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Beneficial properties of figs for the body. Useful properties and contraindications of figs

Mentions of the fig tree (or fig) can be found in biblical treatises as a healing plant. Figs have been cultivated in our open spaces since ancient times, and small trees can be found on the southern coast of Crimea, in Transcaucasia, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Its ripe fruits are not only tasty, but also healing. Therefore, some of them are dried in order to have natural medicine on hand.

If the bees work on the inflorescences of the fig tree, then large fruits 8 cm long and 5 cm in diameter will ripen on the tree. Inside there are black-purple or yellow nuts, which are the fruits. They are enveloped by the tissue of overgrown fruits.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. The fruits contain a large set of vitamins, of which the following can be distinguished:

  • C (or ascorbic acid) helps the intestines absorb iron that enters the body.
  • E (tocopherol) is an excellent antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on cell restoration.
  • B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid) are the most essential vitamins for the body to function. They participate in metabolic processes, help restore cells and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • PP (nicotinic acid) removes toxins from the body, purifies the blood and promotes normal functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • A (carotene) is involved in the process of protein synthesis and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

As for mineral components, the fruits are saturated with iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium (or more precisely, their salts). Figs (another name for the crop) contain a lot of organic acids and sugars, fats, proteins, tannins and phytosterols. Of particular note are Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated fats, as well as fiber and starch.

The dried (dried) fruit loses the water included in the fig during the process of dehydrolysis. But this does not in any way affect the chemical composition of the product, and even in this form it has beneficial properties. A dehydrated fruit has a higher impact on the body than a fresh one.

  • Potassium salts have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases. In combination with the enzyme ficin, a resolving effect on blood clots is observed.
  • By introducing a small amount of fruits into your diet, you can avoid coronary heart disease and cure anemia.
  • Figs are useful for hypertensive patients, as they help regulate blood pressure.
  • Colds accompanied by a severe cough, bronchitis, and asthma can be treated with decoctions based on dried figs.
  • Stomach upsets, constipation and hemorrhoids are equally treatable with the help of fig tree fruits.
  • Kidney stones, problems with the liver and spleen are also indications for consuming Asian fruit.
  • A decoction of the fruit will also help with toothache.
  • Figs are classified as aphrodisiacs, so the fruit can cure sexual weakness.
  • The powerful composition of figs not only improves immunity - it can fight cancer.

The properties of figs make it possible to relax the smooth muscles in the internal organs, giving the fruit not only diuretic and laxative effects, but also hemostatic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

Calorie content

Figs are not only a medicinal product, but also quite nutritious because they are high in calories. At the same time, dried fruit contains more kilocalories than fresh fruit - 257 kcal per 1 fruit. A larger percentage comes from carbohydrates - 237 kcal, which are supplemented by proteins (13 kcal) and fats (7 kcal).

Such biological indicators indicate that it is easy to get enough of one fruit. Although you won’t have to eat more due to the high sugar content. This property of figs is often used in various diets for weight loss.

No matter how useful the fruit is, it also has contraindications.

  • The high glucose content makes figs unsuitable for diabetics.
  • Despite the fact that the fruits are used to treat constipation and other gastrointestinal problems, this should not be done in case of acute inflammatory processes.
  • Figs have an excellent effect on libido, but if you have gout, consuming them is strictly prohibited, since the fruit contains oxalic acid.
  • Oxalate kidney stones are another reason to avoid eating fig tree fruits.

The list of contraindications is small, but it must be taken into account, since serious health complications may arise if the prohibition is violated.

Figs Benefits and harm to the body: video

The properties of the fig tree have been used in folk medicine for a long time. Most often you can find diuretic, carminative and expectorant formulations.

Against cough

Cough syrup is made from dried figs. Finely chop 8 fruits and pour a glass of water, put on fire and cook for 20 minutes. Then take out the figs, add another glass of water and add 200 g of sugar (preferably unrefined). Boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, add ground ginger (1 tsp), lemon juice (with 1/2 citrus) and mix well. Pour into glass containers and store in the refrigerator. Children consume 1 dessert spoon per meal, adults 3.

For constipation

To cope with constipation, take laxative pellets made from dried fruits. Taking 100 g of figs and raisins, they are mixed with ground ginger or nutmeg (0.5 tsp). Having molded the resulting mixture into thin sausages, cut them into small dragees 1 cm thick. Store the medicine in a tightly closed jar. You need to eat the balls as needed, but no more than 2 pieces. in a day.


Dried figs are steamed in a thermos for 4 hours at the rate of 50 g of fruit per 1 liter of boiling water. This infusion is divided into 4 servings, which should be drunk during the day. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 days. At the same time, a fresh diuretic infusion is made every day.

For children

Dried figs are not contraindicated for children. On the contrary, it promotes the good development of the growing body and also helps treat various diseases. Decoctions of fig tree fruits are an excellent tonic and appetite-increasing remedy for children, especially during colds. If syrups can quickly cure a cough, then gargling with infusions will help quickly relieve inflammation there.

During pregnancy

Everything said above about the benefits of figs does not contradict what is prescribed to pregnant women. For them, this fruit is good in any form, but in our country it is easier to buy the dried product. If there are no contraindications, then figs should be present in the pregnant woman’s diet every day (1-2 fruits), or drinks prepared from it. Nutrition, balance, normalization of all processes - this is the effect of the fetus on the body of a pregnant woman.

For men

It was already mentioned above about the property of figs to influence potency. This is especially important for the male body. Most men have problems with the prostate gland. To avoid its inflammation or the development of tumors there, you should regularly eat fig fruits for preventive purposes. This will help preserve male strength for a long time.

For women

Women evaluate the benefits of products for themselves through their effect on appearance. In this regard, figs are the most successful fruit, helping to monitor your weight (calorie content has already been mentioned above). By saturating the body with a complex of vitamins and minerals collected in one fruit, a woman will be able to maintain her hair, nails and skin in ideal condition. A normally functioning reproductive system will help you stay young for a long time.

Fresh figs are eaten only where they grow, as the fruits are too delicate to be transported. But it’s possible to buy dried ones in our markets, so you need to learn how to choose them correctly.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the color - it should be beige or soft brown.
  • Spots on the fruit are not allowed. But the white coating indicates that the fig contains a lot of glucose.
  • Normal dried fruits have a flattened, round shape.
  • You need to touch the figs to understand that the fruits are not overdried - they should be a little soft.
  • It is advisable to taste the fig before purchasing. The fruit should be sweet and in no case sour.

If all parameters correspond to those described, you can safely make a purchase.

Storage conditions

Having bought a supply of dried fruits, you should provide them with normal storage conditions. First of all, it is necessary to protect the figs from moisture, which is very quickly absorbed into the fruit. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation is also harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to first pack the dried fruits in a canvas bag, which is then placed in a glass container and hermetically sealed. The fruits are stored in a dark, cool room.

Before eating figs, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water or soaked for half an hour to remove accumulated dirt. Do not forget that the fruits have traveled a long way before getting to the table. Sometimes figs are treated with chemicals before transportation for better preservation. So unwashed fruits can cause problems to the body.

If figs are used for medicinal purposes, then you need to follow the recommendations of folk recipes. When introduced into the diet as a preventive measure (or for the purpose of losing weight), fruits should be treated like a dessert, replacing other sweets with them.

Figs will also be a good addition to dietary dishes. For example, you can season porridge with pieces of dried fruit or make homemade yogurt with kefir. Figs are good as a filling in muffins (instead of raisins), as an addition to fruit salads.

Hello my dears!

It is with great pleasure that I announce the topic of today’s article: what are the benefits of figs?

Why do I announce this topic with great pleasure? Yes, because I also eat this fruit with Great Pleasure! ☺

Moreover, I know how useful and necessary this thing is for our body, for health, for excellent well-being!

And I don’t just KNOW, but I FEEL this benefit every time I enjoy this fruit!

Unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to eat it fresh, since I don’t live in the area where it grows. That’s why I crack it in dried form, and I’m very pleased with it ☺

From this article you will learn:

What are the benefits of figs for the body?

Figs are the fruit of the fig tree.

No, no, friends, not a fig, but a fig!!! Don't be confused, these are completely different things... ☺

Well, we joked and smiled, now we can talk about something more serious ☺

Composition and nutritional value of figs

The fruits of the fig tree (another name for the fig tree) are surprisingly tasty and healthy. But, unfortunately, when fresh they are very delicate and do not last long.

Therefore, most often figs can be found in dried, dried form. As a result, it does not lose its beneficial properties at all; on the contrary, their content even increases with the correct method of preservation!

This fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fiber, organic acids, enzymes, and healthy sugars.

In terms of the amount of iron they contain, they surpass even apples - the recognized “iron” leaders!

Beneficial properties of fig fruits

Those who like to eat figs are healthier and more resilient people. Most of them are long-livers. This is a proven fact!

I think this is great

What other arguments are needed?

  • Its use helps to quickly recover from physical and psychological stress;
  • the functioning of the digestive system improves;
  • heart diseases are healed;
  • the liver, stomach, and kidneys begin to work more efficiently;
  • recovery from colds, flu, and viral infections occurs faster;
  • inflammatory diseases in the body are treated;
  • a slight laxative effect occurs;
  • good help for poisoning;
  • excellent cleansing of the body from waste and toxins;
  • bones are strengthened;
  • fungal infections of the skin and nails disappear.
  • the sugar content in the body decreases.
  • the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases;
  • normal metabolism in the body is restored.

Video about the benefits of figs

How to eat figs correctly?

Fig fruits can be eaten fresh, dried, or dried; you can make decoctions and infusions with it.

The famous infusion of figs with milk is easy to prepare.

To do this, you need to pour 40-50 grams of figs with one glass of milk. You can boil it for a few minutes, or you can just leave it to brew for 5-6 hours. This way there will be more vitamins left.

You can strain it, or you can then grind it in a blender and use it all together.

Fig milk is useful for colds, coughs, and a diseased liver and spleen. You can read more about him here.

Benefits of figs for men

The benefit for representatives of the stronger half of humanity, in addition to all of the above, is that figs promote good potency when consumed regularly.

It also treats diseases such as prostatitis and helps prevent it.

Benefits of figs for women

For representatives of the fair half of humanity, this fruit will help, first of all, to keep their weight normal. Skinny people will gain weight from it, and curvy ladies will lose weight.

Calorie content of figs

It should be noted here that the calorie content of fresh (74Kk) and dried figs (254Kk) is different. Dried - much more high in calories!

Therefore, take this into account when creating your menu.

It is great for fasting days.

The main thing is to drink more clean water!

Another beneficial property of this fruit for women is getting rid of varicose veins. This is especially true for all lovers of high heels.

If you do not have such a disease, then in any case, eat a few a day - this will protect you from this problem in the future!

Benefits of figs for pregnant women

Due to the fact that this fruit contains a huge amount of everything useful, pregnant women especially need it!

After all, during pregnancy, the need for vitamins and microelements increases significantly!!!

With regular consumption of figs, a pregnant woman no longer experiences difficulties with bowel movements.

And the level of hemoglobin in her blood is normalizing.

Another plus is that fig tree fruits help enhance lactation.

Benefits of figsfor a child

In order for a child to grow and develop, so that he develops a strong bone skeleton, good muscle fibers, so that his mental abilities do not lag behind his peers, and maybe even get ahead of them, give him figs more often.

Pediatricians say that you simply cannot find a better sweet dessert and vitamins all in one for your child!

In addition, they are a great opportunity to improve your child’s appetite.

How can figs be harmful?

You can cause harm to yourself when consuming this fruit only if you are very actively involved in it. I understand, it’s hard to tear yourself away, I’m like that myself... ☺

But still, jokes aside, especially if you have chronic diseases in the acute stage!!! And especially – diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and liver. If you have diabetes in an advanced stage.

Do not exceed the dosage in this case - this means consuming no more than 2-4 figs per day!

Another common sense warning is not to eat it after 6 pm.

Firstly, eating after 6 pm is basically harmful. Because the body prepares for sleep after 18 hours, and it no longer needs your healthy figs.

Your pancreas especially doesn’t need it at a time like this! Even if she is healthy. And if not, forget about feasting on these fruits in the evening! It's in your best interest.

Secondly, we have already said that especially dried figs are high in calories. And if you want to lose weight, then eat it in the morning, at lunch, but not in the evening!!!

An interesting recipe for cooking with figs, try it!

Well, that's all for today.

I hope you enjoyed this article about the benefits of figs. And this information has inspired you to eat this amazingly tasty and healthy fruit more often!

Write in the comments, is this true?

Are figs a frequent “guest” on your table? How are your children? Do they like to crack it instead of candy? I hope so ☺

Alena Yasneva was with you, See you, friends and Be Healthy!!!

Figs, whose beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate, are considered one of the most ancient agricultural crops (some believe that the most ancient), and are widely reflected in the culture and religion of many peoples. In addition, this tree has different names among different peoples; in Russia, for example, it is usually called a fig tree or a fig tree.

What does a fig look like?

Ficus carica is the historical name of this fruit, which refers us to the ancient country of Caria, which has long abandoned geographical maps, but which, nevertheless, is considered the birthplace of the fig tree. Figs are also called fig trees or wine berries.

Over its long history, this plant has managed to spread over a vast territory and acquire a huge number of varieties. But the appearance of the tree itself has an established description, and is a multi-stemmed tree up to ten meters in height, covered with smooth gray bark with a wide spreading crown. The leaves of the common fig are quite large and multi-fingered in shape. What is noteworthy is that the sunny side of the leaf is slightly darker than the inside.

The fruit itself is pear-shaped, jelly-like pulp with many seeds. Moreover, the more there are, the fruit is considered tastier and of better quality. It is covered with a thin skin with small fibers and has a small eye on the top. Types of figs may differ in color, depending on the variety, there are white figs, green figs, and the most common is yellow-green, but for the domestic average the fig fruit with a purple tint is more common. The wineberry has a sweet taste, but depending on ripeness it may have a sour taste.

The main season of figs occurs in June-July, but the peculiarity of this fruit is that it bears fruit twice a year, and the second season begins in September-November, but there are varieties that yield only once a year. As already mentioned above, there are a lot of places where figs grow, but they are most widespread on the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, in Transcaucasia and Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau and even in the Carpathians.

How many calories are in figs

Fresh figs have low calorie content. Only 49-57 calories per 100 grams of fruit. If you choose a small fruit of about 30 grams by weight, then the calorie content of one piece will be about 18 calories.

BJU of fig tree per 100 grams:

  • proteins – about 3 grams,
  • fats – 0.8 grams,
  • carbohydrates – 13-19 grams.

Sugars in fresh fruit are up to 24%.

Chemical composition

Common figs have a very useful chemical composition.

Fresh fruit contains the following vitamins: A, C, E, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6), PP and folic acid.

The following minerals are present in the fig tree: iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Due to its high mineral content, fig is considered the leading fruit among others. By the way, in terms of potassium content, common figs take second place of honor, after the primacy of nuts.

Fresh figs beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of fresh figs differ from dried fruit, as does their chemical composition. Fresh savory fruit is beneficial:

The benefits of figs for the human body are not only in the fruits. Fig leaves also have beneficial properties. Fig leaf is part of the drug psoberan. They contain milky juice, which successfully removes warts and ulcers. They have antifungal, bactericidal and anticoagulant effects.

Decoctions are made from the leaves that help with coughs and enterocolitis.

Creams and ointments from fresh leaves help with itchy skin, and the juice relieves inflammation.

When using ointments and creams based on fig leaves, you should be careful in sunny weather, since the furocoumarins included in the composition increase sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Fig root is ground into powder and sprinkled on feet to get rid of fungal diseases.

What are the benefits of figs for women?

The benefits of figs for women are varied:

  • Often girls suffer from varicose veins. This is explained by the love for high-heeled shoes. So the savory tree can cope with this problem.
  • Fig is useful for losing weight. It quickly saturates the body, has a laxative effect, prevents fat from settling in the waist and hips, and also removes toxins from the body. There are fig fasting days.
  • Wineberry syrup is beneficial for women's intimate health. It relieves leucorrhoea due to inflammation in the intimate area.
  • Figs are of great benefit to pregnant women. Helps cope with constipation, saturate the body so as not to feel hungry, and not gain excess weight. It copes with anemia and simply saturates the body with useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Fig fruits steamed in milk are applied to the breast for mastitis. Fruits help cope with abscesses and inflammation.
  • Relieves pain during menstruation if you eat 3 fruits a day at this time.
  • Masks made from fruit have a rejuvenating effect.

Figs for children

If the child does not have allergic reactions or other contraindications, then fresh figs can be introduced into the diet from the age of 1 year. So what are the benefits of fig trees for a child’s body?

  • Figs contain many beneficial substances that are so necessary for the child’s body and are important for the normal development of the child’s brain and body.
  • The fruit is useful for the digestive tract. Eliminates constipation and improves intestinal motility.
  • It has an antipyretic and antibacterial effect. This is very important, since children are susceptible to frequent infections.
  • Treatment and prevention of jaundice and hepatitis.
  • Strengthens the child’s immunity and helps build resistance to pathogens.
  • The high iron content is a useful remedy for anemia.
  • Fresh fruits strengthen your baby's teeth and gums and kill bacteria in the oral cavity.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The usefulness of figs for men is to increase potency. This fruit is considered a natural aphrodisiac. Minerals such as zinc, manganese and magnesium are responsible for improving reproductive health, increasing attraction and sexual desire. The wine berry was considered a symbol of love and fertility.

In addition, the healthy fruit relieves hangovers. Men are also more likely to suffer from heart disease. And the fig tree helps to improve the cardiovascular system, cleanse and thin the blood, and strengthen blood vessels.

Can you eat figs if you have diabetes?

There are groups of people for whom consuming figs is strictly contraindicated; one of these groups are patients with severe diabetes. This is due to the too high content of fructose and glucose in the wine berry. But those with mild or moderate diabetes are allowed to eat figs, but only fresh and in limited quantities. Moreover, figs contain pectin, which helps remove cholesterol from the body, which is extremely necessary for people suffering from diabetes.

In any case, before consuming figs if you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications and harm

As we have already found out, along with its beneficial properties, figs also have contraindications for people suffering from certain diseases. Therefore, caution should be used in some cases. In addition to people with diabetes, people who suffer from obesity, gout, inflammation of the digestive tract and any other gastrointestinal diseases, as well as pancreatitis, hyperacidous gastritis and peptic ulcers should also exclude this fruit from their diet. If you have these diseases, the harm from eating figs may exceed all its positive properties, so you should stop eating this fruit. But allergic reactions to fig trees occur very rarely. This is due to the reduced level of essential oils in the fruit. But still, a person suffering from allergies should start getting acquainted with wine berries in small quantities.

Figs are not a fruit at all (although that’s what they usually call them), not a vegetable, not even a berry! The unique plant consists of inflorescences that are practically not stored for a long time, so dried inflorescences are most often found in Russia.

But even so, the benefits and harms to the body of figs remain 100%. Possessing a specific taste, these fruits require careful handling from a culinary point of view.

They taste sweet, sugary, a little honey. There are no specific vitamins or minerals in the composition that could be isolated in a special concentration, such as rich in folic acid in a special form.

History of sweet berry

Fig fruits grow on a fig tree. According to legend, it was the leaves of this tree that Adam and Eve used to create clothes. The plant is considered one of the most ancient in the world, and its homeland is Asia Minor. The ancient Greeks used figs.

The tree lives for 200 years, during which time the plant produces an excellent harvest. The main suppliers are Greece, Türkiye and Iran.

Useful properties of different types

The benefits and harms of figs for the body are almost the same for dried and fresh varieties. Both of them have a good effect on the digestive system due to their high fiber and pectin content. Gallic acid, which is part of the fruit, has a good antiseptic effect, so they are recommended in small quantities after poisoning.

The same can be said about figs for the cardiac system. There may even be a little envy here, since the fig tree berry contains a huge amount of potassium. The same mineral. It should be noted that the benefits of dried figs for the heart will be somewhat higher, since phenol and fatty acids are formed inside, which protect against heart disease and atherosclerosis. The effect of fresh is as follows:

  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • stimulates the excretion of sweat and bile, perfect for treating colds;
  • contains a lot of calcium, beneficial for teeth and skeleton;
  • lowers sugar levels in diabetes;
  • destroys fungi;
  • improves the condition of the vocal cords and tonsils.

Here are the benefits of dried figs: it increases sexual stamina, helps with bronchitis and asthma, and is used as a gargle for sore throats (similar to the effect of the fresh product). Both types have beneficial properties for the immune system, blood condition, and preventing the formation of cancer cells due to the colossal amount of antioxidants in the composition.

For what diseases is it used?

Wine berry, like feijoa fruit, has enormous benefits in the treatment of various acute respiratory viral infections. It copes well with high fever and infections, and even treats diseases such as sore throat and bronchitis. Inflorescences are included in the diet for tuberculosis. Used in dietary nutrition for other diseases:

  • any inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney and stomach diseases;
  • almost all vascular diseases;
  • high blood viscosity;
  • constipation;
  • anemia and liver disease.

If you have diabetes, there are restrictions on the consumption of fresh wine berries, but dried ones are strictly prohibited.

Harm and contraindications

Fig tree fruits have contraindications for consumption:

  • tendency to gout;
  • disturbances in the metabolism of oxalic acid;
  • inflammatory digestive diseases;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer and gastritis.

For urolithiasis, you need to eat only a few pieces per week, no more. You should not get carried away with them even if you are in normal health, as uncontrolled use can lead to unexpected reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and store correctly?

If all the beneficial properties of figs for the body are taken into account, you can begin to choose the right treats. It's easy to do. Fresh inflorescences have a smooth appearance, they should not have rotten or wrinkled sides, and the fresh product smells like fruit. If there is a sour smell of fermentation, you should refuse to eat, as the wine berry thus begins to rot.

Since dried wine berries are most often found on the market, you need to know how to choose them. There should be no plaque on the inflorescences, and if in this regard, on the contrary, it suggests the presence of a whitish coating on the correct fruits, then the fruit with such a coating is old and tasteless. The skin is not bright, yellowish or light brown.

Fresh figs can only be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator:

  • after purchase, it is washed and dried well;
  • wrap in a napkin and place in a glass container;
  • The vessel is put into the refrigerator.

The paper will absorb all the moisture and allow you to preserve the benefits of the fruit for the body and its freshness longer.

Dried figs can be stored well in a dark place at a low temperature for six months. In markets and stores, fig flowers are most often sold in boxes or baskets, but they can also be found in the form of beads - the fig is strung on a string. Some housewives prefer this type, considering it the most delicious.

But fig fruit should not be stored next to spices and strong-smelling substances.

How to eat?

Not everyone knows how to properly eat fresh figs, because they have a very specific taste. The candied dry product is pre-soaked in water for 2-3 hours, but some people simply rinse it and eat it as is.

Delicious jam is made from sweets, but there are much fewer vitamins in it, as well as coarse fibers. A great option is to eat fresh fruit with various cheeses. It is cut into quarters and placed along with grapes, nuts, and next to cheeses. The fruit perfectly interrupts the taste of cheese and allows you to take pleasant breaks between consuming one or another type of dairy product.

Losing weight with figs

The calorie content of fresh fruit does not exceed 40-45 kcal per 100 g, but dried fruit has an indicator of 200-230 kcal for the same volume. To lose weight, it is enough to include 2-3 inflorescences in your diet daily; you can mix the sweetness with cottage cheese or yogurt, add it to baked goods, make delicious purees, etc.

Health Recipes

From the fragrant inflorescences you can prepare not only delicious recipes for the everyday menu, but also real healing potions that will help you quickly get rid of fever, sore throat, and cough. Here, for example, is a recipe for making figs with cough milk:

  • milk 3.2%;
  • figs – 6 pieces per 2 cups of liquid.

The recipe will not only help relieve cough, but also improve the condition of the vocal cords. The recipe is especially useful for singers during cold weather.

After the inflorescences are washed well, they are cut into halves, the pulp is peeled, put in milk and placed on medium heat. As soon as the milk boils, cover the saucepan and wrap it in a warm towel. The broth should infuse for about an hour. You need to drink the entire contents in one day.

If you don’t like the drink at all, then you can simply gargle with it. To do this, pour boiled milk over dried fruits for 40 minutes.

Sweet fruit salad

Delicate berries go well with tofu! The beneficial and harmful properties of figs for the body are perfectly balanced. Fresh inflorescences are thinly sliced ​​and mixed with cheese, cut into cubes. Everything is laid out on a plate, sprinkled with red pepper. You can decorate the dish with mint or lemon basil leaves.

Candies with wine berries

It’s easy to make delicious, healthy sugar-free sweets from dried sweet berries. To do this, take about 0.25 kg of inflorescences and 100 g of dark chocolate. If desired, add walnuts or almonds and a spoonful of cocoa powder.

Briefly soak dry berries in hot liquid. Then it is dried, and the chocolate is finely ground and heated in a water bath. If you want, you can season the liquid mixture with a spoon of butter.

Cut crosswise and stuff with ground walnuts. Then the candies are shaped like standard truffles, dipped in melted chocolate, and placed on a wire rack. Then each candy should be rolled in cocoa powder and placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

The cost of figs is quite high, but considering that it is better not to eat more than 3-4 pieces per day, then 1 kg will be enough for a long time. Adding the product to a proper diet is simply necessary for those who have switched from unhealthy sweets to dried fruits and nuts, because fig tree inflorescences can completely replace harmful sugar!

Figs are the fruits of the fig tree, or fig tree, the same one whose leaves helped the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, to cover their nakedness.

But this is not the only thing that made the fig tree famous.

Over its long history, it has brought a lot of benefits. The benefits and harms of figs have been known to people since ancient times.

For example, the soldiers of Alexander the Great, going to distant lands, always hung a bag of dried figs on their belts. They knew that gruel from crushed figs would help quickly heal wounds, and after a hard battle or march, just a few fruits would relieve fatigue.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of figs are due to its vitamin and mineral composition. The fruits of the fig tree are surprisingly tasty, but do not last long. Therefore, most often you can see figs in dried (dried) form. But even in this form it does not lose its properties, and even acquires new ones.

The fruits of the fig tree are surprisingly tasty, but do not last long. Therefore, most often you can see figs in dried (dried) form. But even in this form it does not lose its properties, and even acquires new ones.

This table shows how the value of dried fruits increases.

After drying, the content of macro- and microelements in figs increases significantly - manganese, copper, selenium, zinc and others:

  • it contains 10 times (!) more sodium than fresh;
  • almost 3 times more potassium;
  • calcium increases approximately 5 times,
  • magnesium in 4,
  • iron 3 times,

Therefore, to replenish phosphorus, it is better to eat fresh fruits. And in terms of beneficial properties and potassium content, dried figs are second only to nuts.

In terms of the amount of iron, fig tree fruits are superior to the most powerful supplier - the apple.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of fresh figs largely depend on the concentration of vitamins. So, in fresh and dried form, figs contain:

  • vitamin C,
  • nicotinic acid, beta-carotene,
  • thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), vitamin E.

Figs also contain:

  • organic acids,
  • pectins and enzymes.

The coating that appears on dried fruits contains fructose, glucose, lysine, aspartic acid, asparagine and some citric and malic acids.

Beneficial properties of fresh and dried figs

Eating it fresh or dried helps:

  • recover quickly
  • improve digestion, help the heart, liver and stomach,
  • cure cough and sore throat,
  • have a laxative effect,
  • save from poisoning by helping the kidneys and liver remove toxins.

Fresh fig pulp:

  • can cure fungal diseases,
  • strengthens bones,
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, reduces blood sugar.

Fresh juice is good for anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Dried figs will compensate for the lack of vitamins and other substances necessary for normal human life. It is impossible to overestimate its role in the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

The benefit of fresh figs is that it eliminates tachycardia. And thanks to the ficin content, it thins the blood, reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Therefore, its use is a good prevention of coronary heart disease, reduces the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

For treatment, both the fig tree fruits themselves and infusions (decoctions) from them are used. Infusions have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects and regulate metabolic processes. Fig infusions with milk are especially good.

It’s not difficult to prepare them:

  • you need to pour 40 g of dried fruits with one glass of water or milk,
  • wait 5–6 hours until the fruits give all their strength to the milk,
  • and drink small portions throughout the day.

This infusion is very useful for colds - it reduces fever and has a diaphoretic effect. It also has a healing effect for a diseased liver or spleen.

The medicinal properties of figs are used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and cystitis. In this case, the roots and leaves of the fig tree are used as an astringent. The milky juice of the fig tree removes sand from the kidneys and treats purulent wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time.

For older people, fig helps to cope with fragility and fragility of bones, improve vision, improve tone and overall well-being.

Eating figs significantly reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

All of the above is already quite enough to take its rightful place among the healthiest fruits, but the benefits of figs are not limited to this.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The beneficial properties of figs for men are that the active substances contained in the sweet fruit effectively cope with impotence. Wineberry (another name for this fruit) is a natural and very effective way to combat sexual weakness in men.

In the east, it has long been consumed as a means of enhancing potency at any age.

It is enough to soak 2 fruits in a glass of warm milk and leave them overnight, and the next morning drink the infusion and eat the pulp.

Figs will also help defeat such an unpleasant male disease as prostatitis.

In folk medicine the following recipe is used:

  1. You need to take 5 fruits and pour a glass of hot water over them.
  2. Mix thoroughly, leave for a little while and drink this drink twice a day. glass half an hour before meals.

Treatment is carried out for one month, the course can be repeated if necessary after 2-3 weeks.

What benefits can figs bring to women?

Women are usually very concerned about being overweight and often resort to various dubious means to lose weight. But there is an absolutely safe and effective way to get rid of extra pounds without grueling diets, chemical drugs and painful exercises.

Just 2-3 fruits a day - and after a while the body will acquire the desired lightness and harmony.

The beneficial properties of figs used for weight loss are determined by the calorie content of fresh fruits. It was said above that natural fruits contain much less calories, so fresh figs will be more useful for weight loss.

To correct your figure, a diet is suitable when you have a fasting “fig” day once a week. On this day you need to eat 100 g of dried fruits, 1 kg of any raw fruit, 0.5 kg of vegetables and drink 2 liters of low-fat kefir.

Another problem that many lovers of high heels face is varicose veins. If you include a few figs in your daily diet, you can avoid unsightly protruding veins and preserve the beauty and health of your legs for a long time.

Syrup from the fruits of the fig tree will help in the treatment of diseases of the female intimate sphere - it will eliminate such a female nuisance as leucorrhoea (discharge due to fungal and other diseases).

Many women use the beneficial properties of figs during pregnancy.

Thanks to the wealth of nutrients, its fruits will support the health of mother and baby with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other substances necessary during this period.

If the expectant mother experiences rapid weight gain, then figs will help adjust her diet in such a way as to stabilize her weight without harming the baby.

Almost every pregnant woman faces difficulties with bowel movements. Eating figs helps to quickly get rid of the problem, having a delicate laxative effect.

Figs are also useful for pregnant women because they help cope with iron deficiency anemia. Just 1-2 fruits daily for breakfast will quickly raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When feeding a child, it is very important that a sufficient amount of calcium enters the woman’s body. Unfortunately, if you are intolerant to milk and dairy products, they have to be replaced with artificial drugs.

In this case, figs will be a healthy and tasty alternative. But it should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother with caution, as this fruit can cause diarrhea and bloating in the child.

The beneficial properties of figs for women also include the fact that the fruits of the fig tree enhance lactation, and when mastitis appears, they become a natural medicine. Fruits steamed in milk, if applied to the breast at the site of the abscess, can easily cope with inflammation.

The benefits of figs for a child

Many mothers wonder whether these sweet fruits can be given to children. It is not only possible, but also necessary, of course, if the child has no contraindications.

What are the benefits of figs for a baby? First of all, fig fruits are an excellent natural vitamin preparation that can replace any purchased vitamin complexes.

Secondly, for colds, figs are an excellent substitute for medications. A drink made from dried figs with milk, butter and honey is an excellent natural remedy for any type of cough.

Syrup made from figs is a very good tonic for babies - it will improve digestion and increase appetite.

In addition, a bowl of dried figs instead of sweets can be an excellent substitute for store-bought sweets, but you must keep in mind its laxative effect.

If a child has problems with stool, then puree from these fruits normalizes intestinal function.

When including figs in your baby’s diet, you should do this gradually, starting with very small quantities and carefully monitoring the body’s reaction.

To summarize, we can say that the spectrum of effects of fig tree fruits is very wide, therefore figs and preparations made from them are used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • anemia;
  • infections;
  • fungi;
  • oncology;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine systems;
  • skin, oral cavity and respiratory organs;

In addition, fig is used to improve brain function, boost immunity, as an aphrodisiac, and also in the treatment of female and male diseases.

Harm of figs

Fresh figs can practically not cause harm to the body of a healthy person. But its fruits should not be consumed in case of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Dried fruits, due to their high sugar content, are contraindicated for patients with diabetes and are not recommended for those who are overweight. People with urolithiasis should be careful when including it in their diet.

The harm of figs for pregnant women, as well as its benefits, is of great importance. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to eat figs if a woman is gaining weight too quickly, has gestational diabetes, or suffers from any kidney disease.

Figs have minimal contraindications, but this does not mean that a healthy person can consume them in any quantity. In everything you need to observe moderation and common sense - for prevention, 2-4 pieces a day are enough.

How to eat and cook figs?

As a means to quickly satisfy hunger, figs are suitable in fresh or dried form. It is much healthier than sweets, chocolates and other sweets that are often consumed as a snack.

Dried fruits can be consumed like regular dried fruits. However, it is better to pour boiling water over it or steam it. The second option will help preserve all the benefits of the fruit.

Fresh figs make a delicious dessert if you simply cut the fruits into slices and top them with whipped cream or sweet sour cream sauce. And in combination with soft cheese, figs turn into an excellent snack that complements the taste of champagne or white wine.

It goes well with meat and poultry.

For example, it gives stewed pork a completely unusual exotic taste and aroma.

If you want something more interesting, then for a festive feast you can bake chicken in Greek. It is guaranteed to amaze guests and household members.

And preparing this dish is quite simple:

  • marinate chicken legs
  • put them in a baking dish,
  • placing fig slices between the pieces of meat,
  • and keep in the oven for about an hour.

It turns out that figs, despite the inherent sweetness of the fruit, are used to prepare many tasty and healthy dishes with added sugar: jam, marmalade, marshmallows, compotes or even wine.

Fig jam retains almost all of its beneficial properties and is prepared without much difficulty.

Fig jam has the greatest number of beneficial properties. To cook according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg fresh or dried fruits (medium size),
  • 1 kg granulated sugar,
  • 300 ml of water and a little citric acid.

Wash the figs, remove the “tails” and pierce each fruit with a toothpick in several places. Then pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Pour the figs into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

After this, remove the fruits and rinse them with cold water. Dry the figs on a dry towel. While the figs are drying, you need to make a syrup: add sugar to water (300 ml) and put on fire. Cook while stirring until you get a homogeneous mass.

Place the dried fruits in it and cook for about 40 minutes or a little more (this depends on the ripeness of the fruits). At the end of cooking, add citric acid and mix everything thoroughly. Place the jam in sterilized jars.

The benefits of fig jam are that it can be used as a medicine for colds and as a vitamin supplement to your daily diet.

The fruits of the fig tree have a healing effect on the body; it is not without reason that they have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. But even today, figs have not lost any of their healing power and can serve well for those who prefer to be treated with natural remedies.

Against the backdrop of entirely artificial drugs that cause a lot of side effects, figs become an almost ideal alternative that has a beneficial effect on health.

Figs are safe and extremely beneficial if you follow just two rules - do not eat them after 6 pm (otherwise insomnia is guaranteed) and do not consume more than 160 g per day.