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Pear diseases spots on leaves. Pear: treatment of diseases, prevention. Fruit rot disease or moniliosis on pear

Bacterial burn of pear: prevention, treatment

Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora)

I first encountered this disease about seven years ago, when I purchased cuttings of new varieties of pears from the TSHA and planted them in my garden. Part into the hawthorn crown. Part for the rootstock - two-year-old cotoneaster. The varieties in the crown were higher above the ground, saw more sun and were better ventilated. The growths were small, no more than 20 cm, so none of them got sick. And those grafted on cotoneaster were planted among old trees in the garden on soil well fertilized with manure, so next year gave growth of up to half a meter. A year later I saw strange burns on most of these young pears. In June, the tops of the shoots looked as if they had been scalded with boiling water. The leaves and thin ends of the shoots turned black and dried out. By autumn, some of them gave a small wave of growth from the lateral buds, but in the coming harsh winters, almost all of these new varieties froze to death.

At first I thought it was just regular fungal infections like powdery mildew. I thought that the new varieties were not resistant to it and it would be necessary to carry out spring treatments copper preparations. But then I looked more closely at photographs of pear diseases caused by fungi and realized that I had something new. And so I found out that I brought into my garden not a fungal, but a bacterial infection - a bacterial burn.

When I began to discuss this problem on the “PH” forum, I learned that this disease occurs in many gardeners. But no one really knows how to diagnose and treat it. And there are many myths and judgments about it and even more recommendations.

I looked at the available literature. There is only one recommendation everywhere: cut, uproot and burn affected plants. Occasionally there was advice to carry out treatments with copper-containing preparations. I looked at foreign literature. There are different tips. This disease has been discovered and studied since the 80-90s. well known. And they treat it like any infection, primarily with modern antibiotics.

Bacterial blight of fruits is a quarantine disease, it is widespread in Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and other countries. Western Europe, V last years appeared in the western regions of Ukraine and Lithuania.

It is one of the most dangerous diseases, developing in more than 170 cultural and wild plants, most of which belong to the Rosaceae family. Flowers, leaves, shoots, branches, trunks, roots, and fruits are affected. Usually the first signs can be found in spring on single or all flowers in a rosette. The affected flowers first seem to wither, then quickly dry out, acquiring Brown color, and most often remain on the tree until autumn. The disease spreads to the peduncle, which first becomes dark green and then turns black. From the affected flowers, the infection spreads to rosettes of leaves and young shoots, from where it can spread throughout the entire tree.

The disease is caused by Erwinia amylovora, a gram-negative bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family. Natural reservoir of this disease North America, from where it spread to most the rest of the world.

It caused the greatest damage to gardens in Australia and New Zealand. Then it began to rage in Japan. Japanese scientists first discovered the microbe on pears grown in northern Japan. Japanese authorities, however, long years hid this discovery, denying the existence of a new disease, and the Japanese scientist who discovered it is believed to have committed suicide. Afterwards, his name leaked to the press, became known to Japanese farmers, and then to the whole world.

The bacterium was brought to us along with southern seedlings, which were brought completely uncontrollably to the northern regions. And now our gardeners see bacterial burn of fruit trees everywhere, primarily on pears.

It’s good that mature trees are too tough for him, only young plantings get sick.

Organic-rich soil or nitrogen fertilizers only intensify the burn. On poor soils, young pears get sick less and cope with burns faster.

Honeybees and other insects, birds, rain and wind spread microbes over long distances and infect plants through small tissue damage caused by sucking pests and hail.

Once deposited, the bacterium enters the plant through wounds and causes leaf wrinkling. Then blackening and drying out. This disease spreads most rapidly during the hot, humid days of June and lies dormant in winter time when the temperature drops. Infected plant tissue contains viable bacteria, however, new infections occur in the summer when exudate containing millions of new bacteria appears from cracks in the plant. The death of the entire plant occurs during massive infection. When the microbe reaches the roots with the juices, even the roots turn black.

Erwinia amylovora is a microbe from the family Enterobacteriaceae, like Escherichia and Shigella, Salmonella and Yersinia. Causing digestive disorders in humans. Therefore, drugs used in the treatment of diarrhea in humans also work well on it.

What pear diseases are found in our orchards, how do we treat them, and what should this disease not be confused with? Let me remind you.

Pear diseases. Measures to combat them

Scab- fungal disease of pear. Spots with a brownish coating appear on the leaves, then the leaves dry out and fall off. Control measures. Plants are treated against scab disease in the spring when the leaves bloom (1 ampoule of the drug "Horus" or the drug "Skor" is diluted per 10 liters of water) or "Oxychom" (2 tablets per 10 liters of water).

Powdery mildew- fungal disease. Affects buds, leaves, shoots, inflorescences. At first they are covered with a dirty white powdery coating, then the coating turns brown and small black dots form on it. Subsequently, the leaves turn yellow and dry out, the shoots stop growing, the inflorescences dry out and do not set fruit. Control measures. In the spring, when the leaves bloom, pears are treated with the drug "Topaz" (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).

Fruit rot- fungal disease. Brown spots appear on the fruit; these spots grow quickly and cover most of the fruit. In this case, the pulp becomes brown and inedible, the fruits fall off, and some remain on the trees to overwinter. Control measures. Trees are treated in the spring when the leaves bloom, with the preparation "Skor" (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water). After flowering, treat with the drug "Horus" (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water). The solution consumption rate is 1.5 liters per adult fruit-bearing tree. It can be treated against fruit rot with the drug "Fundazol" (40 g per 10 liters of water).

Cytosporosis- fungal disease. Dark ulcers form on the bark, which quickly grow and become red-brown in color and the bark dies, tubercles are clearly visible on the bark, while individual branches die or the tree dies entirely. The development of this disease is promoted by frost, drought, high soil moisture, and insufficient nutritional care. Control measures. Treatment of trees with various preparations, the preparation “Hom” is more effective (diluted to 50 g in 10 liters of water), the plant is sprayed in early spring on the swollen leaf buds. Spraying is done at a temperature not lower than +15ºC.

What do they write about bacterial burns in our reference books? I quote: Blackening of branches. Drying of the tree. One of the most serious diseases is bacterial burn of apple and pear trees. Most often, pear trees suffer from this disease. The first signs of the disease appear in early July. Annual growths on the trees begin to dry out, the leaves turn black, and the diseased tree gradually dies within two years. Control measures. Buy healthy planting material. Fight pests every year, especially sucking and gnawing ones. They are usually carriers of viruses. When pruning one tree, wash the equipment - pruning shears, knife, saw, etc., only then proceed to pruning or grafting another tree. Infection often occurs when vegetative propagation. They often take various seedlings and cuttings from neighbors, unaware of the terrible disease. Although there are significantly fewer bacterial diseases compared to fungal ones. Bacterial diseases can be determined:

1. by tissue death (bark, drying out of branches);

2. by wilting of plants in parts or as a whole (since the vascular system is affected);

3. due to wet rot of fruits during storage.

Affected plants are burned, and the area is disinfected with solutions - copper sulfate or the drug "Hom" (copper chloride). No planting is carried out at this site for 1-2 years.

In Western gardens, the antibiotics streptomycin and terramycin are currently used quite successfully, but they do not see much effect from copper preparations.

I am a doctor by profession. I have a lot of experience using antibiotics in my garden, I’m not afraid of them, so I’ll give advice to those who want to use them. Start with streptomycin. It is in bottles of 500 thousand units. Sold in pharmacies and very cheap. Dose - a 5 liter ampoule is enough to treat a dozen young trees. It is better to treat in June, when the shoots are rapidly growing, this is for prevention. Then after 2-3 weeks. And after heavy rain with hail and the onset of hot weather. During this period, I additionally use a choice of immune stimulants: Immunocytophyte, Silk, Zircon. It is very good to use phytosporin (all according to the instructions). Streptomycin should not be used for many years in a row, due to the danger of the emergence of mutants with resistance to antibiotics. Therefore, after a year, you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy and also dissolve in 5 liters of water.

On the forum I was asked many questions about whether it is dangerous to use antibiotics in your garden, since they are not officially approved. Will we destroy the environment? I answered something like this. Don't be afraid of antibiotics in your garden. I'll explain why. Streptomycin is now practically not used by doctors, since over half a century of its use, “human” microbes have already developed resistance to it, but it continues to work on plants.

I don’t think that the forum members, after reading these notes, will begin to use it. Therefore, all this will be invisible to the global ecosystem.

The microbe develops resistance strictly to a specific antibiotic. So in any case there will be no cross-resistance to penicillins.

There are billions of microbes and fungi in the soil, and they all constantly produce antibiotics. Our body is accustomed to this. It was not for nothing that in tuberculosis departments streptomycin was previously administered to patients in doses of many millions of units (milligrams) over long courses, for months, and they survived. They did not go blind or deaf. And the doses that you apply in the garden will be indistinguishable from the soil background for your garden. And here is the proposed alternative “ chemical protection"For the most part, it is more toxic and allergenic, since it is artificially created, and not by nature.

When growing pears in the garden, you need to be prepared for the fact that sooner or later diseases may appear on them. But what exactly does the pear suffer from? This tree suffers many diseases in its lifetime, each of which has its own symptoms and treatment. Pear diseases and methods of treating them will be described below.

Scab on a pear

Pear diseases threaten the entire harvest and even the life of the tree, so they must be dealt with immediately. Scab is a common problem for gardeners. Its causative agent is the fungus Fusicladium pirinum, which attacks the leaves and fruits of the tree.

Scab on pear leaves

The first sign is olive spots on back side leaves. These are fungal spores. After their appearance, the fruits begin to rot, crack, and the flesh hardens. If the pears were affected at the development stage, then their curvature may also be observed.

For treatment, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used. Trees are sprayed with it when leaves appear, then during the appearance of buds and after flowering. If the disease does not go away, you can use the solution “Dnok”, “Skor” or “Nitrophen”.

For prevention, it is necessary to trim excess branches in time to ensure good lighting and ventilation, and to burn old, fallen leaves. And in order to avoid the development of scab on trees, it is worth planting varieties that are resistant to it, for example “Yanvarskaya”, “Muratovskaya” or “Rusanovskaya”.

Powdery mildew

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The Erysiphales fungus is the cause of the pear disease powdery mildew. It is very easy to detect it at an early stage, in the spring. Young leaves that have just blossomed will have a whitish coating, which is not typical for a pear. Over time, while the leaf grows, the mushroom develops and the color changes from milky to red. Sometimes the leaves do not have time to fully develop to normal size; they simply dry out and fall off if the disease is severe. But, as a rule, powdery mildew develops gradually, and leaves fall only in summer.

Powdery mildew of pear fruit

Preventive measures against the disease include timely removal of dry timber and tree pruning. All trimmed branches, with or without foliage, must be burned immediately. Both traditional and folk methods can save a tree from disease. The first include spraying with “Sulfite” or “Fundazol”. For the second - spraying with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or a mixture of 10 g liquid soap, buckets of water and 50 g of soda ash.

To ensure that the pear never suffers from powdery mildew, it is worth purchasing varieties that are resistant to it: “Moskvichka”, “Yanvarskaya”, “Dukhmyanaya”.

Black cancer

Among the people, pear diseases have their own special names. Black cancer is called “Antonov fire”. This is a very dangerous disease that manifests itself over several years, and then the tree dies. Antonov fire initially affects the bark, small cracks appear in it, the size of which increases all the time. They are easy to detect - brown spots will be visible along the edges of the crack - these are open wounds of the tree, where all kinds of pests, diseases, fungal spores, etc. get caught.

Black pear cancer kills the tree

Black cancer is dangerous because it not only kills the tree on its own, but also provokes the development of other diseases. Together they can destroy a pear 2 times faster!

What to do when a disease appears? The first thing that is recommended is to cut off the affected bark with a sharp knife, grabbing the healthy part of the tree. The wound is treated with a solution copper sulfate, covered with clay mixed with mullein, and then wrapped with a bandage, a rag - any available pure material. As preventive measures It is worth pruning in a timely manner; all old shoots and leaves are disposed of outside the garden.

Resistance to black cancer is demonstrated by such pear varieties as “Samarianka” and “Augustovskaya Rosa”.

Fruit rot or Moniliosis

Moniliosis occurs due to the presence of the fungus Monilia fructigena. First of all, brown spots appear on the fruits. After this, growths appear containing fungal spores. They are carried throughout the garden, trees by the wind, birds, and insects. The pulp of such a pear no longer has the same wonderful taste; it becomes loose, insipid, and unpleasant both in appearance and taste. Some of the fruits may fall off, the rest dry on the branches, then fall, and the fungal spores scatter throughout the area and infect other plants.

Fruit rot or Moniliosis of pear can be cured

Fruit rot develops most quickly during hot, humid weather.

As a preventive measure, timely pruning, collection and burning of diseased fruits is recommended. In spring and autumn, spraying is carried out with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. If the disease has already developed, and the previous spraying did not produce results, the drug “HOM” is used. You can also use other substances like Baikal, Actofit, Ecoberin. In March and November, the wood is treated with lime (1 kg of lime per bucket of water).

There are no pear varieties that are 100% protected from fruit rot, but some varieties are more or less resistant to its effects. Among them are: “Cheremshina”, “Honey”, “Autumn Dream”.

Bacterial burn

There are dangerous and non-dangerous diseases of pears. The first can destroy a tree in a matter of years, if not months, while others can be successfully fought for 5 years or more. To especially dangerous diseases pears are classified as bacterial blight. Erwinia amylovora – pathogen bacterial burn. The first signs are the withering of the inflorescences in the spring, when the pear blossoms. Sluggish inflorescences become dark brown, the leaves quickly curl, turn black and fall off. First, the young shoots die, then the tree bark.

Bacterial burn of pear

If the variety is not resistant to fire blight, then most likely the tree will die without immediate and radical help. If the variety is resistant, the tree will still suffer from severe or mild disease. But in 1-2 years he will be able to fully recover.

The first thing to do when a disease is detected is to remove the affected leaves, shoots, and, if necessary, part of the bark, and then burn it outside the area. The cut sites are treated with copper sulfate or antibiotics (sold in gardening stores). An antibiotic solution (usually 2-3 tablets per liter of water) is sprayed onto the entire tree, including the area where it was cut. If a disease is detected on the site, it is worth spraying the tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture approximately 9 times per season for prevention.

The varieties “Muratovskaya”, “Moskovskaya” and “Yanvarskaya” are considered resistant to bacterial burn.

Leaf rust

This disease of pears, caused by the fungus Pucciniaceae, is often the cause of slow wilting of the tree. If no measures are taken, it will simply die. So it is necessary to fight rust at the first signs of its appearance. Initially, light yellow spots appear on the leaves, and sometimes on the fruits; over time, they acquire the color of rust (hence the name). There are usually many spots, they are medium or small sizes, distributed throughout the tree or in a separate part of it (if this is an early form of the disease).

Pear leaf rust is dangerous

The first thing to do in the fight for the health of the crop is to remove and burn all the affected fruits. Then the tree is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Ideally, it is sprayed on a pear in early spring and after flowering - this is usually enough for prevention. In autumn, all fallen leaves are removed and burned outside the site. Instead of Bordeaux mixture, you can use Bayleton, a systemic fungicide. It is effective, but spraying is carried out at least 5 times per season.

If the disease actively manifests itself in the area, it is difficult to remove it; it also does not hurt to treat the area after the first frost trunk circle wood with Urea solution. To prevent this from damaging the roots, you should use warm water and then mulch the soil.

Sooty fungus

Pear diseases are not always widespread; some of them are rare. Unlike many other diseases, sooty fungus does not occur often, for this reason it is only sometimes possible to recognize it in time and take appropriate measures. The first symptoms of the disease are blackening of the leaves. Subsequent symptoms are a black coating on the leaves and fruits, in appearance it is very similar to soot, hence the name. Young trees in the garden are always affected first, and then the disease spreads to adult pears.

Aphids cause sooty pear fungus

Sooty fungus is a common problem caused by aphids on trees, as they feed on the sugary secretions of the pests. But, in addition, a tree damaged by pests has weak immunity. Therefore, sooty fungus can cause not only damage to the crop, but also the death of the tree.

As a preventive measure, the drug “Calypso” (from pests) and “Fitoverm” (from the spread of fungal spores) is used. The latter is used immediately after the first. Only a few pear varieties are resistant to this disease. The most known species is the “Cathedral” pear.


Cytosporosis of pears is popularly called “stem rot.” It appears when the fungus Cytospora leucostoma is present on the tree. Pear diseases always have their own obvious symptoms. In this case, red-brown foci of inflammation are observed directly on the trunk. Over time, the bark begins to dry out.

Cytosporosis of pear is difficult to cure

Fighting the disease is not easy. First, you need to cut off the affected part of the bark (as in the case of black cancer), then coat the cut area with copper sulfate and clay on top. If the clay spreads, you can wrap a clean cloth or bandage over the treated area. Prevention consists of regular pruning, destruction of pests, other diseases, and old fallen leaves under the tree.

To prevent cytosporosis from appearing on the tree, it is worth whitewashing the tree every autumn, before winter, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. It's really very effective folk method prevention.

“January” pear and “Moskvichka” are resistant to cytosporosis.

Pests and their negative impact

The diseases of pears that often affect this crop were described above. But where do they come from? Most often, fungal spores are carried by the wind or by pests. And if the wind cannot be controlled, then pests can.

Pests negatively affect the tree

If you do not control pests, sooner or later various diseases will begin to appear on the tree!

For pears, the most dangerous are slugs, sawfly, mites, hawthorn and ants. At the first sign of the appearance of these insects, it is worth using systemic insecticides. Among those that have proven themselves better than others are: “Karbofos”, “Iskra”, “Neoron”, “Kinmiks”, “Citkor” and others. You can also use folk remedies, but they only work well as a preventive measure.

Pear diseases can cause a lot of trouble and trouble to the garden owner. There is a lot to consider when dealing with them. It is important for a fruit lover to carefully select preparations and chemical substances when fighting diseases.

The most important thing when dealing with pests is prevention, which consists of many things. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean the garden area.

Fruit diseases are always unpleasant, since not only the harvest spoils, but also the aesthetic qualities of the garden. We need to fight them in a timely manner. Otherwise, you can lose the entire harvest and lose the tree completely. Moreover, other plants that are in close contact with the diseased tree may also be susceptible to the disease. We list the diseases along with photographs and descriptions of symptoms.


The cause of the disease is the fungus Venturia pirina. A pear cannot become infected from an apple tree, since they have different types pathogen.

Fungus loves high humidity and poor wind flow of the area, as well as weak plants (cracks, exhaustion with abundant fruiting).

The spread of the disease occurs during the flowering period of trees. Fungal spores come out of the bags and when favorable conditions spread over long distances.

Fruits affected by scab are covered with brown round spots. They can merge on the fruit and become one large necrosis. When examined, the lesions resemble warts. The skin in affected areas may crack.

If the tree is damaged early, the fruit may grow small and have cracks.


  1. The fungus can overwinter along with fallen leaves, so key moment in the prevention of the disease - timely cleaning of the garden plot.
  2. When planting pears, you need to choose an elevated place that is well blown by winds. It is worth considering the size of the trees and not planting them too close to each other.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the trees. use mineral supplements. The trunk should be protected from the pest, as this can weaken the tree.
  4. It is important to place supports under branches that may break or tie them up.
  5. Periodically it is necessary to thin out the crown and remove excess branches, while treating the cuts with garden varnish. You also need to take care of the cracks.
  6. During the fruiting period, immediately remove fruits that have fallen.

You can spray the soil with a 10% solution of urea or ammonium nitrate. You can also spray the trunk and leaves with it.

Treatment options

Trees are treated with copper preparations in early spring before leaf buds open.

  1. Bordeaux mixture. Protective action The drug lasts up to 2 weeks. Dilution: in case of severe damage, make a 3% liquid - 300 g of copper sulfate, 400 g of calcium hydroxide, mixed with 10 liters of water. When the leaves bloom, prepare a 1% solution: 100 g of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide per 10 liters of water. It is recommended to process 4 times per season.
  2. Abiga Peak. Dilute 50 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. Spray the plants 4 times per season.
  3. Skor and Rayok. 2 ml of the drug per 10 liters of warm water. The effect lasts for 20 days. First spraying - before flowering - phase rose bud. Further, twice with breaks of up to 14 days. It is possible to perform up to 4 sprays.
  4. Horus. Dilute it in 10 liters of water with 2 grams of the substance. Protects the plant for up to 28 days. Spray the pear twice: at the moment of ripening green buds and 10 days later at the time of flowering.

You can also spray young trees in late autumn and early spring with a 5% urea solution.

Fruit rot

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Monilla fructigena Pers ex Fr. Can spread with the wind, on the wings of insects. Fruits with existing damage are most susceptible

The fruits begin to rot, but remain on the branch. Round growths appear on them, which contain fungal spores; you can also find brown spots that slowly cover the entire fruit. The pulp becomes loose and tasteless.


  1. Preventing fruit from damage.
  2. Collection of fallen and hanging diseased fruits.
  3. Protecting the tree from pests.
  4. Periodically it is necessary to thin out the crown and remove dry branches.
  5. Do periodically mineral supplements trees.

Treatment options

Treatment of trees with copper preparations:

  • "Bordeaux mixture";
  • "Horus";
  • "Abiga Peak".

In the same concentrations and with the same sequence as for scab.

At the beginning and end of the season, you can treat with lime powder at the rate of 1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water.

Sooty fungus

A black coating appears on the fruits, which resembles soot. It appears on the secretions of the pear honeydew.


The whole struggle comes down to the destruction of the pear lungwort.

You can spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture, 1% solution of copper sulfate or copper oxychloride

Leaf diseases

Powdery mildew

This is a fungal infection. Spores spread quickly, especially in wet weather. Can be transported by gusts of wind, water, garden tools, insects.

The white coating on the leaves is the mycelium of the fungus. When damaged, the leaves wither and fall off. Leads to the death of the entire plant if not dealt with.

The plaque is easy to erase, but it appears again.


The drug "Topaz". 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and the foliage is treated in dry, windless weather. The pear is processed twice: before flowering and after flowering. Processing up to 4 times is allowed.

Leaf rust

The causative agent is a rust fungus that can be carried by wind currents in humid weather.

The leaves become covered with orange spots and a growth forms on the reverse side. With significant damage, the leaf curls and crumbles.

The causative agent is the fungus Entomosporium maculatum, which can wait out the winter on fallen leaves.

Small brown dots appear on the leaves. Sometimes it turns completely black. Further, the leaf weakens and falls off.

Bordeaux mixture, Abiga-Peak and others used to treat scab will help. In the same dilutions.

Mosaic disease

A characteristic mosaic pattern appears on the leaves with areas of clearing of leaf color.


No treatment has been developed.

Stem diseases

Black cancer

Fungus of the genus Shaeropsis malorum, favorable time Hot, humid summers and weak trees contribute to the development of the disease.

Black spots on the bark. The bark gradually falls off, which leads to the death of the tree.

Prevention measures

  1. Maintaining cleanliness in the area.
  2. Thinning the tree crown.
  3. Destruction of dry branches and fallen leaves.
  4. Pest protection.


Clean the affected bark and treat the area with an antiseptic, such as copper sulfate. Spraying with fungicides, as for scab, in the same dilutions.


The cause is the fungus Cytospora leucostoma, which spreads in spring and autumn with high humidity.

At first, reddish or brown spots can be found on the bark; cracks also form at the border with healthy bark. As a result, the tree gradually dries out and dies.


  1. Application of mineral fertilizers.
  2. Thinning branches.
  3. Destruction of fallen leaves.
  4. Pest control.
  5. Caring for cracks in the bark.


Pruning and destroying affected branches. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture, as for scab.

Bacterial burn

This is a bacterial infection. Affects trees of any age.

Leaves may turn black and fall off, the bark becomes soft and may crack. The disease spreads from the tops of trees, moving down the trunk.

The affected bark must be cut off and the area treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Treatment with a solution of 5% Azophos.

Antibiotics: streptomycin, gentomycin, kanamycin, rifampicin, nalidixic acid. Calculation: dissolve 1-2 tablets or ampoules in 5 liters of water. Treat trees in May-June.

Can be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

If the tree is completely damaged, it must be destroyed.

Root cancer

What it looks like: growths and papillomas on the roots.

It is possible to disinfect the roots before planting with a solution of copper sulfate, 100 g per 10 liters of water, for 5 minutes.


Dig up the diseased tree and burn it. The place where the tree grew must be disinfected and nothing should be planted for 2 years.

Now it’s time to get acquainted with the pest dossier with their photos.

Gall mite

Can be spread by windy weather, by animals and humans.

Ticks feed on leaf sap. First appear on their surface brown spots, then they turn black and fall off. This affects the size of the harvest and the ripening of the fruit. They are lagging behind in size.


  • Keep the garden clean.
  • Thin out the branches of the tree, while processing the cut points.
  • Periodically give mineral supplements.
  • Cut off affected branches.


Sulfur-containing and phosphorus-containing drugs will help. Treat 3 times: At the beginning of the warm period, after flowering, after harvesting.

Hawthorn, butterfly

Caterpillars infect foliage, devouring it. The tree weakens and may die. Preventive and therapeutic measures include only the destruction of affected branches.

Trees are processed:

  • Karbofos: 60 grams per bucket of water, treat the pear at the beginning of flowering.
  • Chlorophos: 20 grams per bucket of water.
  • Nitrafen treat the tree until buds appear. Calculate 200 grams per 10 liters of water.


The larvae infect pear fruits, destroying 60-80% of the crop.


  • Keeping the garden clean.
  • Cleaning up fallen leaves.
  • Mineral fertilizing of trees.
  • Destruction of branches affected by larvae.


Organophosphorus compounds are treated 5 days before and after flowering.

Pear sucker

The stems become deformed and the tree slowly dies. This is the cause of sooty mold.


  • Burning fallen leaves.
  • Mineral fertilizing of plants.


Spray with organophosphate preparations 1-2 weeks before flowering.

Diseases and pests of fruit trees can greatly ruin a gardener’s mood. But if you use the proper means and follow the advice, victory in the fight against them will be on the side of the fruit lover.

Like any other fruit trees, pears (Pirns) need treatment from insect pests and diseases: without timely measures to protect the trees, you not only risk losing your harvest, but also completely losing your fruit plantings.

When carrying out agricultural measures against pears, do not forget to remove dried leaves and cut out affected branches.

Pear diseases cancer and cytosporosis: description and control measures

Bacterial cancer, or bacterial necrosis pear bark

The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. Since spring, browning of the buds and bark of branches, blackening and drying out of young shoots with leaves have been observed. The spots on the leaves are black, cracking along the edges of the blades.

Swellings in the form of blisters appear on the bark, and depressed spots with a purple-cherry border often form. The wood rots, a pungent odor appears, and the trees die. Bacteriosis usually begins with linear necrosis of the cortex and develops into wide longitudinal stripes.

Control measures. Trim affected branches, remove dried trees, disinfect cuts with 1% copper sulfate and seal oil paint. An effective measure to combat this disease of pears is to spray trees with copper-containing preparations.

Cytosporosis, or infectious drying of pear bark

The causative agent is a fungus Cytospora microspora. The bark of the branches dries out without changing its color, and convex fruiting bodies form on the surface gray. In the spring, when the buds open, branches and entire trees affected by cytosporosis dry out. The infection persists in the bark of the branches.

Control measures. Comply with all agrotechnical requirements for growing this crop and take measures to protect trees. Remove and burn affected branches. To treat this disease of pears, spray the trees in the spring before the leaves bloom with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to treat pears for other diseases

Monilial burn of pear

The causative agent is a fungus Monilia cinerea. In spring, flowers, ovaries, and fruit branches turn brown and dry out.

Young leaves also turn brown and do not fall off for a long time. A grayish coating of mycelium develops on the affected bark and leaves. The disease is most dangerous in wet, cold spring. The infection persists in the bark of the affected branches.

Control measures. Remove dried, affected branches, disinfect the cuts with 1% copper sulfate, and cover with oil paint.

To treat pears against this disease, in case of severe spread of monilial burn, spray the trees three times with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes according to the following scheme: the first - in the bud release phase, the second - immediately after flowering and the third - 10-14 days after the second.

Fruit rot of pear

The causative agent is a fungus Monilia fructigena. The disease appears in places where the pear moth is damaged and quickly spreads by spores to neighboring fruits.

The skin of the fruit turns brown, and grayish sporulation pads of the fungus form in concentric circles on its surface. Spores are spread by wind, insects, and water flows. The infection persists in dried fruits that overwinter on tree branches.

Control measures. Before treating pears for this disease, collect and remove the affected carrion and fruit from the branches. Spray the trees with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes at the same time as against monilial burn (before and immediately after flowering).

With the massive development of this disease of pears, it will be necessary to resort to methods of treatment and summer time, taking into account the waiting times for drugs.

Stoneiness of pear fruits

The causative agent is apple wood pitting virus ( Pear stony pit). Cracks form on the bark of the branches, chlorosis and yellowing of the veins are observed in the leaves, the fruits become smaller and take on an ugly shape. At the same time, accumulations of hard cells form in the fruit pulp, and the fruits become tasteless. The infection persists in the affected wood.

Control measures. Promptly remove trees heavily affected by rockiness from the site and burn them.

In these photographs you can see the symptoms of pear diseases, the description of which is presented on this page:

How to treat pears against pests: photos and control measures

Multiflora pear

Multiflora pear ( Vanessa polychloros) is a large butterfly. The wings are brick-red, with numerous dark spots, with bottom side brown, have a characteristic white dot. The caterpillars are bluish-black, with longitudinal stripes and yellow spines throughout the body, and completely eat the leaves.

Control measures. Spray trees with karbofos, fufanon, kemifos when caterpillars appear en masse. To combat these pear pests, cut off and destroy nests with younger caterpillars.

Pear Tube Gun

Large pear pipe gun ( Rhynchites giganteus) – a large (7-11 mm) copper-red, shiny weevil, with wrinkled stripes on the elytra and covered with light hairs.

Beetles and larvae overwinter in the soil, before flowering they come to the surface and feed on buds, flowers, leaves, young shoots, and later on fruits. In June and July, females lay one egg per fruit and gnaw the stalk. The yellowish larva feeds on seeds.

Control measures. Shake off and destroy beetles, collect carrion. To treat these pears immediately after flowering with one of the preparations: Decis, Karbofos, Fufanon, Inta-Vir.

Pear codling moth

Pear codling moth ( Carpocapsa pyrivora) - dark gray butterfly. After the trees bloom, butterflies fly for a month in the evening. The females lay eggs on the fruits, the caterpillars bite into the fruit and feed on the seeds.

The development of the caterpillar lasts up to 30 days, and one fruit is enough for it to feed. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars go into the soil and overwinter in cocoons. Develops on damaged fruits fruit rot.

Control measures. Before treating pears for these pests, collect and remove the carrion. Spray the trees 3-4 weeks after the end of flowering with one of the preparations: Decis, Karbofos, Fufanon, Inta-Vir.

Ermine fruit moth

Ermine fruit moth ( Yponomeuta padellus) - small white butterfly.

As shown in the photo, the caterpillars of these pear pests are dark gray or yellow-white in color, with two longitudinal rows of black dots along the back:

In early spring, the caterpillars bite into the buds, when the leaves grow, they gnaw and skeletonize leaf blades, create cobweb nests and live in large colonies. Having finished feeding, they pupate one at a time in transparent cocoons on the branches.

Every gardener knows that fruit trees must be strong and healthy. Pear is one of the favorite crops of Russians; it grows well and bears fruit abundantly in the Moscow region, where summers are often cool. But in some cases, the tree becomes sick or is affected by harmful insects, as a result of which changes occur that make fruiting and further growth of the pear impossible. What to do if she loses familiar look, and the quality of the fruit is deteriorating?

Infectious diseases of pear

There are many garden diseases that can destroy crops. The gardener’s task is to identify signs and timely combat pathogens.

Black cancer- this is dangerous fungal disease fruit crops, which affects the bark, branches, leaves, and fruits. On the tree you can notice wounds that look like spots, which increase over time. Soon, bright brown spots appear along the edges of the wounds, which are the main sign of the disease.

Red spots on fruits and leaves also signal danger - the fruits shrink in size and dry out. For prevention purposes, collect fallen leaves in the fall and burn them, and remove pieces of bark affected by black cancer using sharp knife, while capturing about 2 cm of healthy wood. After treatment, disinfect the wounds with copper sulfate. In the future, plant only those varieties of pears that are resistant to this disease.

Why do pear fruits rot for no apparent reason? The fact is that the harvest in mid-summer is often affected by a fungal infection, which is called fruit rot or maniliosis.

The fruits become covered with brown spots; over time they grow and destroy the pears completely. Such fruits are unsuitable for consumption and contribute to the spread of fungus. Protection against infection consists of collecting damaged specimens and destroying them in a timely manner, after which the tree is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Another equally dangerous disease affects foliage, shoots, flowers and fruits. Scab almost always leads to death fruit tree, its signs are small spots that increase in size over time. The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • heavy, prolonged rains;
  • cold weather;
  • planting seedlings close to each other.

The fruits ripen in small quantities and become small, the peel hardens, as a result of which the fruits crack and burst. You can't eat them. Gardeners usually fight the disease by collecting and destroying fallen leaves, in addition, in the spring it is necessary to spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture and weak solution urea, the land around it should also be treated with drugs.

Cytosporosis just like other pear ailments, it is caused by a fungal infection. The disease affects weakened trees that have suffered from excessive influence sun rays or frost. Characterized by stem rot damage to the cortex, which turns dark red and dries out. It is important to recognize the signs of the disease at an early stage and begin treatment immediately. So, the affected areas of wood must be removed with a sharp knife and the wounds treated with garden varnish. But better protection prevention of infection is considered, which includes the autumn whitewashing of trunks and the timely destruction of dried branches.

Pear diseases: fight (video)

Microscopic fungi often cause rust, which appears as bright red spots on the foliage. The disease reduces the tree's immunity and weakens it. As a treatment, gardeners use spraying with sulfur and Bordeaux mixture. Don't forget that diseased leaves and branches should be disposed of.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects pears in the garden. It most often affects leaves and shoots, which stop growing and forming, and most of them fall off prematurely. Inflorescences affected by powdery mildew die, as a result of which the pear does not bear fruit at the end of summer. They fight this disease by eliminating diseased parts of the tree in the fall or early spring, and it is also recommended to spray with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

When examining pear trees, you can notice leaves that have acquired milky shade. This disease is called milky shine, its main reason is improper care behind fruit tree. Dryness, sharp changes air temperatures and aggressive exposure to sunlight contribute to the development of the disease. The infected bark must be removed, and the wounds are disinfected by applying a weak solution to the wood. Diseased branches should be pruned and burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

One of the well-known ailments is bacterial burn - damage to a tree caused by a dangerous microbe. Having examined an unhealthy tree, the following symptoms can be identified:

  • blackening and drying of inflorescences;
  • darkening of the kidneys;
  • damage to pear foliage and branches.

Gradually, the entire tree, including the trunk and shoots, turns black, the branches and flowers dry out. It can only be saved at an early stage of the disease by taking a number of measures.

A powerful medicine against fire blight is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk., a diseased pear should be treated several times a year - during the appearance of buds, after they bloom, and at the end of flowering. They also spray the tree shortly before fruiting and after picking the fruit. Some gardeners successfully treat pears with antibiotics such as phytosporin and streptomycin. In this case, the spray solution is prepared by diluting 1 ampoule of the drug in 5 liters of water.

A decisive method for completely getting rid of the infection is to destroy diseased fruit trees. They should be uprooted and burned immediately.

Rust on a pear: treatment methods (video)

Non-infectious diseases of pear

Chlorosis is a disease that often affects fruit trees. This is evidenced by the unexpected appearance of yellow leaves, which fade and die over time.

The disease reduces pear yields because the growing fruits do not receive sufficient nutrition. They become small and fall off, and next year’s fruit buds are not formed. The cause of chlorosis lies in the lack of iron in the soil, therefore, tree treatment consists of saturating the soil with a valuable microelement. So, the pear is sprayed with a solution iron sulfate and other drugs containing this substance. You also need to dig up the soil around the tree and water it with warm water with the addition of iron sulfate.

Trees often suffer from negative influence exposure to sunlight and excess moisture, causing the foliage to turn black and die in late summer. In winter, the pear is susceptible to freezing and subsequent damage to the bark; temperature changes inside the trunk lead to damage to the wood.

How to avoid diseases

The garden pear grows well in all types of soil; this crop especially loves black soil. It needs regular watering and fertilization, as well as protection from pests. Nevertheless, common agricultural mistakes lead to the fruit tree becoming sick. The following factors contribute to this:

  • incorrect choice of place for planting pears;
  • insufficient care;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • poor soil.

In order to avoid the occurrence of non-infectious diseases, you just need to properly care for the pear, water it on time and apply fertilizers. Indispensable measures are sanitary pruning of the tree and whitewashing of the trunk, as well as careful digging of the soil around it.

Prevention of infectious pear diseases includes the following rules:

  • keeping the area around the tree clean;
  • use of clean garden tools;
  • selection of pear varieties resistant to infections.

It is important to know that branches and leaves affected by pathogen spores must be removed immediately, as they can become a source of new infection.

Pear pests and their control

Pear moth caterpillars affect the pulp of the fruit, as a result of which they are poorly preserved at the time of harvest and become unfit for consumption. After you notice signs of the presence of these insects on the pear, start treating the tree with Agravertin, and 1 month after flowering you can use Iskra.

Pear sucker not only sucks out cell sap from the tree, but also provokes the appearance of fungal diseases. Young leaves and buds dry out, as a result of which the pear does not bloom and withers. The fruits become inedible and deformed. You can fight the copperhead both with the help of the above-mentioned drugs and folk remedies- decoction of chamomile, tobacco dust.

Pear mite also spoils pear foliage, causing it to dry out. It is easy to get rid of it by spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Bacterial burn of pear (video)

If you properly care for your fruit tree, then the risk of diseases and large number harmful insects is significantly reduced. Thus, the more time we devote to careful care of the crop, the less often we treat dangerous diseases and eliminate their consequences.