each item. This task becomes more complicated if we are talking about personal space, which involves the formation comfortable conditions for relax. But with competent design narrow bedroom has its own tricks and much more more options than meets the eye!

Main features

Housing standards state that in high-rise buildings the width of the bedroom should be at least 2.5 m, but this is the bare minimum and is extremely inconvenient for living. Many in the post-Soviet space were lucky enough to be the owners of the legendary “Khrushchev” buildings, in which the rooms are narrower and their boundary “norm” should be no less than 2.25 m.

Not only a room with such an uncomfortable square footage can be narrow. For example, an elongated layout, in which some walls are several times longer than others, may also seem “flattened” and uncomfortable. Bedrooms can be problematic for creating a design project or further residence. rectangular shape with a lot of items leaving little area to move around.

On the one hand, the narrow geometry of the bedroom is easier to accept than, for example, a corridor or kitchen. After all, in order for it to be used for its intended purpose, it is enough to place a bed - and the place to rest is ready. But most people spend here not only at night, but also get themselves in order, study, work, and go about their daily affairs. For such purposes, you will have to take care of the design of the space, taking into account all the details: visual, substantive and functional content. Let's look at each point in more detail.

A narrow bedroom is a special case that requires special solutions. If in spacious rooms with a flat layout there are practically no restrictions in directions, then our area puts forward certain requirements for the external image. Of course, it is important to maintain stylistic unity, but when the bedroom is of similar dimensions, the rest of the house is most likely in the same situation, so the principle of choice will not be different.

Most the best option will become Scandinavian style. He takes care of the residents and focuses on functionality, which is especially important in a narrow home. Its characteristic color scheme will help, including white with the addition of other discreet inclusions.

The Nordic interior is usually filled natural materials, the presence of which creates favorable conditions even in the most uncomfortable room. The items have a simple shape and are easily adjusted to the specifics of the area. They will help to dilute a monochromatic composition bright accents in the form of surfaces with interesting textures, paintings or lamps.

Other modern trends, such as minimalism or hi-tech, will also fit perfectly into a narrow bedroom. They involve the use of a limited set decorative elements, which are considered inappropriate in rooms with any planning features.

But classical trends are rarely found in such an interior. And it’s not just the richness of the style with luxurious details. By itself, it gravitates towards space, correct geometry and compositional rigor, when all objects are arranged around an established center, which is difficult to do in a narrow bedroom.

You can decorate a bedroom in a classic style by turning to its modern interpretation. It is more tolerant to the conditions of the room, less decorative, and also has a calm color scheme.

Color solutions for a narrow bedroom

After styling, you can immediately move on to choosing the appropriate color scheme, since it is the main tool visual correction space. Designers recommend using a light palette, because dark colors outline the geometry of the bedroom, thereby highlighting it.

Erase visible boundaries White will help, as well as other variations: milky, nutty or gray. Do not forget about the purpose of the area, which is used for rest and relaxation. Therefore, its range should be as calm as possible and pleasant to perceive.

Pastel colors look harmonious: blue will create a feeling of peace, light green will create unity with nature, pink will create tenderness and femininity, and peach will contribute to a vigorous awakening.

A natural atmosphere can be created using natural colors - coniferous, brown, sand and so on. They evoke associations with nature, which is appropriate for houses in the city center.

A combination of several colors will help to adjust the geometry of the bedroom. Designers often resort to the following technique: a narrow wall is painted in a more saturated shade, and those adjacent to it are painted in a light color. Or you can combine surfaces with warm and cold tones, since the former appear optically closer, and the latter seem to move away from the audience.

Bedroom decoration

In addition to the fact that materials for finishing a narrow bedroom need to be selected that are environmentally friendly and “breathable”, they must have a suitable texture. There are no special requirements for sustainability, since this room usually has a comfortable microclimate, but durability plays an important role.


For flooring Parquet and laminate are traditionally used. They are easy to care for, except for the presence of joints into which spilled liquid can get. A narrow layout can be corrected if the direction of the panels is parallel to the smaller partition.

A soft, pleasant-to-touch carpet or a plain, square-shaped rug in the center of the room is ideal. It must be remembered that the tone of the floor should be several shades darker than the walls.


Walls painted in light shades will look great in a minimalist interior. But the most common type remains wallpaper - plain, with patterns, geometric ornament or photorealistic images.

At the same time, it is worth decorating the narrow side in the center of the room with a bright coating, especially if there is a bed next to it. A horizontal striped texture will help expand the area.


Limited square meters will not allow you to use plasterboard products, which are popular today, in a narrow bedroom. It is better to give preference to smooth, even surfaces without noticeable design details.

The choice of cladding depends on the original condition of the ceiling. Partitions without flaws can be covered with paint or wallpaper. Tensile structures will help hide any unevenness, communications, and will also become the basis for installing built-in lamps.

Furniture and layout options

After all the visual and finishing aspects, it’s worth moving on to the most important stage - arranging the furniture. Narrow bedrooms don't offer many options, but following these guidelines will help you decorate the room comfortably:

- Do not line up all the existing furniture along one wall, as is sometimes done in square houses, otherwise the room will look like a corridor;

- It will look good U-shaped arrangement, if the area allows it. Otherwise, you can limit yourself to an L-shaped one;

— Rectangular spaces are great for zoning. For example, a bed at the far end, where it will not interfere with movement, and a work area at the beginning.

However, much depends on the size of the bedroom, the number of residents and functional areas. These points also need to be taken into account when creating a design project.


Undoubtedly, the bed is the main compositional center of the room; placing it correctly means completing half the battle. It can be located across or along a long wall. The first option is preferable for wider rooms, since then there may be no room to move. But such a layout will preserve the area for other items.

The second option is practically the only solution for small bedrooms. But it must be remembered that there should be at least 70 cm between the bed and the partition on both sides. The situation will be simplified by having one inhabitant, since then you can leave a passage only on one side, and place the bed close to the wall.

Designers advise paying attention to models with forged legs - they visually add space. At the same time, the space under the bed can be used for additional storage.

Folding sofas are a real salvation for narrow spaces. When assembled, they do not take up precious square meters, acting as a relaxation area, and at night, when movement around the room is minimal, they turn into a comfortable bed.

Other furniture items

It's rare that a bedroom can do without a closet. It should be placed along a narrow wall, otherwise a tall object will only make the interior narrower. It is recommended to pay attention to hanging shelves.

Problems may arise with work tables or vanities. You can arrange them by the window using a window sill. In other cases, use the principle of zoning by placing a table along or across one of the walls.

Furniture should be compact, ergonomic, with a minimalist design. It is appropriate to purchase modern transforming models that will help organize every meter of the room.

Decor and lighting

To begin with, you should think about purchasing large mirror for a long wall, which will make the bedroom a little wider. If you place it along a narrow part, it will only lengthen the space.

In other details, it is preferable to limit yourself to a few decorative accents, since a large number of objects are fragmented by area. Massive curtains are useful for a small wall, and it is recommended to opt for blinds or sheer curtains.

A good tip is to fit in square-shaped objects that will correct the geometry. For example, several paintings, panels, a carpet on the floor will help achieve the desired effect.

No matter how much you want to create interesting lighting, avoid installing lamps around the perimeter. It is better to concentrate on the central part - big chandelier, enhancing local light with the help of several asymmetrically located lamps.

Narrow bedroom design - photo

Our photo selection, which contains beautiful projects bedrooms with narrow geometry. Some rooms are miniature in size, others have a large number of functional items. But each of them proves that a narrow bedroom is not a death sentence, but interesting feature. Enjoy watching and inspiration!

Compared to narrow and elongated bedrooms, a square bedroom is rightfully recognized as the most successful layout for a relaxation room, the atmosphere and furnishings of which are conducive to sleep and relaxation. This is the main factor determining the placement of furniture in the bedroom, which is carried out around the central element of the bedroom - the bed. As mentioned earlier, designers unanimously claim that the square shape of a bedroom is the most win-win option for planning a relaxation room, since it easily lends itself to the most advantageous zoning and allows you to effectively place all the furniture necessary for a given room. However, often the implementation of these ideas is not entirely feasible, and the main obstacle to their implementation is the small area of ​​the square room. Therefore, this article, in which we will talk about how to find alternative options design arrangement square bedroom, will be especially relevant for those who cannot boast of the royal dimensions of their bedroom, which most often, in addition to a relaxation room, is assigned the role of a study and a dressing room.

How to achieve the functionality of a room without harming aesthetics?

If your bedroom does not have impressive dimensions, you may prefer one of the most common practices in interior design for a square bedroom of modest size - the use of multifunctional furniture.

However, the desire to achieve a comfortable environment and the most organic arrangement of furniture can often play a cruel joke on us, and, having achieved the desired functionality, we are disappointed to realize that we have sacrificed one of the most important parameters of the interior - its aesthetics. How to achieve the desired functionality without harming the aesthetics of the interior, as well as how to turn a square bedroom measuring 9 meters into a cozy relaxation room - look for answers to these and other questions in this article.

Before moving on to the description of the most common techniques used in creating the interior of a room, it should be noted that for a small bedroom you need to choose only practical pieces of furniture, and when decorating the room, give preference to colors and textures that create an environment conducive to relaxation. This is the main difference between the bedroom and other rooms, for example, the living room, when arranging the interior of which creates an emphasis on the surroundings and appearance. In this article, we have collected the main tips from famous design masters regarding decorating a small square-shaped bedroom:

  • To achieve visual expansion rooms, in the process of decorating a small square bedroom, light shades are used. To prevent a small room from suddenly turning into a closet, it is forbidden to use dark-colored materials to decorate a small bedroom;
  • To really save precious bedroom space, experienced builders do not recommend using finishing materials, the installation of which involves the manufacture of sheathing, which significantly reduces the free space of the room;
  • As for the design of a bedroom, the area of ​​which is 9 square meters, in this case it is worth abandoning zoning the space, since any visual division of the room into separate functional zones will cause inconvenience and visually reduce the space;

  • For finishing the floor, it is better to choose a plain carpet with a warm tint, and for finishing the walls - light wallpaper of one or two related shades, as well as decorative putty. Walls decorated with light materials and a dark floor are in perfect harmony, but in this case it is also necessary to take into account color scheme furniture in the bedroom;
  • If you are planning to arrange a bedroom-living room in a square room, pay attention to the ceiling decoration. This is due to the fact that its strict geometry is not always able to create the necessary atmosphere conducive to relaxation, and then it is advisable to use additional decorative design;
  • If you do not have extensive experience and are not confident in your abilities, use special computer programs that make it possible to get a clear picture of the finished interior of the room and check the decoration of the room and the arrangement of furniture, making your own adjustments at the project development stage.

Square bedroom interior: photo examples

Furniture arrangement in a square bedroom: what to pay attention to?

As in any other room, in a square-shaped bedroom the arrangement of furniture is carried out taking into account the layout of the room and individual characteristics rooms. In this regard, a common practice among experienced craftsmen is to order furniture from the direct manufacturer, who sends a representative of his company to carry out the necessary measurements;

Develop a plan for the premises, taking into account the arrangement of furniture and other interior items. If your budget allows, you can use the services of a professional designer for this, while if you have limited funds, engage in virtual furniture arrangement using specialized computer programs;

As in any other bedroom, the main element of a square room is the bed. In this case, designers recommend placing it in the center. If the room is characterized by a small area, the rule for installing a bed is similar, but the size of the bed must be selected taking into account the area of ​​the room. However, this rule is not a dogma, since in design, as in life, there is room for experimentation. You can take a risk by abandoning the traditional position of the bed with the headboard against the wall and installing it diagonally, that is, with the headboard in the corner. This option location implies the presence free space behind the headboard, which can be put to good use and installed in the resulting gap corner cupboard for storing bed linen. A functionally significant piece of furniture that allows you to save free space is a bed equipped with drawers or a raised mattress and implying the presence of free space in which you can also store things and bed linen.

The wardrobe is another essential attribute of the bedroom. For a square-shaped room, it is better to choose a tall and spacious cabinet of small width, which, despite its functionality, will not take up much free space. The ideal option is a built-in wardrobe that can effectively fill a vertically oriented space without occupying a horizontal one. And by decorating the cabinet fronts with tall mirrors, you not only effectively use the space, but also visually expand the room.

Bedside tables, although not a mandatory element of the interior, can not only elevate it, but also visually balance it, turning it into a complete ensemble.

If the area of ​​the room allows, it can be divided into several functional zones using light screens or mobile partitions. Using this advice, you get the opportunity to select several zones in the room - a well-lit work area and a sleeping area, the dim lighting of which creates an atmosphere of privacy, favorable for rest and sleep.

Rules for arranging furniture from professional designers

According to experienced designers, there are several rules by adhering to which you can properly arrange your bedroom. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Rule of symmetry. This rule is based on determining the initial reference point relative to which all pieces of furniture are placed. Having chosen it, proceed to arranging paired objects. For example, we choose a bed as a starting point and place bedside tables on both sides of it, or install coffee table, next to which two chairs are installed symmetrically to each other.

  • Rule of asymmetry. Unlike the first, it is relevant not only for rooms of a regular, for example, square shape, but also for rooms of a more complex configuration. In the process of implementation of this rule, as well as the first, determine the compositional center, relative to which the remaining pieces of furniture are oriented. According to this rule, objects that attract the eye and have a large visual volume are placed as close as possible to the compositional center.
  • Rule of the circle. Just like the rule of asymmetry is based on the definition of the compositional center, which is the center of the circle. When the center is chosen, the rest of the interior items are placed around the perimeter of the compositional center. In the case when objects are characterized by different visual weight, when arranging them, they are guided by the rule of asymmetry, according to which the most compositionally significant objects are placed as close to the center as possible, while the light elements of the composition are pushed to the periphery. In this case, the role of the compositional center can be played by a table, carpet, drawing or even a chandelier.

How to visually increase space in a small bedroom?

To effectively organize the space of a small square bedroom of 9 square meters, experts recommend getting rid of non-essential and rarely used items that only clutter up precious free space. In addition, the use of compact furniture that does not overload the space helps to save space. Low furniture made in... oriental style and characterized by the absence of legs. Thanks to this technique, you get the opportunity to visually expand usable space rooms.

Techniques that visually increase free space

  • Perhaps the first and most important of the techniques is based on the fact that the entrance to the bedroom should not be cluttered. The more free space you leave from the entrance to the bedroom to the opposite wall, the more spacious the room will seem;
  • Choosing color palette finishing materials for walls, discard materials dark shades, which visually reduce the space, making it darker, and give preference to light pastel shades, visually expanding the space of the room;
  • Another way to expand the space is to use wallpaper with a horizontal pattern;
  • Mirrors are an element of room decoration, which also helps to expand the space. If you place a full-length mirror opposite the window, the space of the room will visually lengthen;
  • If you have chosen parquet or laminate to finish the floor, lay it diagonally - this is another well-known technique of designers who are determined to increase the free space of the room at all costs;

  • Do not overdo it with paintings and photographs, especially those enclosed in massive decorative frames, which also visually clutter up the space. The most preferable option in this case would be a single painting located above the head of the bed;
  • Say "No!" a large number of shelves and place one rack in the bedroom, which, despite its spaciousness, will take up much less space and look more aesthetically pleasing;
  • When choosing curtains, give preference to textiles without large, catchy patterns, which will also create a visual cluttering effect. Also, discard large quantities in advance. decorative pillows and canopies.

Square-shaped bedroom-living room: how to organize space effectively?

Even professional designers claim that arranging several functional areas in one room is not an easy task, but the owners one-room apartments there is simply no choice but to look for the most profitable ways to combine a bedroom and living room. The division of a room into several functional zones, opposite in purpose, is characterized by its own characteristics. It should be noticeable to an outsider, and at the same time not so catchy that it breaks the room into completely unrelated units.

Currently, the current option for zoning a bedroom-living room is the installation flowering plants V decorative pots, which will unobtrusively divide the room into several functional zones. Another win-win option is to install mobile partitions, light screens and flying curtains, which will also preserve the integrity of your bedroom and hide it from strangers.

If the area of ​​your room allows, you can allocate three or more functional zones, for example, a study area. However, in order for the division to be the most functional and aesthetically pleasing, we advise you to draw up a project plan or zoning scheme before zoning the room.

Another fashionable design technique used by professionals for zoning a room is the development of a separate interior design for each zone. But, despite the differences underlying zoning, each of the zones should be connected to each other by a common stylistic concept, which a person uninitiated in the nuances of such zoning can trace. Compliance with this rule, despite the allocation of several functional areas in the room, will preserve its integrity. A non-specialist has the right to ask: “How can you use different designs to delimit a room into zones, if you respect the common stylistic concept?” Everything is very simple. If you decide to use this technique, play with contrast: for zoning, use contrasting colors or related colors of different shades.

Bedroom-living room interior: understanding the nuances

Stylistic concept

Due to the fact that the bedroom combined with the living room is a multifunctional room in which the resident not only spends time himself, but also receives guests, creating the effect of a constant presence in the room, experts recommend using dynamic stylistic directions, such as art deco or hi-tech. This is due to the fact that the named modern trends look harmonious when their design includes a large amount of multifunctional built-in furniture, modern technology and shelving.

Zoning method

The most optimal zoning method in this case would be to use multifunctional racks and shelves, which will not only effectively divide the room into zones, but will also become an excellent storage for things.

TV installation

Despite the fact that doctors do not recommend installing a TV in the bedroom, it is difficult to refuse this event if it is combined with the living room. Since in this case it is often used as a bed folding sofa, position the TV so that the person lying on the sofa faces the screen, even when the sofa is folded.

Tint solution

Since our goal is to visually expand the room, we advise you to decorate the combined room in cold and light shades. For example, white, silver, blue, lilac and lemon tones.

In conclusion, we note that well-executed zoning of a square living room bedroom will allow you to turn the combined room into one of the most multifunctional and comfortable rooms.

Usually, apartments in multi-storey buildings standard. The bedroom can be rectangular, square, or another shape. Let's consider how to optimally design such a room. In an elongated rectangular bedroom, you can create a conventional square with a double bed in the center and it will be perceived as more cozy and comfortable.

Think over the design of the room so that after you furnish it and decorate it, it does not look narrowed. There are many different techniques, which will help you create a beautiful design. This can be achieved not only by creating partitions, but also by placing furniture comfortably in the space.

In order to organize desired design elongated bedroom, zoning is needed.

For example, select a rest area (bed), work area ( desk), dressing room (wardrobe, hanger) and others.

With this arrangement, it is not necessary to make any partitions.

Enough in different colors paint one or more walls. Place a fluffy carpet on the floor. Equip excellent lighting and make sure that the work area is well lit, and in the relaxation area the light is soft, subdued.

At the planning stage, consider the design:

  1. How to finish surfaces?
  2. Arranging furniture around the room.
  3. IN different zones lighting.
  4. Decor.


What color you decorate the interior and what lighting you organize is important. For a small room, it is best to choose a wall design in light colors, like the ceiling. When you think about the design of the walls, stop at striped wallpaper or plaster.

Such stripes visually expand the space.

Bedroom with photo wallpaper, beautiful mirrors on the walls will make the interior more mysterious and interesting. Lay laminate on the floor. If you place it diagonally, the room will visually expand.


Paint the walls in a small bedroom, cover them with decorative plaster or wallpaper. To visually expand the space, make narrow walls with vertical stripes, and paint long ones in pastel tone. Looks great in a bedroom interior: delicate pink, peach, beige, blue, light green, lilac and other delicate shades.

If you don’t like stripes, then make the long walls darker, and the short ones several tones lighter, for example, in green. Lovers of expensive things classic interior can line the bedroom walls with wooden panels. Mahogany and dark varieties look especially chic. This is new for amateurs - panels made from light wood species are also suitable.


The ceiling is most often simply whitewashed White color or make it a little bluish. If the room is lilac or green tones, then you can decorate the ceiling in light lilac or green color. Nowadays, tensioners made from a special film or suspended ceilings from plasterboard. Under the tension ones, you can make lighting from spotlights.

Plasterboard structures under the ceiling can be either solid or beautifully carved and even in several levels. It’s especially chic when the backlight is hidden and the light flows as if from nowhere. Plasterboard levels can be painted in different colors pastel colors, if you like fun colors in your bedroom. It’s good to make the backlight multi-colored for such levels.


Place a closet or closet or shelves with drawers that slide out against a narrow wall. The optimal depth is from 50 to 60 cm. The room will look more square and harmonious. It is best to place the cabinet in the corner.

There will be a place to store clothes and the proportions of the room will become more coherent.

If the room is rectangular in shape and quite narrow, then design it so that there are tiers. Hang narrow and wider shelves above your desk, dressing table, or bed. You can order the necessary furniture according to individual design, measurements. It will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior.

In addition to a bed, a wardrobe or wardrobe, a table, a dressing table, hanging shelves, you can put a soft comfortable ottoman, a chair or several with backs, a chest of drawers. If your room is quite spacious, this standard furniture will fit there. Place one on long walls standard furniture, and place the wardrobe next to the short one, for example.


The bed is the “queen” of the bedroom. Experts recommend purchasing as much as possible spacious bed. Foreign designers tell clients to buy one of the most expensive beds they can afford today.

To optimally place a bed in a room, consider its size. If you have a double room, then it is very desirable that there are passages to the sleeping places of the husband and wife. Leave no less than 70 cm for aisles. This applies to all beds. If you can place the bed lengthwise and leave 70 cm at the edges, this is the best layout.

But if you arrange the bed this way, there may be little space left for a closet or a large wardrobe, a comfortable dressing table, or a work desk. This furniture simply will not fit into the room. If you need a design so that the bedroom can accommodate as much as possible various furniture, place a double bed across the room.

You can leave a passage to the sleeping places on both sides, or you can go to one - the outermost one. If there is no passage to a distant place, it will create inconvenience for both. One spouse will have to climb over his other half, and so on every day. But in a small room, all the furniture is placed, you need to sacrifice something.

If there is less than 70 cm on both sides, then it is better to move the bed to one of the walls and let there be one wide passage. So optimal. Or place the bed differently, for example, with the longer side against the wall. Not very convenient, but practical.

IN small bedroom there are high ceilings. If the bedroom is too narrow, raise the bed to a high platform. This option will appeal to a young, energetic family. It will be spacious downstairs. Place a desktop with a computer there, create a mini-office.

It is best to hang mirrors on one of the long walls. Without them, a long and too narrow bedroom looks like a train carriage. Mirrors significantly deepen and visually expand the space. Try to hang them higher so that they do not reflect the bed, this is aesthetically pleasing and according to Chinese Feng Shui.

Thanks to mirrors, the bedroom will look several times wider. You can think over and implement a design with a whole mirror wall. Mirrors can be designed with or without frames. Beautiful mirrors are in chic wooden frames, in full-length gilded wooden frames.

It happens that mirrors are placed above the head of the bed in the form of circles of different diameters and lighting is provided there. This design looks impressive. Our experts will handle the task at hand.

Additional lighting

Hang exquisite sconces on one or more sides of the bed. Place floor lamps on high legs. Hang or glue spotlights near the mirrors.

The design of any room should be developed taking into account not only personal preferences, but also its shape. How to arrange the interior rectangular bedroom to make it comfortable and functional? Use a few simple tricks!

You should start arranging the interior, of course, with the finishing. In general, almost any materials can be used to decorate a rectangular bedroom, but their use will have several features. There are techniques and tricks that will allow you to divert attention from the elongated shape and visually change it, as well as make imperfections almost invisible.

Here are some rules:

  • Your task is to distract attention from the long walls, because if you accentuate it, the room will become even narrower and look like a corridor, and this is simply unacceptable. But how can you prevent your gaze from falling on these sides? Just transfer it to other walls, paying attention to them. And this can be achieved, first of all, with the help of flowers. So, use rich and deep, dark or bright shades, for example, blue, chocolate, red, orange, emerald, light green, burgundy and some others. Even in the photo it is noticeable that they all visually bring the surfaces closer, and thanks to this, the distant walls will seem a little closer than they actually are. But the long sides should certainly be made light, discreet and calm.
  • Prints can also be used to change the shape; some of them also create visual effects, which is clearly visible in the photo. So, if you need to narrow a wall, then use vertical elongated patterns to decorate it: branches stretching upward, vertical stripes, tree trunks (especially bamboo), curved lines, and so on. But the smaller sides, on the contrary, need to be made longer. And you can get this effect using horizontal prints, for example, the same stripes.
  • Emphasis on textures. It is advisable to make long walls as simple and smooth as possible, but they can also be glossy, reflecting light and scattering it (this will visually distance the surfaces). For finishing you can use vinyl or regular paper wallpaper. But the smaller sides should be highlighted with the help of complex and voluminous textures. They can be decorated using decorative plaster, non-woven wallpaper with three-dimensional patterns and other similar materials.
  • Use different finishing materials. For example, long walls can be painted or wallpapered with a laconic design. But try to make the short sides more unusual and interesting. Use to decorate them decorative tiles simulating brickwork, volumetric wall panels (bamboo or cork), decorative plaster and so on.
  • Pay attention to the floor, it can also allow you to change the shape of a rectangular and elongated bedroom if its design is suitable and correct. Choose a material with elongated patterns and install it so that these prints are located across the room, visually pushing back the long walls and expanding the short ones. So, you can use linoleum, parquet or laminate (the role of the pattern will be played by strips that will need to be laid perpendicular to the large sides).
  • Select one of the walls by designing it original design. Try covering it with modern 3D wallpaper or select some photo, enlarge it to the size of the side and transfer it to the surface.
  • If you have chosen suspended ceiling, then in its center there can be a large and bright pattern, for example, a flower. It will distract attention from excessive elongation. In addition, a volumetric structure can be placed in the middle. But its shape should differ from the shape of the room. So, it can be a round or square recess or, on the contrary, a convex tier.

Selection and correct arrangement of furniture

It is advisable to choose compact furniture so that it does not take up most free space. The ideal option would be a built-in wardrobe, which will not take up much space and will allow you to place all your things. The bed can have, in principle, any design, but it must be of a standard shape, otherwise such a piece of furniture will stand out and will not fit into the interior. Place a bedside table or, for example, a chest of drawers next to it at the head of the room.

What is the best way to arrange furniture? Just not along long walls, this will make your bedroom even narrower, uncomfortable and elongated. Try to make the most of the other sides. Place a built-in wardrobe on one of them, preferably so that it takes up the entire space. To achieve this, you will probably have to make such a piece of furniture to order, but it will fit into the interior just perfectly. You can place a bed on the other side (but not near the window, this can cause discomfort).

If the room is not too narrow, then you can place this item across. But if the bed is double, then it is advisable to move it aside and provide a passage to the far side (its width should be at least 70-100 centimeters), and also leave a free area near the wall. If the bedroom belongs to one person, then leaving space is not necessary. But there is another option: place the bed across the room, that is, with the headboard against a narrow wall. There will probably be some free space nearby where you can place a bedside table.

Ideally, it is better to leave long walls free, but this is not always possible. So you can place some compact objects along them that will not stand out too much, for example, a chest of drawers, a bookcase or something else. But it is advisable to occupy only one side, and not two at once.


The space of a rectangular bedroom can and even should be divided into zones, but this should be done in a special way. So, partitions will have to be abandoned, since they will literally break the entire space and violate its integrity, which is noticeable in the photo. But it is quite possible to use compact, convenient and lightweight screens, which can be easily put away in a closet when not needed.

Which zones should be highlighted? Everything will depend on the purpose of the room. So, if it will be used exclusively for sleeping, then you can allocate a sleeping area and a dressing room. If there will also be an office here, then place a small table and chair near the window. You can place a rack nearby. If you plan to allocate a recreation area, then you can use a sofa or several armchairs and a coffee table to arrange it. All this can be placed approximately in the middle of the bedroom on one of the walls between the dressing room and the bed (especially if they are located on opposite far sides).


How to properly organize lighting? In the photo you noticed that the ideal option would be the central one. It will draw attention to the center and distract it from the rectangular elongated shape of the bedroom. Use a chandelier, but not too low. Its design can be bright and stylish, this will only benefit the interior.

Central lighting can be supplemented spotlights, for example, floor lamps or wall sconces. But it is best to place them on narrow walls. The light should be directed to the center, this will also allow you to adjust the shape. For example, you can hang a lamp above the bed, and bedside table put a table lamp. In addition, try lighting the closet by running an LED strip around its perimeter.

Even if there is tension in the bedroom or suspended ceiling, you should not mount lamps in it, because they will be located either along the length or along the perimeter, emphasizing the shape of the room.


In the photo you can see that with the help of decor you can not only complement and emphasize the design of your rectangular bedroom, but also slightly adjust its shape.

So, what accessories can you use, and how to do it correctly?

  1. Mirrors. They will have a functional load, that is, they will be used to assess appearance. It is best to bring them closer to the closet, that is, place them in the dressing area. But such an object should be placed on a long wall, or even better, on two at once and in such a way that the mirrors are opposite each other. Such an unusual visual effect can increase the width by almost 1.5-2 times.
  2. Paintings and photos are also quite suitable and will even hide imperfections if used correctly. It is advisable to use them to highlight distant walls in order to draw attention to them. But if this is not possible, then other techniques can be used. So, horizontal rectangular photos or paintings will allow you to slightly stretch out the short sides. But on large walls It is better to place vertical ones.
  3. Will create an atmosphere of comfort indoor flowers. Usually they are placed on the windowsill, but you can do it differently. For example, place a palm tree in a free corner. And visually extending smaller walls will allow climbing plants or, for example, bamboo stems.
  4. To distract attention from the elongation of a rectangular bedroom, you can use accessories that have unusual shapes And stylish design. So, these can be round lamps, low volume vases, and so on.
  5. Use textiles: pillows, bedspreads. By the way, you can safely lay out a round or square rug in the center of the room.

Let your bedroom become cozy and stylish! The tips given above will help with this.

The interior of a rectangular bedroom, which, in addition to everything else, small size, can be a real headache for owners. It seems that a 3x4 m bedroom design should only take into account the small size of the room itself, while a 3x5 m bedroom design or a 3x6 m bedroom design should already “fight” with too elongated room space.

This design of a rectangular bedroom allows you to visually expand the two long walls of the room and neutralize the “oppressive” effect of the elongated space. This effect is further enhanced by the opposite floor and ceiling - the dark bottom and light top expand the space above, which further reduces the negative effect of an elongated bedroom.

Narrow bedroom layout

The main requirement for a small room is the correct installation of the bed.

Everything else is already a trifle. But if your bedroom is long, things get more complicated. It is necessary to choose the largest bed that the room can accommodate.

It can be installed across the room or along long walls. To do this, proceed from the size of the bed and bedroom. For a double bed, leave passages of at least 70 cm to both places and install it along the wall.

The disadvantages of this layout include the inability to place other pieces of furniture in the room: a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, dressing table. If you need to place a large number of interior items, install the bed across. In this case, both passes or one to the far one are preserved. Otherwise, one person will have to jump over the other every time to lie down in their place.

Make sure you have space to store personal belongings and bed linen. To do this, use the wall at the head of the bed. Place hanging shelves and cabinets in a U shape. For compact bedroom is a convenient and functional solution.

If the room has a niche, place a wardrobe with mirrors there, which will visually expand the space.

Narrow bedroom design

To ensure that interior items fit perfectly and harmoniously into the room, order custom-designed furniture.

This way you will fit more necessary furniture and maintain the ability to move freely around the room. The design of a long and narrow bedroom does not include large items. Work area, it is better to equip it in a corner with upper shelves on the walls and lower drawers.

A corner cabinet will not take up a lot of space, but on the contrary, will save it than a regular rectangular one. Worth thinking about modular furniture. For example, a good option is workplace in the closet, and make a coffee table from the bedside table.

Use walls wisely, install hanging shelves and cabinets to store personal items and decorative items.

Consider the option of placing furniture in a “U” shape. If the room is too narrow, use an “L”-shaped arrangement.

“Treating” the space of a narrow and long bedroom is also possible by installing additional partitions that shorten the length of the entire room by creating additional sections. This solution to the problem, coupled with the appropriate arrangement of furniture, gives an exceptional effect and can completely rid the room of compressive walls.

Moreover, in the example above, all the above means are enhanced by color and light: long walls, being light, also receive a lot of light. The result is obvious - the room is not perceived as elongated.

Rectangular room design

To make a narrow and rectangular bedroom into your favorite relaxation place, you need to follow the rules in the interior:

  • choose the right shades. Avoid choosing dark and gloomy colors that will make the room appear smaller and narrower. Warm and bright colors visually enlarge the space. Choose peach, orange, lemon, terracotta colors. Focus on one of the walls: cover the long ones light wallpaper, and the end one – dark and bright. It is allowed to use photo wallpaper or a bright pattern on it;

  • zone the room. In an elongated bedroom, it is allowed to arrange two adjacent areas. You will get two separated zones, approximately 2.5 by 5.5 m or 2 by 4 m, delimited by a partition or cabinet, curtains, shelving without back wall, aquarium. Place the sleeping area closer to the window, for guests - closer to the door;

  • use accessories that visually increase the volume of space. Mirrors and wardrobes with mirrored doors will help you. Place them opposite the window, perpendicular to the end wall;

  • turn a “rectangle” into a “square”. To get a sleeping area of ​​4 by 4 m, arrange the furniture asymmetrically around the perimeter, fill the area with square accessories;

  • install proper lighting. In narrow areas of 3.5 by 5.5 m, provide lighting in each zone. Use sconces or table lamps. Install a chandelier on the ceiling, which will play a decorative function.

Depending on the room, it is enough to allocate an area of ​​2 by 3 m to organize a sleeping place. Here you can choose the perfect design.

To finish the ceiling, use emulsion paint. IN long bedroom should be as spacious as possible. To enhance perspective, use a wooden floor with floorboards laid crosswise.

Do not place photographs on cabinets and shelves, but hang them on the wall.

An elongated room can be transformed with the help of what a square bedroom design looks like: the point is that by creating the design of a square room in an elongated one, you can achieve the desired effect. In this case, the design involves the presence of relatively tall objects blocking the space along the long side of the room. The same trick will be appropriate so that, for example, the design of a 3x3 m bedroom does not seem compressed by the walls.

Another technique for “completing” space, based on the same effect of visual expansion, can be admired in the photo of this small sleeping area. Here, a kind of negative of the bed against the background of the headboard and ceiling shifts the visual perception of the space of a small room and allows the eyes to travel a greater distance. It is due to this that there is a feeling of a room with one bed that is a little larger than it actually is.

The design of the corner bedroom is no different from ordinary rooms, except, perhaps, for the presence of windows in two adjacent walls. In this case, the designer only decides how to properly manage the space around each window with the greatest benefit for the inhabitants.

Photo - 45 The main rule for visually increasing space is light and color

In general, for small rooms use the same rule to increase visual space- light and color. For example, the sample above, in addition to the bedside lamps, also uses a row of paintings on a white background. Their placement in a row horizontally can visually expand the wall on which they are located.

Photo - 48 The meaning of paintings in bedroom design

In fact, solutions to the problems that arise in connection with long narrow rooms, there may be many, but each of them requires an individual solution.

Photo - 50 Dividing a narrow bedroom into functional areas