home · Appliances · How deep does a motorized drill drill? Motor drill, also known as gas drill - choosing and purchasing a motor drill, features of operation, tips and recommendations. Gasoline drill features and functionality

How deep does a motorized drill drill? Motor drill, also known as gas drill - choosing and purchasing a motor drill, features of operation, tips and recommendations. Gasoline drill features and functionality

While working in the garden or while carrying out construction work A gas drill is an indispensable tool that allows you to make a well quickly and efficiently. In the process of buying a gas drill, the main thing is not to make a mistake and make the right choice, while getting useful device, which will delight its owner long years. How to choose a gas drill for earthworks Let's look at it further.

Gasoline drill features and functionality

A gasoline drill is also called a motor drill; it looks like small device, capable of performing a wide range of earthworks. Exists a large number of gas drill models. They vary in power, weight, number of attachments and additional functions.

The principle of operation of a gas drill is reminiscent of an auger drilling rig. They allow you to build a foundation on piles, make holes for a well or a well. In addition, the motor drill is widely used in gardening for planting trees or bushes, constructing fences and enclosures.

The gas drill is easy to use and is also harmless to environment and landscape of the land plot.

A gas drill is widely used among those who like to go fishing in winter. They use it to make holes in massive ice.

The standard classification involves dividing gas drills into:

  • simple;
  • weighted.

The first option is used when performing work on sandy soils. They are characterized by less high power and light weight. With the help of simple motorized drills, it is possible to construct wells up to 200 cm deep. One person is enough to work with them, unlike weighted drills, which require at least two people when drilling.

Heavy gas drills are used on hard soils, this equipment refers to a number of professional equipment designed for working on the ground. The device is distinguished by the presence of a variety of augers and a three-act engine, which make it possible to make huge wells with a depth of more than five meters.

The peculiarity of a gas drill that distinguishes it from other types of drilling devices is that its main component is a gearbox. Its main function is to transmit movement to the auger, which carries out drilling. The type of gearbox used in a motor drill depends entirely on its type. A coaxial type gearbox is used in simple gas drills, and a worm gearbox is used in weighted ones.

Every buyer of a motor drill wants to pay a little money for a quality item, but saving only leads to a quick breakdown of the device. The price of gas drills for earthworks is influenced by their type. The cost of simple motor drills is less than that of weighted drills.

Benefits of using a gas drill

1. High level reliability is ensured correct selection equipment and calculation of its power.

2. No need for soil preparation and other equipment.

3. Possibility of drilling wells of various depths and diameters.

4. Obtaining high performance and power of the device.

5. The lightness of some models of gas drills allows only one person to carry out the work.

6. Compactness - the gas drill does not take up much space and is easily transported to the right place.

7. Using gasoline as fuel for a gas drill makes it independent of traditional power sources.

8. Reduced vibration level is another advantage of most gas drills.

9. Operational safety is regulated by special options that shut it down if problems occur.

10. The wide range of jobs that a gas drill can handle indicates its usefulness both in the construction industry and in gardening.

Main types of gas drills

Among the main types of gas drills, the following models should be highlighted:

  • manual type;
  • wheel type.

The first option is more common than the second. Since their cost is much lower, and their performance is satisfactory. The weight of wheeled motor drills is much greater due to their high power and the heaviness of the engine. Therefore, for their transportation they are equipped with wheels. The depth of the hole made using a wheel motor drill reaches 50 cm. Due to high cost they are in demand among professional builders.

Manual motor drills are designed to work with one or two operators. If you need to construct a hole up to 25 cm, a motorized drill with one operator is sufficient.

Wheel-type motor drills are divided into:

  • single frame;
  • modular.

In the first option, the motor and gearbox are located on the same block as the device itself. In modular motorized drills, on different trolleys.

According to the type of rotation transmission in a gas drill, they are divided into:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic.

A more reliable method is the hydraulic one, since the load is distributed evenly and the parts do not wear out as much. Therefore, when performing large volumes of work, you should use it.

To buy earth drill, you should contact a specialized store where experienced specialists will help you choose a model that is suitable for price and functionality.

When choosing a device, pay attention to:

  • the amount of power;
  • screw head size;
  • engine volumes.

To determine the power of a gas drill, it is enough to examine the label on which it is indicated. In addition, ask the seller for the operating instructions and technical specifications of the device, which contain all the information about it. The quality and speed of its work depends on the power value. It also affects its cost. Cheaper models are characterized by a minimum power of 2.5 hp.

When paying attention to the size of the auger, you should take into account the diameter of the holes intended for drilling. Some models have several auger options, while others do not have them at all. In this case, the screw head is purchased separately. The average size of the auger, which can cope with most household and construction work, is about 0.7-1 m.

When choosing the engine size of a gas drill, you should take into account the fact that it has a direct connection with the rotation speed of the auger located in the ground. The working size of the engine volume directly depends on the type of soil on which it will be used. For example, to drill a well in sandy soil It is enough to purchase a gas drill with an engine capacity of up to 35 m³ and a power of up to 2 horsepower. At the same time, when working on black soil, the engine volume must be at least 40 m³, and the power must be 3 hp. When processing compacted soils, the types of motor drills described above are not suitable; in this case, you need to buy a device with an engine capacity of about 200 m³ and a power of 5 hp or more. and higher.

Advice: When purchasing a gas drill, you should find out whether it requires fuel tank oil filling.

In addition, you should inquire about the presence of a fuse that ensures the safety of the person working with the gas drill. This happens as follows: when, during operation, the gas drill comes across a stone or tree root, the fuse automatically stops its operation. Otherwise, there may be a risk of injury or injury from using this device.

The operation of gas drills requires careful care of the device; first of all, the fuel that is poured into it must be of high quality, and the knives located on the auger head must be sharpened. This fact prevents premature wear clutch and gearbox. To store the gas drill, use a room protected from moisture.

Gasoline drill for excavation work: instruction manual

The first and main rule quality work A gas drill is the use of augers that are suitable in quality and diameter for the type of soil on which the work is being done. Otherwise, there is a possible risk of not only breaking the gas drill, but also injuring the driller himself.

To reduce the effort in the process of starting the device, there is a special system called easy start. With its help, the gas drill is heated, thanks to its work on idle speed within 3-4 minutes.

The place where drilling is carried out must be cleared of debris, large stones and other objects that interfere with drilling. Start drilling by installing the drill, then you should position yourself more steadily so that the rotating auger is as far away from you as possible. Hold the motor drill with both hands and start working.

The most lightweight material for drilling is ice. Although you should be extremely careful in the process of drilling it, as there is a possible risk of cracks appearing on its surface.

When working on soil soils, it is necessary to periodically lift the auger from the well to remove chipped material and prevent jamming. When jamming occurs and the risk of injury is reduced, open the inertial clutch chain by fully releasing the gas.

It is prohibited to drill holes deeper than the length of the auger. If it is necessary to equip such a well, you will need to purchase an additional extension.

A substance containing gasoline and oil in a ratio of 1 to 40 or 1 to 50 is used as fuel for a gas drill. When running in the engine, the solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 25.

There are two types of gearbox:

  • coaxial;
  • worm.

The clutch is located in the space between the engine and the gearbox. When using a gas drill, you should pay due attention to the knives, as they affect the wear of both the clutch and the engine.

One person can easily cope with work on a drill with a coaxial type of gearbox, since its weight is light and it spreads along the drilling axis. Worm gear models require multiple people to drill.

It is not recommended to use gas drills when drilling ice, as at this time they are susceptible to influence negative temperatures, which affect the quality of the device. For these purposes, use special hand drills designed to work in such conditions.

Maintaining safety when working with a gas drill

Majority modern manufacturers Gasoline drillers care about the safety of the person working with this device. Almost all models have a function that provides emergency stop drilling This system starts working when the motor drill collides with an area of ​​soil that is impassable.

Additional features of some models include special locking levers that prevent accidental starting of the device. In addition, convenience and ease of operation is ensured by the presence of a handle.

Manufacturers of high-quality gas drills make sure that even during a break in its operation, propulsion system did not give in to wear. Thanks to the presence of a special microporous coating, lubricant is supplied to the engine, increasing its service life.

Review of gas drill manufacturers

There are two types of gas drills:

  • household;
  • professional.

The first option is suitable for infrequent use; such models are usually made in China. Their cost is affordable, but their quality is low. But, if necessary, for periodic use, and for the purpose of saving, purchasing such a gas drill is quite acceptable.

More high quality Products of the middle and high price categories differ. Among such motor drills, Hitachi, Efco and other manufacturers stand out. They belong to semi-professional equipment. They are suitable for private construction or small organizations that require periodic use of drilling devices.

TO professional equipment Manufacturers such as Stihl, Husqvarna and Echo should be included. These gas drills are most often used by companies that rent them or in businesses that constantly use gas drills.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main manufacturers of gas drills:

1. Hitachi - Japanese-made gas drills that have the following features:

  • high quality and versatility;
  • average price category;
  • using an engine with the NewPure Fire system;
  • variety of models;
  • possibility of adjusting the angle of the handle;
  • the presence of a system that ensures smooth and soft startup of the device;
  • light weight.

2. Efco - these gas drills are produced in Italy. The devices differ in the following characteristics:

  • excellent for constructing wells for planting trees, for installing fences and fences;
  • the location of the controls is one-sided;
  • Thanks to the presence of foldable handles, there are no problems with transporting the gas drill;
  • Availability circuit breaker blocks the operation of the gas drill in case of emergency;
  • The package includes an adapter and drilling pins.

3. Stihl - the country producing these gas drills is Germany. They differ in the following features:

  • mobility and reliability;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • the variety of models allows you to choose a device that suits each consumer;
  • stable engine operation ensures highly efficient results;
  • strong traction allows drilling on soils with high viscosity;
  • to reduce the load on the operator and for uniform drilling, handles with anti-vibration properties are used;
  • the presence of a braking mechanism ensures the safety of the operator working with the gas drill.

A motor drill for support posts is a more effective alternative to its mechanical counterpart. Thanks to the presence of a drive and gearbox, which is responsible for transmitting torque to the cutting edge, electric tool This type makes it much faster to prepare holes in the ground for installing poles.

Overview of existing varieties

The market offers several types of drilling equipment, the difference between which lies in the principle of operation:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • gasoline;
  • hydraulic;
  • mounted

Of the above options, the last drill requires the use of special equipment. equipment (for example, a tractor). The remaining models are operated manually, but with varying degrees of efficiency. Motorized versions are among the most popular. Moreover, a gas drill is the most popular tool in this group. The electric counterpart is slightly inferior to it.

The gasoline drill is driven by a two-, three-, or four-stroke drive. The first option is lighter, has relatively small dimensions and can be used at home. The 3-4-stroke analogue is a large unit that requires 2 people to operate. Gasoline drill in this option It is distinguished by high power, but its productivity is also much higher.

The considered versions have another difference - the type of gearbox. In particular, light drilling equipment is usually equipped with a coaxial gearbox; for heavy analogues, a worm gearbox is provided.

Depending on the design features a gasoline drill can prepare holes with a depth of 2 to 5 m. Powerful versions are capable of drilling holes in soils of different structures: rocky, sandy and high-density soil.

Motor drill, which provides Electrical engine, is similar in design to the analogue discussed above, with the only exception being the type of drive mechanism. The basis of the device of a power tool is asynchronous motor with a squirrel cage type rotor. An undoubted plus that sets apart electric drill from a number of similar techniques, lies in the absence of a noise effect.

Gasoline devices are characterized by high power, which allows them to be used in difficult conditions and with large volumes of work.

All motorized household devices in terms of power level and, accordingly, performance, they produce similar results. However, a motor drill with a professional-class electric motor is noticeably inferior to the gasoline version. One of the main disadvantages of power tools is the need for mains power.

The advantages of electric drills include their noiselessness, since, unlike a gasoline engine, the electric drive is practically inaudible.

Depending on the power level, a motor drill is used to solve different problems:

  • construction of fences (holes for posts);
  • arrangement of a pile-type foundation;
  • Creation outbuildings, technical holes intended purpose(laying communications);
  • planting a vegetable garden (preparing holes for seedlings and plantings);
  • arrangement of communication lines, street lighting systems and installation of support posts for power lines;
  • construction of bridges, tunnels;
  • geological research work.

Hydraulic equipment is a manual unit, but for industrial purposes, since a motor drill of this type works well in the construction of large-scale projects.

Key selection parameters

There are two main criteria, without which it is difficult to select a tool for any type of excavation work (gasoline, electric drill, etc.):

  1. Diameter of cutting blades/auger. This parameter should exceed the hole in the ground by 5 mm. The smaller the diameter, the correspondingly smaller the hole will be. This means that a motor drill should be purchased only after it has been decided what parameters characterize the object being built.
  2. The depth of the tool, which corresponds to the installation depth of the pillars. The simplest drill has a limited length of the support rod. To increase its height, additional rods and elements for their fastening must be included in the package. The more parts included in the kit, the more expensive the drill will cost.

These criteria apply to any type of excavation tool. But there is also individual characteristics, which should be considered before purchasing a motor drill.

These include electrical parameters of the equipment: power, operating speed and number of modes. It should also be taken into account design features: engine type (gasoline, electric), its characteristics.

Choose a motor drill with an easy start system and shock absorption system. This will ensure comfort in work, as there will be no problems when starting in the cool season.

Another factor influencing the choice of such a tool is the soil structure. A more productive motor drill is suitable for any soil. And used in living conditions lightweight units are not able to cope with rocky and dense soil. Today, it is a common practice to use rented equipment, including a motor drill.

When choosing in such conditions, you must also rely on the volume of future work that is planned to be completed in one day, taking into account the rather impressive payment for this service.

Review of manufacturers, pricing question

Many countries are engaged in the production of such equipment: Italy, Japan, Germany, Sweden, China, Russia, as well as the USA. The choice of manufacturers is, accordingly, very wide: ADA, Carver, ECHO, Champion, Hitachi, Elitech, PATRIOT, Stihl, Caliber, etc.

STIHL (Russia). The devices are economical, practical and durable. Some models have a safety locking system. average cost– 15,000 rubles.

To navigate this diversity, you need to take into account not only the basic parameters of the motor drill, but also the quality of the equipment. You can ask your friends and try to find excerpts about the products you are interested in.

Some brands are known more than others due to the long-term existence of the manufacturer and the reliability of the tool: Hitachi, Stihl, ECHO, EFCO. Also, the electric tool Bison, Tornado and Fiskars Quikdrill have proven themselves well.

EFCO (Italy). Products are characterized increased strength, suitable for frequent use. The average price level is 29,000 rubles

You can purchase a high-quality product with average characteristics (blade diameter 20-30 cm, power 1.8-2.4 W) at a price of 9,000 to 16,000 rubles. A more productive gasoline drill will cost more (about 20,000 rubles).

The electric analogue costs a little more: on average from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. Any mechanical analogue will cost significantly less (RUB 2,000-8,000). The most expensive equipment in this category is considered to be a hydraulic tool. It is offered at an average price of 30,000-35,000 rubles.

Nuances of operation

To connect an electric drill, you need an output to a three-phase power source. The gasoline analogue is operated without such restrictions, but it is important to ensure a sufficient amount of fuel. Typically, such units require a mixture of 92 gasoline and oil. During operation, it is necessary to monitor the fuel level in order to avoid running “idle”, which will affect the duration of operation.

The drill must be positioned strictly vertically; if deviations occur, it is removed. The engine drives the mechanism, and the gearbox transmits torque to the cutting edge. Typically, a motorized tool is equipped with an auger blade.

It is important to control the level of the edge, as dullness cutting edge leads to a decrease in unit performance. And this, in turn, is the main reason for the failure of such components as the clutch and gearbox. As a result, the electric or gasoline drill will not function. Power tools should only be stored in a dry place.

Unlike its mechanical counterpart, a motor drill can be equipped with a reverse function, which allows you to change the direction of rotation of the blades in the other direction. This is usually required when the unit has stalled.

Buying a motor drill gives you more opportunities: more fast work, the ability to cover a large area, the ability of this type of tool to drill difficult soils.

However, the cost of such equipment is quite high (9,000-40,000 rubles), so it is not always advisable to purchase a gasoline or electric version of the unit, since the return on investment in this case will be low.

The power auger will do its job underground, but an important part of the drilling job—making sure the operator and bystanders are not in danger—begins before the power auger touches the ground. This article is needed primarily so that, having rented a tool, you would remain in good health and return the equipment to in good condition and without traces of blood :)

During construction and repair work Tasks may arise related to the movement of goods around a room or territory and require the use of special equipment. The stacker rental section presents models of stackers for rent, as well as prices and rental conditions.

It may seem obvious, but safety is paramount to avoid injury, some of which can be serious. Drilling is fraught with dangers, and while manufacturers strive to produce tools that are as safe as possible, it is a good idea to learn operating standards and stay up to date with manufacturers' recommendations to keep yourself and others safe.

Sometimes it's easier to call

Knowing the area where work is being done is the first, or even zero, step before drilling begins. Danger may lurk just a few tens of centimeters below the surface, where communications may be laid. If you hit them, problems are guaranteed; this can result in monetary losses or, in the worst case, serious injuries. The most dangerous options are to touch a power line or gas pipeline, in which case you can get an electric shock, fire, burns and other troubles, even fatal. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to call local networks and find out if this or that type of communications passes through your area. Once you have verified that there is no potential threat or have marked areas that cannot be drilled, you can begin drilling.

Before starting work, check yourself and the gas drill

  1. To protect himself, the operator must wear protective equipment and follow the simplest dress code when working with a motor drill. Don't wear sandals; opt for work boots or at least sneakers.
  2. Avoid wearing loose, loose clothes and watch your laces. If any of this gets into the auger, it won't be pleasant. To protect against flying dust and debris, wear safety glasses and gloves when the auger is running.
  3. Read the instructions for the gas auger before starting. Even if you have a lot of experience with power drills, different manufacturers implement safety features differently, which vary from model to model.
  4. After reading the instructions, carefully check the gas drill to see if any repairs or replacement of damaged parts are needed, or if anything broke off during transportation.
  5. Make sure the kill switch buttons and wires are not damaged and are properly connected and functioning.
  6. To make sure the throttle is working properly, start the engine and let it run for a few seconds before releasing the throttle. If everything is working normally, the engine will automatically return to idle.
  7. Next, check the gearbox and tighten the bolts. Check the handles and body for cracks or other damage.
  8. Poorly secured knives can lead to increased vibration of the gas drill and its wandering during operation, so before starting, check the fastening of the knives and, if necessary, tighten them. Don't get hurt by sharp edges! If you are installing knives on a gas drill for the first time, use the manufacturer's instructions.
  9. If you are working with a gas auger that has a reaction arm to protect against kickback, connect it correctly. The bar is installed differently different manufacturers, so follow the instructions.
  10. Finally, be sure to check your oil, fuel, or hydraulic fluid levels. After the engine warms up, it will be more difficult to replenish the fluid level, gasoline will ignite when it comes into contact with hot metal, and so on. Therefore, it is easier to do this before starting work.
  11. If all the previous steps have been completed, then the operator’s safety is now in his own hands.

  • When the tedious part of preparing yourself and the gas drill for work is over, you need to remember about those around you. Do not let anyone come closer than 3 meters when starting the gas drill.
  • When the auger is running, position the auger perpendicular to the ground for better control and optimal results.
  • Tip: For better control, vary the auger pressure depending on the soil. On soft soil, do not press too hard on the auger; on heavier soils, apply a little more power, but not so much that the rotation stops and the engine stalls.
  • The main tip for working with a motor drill is to pull not with your back, but with your legs. It’s easy to strain your back when working with a gas drill, so put the load on your legs.
  • When you have reached the desired depth, you should remove and stop the motor drill correctly. Since the auger rotates with high speed, never pull it completely out of the hole until the engine has stopped. Even an experienced operator may not be able to handle the gas drill in this case. When removing the gas drill, release the gas and allow the engine to stop. Only after a complete stop can you get the gas drill out of the hole.
  • If the auger gets stuck in a tree root or hard soil, stop the engine and disconnect the auger. Rotate it counterclockwise to release it. Sometimes this requires an adjustable wrench. In the most extreme cases you will have to dig out the auger.
  • If you are holding a gas drill in your hands for the first time in your life, take your time and do not press hard on the gas. By working at low speed you will master basic skills and understand the mechanics of the process. And don't get hurt in the process.

Choosing a motor drill

What do you need to know to choose the right motorized drill for poles?

To choose the right motor drill for poles, you need to know the diameter of the holes, drilling depth, season for work and the type of soil in which drilling will be done. Always pay attention to the technical characteristics of the motor drill. Especially for the maximum possible drilling diameter. When drilling with the maximum possible drilling diameter, the motor drill always operates at the limits of its capabilities and has no power reserve. Therefore, with the specified maximum drilling diameter it is possible to drill to a depth of no more than 1 meter and only in light soils not higher than the second category.

Hydraulic motor drills with power 11 and 15 hp. capable of drilling to a depth of more than 1 meter with a maximum diameter. For drilling category 3 soil, with diameters of 350 mm and above, we always recommend hydraulic motor drills with a power of 11 hp or more.

What is the difference between hydraulic and mechanical motor drills?

A hydraulic motor drill has higher reliability and service life, more power and torque compared to any mechanical motor drill in a design that uses a large number of parts working under conditions of strong friction.

On another site they offer me a cheap motor drill for drilling frozen soil. You are offering me an expensive hydraulic motor drill. Why?

No mechanical motorized earth drill is designed for drilling frozen soil. Frozen soil is a kind of natural concrete that is very difficult to drill. The gearbox of any mechanical motor drill is not able to provide the required torque. It is worth noting that some mechanical motor drills are sometimes capable of drilling in frozen soil, but with a drilling diameter of no more than 150 mm and when used within Middle zone Russia. These are Ground Hog 1M, Ground Hog C-71, Stihl BT 360, Efco TR1585, Oleo-Mac MTL 85. And these motor drills are also quite expensive. If you don't believe me, buy it and try it.

Which maximum depth Is it possible for drilling with your motorized drills?

This depends on the diameter of the auger, the category of soil, the cutting knives used, and the type of extensions used. As standard, ANY of our motorized drills with an installed auger drill makes in the soil of the second category (see the section “Soil categories”) the maximum hole specified in technical specifications motor drill, to a depth of 1 m.

The hardest thing about drilling to a depth of more than one meter is lifting the waste soil from the hole to the surface. Therefore, follow our recommendations when drilling:

Never try to make a hole in one pass, otherwise you will bury the auger and will not be able to get it out.

Make a hole one meter deep ( full length auger drill). Go deeper gradually to a depth of about 30-35 cm, lift the drill from the hole and, including rotation, remove the earth from the drill. Once the one meter deep hole is prepared and cleared of soil, clear the excavated soil from the edges of the hole, disconnect the auger from the gas auger and lower the auger into the dug hole.

Connect an extension cord to the auger drill, connect a motor drill to the extension cord and start drilling to a depth of more than a meter. For drilling to a depth of more than 2 meters with a diameter of 250 mm or more, we recommend using auger extensions, which will significantly facilitate your work and will quickly lift the excavated soil to the surface.

Clear the auger from the soil, attach the extension, lower the extension with the auger back into the hole and connect the motor drill and continue to go deeper into the next part of the hole, 30-35 cm deep. Continue drilling with this method, lifting the auger with the extension out of the hole and lifting the earth, until you reach the desired depth.

When drilling deeper than 2 meters, always use a tripod and auger extensions that can lift mined-out soil to the surface. Simple extensions without a flange (without a spiral) will not be able to lift the earth to the surface, and the operator will never lift a motor drill with an auger and extension above his height. If you are using a simple extension without an auger, to make the job easier, use a tripod with a winch to lift the ground.

When using a tripod, always keep the winch cable taut to prevent the auger from unexpectedly drilling into the ground. The greater the drilling depth, the greater the weight of the installed augers and extensions, as well as the mined-out soil. Sometimes this can be more than the operator's weight. Therefore, a tripod is needed, without which the operator will not be able to control the motor drill and will not be able to lift the augers and earth to the surface.

Which protective systems Are there gearboxes in mechanical motor drills?

Any mechanical motor drill except Iron Mole C7 does not have such protection. The risk of breaking the transmission of a mechanical motor drill due to worn knives or jamming of the auger in the ground is very high. As a rule, when overloaded, the clutch quickly heats up and smoke appears. If you don't stop, the clutch will burn out and will need to be replaced. Following the clutch, the gearbox will break.

In the Iron Mole C7 mechanical motor drill, there is a V-belt between the gearbox shaft and the motor shaft, which, in case of overload, slips and protects the gearbox and clutch from damage.

Hydraulic motor drills have overload protection. Hydraulic motor drills do not have a gearbox or clutch. The screw rotates using oil under pressure created by an oil pump. If the auger is worn out and jammed in the ground, excessive pressure occurs. Under its influence, a safety valve in the hydraulic distributor opens, oil flows through it past the hydraulic motor and excessive pressure quickly drops. But if the hydraulic distributor is not adjusted, then the risk of breakdown remains.

I need a depth of 5 meters, can your motorized drills do this?

Yes they can. According to reviews of motor drills from our clients - the best choice For such work, hydraulic motor drills. Especially Iron Mole M series. The transmission of mechanical motor drills is weak for drilling over 2 meters. You also need to consider not only your technical task, but also the capabilities of motorized drills. The larger the drilling diameter, the shallower the drilling depth and vice versa.

To drill more than 2 meters, it is necessary to use auger extensions and a tripod with a winch, so that the excavated earth rises to the surface from the entire depth. It is almost impossible to use extension cords without augers for such work; it will be very difficult to lift the excavated soil to the surface.

A motorized drill is required for drilling water wells. Which one do you recommend?

Motorized drills are NOT INTENDED for drilling water wells.

This requires special equipment that is capable of lowering, rotating and lifting a drill string weighing about a ton or more to the surface. In addition, for high-quality water drilling, it is necessary to flush the well from sludge during drilling. When drilling for water in the ground, there are layers or stones that even a powerful car-based drilling rig cannot penetrate, and in this case, percussion-rope drilling may be required.

The power and torque of a motor drill for drilling water wells is simply not enough, and the operator will not be able to lift the drill string to the surface.

You need to drill frozen soil, which of your motorized drills can do this?

Only hydraulic motor drills. Only they have the necessary torque and power. For the right choice hydraulic motor drill, in addition to the type of soil, you need to know the depth and diameter of the drilling.

Drilling with a motor drill

When drilling plastic clay, it sticks to the spiral of the motor drill. How to make drilling easier?

Drilling plastic heavy clay is a very difficult job. Especially if the drilling diameter is more than 300 mm and the depth is more than 2 meters. Even hydraulic motor drills have a hard time doing this job. To make work easier and reduce the load on the motor drill, lubricate auger drills and extensions with machine oil. Clay will stick to the augers significantly less, the load on the motor-drill transmission will decrease, and the rise of soil to the surface along the augers will speed up.

How to drill clay correctly with a motor drill?

For heavy drilling clay soil We recommend using carbide cutting knives. Before drilling, ESPECIALLY IF THE SOIL IS FROZEN, if it is very difficult for the auger to enter the soil, crush the entry point of the drill to make drilling easier. When drilling, use the rocking drilling method, that is, when drilling, DO NOT try to hold the auger axis (drilling axis) at a 90-degree angle to the surface. Instead, briefly change the angle of the drilling axis to allow the blades to better grip the ground. Whenever drilling into heavy clay deeper than 1.5 meters, use a tripod with a winch to lift the auger bits.

I came fishing, started a motorized ice drill, and made several holes. Then he put the ice drill in the snow and started fishing. After an hour and a half, the ice drill could not start. What could be the problem?

After work, the motor drill is still hot, you put it in the snow, the snow under the motor drill began to evaporate and the moisture from the evaporation that got into the carburetor froze. The problem can be easily solved. Open the lid air filter Sprinkle some gasoline into it and the engine will start without problems. After work, install the motor drill in a vertical position so that snow and moisture do not get into the engine and freeze. Also check the quality of the fuel, poor quality fuel with high content water may freeze in the carburetor.

Are you planning a grand construction project? Then get ready to perform various types work, including fence installation and foundation construction, which may require drilling. Manually making a well of the required diameter is not an easy task. You will need a reliable and powerful motor drill. We will tell you how to work with it correctly in this article.

So, a gas drill is used specifically for drilling wells of various depths and diameters. There are two types of similar units: manual and drilling and crane stations, which are equipped with cars.

How does a hand-held motor drill work?

How to drill with a motor drill? Everything in this process is extremely simple! The motor drill passes through the ground, gradually going deeper, while throwing soil to the surface. This unit includes 2 main elements: a drill (auger) and an engine running on gasoline or electricity. It is on this that the power level of the device and, accordingly, its performance depend. The force factor from the engine is transmitted to the drill through a shaft system and gearbox. Hand motor drill used to create shallow holes from 1.5 to 3 meters. Basically, such devices are used when installing a fence, digging holes for seedlings and other work.

Benefits of using a gas drill

Making a well in hard soil is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Attracting to this process A motor drill will save your time.

Firstly, in similar work application of this instrument gives us advantages:

  • allows you to create holes various diameters and depth due to replaceable augers;
  • to work with such a unit, no experience or good physical training and special professional skills;
  • The unit is safe to use.

Secondly, you can use a two-handed motor drill, which will require 2 people to operate. This way, completing the construction task will be much easier.

Types of jobs

Creating holes for the fence device

To fix the support pillars in the ground, you will need to make a well with a diameter of up to 300 mm and no more than 1600 mm in depth. If you plan to install a fence 120-150 meters long, you will need to make approximately 40-50 holes. Compact Husqvarna gas drills are perfect for this purpose, as they are capable of making a hole in the ground with a diameter of up to 30 cm and a depth of up to 200 cm.

Foundation structure

To create columnar and strip-columnar foundations, it is also necessary to make several holes in the ground. Their depth depends on the type of foundation and soil condition, the maximum, as a rule, reaches 3 meters. To create a strip-column or columnar base made of brick, a regular hand-held gas drill will be sufficient. However, if the base is constructed from other materials, then a car drill capable of providing the largest hole diameter may be required.

A profitable purchase in the online store “Buy for your dacha”

By purchasing equipment in our online store, you receive a number of beneficial advantages:

  • Comfortable and simple form online ordering.
  • Competent advice from professionals in the field garden equipment who will tell you how to drill correctly with a motorized drill.
  • Optimal delivery conditions. Get detailed information You can learn about this service in the specialized section of our website.
  • Pickup of goods, in which case we give a 3% discount.