home · On a note · A cut on a suspended ceiling, what to do. Repairing a cut on a suspended ceiling. With jagged edges

A cut on a suspended ceiling, what to do. Repairing a cut on a suspended ceiling. With jagged edges

Any suspended ceiling is valued for its beauty and functionality, but even minor defects on the surface are very noticeable and reduce the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. Cuts, punctures and holes especially spoil the attractiveness of stretch fabric. But repairing suspended ceilings after a cut, which you can do yourself, will help solve the problem. The choice of repair method depends on the type of tension panel. In difficult cases, it is better to turn to professionals to restore the ceiling surface.

Causes of cuts

Before repairing a cut on a suspended ceiling, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance in order to avoid, if possible, a similar situation in the future.

This defect appears for the following reasons:

  1. Most often, repairs to a cut in a stretch ceiling are performed after installing the cornices over the window openings. Sharp curtain rod elements can easily damage the thin tension film, especially if handled carelessly. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wrap the edges of the pipes with a soft rag.
  2. Film ceilings are called seam ceilings because the width of the canvas does not allow them to be installed in large rooms without a welded seam. Sometimes this seam separates, resulting in a defect that is very similar in shape and size to a cut. The seam may come apart under the force of the tension of the coating or due to the impressive volume of water accumulated after flooding. In any case, the cause of the defect is a poor-quality seam.
  3. Excessively active children's games can also cause damage to the tension surface, especially if they play with swords, bows and arrows and other toys with sharp edges. It is for this reason that in the nursery it is recommended to install fabric panels, which are more resistant to mechanical damage than film ones.
  4. A similar defect, similar to a cut, appears if the harpoon on the film sheet comes off. In such a situation, the canvas simply bursts from the edge near the wall in the place where the harpoon is welded. At first, such a defect resembles a situation where a harpoon simply jumps out of a baguette, but if you look closely, you can see a torn panel.

Non-repairable cases

When a cut appears on a stretch ceiling, only a master can tell you exactly what to do. Sometimes you can deal with the problem yourself, but this only applies to situations where the coating can be repaired. Unfortunately, there are times when no method will help solve the problem. In such a situation, all that remains is to completely change the tension covering.

Before sealing a suspended ceiling after a cut, make sure that your case does not fall among the defects that cannot be repaired:

  1. If the size of the defect is significant, then it will not be possible to either repair or disguise it.
  2. If the location of the site is not suitable for any of the repair methods. That is, it is impossible to stretch the edge of the canvas to tuck a hole into the baguette, or there is no way to install a ceiling lamp or other device.
  3. If the weld seam diverges, you will have to completely dismantle the tension coating, because the seam can only be welded again using special factory equipment.

Repairing cuts on tension panels

If you are interested in the prices for repairing suspended ceilings, then they depend on the complexity of the work, its location and dimensions, so they are in the range of $40-50 (2600-3250 rubles). However, sometimes you can repair suspended ceilings after a cut with your own hands. Below we have provided some instructions. It is important to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the material from which the suspended ceiling is made.

Sequence of repair of PVC film coating

To choose the appropriate method for repairing a stretch ceiling with a cut with your own hands, you need to decide on the location of the hole.

Depending on its location, the following repair methods exist:

  • If the hole is located at a short distance from the wall (no more than 15 cm), then the panel can be pulled tighter to tuck the defect into the baguette. To do this, the coating is released from the baguette in a small section. Using scissors, cut off part of it down to the problem area. After this, you get a new edge on which you need to attach the cord, wrap the fabric allowance around it and glue it. Thus, you get a homemade harpoon that needs to be tucked into a baguette. To fill, you will need a spatula with rounded edges, as well as a heat gun, which will increase the elasticity of the material.

On a note! If the defect is localized far from the wall, do not try to retighten the canvas. This way you will completely ruin it. In this case, even preheating the material with a heat gun will not help.

  • The problem area in the central part of the room can be hidden by installing a ceiling lamp or a ventilation diffuser or grille in this place. Before installing the device, a hole must be cut according to its dimensions; for this, the film is protected from spreading by gluing a thermal ring. This method is only suitable if the length of the hole does not exceed the dimensions of the built-in device.
  • If a significant size hole appears in the central part of the room, then there is only one way to hide it - by gluing an applique of colored film. This way you will not only hide the problem area, but also embellish the ceiling surface, and also diversify the interior of the room.
  • Ingoda hole, similar to a cut sheet, is formed due to the fact that the harpoon simply jumps out of the fastening profile. Solving the problem is very simple - you need to tuck the panel back in using a special spatula. If the harpoon edge of the film is very thin, this place can be sealed with a cord. Otherwise, you will have to replace the wall molding.

If the ceiling was installed recently and is still under warranty, then you should not repair even simple cases yourself, because if you tamper with the ceiling structures without permission, the installer’s warranty is no longer valid.

On a note! While waiting for the repairman, carefully cover the problem area with tape so that the hole cannot expand.

Fabric repair

Now let's talk about how to glue a suspended ceiling made of fabric.

The following methods can be used to repair polyester fabric:

  1. A small hole can simply be sewn up. For work, use nylon threads, matched to the color of the coating. After this, it is recommended to paint the ceiling surface with water-based emulsion to further hide the problem area. Please note that the surface of a fabric ceiling can be re-painted about 5-7 times.
  2. If the damage is significant, then a patch is used to repair it. After installing the fabric covering, there are always scraps of material left, because after tucking into the profile, the allowances along the edge of the fabric are cut off. If you did not throw away these scraps, then you can make a patch from them to repair the ceiling. It will be the same color and texture as the coating, so it will hide the defect well. The patch should be a couple of centimeters larger than the hole. It is glued to the coating from the back side. Cyanoacrylic glue is used for gluing. After this, the patch is well smoothed and straightened.

On a note! If you don’t have scraps of fabric saved, you can choose a patch from another fabric that matches the color and structure. After such repairs, it is recommended to paint the ceiling to hide the difference in tone of the materials used.

Tools for work

To repair coverings made of polyester fabric and polyvinyl chloride film, you may need the following tools:

  • ladder;
  • sewing needle;
  • scissors;
  • a construction hair dryer is needed only if the PVC film needs to be made more elastic in order to be stretched well;
  • roller on a long handle;
  • a special spatula for filling tension coverings into a baguette;
  • paint tray;
  • ruler or tape measure.

Materials and glue for repairing cuts

In addition to the necessary tools, you will need the following materials and adhesive mixtures:

  • fabric patch (scraps of stretch woven covering or suitable material);
  • glue for suspended ceilings (special glue for working with film canvases is suitable);
  • nylon threads of suitable colors (only for fabric coverings);
  • dense cord to strengthen the harpoon edge of the PVC panel;
  • cyanoacrylic-based glue for gluing patches to woven fabric;
  • water-based paint.

Repair video

The video will help you figure out how to repair a stretch ceiling with a cut.

Ways to decorate a damaged area

Sometimes it is possible not to repair, but to disguise the location of the defect. This only applies to a ceiling that is torn or cut in a place where you can hide the defect or install a lamp, applique or ventilation grill in this place. In this case, you don’t even have to use a hair dryer for repairs, because after decorating the surface will not sag or deform.

But if installing a lamp or grille is considered a more radical method, then various decorative techniques make it possible to hide defects without interfering with the ceiling structures.

There are the following ways to decorate a cut section of a stretch ceiling:

  1. If the defect is located near the base of the chandelier, this area can be hidden behind ceiling molding or another base under a hanging lighting fixture. Just do not use stucco molding made from heavy materials; it is better to give preference to lightweight foam elements.
  2. Coloring is also considered a decorative technique. But this method is only suitable for suspended ceilings made of polyester fabric. It is prohibited to paint PVC film.
  3. Small holes can be sealed with an application of colored film. A scattering of butterflies or flowers on the ceiling will not only hide the defect, but will also give the entire ceiling surface originality.

There are different ways to repair cut stretch ceilings. Depending on the size of the defect, its location and the coating material, a decision is made to choose one or another repair method or to completely replace the ceiling finish.

Stretch ceiling is a special type of finishing that has become very popular in a short period of time; This fabric has many advantages, in particular:

  • it is quickly installed;
  • very attractive;
  • perfectly smooth;
  • does not limit the imagination of designers;
  • hides imperfections in the ceiling surface well.

A stretch ceiling can be equipped with various architectural elements, a variety of designs can be applied to it, the surface can be made mirror-like, and much more. But it also has a very significant drawback - small margin of safety. The structure of a stretch ceiling is assembled from a metal frame and a fabric that is fixed to it. As a result, there is always an air gap between the base of the ceiling and the decorative covering, due to which the stretched canvas becomes very vulnerable on both sides.

Reference! The materials from which suspended ceilings are made can withstand considerable tensile loads, but have low contact strength to point impacts.

Which type of suspended ceilings has the greatest strength?

Damage to suspended ceilings is easier to prevent than to repair, so even before installing such a structure, people think about what type of material will be the most durable.

The fabrics from which suspended ceilings are mounted can be of two types:

  • fabric based;
  • based on film.

Fabric designs- these are products made from natural or synthetic fibers with a porous surface, thanks to which the ceiling can “breathe”.

Film webs made of PVC, they have a smooth glossy or satin surface. Both of these types of ceilings are not without advantages and disadvantages.

Table. Distinctive features of different types of ceilings.

Ceiling viewPositive sidesNegative sides
Fabric- does not interfere with air circulation;
- withstands temperature changes;
- resistant to mechanical damage;
- can be changed color with acrylic paint
- can be seamless;
- minor damage can be easily repaired.
- not resistant to external pressure;
- will not protect against flooding;
- has a low plasticity index;
- attracts dust;
- caring for him is not easy;
- has a limit on the number of shades;
- the surface can only be matte.
Film- able to withstand high pressure;
- saves from flooding;
- perfectly masks surface unevenness;
- antistatic coating does not retain dust;
- non-flammable;
- easy to care for.
- depends on high and low temperatures;
- unstable to mechanical damage;
- defects are difficult to eliminate.

How can you prevent damage to such a ceiling? It turns out that it is undesirable to install the film canvas in places where children often have fun (living room, as well as children's room). But it is this type of construction that can save a room from flooding (for example, a bathroom).

Cuts to the stretch ceiling fabric occur mainly due to careless handling of sharp objects near the structure. The material is especially sensitive to mechanical stress during the first few days after installation, while the canvas is very stretched, and residents have not yet learned to treat it with care.

Prices for suspended ceilings

suspended ceiling

A very common reason for a cut in a stretch ceiling is careless handling of carpentry and plumbing tools that have sharp edges. Electric tools with removable rotating elements are especially dangerous for this type of decor. Therefore, it is better to make the ceiling in the workshop from other, more durable and resistant materials.

Common causes of damage to suspended ceilings: 1. Careless handling of sharp objects. 2. Children's games. 3. Tall furniture. 4. Sudden temperature changes.

Another, no less common reason for damage to the ceiling sheet is the launching of various objects and toys into it during children's games. A seemingly harmless game with a radio-controlled helicopter can cause damage to a beautiful coating. Therefore, it is better to play with such and other devices and objects that are dangerous to the ceiling outside.

You should also take special care when installing tall furniture. The tightly stretched fabric can be damaged due to the sharp corners of the cabinets. Considering the special sensitivity of the stretch ceiling immediately after installation, you should wait to install very tall pieces of furniture in order to reduce the risk of damage to the canvas.

Polyvinyl chloride film is not resistant to large temperature changes. This means that in unheated rooms (for example, in a country house), or in a sauna, where the temperature readings “jump” greatly, installing a stretch ceiling is not advisable.

In rare cases, the ceiling covering can be damaged by a champagne cork. Although this is not a common cause of material rupture, it is still better to point the bottle in a different, safer direction.

It also happens that the ceiling was incorrectly cut, installed incorrectly, or made of low-quality material, which is what caused the damage.

Another cause of damage is improper installation of the canvas.

What tools will you need for the job?

Depending on the nature of the damage, as well as on the material underlying the stretch ceiling, the following items may be needed for its restoration:

  • masking or fabric tape;
  • knife, a small piece of cable from the antenna, scissors;
  • a piece of glass wallpaper or a flap left after installing the ceiling;
  • needle, varnish, nylon thread and paint;
  • hair dryer, as well as a flat, blunt object (like a spatula).

Prices for a stretch ceiling kit

stretch ceiling kit

What should you do first when you discover a cut in the canvas?

If a cut in the canvas does occur, you need to take measures as soon as possible to ensure that it does not increase in size. Regular tape can help in this situation, but it is better to use double-sided or masking tape.

Reference! If a very small hole (up to 1 mm) has formed in the ceiling sheet, then you can simply coat it with glue. This will prevent the fabric from spreading, and will also make the puncture almost invisible.

Having provided the ceiling with “first aid”, you need to assess the situation and decide whether the damage is covered by the warranty.

If the warranty period has not passed, and the break did not occur through the fault of the users, then to repair it it will be enough to contact the specialists of the company that installed the ceiling. For example, one of the warranty cases is the tearing of the baguette or the appearance of a tear along the seam. If the cut occurred due to careless handling during operation, then you need to either repair it yourself or contact craftsmen who will carry out the restoration for a fee.

Important! If the warranty for the installation of the stretch ceiling is still valid, then you should not repair it yourself.

Firstly, the technicians will deal with the damage much better and faster. Secondly, if you repair it yourself, all warranty benefits will be lost. Then, if subsequently claims suddenly arise regarding the quality of the film or its installation, it will no longer be possible to carry out free repairs under warranty.

How to repair a cut in a fabric stretch ceiling?

There are several ways to repair a cut in a stretch ceiling, depending on what type of coating is installed. So, if it is based on fabric, then correcting the design defect will be quite simple.

There are two ways to repair such a ceiling.

Prices for fabric stretch ceiling

fabric stretch ceiling

Any colorless glue is suitable for gluing the patch, but the best option would be a product based on cyanoacrylate. This repair method is better suited for larger damages.

  1. First, a patch of a suitable size is cut out, taking into account allowances along the edges (approximately 2 cm).
  2. After this, you need to apply transparent glue to the material, then press the patch to the ceiling covering from the back side.
  3. Then you need to remove excess glue and smooth the fabric well. Do not press the patch too hard, as this may cause the glue to protrude and the repair area to sag.
  4. After the reconstruction area has dried well, the entire surface of the ceiling can be treated with water-based paint using a spray gun.

Reference! Fabric ceilings that have large cuts or tears (more than 25-30 cm in length) must be completely replaced.

How to repair a cut on a film stretch ceiling?

If the cut occurred on a film ceiling, then first you need to estimate its size. If the latter exceed 2 cm, then it is better to seek help from specialists. It is quite possible that it would be more advisable to replace the coating rather than repair it.

Method number 1. If the cut on the PVC film of the stretch ceiling is small in size, you can repair it yourself, taking into account all the nuances of such an event. If the cut occurred quite close to the wall (at a distance of up to 15 cm), then it can be hidden in the groove of the baguette. To do this, you need to stock up on 10 cm of antenna cable and glue. First, the cable needs to be glued close to the cut so that it is parallel to the baguette. You need to wait until the glue hardens well, and then use a hairdryer to heat the film.

Directing warm air to the cut area, you need to smoothly pull the cable towards the wall, and then tuck it into the groove of the baguette, using a flat, blunt tool. If folds have formed during the work, you can get rid of them in the same way: glue the cable along them, heat the canvas, pull it to the wall and tuck it into the groove.

Prices for glossy stretch ceilings

glossy stretch ceiling

Attention! If the distance from the cut to the wall exceeds 15 cm, then the above repair method is not suitable in this case, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the entire canvas beyond repair!

Method No. 2. In a situation where the cut is far from the wall, there is only one way out - gluing a patch. It needs to be cut out from the remnants of the film, lubricated with transparent sealant or glue. Next, you need to remove the tape from the cut area and apply a patch there. Excess glue must be removed and the patch fixed for a while for better adhesion.

A small patch on a PVC stretch ceiling can be made decorative by cutting it in the shape of a flower, month, star, etc. A patch cut to match the color of the wallpaper will look especially impressive. For a more harmonious decor, you can cut out several shapes and arrange them beautifully.

  1. It is better not to repair holes in the canvas that have formed in its central part yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  2. One of the options that can correct the situation is to install an additional lamp or ventilation grille at the site of the damage. To save the ceiling in this way, you first need to protect the coating from spreading at the cut site by installing a protective plastic ring. After this, you can install a light fixture or ventilation grille.
  3. If the cut occurs in the immediate vicinity of the chandelier, then it can be successfully disguised with the help of a decorative element. For example, use a piece of mirror or a polyurethane plate for this. As a result, the place of damage will be hidden, and the room will be decorated in a new way.

There are some requirements for the glue that is planned to be used to seal cuts in a suspended film ceiling. Firstly, it must be transparent - otherwise, unaesthetic white spots will remain on the ceiling. Secondly, the glue must harden quickly without destroying the polyvinyl chloride fabric during the drying process. Experts in the restoration of suspended ceilings advise using Cosmofen glue, which quickly and efficiently connects parts of the canvas without leaving marks. You can buy this product at regular hardware stores and building supplies departments. If “Cosmofen” is not found on sale, then you can ask the seller to provide a special glue for repairing suspended ceilings.

Prices for Cosmofen glue

glue Cosmofen

Glue "Cosmofen"

There are situations when suspended ceiling structures cannot be sealed and even professionals with extensive experience will not undertake this.

When should you not glue the fabric?

  1. When the canvas came apart at its seams. Here the gluing procedure will not only not help, but will even worsen the situation. Such defects can be eliminated only by re-tensioning the material.
  2. When the canvas came off the wall. To repair the ceiling in such a difficult situation, it is necessary to completely dismantle the structure, strengthen the profiles or moldings, or replace them with new ones.

Certainly, it is possible to repair a suspended ceiling after cuts without involving specialists. However, if possible, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals, insuring yourself against erroneous and inaccurate actions.

Video - Do-it-yourself repair of suspended ceilings after a cut

In many apartments and private houses, stretched fabrics are used as ceiling decoration. This is due to the ease of hiding defects on concrete slabs and the low cost of finishing. External impact on the canvas can lead to damage, so it is recommended that you read the information on how to seal a stretch ceiling after a cut.

Defects in the material arise for various reasons. Most often, a suspended ceiling breaks in the following situations:

  • negligence during construction and installation work, due to which a sharp spatula or other tool leaves a cut;
  • dismantling and installing window structures, moving furniture and other work that involves careless touching of the material;
  • installation of initially defective low-quality fabric, incorrect cutting of the ceiling;
  • the formation of bulges and subsequent cracking during flooding as a result of leaking plumbing in the apartment above;
  • long-term operation of the material at unstable temperature and humidity levels in the room.

Do-it-yourself methods for repairing a puncture

It is not advisable to eliminate large defects in the tension structure, since it will be cheaper and less labor-intensive to tension new material. Small punctures and cuts can be camouflaged if you manage to prevent spreading immediately after the defect occurs. Having noticed a hole in the canvas, you need to seal the damaged area with tape or tape and proceed to further work. You can fix a puncture yourself using fabric or PVC sheet, and these methods are performed in different ways.


If there is no patch, you can choose a piece of fabric that is suitable in shade and texture. When the search for material is unsuccessful, it is worth contacting the company that installed the ceiling to find a fabric that is similar or similar in color. Then the damage is repaired according to the following instructions:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the cut and adjust the patch. It is recommended to leave a couple of extra centimeters on each edge of the defect.
  2. A transparent layer of adhesive solution is applied to the surface of the patch on one side.
  3. The material is applied to the damaged area of ​​the tension covering and carefully smoothed.
  4. With a little force, the patch is pressed against the canvas. Strong pressure can cause the glue to come out and the treated area to sag.
  5. When the glue dries and the patch holds securely, if necessary, the surface of the canvas is partially painted for additional masking.

PVC cloth

Using PVC cloth, you can eliminate damage no longer than 2 cm. The process of masking defects is similar to the method that involves using a fabric patch, but has a number of features. Including:

  • PVC film cannot be repainted in a different color, so you need to prepare a patch from the material remaining after installation work or independently come up with an applique in tone or contrast;
  • if you cannot find a suitable patch, you can cover the cut with a decorative element - a butterfly, a flower, an abstract geometric figure;
  • slots on PVC material tend to grow quickly, so the tape is removed from the damaged area immediately before gluing the permanent patch.

Glue selection

You can fix the patch on the damaged area of ​​the stretch ceiling using different types of glue.

Regardless of the brand chosen, the adhesive solution must meet basic requirements: be transparent so as not to leave stains on the ceiling, harden instantly and not destroy the surface of the tension covering.


Cosmofen glue, according to many experts, is considered the best option for stretch fabrics. The solution is a universal remedy and ensures gluing of the material in a few seconds, leaving no traces. Complete drying occurs 15-16 hours after application to the material. It is not recommended to use Cosmofen only for gluing cuts on a ceiling with a porous surface, as this may affect the quality of gluing.

Cyanoacrylate solution is not susceptible to sudden changes in temperature and moisture, which allows it to be used in rooms with any conditions. The glue is supplied in a small package and is economically used - a few grams of the substance are enough to fix the patch. You can purchase Cosmofen at any hardware store or building materials department.


The universal adhesive activator Somafix instantly forms a super-strong connection between the patch and the tension fabric. The final setting time does not exceed 10 seconds. The solution contains ethyl cyanoacrylate gel and an aerosol hardener. After application, Somafix glue does not spread, remains transparent and invisible. To ensure reliable adhesion, the work surface must be cleaned of dust and dried before using the Somafix solution.


One-component super glue “Contact” forms a strong seam and dries almost immediately after application. The resulting compound is durable, resistant to organic solvents and temperature changes.


Loctite instant adhesive is a one-component solution that polymerizes at room temperature. Different types of glue produced under the Loctite brand differ in viscosity. The solution is used for durable bonding of a large number of materials, including tension fabrics. The setting speed is a few seconds.


Cosmoplast Instant Cyanoacrylate Adhesive forms a strong bond with just a few drops. The practical polyethylene packaging ensures precise application to the tension covering patch. The advantages of the Kosmoplast adhesive solution include:

  • hard adhesive seam;
  • resistance to humid environments and temperature changes;
  • absence of solvents in the composition;
  • quick fixation;
  • ultraviolet resistance.

How to glue a cut on a stretch ceiling

The method of gluing a cut on a tension covering depends on its size and distance from the walls. In each case, eliminating the defect has its own characteristics.

Small cuts can be sewn up with nylon threads. To disguise the slit, you need to choose threads of a suitable color. If the resulting seam remains noticeable, it can be painted with water-based paint using a spray gun.

Large damage is more problematic to eliminate, so for a high-quality result it is better to use professional help.

A temporary solution to the problem is to seal the damaged area with tape. This precaution helps prevent the cut from widening until it is completely removed.

When the cut is located close to the wall, it can be eliminated by pulling a small area of ​​the canvas. This way the hole remains in the molding groove and is visually invisible. To tighten the material, you will need to use high-quality glue and a piece of antenna cable. To eliminate a cut, a cable no longer than 10 cm is glued parallel to the baguette to the edge of the damage. When the glue has hardened, the coating at the work site is treated with a hairdryer. Then the cable is pulled up and hidden in the baguette groove. If folds have formed in other places of the stretch ceiling, they will be eliminated according to similar instructions.

A cut located far from the wall is repaired with a patch. To do this, use one of the previously described methods, selecting a suitable patch and fixing it on the damaged area.

How to seal a hole at home

The best way to restore a stretch ceiling at home is to use a patch. This option is optimal when the gap is not even, but slightly rounded or diverging in different directions. Applying glue to the patch is allowed only if the shape of the coating is preserved after the defect occurs. When gluing a patch to a hole in the material, you need to be as careful as possible so that the restored area does not stand out too much from the general background.

Methods for decorating a large defect

The appearance of large defects on the suspended ceiling complicates the task of restoration and damage elimination. An ordinary patch will not help restore the integrity of the material, so you need to use non-standard methods of decorating the damaged area.


The use of applique helps not only to visually hide the slit in the material, but also to decorate the space. Customers are offered a wide variety of appliqués to choose from, made in the shape of butterflies, flowers and patterns. Various materials are used to produce decorative appliqués, but the most popular are plastic and vinyl products. They are non-toxic, attractive in appearance, and easy to apply and remove.

It is important to understand that the application will hide the defect, but first you need to eliminate it. An adhesive solution and a stationery stapler are suitable for this purpose. The edges of the slot are connected with paper clips and coated with glue to enhance strength. Apply the selected application on top, fixing it with plastic glue.

Lamp design

In place of the damaged material, you can place a spotlight, which will not only hide the defect, but also improve the lighting in the room. To install the lamp, perform the following steps step by step:

  1. A rounded profile is applied to the canvas at the site of damage and markings are made. Then the slot is aligned along the drawn circle and the profile is finally installed.
  2. The racks are leveled so that they are level with the canvas. The electrical wiring is brought out through the cut hole and the lamp is fixed to it, having previously placed thermal rings on its body to prevent contact between the lighting device and the tension covering.
  3. After installation, the lamp is leveled, the lamp is screwed into it and the functionality is checked.

Ventilation grill installation

Providing ventilation on a tension covering not only hides defects, but also helps preserve the original appearance of the material. Installing ventilation grilles is no more difficult than installing lamps, so you can do the job yourself if you follow the step-by-step instructions. Ventilation installation consists of the following stages:

  1. The area of ​​damage to the fabric is tightened with nylon threads. This is necessary so that during further work the cut does not expand.
  2. In places where the grille will come into contact with the fabric, a tread ring is fixed with glue to prevent further rupture of the material.
  3. When the ring is glued, the remaining coating inside it is cut off.
  4. If the room is equipped with an air duct system, the pipe is taken out through the hole and covered with a ventilation grille, fixing it on the back side of the ring. For natural ventilation, where there is no automated air duct, simply slide the grille onto the protector ring.

Ventilation grilles are produced in various colors and configurations, which allows you to find unobtrusive options. If you cannot find the desired shade, you can treat the front side of the product with water-based paint in a suitable color.

In what cases it is impossible to glue the coating

There are a number of situations when even experienced craftsmen do not need to try to repair damage to a tension covering. Such situations include:

  1. Fabric tearing along the seam. Gluing the damaged area will only make the problem worse, so the material must be stretched from scratch.
  2. Separation of the covering from the wall. In these circumstances, it becomes necessary to dismantle the ceiling, strengthen the profile/baguette, or install a new one.

The only correct solution would be to contact the company that did the installation to replace the coating or get a refund.

It is possible to reduce the risk of damage to a stretch ceiling, first of all, through careful handling. During construction and repair work, moving furniture, installing windows, you must not touch the ceiling with bulky and sharp objects. For safety reasons, you can build a protective structure above the ceiling.

For prevention, it is recommended to periodically inspect the surface of the tension covering and care for it. The canvas should be cleaned with a soft sponge, a lint-free cloth and detergent without abrasive components. The content of solvents and abrasive particles in the cleaning product will damage the fabric and loss of appearance.

Like any decoration, stretch fabrics do not last forever. They, like other materials, are subject to a number of factors that cause wear and, as a consequence, destruction. The effect of these factors can be long-term or short-term, one-time. Long-term effects include, for example, increased temperature, which will ultimately lead to sagging of the canvas. An example of a short-term factor could be unexpected mechanical damage - a cut, rupture, etc. A circumstance that aggravates the situation with both factors is the constant tensile load, which begins to affect the material from the moment the shell is installed.

Based on the above, decorative suspended ceiling shells, despite the apparent safety of their location, are susceptible to damage no less often than the cladding of other enclosing structures. Therefore, given the cost of this finishing material, the desire to repair the stretch ceiling on your own is quite natural and understandable.

Let's consider ways to restore the integrity of vinyl ceiling cladding with reference to assessing the feasibility of repairs and the effectiveness of the technology used.

Types of suspended ceilings

Decorative stretch PVC films for finishing ceilings can be classified according to many criteria, but to assess the possibility of repairing them, only the structure of the manufacturing material and its thickness are important.

Stretch ceilings are produced in film and fabric.

Film shells have a uniform structure throughout the entire thickness and are an elastic, durable polyvinyl chloride sheet with a thickness of 0.12 to 0.2 mm.

Fabric lining is a load-bearing polyester canvas impregnated with the same polymer - PVC, but has less elasticity due to the presence of a reinforcing base.

Thus, both types of suspended ceilings are made of polymers, but the difference in the structure of the canvases causes differences in the methods of attachment to the baguette and the characteristics of the shells, the repair technologies for which, accordingly, will also differ.

Common damage to decorative shells and how to repair them

The ceiling is a base, physical contact with which occurs less frequently than with other enclosing structures. Therefore, there are few types of possible damage to tension fabrics; they will differ in origin, location and, most importantly, scale, which determines the possibility of repairs.

Let's look at how it is made from film and fabric in specific situations.

Repairing a puncture in the canvas

A small hole in a suspended ceiling may appear as a result of an accidental puncture with an electrical installation tool (screwdriver, tester) during installation of lamps.

A shell with such damage can be repaired regardless of the material used to make the canvas.

Important! Before starting repairs, it is necessary to fix the edges of the damaged area with tape to prevent it from increasing in size under the influence of tensile force.

Repair of punctured ceiling cladding made of PVC film

If the damage is not in a visible place, then on the film finish you can simply seal the hole with a circle cut out of identical material - this will prevent further enlargement of the hole and restore the tightness of the vinyl cladding. Such a patch, if it matches the color of the area being repaired, is invisible from a distance of more than three meters. If the puncture is located in a nearby area of ​​the ceiling, then when repairing by gluing over the repair patch, it is better to glue a beautiful application of PVC film, which will not only hide the defective area, but will also add an artistic touch to the finishing of the ceiling surface. Often, such a design of a repair area requires the addition of several more similar decorative elements to the suspended ceiling for visual completeness.

Important! Before gluing ceiling patches, repair areas of the film must be degreased, but not with solvents, but using mild household detergents or a special spray for caring for suspended ceilings.

Adhesive for repairing damage in vinyl sheets is available in a wide range, as in suspended ceilings on one's own It is quite possible to repair a small hole.

Instructions for using the adhesive composition are on the packaging and must be strictly followed. These adhesives are fast-fixing materials, that is, they set within a few seconds, so if the patch is placed incorrectly on a hole or there is a delay in gluing after applying the composition, the repair procedure will have to be repeated, possibly with the production of a new patch.

The patch is glued without dismantling the shell, directly onto the installed film. After setting, the adhesive layer hardens and forms a solid reinforcing layer, preventing further increase in the size of the damage under the influence of pretension forces.

Repairing a puncture in a fabric stretch ceiling

The high strength with low elasticity of canvases made of polymer fabrics, due to the presence of a polyester base in them, ensures the localization of such minor damage and simplifies repairs.

If the puncture of the shell does not cause damage to the polyester canvas, then the hole can simply be filled with silicone sealant of a suitable color.

If the base is damaged, the fabric is sewn up manually with a sewing needle and synthetic thread selected by color and thickness. On white fabrics, you can use white nylon thread unraveled into fibers.

If traces of repair are still noticeable, since the repair area is in a visible place, then you can completely paint the stretch ceiling made of fabric or, in the case of a multi-level or zoning structure, only the fabric area.

If it is undesirable to carry out painting work, you can disguise the repaired area by manually applying an artistic design on top of it or, as mentioned above, an applique - flat or three-dimensional.

Repair of a cut stretch ceiling

Such damage to the vinyl shell is also not uncommon, and can be caused by carelessly moving a stepladder, moving large objects with sharp edges, and so on.

The possibility of repairing suspended ceilings with your own hands after random cut

in this case, it is determined by the scale of damage and the material of the tension fabric.

Important! You should decide on the purpose of the repair and be aware of the possibility that restoring the integrity of the shell may be possible, but the damage caused to the aesthetics of the finish will be unacceptable for the status of the room.

Repairing a cut in a PVC ceiling film

The size of such damage is always larger than the puncture hole, but if we are talking about a cut up to 15 centimeters long, the canvas can be repaired by applying a patch, as described above. Manufacturers also offer decorative 3D patches that are glued on top of the repair patch and, due to the high level of artistic performance, turn the repair material into a decorative element.

If in a given place the presence of a patch of the same size as the appliqué is unacceptable, then you should consider installing an additional lamp (or several). The essence of the method is that a thermal sealing ring is glued to the cut site, then the film along the inner edge of the ring is cut out, and a light source is mounted on the base. Such a ring, also called a tread ring, through an adhesive fastening, takes on the load from the stretching experienced by the film and prevents further rupture of the vinyl.

If the diameter of the ring allows you to stick your hand into the shell, then the lamp pendants can be mounted on a concrete base without dismantling the stretch ceiling, but the installation will have to be done without a universal platform, the dimensions of which must always be larger than the opening of the thermal ring.

To connect an additional lamp to the lighting system, you need to partially dismantle the nearest lighting element located under the shell. The new section of the wiring should not lie on the film, so it is arranged as an interference fit between the lamps.

The solution to the problem can be simplified if the lamp is given only a decorative role, and not connected to the lighting system. It’s even easier, if the location of the damage allows, to mount a false ventilation grill inside the thermal ring.

In cases of a significant length of cut in a film stretch ceiling (more than 15 cm), the possibility of making cosmetic repairs depends on the location of the damage and the timeliness of applying temporary adhesive tape to localize the destruction of the film.

The location of a single large patch, even a decorative one, not in the central part of the ceiling for aesthetic reasons is rarely acceptable for homeowners, and the device for the symmetry of several additional decorative elements of significant size will make the shell heavier and can cause it to sag. If, nevertheless, it is decided to eliminate such damage by gluing, then installing a patch of a larger area requires more skill - the performer has no more than 20 seconds to apply the adhesive composition to the patch and install the fragment on the film. Then a decorative self-adhesive 3D sticker is placed on top of the repair patch.

Important! When using “Moment” type adhesives, there is more time for repairs, but the adhesive layer after drying is not transparent, and the glued element will stand out against the general background in a darker color.

This is exactly the case when the tightness of the stretch ceiling will be restored, but it will be difficult to achieve a complete restoration of the aesthetics of the canvas after repairs have been completed.

Restoration of the tissue membrane after a cut

The polyester base of fabric stretch ceilings facilitates the procedure for repairing the canvas even in the event of a cut. The edges of the damage are tightened by manually applying a seam using a strong synthetic thread of a suitable color; the distance from the wall and the orientation of the cut do not matter. Punctures with a needle, depending on the degree of tension of the shell, are made at a distance of at least 3 mm from the edge of the cut. We seal the seam scar with acrylic sealant, the surface of which is given a fabric texture by pressing a piece of suitable material onto the fresh layer. After the sealing composition has dried, the fabric is painted over the entire area, or a design is applied to the canvas with a brush or airbrush.

The structure of fabric stretch ceilings does not preclude the use of methods used to restore PVC film when repairing cuts - installing thermal rings followed by installation of a lamp or ventilation grille, if the installation of these elements in places where the fabric is damaged does not contradict the rules of their operation or common sense. For example, a single small lamp or a ventilation grille in the central part of the ceiling next to a chandelier will look ridiculous.

Repairing Vinyl Trim Rip

PVC film experiences maximum tensile load along the edge of the baguette, so fatigue rupture of the film material along the wall is not a rare phenomenon. If the method of fastening the stretch ceiling is beading, and the distance from the edge of the tear to the wall is within 15 cm, then you can repair such damage yourself without leaving any traces.

The indicated 15 cm determines the limit of the possibility of additionally stretching and re-threading the film into the baguette; this is the maximum amount of damage commensurate with the elasticity of vinyl in this design.

The stretch ceiling is released from the baguette along the entire length of the damage with a margin of 25-30 cm in both directions, after which the cut is continued with scissors along the tear, smoothly approaching the edge of the canvas.

Using an electric hairdryer, heat the vinyl shell in the area of ​​the repaired area and, pulling the middle of the resulting semi-oval towards the frame, tuck the film into the baguette. The same is done with the resulting two smaller semi-ovals. Eventually, the inner edge of the pre-existing tear is secured in the frame along its entire length. If folds have formed in adjacent areas after completing this procedure, then they are eliminated in the same way - freed from the baguette and, having pulled up the slack, tucked in again.

With the harpoon method of fastening a stretch ceiling, the canvas is dismantled, a narrow strip of film along the gap is removed with scissors according to the principle described above. Then the shell is transferred to the manufacturer, which welds the harpoon along the new contour of the side being repaired, after which the tension lining is re-installed into the baguette.

Removing traces of heat from a lamp

If the rules for limiting the power of lamps used in lamps are not followed, the suspended ceiling around the lighting fixtures may darken and even break. Regardless of the type of stretch ceiling, such damage can be eliminated by installing thermal rings of larger diameter, which is carried out using the technology described above.

If the difference in the diameters of the old and new rings is not too great, then the increased opening will be filled by universal platforms located under the shell around the lamps.

Important! During the repair process, lamps of permissible power should be installed in the lamps:

  • for fabrics - incandescent lamps up to 60 W, halogen lamps - up to 35 W;
  • for PVC film - incandescent lamps up to 40 W, halogen lamps - up to 20 W.

The feasibility of repairing damage to suspended ceiling cladding

In theory, there is no damage to shells that cannot be repaired - modern technologies make it possible to restore both the integrity and the aesthetic component of any stretch ceiling. But this can only be done in the conditions of the enterprise that produces this finishing material, and the cost of restoration will exceed the price of a new shell several times.

Therefore, when choosing a method for repairing a stretch ceiling, you should objectively assess the degree of damage and the feasibility of carrying out restoration.

As a rule, ruptures or cuts of PVC film panels located in the central part and exceeding 15 cm in length can only be restored in terms of tightness; damage to the aesthetics of the cladding is inevitable, and its degree may be unexpectedly high.

Fabric ceilings, due to the presence of a polyester base, are more resistant to mechanical operations and allow traces of repair to be masked by painting. This is also the reason for their price - 1.5-2 times higher than film canvases. But even tissue shells have a certain limit of suitability for restoration. This limit depends not only on the size and configuration of the damage, but also on the class of artistic design of the canvas, which determines the complexity of image restoration.

Thus, it is better to repair tension shells after consultation with a specialist who will assess the feasibility of performing this work and the likelihood of achieving the desired result.


Accidental damage to a stretch ceiling does not always lead to a complete replacement of the cladding. In most cases, punctures and cuts to the shells are not significant in size and do not entail significant repair costs, since the suspended ceiling can be sealed with such damage it is possible with your own hands.

If the damage to the vinyl finish is significant, then there is no need to rush into making repairs. At the same time, asking the seller of the material for advice is not the best solution, since he may not be objective. It is better to consult with those home owners who have had to deal with the installation and repair of vinyl sheets at home. When they also express doubts about the advisability of restoring the stretch ceiling due to the significant damage, it is better to purchase a new shell.

The main gist of the article:

  1. Stretch ceilings, like the finishing of other enclosing structures, are not guaranteed against mechanical or thermal damage, but repairing vinyl shells is possible in most cases, including with your own hands. To ensure that the result of the restoration does not disappoint, you need to be familiar with the methods of making repairs.
  2. Tension fabrics are produced in two types: film and fabric. The manufacturing material for all shells is the same - polyvinyl chloride, but the structure of the fabric is different - uniform in films, and using a base - in fabric ones. The difference in structure determines the difference in characteristics and, as a consequence, restoration methods.
  3. The complexity and volume of restoration work depends on the material of the stretch ceiling, the class of its artistic execution, the significance and location of the damage. Knowledge of technologies for repairing tension fabrics will ensure obtaining the desired result both in restoring the integrity of the cladding and in artistic concealment of traces of the repair.
  4. A correct assessment of the situation regarding the possibility of restoring the finish to an acceptable condition will save you from unjustified expenses. Repair of a suspended ceiling should not be carried out at any cost, since, in addition to minor and medium ones, there are damages that cannot be corrected. The best adviser on the advisability of restoring the canvas will be a homeowner who has already installed or repaired suspended ceilings.

Repairing suspended ceilings after a cut, if the gap exceeds 1-2 cm, definitely requires the intervention of professionals. Specialists have several options at their disposal to restore the integrity of PVC film:

  • The first method of repairing a stretch ceiling in case of a cut involves installing a “patch”. A piece of film is glued to the inside of the canvas, and the outer edges are carefully pulled together. The “seam” is practically invisible if the work was done professionally and the ceiling itself is colored or patterned. For a white glossy finish, to mask the cut area of ​​the stretch ceiling, use the appliqué decoration method.
  • If the stretch ceiling is cut in a corner or on the edge, repairs are even easier. The damaged part of the canvas is removed, the film is heated again and stretched to the desired size. This method allows you to leave no traces of cuts and repair the stretch ceiling.

Expert advice: If the stretch ceiling is significantly damaged or cut, repairing it yourself is strongly not recommended. Any non-professional intervention will lead to aggravation of the situation.

How to fix a cut on a suspended ceiling if its duration is up to 10 centimeters?

When this happens, repairing suspended ceilings after a cut with your own hands is impossible. Experts can provide effective assistance, for example, by using holes in which an auxiliary lamp or false ventilation grill is installed. A functional or decorative element will help hide a cut in a stretch ceiling, but only professionals can install it, since amateur manipulation of the canvas will damage it even more.

How to eliminate a cut on a suspended ceiling if its size exceeds 10 centimeters?

If it is not possible to repair a suspended ceiling after a cut due to the extent of the damage, the canvas will need to be replaced. Repairing suspended ceilings after a cut will cost less than installing a new structure, since specialists only replace the damaged film; replacement of fasteners is not required.

Cut on a suspended ceiling: who to contact?

As a rule, the repair of suspended ceilings after a cut or rupture is carried out by companies specializing in the manufacture and installation of these products. In St. Petersburg, professional repair services for PVC ceilings are provided by the Nevado company. A team of specialists is ready to go to your address after filling out an application by phone or on the website. The price for repairing a stretch ceiling depends on the degree of damage to the canvas and the method of its restoration that is optimal for a particular situation.

Our experts do not recommend attempting to independently restore the integrity of the film if you do not have the necessary skills. The only thing the owner of the premises can do if a cut in the stretch ceiling is discovered is to secure the edges of the tear with tape and call professionals for help. In this case, material losses will be minimal.