home · On a note · Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to paper wallpaper? How to apply liquid wallpaper: basic nuances. Video: How to properly apply liquid wallpaper

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to paper wallpaper? How to apply liquid wallpaper: basic nuances. Video: How to properly apply liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is very unusual material, with which you can create grooved surfaces reminiscent of stone or fleecy fabric. But you need to adapt to such a composition - there are some subtleties in its application.

Types of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper has little to do with traditional liquid wallpaper. Rather, they resemble decorative plaster. But if the latter requires additional finishing, then liquid wallpaper does not need this - immediately after drying, it looks unusually impressive and resembles dense felt in structure.

The composition of this material includes gelatin, pieces of oak bark, mica chips, cotton, seaweed and silk. It often includes metallic gold or silver threads. They can be used to decorate both walls and ceilings. There are ready-made liquid mixtures or powdered materials on sale that require dilution with water. If desired, you can apply an ornament or patterns to liquid wallpaper, mix the material with colored pigments and decorate it with moldings on top.

Surface liquid wallpaper grainy, stone or felt-like

Based on their composition, liquid wallpaper is divided into:

Silk: the most expensive, with high content pieces of silk threads;

Cotton: can contain up to 98% natural cotton;

Cellulose: they are much cheaper than silk and cotton, and consist of wood processing products.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Let us briefly list the main advantages of this material:

No seams: the wall looks complete, without joints characteristic of classic wallpaper;

Soft wallpaper has an excellent sound-absorbing and heat-insulating effect;

Since they hold very firmly, are not afraid of drafts and do not move away from the wall, they can be used to cover any curved surfaces;

Dust does not stick to a material that has a minimal electrical charge; during long-term use, walls and ceilings can be easily

It can be used even in unheated rooms: it is absolutely not afraid of temperature changes;

Since liquid wallpaper does not shrink, it is quite suitable for finishing new buildings;

They can be glued to any surface: concrete, plaster, drywall, metal, wood, paint and even plywood;

High aesthetics: using this material you can create interiors in a variety of styles;

If stains become dirty, they can be quickly removed with stain remover;

Repairability: if a separate area is damaged, you only need to dilute the composition in water and seal the loose pieces with the solution; after drying, this place will be completely invisible.

Repairing a damaged surface is very simple

The downside of liquid wallpaper This may include low moisture resistance - they are not intended for a bathroom, sauna or bathhouse. However, to reduce moisture absorption, they can be additionally coated with acrylic. The second disadvantage is high price. The cost of a package that is enough for 3-7 square meters. m, depending on the composition, can be 400-2000 rubles. But if you wish, you can make liquid wallpaper yourself from finely ground paper with the addition of pieces of thread.

Applying liquid wallpaper in stages:

1. Before pasting, the surface is cleaned of remnants of previous wallpaper, the protruding heads of dowels and nails are removed and carefully leveled.

2. If the walls were painted with acrylic with the addition of colored pigments, they must be treated with a primer so that the dye does not bleed through. Prime It is also necessary to have porous surfaces that can absorb moisture from the solution - concrete, wood, plaster, etc.

3. The dry mixture looks like colored sawdust. Before mixing it with water, you should carefully study the instructions. Each manufacturer may have its own nuances in preparing the solution.

4. The composition is mixed with warm water, its temperature should not exceed 40°C. You will have to mix large particles with the liquid only with your hands - this cannot be done perfectly with any tool. And the fragile particles that make up the wallpaper can be damaged.

5. The resulting solution should be such that when the spatula is tilted, it does not flow down the wall.

Manual stirring

6. If necessary, gradually add to the solution dye. Since the mixture becomes lighter when it dries, it is worth experimenting by choosing a shade on a small area of ​​the wall.

7. The resulting solution must be left for 12 hours.

8. When applying it to the wall, the spatula or trowel should be positioned under small (15°C) angle to the surface.

The spatula is positioned at an angle

9. After applying the mixture, you can roll it with a roller so that it adheres better to the wall.

10. It is very convenient to work with a hopper - a special gun in the form of a bucket, designed for applying plaster or liquid wallpaper, or with a spray gun. To obtain a corrugated surface, use a brush or roller.

Depending on the tool used, you can get different types surfaces

11. The mixture is applied from corners from top to bottom with soft circular movements. You should not hesitate - with prolonged smoothing, the drying surface will become uneven.

Wallpaper is applied in a circular motion

12. To master the technique, you will have to practice. But after drying, the solution can be scraped off the wall and soaked again, so you won’t spoil too much material in the process of mastering application methods.

Working with a spatula

13. The surface dries depending on the composition of the mixture and the room temperature around 48-72 hours. If ordinary wallpaper is afraid of drafts, then liquid wallpaper dries better with good air exchange. Therefore, in the room where they were pasted, at this time it is necessary to open all the vents or even windows.

14. The liquid wallpaper remaining in the package will be useful for restoring damage (if, of course, this becomes necessary).

Three-dimensional image created using liquid wallpaper

Advice! When applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, the mixture is prepared a little thicker than recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the solution will drain.

Is it possible to make high-quality liquid wallpaper yourself?

At proper preparation composition, you can get a completely worthy replacement for expensive liquid wallpaper. We will need:

PVC glue (you can replace it with bustylate or CMC - cellulose glue);

Gypsum or acrylic-based plaster - they will act as a binder;

Antiseptic to protect material that can absorb moisture from fungus;

Colored pigment (color), it can be on any basis;

Finely shredded cardboard, paper or newspapers;

To enhance the effect, you can add sparkles and cut threads of silk, lavsan, polyester or cotton - almost any fabric will do; the length of bright threads is 5-7 cm - in this case they will look more impressive; optimal fabric volume of 10%;

When mineral chips are added to the mixture, the surface will become grooved.

So, let's move on to creating the mixture:

We remove metal clips and staples from waste paper, otherwise rust stains will appear on the walls;

The paper is finely shredded with a knife or scissors, and then filled with water (for 1 kg of waste paper you will need 5 liters of water);

After soaking it (this will take 3-5 hours), thoroughly grind the mass with a drill and mixer; outwardly it should look like boiled semolina porridge no lumps;

Add glue (200 ml per 1 kg) and plaster or plaster (you will need 10 tablespoons per kilogram);

When adding color, it is first diluted with water.

Advice! If it is necessary to create colored “veins”, add thick paint; In this case, there is no need to mix it too much.

We admire the result

Video: How to properly apply liquid wallpaper

At cosmetic repairs, which is usually carried out in a short time, the question may arise whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper to save time and how realistic this is.

There is no clear answer to this question, so let’s consider different situations and make an acceptable decision.

It all depends on the type of wallpaper, plus how firmly and efficiently the old ones are glued.

Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics, positive and negative sides, so we will proceed from this.

Is it possible to glue new wallpaper onto old ones?

Ideally, the surface for the sticker should be prepared, cleaned of the previous finish, leveled, and treated with a primer. But, if it is really necessary, then the decision whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper has the right to life.

Positive sides:

  • Save time and effort if you do the work yourself;
  • Less money will be spent on materials when preparing walls;
  • No dirt, sputum, dust.

Negative points:

  • There is a danger that the old canvases, having become wet from the glue, may peel off along with the new ones from the walls;
  • The impossibility of correcting base defects that occur under the previous trellises;
  • Possible appearance of “dummies”;
  • The service life of the new coating is reduced.

Therefore, when deciding whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto old wallpaper, we highlight the main points in which this is possible. When applying a sticker, the main criteria should be:

The old finish has strong adhesion to the surface;

Wallpaper must be paper;

The top layer would have a smooth surface;

They should be thin;

The color was not dark so that it would not bleed onto the light-colored canvases glued on top.

Let's consider various options, based on the type of wallpaper.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto old paper?

This is perhaps the most acceptable option, but subject to:
First of all, the trellises should be smooth, they should not have a pronounced structure or embossing, since it is impossible to stick new ones on such material.

The coating “sits” firmly on the wall, there are no un-glued areas, and the joints do not diverge between the panels. If this is present, then carefully glue all the flaws with high-quality glue.

When you apply glue, do not overdo it with the amount of adhesive. If you apply too much of it, the paper webs will become very wet and the glue underneath may become soggy. Then, under the weight of the two layers, they will simply peel off from the wall.

If the trellises were with bright decor, and even dark in color, then you risk that old version may show through the new one.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto old vinyl?

Upper layer vinyl covering consists of polyvinyl chloride, which prevents the walls from “breathing”. This is a moisture-resistant material that is resistant to water, and therefore to the adhesive composition that is diluted with it.

The glue simply will not be absorbed by the surface of the vinyl, which eliminates the possibility of sticking trellises on it.

As a rule, a variety of textures are applied to vinyl trellises by embossing. Their relief structure is usually visible through other types of wallpaper.

It is possible to remove only the top vinyl layer, and let the non-woven or paper backing be the basis for another finish.

If it is not possible to remove the vinyl without damaging the substrate, then the easiest way in this case is to remove them completely, prepare the surface and stick on any type of finishing building material without defects.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto old non-woven sheets?

Non-woven wallpaper is a two-layer material. The top layer can be:
Non-woven fabric is a completely natural building material, the surface has a certain structure, the wallpaper is painted.

In practice, if the material has not yet been painted, then it is possible to stick other wallpaper on it, since the non-woven material absorbs the glue. But if the structure is not smooth, then there will not be sufficient adhesion when gluing.

Interlining is a great material and it doesn't take long to separate the top from the interlining backing and they are easy to remove. Just pull it by the corner and it will come away from the base without effort. This is where you will stick your new trellises.

On a non-woven basis they are also produced vinyl wallpapers. We discussed above the reasons why trellises are not glued to vinyl. But, as in the case of non-woven ones, it is possible to remove the top covering and glue new trellises onto the backing.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto liquid wallpaper?

This type of material can only be reapplied with a new one. thin layer liquid wallpaper.

Cover the surface with white water-based paint so that the previous color does not show through.

Using the application technology, you apply new liquid wallpaper. Dilute the dry composition according to the recommendations in the instructions, let it “mature” and work.

Of course, it is possible to apply other types, but this requires surface preparation mechanically to level it and remove all irregularities.

I would like to give some advice and conduct a kind of quality check of the old coating:

Try applying it to small area existing coverage adhesive composition and wait for it to dry. Observe, and if the wallpaper does not swell, does not move away from the base, or separates at the joints, then it is possible to glue it to existing wallpaper.

You can do it differently - cut out a small canvas from a new roll and glue it to the wall. Let everything dry completely, wait a couple of days. If, as in the first case, nothing happens to them and they “sit” firmly on the walls, then the test was successful and when asked whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to old wallpaper, we answer in the affirmative.

You can also test for paint fastness. To do this, secure a damp sponge or piece of foam rubber with tape to the wall.
If the foam doesn't stain, then everything is fine. Then the paint of the previous coating will not transfer to the new one and you can glue the wallpaper over the old wallpaper. And if traces of paint remain on the foam rubber, then prime the surface and let it dry, thereby protecting the new coating from staining.

Sequence of wallpapering walls

The technology does not differ from the usual process, so I will present it in a thesis version, as a reminder.

We cut out the strips according to size, cut them into strips of the desired size.

There should be a vertical line on the wall from which work is carried out.

We dilute the adhesive mass according to the instructions according to the type of trellis.

We apply the canvas coated with glue to the wall and smooth it thoroughly from the middle, expelling all the air so that there are no bubbles.

We exclude drafts and wait for the canvases to dry completely.

In the end, I would like to say that such repairs are undesirable, as they are fraught with consequences after a short time. The wallpaper may begin to bubble, move away from the base in some places or at the joints, or even come off completely, as well as other issues. Or maybe everything will be fine.

The only argument for whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto old wallpaper may be the current circumstances, temporary housing, lack of material resources, etc. Consider all the pros and cons and make the right decision.

Among all the decorative means for internal lining Liquid wallpaper stands out not only for its appearance, but also for its ease of application. How to properly dilute them and apply them to the wall at home?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

But it’s still worth paying attention to some nuances of proper repair:

  • liquid trellises are a type of plaster, so the surface for their application should be as smooth as possible;
  • Before you start gluing, mandatory processing is required the desired area primer - this will make the wallpaper easier to apply. This will also increase their adhesion to the surface;
  • You should prepare for gluing in advance - after soaking, they need 8-12 hours to swell;
  • you determine the layer thickness yourself, but it should not exceed 3 mm;
  • Do not forget about ventilation - fumes from wet wallpaper are slightly toxic.

But this is not all the tricks of gluing. We will talk about them in more detail.

How to apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands

As mentioned earlier, wallpapering does not require any special skills, so you can easily cope with this task yourself. Repair work with this innovative product takes place in several stages and how correctly you carry them out will depend final result.

Step by step application:

  1. Level the surface using putty. First, cover all the holes with rough putty, and then level the wall with a finishing one (it is shallower, so it lays much smoother). Let this layer dry.
  2. Prime the wall thoroughly. To do this you can take special remedy For deep penetration or use a regular water-based one (a prerequisite is that it must be white). You should not treat the walls with products that have color, as they will definitely appear on the wallpaper.
  3. Instructions on how to make trellises yourself are always written on the packaging. But remember: liquid wallpaper does not like experiments, so stick to clear proportions. The product should be soaked in warm water and the entire package at once - even mixtures that look exactly the same may have a slightly different shade. Mix the mixture with your hands and very gently (it is strictly forbidden to use a mixer - it will break up the complex consistency). The main thing is not to leave any lumps, they can spoil appearance walls.
  4. Trellis are prepared in approximately 8-12 hours (more exact time indicated by the manufacturer). Their main feature is finished form they can be stored for a very long time (in closed about 2 weeks), and even if they dry out (which also happens), they are easy to dilute again. That is why it is not recommended to throw away the leftovers - they may be useful when correcting imperfections or touching up the walls in the future.
  5. The mixture should be applied using a special trowel. It is very good if you find a tool designed for applying this particular product. The special feature of this trowel is its transparent base, which helps determine how evenly you apply the wallpaper. Important nuance— the mixture is applied exclusively to a dry surface.
  6. Start off renovation work should be from the center of the room - it’s easier to get used to it. Apply liquid mixture follows a bottom-up motion (the upper edge of the trowel is slightly raised). But if you wish, you can create different patterns at this stage - this is done by gluing wallpaper in different directions. It is also extremely important to monitor the thickness of the wallpaper layer - it should be absolutely the same.

Liquid trellises dry out in about 2 days and during this time they need an influx fresh air, so keep the windows open.

How to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling

Is it possible to glue the ceiling with liquid wallpaper? This question is asked by everyone who has encountered this amazing remedy. Of course. This mixture is quite versatile, so with its help you can get a perfectly beautiful, flat ceiling without additional financial costs for the services of professional craftsmen.

How to apply liquid wallpaper

First, remove the old coating from the surface and level it with putty.

Prime the wall thoroughly. To do this, you can take a special primer designed for such work, or water-based paint.

Wallpaper should be applied using a special grater (a special roller is also needed to create texture). Apply the liquid mixture evenly, moving in one direction. It is also extremely important to monitor the thickness of the wallpaper layer - it should be absolutely the same.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to paint?

Removing paint from walls is a rather labor-intensive process, so the question inevitably arises: is it possible not to remove it, but to immediately glue liquid wallpaper? There is no definite answer - it all depends on the condition paint coating. If it is quite strong, does not have swelling or fungus, then the wallpaper can be applied without removing the preliminary layer. But only after careful preparation.

To start old paint you need to brush it a little with a metal brush (this ensures better adhesion), then apply a quartz primer and let the walls dry thoroughly. And only after that you can glue the wallpaper mixture. In this case, there are no special instructions on how to apply liquid wallpaper. At proper preparation Such walls are no different from ordinary putty walls.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to drywall?

Many people are very concerned about how to apply liquid wallpaper to drywall so that it sticks firmly enough to such a smooth material. And is it possible to do this at all? The answer is clear - of course, it is possible, but under one condition - the correct step-by-step preparation.

How to properly prepare drywall for gluing:

  • first the surface should be puttied (for better adhesion you need to do at least two thin layers);
  • When the putty has dried, you can proceed to the next stage - primer. The final result largely depends on the quality of its application, so do not waste money and effort on it.

And only now, when the primer is completely dry, can you glue the liquid trellises.

What surface is liquid wallpaper applied to?

Liquid wallpaper mixture is quite versatile, and therefore it can be applied to almost all surfaces. The answer to the question of whether it can be glued in any room is quite ambiguous. It all depends on which walls you will apply them to and in which rooms.

What can liquid trellises be glued to:

  • on drywall;
  • on ordinary concrete walls;
  • on plastered brickwork;
  • on wooden surfaces;
  • to metal.

It is also very important to know what room you plan to decorate with liquid trellises. In places with high humidity They can only be glued if they are subsequently opened with varnish.

What kind of varnish is applied to liquid wallpaper?

Applying varnish to the wallpaper mixture is done in two cases:

  • if you need to make the wallpaper washable, there is no particular need for this, since this wallpaper is antistatic and does not attract dust at all;
  • gluing liquid trellises in places with high humidity - in this case, protection of the product is simply necessary.

But the method of applying varnish to liquid wallpaper is a little unusual. Of course, you can just open the walls in the usual way using a brush, but this is a labor-intensive and costly process. To make the trellises moisture-resistant, you can simply add varnish to the wallpaper mixture and cover the walls with it. And this will be enough for the repair to last for many years in extreme conditions.

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, the answer is definitely affirmative. But this does not mean at all that they can be glued to tiles. Ceramics have questionable adhesion, and it will not be possible to glue wallpaper mixture onto it.

Is it possible to apply a second layer of liquid wallpaper?

This question is very ambiguous and depends on the situation. The initial gluing of liquid trellises in two layers is not done, and why waste extra money (this wallpaper is not cheap at all). But sometimes a situation arises that only part of the wallpaper is damaged, while the rest is still nothing. Then gluing with a second layer is allowed, but only on the condition that you still have a mixture of the same batch (new ones of the same batch are absolutely not suitable).

To apply the second layer, be sure to use a primer for better adhesion of old and new trellises.

Liquid wallpaper is a universal tool that makes repairs accessible even to non-professionals.

Applying liquid wallpaper is an easy and fun process, but removing silk decorative plaster often becomes a labor-intensive and tedious task. Therefore, owners of this coverage are interested in how to get around this point.

You need to know some subtleties so as not to spoil the repair while still applying this soft fabric. For example, is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to drywall, fiberboard, whitewash or plaster?

Application to drywall

Gluing liquid decorative plaster onto drywall without primer and putty can result in the glue quickly being absorbed into the wall itself and, as a result, the coating peeling off. Next is light decorative layer will almost certainly take on a dark or gray tint due to the cardboard. One of the main disadvantages is that liquid wallpaper is a reusable coating, and in the case of drywall, it will not be possible to use it a second time. Removing wallpaper from such fragile walls will not be an easy task and experts are almost 100% sure that they will be damaged.

How to protect yourself in this case? To begin, prime the drywall and seal the seams and joints with a special mesh. Next, apply putty in at least two layers. Afterwards, the entire outer wall needs to be sanded and, finally, a primer must be applied under the silk fabric. After all layers have completely dried, you can carefully apply silk plaster. Liquid wallpaper on drywall – possible variant which requires careful preparation.

Whitewash as a base

Whitewashing is the worst option as a basis for gluing liquid wallpaper! It’s better to remove it right away than later it will fall off along with the finish. Due to its structure, which is porous, whitewash will prevent the wallpaper from contacting the wall and will simply fall off. Be sure to remove it! The fastest solution consists of the following points:

  1. Wet the whitewash from a spray bottle
  2. Wait for it to swell and become completely soaked.
  3. Scrape the whitewash down to the base with a spatula
  4. Wash the surface with a sponge or cloth
  5. Let dry
  6. Apply primer
  7. Putty the uneven parts and sand them
  8. Apply primer
  9. Everything is ready to apply the decorative layer.

Base – plaster

Plaster is not good option for the base under a silk decorative layer. To begin with, it is still better to prepare the walls, putty them, and then proceed with installation.

  • Clean the entire area intended for applying the decorative layer from chips, dust and dirt. It is especially worth paying attention to crumbling elements.
  • Apply at least three coats of primer.
  • Dilute PVA glue and apply it to the entire surface, and then you can stick the desired material.

Advice: in any of the above cases, it is better to use already proven methods, even if not the fastest. Then the result will be extremely durable, and it will be easier to glue the wallpaper.


If your walls are covered with water-based paint, then you can do without removing it from the surface. However, if the paint does not adhere well and falls off, then perfect result I still need to dig it out.

  • Painted walls must be sanded
  • If the paint is falling off in some places, clean those areas.
  • Start priming the walls
  • Level them up, putty them
  • Reapply primer
  • Wait until completely dry
  • You can glue a decorative layer

Paint is not a death sentence, the main thing is to provide flat surface and good adhesion to the wall surface and you can glue everything!

Wood panels and plywood

Fiberboard and plywood are multilayer materials, so the question of whether it is worth and whether it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper to plywood remains acute. The fact is that fiberboard is afraid of moisture when it is not treated with anything, for example, with waterproof varnish or impregnation. Otherwise, when gluing liquid wallpaper, the surface of the plywood may swell, ripple, or even peel off. Therefore, observe the following recommendations when further gluing the finishing coating.

  • If the fiberboard material does not have a varnished surface, it is necessary to waterproof the fiberboard with varnish or impregnation.
  • Use alkyd enamel for unfinished hardboard.
  • If there is a varnished surface, it must be treated with a material with abrasive chips for better adhesion to the wallpaper.
  • The fiberboard surface is carefully primed and if there are no visible gaps or holes, the coating can be glued.

No matter how difficult the walls you have, they can always be corrected with careful theoretical preparation and practice. Fiberboard, paint, plaster or whitewashing - all this is not a problem, but a call to decisive action. Whatever idea you decide to make, whatever surface you decide to glue the material on, know that you will succeed! Happy renovation!

Have you decided to renovate and put up wallpaper? It's time to decide how best to prepare the surface for pasting and whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to various surfaces.

  • The first thing that can happen to old wallpaper is that it will get wet from the glue and fall off along with the freshly glued wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test: smear a small piece of wallpaper on the wall and see what happens. If they become covered with bubbles, delaminate or peel off, it is still better to clean the walls and apply the paste to the prepared walls.
  • You should not glue wallpaper if there is a base with a convex relief on the walls, this will negatively affect the second layer of wallpaper.
  • The wallpaper that is glued on top should be several shades darker.
  • Glue all the places where the wallpaper has come away from the wall or the seams have come apart.

What types of wallpaper should not be glued on top of each other:

  • It is not advisable to choose non-woven wallpaper for the top layer, as they have a slightly transparent structure;
  • If the base contains paper-based vinyl wallpaper, it may delaminate when applying glue;
  • For the top layer, it is better to choose paper-based wallpaper.

For water-based paint

If you are tired of walls painted with water-based paint, then it is quite possible to decorate the interior by covering the walls with new wallpaper.

Is it worth cleaning the surface of paint?

If the paint adheres well to the wall, then it is quite possible to paste over already painted walls.

Stick to a few simple rules, and you will quickly and easily update your interior:

  • first, it is necessary to sand the walls painted with water-based paint;
  • if in some places the paint lags behind, it is better to clean it off with a spatula or an ax;
  • further prime the wall;
  • fill the uneven areas, sand them, and apply primer again;
  • you can glue wallpaper.

For liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper good modern finishing material. But, if you decide to replace them with regular ones, then it is quite possible to cover the walls without removing the old ones. Liquid wallpaper is a kind of decorative plaster Based on cellulose, it can therefore serve as an excellent basis for wallpapering.

Tips for wallpapering a wall that has already been coated with liquid wallpaper:

  • First, you need to check whether the layer of liquid wallpaper is damaged. If there are shortcomings, they should be corrected.
  • For better adhesion, it is worth priming the wall.
  • If liquid wallpaper has a relief structure or patterns, this may negatively affect top layer regular wallpaper.

On drywall

You should not glue wallpaper directly onto unprepared drywall. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The glue is absorbed very quickly into the cardboard and it is unlikely that it will be possible to distribute the wallpaper evenly over the surface.
  • In the future, when the need arises to replace the wallpaper, remove the old ones plasterboard wall, without violating its integrity, it will be almost impossible.

Therefore, it would be most advisable to carry out activities that include:

  • drywall primer;
  • sealing drywall joints using a special mesh tape to secure the seam;
  • treating the screw fastening area with putty mixture;
  • applying putty to the entire wall (2-3 layers);
  • grinding the surface using, first, a coarse-grained mesh, and then a fine-grained one, for a smoother surface;
  • primer for wallpaper.

For whitewashing

Whitewashing itself is the worst base for wallpaper. It has a porous structure, due to which the glue is quickly absorbed into the wall, and the wallpaper simply will not stick. Or the whitewash will get wet and fall off along with the wallpaper.

It is necessary to remove the whitewash:

  1. Using a construction spray bottle, apply a layer of water to the surface and wait until the surface gets wet and swells;
  2. Using a spatula, scrape the whitewash down to the base;
  3. Wash the surface with a rag or sponge;
  4. After drying, the walls must be treated with a primer;
  5. Fill all uneven areas with putty and sand these places;
  6. Prime the walls for wallpapering.

For plaster

Cement plaster is a rough surface finish and is not intended for direct wallpapering. It is worthwhile to first carry out putty work, and then paste over the wall.

But, if you nevertheless decide to glue wallpaper onto plaster, you should follow a few tips.

What is worth considering when gluing wallpaper onto plaster:

  • Clean the surface from dust and crumbling elements;
  • The plaster has a coarse-grained surface, so very thin, structureless wallpaper is not suitable;
  • The wall will have to be primed in several layers;
  • Apply glue to the wallpaper and the wall.

Consider all the above tips, and your repair will go without problems or troubles. And the updated interior will delight you every day. Enjoy your renovation!