home · Appliances · Goodwin cauliflower variety description. What are the best varieties of cauliflower? Varieties of cauliflower for the Moscow region and the middle zone

Goodwin cauliflower variety description. What are the best varieties of cauliflower? Varieties of cauliflower for the Moscow region and the middle zone

Cauliflower is more demanding on growing conditions than the white cabbage traditional for our country. Yes, the process of growing cauliflower is associated with many nuances that significantly complicate obtaining a high-quality harvest, but all these difficulties are more than compensated by the healthy and tasty greens that can be obtained.

Today there are a great variety of varieties of this crop - from early to late ripening. Quite a few hybrids have also appeared, and all of them are noticeably superior to traditional varieties in most respects.

All crop varieties are divided into three large groups:

  • early ones - characterized by a short growing season, as well as denser heads surrounded by short leaves;
  • medium - have longer leaves, heads are formed at temperatures above 20°C;
  • late - have the same features as mid-ripening ones, only it takes longer to ripen (about 130 days).

Let's look at the best representatives of each group.

Early ripening varieties

Obviously, they ripen first. For a head of cabbage to fully ripen, it requires no more than 85-100 days after the first shoots. This group consists not only of long-known varieties, but also of hybrids (the latter are not as stable, but are characterized by higher yields).


One of the best representatives of early varieties, producing beautiful and dense heads that have a classic, slightly flat shape. The rosette is small, the weight of one fruit ranges from 650-850 g, although under good agrotechnical conditions it can exceed 1.2 kg. Typically, “Snow Globe” is designed to be consumed not only fresh, but also as part of various dishes. It's also very tasty.

Cauliflower "Snow Globe", seeds

Note! Even if the heads reach their maximum weight (1.2 kg), the seedlings can still be planted quite densely. And this, in turn, allows you to collect about 3-4 kg from 1 m².

There are no problems with fruiting, which is mainly due to good resistance. More specifically, this variety can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open soil. The growing season is only 60-65 days (if you start the calculation from the day the seedlings are planted, but in general it is no more than 110 days).

Other benefits " Snow globe"can be attributed to:

  • increased resistance to cauliflower diseases;
  • high yield in a short period of time;
  • quick adaptation;
  • excellent tolerance to bad weather.

As for the shortcomings, it is difficult to name them. There is, however, one point that confuses some gardeners - the small size of the heads. In addition, this variety is recommended to be grown exclusively using seedlings.


This variety is characterized by small heads (no more than 350-500 g) and rosettes, although such characteristics are quite normal for early ripening varieties. The color of the heads themselves is white, often with a slight yellow tint.

“Express” cabbage seedlings should be planted in the ground in early May, and the ripe fruits can be harvested after 55-60 days.

The variety feels better under a film, but under favorable conditions you can take a chance and try growing it in open soil. The yield per 1 m² is about 1.5 kg.

Other advantages of Express include:

  • resistance to bacteriosis;
  • the best taste among all early ripening crops.

There is only one minus - low resistance to pests of cauliflower, although this can be dealt with by treating the beds special drugs and their subsequent (beds) covering.

"Summer resident"

The next variety has a longer fruiting phase. The period between the emergence of seedlings and harvesting, as a rule, does not exceed 100 days. The heads are round, slightly flattened, white, weight – about 1 kg.

Cauliflower "Dachnitsa"

The fruits can be eaten raw or frozen. They contain a lot of sugar and ascorbic acid.

"Summer resident", seeds

Hybrid "Movir-74"

The rosette size of this hybrid cauliflower is average - from 45 cm to 95 cm. The heads are usually round or flattened-round, their diameter can range from 12 cm to 25 cm (it all depends on the weather, quality planting material and care). And the mass of the heads, accordingly, varies between 400-1400 g.

The main difference of this hybrid is its white (less often light yellow) color, as well as its specific lumpy surface. If the heads turn out to be large, then the yield of Movir-74 can reach 4 kg/m². Ripening occurs early (maximum 105 days after germination).

Cauliflower "Movir 74"

As for the advantages of a hybrid, these include:

  • good taste;
  • Possibility of consumption fresh and canned;
  • excellent responsiveness to watering;
  • resistance to high/low temperature;
  • possibility of obtaining 2 harvests during the season.

But resistance to pests and diseases is low (for example, the hybrid is often affected by bacteriosis), so additional protection is required.

Mid-season varieties

These varieties require 120 to 130 days to fully ripen. This is more than that of early crops, but the fruits can be stored for a longer time.

The head of representatives of the variety is round, with a white color and an extremely dense structure. Typically, one head weighs up to 1.2 kg. The leaves are long, light green. This variety deserves special attention not only due to the excellent taste, but also for the reason high content useful minerals.

Note! “White Beauty” is considered a high-yielding variety, especially since its fruits are really large and heavy. The yield indicator reaches 6 kg/m².

Moreover, the fruits ripen quickly - a maximum of 125 days after sowing the seeds. If you plan to grow this variety in open soil, then it is better to use seedling method, although heads grown under seed film also turn out well.

The main advantages of the described variety include:

  • the possibility of eating fruits fresh, as well as for canning and freezing;
  • excellent taste;
  • long-term storage of crops;
  • high yield combined with average ripening times.

The only disadvantages include low resistance to pests and diseases, which, in principle, is inherent in almost all mid-season varieties.

The head is white (weighing up to 1.2 kg), the rosette is slightly raised. The taste is excellent. A distinctive external feature by which this variety can be immediately recognized in the garden is the head, which is heavily wrapped in leaves.

The variety is considered mid-season, but theoretically the fruits can ripen already on the 110th day after germination. However, it is advisable not to rush into collecting fruits - it is better to wait a little longer than to eat unripe greens. The variety also has a high yield (from 26 t/ha), and ripening occurs almost simultaneously, so you can quickly harvest the fruits.

The advantages of Flora Blanca include:

  • resistance to bacteriosis and autumn frosts;
  • the possibility of eating fresh fruits, canning and freezing them;
  • long-term storage of fruits.

No deficiencies have been identified in the culture.

Late ripening varieties

Their ripening lasts over 130 days, which is why they are grown exclusively in the southern regions. And it is not surprising, because otherwise the seedlings or ripening heads may become frostbitten. Among the best representatives of the category are the F1 hybrid forms.

Produces snow-white heads of excellent commercial quality. The rosette of foliage is dense and covers the head on hot days. The average weight of one head ranges from 2-2.5 kg. The fruits are used for fresh consumption, as well as for freezing and processing. Other features of the hybrid include extremely high yield, intensive development and resistance to frost (thanks to the latter, “Amerigo F1” is recommended for autumn cultivation).

Cabbage ripens late - about 75-80 days after planting the seedlings.

The advantages of the hybrid are as follows:

  • wide scope of application;
  • resistance to low/high temperatures.

However, for the normal development of this cauliflower, mineral fertilizers are required, which means that the plants will still have to be fertilized, even if the soil is fertile.

It is distinguished by dense white heads weighing 2-3 kg, which can be considered a kind of record among the varieties described in the article. The fruits are used in the same way as the previous hybrid. Ripening traditionally occurs late - at least 75 days after planting the seedlings. This means that the ripening heads can “survive” until the autumn frosts, but the latter will not harm them.

The advantages of the hybrid include:

  • high productivity;
  • the ability to “self-cover” (like the “Amerigo F1”).

But if you grow a hybrid in infertile soil, then you can forget about high yields. Therefore, in order to get 3-kilogram heads, you need to devote a lot of time to feeding the plants.

Features of planting cauliflower

The culture needs soil with normal acidity. The composition may be different, but it is desirable that the soil is moist and rich in fertilizers, so in early spring or in autumn you need to add ash, dolomite flour or lime. In addition, in the fall, when digging, mineral fertilizer is applied.

It is better to plant cauliflower after the following crops:

  • beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet.

Planting can be done with both seedlings and seeds. The first method is preferable for regions middle zone, while the second is used by residents of the south.

Method number 1. Seedless

Everything here is extremely simple: in early May, the fertilized and dug up beds are moistened, after which seeds are sown in them to a depth of about 2 cm. In this case, the first heads should appear in July.

Method number 2. Using seedlings

The process is not much different from similar actions when growing white cabbage, but about some important nuances still worth telling. So, root system cauliflower is not so developed, so you can prepare one common box for sowing (6 days before transplanting, the soil will need to be cut into squares so that the plants form branched roots).

Then you need to properly prepare the seed: the seeds should be kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and boiling water, and only then you can proceed directly to sowing.

As for the specific sowing dates, they look like this:

  • for mid-season varieties this is the period from April 10 to May 12;
  • for early crops and hybrids - from the first to the last days of March;
  • for late ripening - from March 15 to June 10.

2 weeks after sowing, seedlings should be hardened off and transplanted into open ground should be produced when the weather is consistently warm, with the age of the sprouts before planting for different groups mine:

  • 35 days for late;
  • 40 days for medium ones;
  • 60 days for early varieties.

When replanting, it is recommended to use the following scheme: the width of the rows should be 50 cm, and the distance between the holes should be 25 cm. Immediately after replanting, the plants are covered with film; in addition, for better survival, they can be shaded for several days.

Features of further care

After transplanting, cabbage should be watered regularly. After 2 weeks, hilling should be done, and after another 7 days, fertilizing should be applied for the first time. Other care features are listed in the table below.

Table. How to care for culture

ConditionShort description

You need to water abundantly, but you shouldn’t overdo it. At first, seedlings need to be watered twice a week (6-8 l/m²). After a few weeks, the consumption can be increased to 9-10 liters.

There are many pests that can attack cauliflower, and they are extremely difficult to control. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to sprinkle the plants with tobacco or ash, or, alternatively, spray them with infusion of burdock or tomato stems.

We have dealt with fertilizing before planting, so we note that in the future you need to periodically water the plants with a solution of chicken droppings or mullein. Some varieties require mineral fertilizers.

The optimal temperature for culture development is 16-25°C. Exceeding this indicator will lead to deterioration in yield.

As a result, we note that if you followed all the recommendations given, but cauliflower still did not give the desired result, then all that remains is to reduce the planting density.

Video - Growing cauliflower

Cauliflower can rightfully be considered one of the best representatives of the vegetable world. Quantity useful substances One head of cabbage is simply huge. Despite this, Russian summer residents prefer to grow its white cabbage relative on their plots, not wanting to bother with the capricious colored beauty. But thanks to modern selection, there is a whole range of unpretentious species of this crop on the market. For each area and the weather conditions existing there, you can select the best varieties of cauliflower that will sprout perfectly and show high-quality fruiting.

As a standard, cauliflower is compared with white cabbage, and the former takes 1st place in most respects. She can boast:

  • high content of choline, thiamine, folic acid, carotene, riboflavin;
  • increased concentration of ascorbic acid and protein compounds;
  • content of phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium and other minerals;
  • more delicate fiber than other vegetables, which is easier to digest and suitable for baby food;
  • the ability to inhibit the growth of tumors in the body;
  • low in calories - 100 g of product contains only 30 kcal, so it is an ideal vegetable for those trying to lose weight.

Cauliflower is one of the few foods that can be cooked al dente, that is, not until fully cooked. In this form, it will not only be a delicacy, but will also retain all its beneficial features.

Important! Cauliflower is contraindicated for only one disease - gout. Purine components in this culture can aggravate the course of the disease.

How to choose the right variety?

Cauliflower loves warmth, so it is important for the gardener to choose the right seeds for sowing. After all, varieties corresponding to the southern zone and Siberia will differ significantly in individual characteristics. In harsh terrain climatic conditions It will be very difficult to grow cauliflower not under film.

To pick up seeds vegetable crop Correctly, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is necessary to choose seeds that are stable to changes in temperature, excessive humidity and high acidity of the soil.
  2. F1 hybrids produce good yields and have accelerated ripening times, but their “children” lose all the characteristics of their “parents.” Therefore, varietal seeds should be purchased for selection.
  3. The selected seed variety should produce plants that are extremely resistant to pests and diseases.
  4. When making a choice in favor of cauliflower varieties bred abroad, you should adjust the time of planting and ripening in accordance with the growing area.
  5. To ensure a guaranteed harvest, it is recommended to immediately sow several varieties of cabbage with different ripening periods.

In areas where summers are short and rainy, it is better to grow varieties with short maturation. And gardeners from warm regions can make a choice in favor of more finicky, but very tasty mid- and late-ripening representatives.

The best varieties of cauliflower with early ripening

Vegetables in this category ripen the earliest. It will take 85-100 days from the moment the seeds peck for the head of cabbage to fully develop. The category includes both very common varieties and recently bred hybrids that produce a good harvest, but cannot boast of resistance to the wayward climate. Both are presented in the table below.

Table 1. The best varieties of cauliflower with early ripening

NameDescriptionNuances of cultivation

Considered one of the best varieties. It has strong and aesthetic snow-white inflorescences of a characteristic oval shape. The heads of cabbage are flattened, small in diameter, suitable for eating raw or for cooking various dishes. They reach a weight of 650 to 850 g, rarely up to 1200 g.The variety is resistant to diseases and is able to adapt to unsatisfactory weather conditions. Can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Vegetation occurs in 55-60 days, with a maximum of 110 days. Due to the compact size of the heads, it can be sown quite densely.

It is characterized by small heads: the weight of one head of cabbage does not exceed 350-500 g. The fruit is white with a slight yellowness, round in shape. The variety has the most pleasant flavor accents among all early ripening varieties.It is recommended to grow under film, but if the spring is very warm, it can take root in uncovered soil. They are replanted at the end of April, and after 55 days the fruits are harvested. Express cabbage is noticeably susceptible to attack cabbage pests, so it needs to be treated for prevention.

The heads can mature to medium (up to 15 cm in diameter) or large (up to 25 cm in diameter) sizes. At final maturity, they reach a weight of 400 to 1400 g. The surface of the head is covered with tubercles and has a yellowish tint. It has a very pleasant taste and is eaten raw or canned.Does not have good resistance to bacteria and insects, but is resistant to frost and extreme heat. Ripens quite quickly: 105 days after sowing. In one season it can bear fruit twice.

Important! Cauliflower in this category has accelerated fruit growth, which is why it is the first to be eaten. However, early ripe cabbage does not last long due to the delicate structure of the fruit.

Mid-season varieties of cauliflower

Medium-ripening varieties are more similar in taste to early-ripening representatives - slightly sweet and tender. However, their texture is already much denser, they are stored for a long time, can easily be transported over long distances, are resistant to cold and provide a lot of vitamins. The best mid-season varieties are listed in the table.

Table 2. The best varieties of mid-season cauliflower

NameDescriptionNuances of cultivation

It is characterized by high productivity, can produce up to 6 kg of fruit per square meter. One head of cabbage reaches a weight of 1.2 kg. Cabbage lasts a long time and easily survives transportation over long distances.Suitable for growing on uncovered beds, does not take root well under film. Poorly perceived temperature fluctuations, susceptible to attack by pests.

The variety comes from the Netherlands and is distinguished by elastic inflorescences and a fleshy fork. The color is yellowish-white, the head reaches a weight of 1.2 kg. 1 sq. m of planting brings up to 2.5 kg of vegetables. Pleasant taste, cabbage can be consumed in any form.Tolerates autumn cold snaps and is immune to bacteriosis. The harvest appears after 110 days.

The fruits are white, weighing up to 1.1 kg. Contains vitamin C in large quantities, is actively used by culinary specialists, medicine and as a component for cosmetic masks.Ripens 110-120 days after sowing, easily tolerates light frosts.

Cauliflower is considered a rather capricious vegetable that requires constant care and a warm climate. However, among the mid-season varieties there are many representatives that can withstand bad weather conditions and are not susceptible to typical cauliflower diseases. They give a decent harvest, are stored for a long time and do not lose their properties over time. taste qualities.

Hybrids and late-ripening varieties of cauliflower

All late-ripening varieties are distinguished by their high content of minerals and vitamins. But in regions with severe frosts, they can be grown exclusively in greenhouses or greenhouses, since this variety does not have time to fully strengthen before the first cold weather.

Table 3. The most common varieties of cauliflower with long ripening

NameDescriptionNuances of cultivation

A rosette of medium diameter, with emerald-colored leaves. The heads are neat and compact, reaching a maximum weight of half a kilo. They are distinguished by an unusual yellow-green hue. The fruits are easy to transport, taste good and look aesthetically pleasing.The variety is capable of producing up to 20 kg of fruit per 10 square meters. m. Final ripening occurs 120-130 days after planting.

The rosette is raised, the leaves have a bright green color and a waxy coating. The head of cabbage is round, has a delicate texture inside, and retains its properties for a long time, since it is protected from above by foliage. One head of cabbage can reach a weight of 0.9-1.5 kg.Ripens 130-135 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The harvest is more than decent - up to 55 kg per 10 sq. m.

Forks have color Ivory, round shape and dense structure. The leaves in the rosette are oblong, with a gray tint and specific bubbles. The head is also covered with leaves and weighs up to 2 kg. Suitable for preparing all kinds of dishes; when frozen, it does not lose its properties.The variety is unpretentious and produces a large harvest. With careful care, you can achieve 42 kg of fruit from 10 square meters. m. landing.

Hybrids, as opposed to late-ripening varieties, are resistant to frost and can be grown on open beds. As a rule, most of the characteristics of the hybrid are indicated on the seed package.

Unusual varieties of cauliflower

The vast majority of cauliflower varieties produce white fruits. This is a classic option healthy vegetable, already loved by many gardeners. However, some people want to grow something exotic instead of boring snow-white cabbage. It is for such summer residents that breeders are developing non-standard varieties of cauliflower, distinguished by their memorable appearance and no less mineral content.

Table 4. Non-standard varieties of cauliflower

NameDescriptionNuances of cultivation

The variety was obtained by crossing broccoli and cauliflower. It has the second name “coral cabbage”, since the structure of the head of cabbage resembles a snail shell. The inflorescences follow the shape of small pyramids of bright green color.Grows well when quality care, the head can reach a weight of more than 500 g.

The fork of the hybrid is flattened, has a rounded shape and a bright purple color. The structure is delicate, the head of cabbage reaches a weight of 700-1100 g. The vegetable contains many anthocyanins. Prepares faster than classic cabbage, and with long cooking it can change color.Mid-season variety that ripens in 70 days. Good care allows you to collect from 1 sq. m. up to 6 kg of harvest.

The head of cabbage has a bright orange color, a dense structure, and is covered with small cones. Can weigh from 300 to 500 g. The taste is very delicate, different high content carotene can be used in any form.Medium ripening variety, ready for consumption 65 days after planting. If you care for this cabbage correctly, you can harvest 2500 g of harvest per square meter.

A variety bred in Germany. The heads have a pleasant lilac hue and reach a weight of 0.8 kg. Representatives of the variety have a large range of useful substances, which in many ways outperforms classic cauliflower.An early-ripening variety, the fruits of which are ready for consumption 110-113 days after planting. It can boast of strong immunity to a host of common diseases. Capable of producing a harvest of 17 tons per hectare.

Frost-resistant hybrids and varieties

Thanks to high-quality selection, there are a number of cold-resistant varieties of cauliflower. These include:

How to care for cauliflower

The correct choice of seeds for sowing does not guarantee successful germination and large yields. In order for cauliflower to live up to your expectations and delight you with its delicious inflorescences, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. It consists of the following procedures:

Cultivating cauliflower in a home garden is somewhat more complicated than growing classic white cabbage. Most varieties of wayward colored vegetables are not able to resist diseases and require special care and warm weather. However, with careful selection of seeds and proper care, you can grow a large harvest of a very healthy and tasty vegetable, which is indispensable for a healthy diet.

You can read about growing cauliflower seedlings at home

Video - Cauliflower: overview of varieties

Many people now grow cauliflower on their plots, although it is much more difficult to grow than the white cabbage we are familiar with. Cauliflower is less resistant to adverse natural conditions and diseases, has features and tricks in growing high-quality heads of cabbage, and requires a different approach to care. When buying seeds, you should know that they withstand bad weather, are resistant to common diseases, taste better and contain more useful nutrients and vitamins.
"Country Hobbies"

The best varieties of cauliflower

Like any crop, it is divided according to the time of ripening of heads of cabbage.

Early varieties

Movir-74 is an early ripening species with an average rosette 45-95 cm in diameter. The heads grow up to 15 cm in diameter, with a maximum of 23-25 ​​cm, have a round shape with tubercles, are white with a yellowish tint, weighing from 400 g to 1.3 kg. The taste is good and pleasant. It is recommended to plant seedlings; you can get two harvests per season. Ripening period is 50-55 days. Movir-74 tolerates heat and temporary cold snaps well, is resistant to drought, and responsive to watering. With proper care, you can get 3-4 kg per square meter. The variety is not resistant to bacteriosis and pests of cabbage; the plantings need treatment.

AmerigoF1— the new generation hybrid matures in 70-85 days. Its heads are heavy, dense, snow-white, weighing 2.0-2.4 kg. The hybrid is not afraid of infections, frosts, and pests are not very interested in it. Its productivity is high (6-8 kg/sq. m) with timely application of mineral fertilizers.

Guarantee early ripening cabbage, ripening in 45-55 days, yield is good from 1.5 to 3.5 kg/sq.m. m, can be easily transported and stored for a long time without losing quality, and is resistant to vascular bacteriosis. The heads are dense, fine-grained, white with a creamy tint, excellent taste, weighing 300-1000 g.


Mid-season varieties

They have a ripening period of 120-130 days and are better stored.

Flora Blanca is a species grown by Polish breeders, has a rosette with raised leaves and a dense white-yellowish head weighing up to 1.2 kg. A high-yielding variety with heads of excellent taste. Ripening is good, the harvest is stored well and for a long time, cabbage is not afraid of frost in the fall, and is resistant to bacteriosis. Heads of cabbage are successfully consumed fresh and are suitable for canning and freezing.

Regent It is best to grow in gardens with a temperate climate. The heads grow large-lumpy, small in size, white-yellow in color, excellent taste, weighing 500-600 g. They are used not only fresh, but also canned. The plant does not suffer from bacteriosis.

White Beauty high-yielding variety(can be harvested up to 6 kg per square meter), ripens in 125 days. The white heads are rich in many minerals, have an excellent taste, good marketable condition, can be stored for a long time. The inflorescences can be frozen, canned and used fresh for preparing various dishes. White Beauty has low resistance to temperature changes, diseases and pests.

Late varieties

They ripen more than 130 days from emergence. Therefore, it is better to grow these varieties in the southern regions.

Cortex F1 considered one of the most productive late varieties. It has a very dense, beautiful, juicy white inflorescence, used for processing, freezing, and preparing many dishes. The difference lies in the coverability of the head in the heat own leaves, which helps preserve the quality of the head of cabbage. The hybrid is capable of producing a harvest of 5-7 kg per square meter, provided there is fertile soil and proper care. In this case, it is possible to obtain inflorescences weighing 2-3 kg.
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Various varieties of cauliflower are a real gift for advocates of healthy nutrition, combining excellent benefits with a pleasant taste. It is from this “product” that you can prepare those wonderful dishes that Italians call “al dente” - which retain all their beneficial properties after cooking. For vegetable lovers, it is important to choose the right one from many types. the best way suitable for future use.

Principles for choosing varieties

The best varieties of cauliflower produce good yields in almost any climatic zone, although the gardener must be able to correctly assess the possibilities of agricultural technology in his particular region. Considering the special “attachment” of cauliflower to heat, it becomes clear that its varieties for the middle zone and southern regions can be very different. In the climatic region of Siberia, it will be extremely difficult to grow any type of colored vegetable in open ground conditions.

To choose the right seeds for planting, it is worth considering several fundamental points:

  • The best F1 cauliflower seeds and hybrids – selections from the planting region. In particular, species intended for southern areas will have a much harder time taking root in the climate of central Russia.
  • Varieties of foreign selection of cauliflower must be adjusted according to the timing of planting and ripening for your region.
  • Select seed that is resistant to weather problems and fluctuations in soil moisture, capable of actively bearing fruit, regardless of the acidity level (if possible) and soil types.
  • Seeds should produce plants that are as resistant to disease and pests as possible.
  • To make selection possible on your site, choose varietal seeds. F1 hybrids can be distinguished by high yields and rapid ripening, but the “offspring” from them usually loses everything best qualities"parents".
  • To guarantee a harvest in one season, it is better to plant several types of cauliflower with different ripening periods.

For regions with short, often rainy summers, early ripening varieties are optimal. Residents of warm regions can choose seeds of more capricious, but productive and very tasty mid- and late-ripening varieties of F1 varieties and hybrids.

Variegated cauliflower can have white, yellow and purple flowers with variations in shades. Varietal types and hybrids of F1 vegetables differ in the size and density of the “head of cabbage”, the shape of the leaf cover, taste, climate of initial selection, the possibility of planting in open ground conditions and a number of other features. Most characteristics are indicated on the seed packaging, which requires only careful reading.

Classification by ripening time

The most important is the classification of cauliflower varieties and hybrids according to the length of the growing season, where 3 main groups are distinguished. In each of them, gardeners have their own “favorites”, which delight with a special taste, are perfect for preparing dishes and are quite long-term storage.

Early ripening cauliflower forms ripe heads in 80-100 days. Ultra-early species “cope” even earlier. Most varieties have low shelf life and small in size"heads of cabbage" surrounded by short leaves, but are great for al dente cooking.

The average ripening time for “colored” varieties is from 100 to 120 days. Heads are formed exclusively when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees. An extended growing season helps extend the shelf life of the harvested crop.

Types of late-harvesting cauliflower “sit” in the ground for an average of 120-130 days, which makes it impossible to grow them “outdoors” in the middle zone of the country and further north. And, nevertheless, solid yields, large size of heads of cabbage and good keeping quality are quite an argument for planting such “colored” varieties both in the south and in greenhouses in colder regions. In this case, the easiest way is to choose “tenacious” hybrids, the names of which can be found in the appropriate reference books.

Optimal and recognized varieties

And now it’s worth getting a little closer to that wonderful cauliflower that gives guaranteed harvests. Of course, with proper “hands-on” in caring for and preserving the plantings.

Hybrid "Amphora F1" . Romanesco variety. The average ripening period is 90 days. Planting seeds for seedlings - mid-April. Transfer to the ground on the site a month after sowing. Planting pattern 30 x 50 cm. The leaf is gray-green, almost erect. The head is dome-shaped, with large tubercles, lemon green, weighing from 350-450 to 800, maximum 1200 g.

96% of planting material germinates. The yield is 1.5 kg per meter of planting area. "Amphora" is suitable for al dente and freezing. Especially rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

"BaldoF1". A hybrid of Dutch selection, taking into account Russian farming conditions. Planting seedlings in March. On permanent place growth “comes out” after 45-50 days, according to the scheme 50 x 50 or 60-70 x 35 cm. When harvested early, the heads of cabbage are removed after 55 days, harvested in mid-summer - after 70 days (June-August). There are options for different regions.

Head "Baldo" very dense, weighing up to 2 kg with a diameter of 15-23 cm. High self-coating ability. The color is snow white. The leaves are velvety with a slight waxy coating. The taste is excellent. The variety can easily survive mild cooling and heat. Growth and development stimulants are recommended.

The growing season is 115 days. The snow-white heads of cabbage are of excellent density, not too massive (on average 800 g). Sowing seeds from February to April. Seedlings are ready in 30-35 days. The harvest is harvested from May to August, depending on the timing of planting, with an average of 2 kg of vegetables per square meter of planting. High commercial quality and versatility of use. The variety can be prepared in different ways - from al dente to standard canning and freezing.

"BruceF1" (Prestige). Originally from Holland, resistant to stressful growing conditions. The beginning of planting seedlings is March. Scheme for planting the hybrid “Bruce” in open ground 50 x 60 cm. Technical term ripening – 55-60 days. Harvesting periods are spring and early summer or autumn. The heads of cabbage are covered, flat-round, the inflorescences are light and milky in color. “Bruce” gains weight up to 1.5 kg. Yields reach 4.5 kg per 1 sq. m. High taste and commercial qualities. "Bruce" is attractive due to its rapid ripening and complete unpretentiousness.

Hybrid "Vinson." Variety from a Dutch breeding company. Vinson cabbage is an upright, vigorous plant. Sowing seedlings in mid-April, at garden soil- a month later. The layout is 30 by 50 cm. “Vinson” ripens 2 months or a little more after planting on the site. Can be grown until autumn. A high-yielding hybrid produces almost 6 kg of cabbage per square meter.

Due to its excellent self-covering abilities, a milky white, round, smooth, strong head weighing up to 3 kg grows. For a snow-white head, the plant should be fed with microelements, especially molybdenum. Vinson can be prepared al dente, any other recipe, or frozen.

"Summer resident"
- a variety that ripens from 80 to 100 days. They begin sowing seedlings in mid-March. Seedlings love feeding and watering. They are planted in a greenhouse or outside in late April, early May. The arrangement is 35 x 50 cm. Planting varieties are “respected” comprehensive care– watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening in one day. Produces round-flattened, medium-lumpy, fine-grained heads of cabbage weighing from 600 g to 1 kg, white in color with the slightest light brown tint. It is recommended to shade the heads by breaking them.

Variety "Summer resident" resistant to unfavorable “surprises” of weather. The harvest volume per meter of planting area is up to 3 kg. The variety is equally good for al dente, hot dishes and freezing for a long period. High sugar content, lots of vitamin C. Product quality is excellent.

"Incline" - a first-generation hybrid of high taste and productivity, especially resistant to diseases. Reaches technical maturity in 3 months. Seeds are sown in March and April. After 35-40 days, the seedlings are assigned to the site. The planting pattern is 50 by 30 cm. Harvesting in August and September. Minimum harvest rate from 1 sq. m. – 2 kg.

The weight of the flat-rounded, superbly white, dense heads of cabbage reaches 3.5 kg, depending on the planting density. The heads are completely protected from the scorching rays of the sun. The quality of vegetables is ensured when good watering. Incline is not afraid of the cold and high humidity. It grows well in large areas. Excellent for freezing and processing.

"Dereza goat."
The period of development of heads depends on the time of planting. When planted in March-April, the heads of cabbage ripen in 57-70 days, from April to June - up to 2 months or a little more, in June-July the vegetable grows in a little more than 2 months. To grow seedlings, the seed material of the cauliflower variety “Koza Dereza” is planted in March-April. No more than 4 bushes per 1 square meter are planted in the garden. m according to the scheme 35 by 50 cm. The variety is harvested in July and August. It buds and ripens together and grows to have excellent taste.

The density of the fruit is very high, the color is white, without shades. The weight of the heads of the “Goat dereza” variety is 700-800 g, can be up to 1 kg. They are shaded by breaking the sheets. Excellent taste when cooked al dente, canned or frozen. The variety is cold-resistant. They take 3 or a little more kilograms per square meter.

"Movir-74". The F1 hybrid matures in up to 105 days, in comfortable weather conditions - in 50-65 days. The seed is planted for seedlings in mid-April, outside a month later, according to a 50 x 30 cm pattern. It tolerates heat and cold. The variety loves watering. The size of the heads of Movir-74 cabbage depends on the quality of the seeds and the weather - from 11-15 to 23-25 ​​cm in diameter. Weight 400-1400 g. Round, with a slight flattening, type. The surface is lumpy, fine-grained. The color is white or slightly yellowish. Among the disadvantages is poor resistance to bacteriosis and pests.

Maximum yield "Movir-74" up to 4 kg per 1 sq. m, average – 1.4 kg. During the season you can harvest 2 crops, the main harvest in July-August. The heads sing together. Pleasant taste, a good option for canning and fresh consumption. The harvest is well transported.

Cauliflower "Snowball 123"- a cold-resistant mid-early variety with excellent taste and product preservation qualities, not susceptible to major diseases. Technical maturity occurs on days 78-119. Sowing seed material - April, May. Sowing pattern in street or greenhouse soil 70 x 40 or 50 cm. Seedlings are at least 35 days old, but better than 40. Heads are harvested in July-September.

Produces “firmly knitted”, rounded-flattened, medium-lumpy, self-closing heads of white color, weighing from half a kilogram to two. The taste is excellent. The yield is stable subject to timely watering, weeding, loosening and fertilizing with boron and molybdenum. They remove an average of 2 kg from 1 sq. m, you can actually remove up to 4 kg or more. Withstands long-term frozen storage.

"FremontF1". One of the largest representatives of cauliflower created in Holland. Sowing occurs in March and April. The age of planted seedlings is up to 30 days. The layout is 50 x 30 cm. The heads of cabbage are ready in 75 days from planting the seedlings. For early spring cultivation (planting in March or April) - after 88 days. The plant variety is powerful, capable of growing in stressful situations. Can be grown from spring to autumn. The hybrid is resistant to major diseases.

The heads are perfectly tied and self-covering. For the snow-white inflorescences of "Fremont" it is important to feed with complex mineral fertilizers with the inclusion of microelements. The heads of cabbage are dense, tasty, and grow up to 3-5 kg ​​with good care and proper water balance. Excellent cooked, frozen or canned. Productivity from 2 kg per meter of planting area.

Dutch-produced cauliflower, which can be grown from spring to autumn. When planting seedlings early, Freedom matures in 88 days; when planted from May to August, it reaches ripeness in 70-78 days.

Seating pattern 75 by 50 cm. Highest quality heads, capable of self-covering and developing in stressful situations. Freedom is easy to care for and clean. The heads mature weighing up to 5 kg. The Freedom hybrid is suitable for any processing.

The names of some varieties and hybrids are well known to a wide range of vegetable growers, others are just gaining popularity, and it’s worth taking a closer look at them.

The main thing to remember is that the aging periods indicated on the packaging are very arbitrary. To a greater extent, they are due to the climate of growing cauliflower and careful attitude towards it.

Cauliflower has been cultivated by humans for hundreds of years. In our country, cauliflower appeared only in the 18th century and did not become widely known due to the difficulties of cultivation - the plant is heat-loving and takes a long time to ripen. But in the 20th century, the situation changed significantly, as many varieties were created that could grow in difficult weather conditions.

The best varieties of cauliflower

When choosing a cauliflower variety experienced gardeners Be sure to pay attention to the ripening period, which can range from 50 to 200 days. Important also have:

  • ability to endure adverse conditions;
  • productivity;
  • taste and commercial qualities of inflorescences.


Early varieties of cauliflower are ready for harvesting within 50–100 days after germination (late June - early July). And residents of the southern regions, when planting such varieties, can receive several harvests per season. But early ripening cauliflower also has its disadvantages. Its heads of cabbage are not as large as those of the late one, and are stored much less quickly.

To varieties with short term maturation include:

  • Moscow Ultra;
  • Guarantee;
  • Polar Star;
  • Movir 74;
  • Tsendis;
  • Express MS;
  • Dereza goat;
  • Francoise;
  • Yarik.


A domestic variety obtained by specialists from the Vegetable Experimental Station named after V.I. Edelshtein of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and entered into the State Register for all regions of Russia in 1968. Reaches removable maturity 70–98 days after germination.

Guarantee is characterized by round, cream or yellowish colored heads with a fine-grained surface. Their weight ranges from 500 g to 1.2 kg. The taste of the heads is excellent. The guarantee is not prone to discoloration, overgrowth and cracking. It also has relative resistance to such a dangerous disease as bacteriosis. The variety ripens quite smoothly. From 1.5 to 3.8 kg of cauliflower are harvested from 1 m2 of plantings.

The diameter of heads of cabbage variety Guarantee can reach 26 cm

Dereza goat

Goat dereza is one of the most famous varieties Russian selection. Harvesting begins 50–70 days after germination. The vertical rosette consists of gray-green, slightly bubbly leaves that partially cover the inflorescences. The heads are round, dense, white. The taste is good. The average weight of heads of cabbage is 600–800 g, but under favorable conditions it can increase to 2.5 kg.

The yield of the variety is 3.2 kg/m2. It is distinguished by its friendly ripening, which allows you to collect most heads in one go. The variety easily tolerates short-term drops in temperature to -5 o C. It is rarely affected by diseases characteristic of representatives of the cruciferous family.

The Koza-dereza cauliflower variety, bred by Biotechnology company specialists, is recommended for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation

Video: personal experience of growing Koza-dereza cabbage


Françoise ripens on the 90–100th day after germination. The heads are yellowish, rounded-flat, partially covered with gray-green leaves. They are not very dense, but have a very delicate texture. The weight of the heads of cabbage rarely exceeds 600 g. The average yield is about 3.2 kg/m2. The taste of the Françoise variety is assessed by experts as excellent. It is eaten fresh and subjected to all types of processing.


Mid-season varieties of cauliflower require 100 days and stable warm weather (above 20 o C) to achieve harvestable maturity. Their main advantage is their long shelf life. Popular varieties of cauliflower with an average ripening period include:

  • Summer resident;
  • Purple ball;
  • Purple;
  • White head;
  • Parisian;
  • Clipper.

Summer resident

Summer resident - well tolerated high humidity and sudden temperature changes, the variety is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia. It is distinguished by an extended period of formation of inflorescences, thanks to which gardeners have the opportunity to harvest throughout the entire season. The variety forms a raised rosette of leaves with partially covered, flat-round, dense heads. Their color can vary from whitish to light cream. Average weight - 0.6–1 kg. Got the taste of the inflorescences highest marks from specialists. They are used for stewing, boiling and baking, fresh and after freezing.

purple ball

Lilac ball is an original variety that ripens 4 months after germination, which can be grown not only for food, but also for decorating the garden. It is distinguished by the deep purple color of its flat-round heads. They have a pleasant delicate texture and excellent taste.

Cauliflower variety Lilac ball will decorate any garden

Under favorable conditions, the weight of the Lilac Ball heads is about 900 g. The average yield of the variety is about 2.9 kg/m2. Its inflorescences are used as food after culinary processing. When preparing them, it is necessary to take into account that during cooking the color loses its brightness.

Video: the intricacies of growing cauliflower with unusual colors


Parisianka is a variety resistant to diseases and low temperatures, reaching harvest maturity on the 110–120th day after germination. Forms dense, rounded, flat, milky heads that are partially closed light green leaves. Average weight - 750 g. Parisian has an excellent taste, which is preserved when frozen and canned. The average yield is 2.5 kg/m2.


Late varieties of cauliflower ripen no earlier than 120 days after germination. Such a long waiting period is quite justified - large heads, the weight of which often exceeds 1.5 kg, have excellent taste. In addition, they are well stored and transported over long distances.

Late-ripening varieties include:

  • Agnia;
  • Silver ball;
  • Hispalis;
  • Green snowdrift;
  • Trident;
  • Otis.


A modern variety of Russian selection, created for sowing before winter. With this method of planting, the first harvest is harvested in mid-July. Typically it is about 2.5 kg/m2. The heads of Agnia are round-flat, whitish, with a fine-grained surface and delicate texture. They are well protected from the bright sun by blue-green leaves that completely cover the inflorescences. The average weight of heads of cabbage is 1.5 kg. The Agnia variety has good taste and excellent commercial qualities. It is used for boiling, stewing and baking.

Green snowdrift

Green Snowdrift - Russian variety with rounded green heads, partially covered with grayish ones, long leaves elliptical shape. It ripens on the 180–190th day after germination. The average weight of Green Snowdrift heads is 740–840 g. The taste and commercial qualities of the variety are very high. It is used for fresh consumption and all types of processing. The Green Snowdrift variety is immune to bacteriosis.

One square meter of Green Snowdrift plantings yields about 2.1 kg of high-quality heads with original coloring

Dutch varieties

IN Lately Hybrids bred by Dutch breeders are especially popular. They are distinguished by stable productivity, unpretentiousness, and even heads.

Table: hybrids of Dutch selection common in Russia and the CIS countries

Hybrid nameMaturation periodProductivity (kg/m2)Average head weight (kg)Short description
AmerigoMid-late3,1–4,5 1,5 The heads are round, medium-lumpy, dense, completely covered with gray-green leaves. The color is whitish, the texture is delicate. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is able to tolerate low temperatures at the end of the growing season and rarely suffers from disease. Among its disadvantages, one can only note its demands on soil fertility.
GoodmanMid-early3,2–4,6 0,6–0,7 Partially covered with blue-green wavy leaves, the heads are round-flat, whitish-yellow, with medium to coarse tuberosity, uniform in size. The taste is excellent. Recommended for canning and preparing summer salads. Goodman is rarely affected by disease, but does not tolerate drought well.
VinsonEarly5,9 1,8 The whitish, round-flat, partially covered heads have a dense structure and excellent taste.
CortezEarly2,0–3,9 0,6–2,0 White, medium-lumpy, round, dense heads are partially covered with green leaves. The taste is good. The hybrid is characterized by stable yield and high marketability.
MalimbaEarlyabout 40,6–1,5 The heads are flat-round, dense, milky white, covered with leaves. Used for stewing, boiling and baking fresh and canning. The taste is excellent. Malimba is resistant to common infections, but suffers greatly from lack of moisture and nutrients. It reacts especially poorly to excessive acidification of the soil, which can lead to a significant decrease in yield, and sometimes to the death of the plant.
SantamariaMedium (75–95 days)3,6 0,8–1,5 The heads are elliptical, dense, completely covered with leaves. White color. The hybrid is suitable for all-season cultivation in closed ground. It easily tolerates drought and potassium deficiency, and is rarely affected by fungal infections. Santamaria cauliflower keeps well fresh and does not lose its taste after freezing.
FortalezaMid-season4,9 2.8 Tuberous, rounded-flat, partially covered with gray-green vesicular leaves, the heads are whitish in color and have a delicate structure. The taste is excellent.
FremontMid-early4,6–5,5 1.5–2 The heads are flat-round, dense, white, very tuberous, completely closed. The structure is delicate. The taste is excellent. Fremont forms uniformly sized heads and easily tolerates heat.

Photo gallery: Dutch cauliflower hybrids

Amerigo's heads are securely protected from the scorching sun. The Vinson hybrid can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. To set and grow the heads, Goodman requires regular watering
The heads of the hybrid Cortez are distinguished by high commercial qualities. No more than 55 days pass from the emergence of Malimba shoots to the ripening of the heads.
Santamaria heads are ready for harvesting 75–95 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place
Due to the almost complete coverage of Fortaleza heads with leaves, they do not suffer from sunlight. Under favorable conditions, the weight of Fremont heads often reaches 5 kg

Highly productive

Usually, from 1 m2 occupied by cauliflower, 2 to 4 kg are collected commercial products. But recently, hybrids have been developed whose yield reaches 8–10 kg/m2. For example:

  • Prudentia. A mid-early Dutch hybrid, zoned on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2018. Forms round-flat, almost white heads weighing about 2.3 kg. The taste is excellent. 1 m2 of beds of this hybrid yields up to 11.5 kg of vegetables, used for cooking, stewing and canning.
  • Octopus. A mid-late hybrid with wide-elliptical whitish tuberous heads, completely covered with gray-green leaves. The taste is excellent. The productivity of Octopus ranges from 6 to 9.5 kg/m2.
  • Flirting. French mid-season hybrid with rounded whitish heads weighing 1.5–2.2 kg, partially covered with gray-green leaves. Productivity - from 6.2 to 9.1 kg/m2. Flirt inflorescences are very tasty. They are used for fresh consumption after heat treatment.
  • Ferraro. Dutch mid-season hybrid, recommended by the State Commission for cultivation in all regions of our country. Its heads, slightly covered with gray-green leaves, have a broadly elliptical shape and are almost white in color. At the stage of removable maturity, their weight is 2–2.3 kg. 1 m2 of Ferraro beds yields about 8 kg of inflorescences with excellent taste.

Varieties and hybrids for regions

When choosing a cauliflower variety for planting great importance has the climate of the region. Thus, varieties that bring a bountiful harvest in the south grow poorly and set their heads in cool weather, characteristic of more northern regions, and vice versa.

For central Russia and the Moscow region

The short and not too warm summer of the Moscow region and the entire central zone allows the cultivation of only varieties of cauliflower with a short growing season. The following representatives of this culture show good results here:

  • Moscow Ultra;
  • Movir 74;
  • Vinson;
  • Polar Star;
  • Goodman;
  • Summer resident;
  • Dereza goat.

For the Urals and Siberia

Cauliflower varieties grown in Siberia and the Urals must not only have time to ripen in a short summer, but also be resistant to sudden weather changes and short-term frosts. The following cope with such extreme conditions better than others:

  • Parisian;
  • Dereza goat;
  • Movir 74;
  • Express MS;
  • Snowball;
  • Santamaria.

For the Black Earth Region

Thanks to the warm and long summer, residents of the Black Earth Region can grow varieties of cauliflower with any ripening period. The main thing is that they can easily tolerate elevated temperatures and lack of moisture. These requirements are met:

  • Fremont;
  • Santamaria;
  • Fortaleza;
  • Green snowdrift;
  • Goodman;
  • Vinson.