home · On a note · Do-it-yourself children's sports complex for an apartment. Sports corner in the children's room. Installing a ready-made sports corner

Do-it-yourself children's sports complex for an apartment. Sports corner in the children's room. Installing a ready-made sports corner

This is especially true for families with growing children. The intellectual development of a child is of great importance, but it should not interfere with physical development. Full physical training is, first of all, health, which also ensures normal brain activity.

In other words, without physical development it is impossible to achieve the correct functioning of the brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to send their children to sports clubs and clubs. This is a very correct decision, but your own sports corner at home is an ideal option for the constant physical improvement of a young body.

Organizing a space for sports in a city is quite difficult, but still possible. This is facilitated by the wide range of modern designs and simulators available for sale. All these devices differ in:

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. placement method;
  4. cost.

Main types of home sports corners

If the owner of an apartment is planning to design a sports corner (see photo below), he must first become familiar with the types of similar structures and study the range offered by different manufacturers.

The choice of a sports complex depends on:

  • apartment size;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amount that the apartment owner is willing to donate for the purchase of sports equipment.

Ideas for decorating a gym at home

Unfortunately, most modern apartments are limited in square meters, and, as a rule, have dimensions of no more than 10 m2. But this should not be a reason to refuse to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room you can build a miniature sports corner.

  • Option one. A Swedish wall is installed in ceiling hoops are mounted, a basketball hoop is mounted on the wall. Additionally, you can hang a punching bag. Such a composition will take up no more than 1 m2, which will in no way affect the rest of the children’s area.
  • Option two is more advanced and involves using transformable furniture, which can simultaneously be a sports element and perform the function , , . Such furniture saves space well, and its modern design means that it fits perfectly into any interior.

For owners of an apartment with a large children's room, it is much easier to decorate a sports corner with their own hands. The absence of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of an entire sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal stairs, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, and various exercise equipment (treadmill, bicycle, etc.) are placed here.

Of course, such a sports corner will require significant financial investments, but the reward for the parents’ efforts will be the health and cheerful laughter of their children.

Advice. By using your own imagination or inviting a professional designer to your home, you can design a children's sports corner in a specific theme, for example, a jungle or a pirate ship.

Home gym for adults

Adults love to play sports just as much as children. Moreover, exercise on sports equipment is necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthen muscles and skeletal bones. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the person feels powerless. Hence all age-related diseases and poor health.

The advantage of the metal complex is that it is much easier to assemble than a wooden sports corner. And there will never be splinters on your hands.

Interior and decor features

A sports room in the house, like any other, requires an appropriate interior and decoration. When designing this area, designers recommend and try to use as much as possible. Since everything here symbolizes health, the presence of synthetic finishing materials would be inappropriate.

It is better to decorate the walls of the gym cork panels, and make the floor from natural wood or cover it. In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of exercise equipment and constant dynamic loads, sports equipment should be installed on special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

A distance of 30 cm should be maintained between the walls and sports equipment (except for the wall bars). If we are talking about a large sports corner, it makes sense to put a locker for clothes and towels, and floor scales here.

Gymnastic exercises and training on simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a player. But a portable player with headphones can easily replace it. Those who do not consider themselves music lovers may want to listen to literary works during classes, study a foreign language, or master some kind of training.

What should a home gym be like? There should be enough light, but it should not irritate the eyes. Too bright lamps will have a tiring effect on the body.

You can equip a sports corner not only in an apartment; it is suitable for this.

To realize a child's dream of his own corner for games and sports, it is not enough to place a wall bars in the room. To do this, you need to create a sports corner for children that primarily meets safety requirements so that the structure is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, to make it convenient for the child to do physical exercises while playing, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: basic requirements for the design and configuration of the set

Understanding why, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to be built will help you choose the best option for sports equipment and elements to complete the design of a sports corner for children. The child’s age, physical characteristics, height and weight allow us to design the structure and subsequently develop a set of exercises for classes.

Sports corners for the home can have the following classification:

  • equipment for children from 1 to 3 years old; play-oriented;
  • design for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with play elements;
  • classic gymnastics corner for children aged 8 to 14 years;
  • a corner for keeping fit and exercising with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a similar design yourself in a small area of ​​a children’s room, especially considering that if you assemble it yourself, the cost will be 2-3 times less than a ready-made corner from the store.

The second important point in the decision to build everything with your own hands is the ability to control the child during his activities, gradually giving him the opportunity to study independently.

When starting construction, you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their configuration and accessibility for the child. Having assembled an entry-level design, over time you can remake the physical education corner in accordance with the age and height of the child.

Physical exercise is necessary for every child. After all, thanks to sports training, not only the physique, posture and health of the baby’s internal organs improves, but also his mental abilities, reaction speed, ability to concentrate, etc. As you know, physical training given in kindergarten or school is not enough for the full development of a child. Therefore, more training at home is necessary. This can be achieved by arranging a sports corner in your apartment or house. Here the child will be able to receive the necessary physical training during active games. Thus, the children's room will become not only beautiful, but also functional. Read more about how to properly set up a children's sports complex for your home with your own hands later in the article.

A children's sports complex for home is an excellent addition to the interior of a children's room. You can arrange it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. Thus, you can save on installation work. And if you build a children’s sports complex in an apartment with your own hands from scrap items, then you can greatly reduce the cost estimate due to the cost of materials and components.

You can build a children's sports complex from wood with your own hands so that it folds into a “transformer” shape and hides in a niche under the bed. Thanks to this, the play corner will fit even in a small room. In addition, sports equipment can be “scattered” throughout the apartment so that they do not take up space and are located compactly. For example, a bar for a horizontal bar or a punching bag is fixed in the corridor between two parallel walls, and a wall bars are installed permanently in a children's room.

In order to facilitate the work of installing complex structures, you can buy children's sports complexes and playgrounds ready-made, and then supplement them with additional elements that you built yourself.

There are several types of children's equipment that can be equipped with a children's sports corner:

  1. Horizontal bar.
  2. Swing.
  3. Bars.
  4. Ladder.
  5. Punching bag.
  6. Gymnastic rings.
  7. Rope.
  8. Basketball hoop.
  9. Swedish wall. It comes in several types:
  • L-shaped. The most compact option. Suitable for small rooms;
  • U-shaped. Thanks to this design, it is still possible to place many additional sports equipment in the center of the children's sports complex;
  • T-shaped. Like the U-shaped wall, it allows you to install swings, parallel bars and other useful sports equipment in the niche of the sports corner.

The basic rules that you need to familiarize yourself with before constructing a children's sports complex are as follows:

  1. Since the dimensions of finished sports equipment reach 2.5-3 m, you should make room in the children's room so that interior items do not interfere with each other.
  2. Any installation work should begin with the planning and design stage, thanks to which you can correctly distribute the usable area of ​​the room, placing all the most necessary sports equipment in the room. All measurement results must be displayed on the drawings of children's sports complexes made by hand.
  3. Since sports complexes are made for children, they must meet all safety requirements. Thus, each sports equipment must be secured on all four sides with reliable fasteners. For example, high-quality bolts, the heads of which are covered with protective caps, are suitable for fastening a ladder.
  4. If the shells are made of wood, then it must be pre-treated and polished. The edges should not be sharp, and the surface should not be rough or rough. It is best to coat all elements of a wooden children's sports complex with a protective varnish.
  5. The rungs on the stairs and wall bars must be stable. The thickness of each board used to install steps must be at least 4 cm. The distance between each crossbar is approximately 20 cm.
  6. Each simulator must first be tested. It must support the weight of each child with a margin. More durable products are made of metal.
  7. If the shells are made of metal, then all elements should be pre-wrapped with soft and durable textiles. The edges should not be sharp and injure the child during training.
  8. The entire area allocated for a children's sports corner must be covered with gymnastic mats. This will help avoid injuries during sports activities. Mats can be purchased at any sporting goods store.
  9. The sports corner should not be located on the side of the room where there are drafts. If the shells are placed on the loggia, then it must be additionally insulated.

DIY children's sports complex

Swedish wall

The following tools and materials will be required:

  • Round planks – 6-8 pcs. (you can take several polished cuttings from garden shovels).
  • Wooden boards 5 by 15 cm – 2 pcs.
  • Fastening elements (iron corners and screws are suitable).
  • Glue.
  • Sanding machine or sandpaper.
  • Drill.
  • Saw.
  • Plane.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Gymnastic mats.
  • Additional elements that the wall bars will be equipped with (these can be gymnastic rings, ropes, rope ladders, etc.).

Work order:

  1. Take 2 strong wooden beams, the dimensions of which should correspond to the height of the ceiling. Sand them thoroughly using a plane and a sander. Cosmetic sanding should be done using sandpaper.
  2. Using a screwdriver, make 12-14 holes in each beam. Please note that the holes must be parallel to each other on each block, because the crossbars will be fixed in them.
  3. Wooden boards or shovel handles intended for mounting crossbars should be thoroughly sanded using sandpaper.
  4. Each cutting is inserted into a hole in a wooden beam and securely secured with construction adhesive. Metal corners still need to be attached to each bar.
  5. Next, on the surface of the ceiling and floor, you should mark the points at which you plan to fix the structure.
  6. According to the previously made markings, attach the bars to their places. Check the stability and reliability of the structure.
  7. Coat the wood with a protective varnish.

Installation of horizontal bars, swings, gymnastic rings

Horizontal bars and swings are mandatory attributes of any sports complex for children's playgrounds. They will not be superfluous in the apartment.

The procedure for installing a horizontal bar for a wall-mounted children's sports complex is as follows:

  1. For installation you will need 2 wooden blocks 70-80 cm long and 2 wooden crossbars. First of all, carefully sand their surface.
  2. We fix the bars to the wall with screws. The design of the horizontal bar should protrude from the wall no more than 65 cm, otherwise it will be unstable.
  3. We treat the wood with a protective varnish.
  4. At the last stage, you should definitely check the stability and reliability of the structure. It is important that the horizontal bar can support the full weight of the child.

Installation of swings for children is carried out in the following order:

  1. To make the seat you will need sanded wooden blocks. They should be fastened together.
  2. The seat is attached to the sides with strong slats using screws and nuts. First, holes are made in the slats, through which nylon cords with a diameter of 6 mm will then be pulled. The entire structure will be suspended from them and then attached to an iron crossbar, which is installed in the corridor between two walls.
  3. A polyvinyl chloride tube is put on the nylon cord. The swing will slide along its surface when rocking. A cord is tied into a knot from one and the other edge of the tube.
  4. The mounting height of the swing should be adjusted depending on the height of the child, since it should be comfortable for the baby to sit on it.

Gymnastic rings for the sports corner are suspended on ropes or belts. The straps are fixed to the supporting crossbar of the frame. In addition to the rings, you can set up a gymnastic trapeze. It is mounted in the same way as the rings and is a wooden crossbar secured on both sides with ropes.

Making stairs

The procedure for making a wooden staircase for a sports corner is as follows:

  1. First of all, prepare strong wooden blocks, 1.5-2 m long. Sand them and varnish them.
  2. On the surface of the bars, drill holes with a diameter of 30 mm at equal intervals. They will serve to fasten the steps.
  3. The bars are secured to the floor and wall using reliable fastening pins 60 cm long.
  4. You can use shovel cuttings as steps or carve round round wooden steps yourself.
  5. The step bars are inserted into holes made in two bars and securely fixed with construction glue.
  6. Then you should definitely check the stability and reliability of the assembled structure.

If you want to make a rope ladder, then installation is carried out in the following order:

  1. Take two strong ropes with a diameter of 10 mm.
  2. Wooden crossbars, 30-40 cm long, are attached to the ropes in increments of 15-20 cm. Holes are first drilled in the crossbars through which the rope will be threaded on both sides.
  3. On both sides of the step, the rope is tied into a knot, which will fix the crossbar in one position.
  4. Check the stability and reliability of the stairs you have made.

Children's sports complex for home: video

Arranging a place for sports in most standard residential premises using purchased equipment is associated with a number of difficulties. Firstly, the rather high price of apartment kits does not suit everyone. Secondly, despite the variety of their linear parameters, it is not a fact that they will successfully fit into the overall interior in the segment that is reserved for these purposes.

The best option is to equip a home children's sports corner, making all its elements with your own hands. For anyone who chooses just such a solution to the problem for their apartment, this article will be a good hint.

There cannot be any single instructions for the configuration and procedure for making a sports corner for a child. Therefore, the author considers it sufficient to give only general recommendations for its arrangement, and everything else is at the discretion of the parents, depending on the living conditions and their own capabilities, including in terms of “do-it-yourself”.

There are many different devices with the help of which, even in an apartment, you can develop strength, agility, “pump up” your abs, and so on. But if we are talking about a sports corner for children, then it hardly makes sense to install various exercise machines such as block ones, place a bench press in the room and similar structures. For a child, the simplest equipment is enough. Such “equipment” as rocking horses and hanging swings in the apartment do not count - this is more of a play area, not a sports one.

  • Crossbars (horizontal bars). One - at least.
  • Swedish wall. It is advisable to install 2 in the apartment - “P” or “G” type (corner).
  • Ladder. They are mounted horizontally, and the child can move along it in his arms. In addition to the horizontal bar, this sports equipment helps develop agility and endurance.
  • Sloping boards. Younger children use them as slides when playing. An older child will be able to “pump up” his abs.
  • Rope.
  • Rings (gymnastics).
  • Basket (basketball).

Sports corner materials


It reduces the cost of equipping the corner, simplifies the manufacturing process and reduces the load on the floor of the apartment. Where is it best to use it? There are different options for sports mini-complexes, but from the point of view of injury safety and sanitation, it is undesirable to install crossbars from wooden blanks.

Firstly, the strength is clearly insufficient, since the child’s fingers simply cannot completely grasp the thick “stick”. Secondly, the wood will have to be treated with special compounds, paints and varnishes. Will the baby wash his hands constantly? Therefore, it is advisable to make only racks, boards, and benches from wood.


The material is universal, and almost any element of a children's sports complex in an apartment can be made from it. But taking into account the susceptibility of “iron” to corrosion (), either “stainless steel” or coated metal is more suitable. First of all, this concerns the crossbars. While the racks can still be painted with the same acrylic paint, the lintels of a staircase or horizontal bar cannot be treated in this way. It is much easier to buy a chrome pipe.

Many organizations providing services for electrolytic coating of metals offer ready-made samples. For example, a blank for “25” (with a wall thickness of 1 mm and a length of 3 m) will cost about 145 rubles. How much will it take for a children's corner in the apartment if you cut it into pieces? At most 3 – 4 pieces. Not that much money.

Main standard sizes of elements

  • Rope – 11.
  • Stair steps: length – 350, distance between them – 20.

What to consider

It is better to make the sports corner in the apartment stationary. Its portable version is suitable only for children, and in a year and a half it will no longer be needed.

When deciding on the configuration, dimensions, and design features of the corner, you need to look to the future. Children grow up, and some equipment will eventually have to be removed and replaced with others that are more age-appropriate. It is necessary to consider how to fasten all the elements together so that in the future the dismantling/installation process does not turn out to be too difficult.

On the floor, in the area of ​​the apartment in which the children's corner is located, there must be a soft covering. What to use - lay a carpet, buy a special mat - is not important, but it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of the child getting injured.

The fixation of the main, load-bearing part of the entire complex should be as reliable as possible. Vertical racks are attached to the walls and ceiling of the apartment, this is understandable. But what about their lower parts? Firstly, to avoid damaging the flooring and to avoid the support moving, you should think about “shoes”. For example, from RTI. Secondly, racks that are spaced from the walls of the apartment require additional fastening from below. And here dad also has something to think about.

If the support is fixed only at 1 point, then it is not a fact that over time, under constant dynamic loads, the floorboard will not begin to “play.” What if the corner is configured in such a way that there are several racks spaced from the walls? As an option, fasten a metal strip to the floor, perpendicular to its boards, “fastening” it along its entire length. This will allow the racks to be fixed on such an improvised platform, and not on wood. Even under heavy loads, the flooring will withstand them, unlike a single floorboard, not to mention laminate or block parquet.

The author only outlined one of the problems that most often has to be encountered when permanently installing a corner in an apartment, and how best to solve it, the master will have to think on his own, focusing on local conditions.

Don’t forget about the interior of the entire home and a single room. When setting up a sports corner, it’s a good idea to think about how to fit it in organically. And here it’s not only about the choice of paints and varnishes, but also about the engineering solution and design features.

Having barely learned to walk, children constantly strive to climb higher - on the stairs to the second floor, on a closet, bookshelves, or, in extreme cases, on a chair or table. They can climb on, but getting down without outside help is a problem. In order not to put them at risk, it is better to buy or build a children's sports corner right in the apartment or in the house. You only need a little space for it - a couple of squares; for those who are really tight on space, they simply place the shells in the doorway or on the walls.


A children's sports complex most often consists of a wall bars, a horizontal bar, a climbing rope and rings. This is the minimum of shells that can be placed on an area of ​​1 sq.m.

The minimal set takes up very little space, but has a lot of benefits

If the area allows and the development of a “sports base” is required, add a few more equipment:

  • rope-ladder;
  • monkey bars;
  • climbing wall
  • rope wall.

There may also be a separate board with hooks for the press. Also a useful thing, but more for parents.

Models for children may also have a slide and swing. To save space, the slide can be attached - it can be attached and removed. This is convenient for saving space, but since in such options there is usually no platform in front of the slide, it is difficult to ride on it. At least for the kids. If desired, you can find a children's sports corner with a slide and a playground, and the slide can also be removable.

There may also be a children's abacus and a slate board. These are already kits with developmental elements. There may also be increased interest in them, and in addition to their direct purpose, the abacus is also used as a ladder with a massage effect.

All these elements are combined in different combinations and variations, the model range is very wide, so if you want you can find whatever you want.


There are two options for children's sports corners - free-standing (with or without a platform) and those that are attached to the wall. Usually free-standing ones are sports complexes for children - they have a small height, gently sloping walls, and ladders. This makes it easier for young children to master sports equipment.

For children from 1 year of age there are small slides with gentle walls - they usually stand separately

For older children, the shells are made right up to the ceiling: they already have enough strength to climb there. In this case, it is important to ensure high-quality fastening.

For small rooms there are folding models. With a slight movement of the hand they move and move apart. When choosing such a sports corner, pay attention to the reliability of fixation of movable or prefabricated units. The loads can be considerable and the safety margin must be appropriate.

Another option is stationary, but saves space - the main sports equipment - a Swedish ladder and a rope wall or a mini climbing wall - are located on the adjacent walls of the corner. At the top they are connected by a small monkey bars, which can also be used as a horizontal bar.

This design is convenient - it occupies the most difficult area to design - a corner. Moreover, you can select a corner behind the door where you definitely can’t put anything.

From what age

Pediatricians advise purchasing a sports corner for children by the end of the second year of life. But those families in which equipment was purchased for the elders often note that the younger ones learn to climb stairs earlier than to walk. So it's a matter of preference.

An example is in the video. The sports corner was installed when the girl was only 1.2 years old. The photo was taken a month later. The mother notes that the child has become more coordinated and dexterous. For a month there was not a single serious fall (we were successfully caught several times, but this does not count). There are many approaches during the day - every time after sleep, and in intervals when it becomes boring. Conclusion - a sports corner for children in an apartment is not mandatory, but desirable.

If you are really worried that the child will hit himself hard if he falls, you can lay a sports mat or a thick one (at least 10 mm) under the sports corner and next to it. A soft floor is preferable - it is designed specifically for children and, with a relatively small thickness, has good shock-absorbing abilities.

Anyone who has held a saw, hammer and drill in their hands at least a couple of times can make a sports corner in their apartment on their own. The work is very simple and does not require filigree precision. What you need to pay attention to is the reliability of the fastening. In this regard, it is better to play it safe and do it with a large margin of safety.

If you plan to make a sports corner from wood, use dry wood (with a moisture content of no more than 16%). Also pay attention to the grade: there should be no through knots on the racks and supports. Given the loads that may arise, they are dangerous. These are, perhaps, all the basic requirements.

Based on the Swedish wall

If desired, you can make a children's sports corner with your own hands. No special tools are needed. You definitely need a saw or jigsaw, a drill with bit-type attachments, it’s very nice to have a hand router and a grinder. If they are not there, you will have to do a lot manually. You also need a level, a laser level is more convenient, but you can get by with a construction level, preferably paired with a plumb line to check the verticality of the racks.

In addition to 150*45 mm boards, you will need handles for brooms (they are thinner than for shovels, and more convenient for children). You will also need ropes, a piece of rope, self-tapping screws, bolts, studs, angles, in general, everything that is necessary to attach the structure to the wall and ceiling.

The board was cut to size (taking the distance from floor to ceiling and subtracting 10 cm) and sanded. We fasten the two resulting racks with clamps and apply marks under the steps. In these places, we use a crown to drill holes of the required depth (half the thickness of the board). To be able to control the depth of the hole, a strip of electrical tape or colored tape is glued to the crown. Oriented along the bottom edge of the strip.

The two short parts with holes in the photo are a mini-handle bar with several bars, which can also be used as a horizontal bar. In the long racks on the side facing the wall, in the lower part we saw off a piece for the baseboard.

At the bottom of the racks we cut off a piece - there is a plinth there

Now we connect the racks and the upper part. The quality of this connection determines whether the children's sports corner will be strong. We use powerful studs, place wide washers under the heads of the screws and nuts; instead of a bunch of washers, you can make metal plates. We pre-drill a hole for the studs; it must be strictly perpendicular to the plane so that the fastening does not break.

We install rungs and steps into the finished sidewalls using glue. For reliability, we fasten them with confirmations (furniture ties). We drill holes in the end, install the confirmat, sinking the head into the wood. The holes can then be closed either with wood putty or with furniture plugs in the color of the wood.

Confirmations installed (one of the corners fixing the staircase to the wall is visible)

Having placed it against the wall, we mark the places where fasteners need to be installed, drill holes there and install dowels.

As tests have shown, such fastening is not enough for reliable fixation: if you hang on the outer crossbar and pull yourself up, over time the fastenings will be pulled out of the wall due to vibration. Therefore, it was decided to make additional fasteners to the ceiling. Collets (anchors) were installed into it, into which long metal rods with rings at the end were screwed.

As a temporary option, a rope is threaded into the installed fastener; then the fastening will be upgraded. To avoid any difficulties, it is necessary to install the anchors in the ceiling so that the rings are closely adjacent to the boards. Then they can be secured with bolts and washers. You will get a rigid mount. In this case, the load will be distributed between the fasteners in the wall and the ceiling, which greatly increases the reliability of the entire structure.

The basis of the children's sports corner is ready. Let's start assembling additional shells. Let's start with the rope ladder. Crossbars 300 mm long are cut from a 35*25 mm block. The edges are cut with a router to a rounded shape (do not leave sharp corners) and well sanded. Holes are drilled in them at a distance of 50 mm from the edge, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the cord. The holes must be drilled at the same distance: the more precisely, the easier it is to assemble the ladder.

We take the cord and make markings on it every 30 cm. This will be the distance between the steps. We mark the two cords identically - with a millimeter to millimeter coincidence. We put on the first step and tie a knot at the bottom. At the marking site we tie a second one, thread the next step and so on.

We hang additional shells on screwed hooks by making loops from the same rope, or by attaching carabiners to the ends, and clinging the carabiners to hooks or slats - this seems more convenient and reliable to some.

This is what a homemade corner for children's sports activities looks like. It takes up very little space in the apartment.

And in you can read about the choice of ready-made options.

Sports complex for home

Everything in this design is so simple that there is nothing to explain. The main difficulty is in making the Swedish ladder, and it is described in the first photo report. It was decided to make a large children's sports corner in the corridor - the space there allows. So that you can turn it and the ship into a house. This is how the design turned out.

We started by making a climbing wall. The board was purchased in advance, it was dry, and after the winter spent in the apartment it became even less humid. Board thickness - 50 mm, width - 100-150 mm. We assemble a frame from it. We make joints strictly at 90° (we use clamps). Before installing long screws, we drill holes under them (the diameter of the drill is 1-2 mm less than the diameter of the screw). In the assembled frame we drill holes in increments of 10-15 cm. We tighten the cord.

I’ll say right away that mistakes were made when installing the ropes:

  • began to pull from top to bottom;
  • did not make knots at the intersection.

As a result, it is very inconvenient to climb - the rope slips. We'll have to redo it. We must do the opposite. First of all, pull the rope across, and then from top to bottom (or from bottom to top), tying a knot at each intersection. Then the rope wall will be movable, but it will be possible to climb along it.

We attach the corners to the assembled frame, install them to the wall, mark the holes for fasteners and, after installing the dowels, finally secure them.

Read how to make a playhouse for an apartment, and here is a step-by-step description of building a playhouse in the country or near the house.

Next we assemble the rest of the frame. We attach one prepared board to the wall adjacent to the already installed rope structure. On one side it rests on the frame, and on the other we attach another support so that the board is strictly horizontal (check with a building level).

We build a staircase, place it in the same plane with two already installed racks. We fix everything. For reliability, you can also attach it to the floor with corners and dowels.

Having checked everything for strength, we hang the shells and put them into operation.

Watch another version of a homemade sports corner for children in video format