home · Lighting · How to join plinths in the corners of the ceiling. How to join ceiling plinths in corners - theory and practice. Joint fillet on a flat surface

How to join plinths in the corners of the ceiling. How to join ceiling plinths in corners - theory and practice. Joint fillet on a flat surface

When installing skirting boards on the ceiling, two-meter strips are always used. They are standards. Therefore, it will be impossible to do without joints. At the same time, there is no significance as to what the plinth will be made of. It can be plaster, wood, or foam. The material can be any other.

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In order for the joining of the ceiling plinth to be of high quality, even if the corners of the room are far from an angle of 90 degrees, you need special tool. It will be used to mark and cut the plinth.

So, let's talk in more detail about how to correctly make the joints of ceiling plinths at any angles so that they are as invisible as possible.

Skirting in the corners of the room and its joining

Do corner connection skirting boards on the ceiling at the proper level is quite difficult. First, let's talk theoretically about how the joining of the ceiling plinth should take place.

Necessary tools that we will need:

  • Knife for office purposes;
  • A metal file so that its teeth are very fine;
  • Miter box;
  • Tape measure or ruler;
  • Goniometer;
  • A simple pencil.

How to trim a ceiling plinth using a miter box.

The first thing to note is the following. In our country and its conditions, a miter box cannot always save the situation in order to produce high-quality and accurate cutting of skirting boards for corners. This is due to the fact that in Russian houses, the corners of the house are not always equal to 90 degrees. The error can reach up to 5 degrees.

A miter box is a tool that helps make precise cuts when the corners are right. In this regard, in order to produce quality work high-class for cutting corners, they must first be measured with a protractor. Based on the measurement results, it will be possible to conclude whether the miter box can be used or not.

But, if the corners turned out to be even, then we will use a miter box.

Then preparatory work be look like this:

The joining of the left and right strips of the plinth, if the internal corner will be carried out using the following cutting:

  • The left bar should be in the miter box position, which is located at the far wall from you. In this case, the slope should be set so that it is ultimately suitable for installation under the ceiling covering. The file must be inserted into the left groove of the miter box, which is located closer, as well as into the right groove, which is located further. Next, you can cut off the baseboard.
  • The right strip should be installed in a miter box at the side, which is located further along a similar slope, after which a cut can be made. In this case, use the middle right and far left grooves to insert the file.
    The joining of the left strip at the outer corner is done by cutting in the same way as the right strip was cut off in the case of an internal corner. In this case, the right bar for the external corner is similar to the left one, in the case of an internal corner.

Advice! Before you glue the cut strips under the ceiling covering, be sure to first attach them and check that you have done everything correctly. The joint must be clear.

In order to accurately understand the question of the correct joining of the ceiling plinth, you need to find out all the nuances that can be used when manually cutting the plinth strips without using a miter box.

The technique allows you to cut baseboards if the corners of your house are not straight. The method is also suitable when you are unable to use a miter box for various reasons.

The cutting technique is as follows:

  • Using a protractor you need to measure the size of the angle you are going to arrange;
  • The measurement result must be divided in half;
  • On the left bar, then on the right one in turn, it is necessary to apply marks that correspond to the measurements obtained. Typically, the value for uneven corners approaching 45 degrees;
  • To make a cutting line, the plinth needs to be tilted the way it will be attached in the future under the ceiling;
  • Using a utility knife, cut the strip, fitting it to the corner.

If you did everything correctly, the gap between the slats will not be visible.

Right angles of the ceiling and joining of skirting boards

We studied the technique of joining skirting boards in the corners for the ceiling. Now let's talk about how to make connections on straight sections.

And it’s quite simple to do this:

Advice! In order for the joint between the planks to be perfect, the cut areas on them must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

In this article, we studied the technology of cutting corners in rooms with right angles and not only, we found out how to use a miter box. Now all you need to do is prepare necessary tools, buy skirting boards and glue. After which you can do your own cutting and installation.

If you don’t understand everything, then watch a thematic video on our website that describes in detail all the nuances of this work.

Ceiling plinths perfectly complement the finishing and are a wonderful decorative element. Sometimes they also perform a practical function, for example, closing a gap that appears during installation stretch ceiling. A baguette can mask electrical wiring or serve as a basis for placement spotlights. Working with fillets is not particularly difficult. Problems can only arise when you have to decide how to join the ceiling plinth in the corners to get a high-quality result.

Preparing to decorate the corner

The work will require several tools and devices:

  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Goniometer
  • Miter box

Experts consider the best tools for cutting skirting boards to be a reciprocating saw, a miter saw, or an electric jigsaw. But if you don’t have any at hand, you can use a construction knife, stationery knife or hacksaw. The choice of tool depends on the material from which the fillets are made.

Sawing or cutting the baguette must be done carefully to avoid formation, unevenness, burrs, and to avoid crumbling the material.

Before cutting the ceiling plinth, you will need to determine the angle. Ideally, the walls should meet at an angle of 90°. However, such an indicator, unfortunately, is rare. The actual value must be divided in half to determine at what angle the fillets will need to be cut.

A special device, which experts call a miter box, will help you make perfect cuts. If you don’t have one, you can build a body from planks U-shaped or corner. A slot is made on the side at the desired angle along which the blade will move.

You can use a cardboard stencil or thick paper, exactly following the contour of the corner.

Joining fillets in corners

In most cases, you have to decide how to join the ceiling plinth in the inner corners. But in non-standard layouts there are protrusions. In such cases, external corners are required. Ideally, their value should be 270°. If the real indicator differs from the standard, you will have to take this into account when cutting fillets.

On preparatory stage The corners must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. Before gluing the skirting boards, the surface must be thoroughly dry. If the walls are uneven, you must first apply putty. After drying, it is coated with a primer. This will ensure high-quality adhesion. If there is no primer, you can replace it with acrylic water-based paint. It will ensure high-quality fastening of the plinth to the wall.

Some consumers prefer to purchase ready-made corner fillets so as not to have to cut them. Such elements greatly simplify the process. But you need to take into account that these baguettes have a higher price than regular ones. In addition, they are suitable only if the corners in the room are right. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a high-quality result.


Despite the fact that the main function of the ceiling plinth for a room is decorative, nevertheless, the arrangement of this element should be approached with special attention. But if there are usually no problems with installing a cornice on a flat section of the ceiling, then connecting the ceiling plinth in the corners can cause some difficulties, especially for inexperienced owners. Therefore, how to connect the corners of the ceiling plinth correctly should be considered in more detail.

Technical features of installing ceiling skirting boards

Such a decorative element as a plinth is intended not only to provide a beautiful joint between the wall and the ceiling of the room appearance. It can also be used to cover lighting wiring mounted in the ceiling, so the material is often made hollow. If the cornice is wide, then the lighting itself can be hidden in it, which can illuminate the ceiling with a dim and soft light. The basis of skirting boards is made up of both traditional materials - wood, plaster, sometimes even stone, and modern samples - polystyrene foam and polyurethane.

The main color of the plinth is white, but you can often find models in a variety of color shades. The length of the baseboard strips is usually standard, regardless of the color or material from which the baseboard is made. This figure is usually equal to two meters, so during the work it will not be possible to avoid joining the elements. It is best to glue skirting boards to the surface before finishing walls and ceiling, that is, before gluing wallpaper or painting the ceiling surface. The main problem that most homeowners face when installing plinths is how to connect the ceiling plinths in the corners. This is especially true for new buildings, in which the corners are not always standard.

Of course, as an option, it is fashionable to purchase already ready-made corners, which you just need to install in the corners of the room and then adjust the plinth strips to them. This version of the device, of course, is more expensive, but it is much more convenient and faster than the work associated with adjusting the corners of the ceiling plinths yourself. The use of this method also allows you to independently determine what angle indicator to set during installation, which again is the positive side installation process in modern apartments.

How to prepare the surface for joining skirting boards in the corners?

Before you figure out how to connect the corners of the ceiling plinth, you need to remember how to prepare not only the cornices themselves, but also the surface for installation. It must first be cleaned of dirt and dust and allowed to dry. It is also recommended to treat the surface with putty or primer, which will level it and protect it from possible deformation. The primer in this case can be a standard one. acrylic paint on a water-based emulsion with high adhesive properties.

Even if the corners of the room are not level, this can always be corrected if you strictly follow the entire installation technology:

  1. You need to install the first plinth strip in the corner located near the entrance to the room.
  2. The cut of the plinth can be made using a construction device such as a miter box, which has the form of a box with slots at the desired degrees of angles (more details: "").
  3. The plinth must be inserted between the side parts of the miter box, insert a hacksaw into the slots, and then carefully saw the material.

In addition to the miter box, you will also need tools such as:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • metal hacksaw or stationery knife;
  • goniometer.

If you want to trim the plinth as professionally as possible, you can use, for example, a jigsaw, but such a tool may not always be at hand. When working with a hacksaw, it is important to carry out the cutting procedure carefully, otherwise you can damage the baseboard fabric and delaminate its strip.

Despite the functionality of the miter box, this tool is quite simple, so you can design it yourself. It should be remembered that when cutting foam baseboards, it is better to use a construction knife whose blade is sharpened.

Installation of ceiling plinth, detailed video:

The process of connecting plinth elements in the corners of the room

To mount the internal corner, you need to remember that it Bottom part should protrude above the top, and for the outer corner this principle is reversed. The angles of the walls need to be measured, and if they are equal to 90 degrees, then the baseboard ends should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
If the angle parameter is different, then it should simply be divided in half (in more detail: " "). The plinth element mounted on the right must have a cut on the left side, and on the right strip the cut must be made on the left. The lath must be tightly fixed in the miter box and carefully cut off, after which the resulting material must be applied to the corner to ensure that the work is done correctly. If inaccuracies are found, they can always be corrected using a construction knife or simply filed down.

If difficulties arise during the work, it is recommended to contact specialists who can provide photo and video materials of the entire process of installing skirting boards in the corners of the room and along the entire perimeter of the room.

The standard length of the plinth is 2 m, so when decorating the ceiling you always have to join the planks. You can do this unnoticed by flat surface, on internal and external corners. When working, it is important to strictly adhere to technology and maintain accuracy. How to properly join ceiling plinth? What will it take?

To work you need to prepare:

  • ruler and pencil;
  • miter box;
  • goniometer;
  • a jigsaw, a hacksaw for metal, wood or a stationery knife (depending on the material from which the baseboard is made).

It is important to know

A carpenter's miter box is a tool with which you can cut a fillet exactly at an angle of 45 °. The connected planks will form a right angle. For similar work A miter box of simple design is suitable.

If this tool is not available, you will have to mark using a ruler and a protractor. The cut lines are marked using a pencil. You need to understand that a fillet with internal cavities cannot be accurately cut in this way.

To make the cut perfectly even, you should use a jigsaw - when performing the operation with a hacksaw, the edges of the plinth will be torn.

The area where it is planned to install the plinth must first be leveled, cleaned of construction dust, and primed.


The corners of the rooms may not be equal to the standard 90°; deviations of up to 5° are possible, so before you start cutting the plinth, you should measure the angle using a protractor.

Installation secrets

A few tips to help you get the job done efficiently:

  1. The installation of the planks begins only after the finishing of the walls and ceiling is completed.
  2. When making cuts, it is not recommended to press hard on the plank with a tool: with too much pressure, the wood will crack and the foam will crumble.
  3. To join parts in the inner corner, a cut is made with outside plinths, for the outer corner - vice versa.
  4. In order for the work to be carried out accurately, it is advisable to use a special tool (miter box), otherwise you will have to make an effort and be very careful to do everything correctly.
  5. To get rid of all cut imperfections, you should treat the joints with sandpaper.
  6. Before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, try on the parts and only then fix them.

Cutting strips for 90° angles

When decorating the ceiling, it may be necessary to join the plinth for the external and internal corners, depending on the configuration of the room. Every room has internal corners, but not every room has external corners.

Scheme for trimming adjacent fillets

When placing the fillet on the miter box, it is important to consider that the side of the plank that is pressed against the side wall of the installation will be glued to the wall, and the side located at the bottom of the miter box will be glued to the ceiling.

Planks for right angle cut at an angle of 45°. The fillet, which is planned to be placed on the wall on the right, is cut off from the left end. The plinth is placed in the tool, fixed, then cut with a sharp tool. Wooden plinths are cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw, plastic ones with a stationery knife.

If you use a manual one (knife or hacksaw), act carefully so that the cut area is smooth and the edges are not torn. Having completed this operation with both planks, they are first applied to the installation site and examined to see how tightly they fit together. If it was not possible to join the parts closely, the cut location is adjusted or another, better cut is made.

Manual trimming

Trimming the baseboard manually may be necessary if the angle is not straight or if the miter box could not be found. How to join the plinth in this case?

The angle is measured with a protractor and the resulting value is divided in half. The final number is the angle at which the planks need to be cut.

Using a protractor and a pencil, markings are applied to both baseboards. Using a utility knife or jigsaw, cut off the excess part of the fillet along the marked lines.

Place the finished parts on the corner and check the accuracy. If there are any shortcomings, correct them using a sharpened stationery knife.

Slicing without a miter box

How can you join skirting boards if you don’t have a miter box or a protractor at hand?

You will need:

  • pencil and ruler;
  • jigsaw or stationery knife.

Operating procedure:

  1. One plank is applied to the joint of the walls.
  2. Using a pencil, draw lines on the ceiling where the baseboard meets the surface.
  3. Remove the first bar, take the second one, and apply it at the site of the planned installation. Draw another line.
  4. The intersection of two marks on the ceiling is the point that needs to be transferred to both planks.
  5. After completing this procedure, a cut line is drawn on each plinth (from the edge of one side to the intended point).
  6. According to the resulting marks, a cut is made using a jigsaw or a stationery knife.

It may not be possible to cut the fillets perfectly evenly the first time. It makes more sense to first try making cuts on small sections of the baseboard.

If you can’t make perfectly even cuts, you can use special decorative corners. In this case, there is no need to cut the strips - they are installed close to the decorative corner.

Cutting skirting boards for external corners

Having learned how to join ceiling plinths in internal corners, it is quite easy to understand the process of cutting planks for external ones.

The plinth is applied to the ceiling, and the area where the cut will be made is marked with a pencil.

How to join a ceiling plinth

The part is placed on the miter box at an angle of 45° and cut. If the bar is planned to be placed with right side corner, then you should cut it on the right. Using the same method, cut the baseboard that needs to be installed on the right.

Afterwards, both parts are placed at the site of future installation and the accuracy of the fit is checked.

Joining planks at non-standard angles

If repairs are carried out in a house belonging to the old housing stock, the premises may have non-standard forms: For example, have rounded corners. The work of joining the plinth in such rooms is considered the most labor-intensive and difficult.

In this case, the fillets are joined using parts cut from ordinary skirting boards or using ready-made polyurethane moldings.

Prepare the planks yourself as follows: cut the fillets into pieces, taking into account the degree of curvature of the angle; in total, about 5 - 6 parts may be required. First, all parts are applied to the corner and adjusted if they do not fit tightly together, or if the bend of the corner cannot be repeated.

When all the parts are glued, the part is puttied, filling the voids if there are any left, and only then they start gluing the plinth on straight sections.

Joining skirting boards on level areas

This process is always done after the joining of the planks in the internal and external corners has been completed. Each skirting board must be cut at a 90° angle as the cut may not have been made accurately at the factory.

The easiest way to do this is to use a miter box. The edges are sanded with sandpaper.

Gluing prepared parts

When installing, glue or liquid nails are applied to the back side of the plank at the points of contact with the wall and ceiling, and the ends of the product to be connected are also processed.

The glue-coated strip is applied to the installation site, carefully and not pressing it too hard. It is recommended to do this with the edge of your palm, especially if the baseboard is made of foam plastic, since dents easily form on it. In this case, glue may appear along the edges; it must be immediately removed from all surfaces with a clean rag or napkin. While the glue dries, the parts are fixed with masking tape.

After the glue has completely dried, the paper tape is carefully removed, the joints of the planks are filled with a sealant of a color that matches the baseboard material, or the cracks are puttied. The installation process is now complete. If necessary, the installed plinth is painted.

The process of installing ceiling plinths on internal and external corners with your own hands is quite simple, but the stage of cutting products requires great precision. If it is carried out incorrectly, the entire structure will be installed incorrectly, the planks will not fit tightly to the wall, and large gaps will form at the joints of the fillets.

There is no person who would not be faced with the need for repairs at least once in his life. Some people prefer to save up a certain amount of money and entrust the work to specialists. Others, on the contrary, want to do all the work themselves. In this case, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the technology for performing some work, so that you can then apply the knowledge in practice.

Today we will talk about an important component of any repair - installing a ceiling plinth.

The most difficult thing in performing this type of work is the design of the corner. Here you need to carefully and accurately join the planks, because the appearance of the decor may suffer. Don't know how to join the ceiling plinth in the corners? Not confident in your abilities? Then you can use ready-made blanks that are installed in the corners.

But the ceiling elements connected together look more harmonious. And you can save additional money on special corner elements. So, how to join the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly, how to process the seam correctly?

Features of the ceiling plinth

One of the important decorative elements. It allows you to hide various repair errors. It is fixed after the wallpaper has been hung in the room. Ceiling skirting boards are located at the junction of the ceiling and walls.

You should take the choice of baseboard seriously. The correctly selected model and size of the ceiling plinth can visually increase the space. Now let's look at How to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly.

How to trim a baguette correctly?

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of ceiling plinths. They are made from plastic, polystyrene foam, wood, polyurethane foam, and gypsum.

Wooden skirting boards look more aristocratic, but working with them is quite difficult. The same applies to gypsum.

By the way, ceiling plinths are also called baguettes and friezes.

For pruning you may need various instruments, which can be found in every home. Using a knife or scissors, you can easily cut polystyrene foam strips. A wood saw is used for cutting wooden plinth. A hacksaw is useful for cutting plastic baguette.

What is a miter box used for?

A miter box is a special tool that is used for cutting baguettes as accurately as possible. This is a special tray that consists of 3 interconnected boards. They have special slots. Each of them is located at a certain angle relative to the axis (45, 60 and 90 degrees). They are designed to correctly guide the hacksaw blade during cutting.

A miter box can be purchased at a hardware store. It can be useful not only for cutting ceiling plinths, but also in the future for other types of work.

Trimming in a miter box

You will need a miter box in order to correctly and beautifully join the ceiling plinth in the corners. Let's look at how to correctly perform this procedure.

The right strip of the ceiling plinth should be placed in the tray on the left side with the wrong side on the bottom. In the future, it is this part that will be in contact with the ceiling.

The bar must be pressed tightly against the tool and carefully cut through the slot.

Then a second ceiling strip is inserted into the tray from right to left. Carefully trim it.

The finished planks are placed next to each other and the joints are adjusted with a knife. Do you have any doubts about how to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners correctly? There is a sure way. Upon registration internal corner the edge adjacent to the wall should be longer than that adjacent to the ceiling. When finishing an external corner, it’s the other way around.

How to join the ceiling plinth in the corners? This procedure You can do it yourself by climbing to the ceiling of the room on a stepladder. But it's inconvenient. Therefore, many experts recommend immediately gluing polyurethane and foam elements on the floor using special glue. It's quite simple and effective.

If there is no miter box

What to do if you don’t have a miter box at hand? Very easy without using special device adjust the slats. There are 2 ways to quickly solve this problem:

  • build an imitation miter box yourself;
  • Mark the required angle on the wall.

If you don’t have a special tool at hand, then how to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth? It’s simple, because you can build this device yourself.

Making a miter box with your own hands:

  1. Draw 2 parallel lines on a smooth plywood sheet.
  2. We put a point on one of them. Using a protractor, we connect it to the opposite line at an angle of 45 0. The line should be drawn to the left.
  3. Place a second point at a distance of 10 cm from the first point.
  4. We connect it at an angle of 45 0 with the second line drawn to the right.

The homemade miter box is ready. It is enough to attach the right ceiling element on the right with the lower edge to the line closest to you from the wrong side and cut along the line. The same should be done with the left bar, applying it on the left side.

In the second case, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The left strip is pressed tightly against the ceiling.
  2. A line is drawn directly along the ceiling along the upper edge of the ceiling plinth.
  3. Place the second ceiling element against the ceiling and draw a second line along the top edge.
  4. At the intersection of these lines, place a mark on the left element.
  5. Place the right element and also put a mark on it at the intersection.
  6. On each strip, connect the marks to the end of the lower edge of the plinth. Along the resulting line, cut the plinth at an angle.

This method allows you to carefully cut a corner on the ceiling plinth.

Now let's find out how to properly connect the planks.

Remember that the baseboard ceiling pvc can be cut with a knife. But first it should be sharpened well. Otherwise, the edge of the baguette will crumble. For such purposes, a special construction knife is often used.

What if the angle is not straight?

In Soviet houses, the walls are often not straight, and therefore the corners are not straight. Let's find out what to do in this case, because a miter box will not help here.

Installing a PVC ceiling plinth is easy. You just need to measure the angle correctly. Often a special tool is used for this - a protractor. If you don’t have one, you can make a template out of paper and then use a protractor. Using a self-made template, you can cut out the required future internal or external corner.

External corner of ceiling plinth

Some rooms have outside corners. They occur quite often, so you need to know how to make an angle. Foam plastic ceiling plinth is most often used for finishing apartments. He is easy to work with.

To cut a baguette correctly, you should draw marks on it correctly. To do this, attach the element to the ceiling and mark the cut location on the baguette.

After this, we place the element in the wort and cut it at an angle of 45 0. How to make a corner? The foam ceiling plinth for the external corner is made in the same way as for the internal one. If located on the left side most of element, it must be cut off according to the left designation. The second element is made using the same principle.

After cutting the elements, you should make sure that there are no errors. How to adjust the corner of the ceiling plinth? You just need to attach both parts and determine if they fit together perfectly?

How to finish a corner?

We already know how to make a corner on a ceiling plinth correctly. Now let's look at how to do finishing joints and what to use to putty them.

Often there are gaps between two elements. They are sealed with putty or silicone sealant. The putty is then often painted over to match the color of the baseboard.

External corners should be adjusted more carefully. Then even a small gap will be almost impossible to remove. Especially if a wide baseboard was used.

Special corner elements

If you don’t know how to properly make a corner on the ceiling plinth, you can use ready-made corner elements. They are different sizes. Often designers use ready-made corner elements bigger size than the entire baguette around the perimeter. In this case, the corners of the room stand out especially. Cutting ceiling strips to connect to these elements should also be done using a miter box. If this device is missing, then you can cut the baguette yourself. The cutting should be done at right angles.

Gluing prepared parts

The finished parts are installed using liquid nails or glue. The adhesive must be applied to back side material. Make sure that the glue is in those places that come into contact with the ceiling and wall.

How to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners? Yes, just like the others. The glue-coated strip must be attached to a certain place between the wall and the ceiling. Then, not too hard, gently press the element against the wall surface. Experts recommend performing this procedure with the edge of your palm. This method is definitely recommended for skirting boards made of foam plastic. After all, dents quickly form on the surface of this material.

Remember that when connecting the ceiling plinth in the corners, glue may come out at the edges. It should be removed immediately with a napkin or clean cloth. All parts can be fixed masking tape until the glue dries.

After the glue has dried, the paper tape must be carefully removed. Fill the gaps at the joints between the planks with sealant or putty. If necessary, the plinth can be painted in any color.


In fact, for many who did not know how to glue a ceiling plinth in a corner, it will seem that this article describes everything too simply. But this is true.

The process of installing ceiling plinths on internal and external corners is quite simple. This can be done by a person who does not have specific skills in performing construction work. But at the cutting stage some difficulties may arise, because the process requires great precision. If the cutting is done poorly, the entire structure will be incorrectly sorted. In this case, the planks will not fit tightly, and gaps will form at the joints.