home · Measurements · Children's room in lilac-green tones. Color in the interior of a children's room, options, photos. Design idea to note

Children's room in lilac-green tones. Color in the interior of a children's room, options, photos. Design idea to note

The lilac color, light and delicate, successfully adds comfort and charm to the nursery.

Chosen as the main background, or as complementary elements of various shades, it goes well with many other colors.

Visitors to the Interior Rooms portal will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of options for decorating a room in this style.

According to psychologists, the lilac tone can have beneficial influence for the whole nervous system and psyche.

Improves mood, tones the body in a mild form and creates a calming feeling of harmony.

At the same time, it can have a calming effect on the emotional state and mind of the child. The latter is good for a good rest. For example, a lilac bed can solve the problem of sleep disorders.

A light lilac shade creates the impression larger room and therefore very effective when decorating small spaces.

There are many ways to decorate a lilac children's room. A good option– combination of light lilac color with light pastel tones of white or peach. Details of a more contrasting color - purple, blue or yellow - will be appropriate for decorating a boy’s home.

If lilac walls are too bold a decision for you, use this color for decorative details and textiles.

Along with the white background of the room, in combination with bright curtains, sofa cushions and furniture they will make the room cozy. In addition, this particular use of color is suitable for any child, regardless of his gender.

As one of the solutions for decorating a children's room, you can use vintage style. For him, it would be appropriate to choose shades of lavender in a group with delicate pink or blue.

The impression of “dustiness” of yellowish or white, dark furniture with forged elements will only enhance the impression. But tones such as scarlet or orange are not recommended for use with lilac paint.

The most popular combination is a combination of lilac with olive and other green tones. For an organic design, you should choose the main color not bright, but pale, perhaps even a little whitened.

With such a background, you can safely use active green as accent details (bedside rugs or wall paintings).

The lilac children's room will undoubtedly become your child's favorite place. It is in it that he will be able to relax, fully relax and, at the same time, receive an incentive for inspiration and creativity. The color lilac has always been a symbol of spirituality.

Most parents consciously approach the interior design of a children's room, because this is the place where their child will spend time. most of its time.

What to look for when choosing a color for a children's room?

If you turn to fashion trends, then one can notice that in Lately It has become relevant to decorate a child’s room with a predominance of one, maximum three colors. But it is important to remember that there are colors that excite the nervous system, and there are those that, on the contrary, calm it.

Choosing the wrong room for a child can prevent him from falling asleep peacefully, doing his homework, and even playing.
Psychologists have proven that the predominant color in the interior of a children's room can even leave its mark on the child's character. Therefore, it is so important to choose not just fashionable and stylish color scheme, but also take into account the influence of this or that color on the nervous system of children.

The child’s own opinion also plays an important role in choosing a color. Of course, if he is already at the age when he can formulate and express his thoughts on this matter.

Newborns and children up to three years it will be comfortable to live in a room decorated in pastel colors. Older children will love a bright and colorful room with lots of patterns, geometric lines and figures.

Girls - pink, boys - blue?

The traditional system of color selection based on gender does not work in this case. It is not at all necessary to decorate the interior of a girls’ room in pink, avoiding blue accents. And in a boy’s nursery, it is quite possible to allow the presence of pink in shades such as fuchsia, coral or cherry.

Psychologists agree that pink color It has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system and contributes to the formation of perseverance. Children who study easily and successfully and read a lot more often grow up in pink rooms. In girls, all shades of pink help to create femininity and sophistication.

A blue children's room is more suitable for decorating a playroom or sleeping area. But to learn surrounded blue color It will be difficult for a child, because this color not only calms, but also dissipates attention, which makes even many adults have their head in the clouds.

White and beige

White, milky and beige colors are universal, they are suitable for children of any gender and age. Light shades in the nursery will help the child calm down and relax, and improve his overall well-being. But use them in pure form still not worth it. Bright accents are definitely needed in the room so that the child does not grow up apathetic and indifferent to everything.


It is better to avoid this color if the child is already too calm.
If the child is too active, then green will help correct the situation. After all, this color calms the nervous system, stabilizes mood, improves sleep and concentration. Psychologists especially recommend green color for decorating the rooms in which teenagers live.


This bright color is suitable for those rooms where calm children live. The color red, in this case, will encourage them to take action and stimulate their brain function.
On active children, the red color may have a more immediate effect. Negative influence, causing them to become overly hyperactive.


There is no more suitable color for a child's room than yellow. Rich sunny shades improve mood, stimulate mental activity, and help concentrate.
But everything needs moderation. An abundance of yellow in the room can cause the child to become too active, and this can interfere with his studies.


The ability of purple color to improve imagination and promote the development of creative nature can also have a negative impact on children. After all, excessive immersion in the world of fantasy will only interfere with your studies. In addition, psychologists have proven that constant violet-colored surroundings create a feeling of loneliness in adolescents and even cause mental disorders. That's why purple in the children's room it is necessary to use it in doses.


Deep shades of blue help children fall asleep faster. Therefore from of blue color It’s worth refusing if your child has problems with school, because this color is very relaxing and distracts attention. In addition, for most people, some shades of blue depress the mood; this should be taken into account when decorating a room in blue tones.


The color gray has a positive effect on the nervous system of children, helping them grow into balanced and humble individuals. Great solution will dilute the bright colors in the children's room with this particular color.


The only color, which should be abandoned when decorating a children's room. The color black can plunge children into depression and create feelings of fear and anxiety in children.
Only minor black decorative elements are acceptable in the design of a room for children.

How to combine colors correctly?

The basic color of the children's room interior should be light and neutral. And here bright curtains, rugs, shelves and toys will help add color to the interior if necessary. Too dark shades are best avoided completely.

An ideal option when decorating a children's room would be. For example, for the sleeping area it is better to choose calm colors that will help you relax, for example: blue, gray-green, straw, muted blue, lilac.
It is better to decorate the place where the child does his homework in colors that will help him concentrate and be attentive: red, yellow, orange, blue, green.
Game Zone should be bright to improve the child’s mood.

When decorating a children's room, it is better to avoid combining two calming or two exciting colors. For example, a combination of green and purple will suppress the child’s nervous system, and yellow and orange will lead to his hyperactivity.

Color and hobbies of the child

Bright herbariums, an aquarium with colorful fish, houseplants- it all looks great against the background light walls in the room of the young naturalist. And you can also use green, light brown wall colors when light furniture and bright orange or yellow details.

For the room of a child who is passionate about sports, you can choose a harmonious combination of contrasting colors. For example, use combinations of white, blue and shades of red. Everything should breathe optimism and life-affirming energy.

The room of a young artist can be designed in light gray, ash blue and white tones. Fruits against their background children's creativity will look especially attractive. Furniture can be light: beige, green or lilac.

The color scheme for a future traveler's room may look like this: blue combined with beige, light brown and white. It should be light, without sharp contrasts both in color and in the design of wallpaper and fabrics.

There is a certain pattern: with age, children's color preferences may change. If until the age of 7-9 they like bright and even contrasting colors, then by the age of 10-12 they begin to prefer yellow, shades of green, and orange. And even later, after 15 years, children are usually attracted to the color blue.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances. But when choosing the color of the future nursery interior, take into account first of all your child’s color preferences, his temperament and worldview.

A cozy children's room in lilac color is the most suitable option for gentle and romantic natures. Lilac is an extremely versatile color that can be perfectly combined with many other colors. Read on to learn how to use this color wisely when decorating a child’s room.

Lilac is the color of creativity and development. Psychologists believe that it is great for creating a creative atmosphere in a children's room, but at the same time they warn that in some it is not entirely successful combinations it can cause attacks of melancholy and apathy. To prevent this from happening to your baby, it is important to think through the color scheme of his room down to the smallest detail.

Lilac goes well with many colors - white, pink, light green, turquoise... There are a number of completely win-win combinations lilac with other colors, which we will consider in more detail later.

Lilac with white

The combination of lilac and white is the embodiment of tenderness, calmness, and peace. This combination is very often chosen for decorating rooms for newborn children or girls. It looks perfect in almost any style - from vintage to high-tech, so you can’t be afraid of the limitations of your imagination and feel free to experiment.

Lilac with pink

Just imagine it color combination, how the mind immediately draws an image of a girl’s room - even if this is a stereotype, it’s not so bad! The main task is not to overdo it with pink. In the end, you can choose the softest version, or dilute the combination with additional colors of details and accents.

When decorating a nursery in lilac, the proportions of its combination with other colors are extremely important. Regarding pink, we can say that it can transform the appearance of the room as a whole, making it more elegant and festive, but only on the condition that it does not dazzle the eyes. In addition, there are a lot of shades of pink, which is always to the designer’s advantage.

Lilac with yellow

The most original color combination is lilac and yellow! It is suitable for decorating the room of an active, cheerful lively person who will draw energy from this brightness for games and development! This color combination is based on the comparison of warmth yellow color and the calmness of lilac. When mixed, they form an atmosphere that is comfortable for the eye and psyche, which promotes creativity and maintains optimism and self-confidence.

This combination of colors is perfect for decorating a children’s room for both boys and girls; it perfectly emphasizes the very mood of childhood, which smoothes out over time and becomes a memory. Adults have a great opportunity to remember their childhood and share it with their kids!

Lilac with light green

I want to talk about this combination endlessly - gentle, calm, fresh, beautiful, varied, original! Lilac and light green have taken a strong place in the minds and hearts of designers of children's rooms for a reason. This color combination is a huge field for experimentation, besides, whatever one may say, it is already quite interesting in itself, so no matter what variation the designer chooses, it will always turn out elegant, festive and interesting.

Lilac with turquoise

The rarest, most interesting and extraordinary color combination – lilac and turquoise – evokes only positive emotions. In a children's room, these colors take on a new meaning - they emphasize the spontaneity of childhood, the brightness that can only be seen as a child, the emotions that kids experience while exploring the world around them. Although this color combination Older children also like it!

When building a color combination of lilac and turquoise, it is important to correctly build the relationship between them. It makes more sense to entrust the role of the leading color to lilac - it in itself is both soft and original, but turquoise as accents can better reveal its potential. In any case, with these colors any experiments will turn into creative pleasure and will bring exceptional joy, and a nursery in lilac color will be loved not only by the baby, but also by his loved ones.

Carefully thought out design of a children's room - great way creating a special atmosphere of comfort and harmony, which is so necessary for every person - both small and adult. A gentle nursery in lilac color is a place where your child will be surrounded by love, peace and joy!

Lilac color is considered almost classic for decorating the interior of a children's room. It is equally suitable for girls and boys, and of all ages. After all, lilac is a symbol of harmony and Have a good mood, it has a slight tonic effect, and helps both concentrate and relax equally well. And most importantly, lilac is a great color for rooms of any size.

Psychology of lilac color

Before you start decorating a room in lilac or purple tones, it’s worth deciding whether there are differences between them. Most people believe not, using these colors as synonyms. But designers and artists find differences.

It is believed that purple color is the one that best reflects the shade of violet. It is included in the spectrum of the seven colors of the rainbow and is a mixture in equal parts blue and red.

But lilac is a type of purple, a slightly lighter shade, it is obtained by mixing the same colors, but red predominates here more.

Children's room in lilac color

Lilac is a calmer and softer shade than purple. And for children's rooms (if you think that these tones are different from each other), it is preferable to choose the lilac color.

In general, purple is a color that has many shades: lavender, eggplant, lilac, purple, and you can also highlight the color of fuchsia, orchid or amaranth.

But these are nuances, and most people, when decorating the interior of a room, are guided by a simpler distinction: a light or dark shade of lilac (or purple).

Regardless of the name, psychologists attribute many positive properties to this tone. The color lilac helps to concentrate, so it will be easier for the child to tune in to school.

Purple children's room

And at the same time, it is very relaxing, so it will help you fall asleep quickly. It has been proven that people whose rooms are decorated in lilac tones, insomnia is much less common.

Children's room in lilac tones

The lilac color lifts your spirits well, evoking positive emotions and relieving irritability. Only its very dark shade can induce depression, so in the interior it should definitely be used in combination with light tones.

Choosing a lilac room style

Classic interior style for lilac room will be Provence- a symbol of lavender and violet fields. In combination with white and pink, delicate shades of lilac will create a very peaceful and romantic atmosphere in the room. Moreover, in such a room both a girl and a boy will be comfortable. The only difference is that they are more suitable for girls bright hues, and for a boy - darker and more saturated.

The purple color and its shades will look very good in a Scandinavian style interior. Bright lilac accents in the form of decorative pillows, curtains or a rug will go perfectly with white, grayish or milky colors - the basis of the style.

The emphasis can be placed on some piece of furniture or decor. In a children's room this could be desk, as well as an armchair, floor lamp or ottoman. And if a child lives here, a large purple ball or a retro-style bicycle can decorate the room.

Scandinavian style involves the use of practical things as decorative elements.

Also lilac the color will suit for Classicism, they can dilute the light colors that form the basis of the style. And shades of purple will look no less good in a children's room. Modern style. In this case, they can be combined not only with light shades, but also with yellow, blue, peach and even turquoise color. This will add brightness and personality to the room.

You can also decorate your children's room in Vintage style., where the seventh color of the rainbow is also appropriate. This trend is considered very fashionable and popular; it is well suited for a child of any age and gender.

In such a room it would be appropriate to combine lavender shades with blue, olive, white or muted yellow. But the furniture can be made dark, the best solution will be a wenge color that goes well with any shade of lilac.

Furniture and Decoration Materials It’s better to choose based on the principle of contrast. If the lilac color scheme becomes the basis for the design of the walls, floor and ceiling, then it will be preferable to choose furniture in light colors. Conversely, lilac furniture will look great against light walls.

Or you can use the principle of combination by choosing both furniture and finishing materials in lilac and some other shade. But in this case, it is better to take the help of a professional designer to correctly distribute the colors.

When decorating a children's room, it is important to remember that the child's tastes change.. Therefore, it is better to purchase finishing materials and furniture that can be easily and cheaply replaced.

Purple room for a girl

For walls, it is better to choose paint or non-woven wallpaper (they can be repainted). And even modern furniture It’s better to choose one that can also be repainted. For example, if a child gets tired of a lilac wooden table, chair or shelves, if desired, they can be made white or yellow using a jar of paint and a brush.

It is also possible to replace the fronts of cabinets or chests of drawers made of MDF. And sometimes this is even necessary, because the child will be happy to take part in remodeling his room, which is very useful for his development. By the way, lilac color promotes the development of a child’s creative abilities.

Textiles in lilac shades look very good in a children's room.- curtains, bedspread and decorative pillows. They fill the room with comfort and tranquility. And it is also important to remember that what smaller room, the more it is worth choosing in favor of soft and light tones. But in a spacious children's room you can safely experiment with any bright shades of lilac, filling it with energy, joy and good mood.

An orange children's room can influence the psychological state of a child. Interior bright color evokes positive emotions.

Pastel shades are reminiscent of the sun; they have a calming effect on the baby, like an antidepressant.

This shade is called the color of joy. Just look at the photo of the orange children's room to feel it.

Features of orange color

Strong exposure to too bright a color causes your heart rate to increase and your blood pressure to rise. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute the color with a neutral shade, such as green.

Then the interior will resemble a sunny lawn.

This design option is more suitable for girls, since a cheerful atmosphere is very important for them. Boys tend to prefer when orange is combined with gray tones. For easier understanding orange color The room is decorated so that this shade is not predominant.

Because the bright shade capable of invigorating, a nursery in orange is recommended for kids who are too calm.

The main thing is moderation

Orange tones influence the subconscious of children in such a way that they become more emotional and active. The constant overexcited state of a child devastates his nervous system.

Therefore, you should not decorate the room exclusively in orange.

If used bright wallpaper, they should occupy approximately 30% of the room. The rest should be decorated using neutral shades. You can combine orange with yellow, brown, purple and blue shades.

If the orange tone is neutral and muted, 60% of the interior area is allowed for it. In this case, it is appropriate to choose furniture in calm shades, with elements of green or brown.

For an active child, orange tones may not be used in the decoration of the room. A peaceful environment is appropriate here. Great option, if the walls are blue, pink or green, and the children's furniture is orange.

The healing properties of orange

A child can benefit from orange color in a children's room if he is going through a difficult period. Under the influence of the shade, it is easier for a child to cope with problems; he will feel a surge of energy and strength necessary to overcome difficulties.

Thanks to the orange interior, there is energy that needs an outlet. At these moments, girls show good creativity.

For example, it could be dancing or drawing. It's better for boys to burn off their energy with physical activity. Therefore, a punching bag or rope in his room would be appropriate.

It is very good that orange color can awaken energy, but the main task of parents is to direct it in the right direction.

Ideally, a couple of weeks after the renovation, the child will begin to attend clubs and sports sections, take walks during the day, and set aside time in the evening to read books.

How to choose an interior

Children's room orange tones requires the right combination bright and calm shades. To create balance when decorating with orange, it is possible to use gray tones.

Gray pink

What girl doesn't like pink, purple or coral? It is perfect for the walls of a children's room. The gray-pink shade can be combined with pastel or orange tones.

The room will be complemented by decorative items, beautiful curtains and furniture.


This color is considered neutral and suits both boys and girls. The green hue reminds children of summer because it is associated with grass.

Grayish blue

The colors of this option are more suitable for boys' rooms, especially if there is bright accents. Purple shades are good for teenagers to help them concentrate on their studies.

Dividing the room into zones

Since orange wallpaper in a nursery is invigorating, it is not advisable to decorate the entire room with only this color. It is ideal to divide the children's room into two parts - for active activities and for relaxation.

First option to issue bright color. It would be nice to separate the zones using a shelving unit or screen.

How to use space correctly

If the room is small, it is necessary to highlight the background and accent parts. When the background part is walls, it is better to choose furniture in calm shades.

With neutral walls, fairly bright furniture would be appropriate.

What to choose – painting or wallpaper?

If you decide to decorate the room in orange tones, it is worth considering that at the end of the renovation the shade may seem too intense. Then there will be a desire to repaint the walls.

Therefore, to decorate a room using this shade, paintable wallpaper is best suited.

It is important to take into account the child's wishes

Before starting repairs, you need to find out whether the child will like the chosen color. This is very important, because sometimes the orange tint causes rejection.

Proper use of orange will bring joy to the child, which means it will not have a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

Photo of an orange children's room