home · Lighting · Small room with fireplace. Living room interior with fireplace: photos of the best solutions. Choosing the right fireplace

Small room with fireplace. Living room interior with fireplace: photos of the best solutions. Choosing the right fireplace

Previously, fireplaces were used only for practical purposes, which boiled down to heating the room. Now they have become the most important decorative element, which also has an aesthetic function.

Fireplaces in the interior add coziness and warmth to your home. They can be installed in any room: kitchens, bedrooms. However, the traditional place for a fireplace is the living room. Proper design and combination of the interior of this room with a fireplace is the key to a comfortable and pleasant stay.

Types of fireplaces

Before equipping, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of fireplaces and their features.

Fireplace in the interior of a private house with a second light

1. Electric

These fireplaces are ideal for apartments in multi-storey buildings. They have many forms and modifications. Most accurately approximated to the original. The advantages of electric fireplaces include:

- safety;

— ease of maintenance;

- does not provoke the appearance of garbage in the house, which is sometimes associated with putting firewood into a real fireplace;

— not only imitates an open fire, but also emits real heat.

2. False fireplaces

They are an exact imitation of real fireplaces, matching them in shape and design. However, it does not involve lighting an open fire. The advantages are:

— the possibility of making a fireplace with your own hands;

— closeness to the original by placing firewood in the fireplace cavity;

- the ability to simulate a flame by installing a mirror on the back wall of the fireplace, in front of which candles are lit;

— undemanding to the design of the house;

— no need to install a chimney and other paraphernalia.

3. Wood burning fireplaces

Fireplaces of this type are installed only in spacious rooms with solid floors. When designing such fireplaces, it is necessary to pay important attention to the decor of the chimney and portal, as well as provide a place for storing firewood in order to harmoniously combine it with the overall composition.

The advantages come down to:

— the soothing sounds of crackling firewood;

- soft and pleasant light.

4. Gas

The appearance of these fireplaces is similar to wood-burning fireplaces. The difference lies in the lack of space for storing firewood due to the fact that the fuel is gas supplied through pipes.

5. Corner

Suitable for a small living room, since corner fireplaces are compact in size. And due to the fact that they are placed in the corner, they take up little space. These fireplaces are available in two versions:

- classic wood-burning;

- electronic.

Living room styles

As a rule, fireplaces should fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the living room. To do this, you need to be well versed in the styles of fireplaces and living rooms.

1. Classic


2. High classics


3. Country


4. Modern


5. Baroque


6. High-tech

Decorative fireplace in a high-tech living room

I. Rules for installing a fireplace in a room:

2. The optimal location for installing the fireplace is a wall perpendicular to the window.

3. Furniture is arranged in such a way as to create a cozy corner in the light of the fireplace.

II. Living room design rules

1. A sofa and armchairs are placed near the fireplace at a short distance from each other. On both sides of the fireplace you can place bedside tables, shelves, and cabinets (read in a separate article).

2. If you install a TV in a living room with a fireplace, it must be installed perpendicular to the wall with the fireplace. You should not hang the TV above the fireplace, as exposure to high temperatures may cause it to break.

3. Accessories must be selected in accordance with the materials and color of the fireplace.

4. Large mirrors or paintings will look beautiful above the fireplace. You can place boxes, figurines and other small items on the shelves.

designer 2018-03-13

A fireplace in apartment interiors is installed not only as a heat source, but also for decorative purposes. The presence of a fireplace makes the room cozier and the atmosphere warmer and more comfortable. It becomes the central part of the living room, so the interior as a whole will depend on its design.

What types of fireplaces are there?

Installation of a solid fuel fireplace in urban apartments is not allowed. The only exception is apartments located on the top floor of the building. But in this case, a well-designed chimney is required, facing the street, running through the attic and roof.

For modern apartments, you can choose a wall-mounted or corner fireplace. The second option fits more successfully into a modern interior. Corner designs look more elegant and compact. To make a choice, it is worth understanding the features of the models available to urban residents.

False fireplace

A false fireplace is a structure that imitates a real hearth. Its frame is constructed of plasterboard or brick, and the external finishing is made of the desired material. This model can be installed in any part of the living room, matching the overall style of the room.

It is not uncommon for designers to use artificial fireplaces to decorate a room. They may contain flames drawn with chalk or contain decorative firewood.

Electric fireplaces

Electrical products are easy to use in an apartment. Their main elements are made of wood and glass. This is the best option for those who want to have an analogue of a wood-burning fireplace in their home. At the same time, it does not require a chimney, is easy to maintain and runs on electrical energy.

With the help of a decorative electric fireplace you can illuminate and heat the room. The undeniable advantage of such models is their affordable cost and safety for the health of people and animals. To activate such a device, just plug the plug into a socket and enjoy the beauty, adjusting the heating temperature if necessary.

There are mobile electric fireplaces designed as a heater or humidifier.


Biofireplaces are a relatively new device in interior design. It runs on biological fuel in the form of multi-colored granules: solid alcohol, sawdust or bark, compressed peat.

An ideal option for city apartments, given the fact that during operation they emit a minimal amount of carbon dioxide. Accordingly, the installation technology does not require the installation of a chimney or a special ventilation system. When the granules burn, very little ash remains, so maintenance of the bio-fireplace is minimal.

Finishing methods

Almost any material can be used for cladding electric or artificial fireplaces, since the surface does not heat up to high temperatures. The most popular finishing materials include:


Ceramics occupies a leading position among finishing materials for decorative portals. In addition to high fire-resistant properties, the material is distinguished by a wide range of colors and patterns.

Thanks to the applied glaze, the surface is easy to wet clean and repels moisture. The original shape of the tiles will help make the fireplace the main decorative element of the living room, decorated in any stylistic direction.


Wood does not have heat-resistant characteristics, but if you follow a number of recommendations, you can easily use it to improve your fireplace:

  • The material is pre-impregnated with a special fire retardant;
  • The firebox is equipped with a protective screen;
  • A ventilation system is provided;
  • Not the entire portal is covered with wood, but decorative inserts are made;
  • Ash and alder are not used.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications for using wood when decorating a fireplace.

Fake diamond

Artificially created stone is quite popular due to its low cost compared to its natural counterpart and similar characteristics.

The material is moisture resistant and durable and does not require special skills when working. For the same reasons, preference is given to artificial brick.


When choosing such a finish you will not have to spend a lot of effort, time and money. The technological process is as simple as possible and no additional strengthening of the structure is required. In this case, it is worth selecting materials that meet fire safety requirements.

A huge range of colors allows you not only to choose a shade that suits the style of the room, but also to easily change it if necessary.

10 photos of examples of corner electric fireplaces in the living room interior

If the living room space allows, then you can choose a fireplace of any shape, but for owners of small rooms, preference should be given to corner models with the effect of a living fire. It will occupy any free corner, around which you can create a seating area.

Models of corner fireplaces

Corner fireplaces according to their design are divided into two groups: symmetrical and asymmetrical, each of them has its own characteristics.

1. Symmetrical

Choosing such a model for the living room will require a special arrangement of furniture and original framing. This is the case when the fireplace and its lining will play a major role in the interior design, and other items should complement it competently.

The advantage of these models is their ability to heat the room, so they are ideal for apartments with insufficient heating. Often, symmetrical fireplaces are flat or semicircular, fit perfectly into a classic interior and are used to zone the living room. Owners of premises with a small or medium area can safely opt for this model.

2. Asymmetrical

This type of fireplace is suitable for a spacious living room as it requires a lot of free space. An asymmetrical model can be made in any shape, even the most non-standard, but still retain its original purpose.

The design option depends only on the imagination of the owner, which makes it possible to fit it into any interior style from classic to high-tech. An original solution for decorating a living room in a modern style, which will certainly make the room unique, cozy and respectable.

What to look for when purchasing:

To make the right choice when buying an electric fireplace for the living room, it is not enough just to decide on the design. In this case, a few professional tips will help:

  • Power. The degree of heating of the room will depend on this indicator. If the device is assigned not only a decorative function, the power should be calculated based on the area of ​​the hall;
  • Size. An important point, since its location and the arrangement of other pieces of furniture depend on its dimensions;
  • Designer design. When choosing exterior decoration, you need to build on the general stylistic direction in the room and apartment;
  • An additional advantage will be the ability to adjust the brightness of the flame and temperature;
  • If possible, you should give preference to a model equipped with an air humidification and aromatization system.

Fireplace in the interior of the apartment (photo selection)

See our collection of photos, which presents modern solutions on how to place a fireplace in the living room of an ordinary apartment. Various materials, styles and types of useful accessories that will bring a piece of warmth to your cozy home.

In order to achieve a competent design of a living room with a fireplace, you should pay attention to the features of the room, its layout, dimensions, decoration and even the arrangement of furniture.

When choosing a classic built-in fireplace, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for installing the fireplace. For safety reasons, a high-quality chimney and ventilation grilles must be equipped for proper air supply.

An electric model or false fireplace is the most suitable option for rooms with a small area. For these products, it is better to organize a place near the internal main wall. The electric fireplace is very compact, safe, lightweight and does not cause any difficulties during the renovation of the room.

A gas fireplace simultaneously performs two functions: it becomes an original decoration and heats the room. Such a fireplace does not produce soot or soot. There are open, closed, built-in and stationary models, which, due to their versatility, can be located almost anywhere, for example, near the hay or on a special stand.

The photo shows the design of a bright living room with an artificial false fireplace.

The bio-fireplace is an ideal solution for the interior of an apartment. Such a product does not have any special requirements for location and is absolutely harmless to the environment. The airy transparent eco-fireplace built into the wall partition looks truly original and unusual.

How to place a fireplace?

The fireplace should be located so that it does not interfere with the practical use of the rest room.

Fireplace in the corner of the living room

The corner model has a special design that allows it to fit harmoniously into any type of living room interior. Such a fireplace can be decorated using any materials, placed next to it a couple of cozy armchairs or complemented with a corner sofa.

To ensure that the fireplace does not get lost in the room, it should be installed in a corner that is best visible from different parts of the room.

The photo shows the interior of a classic living room with a fireplace located in the corner.

Fireplace in the center of the living room

Island fireplaces are rare, but they have a very interesting appearance. Such models are mainly used for the design of large rooms. The design is distinguished by the presence of a suspended chimney and the possibility of excellent visibility in all directions, therefore it most often serves as the central element of the living room interior.

The fireplace placed in the middle is visually highlighted due to color or decoration and the main pieces of furniture are placed around it.

Fireplace between windows

It is an effective way of arrangement. However, this option has its drawback: due to heating the external wall, a certain amount of heat will be lost. Thermal insulation of this area will solve the disadvantage.

A fireplace installed between two French windows will look beautiful. It is also appropriate for front or corner placement between two window openings of different sizes.

In the photo there is a fireplace portal between two windows in the design of the hall in the fusion style.

Between two doors

A fireplace placed between two doorways may not be a very convenient option for the living room. Since there is usually a relaxation area around the fireplace portal, family members constantly passing by can interfere with a comfortable rest. Therefore, before arranging such a fireplace, you should carefully consider the layout and furnishings of the room.

Fireplace on free wall

The most traditional solution. It is better to place the fireplace insert near the internal walls to retain heat in the house. A portal with an open flame cannot be installed near wooden objects.

Photo in a private house

In the living room in the interior of a country house, it is possible to install a real wood-burning fireplace. To do this, you need to take care of the good strength of the floor and walls, pay attention to the height of the ceiling and take care of fire safety. Due to the live fire, warm energy is formed in the home atmosphere, and the atmosphere is filled with comfort and acquires individual characteristics.

The layout of the house often involves a living room combined with a kitchen. In the design of a combined room, it will be interesting to look at the hearth, which acts as a dividing element between two functional zones.

The photo shows a living room in a country-style house with a corner fireplace lined with brickwork.

For the design of a spacious hall with a high ceiling, a portal made in a rustic country style is perfect. This D-shaped fireplace is large in size and has a design that is particularly rural in simplicity and naturalness. In order to achieve maximum effect, the portal is lined with stone or wood, and firewood is laid out in the fireplace niche.

Examples of fireplaces in the interior of a city apartment

The interior of the living room is ideally complemented by an electric fireplace. If you apply high-quality finishing, the artificial model will look no worse than a real hearth. Such designs, as a rule, have several ways to simulate flame. The combustion effect is depicted using a display, carried out by backlighting or a fan, which causes the rag tongues of fire to move.

The photo shows an electric fireplace in the interior of a living room in a modern-style apartment.

In the living room of an apartment, the fireplace can be located along the entire wall or occupy only a small amount of space. It would be appropriate to hang a TV above the fireplace, and put a sofa opposite. The wall above the portal is also sometimes equipped with shelves, decorated with a mirror or beautifully framed paintings. A functional solution would be to install a modular wall as a continuation of the horizontal fireplace.

Ideas in different styles

Installing a fireplace is appropriate in a living room with a wide variety of stylistic concepts presented in real design projects.

Fireplace in a living room interior in a classic style

In a classic hall, a monolithic fireplace with a chimney, finished with granite, marble or clinker bricks, is most often erected. You can place a couple of armchairs made of natural wood around the hearth, decorate the mantelpiece with different decor in the form of antique clocks, photographs in metal frames, or decorate the portal with bronze candlesticks.

The photo shows the design of the area with a fireplace in the living room in a classic style.

Living room in loft style with fireplace

A full-fledged gas model with rough outlines and without unnecessary finishing is perfect for a loft. A steel stove coated with black or silver heat-resistant paint will allow you to advantageously decorate an industrial space.

A budget option for an industrial living room is a false fireplace with an aged effect, decorated with metal candlesticks.

Living room with fireplace in Provence style

The fireplace portal should be in harmony with the declared style, which is characterized by simplicity, unusually sweet appeal, delicate plant motifs and pastel colors without sharp accents.

A fireplace lined with materials in the form of decorative stone, ceramic tiles, aged brick and other coatings with a matte texture will be advantageously combined with light tones.

The photo shows a Provence-style room with a corner fireplace lined with tiles.

Living room in high-tech style

For high-tech, a classic hearth with a U-shaped portal is not suitable. In the design of the hall, it is appropriate to install an ultra-modern fireplace of a triangular or spherical shape, as well as a model combined with a coffee table. The product can be attached to the wall or hung and placed in the center of the living room.

Neoclassicism in the living room interior

In the neoclassical style, the hearth is the main detail around which the entire interior composition is built. The symmetrical and monochromatic fireplace portal is complemented with various characteristic ornaments and decorated with thematic curls, rosettes and reliefs.

Fireplace in the living room in a minimalist style

A strict and laconic portal with metal, plastic or glass elements in combination with functional furniture designed in a minimalist style will give the living room a stylish look. A minimalist fireplace is considered a budget option, since it can be made in the form of a flame located in a wall niche without additional cladding or accessories.

The photo shows a long bio-fireplace built into a furniture wall in a minimalist room design.

Interior design ideas

In the interior of a small living room with a fireplace, the main task is the rational use and saving of usable space. An artificial model will fit perfectly into such a room. In this case, you do not need to take into account the height of the ceilings and the number of free square meters in the room.

For the hall, you can choose a minimalist electric, gas model or a compact bio-fireplace. The design of a country house or cottage will be successfully complemented by a mini-fireplace, which is an excellent alternative to a stationary portal.

The photo shows the interior of a small room with a false fireplace.

An equally suitable solution for small spaces would be a corner model. Such a fireplace will not only effectively use a corner in the hall, but will also advantageously transform and adjust the configuration of the room.

A wall structure with a thin glass or plastic body would also be appropriate. A similar product in the form of a plasma screen with an imitation of the combustion process is conveniently hung on the wall in the living room, which allows you to significantly save space in the room.

For a large living room, an island model located in the center or a wall stove is suitable. In the spacious room, near the fireplace, a seating area is set up, chairs, a sofa and a coffee table are installed.

The photo shows a fireplace placed between two window openings in a large living room.

Photo gallery

The design of a living room with a fireplace becomes the hallmark of any home or apartment. Such an interior clearly demonstrates the aesthetic taste of the owners and allows you to create a hospitable environment for a relaxing holiday with family or friends.

For many, the idea of ​​comfort is inextricably linked with the soft warmth of the hearth, the reflection of the fire on the wall, the crackling of firewood and the subtle aroma of smoke. This has been embedded in human genetic memory since cave times, when fire meant life. And thousands of years later, when instead of a cave a person acquired his own house, the desire to have a source of fire in it did not disappear. Almost any owner would want to order a design for a living room with a fireplace in a private home - no matter how many square meters are allocated for the living room.

A comfortable chair, a fluffy blanket, a dim floor lamp, a cup of hot tea or a glass of wine, a leisurely conversation and a philosophical mood - a hearth is associated with all this. The decision to decorate your living room like this is no longer a wonder today; they are installed in luxurious country mansions, small private cottages, modern apartments, and sometimes in cramped ones. After all, today a fireplace is not a bulky structure at all; more often it is a compact decorative element in any style.

If you dream of having an original, comfortable and beautiful living room design in a private home, success is already guaranteed with a fireplace. It guarantees a special atmosphere and will become the center of the house. Although its installation requires special knowledge and professional skills, the task is quite feasible. For starters, it’s a good idea to learn more about modern fireplaces, their design, and installation. And carefully study the safety requirements.

Modern fireplaces are structurally divided into 4 groups:

  • corner ones are the most popular. Installed in the corner, they are clearly visible, take up little space, and arranging furniture nearby is quite simple;
  • wall-mounted - a respectable, although rather massive option, so it is appropriate in a spacious room;
  • built-in - installed in a niche, there is only a firebox outside, so it is compact. There are two disadvantages: you must first create the niche itself and there are big problems during repairs;
  • island - mounted in the center of the room. It is convenient because it fits into any room and helps in zoning the room.

According to the material, fireplaces can be stone, brick and metal. It must be remembered that the fireplace itself will be the main accent, so it should be fully compatible with the rest of the decor.

Brick fireplaces are the most versatile. The shade of the brick is important here. For supporters of the classics, a hearth made of brown and sand-colored brick will suit you. The shabby chic style dictates the fashion for light gray bricks.

Fireplaces made of stone - natural or artificial - will fit perfectly into country and rustic styles. You can not limit yourself to framing, but lay out the entire wall, create an arch or a small shelf.

Metal is appropriate if it is designed with a fireplace in a private house in the spirit of techno or hi-tech. The setting will dictate the color of the metal - from sparkling chrome to noble matte gold. Glass elements go well with metal. There is only one limitation - you won’t be able to install a mantelpiece, the metal gets very hot, and there is a risk of getting burned.

Fuel for fireplaces also varies. Most people prefer traditional wood-burning ones. Coal or peat are almost never used. Many people switch to gas; this eliminates the need to install a chimney. For purely decorative purposes it is convenient to use biofuel.

The choice of fireplace is up to the home owner. In any case, very high quality ventilation will be required. You also cannot do without a special set - fireplace tongs, a poker for coals, a scoop for raking them out.

Furniture next to the fireplace

The hearth is very noticeable in the interior; it should not be further highlighted with furniture. But they must be completely compatible. The amount of furniture varies depending on the area of ​​the room.

The lounge area is considered a classic: a pair of comfortable armchairs, a floor lamp and a coffee table nearby.

You can put a corner sofa. Pay attention to the upholstery: if zoning of the living room is not planned, it should be the same, and if the fireplace area is a special zone, then the furniture upholstery in it will be different, but compatible with the overall interior design.

In a narrow room, too much furniture will take away all the beauty of the fireplace. You can only add small shelving to the fireplace chairs; everything else is best placed opposite.

The design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house suggests that this room creates the warmest, most relaxing environment possible. The room will be decorated with paintings or photo collages, beautiful clocks, and candles. Everything is selected according to the general style:

  • porcelain vases, figurines, frames and bronze candlesticks go with the classics;
  • artificially aged frames, pots and boxes are appropriate in country, rustic, shabby chic;
  • ultra-modern styles like hi-tech allow all of the above, but done in an appropriate manner.

Don’t forget about cozy pillows, rugs, and capes.

TV next to the fireplace

These two elements of the interior do not combine well: the hearth is a symbol of a chamber setting, and the TV is a symbol of modernity. The ideal design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house does not require a TV at all.

But if you can’t do without a TV, we follow 2 rules: there is no place for the TV in front of the fireplace (the glare of the fire is reflected on the screen, obscuring the image), we don’t place it above the fireplace (believe me, watching TV with your head up is not very comfortable, and the heat of the fire is harmful screen pixels). The best option is to place it on an adjacent wall; it is safe for electronics and does not interfere with viewing.

Don't forget about safety

The fireplace plus the surround is quite heavy. Make sure you have a solid, heat-resistant base. Do not place a carpet next to the fireplace; it will be warm anyway. Fur rugs can be thrown near the chairs. The fireplace is not placed on the outer wall; all the heat will “go” outside. Furniture and rugs should be placed no closer than 1.5 m from the fireplace.

In a private house, the design of a living room with a fireplace must take into account a closed firebox with a door made of fireproof glass. This will allow you to safely warm up and admire the play of fire. This option is ideal if you have small children and pets.

A little imagination - and the dream of a fireplace will become a reality, giving your home the warmth of the hearth and a special atmosphere.

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