home · Other · How to connect a ceiling plinth to an internal corner. How to join ceiling plinths in the corners - installation features. What and where you can work

How to connect a ceiling plinth to an internal corner. How to join ceiling plinths in the corners - installation features. What and where you can work

Installing a ceiling plinth is the finishing touch, giving overall completeness and integrity to the top finishing the room. This detail not only adds aesthetics to the room, but also allows you to hide technical gaps, specially left taking into account the thermal expansion characteristic of finishing materials. Despite the overall ease of installation, one detail – the corner joints – causes the greatest difficulty. If executed incorrectly, it will not only look foreign and unattractive against the general background, but also spoil the overall favorable impression of the renovation.

Ceiling plinth: how to make the joining angle correctly?

First of all, solutions to the problem - how with your own hands cutting corners correctly can be avoided by simply purchasing special fittings - a corner element. Today you can pick up corner elements for any type of connection - both external and internal - the ends of the outer fillets (plinth strips) are simply inserted into the corner.

This is the simplest option, which, on the one hand, provides a high-quality corner connection, on the other hand, does not require serious skills and allows installation without loss of time.

However, it is not always possible to select a corner element that would stylistically match the existing baseboard strips. In this case, you will have to independently trim the edges of the skirting boards at a certain angle, which will ensure an even and tight fit of the fillets to each other.

In this case, cutting can be done in two ways:

  1. using a miter box - a special template tool
  2. manually - after marking using a specific method

Joining corners using a miter box

There are two main designs of miter boxes:

Simple miter box– a wooden (plastic) tray, it has vertical slots in the walls into which a hacksaw will be inserted. This design allows you to accurately trim the baseboard vertically at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees. In addition, it is convenient to work with such a miter box, because it is possible to use a hacksaw not only to cut vertically, but also to tilt the blade at 45 degrees.

Miter box with rotating mechanism – a tool for professionals, it allows you to fix the hacksaw blade at any desired angle. If a regular miter box is only suitable for cutting skirting boards for joining at right angles, then with a rotating mechanism it is suitable for installation at any angle.

The procedure for cutting fillets:
  1. attach the fillet to the place of planned installation and take measurements
  2. lay the upper part of the plinth (the one that will be attached to the ceiling), Bottom part baseboard - pressed against the wall of the miter box
  3. cut the baseboard, smoothly and without sharp pressure, at an angle of 45 degrees. The cut must be carried out with a hacksaw with a fine tooth (optimally a hacksaw for metal) or a knife. A large tooth will bite the material, especially polystyrene with its porous structure - the end will turn out uneven, with chips
  4. The operation is carried out similarly with the adjacent plinth - only the cut is made in another slot at 45 degrees
  5. attach the resulting skirting boards to the place of planned gluing and select optimal angle docking. If necessary, the cutting planes can be adjusted sharp knife to achieve the most precise fit.

Advice! If there is a need to simultaneously cut the outer corner on one side and the inner corner on the other, cut out the more complex element first - internal corner.

The procedure for trimming adjacent fillets for internal and external corners:

Advice! The most accurate cut can be obtained by making a simultaneous cut of two joined skirting boards. Since the skirting boards are sawn in a mirror image in relation to each other, you can fold both skirting boards internal parties to each other and secure tightly in the miter box, then simply make one cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

When installing floor plinths, the most difficult task is finishing the corner areas. The plinth strips will have to be cut into individual elements according to the perimeter of the room. Experts recommend pre-drawing visual diagram installation on paper, write down all the dimensions, and also schematically depict how to make the corners of the floor plinth. With such a hint at hand Finishing work will move much faster.

How to make an internal corner of a floor plinth

Despite the fact that rooms are usually a regular rectangle, their angles may not correspond to 90º. As a rule, developers and repairmen can only dream about ideal angular convergence of walls.

How to cut the corners of a floor plinth, if you are lucky and your apartment has correct angles, then to cut the plinth strips, you need to perform the following steps:

  • The baseboard blank must be placed in a miter box (special construction tool for cutting planks at a certain angle);

The miter box itself (good) can be used. Before ordering, make sure that the width of your plinth matches the maximum width of the miter box!

  • look for the 45º mark on the side panel of the tool, insert a hacksaw into the corresponding groove, saw off the excess part of the workpiece;
  • Next, carefully sand the cut edge with sandpaper.

Important! When cutting a plinth strip, it is necessary to take into account its location (side of placement). It is recommended to make the cut with some magnification, which will make it possible to further fit the plinth strip as tightly as possible. If used wooden baseboard, the joint is additionally treated with a special putty for painting.

What to do if the angle of the converging walls is uneven?

It will help in this situation gypsum plaster and a wide sickle ribbon.

  • At the junction of adjacent walls, a small amount of gypsum mortar is applied approximately 10 cm in each direction.
  • Next, a reinforcing tape is applied to the corner and gently pressed down with a wooden block.

  • The angle is given correct form, excess solution is removed using a spatula.

Important! You need to work with a spatula very carefully so as not to disturb the position of the sickle tape, but also not slowly so that the plaster does not dry out

How to join the outer corners of a floor plinth

When the exterior corners of a room are 90º, the procedure for cutting baseboard trim is similar to that for interior corner joints. It is important when cutting to remember the future side of the plank placement. The ends of the joints of plastic skirting boards are closed with special plugs. If the cutting of the planks was not carried out very successfully, this defect can be corrected using mastic, and then covered with a plug.

How to join the corners of the floor plinth if they do not have 90º:

  • First we apply the plinth strip to the first wall;
  • draw out all boundaries with a pencil (marker);
  • We perform similar actions with the second plinth attached to the other wall;
  • when applying markings, you should get a rhombus, as in the situation with an internal corner joint, only it will be located on the outside, respectively, the diagonal is the cutting line of the workpieces;
  • After cutting, we clean the ends of the planks with sandpaper;
  • Next, we install the plinth, cover the corner joints with a plug (for plastic products). The joints of wooden baseboards are covered with putty for painting.

After completing the installation of the plinth strips in the corner areas, you can finally fix them along the entire perimeter of the room using self-tapping screws, liquid nails, finishing nails or a special adhesive.

Joining skirting boards at non-standard angles

If you need to finish a rounded corner, then the plinth strip needs to be cut into 4-5 individual parts, and use special plugs to connect them. Fixation is carried out with putty or a special adhesive composition.

How to file the corners of the plinth of an internal-external floor corner:

  • We apply the first half of the plank to the wall, draw its border on the base of the floor with a pencil (marker);
  • then we apply the next half of the plank, draw two points: the first is the intersection with the border of the previous plank, the second is with the wall;
  • Then we connect these points to each other and make a cut;
  • The ends of the cuts of plastic samples are closed with plugs; wooden ones are pre-cleaned and then covered with putty.

How to cut a corner of a floor plinth without a miter box

Finishing the inner corner with plinth

  • a profile is placed on the installation site; it must be rested against the adjacent wall;
  • a control line is drawn on the floor with a pencil (marker);
  • similar actions are performed near the other wall;
  • the point of intersection of two control segments is the lower cut, the junction point in the corner is the upper cut.

External corner finishing

  • in this case, similar actions are performed, only the profile is brought out beyond the corner of the converging walls;
  • where the control segments intersect - the lower cut, the upper cut - the corner edge.

Important! To edge the plinth, you must try to hold the hacksaw at 45º when cutting.

This is where the question arises: how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth. The same problem arises when forming a frame for the floor. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to cut skirting boards in corners correctly.

Knowing the main secrets and nuances of cutting this product, you will quickly and efficiently install it, give the room a finished look, creating a harmonious frame for the finished surfaces.

Features of cutting catch ceiling plinths

Installing a baguette on the ceiling, at first glance, is very simple - most of them are attached with glue. But most important stage are preparatory work: cutting strips and corner elements for ceiling plinths.

In order for the room to be beautifully framed and not have to redo the renovation, you should know how to make corners of baguettes. Having mastered the knowledge of how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth, you will not only save Construction Materials and time to install the product, but also money that could be spent on a good craftsman.

Forming and cutting the inner corner of the ceiling molding

When edging surfaces, the question arises: how to join the corners of the ceiling plinth. They can be:

  • internal;
  • external.

Joining ceiling fillets - external and internal (external) corners

Let's take a closer look at how to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth. Normal rectangular room, without protrusions and columns, has 4 corners, in which the internal joint of the baguettes is carried out.

Therefore, before gluing them, markings are made, during which you need to measure the perimeter of the ceiling, mark the places of connection and joining of parts.

Cutting points are marked on the baguettes

How to saw down a ceiling plinth to form an internal corner? First, the angle between the ceiling and the wall is checked. If the surfaces are flat, then it should be 90 degrees. In this case, the corner elements are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. To cut them, you can use a stationery knife (foam molding, polyurethane, a hacksaw, but it is most convenient to use a special carpentry tool - a miter box for the ceiling plinth (groove with slots) and grinding.

Miter box for cutting baguettes, photo

Advice: before cutting off the ceiling plinth, you should check whether the tool blade is sharp - dull knives leave jagged edges. A wide baguette must be held on the other side.

Then the first plinth is inserted evenly into the miter box, fixed, and trimmed with right side at an angle of 45 degrees.

Cutting skirting boards at an angle

Before gluing the baguettes, cut the second corner piece in the same way, making a cut on the opposite side.

The trimmed parts are tried on, checking the tightness of the connection.

After cutting all the parts, you can begin installing the plinth on the ceiling.

Recommendation: if the angle between the wall and the ceiling is uneven, then the fillets are placed along the walls, markings are made for their placement and intersection in the corner, and then they are adjusted manually using a knife (the joints will need to be adjusted during the work).

Cutting and joining ceiling skirting boards at external corners

If the room has a ceiling of complex shape, or walls with protrusions, external corners are formed. How to properly cut down the ceiling plinth in this case? A miter box is also used for these purposes.

How to properly cut ceiling plinth for shaping external corner? First, the fillet is inserted into the tool with the side that is closest to you. The edge that will be adjacent to the ceiling should be located at the bottom of the miter box. Next, cutting is done at an angle of 45 degrees.

Important: keep the baguette straight, otherwise, if you cut it unevenly, a gap will appear during the joining process, which is quite difficult to repair.

Diagram - how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth to form an external corner

Before making the corner of the ceiling plinth, you should bring the baguettes together and check the evenness of their connection. The two trimmed parts are placed together. If there are no gaps and the edges of the products fit tightly, the cutting was carried out correctly.

An example of how to correctly combine edging parts in a corner

If you don't have special device To cut baguettes, you can use a square, or make patterns from cardboard. Any unevenness can be carefully trimmed with a stationery knife, and if small recesses appear, they should be filled with sealant.

Many people are concerned about the question: how to connect skirting boards if the walls are uneven? In this case, the first fillet can be cut on a miter box, and the second one can be adjusted to it manually until the cuts match.

Important: in this case, all cuts are made inside the fillet.

With help plastic corners you can neatly arrange the joints

Features of working with various materials

If you are installing plaster ceiling fillets, they don't cut like regular ones. They need to be cut with decorative side. In this case, chips will remain on the back side of the product. If burlap is attached to the back of the stucco, it should be cut with a sharp knife. Next, the fillets are cut at an angle of 45 degrees with a special hacksaw to form external and internal corners.

Advice: In order not to break the fragile plaster product, you should first drill holes for the screws, and then start fastening them.

Installing a gypsum molding, joining two trimmed parts

How to cover the joints between fillets? The seams are sealed with plaster or putty, and after drying, all unevenness is sanded off.

Full demonstration of how to cut ceiling plinth - video:

Features of the formation of floor edging catch

The plinth for framing the floor not only gives the covering a finished look, but also hides the joint along the perimeter of the wall and improves sound insulation in the room. The perception of the room as a whole will depend on how correctly and accurately you manage to join the planks in the corners.

How to cut a baseboard in a corner? Required tools:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • miter box;
  • a hacksaw or jigsaw for cutting the product;
  • sandpaper;
  • sealant or putty.

Step-by-step instructions for forming corners and joints of floor planks

First, the required edging material is marked and calculated. In order to get a neat angle, parts of the joining elements should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this, the part is placed in a miter box, fixed, and cut on one side with a hacksaw or jigsaw.

The opposite end of the second plank should be sawed in the same way.

Advice: First, it’s better to practice on small sections, making joints at their ends.

To connect the baseboards along the perimeter of the wall, they are cut at an angle of 90 degrees. The cut edges of polyurethane products are treated with sandpaper to ensure their complete alignment and better adhesion.

Joining two planks cut at right angles

Before installing the skirting boards, first check the accuracy of their joining. Then glue the first part, join the second one, cut at an angle of 90 degrees, with it.

Advice: It is recommended to strengthen the junction of polyurethane and plastic strips special glue, and if your floor is framed by wooden baseboards, then their joints are fixed with glue and additionally strengthened with nails.

A special PVC connector is used to mask the joints

During installation, you can cut out part of the edging in order to lay communications in it. These could be sockets for sockets and switches.

Socket box embedded in PVC baseboard

Corners, internal and external, are formed in the same way as during installation ceiling moldings. Cutting baguettes is carried out in the same way.

In order to close the joints of trimmed PVC products, there are special decorative corners

In order to cut and install baguettes quickly and efficiently, you should plan all work in advance and prepare necessary materials and tools.

After taking measurements, write down the length of each wall, adding 50 mm to it on each side (to trim the corners of the plinth). Try to cut the planks so that there are as few leftovers as possible. To save material, cut it end-to-end.

How to easily cut baguettes

To securely secure the workpiece for further cutting, you can use a tulaga. This is a special bench clamp, to back wall to which a block with a groove is attached. This furrow is made at an angle of 45 degrees. Therefore, it can be used as a deep template for cutting skirting boards.

To do this, you should take a block whose thickness is slightly higher than the required thickness. To cut the plank most accurately, use a special precision saw. Use it to cut grooves in the template at the required angle.

Bottom line

Beautiful ceiling and floor plinths complete the interior of the room. They not only decorate the room, but also protect surfaces from damage. You can make skirting boards yourself (wooden), or buy ready-made products. In order for such a frame to look beautiful, it is necessary to correctly cut the edge parts when installing it. Following simple recommendations, you can cut baguettes and form corners yourself.

The plinth is the finishing touch of the entire renovation. This applies equally to the ceiling and floor. After this element, only a plastic corner can be installed in the arched and window opening. But still, let's talk about baseboards.

Based on the fact that the principles of working with these elements are the same on both the ceiling and the floor, we will not focus on the location, but will focus on the techniques and everything that accompanies them, the choice of tools, and methods of fixation.

What and where you can work

Currently, the most purchased products for work are:

  • Wooden skirting boards. These are usually solid wooden crafts having a relief outer surface. In some cases, grooves are prepared in such skirting boards to hide wires.
    Fixing the skirting boards to the wall occurs with self-tapping screws into dowels; fixation is allowed in other ways, for example, with sealants, but this technique has not proven itself well; there is nothing more reliable than self-tapping screws;
  • Plastic products. By and large, this is not only the simplest, but also the most thoughtful designer. In this case, everything has been thought out: there are designs for external and internal corners, right and left side caps, there are even special fasteners for them that are fixed to the wall, and the plinth is simply inserted into them.
    In addition, the baseboard itself is hollow and can perfectly hide wiring and communication cables. Working with them is simple and will be discussed immediately in the next section;
  • Foam and- this is already ceiling structures who do not like rough fixation and prefer glue or liquid nails.

More about plastic

What, what, eh plastic products They don’t need any introduction; it’s hard to imagine designs that are lighter and more varied in color. Plastic floor skirting boards are most often selected in a single color scheme with floors.

At the same time, it absolutely does not matter what kind of covering you have on the floor: laminate, linoleum or simply painted fiberboard, there is a skirting board of a suitable color for all of them. And working with him is a pleasure.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  • Using a tape measure, determine the dimensions of the perimeter of the room or several rooms in which you are going to install this plinth. Calculate the number of internal and external corners, since it is on them that there are ready-made corner elements, as well as the number of connecting elements;
  • After purchasing, cut the material and cut the plinth itself, not forgetting to make adjustments for the size of the joint groove in the finished corners. The products themselves are perfectly sawn with a saw with fine teeth on the miter box using ordinary cross cuts; if small plastic shavings appear, they can be removed with a mounting knife;
  • The finished fragments are fixed either with self-tapping screws to the wall, or with clips, which are initially marked and fixed to the wall with the same self-tapping screws;

Joining skirting boards in the corners does not require additional fixation, however, if you have animals or small children in the house, then in order to be sure of their safety, the integrity of the structure, as well as the normal aesthetic appearance of the entire ensemble, it is still better to join In the outer corners, secure with glue for ceiling or floor plinths.

  • Docking with already exposed elements. These are, as a rule, door frames, which can be made of wood and with completely different parameters, both width and pattern. There's nothing wrong with that.
    The junction of the door casing and the plinth is made as follows: a plinth is brought to the already installed casing in such a way that there is the minimum possible distance between the casing and the product with a side plug, preferably end-to-end.

Working with internal corners, right and wrong

If you work with wood on the floor or ceiling, then you cannot escape the issues of joining. Here you will have to join and join with minimal gaps, and for this you will have to work hard.

So, we consider all the work options:

  1. Option one: right angles. 90 degrees is a builder’s and repairman’s dream.
    In this case everything is simple:
  • The product is placed in a miter box in such a way that the floor part of the product is placed on the base, and the side part (which will be fixed to the wall) on the side of the device;
  • On the side scale we find a groove with a mark of 45 degrees in the direction we need and begin cutting with a hacksaw with small teeth;
  • If necessary, the cut and the front part of the plinth can be lightly sanded with sandpaper;

How to join a wooden plinth?
This question will definitely arise, since even with a very precise fit, a gap will remain.
In this case, you will need a special wood putty.
It is easy to apply, and after drying it is easy to remove the excess with sandpaper, especially since the wooden plinth will still either be covered with stain and varnish, or painted.

  1. Not right angles - option two. Unfortunately, not always, far from always, you will find right angles, especially in houses that have already exceeded a certain age. Therefore, in this case, the question of how to join the plinth in the corners will come first.

In this case we do the following:

  • A lot depends on correct measurement. The plinth is brought to the corners on both sides, and the outer floor border is outlined with a pencil or other marker, which can then be easily removed. As a result, you will get a rhombus, the diagonal of which drawn from the corner outward will be the cutting line;
  • Transfer the cutting line to the material and also perform the necessary manipulation with a hacksaw;

Interesting to know!
Some craftsmen advise making the cut slightly indented in the direction of increase, so that it is possible to adjust the joint manually.
We can advise you - try it.
Experiments are always useful, especially since the risk is minimal, if you succeed, very good, no, there is always putty for small defects.

  • The junction of the plinth and the platband is carried out in the same way as described earlier;
  • Working with ceiling skirting boards follows the same rules as with floor skirting boards.

External corners and working with them

Since the outer angle is 90 degrees, how to join the skirting boards is clear without words, especially since the process has already been described. Just remember to choose the correct direction of the cut as you work. But what to do with angles that are no longer 90 degrees, but have floated slightly? Let's talk about them.

Instructions for working with such angles are as follows:

  • Place a plinth against one of the walls and move it slightly beyond the corner, mark the outer and inner boundaries;
  • Carry out similar manipulations with the second plinth;
  • As a result, you will get the same rhombus at the intersection points and the diagonal from the corner of the wall outward will be the cutting line;
  • You can also carry out similar “ritual movements” on the ceiling, or you can lay the plinth on the plinth and use two points: external and internal to determine the direction of the cut;


All installation work is not complicated and allows you to quickly put the products in place with your own hands; the cost of installation is the price of materials. The video in this article has prepared its own report on the topic." width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

  • You already know how to seal cracks; in ceiling plinths, instead of putty, sealant or “liquid nails” are used. The joining of the plinth and the platband, if planned, is carried out according to the same principles.
  • Finally

    All installation work is not complicated and allows you to quickly put the products in place with your own hands; the cost of installation is the price of materials. The video in this article has prepared its own report on the topic.

    High-quality and harmonious finishing of the ceiling in most cases is impossible without installing special ceiling plinths, which not only fulfill their main purpose functional purpose(they hide joints and unsightly seams), but also play an important aesthetic role, being important element decor that invariably attracts attention.

    Since most ceiling plinths available for sale today are produced in pieces of a standard length of 2 m, when installing such structures, in any case, it is impossible to do without joining. This is one of the most difficult and important stages of work, because the overall impression made by both the ceiling and the entire interior largely depends on how carefully, efficiently and discreetly the joining is made.

    If you can install it yourself similar details competently and rationally, your reward will be a perfectly smooth ceiling plinth without noticeable seams or joints (you can see an excellent example of this design in the photo). In this article we will tell you how to correctly join the plinth in the corners with your own hands.

    Popular method

    The most common and current method, which allows you to easily and quickly join skirting boards, is based on the use of a miter box. You can see what this tool looks like in the photo. Its main functional purpose– carefully and efficiently trim the plinth to make it even ceiling corners. Please pay Special attention to the fact that joining parts using a miter box is only possible when you are dealing with perfectly even corners.

    In all other situations, this technology is not used. Therefore, before starting work, you should use special tools(for example, a protractor), carefully and accurately measure all the corners in the room and decide whether this finishing method is right for you.

    If the corners in the room are even, you can safely use this technology. In this case, each joint will be formed by two parts - right and left. Both of these parts must be cut at a certain angle in order to, when joined, create an even and invisible seam that will not be conspicuous and attract attention. To do this carefully and competently, adhere to the following procedure:

    • Place the left part of the profile at the side of the miter box with the required slope. Insert a special hacksaw into the grooves of the miter box and make a cut smoothly and carefully.
    • Secure in the same way right side planks with a similar angle of inclination, and cut off the unnecessary part of the structure.
    • Before joining the finished parts and gluing them, you need to very carefully and carefully make sure that the cutting is correct. It is better to play it safe and double-check several times whether you managed to create the desired angle of inclination on each section of the profile. If you have done everything correctly, you can proceed directly to gluing the part.

    This pruning method is quite convenient, however, it is associated with a number of specific features. First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that it is only possible in those rooms where there are absolutely smooth and well-finished 90-degree angles.

    Simple and effective method

    The traditional method of joining the parts of the ceiling plinth in the corners involves the use of a miter box. However, as the experience of professionals shows, there is another method that makes it possible to easily and efficiently join the plinth without a miter box. This technology is shown in every detail in the video.

    When carrying out such work, it is very important to lay the plinth evenly and correctly in order to cut it efficiently and accurately. If you do this yourself, you can use a stationery or construction knife with a fairly sharp blade. First, try to trim the corner correctly, and then achieve the desired length.

    This method of cutting without a miter box is quite common, given that in our country not all buildings and structures have absolutely even, ideal angles of ninety degrees. Therefore, in most cases you have to join the ceiling plinth without a miter box.

    The two methods listed above have their own characteristics and characteristic operating principles. The choice of one technology or another depends on the characteristics of the corners in the room being finished.