home · On a note · When to dig up radishes. When to remove radishes from the garden for the winter: the ripening period of early, autumn and late varieties. Tomatoes with radish

When to dig up radishes. When to remove radishes from the garden for the winter: the ripening period of early, autumn and late varieties. Tomatoes with radish

Proper harvesting is as important as all other stages of cultivation. Especially if the root vegetable is supposed to be stored for a long time, for example, like black radish.

In this article you will get acquainted with the main features of harvesting and storing different varieties.

There are mainly 2 types of radishes grown in the beds: black and green. Also, its varieties differ in the ripening period (summer, autumn, winter). The timing of harvesting radishes from the garden depends on all these factors.

When to harvest black radish?

Before planting black radish, you should determine exactly what variety it is and how you plan to use it. This is very important for determining the time when it will be necessary to dig.

Summer varieties. Starting from the end of May, you can already begin to pull out the largest root crops from the garden. Most often, those radishes that have reached 4 cm in diameter are harvested. After digging, shake off the soil, remove small roots and cut off the tops. These root vegetables are stored in the refrigerator for 7 to 20 days while maintaining a constant temperature of +1-2°C and high humidity(about 96%).

Autumn varieties. This radish is sown in June and harvested in August and until the beginning of September. It will be stored for a long time if it is placed in boxes with sand and placed in the basement.

Winter varieties. In order for this radish to last all winter, it must be collected on time. Most often this is done at the end of October to the beginning of November. But, if you do not wait for it to fully ripen, this will negatively affect its keeping quality. You should also know that radishes do not tolerate even slight frosts, so you should not delay collecting them until the end of November, even if you live in a region with a mild climate.

In order for the fruit to retain all its juices, after digging, its long root and tops are cut off. For storage in winter, the healthiest and largest specimens should be selected.

There are several ways to store black radish for a long time:

  1. In a refrigerator. Fruits should be planted immediately after harvesting. The temperature in the chamber where they will be placed must be at least 0°C.
  2. In the cellar. You can put it in boxes with wet sand and maintain a room temperature of +2-3°C and a humidity of 80-85%. You can also store it in bulk 1 m high. In the second case, the humidity in the cellar should be slightly higher (90%).
  3. In a film bag. For these purposes, a bag with a density of 100-150 microns is suitable, which should be kept at +1 - 3°C.
  4. Earthen pits with insulation. In such conditions, it can be stored in boxes, where it will lie sprinkled with earth or sand.

During the entire storage period, radishes should be checked. This is necessary for the timely removal of spoiled fruits to avoid loss of the entire harvest.

When to harvest green radishes?

This variety of radish differs from black radish in its more pleasant taste, since it lacks bitterness, the softness of the root crops and their juiciness. Thanks to this, it goes well with other vegetables in salads. It can be collected and eaten throughout the entire growth period.

To make a supply of Margelan (green) radish for the winter, it must be collected in late autumn. To do this, you should crush the tops in advance and after they dry, you can start digging. Before storing radishes, it is necessary to inspect and remove damaged fruits, as they will not survive wintering. You can store it, just like black, in a basement or cellar at +2°C. Following all recommendations for harvesting and storing radishes will help you preserve its beneficial properties for a longer period.

Black radish is not a very common visitor to garden beds due to its bitter taste, but it is indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In order for the vegetable to retain all its beneficial properties, it is important to dig it up in time and store it correctly.

The harvesting time of black radish directly depends on its variety and, accordingly, the timing of sowing. Early summer varieties of radish are grown for food consumption, while mid-season autumn and late winter varieties are better suited for storage.

Harvesting early varieties of black radish

Summer radishes are sown as seedlings in greenhouses at the end of April. It grows quite quickly, and can be harvested at the end of May. In this case, not all vegetables are dug up at once, but gradually, as they ripen. On root vegetables, carefully cut off the leaves and roots.

Radish of early varieties is not suitable for long-term storage, it is grown exclusively for consumption. At room temperature Radish can stay fresh for only a week. The shelf life can be extended to a maximum of three weeks by putting the radishes in the refrigerator (previously wrapped in cling film or put in plastic bag with holes).

When to harvest mid-season radishes?

Black radish autumn varieties Planted in early summer to begin harvesting in August. On average, the ripening period lasts 80 days. The most popular mid-season varieties include Queen of Spades, Chernushka, Nochka, Healer.

Unlike early varieties, mid-season radishes are dug up at a time. Root crops are cleaned of excess soil, the tops and small roots are cut off, and slightly dried in the shade. Mid-season varieties are stored for an average of 1.5 months in the cellar.

In order to increase shelf life, it is advisable to lay the radishes in layers in a box or container, sprinkling each layer with sand.

Harvesting late varieties of radish

Winter varieties such as Chernavka and Murzilka are also sown at the beginning of summer, but they will take about 100 days to ripen. Therefore, they begin to harvest radishes no earlier than the end of September. The most important thing here is to find a middle ground.

If you dig up winter radishes ahead of time (before they are fully ripe), this will reduce their shelf life. Digging too late will lead to hollow fruits.

Although winter varieties radishes are grown until late autumn; it is important to prevent frost damage to the root crops. Such radishes will lose their taste and beneficial qualities and will become unsuitable for storage.

The collected root vegetables are dried, the leaves are removed and the long root is cut off. Before lowering black radish into the basement for storage, some gardeners bury it in a hole for a couple of days so that it gains required amount moisture and lay better.

Black radish is the real queen among vegetables. This root vegetable has an unusual taste and an abundance of vitamins and microelements in its composition. For a gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, but also to harvest them in a timely manner. Further shelf life and preservation depend on the quality of this procedure. beneficial properties. This article will tell you when to harvest black radish and the rules for collecting it.

Black radish

Signs of maturation

If a vegetable is dug up before it ripens, it will quickly wither or begin to sprout. Assembled too late voids form in the harvest, the pulp becomes hard and tasteless. To dig up a radish on time, you need to know the main signs of its ripening:

  • yellow and drying tops;
  • dense and large root vegetables.

REFERENCE! To make sure that the vegetable is ripe, it is recommended to conduct a test harvest. To do this, dig 1-2 pieces from the garden, inspect and taste. This control procedure needs to be carried out every 4-6 days (if the vegetable is still unripe).

When to collect?

The specific time depends on the variety of black radish and the time it is planted in the ground.

  • Summer or early varieties (planting in May). Collection time is July.
  • Autumn, mid-season varieties. Planted in June, harvest occurs in late August-early September.
  • Winter or late varieties. Collection time: October, early November. It is necessary to dig up before the first frost, since the radish does not tolerate low temperatures.

Collection rules

Harvesting begins with large radishes

They begin to dig up the vegetable selectively: from a large radish, which has reached 4 cm in diameter. It needs to be dug up first. After 5-10 days, you can dig up the remaining root crops.

Harvest diagram.

  1. Using a shovel or pitchfork, make a neat dig.
  2. Take the vegetable by the tops and slowly remove it from the ground.
  3. Trim the root and tops (leave 2 cm from the vegetable, cut off the rest).

After harvesting the root vegetables from the beds, they should be laid out to dry in warm air, since wet vegetables can quickly rot. The optimal place is to dry in the shade in the fresh air (but not under direct sun rays). Then you need to sort through the crop. For winter storage Fruits with defects, chips, damage and signs of rot are not suitable.

So, black radish is healthy and delicious product. It is rarely added to food, but is often used to treat viral and colds. You can determine maturity by the size of the root crops, by the tops turning yellow and beginning to dry out. Harvest time varies: July for early varieties, August-September for middle varieties and October-November for late varieties.

Video: Harvesting black radish