home · Measurements · Wallpaper for walls in the hall - design examples. Choosing wallpaper for the hall: which is better and what needs to be taken into account. Combination with textile surfaces

Wallpaper for walls in the hall - design examples. Choosing wallpaper for the hall: which is better and what needs to be taken into account. Combination with textile surfaces

Creating practical, functional and beautiful interior in the living room is a priority issue. After all, it is in this room that the entire household spends their evenings, where close guests are received and large receptions or parties are held. The living room can be safely called the calling card of any home. The design of the walls of this room largely shapes the entire image of the room, its character, and mood. That is why choosing a method for finishing vertical surfaces becomes a stumbling block for most owners. Selection of modern finishing materials incredibly wide, the range in cost is also large - in modern store It's time to get confused. And yet, the most popular option for decorating walls in the living room is already long years wallpaper remains. The technical characteristics of this finishing material are changing, improving, and new collections are appearing. modern manufacturers, color and texture solutions are presented in an incredibly wide range. Why is it so difficult to find yours? perfect option wallpaper for the living room? We hope that our large-scale selection of living room design projects, decorated in a wide variety of ways, will help you find the answer to this question and choose best option finishing for the most important room of the home.

Wallpaper for modern spaces

Despite the emergence of all sorts of ways to decorate walls in residential premises, wallpaper confidently leads the list current ideas. Most Russians choose the method of wallpapering the vertical surfaces of their living rooms because:

  • they are presented in an incredibly wide range of colors and textures;
  • you can choose a material with the desired technological characteristics;
  • the range in cost of goods is also wide; a homeowner with any wallet size can find a suitable option;
  • wallpapering walls is one of the most simple ways finishing that can be done independently, without the help of specialists, and without compromising the aesthetics of the room;
  • Using wallpaper, it’s easy to create a color or texture accent, highlight one or another functional area, or decorate the walls;
  • wallpaper can be combined with other types of finishing materials;
  • It’s easy to get rid of boring decorations and refresh the interior of the living room.

So, on what factors will the choice of wallpaper for the living room depend on color, texture and technological properties:

  • size and shape of the room;
  • the presence, number and scale of window and door openings;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions;
  • design of rooms adjacent to the living room;
  • if the living room combines a kitchen and dining area, then the choice of wallpaper will differ, first of all, in technical specifications material;
  • personal preferences of the owners in the choice of color and wallpaper print;
  • the desire to create a calm, peaceful room design or to highlight a room bright accent, unusual design wallpaper or spectacular imitation.

Selecting wallpaper by technological properties

If common room performs only the functions of a living room, then the choice of wallpaper according to technical characteristics appears before us in its entirety. If in the common space, in addition to the living room, there is a dining room and a kitchen, then more stringent selection conditions are imposed on the finishing of vertical surfaces. It is necessary that the wallpaper can be cleaned with a damp sponge and can withstand minor mechanical damage without losing its aesthetic properties. At the same time, the decoration should create a single, harmonious image of a multifunctional room.

In the living room, for complete or partial wall decoration, all types of wallpaper can be used in terms of classification according to technological characteristics:

Paper– the main advantage of this type of wallpaper is its low cost. A wide selection of colors, patterns and prints and high environmental friendliness can also be attributed to the obvious advantages of paper material. But fragility, susceptibility to color fading from exposure to sunlight and the inability to clean the surface in any way significantly reduces the popularity of this type of finish. Finishing paper wallpaper may require replacement after 1.5 - 2 years of use in a home with small children and/or pets.

Vinyl And non-woven wallpaper can be classified as durable, durable materials with a wide range of color and texture solutions. Vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven base can be repainted several times, creating new image premises without significant investment of time and money. Such wallpaper can be cleaned and even used wet cleaning, cleaners. The material does not lose its aesthetic qualities for a long time.

Textile wallpaper looks luxurious, has high environmental properties, and is able to “breathe”. But such a finishing material has many disadvantages - in addition to quite high cost, the surface cannot be cleaned with any means (you must be very careful when using such a finish). If previously you could see mostly beautiful velvet and velor fabrics on the walls in living rooms, then the latest trends in the formation of modern style dictate the use of cotton and linen. For minimalist, strict, laconic living rooms, this type of finishing can be used not only for accent surfaces, but also for all walls of the room.

Metallized I would like to separate wallpaper into a separate group. Although they can be produced from various raw materials and have different properties, but all types have in common the presence of a golden, silver or copper sheen in the composition of the material. Where else if not in the living room can you indulge in a touch of luxury. Even in laconic modern interiors metallic shine accent wall is able to create a special mood, increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

You can also separate everything into a separate type photo wallpaper(no matter what basis they are printed on). Modern technologies allow photo printing highest quality on any surfaces. Your wall with a picture can be textured and have metallic inclusions. You can choose any drawing - from your own portrait to a photograph of the earth from space orbit, as long as the theme and method of execution of the print organically fit into the overall picture of the living room design.

Current ideas for 2017 – plain wallpaper or with a pattern?

Luckily for us, designers do not give a clear answer to this question. As many owners as there are, so many preferences in the design of living spaces. Besides, modern style although it gravitates towards minimalist sentiments, it does not cancel decoration. This means that decorating walls with printed wallpaper is a popular way to decorate rooms such as living rooms.

If we talk about monochromatic wallpaper, designers recommend choosing natural shades in the new season. They not only create a favorable atmosphere in the room, but also make it easier for us to combine finishes with the colors of other interior items. If the room is located on the south side of the building, then you can use a cool palette. If the living room is facing north and also has poor natural light, then it is better to give preference to warm tones.

A light palette will never go out of style. Moreover, there are enough apartments with small living rooms in our country. The old housing stock is replete with rooms with an area of ​​no more than 15 sq.m. Such a room needs light color scheme for wall decoration that can visually increase the volume of a room. But this does not mean that it is necessary to use exclusively white color. You can apply the design technique of an accent wall to one surface and use wallpaper with a pattern (on a light background) or create a textured accent by using embossed wallpaper, which differs only in shine and the pattern is visible only from a certain angle.

Gray color never goes out of style. Universal shades of gray can create a neutral background to focus our attention on furnishings and decor. Elegance and nobility, restraint and even severity - in shades gray there is everything that is necessary to set the specific character of the room. Besides, Gray background ideal for integrating wooden objects, snow-white surfaces or dark contrasts.

Dark velvet (velor) wallpaper or canvases with embossing, a slight metallic sheen or texture can radically change not only the appearance of a room, but also its character and the prevailing atmosphere. Of course, it is worth using dark colors when decorating living rooms only to create accent surfaces and in the case of well-lit spaces of medium and large sizes.

The trend of using wallpaper with imitation of various surfaces remains relevant. This could be a creation concrete wall, brick or stone masonry, wooden elements, even wall panels with peeling paint. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve when decorating the main room of your home.

If we talk about imitations more broadly, this type of decoration includes the use of photo wallpapers that create the illusion of wall decoration. You can create the feeling of finishing surfaces with fabric, soft fur or thorns, arrange the photo brick wall with a hole or a green lawn with a perspective stretching into the distance.

Considering modern collections of wallpaper with prints, it can be argued that the most popular wallpaper has recently become geometric ornament. In this case, the design can be either clear, bright, colorful, or barely noticeable, as if blurring in space. Most often, wallpaper with a geometric print is a combination of two, less often three colors or shades.

One of the geometric print options, stripes, is a popular option for wall decoration, including in the living room. Vertical stripes (even light, not variegated ones) can visually increase the height of the room...

And horizontal stripes will visually increase the volume of the room as a whole.

Floral and animal themes in the collections of printed finishing materials have a clear oriental bias. Not only plants, but also birds, animals, and insects become “participants” in the living room interior. As a rule, such wallpapers look like art painting and create a very special atmosphere in the living room. The uniqueness of the interior will be guaranteed to you.

Several ideas for using wallpaper in the living room interior

Of course, the most popular way to use wallpaper to decorate a living room is to cover all the walls of the room. But this option can hardly surprise anyone, but creating reliable, beautiful and fairly durable protection for the walls of a room is quite possible with almost all types of wallpaper. If you plan to decorate all the walls with one type of wallpaper, then it is important to remember simple rules, which, however, are not the ultimate truth and may be subject to exceptions:

  • if printed curtains will hang on the windows, then it is better to choose plain wallpaper;
  • how smaller room living room, the lighter the tone of the decoration should be;
  • a large, motley pattern is undesirable for small rooms, but it is better to exclude a very small print that can cause a ripple effect - if wallpaper with an ornament is used, then it should be dim and medium in size;
  • if you plan to focus on bright upholstery in the room upholstered furniture, then it is better to choose wallpaper in light, neutral colors;
  • dark wallpaper(a contrasting pattern using dark tones) makes sense to choose as an accent in rooms with good natural light ( panoramic windows or several medium-sized window openings).

The design technique of creating an accent wall when decorating premises has been used for a long time and is very active among our compatriots. This design can be used in rooms for a variety of purposes, living rooms are no exception. In some cases, it is in the living room that it is advisable to highlight one or another vertical surface in order to zone the space, emphasize a functional segment, and shift attention from an area of ​​the room that is unsuccessful in terms of geometry or layout.

Beautiful wallpaper that differs from the main background of the room in color, print or texture can be used not for the entire wall, but only for part of it. For example, you can highlight the chimney of a fireplace (that part of it that is not exposed to flame and does not heat up intensely).

The opposite option for decorating the space around the fireplace is to highlight the surface of the chimney with symmetrical sheets of beautiful wallpaper. Strict lines combined with a delicate pattern will help create not only a harmonious (and what could be more traditional than symmetry), but also a slightly festive atmosphere in the living room.

You can also use wallpaper that differs from the main background to cover niches in the living room, into which a video zone or storage systems with open shelves are built. Any geometric nuances of the room can be presented from the advantageous side if you use accent decoration.

No less effect can be achieved when gluing interior partitions designed to zone a combined space, in which, in addition to the living room, other functional segments are located.

Using beautiful, expensive wallpaper to create a likeness wall panels framed with moldings will help not only diversify the monochromatic finish, but also emphasize the belonging of the interior to one or another stylistic direction. Zones with accent design, located according to all the rules of symmetry, will bring orderliness and balance to the interior.

Another way to locally use wallpaper to decorate a living room is to cover the space inside niches with open shelves or book shelves. In this way, you can create the necessary color accent, diversify the palette of the room and solve the zoning issue by highlighting a reading segment, a home library or a storage systems area.

Wallpaper for the living room - trends 2019

The living room of a house or hall is the center of the home from the point of view of outsiders. Perhaps your favorite place in the house is the bedroom, a cozy balcony, or a study, but the first thing guests see is the living room. Arranging it correctly, tastefully and in such a way as to create a good impression is really not easy.

Trends and new wallpapers for the living room in 2017 are significantly different from last year’s and provide a unique opportunity to decorate your home in a completely different way.

Fashionable wallpaper colors in 2017

Don't forget about the unchangeable things - light shades with a barely noticeable addition delicate flowers will give the room discreet luxury, will visually increase the volume. In such a hall guests will feel comfortable and warm, just like in own home or a place from distant childhood memories.

IN bright interior There is no bright aggression of warm tones and alienation of cold tones, calm reigns. Even an inexperienced person in interior design can choose wallpaper for a living room in a bright environment - white, silver, beige, and pearl colors are suitable. You can take a risk and take wallpaper in a soft gray shade - this will give the living room an asceticism that is now fashionable.

For lovers of original designs, the combination of black and white has become fashionable, with neutral shades inserted into interiors. bright colors. Such combinations play on contrast; they can be found in the apartments of creative people; boredom, traditionalism or adherence to a clear design are unacceptable.

Wallpaper of this color is a great opportunity to create your own interior, as in the case of the patchwork design method, which is especially relevant with the fashion for geometry. Combined wallpaper for the living room may include a mixture plain wallpaper with patterned ones - it’s more difficult to select and implement, but it’s worth it.

Combinations of neutral pastel shades with bright ones are very relevant. It may seem that these two elements do not suit each other at all and will combine well only in rooms for children, where any, even the most absurd contrasts are appropriate. However, it’s worth looking at this wallpaper design for the living room and you will see how good and fresh it looks.

Against the backdrop of last year's fashion for cool shades and the all-consuming modernity with minimalism, your room will look truly unique.

Wall decor trends this year

Last year's minimalism still haunts the wallpaper market. Its echoes are now at the peak of fashion - abstract patterns, invisible on the wallpaper until you come close, light geometric designs. Designers try to create the feeling that there is no wallpaper at all - the material merges so organically with the wall and decor.

Wallpaper of this type can be carefully combined - up to a reasonable limit of three colors, of course, which will give the walls a special charm and your personal idea, which is incredibly important for uniqueness. The desire for maximum naturalness will still show itself in the trends of 2017.

The main innovation now is the return of wallpaper that imitates natural or building materials. Fashion expectedly took a detour with a slight tilt back and modern wallpaper for the hall has become very similar to its counterparts ten years ago.

Only the quality of the print has changed - now only detailed concepts are accepted, whereas in the past there were enough rough similarities, and the materials have become modernized.

This is how walls appeared in the apartments of interior gourmets, copying with amazing accuracy brickwork, bamboo, wood and stone different varieties, even fabrics with a variety of textures.

The wallpaper described above is often confused with photo wallpaper, but in vain. This is a completely different type wall decor, which leaves you maximum freedom in choosing how to decorate your home.

Modern technology for making photo wallpaper allows you to apply any design or photograph based on any whim. All that is required from you by the studio for the production of such wallpaper is a wide-format image of what you want. And then it’s up to ultra-modern technology for high-quality printing on large volumes.

No concept? This way things will go even faster, studios have impressive portfolios, the album with which agents usually offer. Tell the consultant and immediately receive samples, choose your dream design from thousands of photo wallpapers for the room. Remember that any ideas are accepted and the concept does not have to be a photograph.

How to make a choice?

Start from your interior, it will be much easier. What's the point of gluing beautiful wallpaper to a living room when nothing in this room matches it?

Carefully consider your decision, first deciding on the style of the things and furniture already in the decor. If you furnished the room in cooperation with a designer, then it would not be superfluous to discuss with him the replacement of wall coverings, if possible. Use common sense, taste and a color matching table, if necessary - re-pasting wallpaper is possible, but difficult.

It's another matter if you are thinking through the design of a living room from scratch. In this case, start with them. A useful design rule is that every room starts with three paths: floor, ceiling and walls. Take advantage of the fact that you do not need to adjust your purchase to existing items and somehow limit yourself in your choice.

The main thing is to follow a certain sequence of objects that are nearby, and this is not at all difficult. A white vase and a black oak table will look much better together than a black vase with the same table - this is the rule according to which monochromatic objects in a competent interior from a design point of view should not be located next to each other (there are exceptions, but they are rare).

Another example - wallpaper with ornaments and a laconic floor covering look more harmonious than patterned wallpaper with carpets - this is a rule that prohibits the accumulation of patterns, no matter how fashionable and designer they may be.

There is another pitfall that beginners may not pay attention to - the types of wallpaper materials. If dividing the wall covering into a single layer ( thin wallpaper, fade in the sun, do not hide wall unevenness and are much cheaper than others) and two-layer (a higher quality analogue, which can partially mask problems in the primer), then its other classifications may surprise you at first.

There are practical vinyl, environmentally friendly and high-quality textile, durable non-woven types of covering, and most people who are faced with creating an interior in their home for the first time are perplexed about how to hang wallpaper in the room, especially if it is so difficult.

Despite the desire to do everything yourself, you better think twice. Only you know whether you can cope with the preparation of the wall, the choice of high-quality glue and the process itself, which is not only difficult, but dangerous for people with allergies or simply sensitive to odors.

The risk of ruining expensive wallpaper just because you failed to stick it is great - it’s better to contact professional repair services.

Don't be afraid to experiment - 2017 welcomes bold decisions, extraordinary designs and similar attempts to make your home truly unique. Do everything in your power - think through the process and its result, and enjoy the updated interior in your room.

Photo wallpaper for the living room

The hall, or common room, is the main room in the house, the place where the most intense communication takes place. It also happens that the hall in daytime performs the functions of a communication room, and at night it becomes a bedroom (for example, in the case of a one-room apartment). In addition, the hall can combine the functions of a dining room, games room, study, etc.

Therefore, the interior of the hall and the wallpaper, like it component, must create a comfortable, cozy and elegant environment for family and guests.

It is very important that the interior design of the hall obeys the following principles:

  • Convenient for everyone;
  • Beautiful for everyone;
  • Practical.

It should be noted that the wallpaper in the hall should also comply with these principles and make the room beautiful, cozy and elegant.

Wallpaper in the hall is an integral part color scheme, combining all the elements of the room’s interior - furniture, decor, textiles, houseplants and so on. - into a single whole.

How to choose wallpaper for the living room: basic color patterns and patterns

As noted above, wallpaper is part of the interior color scheme of the room. It is the color scheme that influences our mood, creating a certain atmosphere - calming, dynamic or, conversely, depressing. In addition to the emotional component, which directly affects mental processes, color also allows you to change the visual perception of the room - to make a small room visually larger, or, conversely, to visually reduce an overly spacious room.

The color scheme of the room should include no more than 2-3 colors, since the saturated color variety tires the psyche.

The color scheme of the hall, as a rule, includes the following main color components:

  • Ceiling color;
  • Wall color;
  • Furniture color;
  • Textile color;
  • Floor color.

The color scheme of the hall can be nuanced and contrasting. A nuanced solution involves using soft, similar colors in the color scheme. But a contrast solution means a comparison of two main contrasting colors: turquoise and brown, orange and blue, etc.

The strongest contrast combination is created by yellow, red and Blue colour A. And the most intense contrast of light and dark is black and white.

The selection of wallpaper should, in addition to color, take into account one more nuance - the wallpaper pattern. Wallpaper patterns come in large, medium and small scale.

Selection criteria

Often, the hall is one of the most large rooms in a house or apartment, so the following wallpaper is suitable for this room:

  1. If the living room is very large, spacious, high and contains little furniture, then in this case it is better to use wallpaper with a large-scale pattern for the walls.
  2. If you need to wallpaper standard apartment multi-storey building, then in this case, you can paste wallpaper for walls with a medium-scale pattern. But at the same time, you should not place small paintings and photographs on the walls, so that the wallpaper design does not “argue” with such decor.
  3. The most common type of wallpaper for the living room is wallpaper with small-scale patterns, which are perceived as a neutral element of the interior. In this case, paintings, photos, collages, etc. can be placed on the walls.

The choice of wallpaper for the hall is carried out taking into account the chosen color scheme and the richness of the room’s interior (paintings, furniture, etc.).

What kind of wallpaper should I put on the ceiling in the living room?

The ceiling of the hall, just like the walls and floor, affects the perception of the room as a whole.

Lots of ideas and tips for decorating the ceiling in the most modern types wallpaper in our next material:

As a rule, wallpaper should be glued to the ceiling taking into account the following principles:

  1. Traditionally, ceiling wallpaper is chosen in light colors.
  2. Dark wallpaper is only acceptable if the room is very narrow and high. In addition, if there is not enough light in the room, then help brighten it - use light wallpaper materials for the ceiling that reflect the sun's rays well.
  3. For a sunny room in the southern regions, wallpaper with dark colors– blue, terracotta, light blue – they absorb excess light.

Naturalness and natural materials have always been and will be in trend, therefore one of the most suitable options Hall wallpaper is textile wallpaper or wallpaper made using materials such as bamboo, palm fibers, etc.

Wallpaper options for the hall

Before choosing one or another wallpaper option for the hall, you need to take into account the orientation of the room, i.e. degree of illumination of the room.


  1. If the room faces the sunny side, then green or blue-gray wallpaper is suitable for the walls.
  2. If the sun rarely comes into the room, then wallpaper in warm yellow-green, yellow or orange colors with mother-of-pearl, gilding, mirrored, etc. is preferable, i.e. The darker the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. Besides, in southern regions the overall color tone should be colder, and in the north - warmer.

As for the size of the room, a bright but small room will seem larger if you put greenish or blue wallpaper on the walls, since cool tones seem to push the walls apart. And here warm shades have the opposite effect.

The size of the room also affects the selection of wallpaper according to the pattern - large and bright patterns make the room smaller, but small patterns in soothing colors make the room larger.

Wallpaper with longitudinal stripes visually raises the ceiling, and wallpaper with transverse stripes visually pushes the walls apart.

Furnishings also have an important influence on the choice of wallpaper for the room. So, if the hall is a room with a fireplace, where there is little furniture, then we choose marbled wallpaper for it, and 1-2 color paintings will perfectly complement the interior.

In general, neutrals are good for the hall bright hues and small-scale drawings - this allows you to focus attention on other interior details - paintings, photos, children's drawings, etc.

So, when choosing wallpaper, you should take into account a number of factors, the most important of which are lighting, size and furnishings of the room. It is these parameters that determine the color and pattern of the wallpaper. As for the material and size of the wallpaper, there is more freedom of choice. Trust your taste, intuition and experiment!

Wallpaper for the hall (photo)

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 15 minutes

The hall is a kind of visiting card of the family. Tastefully selected wallpaper will help make it unique, reflecting the needs and individuality of the owners. When deciding what wallpaper to glue in the room, you need to take into account many criteria: material, color, pattern, compatibility with interior details. Let's consider the principles of choosing finishes that will help you accept correct solution and make the main room in the apartment stylish and cozy.

Types of wallpaper suitable for the living room

A wide range of materials confuses the inexperienced buyer. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to decide on the type of wallpaper, of which there are now many.

  • Paper ones are cheap, environmentally friendly, come in a variety of colors and textures, but are short-lived.
  • Acrylic, in comparison with paper, is endowed with additional strength and resistance to moisture.
  • Vinyl sheets are beautiful, durable, but do not allow air to pass through, creating an unfavorable microclimate. When decorating a room, it is better to combine them with other types of wallpaper. A popular variety is silk-screen printing.
  • Non-woven fabrics have gained a reputation as the most durable, long-lasting fabrics that can mask unevenness on the wall. Used independently and as a base for painting.
  • Liquid wallpaper is a composition of textile or cellulose fibers, dyes and glue, applied easily and quickly, without seams. They are environmentally friendly, suitable for finishing rooms with complex configurations, and hide unevenness.
  • Textiles have many textures and options. Silk, linen or cotton fabrics on a non-woven basis - good decision for the hall. They demonstrate the wealth and refined taste of the owners.
  • Velor wallpaper is a paper base coated with nylon fibers.
  • They do not attract dust, do not burn, are difficult to damage, and do not grow mold. Made only from natural materials, breathable, attractive looking.
  • Natural wallpaper made of bamboo, cork and wood form the original ambiance of the room and do not interfere with air exchange. Cons: poor moisture resistance, susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • Photo wallpapers are always popular, you can buy ready-made options or order a specific image. The subject matter of photo wallpapers is almost limitless at a very affordable price.
  • Metallized fabrics provide protection from electromagnetic radiation. They are based on paper, upper layer– special foil. They look unusual and can transform the living room beyond recognition.

Rules for choosing wallpaper for the hall

Create stylish and comfortable interior Practice-tested recommendations will help:

  • In a living room with low walls, you should not glue dark wallpaper with a voluminous pattern; light wallpaper - plain or with a small image - will look much better here.
  • In the hall with high ceiling Canvases with large patterns or horizontal stripes are appropriate.
  • In spacious living rooms, dark finishes in deep tones look good. You can choose a monochrome version or large drawings.
  • In a room where the side with windows is oriented to the north, wallpaper in blue and gray shades is not recommended. Without sufficient lighting, they will feel cold. And vice versa: in rooms facing south, cool tones will add freshness.
  • The color palette of the decoration should be in harmony with the overall color of the furniture, accessories, and flooring.

Correcting design flaws

Not everyone can boast of the ideal shape and condition of the hall, which sometimes looks like a narrow trailer with a low ceiling, uneven walls. can correct the sad picture.

  • A light finish with a small pattern will visually increase the volume of a small living room.
  • A low ceiling will seem higher if you decorate the walls with wallpaper with a vertical pattern or stripes.
  • Horizontally located lines will allow you to visually expand the space. The same effect is created by decorating the lower part of the wall with dark canvases, and the upper part with light ones.
  • Photo wallpaper will help to distract attention from irregularities and create the correct perspective.

Choice of colors

The choice of wallpaper color should be taken as seriously as possible, based not only on own preferences, but also on the advice of specialists. It has its own immutable laws, the violation of which does not end in anything good.

  • In a cool room, apricot, peach, and strawberry wallpaper tones will help create a cozy, warming atmosphere. At the same time, we must not forget that warm colors visually “compress” the space.
  • In a hot living room, aquamarine, lilac, pale blue or mint wallpaper colors are appropriate.
  • When decorating the walls of southern rooms, it would be correct to focus on shades of gray, blue, and light blue. The same should be done for living rooms facing east, southwest or southeast. For rooms where sunlight feels like a master, it is better to choose wallpaper that does not fade.
  • An atmosphere of luxury can be created by using mother-of-pearl, silver, and gold colors. But this must be done very carefully: excess in this case is a direct path to bad taste.
  • Cherry, green, burgundy colors and deep royal blue look good on the wallpaper in the living room. Accessories and borders in classic beige and cream shades will suit the interior of such tones.

Wallpaper and furniture color

Furniture Wallpaper colors Suitable shades
Dark Calm, light, without massive patterns
  • Vanilla,
  • apricot,
  • light chocolate,
  • carmine,
  • aquamarine,
  • light purple
Brown or reddish Dark
  • Dark blue,
  • rich greens,
  • burgundy,
  • purple

Any options

A dark tone will highlight the white elements of the interior.

Beige shades - for a calm atmosphere.

Also suitable:

  • fuchsia colors,
  • sea ​​wave,
  • eggplant,
  • honey,
  • shades of lush greenery.
  • Pastel wallpaper is for balance.
  • Antagonistic colors are for those who like contrasts.
Bright contrasting or pastel colors
Multicolor Gray with chalk patterns or plain.
Blue Bright or light

For fun companies:

  • yellow;
  • red

For a relaxing holiday:

  • beige,
  • cream,
  • white,
  • light blue,
  • lilac,
  • jade,
  • turquoise.
Any Any
Peach Bright or light
  • blue,
  • yellow,
  • gray,
  • pearl.

Win-win options

The choice of color, pattern, texture of wallpaper is subject to the general line in the design of the room, subordinating all plans and actions.

Timeless classic

A classic interior assumes a neutral background, harmoniously combined with expensive furnishings. Flashy wallpaper options are prohibited. Faint stripes or patterns are allowed.

Floral motifs

Flowers on the walls have also long become a classic of the genre. There are countless variations: from dim background ornaments to huge images transformed into self-sufficient components of the interior.

The floral theme is present in the classic version and in modern minimalism, in Provence and Japanese style. Wallpaper with flowers brings a romantic touch to the living room. They are chosen by people who avoid unnecessary severity of the interior.

When choosing such canvases, you should not recklessly follow the principle of absolute brevity. The asceticism of the colors is balanced by the original texture.

Photo wallpapers and macro pictures

Photo wallpapers are once again popular after a break. IN modern design they strive for maximum realism. This is especially noticeable when enlarged photos (macro pictures) of real people, plants, natural phenomena and objects are used.

Wallpaper with an urban theme, with macro images of flowers, and reproductions of famous paintings are in demand.

Unity with nature

The interior with reminders of living nature is typical for those who are tired of living in a big city. You can purchase bamboo, cork or other wallpaper of natural origin or with images of nature for the living room. It is only important that they are in harmony with the decor of the room.

Variations on the theme of stripes

Stripes are used to disguise flaws in a room. But even without these problems, it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look at similar wall coverings. Canvases with such a pattern are good both on their own and paired with partner wallpaper.


The popularity of this method of decorating walls is increasing. The main reason is the need for . For example, a dedicated dining area in the hall looks impressive. Many people need to zone their TV space. This technique comes in very handy when circumstances force you to use the living room as a bedroom.

A hall in an apartment or in a private house is considered to be main room- a kind of calling card. It is in this room that guests often gather, so the owners should take care of its quality transformation. It is important to correctly take into account the features of the interior in order to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere through the combination of walls, furniture and other details.

Nowadays, you can use a variety of styles to decorate a room. Moreover, the design of the room depends entirely on the preferences of the apartment owner.

It is worth noting that some designers prefer to mix seemingly completely incompatible styles, and as a result, new directions appear.

When choosing stylish wallpaper for the room, the interior of the room is first taken into account.

But before you start choosing a wall covering, you should determine what kind of image will appear before the guests after all finishing works. Therefore, among the many styles (high-tech, empire or rococo, etc.) it is necessary to find the most suitable one.

People who prefer aesthetic and aristocratic beauty to all newfangled trends should choose the classic style. After all, wall decor made in a similar direction will decorate any home and will not be considered old-fashioned.

Modern designers offer many options for decorating walls in an apartment. Moreover great attention is given to absolutely all rooms, be it the kitchen, children's room, Gym or the living room.

Increasingly, owners are not afraid fashion experiments, because with their help the hall is transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, with the right approach, it is very easy, even in a Khrushchev-era building, to visually enlarge a room and create a unique image.

The following are considered the most effective options for modern hall decoration.

Dark wallpaper

This option is recommended for use in a room with light furniture. Thanks to the contrast, it is possible to beautifully decorate the living room, making it brighter and at the same time cozy. But you shouldn’t cover the entire room with dark wallpaper; instead, it’s better to highlight one area.

Wallpaper in light colors

Dark-colored furniture goes well with them.

If you stick it roll material gentle and “calm” tones will create a contrast, with the help of which an atmosphere of aristocracy and comfort is created in the hall.

Muted wallpaper tones

Pairs perfectly with bright furniture. Today, more and more often you can find a room in which interior items are distinguished by a variety of bright shades.

To successfully highlight such furniture in the living room, the ideal solution would be wallpaper in muted tones.

Types of wallpaper for the hall: how to make the right choice

It is important to understand that there are no roll sheets that are completely free of flaws. However, thanks to the variety of such materials, you can easily choose ones that will meet the basic requirements of the consumer.

The main types of wallpaper are:

  1. Paper. They belong to the budget category and besides this, the material is easy to glue. However, they do not hide surface defects and also have low wear resistance.
  2. Non-woven. They are characterized by an acceptable price, in addition, they have average thermal and sound insulation. Helps hide small unevenness in walls.
  3. Photo wallpaper. Thanks to the wide variety and affordable price photographs look good on wall surfaces. However, professional taping skills are recommended when using them.
  4. Vinyl. They are embossed and moisture-resistant, and are highly durable. But they include expensive materials, so not everyone can afford this wallpaper.
  5. Textile. Natural materials are used for their production; they have no joints on the walls. But this type of wallpaper is considered very expensive.

In addition, to make the choice easier, wallpaper samples will be good helpers.

Even more useful information for those who for the first time decided to choose and hang wallpaper on their own:

Wallpaper for a small room: what is important to pay attention to

Quite often the living room in an apartment is small in size.

Therefore, in order to properly decorate the walls small hall should be observed certain rules when choosing wallpaper:

  1. Dim wallpaper. Variegated colors visually reduce the footage, so you should avoid bright colors.
  2. Plain. Pictures and patterns are best used in textile fabrics.
  3. Embossed. Using relief on neutral-colored wallpaper in a small living room, you can achieve a cozy atmosphere. However, you should avoid too intrusive relief patterns.

To visually enlarge small hall and to highlight the interior favorably, you should not use dark tones of wallpaper. Instead of this great solution There will be a pastel palette and delicate light colors.

When to choose non-woven wallpaper for the living room

The composition of non-woven wallpaper includes combined materials of cellulose and synthetic fibers, which make the wallpaper durable and easy to use. Therefore, at present, non-woven wallpaper is most in demand for decorating walls in rooms.

Repair experts note that this material:

  • It is distinguished by its environmentally friendly composition, that is, when making repairs in a room, you don’t have to worry about the health of others;
  • Helps hide wall defects;
  • Cleans well;
  • It can be used for painting.

However, non-woven wallpaper has some disadvantages. Due to the small range of colors, it is sometimes difficult to choose required option. In addition, the material has low sound and heat insulation.

Wallpaper is one of the main elements of the interior design of the room. They should go well with the furniture. About this in the following material:

Liquid wallpaper in the hall: photos, advantages and disadvantages

Modern designers are increasingly using liquid wallpaper (a subtype of decorative plaster) to decorate walls.

This method of finishing surfaces allows you to quickly and originally decorate walls.

Part liquid wallpaper Cellulose and special silk fibers are included, which creates an ideal texture for wall coverings.

Some owners prefer to make liquid coating for the walls yourself. This allows you to achieve an exclusive effect in the room. Another advantage of using this material is its ease of application and quick drying.

But liquid wallpaper has several disadvantages:

  1. They are easy to damage. Compared to other types of wallpaper, you will need to make a patch to restore the damaged area.
  2. They are hygroscopic. If the apartment is observed high humidity, this method of decorating surfaces is considered unacceptable.
  3. They are not allowed to be washed. Due to the fact that the material for liquid wallpaper is decorative plaster and it is made from improvised means; under the influence of water it can collapse.

Today, many people combine several types of roll materials to apply wallpaper in the living room.

There are three ways to combine wallpaper to make your living room beautiful and unusual.

Below are ways to combine wallpaper.

Vertical stripes

There must be a main background and special additions in the form of vertical stripes. Moreover, the main background is chosen to be monochromatic, and the fragments, on the contrary, have pictures.

Dividing the wall into horizons

A good solution would be to separate the lower third of the wall. This option is considered classic and is often used in wall decor.

Wallpaper inserts

With help wallpaper inserts manages to make the interior of a monochromatic room more dynamic.

But you should avoid too many of these inclusions in the room.

Wallpaper for the living room of a private house: what are the differences?

It is worth noting that there are no significant differences between wallpapering in an apartment or in a private house.

But sometimes the rooms in houses have a large area, so using a combination of wallpaper is considered an excellent solution.

It must be remembered that a private house is located in a natural environment, closer to nature, therefore the best solution will create a natural image in the interior. An example of one design solutions- this is the use of special wallpaper that has a wooden texture. This will help decorate the room and provide a harmonious atmosphere.

Types and design of wallpaper for the living room (video)

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition. Therefore, the material for pasting the walls in the hall is selected depending on the expected result. Some people prefer light and calm tones, while others prefer brighter colors. However, do not forget that the atmosphere in this room should be cozy and warm, and the owners of the apartment or their guests could be comfortable here.

Wallpaper for the hall (photo)