home · Appliances · The leaves of the plum tree have drooped. The plum dries up - the cause and solution to the problem. How to properly care for a tree so that it bears fruit for many years and does not get sick? Withers after winter

The leaves of the plum tree have drooped. The plum dries up - the cause and solution to the problem. How to properly care for a tree so that it bears fruit for many years and does not get sick? Withers after winter

This is one of the valuable root plants. Scorzonera contains a large set of vitamins, proteins, biologically active substances, and enzymes.

Its root vegetables are used as cauliflower, add to vegetable soups and sauces; salad is prepared from young leaves. Peeled and chopped roots can be preserved like asparagus.

The healing properties of scorzonera have been known for a long time. It was believed that it acts as an antidote and is able to remove toxic substances from the body. It is used for diabetes, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, and general malaise.

Scorzonera (lat. Scorzonera hispanica L.) is also called black root, sweet root, darter, black carrot or winter asparagus.

This is a perennial plant belonging to the Aster family. Originates from Central and Southern Europe. Black root was especially popular in the Middle Ages. Since the 16th century, scorzonera has been cultivated as a vegetable in Italy, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. In our country it is grown mainly by amateurs rare plants and herbalists.


It is a perennial plant that is cultivated as an annual for food or as a biennial for seeds. In the first year it forms a rosette of basal leaves and a thickened root; in the second year it blooms. The root of scorzonera is taproot, 3-4 cm thick and 35-40 cm long. Outside – black; The pulp is white, dense, and milky juice appears on the cuts, which gives it a peculiar pleasant taste.

The plant is frost-resistant (can overwinter in the soil) and drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil, however, to obtain good root crops, the soil must be dug deep. The best soils loose chernozems or fertile loams are considered.

Grows well in deeply cultivated and fertilized soils. Before sowing, it is useful to add 6-8 kg per 1 square meter to the soil. m of humus. Fresh manure is not recommended as it encourages root branching.

Of the varieties worth noting are: Russian giant and Vulcan. But often it is sold without a varietal name.


Seeds are sown in early spring (at the same time as carrots) in furrows, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm with row spacing of 30-45 cm and the distance between plants in a row is 10-15 cm. After 2-3 rows you need to make a wider passage up to 60 cm to make it easier to approach the plants.

It is also promising to plant scorzonera in early August (before winter) to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Scorzonera sown in August remains in the ground for the winter (does not require shelter), and by next autumn, especially large and long root crops are formed on the grown plants. You can sow its seeds in late autumn and even in winter - during thaws.

When sowing in spring, seedlings appear on days 8-20. They must be thinned out: first to a distance of 3-5 cm, and after the formation of 2-3 leaves - by 8-10 or 10-15 cm. After thinning, feed from a solution of mullein or mineral fertilizers: 10-12 g per 1 sq. m of ammonium nitrate, 10-15 g of superphosphate, 5-7 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m. m.

Needed during the summer good watering. Then the plants form fleshy and juicy root crops. Mulching inhibits the growth of weeds and helps preserve soil moisture, and in dry and hot weather it reduces the likelihood of bolting of plants.

Scorzonera can be considered perennial plants, which can grow in one place for 5-6 years, but at the same time it is necessary to dig up its roots annually, leaving a small part of them for the regeneration of the plant. Also forms self-seeding

For direct consumption, the roots can be harvested from the beginning of October, and for winter storage- only before frost. Root crops are dug up by prying them up with a pitchfork. If long and fragile roots are damaged, milky juice flows out of them and they become fibrous, poorly stored, and lose their taste. After digging up the root crops, carefully, so as not to damage the skin and prevent milky juice from leaking out, cut off the tops 4 cm from the root crop. The roots are stored in the cellar, usually sprinkled with sand.


There is an opinion that scorzonera can replace an entire pharmacy and even compete with ginseng!

The black root contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. The plant contains inulin and fructose. Therefore, scorzonera is considered beneficial for diabetics. The main vitamins found in the root and leaves are: C, E, B, Br. PP, beta-carotene, amino acids, minerals, salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus. A lot of protein and microelements. In general, more than 100 biologically active substances were found in scorzonera.

Black root is used to normalize metabolism and dietary nutrition for diseases of the digestive system, strengthen the immune system and quickly restore strength after illness and surgery. There is evidence that scorzonera improves the well-being of cancer patients and has anti-radiation activity.


Due to its high calorie content and high content useful substances, scorzonera is a valuable vegetable product for winter consumption. In its raw form, the black root is tasteless and resembles a cabbage stalk. Boiled scorzonera is an exquisite delicacy that tastes like asparagus, which is why it is called “winter asparagus.”

To remove the peel, the root vegetables are doused with boiling water. It is enough to soak in water for about 2 hours so that the milky juice stops secreting. Suitable fresh in salads, added to soups, marinades for vinaigrettes, main courses, as well as when pickling cucumbers, which makes them stronger and crispier. You can cook them the same way as asparagus, or bake them in dough.

Scorzonera is added instead of chicory to coffee, and the young leaves are used for salads - from autumn to spring. The roots are very good after the frost sets them.

Scorzonera among the people has unusual names: Spanish goat, black carrot, sweet root. These nicknames make it clear that the plant is a root vegetable. Many years ago, this product was very popular, and this crop especially grew actively in St. Petersburg. However, today only nutritionists and doctors are interested in the beneficial qualities of scorzonera.

Scorzonera flowers


Today, scorzonera has more than 170 species, which are cultivated mainly in Spain. The plant is almost always edible, but its medicinal properties determine the use of the product in medicine. And perhaps this is due to the diverse biochemical composition of the vegetable.

  • For diabetics and patients with rheumatism, such a root is a faithful assistant on the path to recovery due to the presence of inulin, glutamine and a special enzyme - inulase. The last component, by the way, belongs to the category of substances that can break down sucrose into fructose and glucose. In turn, inulin is considered a natural prebiotic. This component helps with gout, liver disease and hypertension.
  • Scorzonera also contains important substance– asparagine. It is a naturally occurring amino acid that controls the activity of nervous system, kidneys and heart. The product also contains levulin, and drugs based on it are prescribed not only for diabetics, but also for patients with hyperglycemia.
  • The black root also contains a lot of vitamins. Substances from group B, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, PP are presented. For this reason, scorzonera is often prescribed as a preventive measure for many diseases and to boost immunity. The vegetable is often used as a sedative and pain reliever.
  • Some properties of the product are due to the presence of different mineral salts. The root contains copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, calcium and zinc. Therefore, stable intake of scorzonera normalizes all metabolic processes, and also improves the condition of blood vessels and tissues. It is no coincidence that the vegetable is used in folk medicine to relieve cramps.
  • Black root can be used for dietary nutrition and in case of minor digestive problems. The fact is that the pectin substances in scorzonera have a good cleansing effect, stabilize intestinal motility and even lower cholesterol. Natural fiber, which the product is so rich in, ensures easy and rapid absorption of all components. At the same time, the root vegetable is also delicate in taste, due to the presence of aldehydes, glucosides and tannins in the milky juice.


As part of complex therapy, scorzonera is most often recommended by doctors. This product will protect against many gastrointestinal diseases and heart problems. In addition, the vegetable acts as an excellent natural pain reliever. Medicinal properties The root vegetable exhibits resistance to polyarthritis and atherosclerosis. Due to its low calorie content, the product helps to cope with obesity, and can also be used for anemia. IN winter period black root is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency.

To maximize the benefits of vegetables, it is better to turn to the ancient people's councils, which have long proven themselves and have been tested by several generations.

  • You can make a strong decoction based on the leaves of the black root. Its beneficial qualities are used during colds, epidemics and lung problems, when it is necessary to get rid of a cough, speed up the release of phlegm and relieve general state. Today, the decoction is also used to heal abscesses and relieve itching after insect bites.
  • The root vegetable also allows you to prepare an alcohol tincture. She can short time heal wounds, burns and even trophic ulcers. Lotions can be applied to relieve attacks of radiculitis and rheumatism, as well as if a snake has bitten or a boil has appeared.
  • Scorzonera is used as part of the treatment of various allergies, especially since the product itself is such side effects doesn't call. The vegetable treats thyroid problems, and if you are worried about diathesis, you can take a bath with a decoction of the leaves. If you make a liquid from the foliage and root system of scorzonera, you can treat epilepsy, since the product reduces the severity of convulsions and reduces the number of seizures.
  • If an infusion is made with vodka, it must be kept in a dark place for a week. This preparation is suitable for rubbing the body, and if you combine the black root with kerosene and white lilac, you can make compresses to relieve pain.
  • Simpler compresses are obtained when the leaves are boiled in boiling water and wrapped in gauze. Just 30 minutes of application is enough problem areas, And beneficial features the plants will make themselves felt: joint activity is restored even with arthritis and improves the condition of broken bones.
  • Root powder can relieve aching joints and speed up the removal of ulcers from the skin. To do this, the vegetable is crushed and combined with pork fat to form a viscous, sticky mass.

Scorzonera - black radish


  • The homeland of the black root is Southern Europe and Southwest Asia. Today the plant is found in most steppes and in Georgia and Azerbaijan. As vegetable crop The scorzonera herd was considered only in the 16th century. Before this, the product was part of the preparations of traditional healers. Due to its main purpose in this area, the black root has received the nickname “snakeweed”.
  • This vegetable is grown in gardens under the same conditions as ordinary carrots. Sowing can be done in mid-summer, then the finished crop is harvested next spring. Black root is also called winter asparagus, because in winter this root vegetable is always available, while its taste quality They don't suffer at all.
  • The product can be consumed both raw and boiled, the main thing is not to forget to remove the top dark layer. Sometimes novice housewives have a problem: the root crop quickly turns black after cleaning. To prevent this from happening, immerse the product in liquid with vinegar before cooking. In such water, the vegetable can even be put on fire.
  • During the time of Alexander the Great, scorzonera was considered a delicacy. Today, the popularity of the product has decreased, and not everyone likes it raw, since it resembles a cabbage stalk. Therefore, fresh root vegetables must be soaked in salted water and finely grated. Fried, stewed and boiled vegetables do not require such processing, so they are immediately added to salads. Dried fruits should be added to soups.
  • Black root goes very well with carrots, mayonnaise, lemon juice And vegetable oil, so the choice of main courses and side dishes is varied. You can even make sauces based on scorzonera. There is an opinion that boiled roots coated with crackers and butter are very tasty. The vegetable is added to omelettes, soufflés and dough. Sweet dishes with scorzonera acquire a pleasant vanilla aroma, so dry fruits often serve as a component of coffee surrogates and confectionery products.
  • The beneficial properties of the root vegetable are fully preserved if the vegetable is properly frozen and canned. Young scorzonera leaves can be used in pickles to add extra crunch to cucumbers.
  • Scorzonera has no serious contraindications, because its harm to human health is minimal. It is worth remembering only in cases of individual intolerance to the product. The plant also contains a poisonous alkaloid, cynoglossin. Because of this, black root leaves must be consumed with great caution.
  • Some gardeners confuse black root with a similar black root. This is a very dangerous mistake, because the second plant, although it looks beautiful because of the blue and purple flowers, is very poisonous. It can be used for medicinal purposes, but only for external use. Black root should not be eaten, so be careful not to get poisoned.

The root vegetable scorzonera is an exact copy of an ordinary carrot, only the color of its peel resembles a black radish.
But the taste is unusual and unique.

Scorzonera is a rare guest in our beds.
Meanwhile, it deserves attention, firstly, for its unpretentiousness, secondly, rich medicinal properties.
It is good primarily in the spring, good for what we lack so much at this time of year: proteins, vitamins, mineral salts.
And she also has antitumor activity, and the effect of radiation weakens.

Scorzonera growing from seeds

Sow scorzonera in spring or late summer.
Having opened a bag of seeds, you will be surprised to find short white sticks, straight and crescent-shaped.
These are the ones that need to be sown. The distance between rows is 25-30 cm, between lines 60 cm.
After thinning, there will be 5 cm between plants in the row. The seeding depth is 2.5-3 cm.
Root crops grow larger from spring planting.
The plant is biennial, producing roots in the first year and seeds in the second.
Loves loose soil, 15-20 cm deep.
The best predecessors- cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions.

Medicinal root of scorzonera

The crushed root is infused in vodka in the dark for a week (for half a glass of root - 1 bottle of vodka 0.5 l).
Then rub the sore spots.
For arthritis and arthrosis, rheumatism, leaves scalded with boiling water should be wrapped in gauze and applied as compresses to sore spots.
The pain disappears after 25-30 minutes. Manure is not added to the scorzonera.

How to store scorzonera

You can store root vegetables like carrots, in damp sand.
An infusion of scorzonera roots is used for arthrosis and arthritis.

Scorzonera how to use

Scorzonera stewed in oil resembles asparagus and can easily replace this curiosity.
Root vegetables boiled and fried in butter are a pleasant side dish for main courses.
A delicious salad is prepared from young leaves.
The indispensability of the plant for diabetics is due to the presence of insulin, asparagine and levulin in scorzonera, as well as a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Scorzonera has decorative greenery, the black root is juicy and weighty.
This crop has the right to a place on your plots.
Decoction of scorzonera roots and leaves: cut 5 g of root and 10 g of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. Drink 0.5 hours. l. 3 times a day .

Medicinal properties of scorzonera

For epilepsy, a decoction of the roots in combination with other herbs prevents the development of seizures and reduces the intensity of seizures.
A decoction of scorzonera leaves is used for baths for:

  • diathesis
  • gout
  • trophic changes in the skin of the body.

An infusion of the root in kerosene has an analgesic effect.
It is prepared like this: for half a glass of root, take two glasses of kerosene and two tablespoons of white lilac flowers.
The compress is applied for 1 hour.
Powdered root mixed with unsalted lard is also used as painkiller remedies for the articular form of rheumatism, as well as for boils.
Poultices made from blackroot leaves dull pain in joints and bone fractures.

Dietary root-Scorzonera

Plum is not only delicious berries, but also a whole storehouse of useful vitamins. However, it should be noted that the cultivation of such fruit tree can hardly be called easy. Plum trees need constant care, just like others. garden crops. In this article we will talk about what difficulties you may encounter when growing plums.

Quite often, plums experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as the bark warming up at the root collar. Such signs may appear in a tree after the winter season. If the branches are dry, this indicates that the branches are frozen. Sometimes the buds open leaves and it is quite possible for them to bloom, but subsequently the branches may begin to dry out. In fact, this will be the main sign of warming of the bark. Plum is considered a very winter-hardy crop, therefore aboveground part plums rarely die due to severe frosts. At the same time, warming of the bark is considered a fairly common phenomenon. All varieties without exception are susceptible to this phenomenon, and the result will be the death of the adducting system and the complete destruction of the connections between the above-ground part and the root system. At the very beginning of spring, the above-ground part will still show signs of life, but over time it will die.

The mechanism of warming the bark itself is quite simple. At the very beginning of winter, condensation will occur due to temperature differences, and then the bark above the surface of the tree will become wet. Then the tree begins to decompose, this process goes very quickly. Sometimes just two days will be enough and the bark will already take on a brown tint and begin to die off.

Timely measures should be taken to ensure that this does not happen and your tree does not die. The main preventive measure will be to plant trees where there is very little or no snow before the soil freezes. The southern parts of the site seem to be the most optimal in this regard. You should also be careful to ensure that the plantings do not become too dense. Therefore, you need to select an area where snow will accumulate in smaller quantities.

As for special measures, excellent option the soil near the plum root system will cool. You can try to compact the layer of snow, which will increase its thermal conductivity. In this case, the soil will cool faster and then, due to the difference in temperatures, condensation will not occur and, accordingly, such trouble will not occur with the tree bark. Actually compacting the snow is very easy: just walk on it. However, many gardeners also use next way: with help metal containers freeze the soil, these containers should be dug into the soil not far from the tree. Containers should be covered with shields to prevent them from being covered with snow.

One more effective method The struggle will be to plant plum seedlings on special mounds of bulk earth. The trees will now rise about half a meter above the main soil. In winter, seedlings and trees will not be covered with snow. The soil itself will freeze before the start of winter, which will protect the plums from getting warm.

Many plum varieties begin to bear fruit around the third year of life, and finish after ten to twelve years. Actually, this can happen precisely due to the warming of the bark, otherwise the tree could bear fruit longer. Trees can be damaged literally every year, but with varying degrees of intensity. Young trees recover faster, so they will produce good harvest. However, with age, the heating of the bark has an increasingly destructive effect, which the plum is no longer able to fight. It should be noted that there are no varieties that are resistant to bark heating. Therefore, the solution to the problem will be preventive measures and vigilant care for the plum during the summer season.

Your plum tree is not bearing fruit, and you don’t know how to help the plant in this situation? Fruits may be missing from a tree for several reasons. Let's look at the most common ones and find out how to make a plum bear fruit.

Most reasons are related to improper care behind the plant. Therefore, even at the time of planting, you need to take into account all the preferences of this crop. If it is difficult for you to understand what you did wrong during the growing process, pay attention to these most common reasons why fruits do not form well on plums.

Reason 1: physiological decline

It often happens that trees bloom together and form ovaries, but then some of the fruits fall off before they have time to ripen. It is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of carrion. Usually the fruits fall off when the tree does not have enough strength to provide them with food. This may be due to weak root system, unsuitable growing conditions (overmoistening or drought), incorrect agricultural techniques (in particular, illiterate pruning), poor soil, etc.

To help the plant produce ripe fruits, you need to try to provide it comfortable conditions. 2-3 times a year, plums are fed according to the following scheme: in the spring under the tree (starting from three years old) add a solution of urea and potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons of urea and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water), and after flowering - nitrophoska (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

During the formation of fruits, the soil is spilled with a solution of fermented chicken manure (in a ratio of 1:20). And in the fall they spend foliar feeding potassium sulfate and superphosphate (2 tablespoons of fertilizer per 10 liters of water).

Reason 2: self-sterile plum variety

Most plums are self-sterile (they need pollinating varieties), so it is important to choose the right seedlings when planting. Select the optimal pollinators for each variety.

In rainy weather, cross-pollination may not be effective because plant-pollinating insects are not active during bad weather. Then it is better to place it in the garden self-fertile varieties plums

Reason 3: plum diseases

A sick tree is unable to form a large number of healthy fruits. Often a plum does not bloom or bear fruit if it is sick with clusterosporiasis or fruit rot. To prevent the development of these diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with fungicides.

At the very beginning of bud break, during flowering, during the appearance of buds and three weeks before harvesting the fruits, use 1% Bordeaux mixture. In the fall, after leaf fall, the trees are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux mixture. It is also important to regularly collect mummified fruits and fallen leaves and burn them.

Reason 4: plum pests

Sawfly and thick-legged larvae, codling moth caterpillars and other insects eat plum fruits and seeds. Damaged fruits fall off and quickly rot. And the flower beetle damages flower buds, so fruits cannot set at all.

Digging and loosening the soil will help against pests. tree trunk circle, the use of hunting belts, traps (jars with fermented compote, beer, kvass are hung on the branches) and regular (3-4 times per season) treatments with insecticides. Such drugs as Fufanon, Karate, Karbofos, Aktara, Mospilan, Calypso have proven themselves well.

Reason 5: bad weather

Fruit buds may freeze if frost suddenly sets in after a thaw. In the unstable climate of the middle zone, this often happens in May. Frequent frost damage to the trunks and freezing of young shoots greatly weakens the trees, which leads to a decrease in yield. In addition, if a cold wind blows during the day and the air temperature drops sharply, pollen sterilization may occur. Then the fruits will not set either.

Plum trees also don’t bear fruit well when the summer is too dry or very rainy. It is impossible to influence the weather, so you can only give preference to zoned varieties. They are more resistant to adverse weather conditions of a particular region.

Reason 6: acidic soil

Plum is demanding on soil composition. It is capable of bearing fruit only on soil with a neutral reaction. Add to acidic soil wood ash(200-400 g per 1 sq.m.) or slaked lime(300-500 g per 1 sq.m.).

Define increased acidity soil on the site can be determined by several signs: a whitish “ashy” layer is noticeable on the surface of the soil; clover is absent or grows very poorly; Moss, sorrel, wild rosemary, heather, buttercups, horsetail, white grass and other plants that prefer acidic soil are actively growing.

Reason 7: improper planting of plum seedlings

When planting a seedling, it is important not to bury the root collar, otherwise the plum tree will not bear fruit in the future.

Reason 8: Insufficient lighting for the tree

When planting trees in the shade of a house, near tall plants, or behind high solid fences, the plums do not have enough light, so they refuse to form fruits. Some don't even bloom in such conditions. Therefore, plums should be planted only in sunny areas. Trees growing in the shade should be replanted.

Do not forget that in hot weather there is not enough moisture in the plum. Then it also bears fruit poorly. And in the fall, the tree needs moisture-replenishing (abundant) watering so that it can gain strength and survive the winter safely.