home · Other · Plants of the North Caucasus. The rarest plants in the world A flower that grows in the mountains

Plants of the North Caucasus. The rarest plants in the world A flower that grows in the mountains

Where there is almost no land for plants to live comfortably, there are many charming flowers. Wild gifts from the mountains are unique and enchanting - mountain flowers! They bloom even in extreme climates, high in the mountains.

Features of these plants

Nothing bothers them, they bloom despite the presence of extreme conditions:

  • low temperatures that often occur here;
  • strong winds blowing on bare rocks;
  • a lot of seasonal rainfall;
  • thick covers of snow;
  • lack of soil cover.

People have long admired plants: wild mountain, forest, field plants. The mountains are covered with snow. This is protection from harsh winters. This happens until the sun's rays help the snow melt.

The name of mountain flowers is not known to everyone. For example, sedum with fleshy leaves. This is a flower that is resistant to harsh winters and lack of water in summer. Some of the mountain flowers do not wait for spring; they begin to awaken along with the melting snow. This is how tiny soldanella grows. Its spike-shaped inflorescence grows alone. The plant is small and has purple-pink flowers. She grows up in contrast to her strict surroundings. Almost at the same time, insects appear that pollinate mountain flowers. The snow is slowly disappearing, the leaves of the plant are gradually coming out. At this time, the flower sets seeds and forms leaves, but only for the next year.

The most common mountain flowers

Saxifraga is a destroyer of rocks. It can grow directly from a monolithic rock. Forms rosettes or cushions of intertwined leaves. Flowers grow from them, located on spike-shaped inflorescences. They are very long, they even hang down. The roots of saxifrage grow in the form of branches. Their light weight serves as an anchor; they penetrate deep into mountain crevices in search of water. They are so adapted to living on bare rocks that they simply do not grow in other places.

Saxifragas are protected from animals by rocks. Herbivores simply cannot reach them. The plants are popular and can be grown even at home. True, indoors they are not so rich and spreading, with thin shoots. Gardeners have also paid attention to them; they are used for various compositions when arranging. Plants can be easily cultivated and do not require much care.

Flowers of mountain ledges

Various herbs and ferns grow in these places. On narrow rock ledges you can find annual and frost-resistant mosses. They do not require much soil or nutrients. They grow and multiply, protected from the animal world of the mountains. As time passes, some plants with flowers are replaced by others.

But spring comes, the rocky ledges begin to be covered with a lot of organic matter - humus - formed as they grow. It is very dense, under the influence of rain it can become compacted and then collapse to the foot of the cliff. Here the flowers survive and grow. The foot of the rocks is covered with annual mountain flowers, frost-resistant and colorful.

Resident of the Edelweiss Mountains

A rare mountain flower called edelweiss is a sign of fidelity and love. He is very unusual. The Italians say it is a silver flower. For residents of France, this is the star of the Alps. Like all mountain flowers, it loves the sun's rays. It grows in the snow, at the very edge of high mountains.

Not every person can see it, much less rip it off. This is a rare plant, only those who have love in their heart can find it. How skillful and strong do you have to be to reach it? But the one who loves unforgettably will achieve his goal. But he should also be adored. But mountains are not amenable to every person, especially their peak.

Since ancient times, many would like to get their hands on edelweiss. Moreover, there were many of them, but the plant remained inaccessible. This contributed to its complete disappearance. Already in the 19th century, it was noted that the flower was becoming less and less common. It was believed that only a few dozen copies remained. Edelweiss was approaching complete extinction. Now this flower is growing, but you can see it only occasionally. It is strictly forbidden to tear it down. To preserve rare plants that may never appear on earth if their last species disappears, people have taken measures, such as fines.

Flowers of the Canary Islands

There is Mount Teid, which is strewn with many flowers. Among them there are many that are not found in any other place in the world. These are local mountain flowers.

For example, Echium wildprettii bruise. It is quite large, and as it grows upward it produces long inflorescences in the form of spikelets. They have tiny petals that attract insects for pollination.

Chinese mouse flower

There is an unpleasant flower, although it was created by nature. We are already accustomed to the fact that nature almost always creates beautiful, extraordinary things. If you look at it up close, it looks like a bat, but only with its petals closed. Its ornate tentacles reach almost 40 cm, and their appearance reminds people of snakes with a black color. When a person sees him, he feels horror and disgust. Because of this, it is rarely grown even by brave gardeners. The appearance of the plant does not please anyone.

Such different mountain flowers. Their names and features can be seen in numerous photos. These plants are colorful and charming.

I bring to your attention amazing photographs of the Caucasus Mountains and its surroundings from the perspective of an eyewitness and a person who conquered these peaks. Moreover, he has a special passion for climbing and overcoming himself. Behind his difficult achievements, Mikhail Golubev was able to talk about the beauty of mountain peaks and dangerous glaciers, about flowering foothills and indescribable rainbows, about fogs and clouds, about mountain lakes and rivers, seething waterfalls and streams. About the animal world and the unusually touching flowers that grow in the heights and valleys. All photographs are from different periods and years. Moreover, the author took wonderful panoramic shots and was able to convey his attitude and love for the mountains. Photographs and descriptions of them, by the author himself.

Elbrus and rhododendrons.

Summer day in the Elbrus region.

In the Caucasus Mountains, the first half of July, the altitude is about 3300 m. At this time, at this altitude, summer is still unstable and snowfalls may occur. The photo shows a flower that has melted in the warm sun.

Bells in the area of ​​the Kogutai glacier in the Elbrus region.
August 2004.


The peaks of Bezengi are in the distance. Central Caucasus.

In the mountains of Ossetia

In the distance is the peak of Bolshoy Kogutai, view from the north. Elbrus region, summer 2006.

In the heart of the Caucasus Mountains.

Mountain river

A stream in the left pocket of the moraine of the Terskol glacier. Elbrus region, July 2005.

Mountain trekking class 2 along Gvandra-Uzunkol (KChR, Caucasus) in July-August 2007.

A vast meadow in the upper reaches of the Burnaya River. To the left is the Dorbun pass, to the right are the Poachers and Vorontsov-Velyaminov passes, which is where we are going.

Mountain trekking class 3 according to Western Caucasus in July 2012

Rynji Lake

Zaramag glacier in the distance, North Ossetia, August 2011.

Traveling through the mountains of Svaneti (Georgia) in the summer of 2012. Descending along the Gulichala valley, we constantly looked back to admire the formidable, majestically two-horned beauty peak Ushba (4710 m).

Yellow violets. Caucasus Mountains, height about 3300 m.

Mountain trekking class 3 according to Western Caucasus in July 2012. In the distance is the peak of Sulahat from the west.

Floral Elbrus region

Elbrus region, summer 2006.
View of Elbrus from under the Kogutai peak.

Mountain trekking class 3 according to Western Caucasus (KCR) in the Aksaut-Dombay region in July 2012.

In the upper reaches of the Kuban.

Peak Dzhan-Tugan (approx. 4000 m) in the upper reaches of the Adylsu valley in the Elbrus region. July 2005.

Ullu-Muruju River. Hike 2 k.s. along Teberda-Gvandra-Uzunkol (KChR, Caucasus) in July 2007

In the Mursala valley in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, May 2012.

The peaks of Dzhangitau and Katyntau (both above 5000 m) in the great Bezengi wall. Below is the largest glacier in the Caucasus - Bezengisky. The height difference from the glacier to the peaks is more than 2 km: four Ostankino towers. If you stood at the base of the Ostankino Tower and looked at its top, quadruple the sensation and add huge glaciers for a more chilling sensation!
Taken from the summit of the 50th anniversary of KBASRR (4000 m) with a close view.
Central Caucasus, August 2005.

Nahar River

In the valley of the Kurmychi River in the Elbrus region. July 2005.

Flowers by a stream in the Mursala valley, May 2012.

There are unusual plants that live 150 years and only at the end of their lives produce amazingly beautiful flowers. How can representatives of the earth's flora surprise?

Rare flowers

Edelweiss is a flower of fidelity and love. Its name alone sounds like music. The most touching and tender, about which there are many legends. The Italians call it the silver flower of rocks. The French - an Alpine star.

The flower loves the sun, but grows high in the mountains near the snowy edge. Not everyone can see it. Legend says that only a person with love as pure as dew in his heart can find this mysterious flower. It is not enough to be dexterous and strong to climb to the top of the mountain. You must love sincerely and selflessly, be devoted to your beloved.

There were so many people who wanted to get the flower that already in the 19th century it was almost impossible to see it. There were a couple dozen specimens left that were on the verge of extinction.

In Switzerland, where this flower grew, a special law was passed that prohibited the collection of this plant. Violators faced a hefty fine. There are special posts near the mountain borders that do not allow tourists to the habitats of this flower.

The Chinese mouse flower is the most creepy and disgusting flower that Mother Nature could create. Even from a close distance, when its petals are closed, it resembles a bat that has perched on a branch for the night. To make it even more creepy, it has long, ornate tentacles 30-40cm long that resemble black snakes. The first impression of those who saw it was horror.

It is grown only by extreme flower growers, since not only its appearance, but also touching it causes a feeling of disgust in most people.

Middlemist red is the rarest flower in the world. There are only 2 copies in the entire globe. British gardener John Middlemist, traveling in China in 1854, was fascinated by a scarlet rose, which he discovered quite by accident. He dug up the flower and brought it to Britain to plant in a greenhouse in the United Kingdom. He could not even imagine that thanks to this he saved the last specimen of the flower in the world. This scarlet rose was named after him.

Our world is unusually rich in various species of plants, incredibly beautiful flowers and mighty century-old trees, which are protected throughout the world. It is up to the individual to ensure that the Red Book contains as few pages as possible.

Rare tree species

The Methuselah pine is the oldest tree in the world. Its age exceeds 4850 years. And she received her name in honor of the biblical character who was the only long-liver in the whole world.

This majestic tree grows in the USA, in the White Mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters. Its exact location is known only to botanists who monitor the pine tree. Such secrecy is connected with protecting the guard from vandalism. After all, there are thousands of tourists who want to take a photo with it or tear off a piece of bark as a souvenir. Many go to the mountains to find this mysterious tree, but all their attempts end in failure. The Methuselah pine is not a tree, it is a symbol of eternity, which looks like it is dead, but life lurks in each of its branches.

The tree of life is the loneliest tree in the world. Probably, like life itself, reminiscent of loneliness among a crowd of people. It is the only one on the sands of the endless desert of Bahrain, a hundred kilometers from any vegetation.

It is 400 years old, but the most important thing is not its age or the fact that it is a rare specimen of trees. Scientists are wondering how it is possible to live for so many years in a desert in which there is absolutely no water in the ground, while still “radiating” vital energy.

If you “transport” from distant corners of the world to our region, with the greenery of meadows and the noise of birch groves, you can discover amazing and rare plants that are on the verge of extinction.

Interesting plants from the Russian Red Book

Japanese bearded plant is a beautiful and graceful plant with a large pinkish flower, which is popularly called the Spirit of the Meadows. It got its name because of the petals, which curve at the bottom of the flower, reminiscent of a gnome's beard.

The bearded plant is a miniature orchid. Just as gentle, graceful and beautiful. The flower can grow alone, modestly “peeping out” from the green arrows of meadow grasses. But most often the plant forms scatterings of flowers, where there can be up to 60 of them on 1 square meter. The plant is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law.

Rhododendron Faurie is a plant with large pink flowers. One brush can grow up to 15 delicate flowers with slightly curled petals. It is called the flower of the gods. His beauty is compared to the Greek goddesses - graceful, slender, gentle. You can admire its beauty endlessly, but only the lucky one can see it.

Legend has it that this flower was given to a man by the Gods who wanted to win the heart of his beloved. The flower was as beautiful as the girl for whom it was intended. When her betrothed took her to distant lands, rhododendrons bloomed in the fields so that people would remember not only her beauty, but also believe that unearthly love exists in the world.

We can say about this plant that seeing it means knowing the existence of life. Understand that life and death are far from each other, but at the same time as inseparable as two sisters.

The rarest plant in the world

Puya Raimondi is a plant that lives for 150 years to gain vitality and die. To die forever, giving the world the unearthly beauty of your flowers.

Growing from a round and huge ball, the plant reaches a height of up to 10 meters. A powerful trunk resembling a tree develops from a thin stem. But the huge “bump,” prickly in appearance, resembles a huge flower that slowly grows in height over the course of 100 years. Having lived 150 years and gained vital energy, it gives the world a scattering of thousands of flowers and dies. Dies forever.

This plant is truly beautiful, but there are other amazing representatives of the flora. .
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It is worth noting that not only rhododendron, but also many other plants have healing powers and, due to their limited range, are included in the Red Book. Moreover, you can also find poisonous plants here, which you also need to know.

Poisonous plants of the Caucasus mountains

A peculiarity of many poisonous plants on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and its other areas is that in small doses and with a certain amount of caution they turn out to be medicinal agents. It is worth listing the most common ones.

  • Hellebore Caucasian.

It can only be used under the supervision of specialists. The properties of hellebore can surprise anyone. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, removes heavy metal salts and even radioactive elements. Doctors prescribe hellebore for obesity because it promotes weight loss. Among plants, hellebore is truly unique.

  • Belladonna.

The fact that she is from the nightshade family already says a lot. It grows in the foothills, it is cultivated because it is irreplaceable as an antispasmodic. Belladonna preparations are also used in eye clinics, as they can dilate the pupil. However, despite all its beneficial properties and inclusion in many drugs (both external and internal), belladonna is a poisonous plant, and products created on its basis are not available without a prescription.

  • Henbane black.

It even became part of a well-known saying (“I ate too much henbane,” they say about crazy people). Medical oil is made from it, which provides significant assistance in the treatment of neuralgia and rheumatism. Like other similar herbs, henbane should be dried and stored separately from other medicinal plants.

  • Caucasian ash tree.

Another poisonous, but no less amazing representative of the plant world of the Caucasus. Just look at its popular name – the burning bush. This is how the ash tree was nicknamed because it contains so many essential oils that it can burst into flames on a hot day. Collect this herb with gloves, otherwise your hands will get burned. However, ash tree is able to treat kidneys, help with epilepsy and cystitis, and even expel worms.

All these and many others benefit people, but on the condition that they are used in very moderate doses. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth having their photo and description on hand - especially poisonous ones. And yet there are much more medicinal herbs here, and you can add shrubs, subshrubs, flowers, trees to them...

The Caucasus is a wonderful place on Earth - it gives health by its very existence.