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The best color for the office. Choosing wall color for an office space. Optimal color combinations for your office

Wallpaper for an office needs to be chosen especially carefully, since firstly, the walls in office premises occupy a large area, and what they are covered with immediately attracts attention, and secondly, think about your clients, their initial impression will entirely depend on from wallpaper, and thirdly, wallpaper should be part of the office symbols, so that it is immediately clear to clients and employees what you do.

For an office you need to choose especially carefully, since firstly, the walls in office premises occupy a large area, and what they are covered with immediately attracts attention, and secondly, think about your clients, their initial impression will entirely depend on wallpaper, and thirdly, wallpaper should be part of the office symbols, so that it is immediately clear to clients and employees what you do.

As a rule, office premises can not be officially divided into three types. The first, work premises, are those premises where ordinary employees work. For this room you should choose classic wallpaper, bright colors should be completely excluded. The second type, offices of senior or middle ranks, negotiations, wallpaper should be selected for them, having previously agreed everything with the designer, so that the overall colors of the interior are in harmony with the wallpaper; amateur efforts should be kept to a minimum. Well, the third one, this is the director’s office, he can design it, characterized by his taste preferences, unless of course there are negotiations going on there.

Currently, two types of wallpaper are common: paper and vinyl. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
As a rule, paper ones can be glued to work office premises, since they do not contain harmful impurities, quickly pay for themselves, and are easy to glue. But, it’s worth noting that their strength is not very high. Well, that’s okay, even if something breaks, few people will pay attention to it. The colors should be the simplest, preferably cream shades, so as not to evoke any emotions, but simply create a neutral mood.

They look presentable and can be used enough for a long time, but some of them contain a number of harmful impurities and also do not allow air to pass through. As a rule, they can be glued in all three types of office premises.

As a rule, the task of every director or manager is to create the highest quality work team, while reducing building costs. With a competent approach to such interior details as wallpaper, you can significantly increase the working capacity of your staff, with making the right choice color range, and save money by choosing high-quality wallpaper.

Wallpaper is not curtains; replacing them is a troublesome and slow task. Having once pasted the wrong color, people are forced to “admire” them and reproach themselves for rushing to the next cosmetic repairs premises. Here are a few useful tips how to choose based on the size of the room and its functional purpose.

Joyful, cheerful colors (yellow or orange) evoke an optimistic, life-affirming mood. This must be taken into account before choosing, for example, for a children's room.

If you are solving the problem of how to choose the color of wallpaper for a living room, then you need to take into account that “warm” tones (yellow, dark red, brown) slightly “conceal” the space of the room. They visually “bring closer” the walls, but at the same time create the impression of comfort and coziness.

“Cold” tones of wallpaper colors (blue, blue, violet, blue-green, etc.), on the contrary, visually move the walls away from each other, thereby, as it were, “expanding” the interior space of the premises. This must be remembered before choosing the color of the wallpaper, for example, for the office.

You can “play” with a combination of “warm” and “cold” tones when choosing the color of wallpaper for a long room. It will look much more comfortable if the end walls are covered dark wallpaper, and the side ones are light.

Like these ones simple properties The impact of color on human perception must be taken into account before choosing the color of wallpaper for any room.

What colors are inappropriate in the office?

Red color is very active; with prolonged exposure it causes excitement, turning into aggressiveness. Is your office too calm and quiet? Bring heavy red tones into your interior - scandals and squabbles are guaranteed for a long time. But small accents of red, for example, some office accessories, will awaken the activity of employees.

Infantile pink color relaxes. If you don't want your employees to become lazy and indulge in frivolous fantasies, avoid pink.

The abundance of green calms, but this calmness gradually turns into indifference and laziness.

Deep blue and purple have a depressing effect on the psyche. Prolonged exposure to these colors can cause depression. The same applies to black.

Wallpaper. Selecting wallpaper color. Wallpaper color scheme.

When choosing the color scheme of rooms, as well as choosing wallpaper, we repeat already proven and well-known statements: green calms, blue depresses, red excites, etc. In general, this statement is true, it’s just too general. Moreover, color blind people generally confuse red and green colors. And each of us has our own characteristics of both color perception and color taste. Therefore, to avoid confusion in determining a particular color, there are special catalogs that contain thousands of color samples and its various shades.
Colors come in warm and cool colors. Warm colors are yellow, orange and red (roughly speaking), cool colors are purple, blue, cyan. Warm colors have either an invigorating or exciting effect on a person, while cold colors have either a calming or depressing effect. Being diluted (lightened), colors retain these qualities, but their effect is softened - than lighter tone, the weaker its impact.

Both the amount of color and the duration of exposure play a big role. The amount of color is understood as the percentage of the visible area of ​​a certain color relative to the entire visible space. Let us finally move on to the specific properties of wallpaper color, that is, to how wallpaper of different colors affects a person’s mood and well-being. We will talk only about color, without touching on the wallpaper pattern.

Let's start with shades of red. Wallpaper of the actual red color, as well as cherry and burgundy, will certainly create a depressing, alarming atmosphere in the room. No matter how solemn and majestic such wallpapers may look at first, they will delight your eyes for a day or two. Then general fatigue will set in, accompanied, perhaps, by dull irritation. The warm pink tone creates a sunset lighting effect, as if your room is always illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. Determine your attitude towards the sunset - and act accordingly. “Raspberry with cream” is a cool shade of pink. If in your perception a sunset is associated with sad thoughts, choose this shade. In most cases, it is perceived as more fresh and invigorating.
Orange color. Researchers who have conducted numerous tests claim that the color orange stimulates the appetite. Try to keep this in mind just in case. But orange walls will delight you with juiciness and freshness for a very short time. You need to have a very strong nervous system to be in the orange color room, this greatly affects the vision and psyche. A large number of warm shades- orange and yellow, can continuously keep a person in suspense. Light lemon yellow and light green (warm salad) may seem rustic at first glance. But after a few hours of staying in a room whose walls are painted in these colors, we will notice that from bad mood not a trace remained; moreover, the problem of mood simply lost its relevance. Light yellowish-greenish tones can have such an even, gently stabilizing effect for an infinitely long time - this is an extremely “non-traumatic” shade.

Cool shades of green - emerald, "sea wave" in both saturated and lightened versions - are very hygienic, but are more suitable for small rooms. IN large quantities cold green shades can cause apathy, which has a chance to degenerate into the well-known “green melancholy.” Bright and dark blue wallpaper is suitable for walls living rooms not bad, but not recommended for use in the kitchen. Blue, gray-blue and silver tones are a matter of taste. From the walls covered with wallpaper of such shades, there seems to be a slight chill blowing in, in association with the sky, sea ​​wave etc. Silver shades bring a feeling of coolness, purity, and freshness. But these shades are also “cold” psychologically, so single people should not choose them. The smooth, soft effect of silver-blue tones does not change over time and lasts for many years.

How to hide room defects using wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper, you should be guided not only by your own subjective feelings, but also by objective factors, like the volume of your room, the height of the ceiling, the flawlessness of the surface of the walls, etc. Fortunately, wallpaper provides almost endless possibilities for adjusting it.

Wallpaper for walls

Remember - a large pattern on wallpaper visually reduces the space. So if you are the owner of a small room, then you should prefer a design with small and sparse patterns. This will visually expand the space of the room. If you feel uncomfortable in an overly spacious apartment, then take a closer look at striped wallpaper for the walls. The fact is that vertical stripes visually reduce the overall volume of the room, but increase the height of the ceiling. The same goes for walls decorated with wallpaper with a vertical pattern - they visually increase the height of the ceilings. The walls seem to stretch out, and attention is concentrated in one direction - vertical. But horizontal stripes, on the contrary, reduce the height of the room. However, the wider the stripes, the less pronounced the optical effect of space compression. A room whose walls are painted in light, unpatterned tones appears larger. An even checkered pattern is used when you need to visually make the ceiling more massive and heavy. Of course, the room will decrease in height. In small rooms it is not recommended to use large, bright, contrasting patterns. If you can’t refuse them, try to collect them in one place - let there be a bright colorful spot in the room. with a diamond pattern visually expand the room. It is better not to cover the walls of a narrow and high room with completely identical wallpaper. Divide the room in height into three parts, cover the lower two-thirds with wallpaper of a more saturated color, and the third adjacent to the ceiling with light-colored wallpaper. The smaller the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be and the finer its pattern. And vice versa than bigger room, the richer the colors and the larger the pattern. In turn, the larger the pattern, the softer its color should be.
Irregularities on the walls and wallpaper

Wallpaper with a speckled background, reminiscent of spray from a spray bottle, will help hide some of the imperfections on the wall surface. However, this stylistic decision is unlikely to attract lovers of the classics. Plain wallpaper will look good only on absolutely smooth walls with an "infallible" surface. For dacha rooms, wallpaper in light colors with discreet patterns is suitable; they will reliably hide any possible unevenness in the walls. If the room has ledges and beams (as a rule, old houses abound with them), it is better to choose wallpaper for the walls with a colorful pattern. With them, the protrusions will not be so obvious.

Wallpaper and room style

Most often, we choose wallpaper for walls with an inexpressive and unclear pattern - and this is no coincidence: such a background is neutral in relation to interior items and does not attract attention to itself. The more contrasting the pattern, the more difficult it will be to combine it with furnishings. Plain wallpaper will look good only on absolutely flat walls with an “infallible” surface. But they will highlight exquisite interior items, if there are any, of course. They are also suitable if your walls are decorated with paintings, photographs, decorative panels etc. Wallpaper for walls with a chaotic varied pattern creates the impression of narrowness and causes a feeling of anxiety. If at the same time there is a patterned carpet on the floor, you cannot get rid of the feeling of disorder, even if the room is sparkling clean. often act depressingly. While wallpaper with a small pattern is calming and conducive to mental balance.
IN adjoining rooms you need to select wallpaper in such a way that the color change from one room to another is smooth. For example, a large room- golden, small - light lemon, hallway - light brown... Although with other layout options you can play with contrast. And, of course, the wallpaper should be in harmony with the furniture, its color and style. At the same time, you need to remember that it is still easier (and cheaper) to change wallpaper than furniture. Keep in mind that wallpaper for walls should be harmoniously combined with furniture and decorative items. How to create one uniform style, you can always consult with our designers directly in stores. But just remember: fashion is fashion, but you will have to live in the house. This means that you should be comfortable and warm in it.


Colors for office interiors

An office is a place where they WORK. This means that the main task of the color scheme is to help create a working environment. Stimulate activity, reduce fatigue, increase attentiveness and concentration, reduce nervous tension.

It is better to choose a neutral and light color for the office(heavy, dark colors they will “pressure” psychologically). A bright, saturated color is a strong irritant, so an intensely colored interior has an active effect on a person. Under the pressure of the color flow, feelings become dull, irritability increases, and performance decreases. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon bright colors or dark colors. Of course, active color accents in the office are needed to stimulate and invigorate. But they need to be handled very carefully, carefully dosed, like medicine. In coloristics, as well as in pharmaceuticals, an overdose can be harmful.

Warm colors have a stimulating, toning effect and increase performance.
Cold colors expand space, promote concentration and self-absorption.

What colors are best for office interiors?

Muted yellow has a positive effect on mental activity. It moderately tones and helps intellectual work.
Blue color calms and allows you to concentrate. Disputes and conflicts pass more smoothly among blue walls, sharp corners are smoothed out.
Gray, but not clean grey colour, and its varied, slightly tinted shades allow you to create a calm working environment. Gray is dispassionate and allows you to be in a businesslike mood.

What colors are inappropriate in the office?

Red color is very active; with prolonged exposure it causes excitement, turning into aggressiveness. Is your office too calm and quiet? Bring heavy red tones into your interior - scandals and squabbles are guaranteed for a long time. But small accents of red, for example, some office accessories, will awaken the activity of employees.
Infantile pink color relaxes. If you don't want your employees to become lazy and indulge in frivolous fantasies, avoid pink.
The abundance of green calms, but this calmness gradually turns into indifference and laziness.
Deep blue and purple have a depressing effect on the psyche. Prolonged exposure to these colors can cause depression. The same applies to black.

In addition to psychological ones, there are many other factors that influence the choice of color.
For example, the location of the room. Which side of the world do your windows face, how often does the sun come in? Rooms with windows facing south are often visited by the sun, and warm time It can be quite hot there during the year. The coloring of such rooms is usually done in cold colors. Northern, cool rooms can be “insulated” using yellow, terracotta and other warm shades. Color, of course, will not warm you physically, but it will create the illusion of warmth, which will affect the subjective feelings of people in the room.

Colors look different in artificial and natural light. When going to electric light warm colors lighten, and cold ones darken. The red color becomes more saturated, and the orange becomes closer to red. Blue tones turn green, light yellow ones become lighter, seeming completely white.

If you design an interior for a specific team, then you need to take into account more subtle nuances. His color preferences depend on a person’s level of intelligence. The higher the intelligence, the more complex, sophisticated shades are preferred. In this situation, it is better not to offer open blue tones or flashy orange - simple colors will cause boredom to your smart employees. Likewise, the desire for calm colors increases with age. Young people will not be interested in an environment of subtly harmonized muted tones, but for experienced older employees this is comfortable environment. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of temperament. The phlegmatic will be awakened by accents of red and orange, while the overly active will be calmed by the blue-green palette.
So, if you know the people who work in the office well, or imagine the composition of the future team, you can predict in what color climate they will be comfortable.

Interior color scheme depends on the type of activity in which people are engaged in the office. Suppose that a person works with texts and all day long he sees small black icons on a white background on the monitor screen (or on paper). It is necessary to provide him with the opportunity to relieve visual tension on large, evenly painted colored planes - without texture and small details.
What if the work involves color images or a large flow of varied visual information? An interior with large planes of a uniform, calm color (white or black is best), with clearly readable but soft contrasts, will balance out visual noise.

If the work is monotonous, make the interior “alive”, varied. If employees need to talk for a long time with visitors, some “technical” coloring will neutralize fatigue from active communication. A minimalist, restrained-colored interior will provide a break from intensely creative work.

Color has many possibilities that have not yet been fully explored. By properly managing color, you can change the perception of space, dampen noise and even neutralize odors.

Is your office small and densely populated? Pull apart the walls with withdrawing light, cool tones - blue-gray, pearl, water green.

Is your office a huge room where many people are working at the same time, and there is a constant hum of conversations and the hum of technology? Of course, it is impossible to get rid of noise in such a situation. But it is possible to change perceptions! There are colors that can reduce noise. These are the colors of the “quiet” range - unsaturated, cold: light blue, gray-blue. A calm range of pastel colors will reduce fatigue from crowds.

To neutralize odors, you need to use colors with the opposite psychological effect. The sweet smell can be calmed by “bitter” colors - blue or cool shades of green combined with white and black. “Sweet” tones - yellow, orange, pinkish - can cope with bitter odors. Too much unpleasant odors extinguish with sterility - shiny white or neat gray.

If in an office, for some reason, people are constantly moving around and creating “flickering” in the field of view, this is distracting and annoying. You can neutralize visual noise with a large statement piece, such as a bright painting or poster on the wall.

So, when choosing office colors, you should not be guided only by personal tastes and preferences.Color is a complex and multifaceted factor. Color in the office can solve many problems, but if used ill-considered, it can, on the contrary, create them. Ergonomic knowledge will help you choose the right color to good mood did not leave you, the work was successful, and the relationships in the team were harmonious.

Detailed description

Office renovations can take place according to two scenarios: traditional, when white, light beige or light gray tones are chosen for wall decoration, and also non-standard, when you need to create interesting design precisely due to the decoration of the walls. In the latter case, repairs usually involve the development of a design project and the involvement of specialist designers.

Choosing an unconventional path for finishing does not always lead to an increase in the cost of the project. Moreover, the cost of design and design pays off much faster than the cost of simply painting the walls the same color as it was. Creation of original office design, including through interesting decoration walls

  • increases the productivity of office employees,
  • provides them with comfort in the workplace,
  • increases the attractiveness of the office and the services offered to clients,
  • forms a positive opinion about the company.

It’s safe to say that the efficiency of its work and profit in the short term depend on how much it costs to renovate an office.

Principles of color selection

The color of the walls is selected depending on

  • room area,
  • location of windows relative to cardinal directions,
  • the size of the windows and the degree of illumination of the room.

In some cases, the disadvantage natural light can be adjusted by adding additional light sources. Traditionally, warm shades are used to decorate walls and rooms with north-facing windows, while cool tones will help cool the interior of south-facing rooms.

In addition, the choice of wall color is influenced by

  • choosing an interior design style,
  • wishes of the management, owners and employees of the office,
  • the color of the furniture, if it is not intended to be replaced,
  • others color finishing materials, if they have already been selected and purchased, as well as
  • principles of the influence of color on the human psyche.
  • Psychologists believe that the choice of colors in office design and in particular for wall decoration affects performance, composure and concentration, brain activity, the state of the nervous system and fatigue. Many years of practice have proven the validity of their conclusions.

    So, psychologists believe that

    • an excess of bright colors distracts, overloads the nervous system, excites,
    • variegation can cause headaches and increase fatigue,
    • calm warm colors can improve performance,
    • cold shades visually expand the space, give it volume, and also promote concentration,
    • the combination of cold and warm shades allows you to achieve the desired efficient work psychological background,
    • green color has a positive effect on vision, gives rest to the eyes during hard work on the computer, promotes concentration, but this does not mean that the office should be completely decorated in green tones; the presence of details and spots of this color is quite enough,
    • gray calms and calms,
    • pale yellow increases mental activity,
    • purple and blue can suppress emotions and even cause depression, in the office purple has a negative effect on mental activity, and blue reduces performance and puts you in a dreamy mood,
    • pink shades also reduce productivity and are not recommended for decorating office space.

    For decorating walls in offices where employees are busy creative work, it is recommended to be more creative, use more color combinations and smooth transitions. Premises in which strict calculations are carried out or sales are carried out should be decorated in a more strict style so that nothing distracts employees and clients from the main task.

Based on research conducted by scientists, it has been established that the environment in the office affects labor productivity, the desire to come to work and stay in the office the whole working day. Therefore, the choice of colors should be approached wisely, taking into account the psychological state of workers when perceiving a particular color. What color to choose for the walls in the office?

When choosing a design for an office, you should take into account many factors and the influence of colors on a person’s visual perception. To create an overall picture, you can give the following examples of wall painting:

  • Gray and its derivatives or neutral colors. Refers to calm tones. They do not irritate the eyes, but cause despondency and apathy. The gray shade of the walls in the office matches the color of the employees' clothes, so it is possible that soon everyone will fall asleep at work, and as a result, labor productivity will decrease.
  • Painting the office yellow. The opinion of psychologists is twofold. Some believe that this color of the office pleases the eye, lifts the mood and increases productivity. Experts have a different opinion that in such an environment it will simply be impossible to concentrate on the task at hand. Both are scientifically substantiated and have their own evidence, but for each person, the attitude towards this color is individual and everything will depend on his perception.

  • Green. For the office, this tone is the most optimal. It does not tire you out during the working day, and therefore you can work quietly for a long time. Decorating walls with green color is soothing to the eye. When doing work that requires concentration, this is the most suitable solution. The design of the selected covering in green tones gives it a business-like appearance at the same time.

  • Blue. If you paint the walls of office premises with this color, then the productivity of employees will also be improved. high level. If your work activity involves calculations or small details, then this solution will be optimal. It is important to choose the color blue, not blue, otherwise the perception will be the opposite.

  • Brown. When choosing such a design, you should take into account that it has a depressing effect on the human psyche. But if you paint the walls, for example, in an investigator’s office, it creates a feeling of security for visitors.

  • Red. Only creatively minded workers can choose such tones. A room painted in similar tones enhances emotionality and causes aggressiveness in mentally unbalanced people. Red is invigorating and good for people whose work activity is aimed at performing physical labor. This color is strictly not recommended for use in the office of a manager involved in negotiations and concluding contracts. Such a design will only aggravate the situations that arise when solving controversial issues, cause excitement, irritation and, perhaps, conflict situations.

  • Orange. Applying this tone to the walls will be ideal for receiving clients and concluding contracts. But it is recommended to use an orange tint; it is softer and does not irritate the eyes.

  • Violet. It calms and helps you relax, so certain places can be painted in these tones.

  • White. Painting the walls in an office in this color will make even a small room visually larger; white also gives a business-like and austere look.

  • Black color in the office is used to create contrast with other tones. In general, black will only cause negative reactions from others.

How to choose the right shades

The chosen design depends on several parameters, and in order to correctly determine what exactly is suitable, you do not have to be a specialist. The following factors should be considered:

  • room area parameters;
  • Which sides are the windows facing?
  • room illumination;
  • window opening sizes.
  • If additional lighting is needed, this problem can be solved by adding lamps on tables or walls.
  • Decorative paints of warm shades are used for rooms whose windows are directed to the north side, and, on the contrary, cool tones are used for the south sides.

The color of the walls in the office also depends on the furniture intended for purchase or available in the room.

  • interior style;
  • personal wishes of employees or managers;
  • furniture color schemes;
  • colors of other finishing materials, if available;
  • impact on mental condition.

On video: paints for the office and living room.

Psychologists' opinion

As noted above, the color of the walls in the office has a direct impact on a person’s mental state, his performance, including the ability to concentrate on tasks and, in general, his productivity during the working day. In practice, many factors have been confirmed.

List of expert opinions:

  • The design, rich in bright colors, is aimed at stimulating the nervous system.
  • Decorative paint different colors and shades can trigger migraines and increase fatigue.
  • Calm tones are good; they increase performance.
  • It is recommended to choose cool colors for small areas; they visually expand the space and provide focus on a particular task.
  • The best results are achieved by combining warm and cold shades, and the effect on the human psyche will be positive.
  • The green color is always pleasing to the eye; this solution ensures the concentration of employees’ attention, especially if their activities involve working on a computer.
  • Design in gray tones calms you down, but also allows you to fall asleep at work.
  • Yellow color is used to increase mental activity.
  • Decisions on choosing purple or blue colors, they suppress performance.
  • Pink colors also have a negative impact on labor productivity.

The manager or his subordinates decide what color to paint the office. But if the work being done is related to creativity, then bright and rich colors should be used. For work that requires concentration, calmer shades are suitable.

Office decoration

What color should I use when decorating my office? Such a decision depends on the opinions of employees, including their type of activity. But it should be borne in mind that the choice of light shades is most optimal for employees. This gives both efficiency and efficiency.

The main goal is compliance with labor safety standards, including maintaining health in the process labor activity. Every manager should know this, since he is the one responsible for the health of his subordinates.

If it is difficult to independently determine which colors to choose for decorating your workspace, especially if the work has different directions, then it is recommended to turn to professionals. Specially trained people who have supporting documents for this type of activity will be able to correctly assess the situation and find a suitable solution.

Beautiful color combinations (2 videos)

Thousands of books have been written on how to increase work efficiency. But it is quite possible that smart heads are not all that a leader needs. After all, the environment in which a person works has a significant impact on energy, creativity and the ability to concentrate. And experts continue to prove the relationship between the workplace and performance. We have put their recommendations together and compiled a set of rules - what you need to know about the influence of color and how to use it correctly.

Team spirit

If you work in a team, a great solution would be to decorate the interior in blue and tones, as these colors contribute to a feeling of trust and ease of communication. In addition, these colors prevent tension from building up when disagreements arise within the team. That is why the break room, if you have one in your office, is also useful to decorate with such color accents.

Photo: Design Milk

On the other hand, peace and quiet are not always good for work, and if your creative team often gathers for brainstorming sessions, you should definitely include green color- harmonious, balanced and stimulating creativity. He doesn't have to be dominant, he just has to be.

Photo: Design Milk

There are also cases when it is recommended to paint the workspace in. For example, red is needed where people work at night, because this color stimulates brain activity. Orange is good where people need to be energetic, and yellow – active and lively (can you guess why fast food restaurants and bistros, where employees need to be efficient, and where visitors stop in for a bite and run away, are decorated primarily in these colors?).

The Color Productivity Palette: How Color Can Influence Workplace Behavior

Research shows that our perception of the surrounding reality. The more intense the color, the stronger its impact. Scientists have also found that people experience psychological changes when exposed to certain colors. So colors can:

  • excite
  • stimulate
  • calm down
  • drive
  • increase appetite
  • create a feeling of warmth or coolness

Photo: Aurimas

How to choose correct colors for different spaces?


What is he doing? Inspires a sense of optimism, stimulates and gives energy. Too much yellow in a space can make people feel anxious and will increase their temperament.

For rooms where energy and creativity are required - as small color accents.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Orange color

What is he doing? Activates creativity and inspires enthusiasm.

What is it best suited for? Like yellow - for rooms where energy and creativity are required, as small ones.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Red color

What is he doing? Increases heart rate, enhances brain activity, stimulates appetite.

What is it best suited for? First of all, for premises where people work at night or do physical labor.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Green color

What is he doing? Increases creativity, inspires something new, gives a feeling of harmony and balance, enhances creativity, reduces anxiety, reduces eye strain.

What is it best suited for? For, where the main activity of employees is innovation; for premises where staff constantly and monotonously work at computers; for offices and spaces where brainstorming takes place.

Photo: Haldane Martin

Grey colour

What is he doing? Causes a feeling of self-doubt.

What is it best suited for? If the manager does not have insidious plans to suppress the will of his subordinates and enslave the employees of a particular office, then it must be used exclusively as a background for bright colors, like red or yellow.

Photo: Mazzali

White color

What is he doing? Creates a feeling of space (especially in combination with natural lighting) and increases creativity.

What is it best suited for? ideal for spaces where the main activity of employees is to invent, compose, create.

Photo: dhub limited

A few rules for creating a highly effective workspace

  • stimulate more than pale ones.
  • Accent colors help balance a space. On the contrary, the dominance of a certain color in a room leads to imbalance. The golden mean is to choose a couple of accent colors and stick with them.
  • Red is a very specific color and, as you can see, it is not suitable for all workspaces. But as an accent, red can be used with great benefit for business, for example - in a meeting room.

Photo: dhub limited

  • Yellow is good accent color for a room where workers need to constantly focus and concentrate on something.
  • Texture also matters: smooth, shiny surfaces are more energetic.
  • The same rules can be used to distinguish between residential and work area. If you are not tied to the office and do your work at home, paint your “work corner” in a color with characteristics that suit you.

Photo: atravellingmom

Yulia Lyubeznova