home · Tool · How to choose wallpaper for the hall. The choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques. If the furniture has more than two colors

How to choose wallpaper for the hall. The choice of wallpaper for the hall: various combination techniques. If the furniture has more than two colors

All family members living in the house often gather in the living room, and guests are met here. Thinking about decorating this room, you need to think over the design in such a way that the whole atmosphere is cozy and comfortable.

An important role is played, in this case, and the design of the walls. And what wallpaper to choose for the hall, the article will tell.

Tip: When choosing the design of the walls of the living room, it is necessary to ensure the harmony of the entire style of the interior, while creating a favorable atmosphere in the room.

There are a number of criteria that should be considered before choosing wallpaper for the hall.

These include:

  • Ecological cleanliness. This will ensure the safety of residents and will not damage the structure of the walls. The material must:
  1. "Breathe";
  2. Do not contribute to waterlogging of the walls;
  3. Do not highlight in environment harmful toxic fumes;
  4. Do not attract dust to your surface.
  • Wallpaper appearance. It includes:
  1. Quality;
  2. shades of color;
  3. Ornamental drawing;
  4. General design style.
  • The simplicity of sticking canvases on the wall. This includes things like:
  1. Ease of pattern selection;
  2. Way of gluing wallpaper: overlap or butt;
  3. The need to adjust the pattern, especially with a large step;
  4. The possibility of gluing canvases with your own hands, without the involvement of professionals.
  • Be fade resistant. This is especially important for rooms with large windows and in large numbers.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

Wallpaper types can be traditional and original (from natural materials).

Wallpaper samples for the hall are presented in the table:

Type of wallpaper for the hall Peculiarities

The advantages of this type of wallpaper: ecological cleanliness, low price. Disadvantage: fragility, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

It's over practical option wall coverings. They are stronger than paper and perfectly hide the bumps on the walls. There is a huge selection of patterns and colors, but the material cannot be called "breathable". To eliminate this drawback, you can choose wallpaper made from perforated vinyl.

They are durable, do not fade in the sun and are not afraid of moisture. Such wallpapers can be repainted several times.

Advantages of glass fiber:
  • Great durability;
  • High strength;
  • Well "breathe";
  • Easy to wash.

Material deficiency:

  • Painting. Wallpaper can only be repainted a limited number of times. In this case, the paint will gradually begin to hide the relief, worsening decorative properties coatings;
  • High price;
  • Difficult dismantling.

Natural wallpapers look advantageous in all interiors. The materials of such wallpaper can be very diverse:
  • Bamboo;
  • Cane;
  • Rice paper;
  • Straw.

Natural wallpapers:

  • They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • They are not afraid of moisture;
  • Do not collect dust;
  • Easy to clean.

But not worth it natural wallpaper to paste over all the walls - it is better to combine them with another type of coating.

Textile wallpapers help create a luxurious and cozy atmosphere in the living room. In addition, the material
  • Very eco-friendly;
  • Resistant to pollution;
  • Doesn't burn out.

The only drawback is the difficulty in care.

Wallpaper favorably emphasizes the design in techno or high-tech styles. Some options can be used in a classic style.

The basis of the wallpaper is interlining, covered on top thin layer aluminum foil, which is embossed or patterned under metal: bronze, platinum, gold, silver (see Non-woven wallpaper for walls). The foil has heat-insulating properties, it is resistant to moisture, does not fade in the sun, for a long time not subject to wear.

basis finishing material are cellulose, silk, dyes, decorative components and substances that protect the wallpaper from mold and decay. The appearance of the coating resembles plaster. Before use, the dry mixture is diluted with water.

Wallpaper color selection

When choosing a color scheme, you should rely on your preferences. However, there are some tricks to keep in mind.

Before you choose the color of the wallpaper for the hall, you should pay attention to the features of the room itself:

  • For a large and spacious hall, you can purchase rich and bright materials. They can be: cherry, burgundy, green or blue. But using such shades is better dosed, choosing the right accents.
  • Perfect for a small living room pastel shades wallpaper. It can be colors: roses, mint, lavender.
  • Pay attention to the orientation of the room. For a room located on the north side, you should choose wallpaper in warm colors. They can be: apricot, peach, strawberry.
  • In southern rooms, preference should be given to cold colors: pale blue, lilac, mint, metallic, silver.

Tip: A selection of mother-of-pearl or golden wallpaper for the hall will create a sense of celebration in the room, but these colors should not be abused.

Do not forget about the furniture in the living room. Dark furniture is accentuated by light-colored wallpapers: vanilla, light purple, apricot. When arranging from light furniture, you must choose bright colors wallpaper. It could be fuchsia sea ​​wave, honey or juicy greens.

Green wallpaper for the large hall Selection of wallpaper for the hall Wallpaper in the living room from the north side Wallpaper in the room from the south side light wallpaper at dark furniture wallpaper with light furniture in the hall

Wallpaper pattern for the hall

Wallpaper ornament plays an important role in interior design.

Tip: It should be borne in mind that wallpaper with horizontal stripes visually expands the room, and with vertical stripes it stretches.

Instructions for choosing a pattern on the wallpaper for the living room offers:

  • Choose the right color for wallpaper with a geometric pattern, which can look quite stylish and not annoying;
  • When purchasing wallpaper, you need to ask to unwind the roll, and look at them for about one minute. In this case, you need to be careful, geometric patterns can ripple in the eyes, which can lead to dizziness;
  • The classic Victorian image can be chosen if the living room has simple and elegant furniture;
  • To add light and additional colors to a room with poor natural light, the leafy pattern on the walls, as in the photo, helps.

To better imagine what kind of wallpaper, and choose them for your home, it's worth watching the video.

Wallpaper in classic style

Which wallpaper to choose for the hall largely depends on the intended style for decorating the living room.

The most common one is classic style, which is used to decorate the halls in apartments and in private houses. With this design option, the presence of bright saturated colors is not expected.

When decorating a room with wallpaper in a room in a classic style:

  • Neutral calm colors are traditional.
  • For gluing walls, monophonic materials are used, with a large or medium-sized pattern, which slightly differs in shade from the general background.
  • The canvases are combined with each other in different ways: on the walls you can place squares or rectangles of any material, and paste over these “inserts” around plain wallpaper. After that, such fragments can be highlighted with a baguette, which will be painted in a color that is in harmony with the canvases.
  • Another combination option different wallpapers- division of the wall surface into the upper main part and panels of more dark wallpaper with vertical stripes. On the upper part of the wall, light plain, or with a small pattern, wallpaper is pasted;
  • When decorating walls in this style, it is planned to install a ceiling border.

Wallpaper in high-tech and country styles

"Hi-tech" - a style that represents one of the areas of minimalism, which does not use wallpaper with decorative patterns. The traditional wall covering in this style is the use of plain materials or canvases that imitate masonry with small parts.

When decorating walls, fiberglass and non-woven wallpapers are more often used, which, if desired or necessary, can be quickly repainted. What wallpaper color to choose for a high-tech hall?


  • Light or dark gray;
  • Steel;
  • White.

Coziness and comfort in the room forms a "rustic" country style. This is one of the most used styles for interiors, which creates favorable conditions for emotional relief and relaxation.

In the country style, soft, warm colors, which do not cause irritation and aggression, and furniture creates maximum comfort for a person. Traditionally, this style is characterized by pasting paper wallpapers of light and warm colors, with floral and plant elements placed in the correct order.

The "country" style does not provide for large restrictions on the choice of material, however, it is preferable to choose a traditional color.

Usually this option is used by exotic lovers, which makes the ethnic style not very popular. In addition, the use of natural materials increases the cost of styling.

For walls, wallpapers made of bamboo, cork, reeds and other similar materials are used. Sometimes vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is used that imitates masonry or other natural material.

In the ethnic style, a combined selection of wallpapers for a hall of different types is possible. For example, paste over one wall with cork wallpaper, and all the others with plain canvases of a suitable color or coatings for painting.

This style is characterized by warm, close to natural colors:

  • brown;
  • Greens;
  • orange;
  • Yellow.

Wall decoration is often done with murals with a directional theme.

To choose the right wallpaper for your living room, you should follow these recommendations:

  • For visual expansion space, wallpaper should be selected with horizontal stripes. At the same time, striped canvases are glued to two walls: with a built-in front door and located opposite it. If necessary, visually lengthen the room, wallpaper with this pattern is located on the other two walls.
  • Increase the space and wallpaper with a perspective image.
  • To raise the small height of the living room, the same striped wallpaper, pasted on all walls or one, helps, but the stripes are arranged vertically.
  • If the ceiling is too high, you can visually reduce its surface by pasting all the walls and ceiling with the same wallpaper.
  • Dark-colored wallpapers should not be purchased for a small living room, as they will visually reduce the room and “put pressure” on the viewer. light shades canvases will fill the space with light, and the room will seem larger. In addition, this finish saves energy.
  • For a small living room, it is not recommended to choose wallpaper with a large pattern - they will visually reduce the space. For halls of small sizes, plain canvases, or with small floral and geometric patterns, are better suited;
  • Warm pastel shades create coziness and comfort in the room.
  • Feeling cool and a large number air, help create cold light shades.
  • If there are defects on the wall that cannot be corrected, it is better to choose wallpaper with a diagonal arrangement of the pattern or with large flowers often located.

What wallpaper for the hall to choose, everyone decides for himself. The main thing is that the room should be warm and comfortable for all family members.

The choice of finishing materials in our time is very large. The variety of colors and textures is often confusing. It is quite difficult to choose something specific without having clear goals.

Of course, if you have already chosen the design of the combined wallpaper for the hall, then it remains only to choose the tone and texture. If you have not decided yet, then in our article you will find helpful tips, after all combined wallpaper in the interior they look much more advantageous than wall coverings of the same type.

The hall is a place for spending holidays with the whole family and with guests, it can be called the face of the house. And here there is an opportunity to reveal your design abilities, combining a wide variety of ideas and fantasies for wall decoration.

The combination of wallpaper for the hall is not an easy choice. How to combine wallpapers without ruining general form? In addition, I would like to remind you that the composition of some very beautiful coatings is far from perfect. Although beauty requires sacrifice, perhaps you should not poison yourself and guests with the entire periodic table. Do not forget to pay attention to their composition, namely, that the purchased coatings let air through and do not contain harmful impurities.

Why combine?

For wall decoration it is convenient and customary to use combined wallpaper. Thanks to different types wallpaper combinations in the interior, photo at the end of the article, you can hide wall defects, or vice versa, emphasize, for example, beautifully curved reliefs.

playing color palette, you can make the room wider, taller or lighter. And if the combined wallpaper is chosen correctly, then also create a cozy room where it will be comfortable for family and guests.

Combined wallpaper for the hall, photo at the end of the article, will also help highlight the areas of the room.

What types of wallpaper can be combined

Having set ourselves the task of how to beautifully combine the wallpaper in the hall, it is important to choose them so that they complement each other and look harmonious. It is not at all necessary to combine wallpaper of two colors, the photo in the hall (see under the article) should be of the same color scheme, because sometimes opposite colors complement each other perfectly. A good option can turn out if the wallpaper for the hall in the apartment is combined, different types and from different price ranges. To make it easier for the buyer to choose, some manufacturers are already releasing ready-made options combinations, creating collections.

Basic Rules

When choosing a combined wallpaper, you should follow some rules:

  1. So that the joints are not noticeable, it is better to choose the same textures.
  2. Delicate, pastel colors are well combined with bright or gold.
  3. To better appreciate the combination, you should consider them in natural light, attaching them in the order you plan to glue.
  4. Only pre-prepared walls should be pasted over. Coatings with a dense texture, such as non-woven, will help hide some wall defects.

Types of combination


Plus this combination:

  • the room visually becomes wider;
  • the excess height of the ceiling is hidden.

There are several options for pasting on a horizontal basis.

  1. textured coatings are glued on the lower part of the wall most prone to contamination. It is good to separate the border between textured and upper canvases aids. This will help hide the seams and give it a finished look.
  2. The entire wall is covered with a textured coating, and finished with moldings or planks in the form decorative insert.
  3. Canvases of different types with similar plots are glued to both parts of the wall and separated from each other by planks.
  4. The border separating the upper and lower canvases can be cut not in a straight line, but in a wave or arcs.
  5. It is more practical to glue coatings with a dark pattern below, and light ones on top. Light colors blend harmoniously and create coziness and a feeling of a large area.


Combined wallpapers of two types with vertical stripes are used in rooms with low ceilings. The stripes give the impression of high ceilings. Vertical stripes tend to give the room the formality inherent in cabinets, offices. We'll have to try to make this option look good in the apartment.

Textured coatings in the stripe attract attention. Therefore, striped, textured, bright walls may turn out to be too saturated for the hall, cloying.

Design Options


Using glossy surfaces will help visually expand the room. But do not overdo it with gloss - one wall is enough for this. A gloss finish with molding will help give the room a special charm. Gloss goes well with matte texture.


Patchwork combination is a series of glued different pieces. This year, the patchwork combination has become a designer highlight. To use this option, it is better to choose one type - for example, all flaps should be made of paper, or non-woven, etc. Combined wallpaper (photo below the article) with flaps has the ability to create an atmosphere of home comfort, while not losing style. But the selection of patches must be approached very carefully.

Decorating with a baguette

If you like a room decorated in an aristocratic way, then a baguette frame will help with this. The pasted fragment with an ornament with the help of a baguette is made out as a picture. Several of these "pictures" side by side create a sense of the presence of aristocracy.

by color

To “warm up” a room facing north, solar will help, warm colors. These include the colors of summer: yellow, red, orange and green color. If the room faces south, then the cold colors and shades inherent in winter will help to “cool” the room - blue, purple, blue.

The ledge in the room, so as not to be conspicuous, can be pasted over with light colors. For a niche, on the contrary, you should choose dark options to create a sense of its depth.

Bright, juicy colors help get rid of everyday life, creating a sense of celebration.

Combination with textile surfaces

Textile surfaces have a fine texture. It is very difficult to choose a combined wallpaper for a hall in an apartment with textile coverings, the joints will be noticeable, therefore, one cannot do without finishing them with moldings and borders.

textured wallpaper

This view in last years is gaining popularity due to the fact that it is suitable for painting and is convenient to use as a combination of wallpaper in the hall on the walls and on the ceiling.

If you decide to do without the help of a designer, when deciding how to combine wallpaper, do not forget that the wall covered in this way will be the center of attention. Simple coverings create a feeling of peace and tranquility. Due to this combination, one of the walls can be distinguished.

When creating a selection of wallpapers for a hall in two colors, you need to focus on the color of furniture, curtains, carpets and accessories. With a skillful approach, you can use the remaining rolls from the previous repair, thereby saving the budget and at the same time freeing the shelves. The most important thing is that everything in the room is in harmony with each other.

Photo gallery

When asked how to combine wallpaper in the hall, the photos in our gallery will help you find the right answer. See 33 more photos of the example.

Modern homeowners are trying to acquire fashion wallpaper for the living room, not always thinking about how harmoniously they will look in the hall.

If you pay attention to this room, pick up fashionable ideas for the living room, wallpaper will help create an atmosphere of home comfort and harmony in this room.

The photo shows fashionable wallpaper ideas for the hall.

Let's talk about how you can get the desired result, make the hall beautiful and multifunctional. For starters, you can check out fashion ideas offered by design agencies. Wallpaper ideas for the hall in the apartment are shown in the photo.

Advice! interesting view has a combination of several wallpapers in one living room. But before the start finishing works, will have to pay attention preliminary preparation walls.

Start decorating the living room with it

Any redecorating you have to start with a good idea. Let's try to find out how appropriate the combination will be in the living room various kinds wallpaper. How fashionable to stick wallpaper in the hall so that the room looks beautiful and natural?

In any room there are several zones. For example, there is a place to rest and sleep. The living room is no exception general rule, by combining wallpaper here you can highlight the dining part and space for a good rest.

Advice! To carry out zoning, you need to think over the color scheme of each part of the hall.

For example, the dining area is decorated in cold, light colors. Warm wallpaper is selected for decoration dining area. Interior professionals do not disregard the texture of finishing materials for walls.

Wallpaper selection

For the living room, it is important to choose not only the texture of the materials, but also their type.

Attention! Canvases with a deep relief are combined with plain canvases.

Fashionable wallpaper for the hall perform certain functions in this room. They visually expand the space in the room, favorably emphasize the style chosen for this room.

For example, you can visually make the living room wider, raise the ceilings in the room.

Attention! Care must be taken with the varied combination. Do not get carried away with the amount of finishing materials. Professionals recommend limiting yourself to 2-3 types of decorative wall paintings.

If you go too far with wallpaper, there is a high risk of turning the hall into a motley spot, devoid of harmony and taste.

The specifics of living room decoration

Let's talk about how to choose the right trendy wallpaper to combine them on the walls of the living room. Interesting and useful tips, original ideas for the hall, you will find in the video fragment

If you are the proud owner of a small living room with low ceiling, in this case, you need to add light to the room. This will make it possible to visually expand the room.

Attention! IN small hall you can not use finishing materials of dark colors, as they will "steal" the space.

The pastel range, which will not give you the desired result, will not work for combination, will look boring and monotonous.

Combination options

Experts distinguish two main options for combining wallpaper in the living room: by texture, by color. Let's talk about what rules you need to follow when conducting self-decoration such a room as a hall.

When choosing the color of finishing materials for walls, it is important to take into account many nuances, so experienced designers advise beginners to seek professional advice from interior art specialists.

For fans of a peaceful and calm living room, design experts advise choosing several shades of the same color. This option is offered by many manufacturers of finishing materials for walls.

For example, catalogs immediately offer a combination of 2-3 different trellises that differ only in shade. The advantage of this choice can be considered the fact that in the photographs manufacturers offer turnkey solutions so that consumers can understand how a similar wall decoration option would be appropriate in their own living room.

For lovers of bright and cheerful rooms, interior professionals are advised to give preference to a combination of contrasting finishing materials.

Regarding the selection of wallpaper according to texture, we note that designers recommend supplementing embossed materials with silk fabrics, selecting photo wallpapers for textile trellises.

Advice! Correct selection textured materials will help create a harmonious image in the living room.

Examples of interesting solutions

In addition to combining tapestries according to texture, color scheme, you can use other methods of combination. For example, interesting and unusual view will have a living room that uses vertical combination. This principle is recognized in the world of interior fashion. the classic way visual change of space in the living room.

Advice! Adjacent or contrasting canvases will help give the hall an elegant and solemn look, fill the room with additional lighting.

When connecting several wallpapers, the classic "butt" technique is used. If desired, you can use other technologies, for example, combine canvases with zigzags. In this case, a dynamic image will be created in the living room, suitable for fans of modernity.

There are no special requirements for the design of joints in the design world. The only rule is a clear repetition of stripes of the same height and width.

Among the latest fashion trends in combining finishing materials, one can note the use of a wave-like decoration method. This technique will not only give the original appearance walls, but will also bring home warmth and harmony to the decorated room.

They look good as a duo purple colors, complemented by beige muted shades.

Attention! The colors selected for combining the walls in the hall must necessarily overlap with each other.

If you decide to purchase wallpaper with patterns for wall decoration, the pattern on them should be bright and large.

When choosing materials of two colors, you can use an interesting technique that involves the addition of the main tone with two additional ones that slightly emanate from the main color. It is this design option for living rooms, according to interior professionals, that is the most convenient and suitable for typical city apartments.

Horizontal decoration

Many interior specialists are happy to use it in their work this option combination of finishing materials. The method involves gluing the upper part of the wall with light plain canvases, and tapestries are used in the lower part. dark shades. This contrast allows you to visually change the size of the hall.

The wall seems to be divided into two parts, and when making a joint between individual canvases with a special border, you can get interesting option, ideally fitting into the parameters of the classic interior style.

Advice! For this type of wall decoration, a border is suitable, which has a variety of geometric figures and forms.

Thanks to the horizontal combination, you can visually increase the size of the room, focus on certain elements of furniture. It is necessary to select wide trellises in order to achieve the desired result. If the living room has no high ceilings, in this case it is better to purchase wallpapers that have a width of at least one meter.

In a hall with high ceilings, it will be very problematic to cope with this type of pasting on your own.

Advice! To simplify the process of wallpapering, you need to mark the joints with a pencil, and align the docking line first on the floor surface.

As borders used to separate the tapestries, you can use moldings or wooden slats. If desired, you can use an inexpensive paper border.

When choosing a border, you need to choose options that will not only mark the dividing line between different canvases, but also harmoniously fit into general style premises.


In order to create a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere in the living room, to divide the space into several separate zones, you can use different design techniques. Among different ways transforming the space in this room is of interest to combine various kinds and wallpaper types. In addition to the usual horizontal and vertical stripes, interior designers are currently using wavy and zigzag wall decoration methods in their projects.

Unconventional ways of combining several wallpapers have become a fashion trend in interior fashion.

Depending on the personal preferences of the property owners, the features of the room being decorated, you can choose best option which will turn the hall into a cozy and spacious corner for relaxation.

If you are going to make repairs in the living room, it is important to decide initially one difficult task and choose suitable wallpaper. What fabrics are best to glue? The design of the wall decoration in the hall should be thought out in advance to the smallest detail. There are no special prohibitions, but only compliance certain rules allows you to create a warm, home-like cozy atmosphere.

Implementation of interior design with wallpaper

Such a finishing material as wallpaper allows you to implement completely different design ideas, while using them you can easily solve a wide range of purely practical problems. Answering the question which wallpaper is best suited for the hall, experts recommend determining the range of problems of the designated room. What is meant?

Not ideal floor space

In many apartments, the living room looks like an elongated trailer or rectangle. Ceilings are not always high, so before you glue the wallpaper, you need to take into account the correction moment. Using canvases different colors or colors, it is easy to visually correct the shortcomings of the hall. How to do it? Let's go over the main points.

Psychological aspect

Today, there is a lot of controversy about the influence of color on the human psyche. Scientists have found that the right finish allows you to correctly perceive realized interior. Of course, living in a room decorated in a pleasant color will be much more comfortable. So, for example, it is impossible to stay in a hall for a long time, on the walls of which someone decided to stick black wallpaper. Blackness gives rise to darkness, which puts pressure on the emotional state of any person.

The oppressive atmosphere will make you quickly leave the living room and go to some other room. Approximately the same effect has a sterile white color. So what kind of wallpaper is better to glue on the walls of evil? The answer to this question depends not only on taste impressions. Pastel palette wallpapers with small patterns, abstract patterns or embossing work equally well on everyone. The photo shows an example of such a performance.

Color selection

Bright colors have a rather ambiguous effect on a person. So, for example, people with a normal psyche normally perceive a rich, deep Blue colour, a melancholic in such a room can begin depression.

Violet palette, all shades of burgundy calm well, but they are not conducive to conversation, therefore, in the interior of such colors, many people stop communicating with each other. Saturated yellow encourages active mental activity, it will not be possible to relax and unwind in the yellow room.

That is why it is impossible to say unequivocally what color wallpaper is better to glue in the hall. It is important to build on this issue from personal preferences and from functional features living room. In any case, experts recommend bright colors use only fragmentarily, as companions to the main background, made in neutral colors. The combination technique is a compromise between the desire to express oneself and properly design the space of the hall.


When deciding which wallpaper is suitable for the living room, it is important to consider one more thing. important aspectdaylight hall. Flaw luminous flux(it is formed if the windows of the hall face the north side) it is necessary to compensate with wallpaper in the most light version.

They do not have to be white; gluing such canvases in the living room is not at all practical. For gloomy rooms, rolled materials of sandy shades, coffee, cream are best suited. Look at the photo what cozy interior they help create.

You can glue golden wallpaper in a dark room. They are suitable for the implementation of classical styles. When the windows of the hall face south, the living room is often flooded with sunlight. Therefore, it is better to glue wallpapers in such a room, on the marking of which there is a light resistance icon (non-woven fabrics and glass wallpapers).

If these materials are glued to the walls, the decoration of the hall will not turn yellow over time and will not fade in the sun. Canvases of cold shades, purely psychologically, will create a feeling of some kind of coolness in a sunlit room. The photo shows how successful the decision can be to stick on the walls, bathed in the sun, blue wallpaper.

Stylistic decision

Another criterion for choosing rolled materials is the choice of a stylistic solution. Of course, if possible, you must first draw up a plan of the room and indicate on it the arrangement of furniture and accessories. See what style they are made in, and start from this in the choice of finishes.

As mentioned above, gold, expensive textiles, floral patterns and ornaments are best suited to recreate the classics.

It is easy to emphasize the splendor of the situation if you glue textile wallpapers or silk-screen printing on the walls. For the indicated purposes, designers will definitely prefer to glue canvases woven from jute fiber, rich and respectable velor or felt. And even though they are hard to take care of. When aesthetics dominates, you should not stop there. The photo shows how the wallpaper looks original, helping to recreate the frescoes.

And what wallpaper is best suited for loft-style rooms? Such a concept requires the use of rough textures or their imitation. Therefore, for such purposes, you need to glue wallpaper that imitates brickwork or upholstery with rusty metal. To create an art deco interior, you can glue linkrust on the walls - an alternative to textiles.

It has a paper base and a luxurious embossed front side which, if desired, can be easily washed with water. With the help of linkrust, it is easy to imitate walls covered with stucco, natural stone. Liquid wallpaper is perceived in the interior as decorative plaster. When the hall is decorated in an ethnic style, it is better to glue bamboo or cork canvases.

Hygiene indicators

The hall is the main room in the apartment, so the ability to maintain cleanliness is another important parameter, which must be taken into account when wanting to stick wallpaper on the walls. The most difficult thing is to take care of paper and textile canvases. They cannot be washed, but getting dirty is easy.

If necessary, choose these types roll materials, it is necessary to plan to glue them in hard-to-reach places, for example, where a sofa group will stand or a furniture slide will be located. You can use paper and textile wallpapers to decorate the hall if they are part of a horizontal combination. In this case, you can decorate with the described canvases upper part walls.

Note! The most attractive from a hygienic point of view are non-woven wallpaper, linkrust, and liquid wallpaper. The latter cannot be washed, but if necessary, it is easy to remove dirty areas by covering the wall with new compositions.

Easy to take care of vinyl wallpaper but they don't let the walls breathe. Therefore it is not the best option to decorate the hall. Bamboo canvases and cork cannot be washed, but their surface is well vacuumed. A similar finish option is good for combination.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Separately, it is worth talking about photo wallpapers. They are actively used in the interior of the hall, enjoy in great demand at consumers. And all because in modern performance these canvases look great. Many of them are made using the 3D effect technique, sometimes manufacturers turn out real works of art.

The theme is so diverse that it easily satisfies the taste of even the most demanding customer. That's why it's so easy to find the right pattern.

The rules for using photo wallpapers are extremely simple:

  • The color palette of the panel should overlap with the palette of the main background.
  • The plot of the panel must be correctly composed. It is important that the surfaces surrounding the center do not distract attention from the central pattern.
  • It is necessary to glue photo wallpapers on free walls, where there will be no wall or sideboards.
  • As a rule, with the help of such a finishing material, the zoning of the hall is performed.

From the author: hello dear readers! Today we will talk about wallpaper for the hall. In the living room we celebrate holidays and meet guests, we gather with the whole family, so maximum attention is usually paid to its design. And if in other countries in recent decades there has been a tendency to paint walls, then wallpapering walls is still popular in our country. Firstly, warmer, and secondly, so many options! There is such a huge variety of wallpapers that you can pick them up even for the most capricious taste. Many are simply lost in the vast number of colors and textures. Let's try to figure out which wallpaper to choose for the hall is preferable, and try to deduce some general rules.

What should be the wallpaper in the hall

First, let's formulate the requirements that we will impose on future wallpapers in our hall. What to look for when choosing.

The whole family and guests will presumably gather in the living room, that is, there will be plenty of people. They will lean on the walls, touch them with their hands (most likely not very clean after the feast). All this does not contribute to maintaining the integrity and purity of the coating. So the first requirement is practicality. The surface of the walls should be as non-marking as possible. It is desirable that it be possible to clean it after the guests in some way.

Equally important is how easy it will be to breathe in a room with. That is, they must be distinguished by high environmental friendliness - they must pass air well. Have you heard the expression “so that the walls breathe”? This is what we are talking about. If it is allowed to paint the walls in the bathroom and the room even oil paint, then in a living room, especially in the living room, this is completely unacceptable. Therefore, the material for gluing walls must be porous.

The hall is usually large and well-lit. There may be two windows or a window and a balcony through which Sun rays freely enter the room and fall on the walls. And under the action of sunlight, as we know, many materials burn out - grow dull, lose the brightness of color and even the density of the structure. Of course, no one says that wallpaper is purchased for the rest of your life. If it is possible to change them every year or two, then this item can be excluded from the number of requirements. But in most cases, we do cosmetic repairs every few years. And during this time, some types of wallpaper may not change in better side where sunlight falls on them.

Well, the last, but not least, point we note the aesthetic component. Tone, coloring, drawing - this is perhaps the most important thing we need. The design of the hall should give tangible visual pleasure, because a lot of time is spent here in the evenings and on weekends. Regarding the choice of wallpaper style for the hall, there are rules, and we will talk about them further. But first, let's choose the type of wallpaper.

What types of wallpapers exist

Most often for the hall choose traditional views wallpaper - vinyl, paper or non-woven. But there are also new original variants for those who like to be in trend and surprise guests with an unusual interior design.

Paper wallpapers - what are their advantages and disadvantages

This type of wallpaper was the first to appear on the market, but continues to confidently hold the palm due to its many advantages. This is the most cheap material. Indeed, you can change the interior at least every year - at a cost, such a repair is definitely affordable for a family with any income. However, the price today for many is not a determining factor. Perhaps the main thing to note is the great diversity. The range is huge - it is very easy to match them to any style of interior - to match the ceiling, furniture, floor, and anything.

But that's not all - paper, as we know, is one of the materials that breathe well. That is, environmentally pure material. In a room with "paper" walls, it breathes easily and freely; this type of wallpaper has no contraindications for children. In addition, the process of applying them is as simple and affordable as possible. The paper is easily impregnated and adheres well to the walls. And as a working composition, ordinary wallpaper glue is quite suitable, which costs a penny, is easily prepared and sold at every step.

But there is nothing perfect - there are drawbacks to paper wallpaper. They cannot be washed - the coating will instantly wipe off and may even tear. Two-layer can even out the situation a little. paper wallpaper, the so-called duplex - they are more resistant and less torn. The surface of the paper is very sensitive to the sun's rays, that is, it burns out quite quickly. If you have paper wallpaper, try rearranging and moving, for example, a closet. Behind him you will see original color walls, which you have long forgotten.

Of course, there is no need to talk about any sound insulation and moisture resistance either - paper, it is paper. If you have noisy neighbors, you should take care of sound insulation separately. Then nothing will stop you from changing the look of the walls more often. minimal cost. Summing up, paper wallpapers are quite suitable for the hall and allow you to create the most exotic interior due to the wide variety of colors.

Vinyl wallpaper - how to choose the right one

They are made on a paper or non-woven base, and covered with polyvinyl chloride on top. Compared to paper, they are more practical - you can wipe with a damp sponge, which allows you to keep the original appearance longer. There are also a lot of color options. The pluses include the fact that the vinyl is denser and hides small irregularities in the walls. A significant disadvantage is that the material does not breathe. If there are children in the house, then vinyl is not the best material in terms of environmental friendliness. However, manufacturers have already almost leveled this shortcoming. Today they produce wallpapers made of perforated vinyl, which let the air through no worse than paper ones.