home · electrical safety · How to make an iron man suit out of iron. How to make an iron man helmet: step-by-step instructions. The key point is rigidity

How to make an iron man suit out of iron. How to make an iron man helmet: step-by-step instructions. The key point is rigidity

Despite how cool Tony's toys are, without a power source they will remain just beautiful armor. You need to connect a small arc reactor based on cold thermonuclear fusion.

Technology fusion reactor- This is the basis of the Stark Industries business and the Iron Man suit. There are no analogues of this technology in our world yet (although). Marvel.com suggests that the comicsoid reactor's technology has its roots in the "tokamak" - an experimental fusion reactor from the cold war, developed back in the USSR. Like the arc reactor, the tokamak is made in the form of a toroid, includes plasma, magnetic fields and generates huge amounts of energy.

The tokamak is much larger than the arc reactor - even larger than the prototype at Stark Industries - and has not yet moved beyond the experimental scope. But given Tony’s genius in miniaturizing complex structures, most likely the basis of a fantastic thermonuclear reactor is the tokamak.

According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the challenge of designing a fist-sized energy source is less about generation and more about storage and potential side effects. For better performance and minimal burns, DeGrasse Tyson recommends a different type of power source: one that might be based on the controlled annihilation of matter and antimatter. , For example.

Jet gloves

The Jet Beam Gauntlet is one of Tony Stark's most used weapons, but it's unlikely to be recreated with high fidelity in the real world. Of course, this option is not suitable for avid Iron Man fans. One of them, the German Patrick Preib, during one of his breaks in his work (on polymer processing) made something similar to a reactive glove: a laser built into the hand.

A laser powered by lithium-ion batteries may not have the same destructive power as Iron Man's gloves, but it can cause harm. It emits a 1000 mW beam, which is 200 times stronger than the laser beam that is legal for use in most countries. In short, if you want to fry your cat, he may well catch fire.

Not satisfied with the work done, Priebe went further and created what he called "", complete with a retractable laser.

According to the legend of Iron Man, the hero can fly thanks to powerful jets of energy emanating from the feet of his shoes. They move him through the air, without the risk of his feet spontaneously combusting and without having to wear high heels, which would make the hero look like a representative of glam rock. However, in our world there are no jet boots that will help you take off, but there is something else: a personal jetpack. Jetpack.

Personal jetpacks have been around for a long time. The first model appeared in 1919 in Russia, its creator was the inventor Alexander Fedorovich Andreev, but only in 1960 the first jetpack was presented to the public. Unfortunately, high price and the short flight time meant that the excitement surrounding the invention would quickly fade.

But the dream lives on. New Zealand company Martin Aircraft has developed the Martin Jetpack, a gasoline-powered personal jetpack that can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes at a time. It is intended for the consumer market. According to some estimates, its price is about $1 million, and this is the minimum. But no one argues that all initiatives come at a cost to the real Tony Stark.

DARPA (American Defense Advanced Defense Agency) research projects) has been working on exoskeletons that could improve the physical combat performance of American soldiers for more than ten years. In 2010, defense contractor Raytheon presented one of the results of its developments for the first time: the XOS 2 exoskeleton.

The suit is designed for work in the field of logistics, that is, logistics, significantly increases the wearer's strength, allowing him to easily break through a three-inch layer of wood. Built-in hydraulics work independently of the suit's owner's muscles, thereby giving him the ability to work for three. Lightweight materials and design provide maneuverability, which a massive one cannot boast of. military equipment.

There is, of course, a problem. Each suit must be plugged into an outlet and also linked to the central control panel. While tethered suits are slated for release in 2015, Raytheon is currently developing untethered suits for future use.

Exoskeletons are not only used in military environments, of course. Outside the theater of war, the same technologies can help people relearn how to walk and gain extra muscle. In fact, it was Ekso Bionics, one of the leaders in the development of medical exoskeletons, that shared its technology with Lockheed Martin for military purposes, not the other way around.

Just like the military exoskeleton, medical devices are designed to help the body with the goal of adding strength, in addition to helping the muscles retrain and strengthen them in the process. Perhaps they cannot be used to raise a row wooden beams or rockets, for example, but thanks to exoskeletons, people who cannot walk or do not have such a precious opportunity will get it.

Computers controlled by the power of thought

If the fact that Tony Stark controls an entire suit of high-tech armor with his mind seems completely impossible to you, how surprised you will be to know that technology already exists with which you can control a computer system with just the power of your mind.

The Advanced Technologies Lab, in collaboration with Ruzbeh Jafari, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas, has developed an experimental system that allows control of, for example, a Samsung Galaxy tablet without touch or voice commands. Everything is built on where you look and what you focus on.

It must be admitted that technology has not yet reached the stage where it is possible to write a simple message using this method, let alone control a complex military machine. For now, the user's choice is limited to a meager menu. But this is just the beginning.

Holographic display

While watching the movie, in the scenes showing Tony Stark inside the armor, we see screens pop up in front of him, giving him the information he needs. It looks great. Why don't we have this? In fact, everything will happen, and very soon.

In fact, the point is not in glasses that can take photographs, thereby bringing Google Glass closer to Iron Man technology, but in the very concept of a wearable computer connected to the Internet that can respond to voice commands and display information accessible only to the wearer. Obviously, miniature glasses for Instagram lovers are the first step towards a full-fledged helmet that will help fight crime.


Smart Homes a tempting idea for science fiction lovers. However, with advances in the field wireless networks, as well as data analysis and , systems like J.A.R.V.I.S. are rapidly approaching scientific reality.

According to Diana Cook of the University of Washington's School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, the key to smart housing will be ubiquitous intelligence, capable of searching and interpreting information and acting autonomously according to algorithms. Some of these systems are already running in your home. Air conditioners can automatically adjust the temperature, refrigerators can automatically defrost. And so on.

Although "Jarvis" is an assistant in Stark's lab, Cook's research into smart homes is focused elsewhere: she's exploring how fluid intelligence could help retirees live longer without involving outsiders.

If you're still a fan of Tony Stark's technology, we suggest you take a break from the movie and head straight to the comics. One version of the iron suit features rollers that extend from the bottom of the armored suit.

A natural question arises: although the push for technology development in the film led to the creation of elements of exorbitant power, why not take and equip your iron suit rollers?

Unfortunately, science still does not give a clear answer to the question of how to find a reasonable and attractive secretary who will be infinitely devoted to her boss.

The appearance of the image of Iron Man on cinema screens created a worldwide huge wave popularity and many fans of the beloved hero-inventor. Now every self-respecting fan of the science fiction genre strives to make his dream idea come true - to create his own image of Iron Man.


And some have significantly succeeded in this, for example, the Norwegian John Beckensten (a famous sculptor in the film industry) spent more than a year creating the most successful copy of the costume of his favorite hero, using plastic and fiberglass.
Another noteworthy example was made by Anthony Lee (Colorado), who used polyurethane slabs for the costume and a special mixture of resin and sculpting clay for the helmet. Also, more than a thousand rivets, old auto parts, LEDs, servos, etc. were used to make the image more realistic.

And how many more of our home-grown craftsmen pore over their original inventions, using any available material and inexhaustible imagination!
If you decide to join the ranks of design fans, you will need fresh ideas, an original approach to the choice of material (foil, aluminum, tin, etc.) and inexhaustible inspiration.

First we need a detailed development of all components suit taking into account the dynamics of movements.

You can start creating an image with a helmet, with a built-in interface (optional), a frame and connecting the electronics you have provided.

To make a helmet, use soft metal or tin. Be sure to trim the edges after cutting out the pieces. Don't forget to leave functional gaps.
Use the drawings!

It is preferable to fasten parts using staples and rivets; this is both faster and less dangerous.
The created helmet frame should be glued from the inside soft cloth, and insert reflective lenses (or glasses from sunglasses) into the eye slits.

The basis for the “body” can be any turtleneck jumpsuit made of thick dark fabric with lycra thread (this will avoid the formation of folds when moving).

Attach the “armor” to the fabric. For convenience, use a mannequin.

If you have the necessary skills, use hydraulic devices to organize the articulation and free movement of parts. In this case, the body frame must be cut out completely and include technological holes and fastenings for auxiliary elements.

Whether it will be a fancy dress or a high-tech invention depends entirely on the level of your technical training and inventive skill.

After the film Iron Man, which thundered throughout the world, a huge crowd of fans appeared. Iron Man has gained the most popularity. And not so much himself, but his wonderful suit. Since such an outfit costs a fantastic amount, fans had the idea of ​​making a costume at home.


Making a helmet - draw a diagram of the helmet and, after cutting it out, glue the parts together. Cover the future mask and lower jaw with tape. To impart hardness, coat the entire surface with a small amount of epoxy glue. After drying, the inner side is glued with fiberglass.

Creation of the back - also made according to drawings with gluing of all parts. For the strongest adhesion, it is best to use clamps. The finished back is also glued epoxy glue.

Making the chest shell - cut out small semicircular strips and a circle wide enough to insert the reactor. Then glue them to a piece of paper. It turns out to be a shell with a hole for the reactor in the middle. The manufacture of limbs follows the same pattern as the rest of the parts.

After covering all parts with epoxy glue and allowing them to dry completely, begin painting. For more effective type Cover the costume parts with acrylic paint, apply evenly, without any white spots.

Now move on to assembling the costume. Glue a wide and thick elastic band to all moving parts of the costume - the torso, the bends of the knees, and so on. It is recommended to attach a narrow elastic band to your fingers.

A snap hook is used to connect the parts. It is glued to all parts from the inside in the following areas: shoulders and forearms; chest shell and Bottom part torso; sides; lower limbs.

Since all parts must move without restricting movement, fasten them together with nuts. Make the lower limb so that your foot can easily fit into it in shoes.

Mask support - to prevent the mask from falling, to inside glue magnets and iron strips.

Lighting: Insert a flashlight or battery-powered night light into your chest. Hold flashlights in your hands, place the computer mouse buttons under your thumb and solder everything together.

Children are often attracted to very simple, unpretentious toys, while expensive and more “ornate” items go unnoticed. The whole point is that the child is drawn to objects that are made with love. Such a toy could be a railroad that you assembled. To make it you will need cardboard, glue and paints.

You will need

  • - cardboard;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • — scissors/stationery knife;
  • - glue;
  • - paints.


Decide how much area the entire building will occupy - railway tracks, stations, landscape elements. Based on this, determine the approximate length of the rails. Cut them out of cardboard. Furniture or appliance boxes are suitable for this. Draw strips of the required length on the cardboard. Their width also depends on the overall scale of the building. For example, for a train 10 cm high, you will need rails 2 cm wide. If a piece of cardboard is not large enough, assemble the rails from individual pieces. In addition to straight strips, cut several arched ones - iron the road You can make a loop or just make a few turns.

Paint the blanks with gray acrylic paint with a metallic effect. Then cut the sleepers into strips 2.5 cm wide and 8 cm long. On the underside of each sleeper, make marks with a pencil 3-5 mm from each edge - it is at these points that the rails will need to be laid out. Since sleepers are often made of wood, the top side can be painted brown.

Place the rail sections in required sequence, then turn it over so that down side ended up at the top. Using a ruler and pencil, divide the blanks into equal sections. Place sleepers on these marks. Lay them out one at a time, pre-lubricating the intersection with the rails with glue.

While the railroad is drying, make a train. It can be depicted in a simplified way - in the form of parallelepipeds. For carriages, use unwanted cardboard boxes (for example, juice boxes) or glue them together yourself. The locomotive can be made from two boxes - a horizontally located “nose” part can be glued to the vertical cabin. Paint the entire train the same color. When it dries, glue the wheels to the cars and connect the composition together with cardboard strips. On each carriage you can draw windows, curtains and even the faces of passengers behind the glass.

Using the same scheme, make one or more stations. Apply a layer of paint to the base box, and then paint the surface using felt-tip pens. Space around railway can be filled with cardboard silhouettes of trees and village houses, and put it next to the station paper figures of people.

Tip 4: How to film Iron Man in 2017

Iron Man is a science-fiction action film that was released worldwide in 2008. Its main character is the character of the same name from the comic book series created by Marvel.


Development of the Iron Man film began in the 1990s with the participation of New Line Cinema, 20th Century Fox and Universal Studios, and in 2006 the filming rights were purchased by Marvel Studios, making the film the first completely an independent project companies. Confirmed director Jon Favreau chose California as the filming location, making Iron Man stand out from other superhero films typically set in New York.

Many actors auditioned for the role of millionaire inventor Tony Stark, who later became Iron Man, including Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage, but in the end it went to the charismatic Robert Downey Jr. Gwyneth Paltrow was cast in the role of Virginia Pepper Potts. The actress said that she would agree to filming only if it took place near her home. The creators of the film agreed to meet her and placed the site a 15-minute walk from the house. Robert Downey Jr. for a long time tuned in to his role by studying the image of the American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk, founder and owner of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX.

Iron Man comic book artist Adi Granov took part in creating the design of the Mark 3 suit. The costume was produced by Stan Winston Studios. The metal and rubber components of the armor were eventually supplemented with computer graphics.

After its release, the film received many positive feedback from critics. Representatives of the American Film Institute included it in the ten best films of 2008. Iron Man was also nominated for an Oscar in the Best Visual Effects and Best Visual Effects categories. Best Editing Sound", but lost the award to other contenders.

The Minecraft game is interesting because you can create whatever you want there, even humans are not an exception. There are several ways to create this mob, you just need to choose the right one.

A person in Minecraft is the first mob in the history of this game. However, starting from version 1.8, it will no longer be possible to create it, since the developers have simplified this function. However, the players did not lose anything, since this character did not play a special role, and it was impossible to transform him later, but meanwhile many people liked him.

Man in Classic Minecraft

In Classic Minecraft, a human mob could be created very simply by pressing the G key. However, now there is no such option. The human mob in Minecraft did not have very good features, since he did not have the ability to perform actions to destroy or create blocks. He simply wandered around the game world without a specific goal.
The human mob was affected by liquids and other blocks, just like the player. Fans of Minecraft often believe that they will be able to control it and use it in some kind of action. But a person in Minecraft never had such functions, since in the game he acted precisely as a mob, and was no different from animals.

iron Man

The latest versions of the game have mobs for every taste, except for humans. But it can be returned to Minecraft, only it will be made of iron. To create it, you will need to find and download the people mod for Minecraft 1.3.2. Thanks to this expansion, the player will be able to feel like iron man. He was created by the developers based on the movie superhero, and has almost the same capabilities that Tony Stark had. The player can shoot, fly like a bird, and invent.
For Minecraft version 1.4.2, you can also install mods for people. As soon as the expansion is unpacked, representatives of the human race will appear in the game world. The behavior of these mobs is practically no different from the realities of life. In Minecraft, they must be governed by the same laws as an ordinary person.

Magic Villager Egg

If you don’t want to install mods, you can create a person in Minecraft using a magic villager egg. This is a very rare artifact that is not so easy to find. In most cases, it appears in treasuries and mob spawn areas. One egg allows you to add one person to the game. When there is no time to search for this artifact, you should find a village and build many houses in it, then the number of inhabitants there will automatically increase.

It’s always amazing when a person remains calm and cool in a difficult situation. He does not express emotions of worry, fear or sadness, but deals with the problem calmly. They say about such people that they have nerves of iron.

No excessive emotions

Some people are not naturally inclined to express emotions strongly. For example, phlegmatic people are somewhat slow in the speed of perceiving information; they like to remain calm and not show their feelings in public.
However, someone is made unperturbed by the environment of upbringing or communication. If emotional communication is not initially accepted in a family or company, and an open expression of feelings may be considered bad manners or a weakness of character, a person develops the habit of behaving accordingly.

Game approach

If you want to come across as a person with nerves of iron, learn to control your emotions and not show them in front of strangers. At the same time, it is necessary to learn not to dramatize the situation, and to distinguish well when it is worth pulling yourself together, and when there is no problem as such, in order to react emotionally.
It is worth learning not to take all events seriously, but sometimes strive to include a playful approach to the situation in your behavior, as if you were consciously participating in a play. Ability to engage in improvisation new role not only have creative people, but also among those who are considered to have nerves of iron.

Liberation from negativity

It is worth noting that nerves of iron are not necessarily inherent in people who are callous and cold-blooded by nature. Simply the ability to properly manage your emotions creates the impression of such a strong and unbending personality.
Since completely suppressing emotions is unhealthy, a balanced person understands that negative thoughts and feelings need to be released. He consciously strives to avoid tension and promptly frees himself from negativity. But he does not do this as a weak person, taking out his anger on others or panicking from anxiety.

A strong personality does not show emotions in public, but looks for an opportunity to relieve tension. At this time, he tries, for example, to meditate, hit a punching bag, or go into nature and shout in the forest. In this way, a person is able to stabilize his emotional background and continue to act productively in any situation.

Long practice

If a person is determined to win and achieve, and not to feel sorry for himself, then he is able to make his nerves of iron. In any case, for this you need to have a certain experience of impeccable behavior. Each new practice calm behavior in stressful situations will temper your nerves and make them iron.

Do robot the easiest way is from cardboard boxes. If the components are bolted together, the limbs will move and the “iron man” will be able to stand, sit, bend his arms at the elbows and turn his head.

When they talk about an iron hand, they usually mean either just a model, or The article will tell you how the first sample is made, and how it is turned into the second. But before we look at how iron is made, let's look at what science has achieved now.

About the state of affairs

Just 50 years ago, a person who lost his leg or arm could only dream that one day he would be able to make up for his loss thanks to scientific developments. And not just to get something, but to be able to function as if the organ was in place. Nowadays quite a lot of people are engaged in the creation of iron hands a large number of companies and technology enthusiasts. Simple devices, which cannot perform the actions of the fingers, are simply called prostheses. Whereas those that can record signals from the human brain and respond to them use bionic hands. Due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such a device, but you can make it yourself. The iron one may not turn out as perfect as that, but even this option is better than nothing at all. And now we suggest you familiarize yourself with how such a device is built and how it is made.


An ordinary “cosmetic” iron hand looks like a human one. It can be made of plastic and already look like a regular one, or made of metal - in such cases it is usually covered with synthetic leather. The bionic iron hand is designed in this way: when a person wants to move a finger, the brain sends a corresponding impulse to the muscles. The sensors pick up these signals by contracting the surviving muscles. Each sensor is responsible for its own “field of activity,” so if it detects an impulse, a certain finger will contract. The possibilities for using this technology are wide, and even if the arm above the elbow was damaged, the normal functioning of the prosthesis occurs without problems.

Installation process

It may take 5-30 days to connect and set up the iron hand. The time depends on the size of the body part being replaced, the patient’s diseases and problems, as well as his age. Then you need to get used to the new limb and understand how it should be controlled. Typically this process lasts a week for young people; for pensioners it can take a month. But, alas, using an iron hand is not always possible. The fact is that if too much time has passed since the amputation of the limb, then the muscles will atrophy, and then controlling the device will be performed with significant difficulties or the signals will be too weak. Made of iron, it has those features that will still need to be studied anatomical structure your business to install and then adjust the placement of this device.


The more complex and expensive an iron hand is, the more similar it is to a human one. So, if we discard cosmetic devices and focus exclusively on bionics, then we can say that the simplest models can usually make only one grasping movement. More complex ones can perform dozens of movements, but the cost of creating such a technique will be much higher. Made of iron, it can perform several movements or only one. But even at home, you can create equipment that can satisfy the main range of applications.

Reduction in price

The cost of conventional prostheses ranges from 500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles, and given their dependence on the price of currency (since the vast majority of equipment is imported), this price can rise significantly. But there is a potential opportunity to reduce the cost - 3D printers. Most foreign samples printed in this way can boast a price of 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. The greatest success was achieved by the Ukrainian Victor Baklan, who was able to create a bioelectric prosthesis for holding things at a cost of only 1,500 hryvnia (4,500 in our money). This solution is a very effective answer to the question: “How to make a 3D iron hand with your own hands.” This also shows that this technology has significant promise here.

How to create a “cosmetic” iron hand?

Where to start? Let's say you want to make an object such as an iron man's hand. To create it minimally necessary set- a file, a soldering iron and a desire to work. All this is necessary if it is to be created from metal. When working with other materials, the set will change. So, first you need to decide on the parameters of your own hand and make the initial structure. And then additional components will be put on it. The most important part here is the frame. You can follow certain drawings, developing an already developed concept, or start your own creativity. If there is no desire or opportunity to devote significant time to this, then an iron man’s hand made of paper is the simplest option. True, it is also the least durable.

How to create your own bionic hand?

This point is already more complex. It should be noted that if you do not have sufficient experience in creating such devices, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get creative here. Therefore, it will be necessary to completely follow the design specified in the topic. To implement the movement mechanism, you can use servomotors as the most suitable in terms of volume/power ratio. When working, you will always need to be careful and do everything carefully. An important step is to configure the sensors in such a way that they receive signals for those fingers that should be (a book on the anatomy of the hand will help you with this). Of course, everything will not work out the first time, so you will have to further hone and bring the technique to mind, but the result will be very pleasing.


Based on the designs presented here, you can develop your own versions of iron hands. They can differ both in appearance and in capabilities and functionality. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but then you will be able to create various designs"for all occasions". In addition, if a goal has been set and the search has begun on how to do iron hand- then part of the path has already been passed. You just need to not stop.

For parents, preparing for the holidays in which their child participates necessarily includes making or purchasing a character costume in which the child will appear. IN Lately Various superheroes or people with supernatural abilities are becoming increasingly popular. One of the most beloved images by boys is Iron Man, a multifunctional robot controlled by Tony Stark (his creator), who saves the world from evil.

Iron Man suits can be very diverse and have many variations, because unfortunately, it will not be possible to create a real suit that makes its owner invulnerable and even gives the ability to fly. But you can make a hero costume with your own hands from simple materials. Of what? Yes, there are simply a lot of variations: from paper, cardboard, sewn from fabric, made from aluminum or other metal, cast from plastic, etc.

If you decide to make a costume for this character, you will find that there are many models and variations of it, so choose the option that you like best. The most popular and spectacular model is Iron Man Mark VII.

A children's costume should be light and safe, so you should not connect electronics to it to recreate glowing eyes or other elements of the hero's image. It is better to make a costume for your child using the papercrafting technique. It will allow you to create an image using paper, cardboard and gluing using special technologies.

To make a product, you will need diagrams or drawings. There are quite a few of them already. By installing Pepakura Designer 3 or Pepakura Viewer, you can unpack files in *.pdo format. Then you can edit them, set your own sizes, etc. The diagrams can be redrawn or printed using a printer. Then assemble and paint. This way you will get an almost real costume with your own hands.

  • Link to the program Pepakura Viewer: http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/download/viewer/index.html
  • Iron Man Patterns can be downloaded here: http://pepakura.ru/razvertki/bronya/kostyum-zheleznogo-cheloveka.html

Manufacturing process: what needs to be prepared and how to assemble the parts?

After printing out the drawings, take your child’s measurements and make the necessary changes to the diagrams - this is how you will have your own children's version suit. Then print it again, but with the required dimensions.

Paper for making a suit must be taken with a density of at least 160 g/m2. Experienced cosplayers advise taking not even cardboard, but very thick Whatman paper. You will also need:

  • a good sharp cutter or utility knife;
  • special cutting mat;
  • awl;
  • glue and glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • epoxy resin (rubber gloves and a respirator are also needed when working with resins);
  • acrylic paints (red and gold);
  • transparent plastic;
  • sandpaper.

So, start making your own costume.

  • The helmet is made first. To do this, print out the helmet drawings and cut out all the details. Then carefully start gluing them together (assemble them like a regular helmet). All elements are marked with numbers, so you need to carefully glue them together (the back of the mask, which will be removed, does not need to be glued).

  • After you have finished making the helmet, you will need to coat it with a special two-component glue (epoxy - resin plus hardener). Secure all the elements of the helmet on the back side using ordinary office clips and cover it with glue. Observe correct proportion so that the product then dries and is suitable for use. Some people use polyester resin rather than epoxy, but it has a very strong and toxic odor and takes a long time to dry.

  • Then reinforce the inside of the helmet with fiberglass (cut the material into small strips and glue it in several layers inside the product) and coat it again with epoxy glue on both sides. When everything is dry, sand the helmet until it looks like a cast one.

  • Then the product must be painted. Since you need to use two colors, you will have to cover with tape those places where it is supposed to be painted with a different color (paint it red, leave those areas where it should be gold and vice versa).

  • You will have to do the back part separately (do the same thing - cover with glue, secure with fiberglass, sand, paint). The ears on paper are just round, but you can make them out of wood and then glue them to the helmet. To remove and put on the helmet, you can use magnets or a simple manual mechanism (an option with Velcro is also possible).

  • In the same way, collect the neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs and other parts of Iron Man's body. Try them on regularly to make sure the sizes are correct. When painting, be sure to ensure that no gaps or gaps appear.
  • Doing general assembly parts, give them mobility. A glue gun will be very useful for this, and you will also need elastic bands (mostly wide ones, and narrow ones for the hands) and plastic snap hooks for large parts.

  • If you have the desire and opportunity, you can make luminous elements. To make Iron Man's chest glow, glue a battery-powered LED night light into it, and you can use a flashlight for the hands (just saw off the unnecessary part so that it can be easily integrated). If you place a mouse button on the side of your index finger, the wearer of the suit can easily turn on the glow whenever he wants.
  • The eyes are made using LED lights. You will also need a switch, batteries and wires. Cut out two pieces in the shape of the eyes from transparent plastic, and place the lights just below the eye holes.

All children love to transform into fairy-tale heroes. They play their first acting roles already in kindergarten. Of course, every girl’s dream is to become a wonderful princess, and every boy’s dream is to become a brave knight. But if to transform a baby it will be enough to buy a beautiful and long dress, then to “equip” a warrior for battle, you will need a special suit and accessories. The first and, perhaps, the main attribute of all knightly uniforms is the headdress. So, do you want to make your little boy an original carnival costume with a modern twist? Then check out one of the many ways to make an iron man helmet. The instructions are given in the form step by step guide with comments.

What and how to make an iron man helmet: preparation

Before you get started, you need to decide on a few things:

  • for what purpose is it planned to make the headdress;
  • what the future product will look like;
  • what will be its technological and functional characteristics.

If you plan to make part of a costume, for example, New Year's party, don't make the job too complicated. It also makes sense to simplify the functionality of the helmet and its manufacturing technology as much as possible. In the case of designing this main component of a superhero costume (photo 1) for participation, say, in an exhibition of works by high school students, a completely different approach is needed. It will be of particular importance here appearance, and its manufacturability. This instruction: "How to make an iron man helmet" is presented in the form of a description initial stages. Further work plan according to the required result, using different raw materials and technology.

Necessary materials

To make a pattern, use fairly thick landscape paper or whatman paper. Draw the lines with a simple pencil. For cutting, you will need a stationery knife, regular scissors and small ones, such as manicure scissors (for neatly decorating corners and recesses). For a simplified version of the helmet, use corrugated cardboard (store box from products, cosmetics, etc.). Connect all parts with durable and quick-drying glue (Moment type) manually or using a special gun. For external decoration (coating parts and fastening them), you will need adhesive tape of various colors. The development of an iron man helmet can also be made of less dense material. This option is used if you plan to plaster the parts and then connect them to each other, for example, with magnets.

Assembling the template

Photo 2 shows drawings of an iron man helmet. When connected, the pattern pieces will be located on the following parts of the head:

  1. Ear.
  2. Parietal.
  3. Rear.
  4. Chinobuccal.
  5. Nasal.
  6. Frontal.

Knowing this condition, the parts cut out of paper will be easy to assemble into a single product. Photo 1 of the finished helmet will help to distinguish the parts, since almost all zones are painted differently and have clear connecting boundaries with each other. But still, before joining the product into a single whole, place the parts in a wide space and mark the gluing points.

We make an iron man helmet from paper or cardboard

To make this headdress voluminous, you need to skillfully design the connecting joints. To do this, especially in places where curved lines are made, make small cuts, which will help give them a convex shape when gluing. Photo 3 clearly demonstrates this stage of work. After assembling all the parts together, cover with tape. different colors. You can also use colored paper for decoration, which then needs to be covered with transparent adhesive tape. Give your child the opportunity to use their imagination by creating a creative creation on a modern theme.

Application of complex technologies

Photo 4 shows how to make an iron man helmet from thick paper(whatman paper). If you cover the assembled product on top thin layer plaster mixture and let it dry, you can get blanks for a more technologically advanced model. In this case, during the work process you need to think about how all the removable or sliding parts will be connected to each other. The simplest and suitable option With this technology - the use of magnets fixed inside. You can also install rotating joints in the cheek and chin areas to make the front parts movable. Externally, such a modern helmet can turn out to be especially attractive due to the use of a special luminous emulsion when painting. well and the final stage The work will involve installing mini-bulbs inside the craft in the frontal area to illuminate the eye recesses. That's all, the helmet is ready!

This original craft can serve as the basis for creating similar headdresses of other fairy-tale characters. Create by making your most unusual fantasies come true!