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Pink putty. What kind of putty (putty) there is - choose the desired type. Types of putties for interior work

November 12, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

IN Lately One of the most popular methods of finishing walls and ceilings is decorative plaster, which allows you to obtain a wide variety of textures. Moreover, for decorative plastering it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive compounds. In this article I will tell you how to make decorative plaster with your own hands from ordinary putty.

Options for decorative plastering of walls with putty

Nowadays, home craftsmen have come up with many ways to decoratively plaster walls using ordinary putty. The most interesting, in my opinion, are the following:

Method 1: plastering using stencils

If you want the wall decoration to be original and beautiful, I recommend decorative plastering of the surface using stencils. To do this you will need:

  • acrylic finishing putty;
  • starting putty - will be needed if you want to apply patterns more than 3 mm thick;
  • color;
  • primer;
  • stencil;
  • acrylic paint.

The most difficult stage of work in this case is making the stencil. It can be made from a thin sheet of plywood or even cardboard.

The stencil is made as follows:

  1. draw a design on a sheet or cardboard. This could be a bunch of grapes, leaves, imitation stonework, graphic designs or anything else you like.
    If you cannot draw a picture yourself, print it on a printer and transfer it to plywood or cardboard;
  2. then the drawing needs to be cut out. If the stencil is made of plywood, you will need a jigsaw for these purposes. To work on cardboard, you can use a regular sharp stationery knife.

You can begin applying the finishing coat only after the walls have been leveled and primed.

Application process decorative covering with your own hands in this case it looks like this:

  1. First of all, you need to add a small amount of acrylic paint to the finishing putty to set the basic tone of the surface. Mix the color thoroughly to obtain a uniform color of the putty;
  2. then apply the composition in an even layer to the entire surface of the wall or ceiling and wait until it dries completely;
  3. Next, the surface should be cleaned with a spatula and covered with primer. Let me remind you that the primer is applied in two thin layers using a brush and a paint roller;

  1. After this, you need to attach a stencil to the wall and apply unpainted putty to it, as a result of which a pattern will be formed. The stencil should be removed after the putty has set, otherwise the pattern may become deformed;
  2. after the second layer of putty has hardened, you need to sand the sharp edges of the patterns with fine abrasive sandpaper to give them a natural look;
  3. then the patterns need to be painted acrylic paint using a brush;

  1. After the paint has dried, you can lightly rub the patterns with sandpaper and fine abrasive.

Method 2: Venetian plaster

Using putty you can even imitate Venetian plaster. For this we will need the following materials:

  • finishing acrylic putty;
  • color;
  • primer;
  • wax or varnish.

The technology for applying decorative plaster looks like this:

  1. First of all, the wall needs to be primed. If its color is different from white, primer paint should be used;
  2. then you need to tint the finishing putty in the main color and apply it to the wall in a thin, even layer using a wide spatula or chalk. You can read more about puttying walls from other articles on our resource dedicated to this topic;

  1. after the base layer has completely hardened, the surface should be cleaned with a spatula, removing small irregularities, and then cleaned of dust;
  2. then the wall must be covered with transparent primer;
  3. Now you need to paint the finishing putty in two colors. To do this, you can use one color, which is added to one putty in several more than the other;

  1. then Apply putty of different colors to the surface with chaotic strokes and smooth;
  2. At the end of the work, walls finished in this way should be covered with wax or thin layer varnish

As a result, you will get a surface reminiscent of glossy marble, which is exactly what decorative Venetian plaster is typical of.

Method 3: textured plastering using newspaper

This method of plastering is quite simple. To implement it you will need the following materials:

  • putty - if you want to get a deep texture, it is better to use the starting composition, since finishing material may crack;
  • acrylic paint;
  • newspaper.

First we need to make a tool with which we will give the surface a certain texture. To do this, crumple the newspaper into a handle with a ball at the end. Place a cellophane bag on the end of the ball to prevent the newspaper from getting wet.

Instead of newspaper, you can crumple plastic film, but in this case the texture will be completely different.

Further work is carried out as follows:

  1. apply putty to the walls or ceiling in a layer of several millimeters or even thicker;
  2. then use newspaper to give the putty texture;
  3. after the surface has hardened, you need to prime it and paint it with acrylic paint;
  4. At the end of the work, the painted surface can be rubbed with fine sandpaper to lighten the putty on protruding areas.

It must be said that you can add texture to the putty not only with newspaper, but also with other tools, for example, a textured spatula or even a sponge. You can also create a texture in the form of fish scales using a spatula or a small spoon.

Method 4: Versailles plaster

To perform Versailles plaster under travertine, you will need the following materials:

  • starting putty (gypsum-based dry mixture);
  • finishing putty (dry gypsum based);
  • quartz soil;
  • acrylic paint;
  • aluminum powder (silver).

Versailles decorative plaster from ordinary putty is done as follows:

  1. treat the surface with quartz primer;
  2. mix the dry mixtures in a 1:1 ratio, then add water and stir the solution thoroughly. To ensure that there are no small lumps in the putty, you need to leave it for 5 minutes and then mix it again with a mixer;

  1. Next, the solution must be applied to the surface in a layer of about 3 mm. For these purposes, you can use a spatula or smoother;
  2. then you should apply the design using a plastic trowel. The pattern is applied in wavy, chaotic movements;

  1. After the putty has dried, the surface must be cleaned with a spatula and then sanded with fine sandpaper P60. As a result, the plaster should be textured, but at the same time quite smooth;
  2. then the surface must be cleaned of dust and primed;
  3. After the soil has dried, the surface must be painted with water-dispersion paint. It is best to paint plaster in beige color, however, if you wish, you can use any other tone at your discretion;

  1. Next, the silver must be mixed with varnish or primer in a one-to-one ratio and applied over the paint using a paint roller. During the painting process, you should not press it too hard against the wall so that only the top of the texture is painted with silver;
  2. At the end of the work, the surface must be varnished water based or wax.

Before applying the varnish, it is advisable to dilute it with water in a ratio of 50:50. In this case, it does not form a visible film on the surface, but at the same time gives the finish gloss and also makes it more durable.

This completes the Versailles plaster. It must be said that its implementation will not require large expenses, as if you were using textured paint or other special compounds, since the price of putty is several times lower.

Method 5: bark beetle

Bark beetle is a common decorative plaster, which is most often used for finishing facades. To make this plaster ourselves we will need the following materials:

  • cement-based putty (universal or for outdoor use);
  • marble chips or other filler;
  • primer;
  • water dispersion paint.

This plaster is done by hand as follows:

  1. First you need to mix the dry mixture with marble chips in a ratio of 1:4, i.e. one part crumb to four parts cement putty;
  2. then the dry mixture must be mixed with water so that the resulting consistency is thick sour cream. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that the marble chips are distributed evenly;
  3. Next, the solution must be applied to the surface in a thin layer, which depends on the size of the filler;

  1. 5-7 minutes after application, when the composition begins to set, the plaster should be rubbed, making reciprocating movements with a small tool. This way you will form a “bark beetle” texture;
  2. At the end of the work, the plaster needs to be primed and painted.

Here, in fact, are all the methods of decorative plastering using putty that I wanted to tell you about.


Using putty for decorative plastering of surfaces allows you to significantly save on finishing. Wherein appearance such a coating and its durability is not inferior to special decorative mixtures and textured paints.

I recommend additionally watching the video in this article, which clearly shows the process of applying Versailles plaster. If any points raise questions for you, leave them in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

November 12, 2016

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Putty is a material in the form of a powder or paste, which is indispensable for repairs and is used to level the surface of walls and prepare it for other manipulations, for example, painting. Modern shops building materials offer a wide range of this product, and to do right choice, it is necessary to study individual types of putties, understand the features of their use, advantages and disadvantages.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to have a good understanding of the characteristics of a particular putty, what work the composition is intended for, and what properties are inherent in it. Let's try to sort each one out separate species putty for walls according to purpose, degree of readiness and composition.

By purpose

Depending on what function the putty performs (i.e. what it is intended for), four types can be distinguished:

  • Leveling putty. This is a starting putty that is used on initial stage, allows you to make the relief of a wall or ceiling even, hides marks, for example, left by self-tapping screws, and eliminates various cracks and chips if present. Efficiency of use, strength and durability are ensured by the coarseness of the composition and the application of a fairly thick layer of about three centimeters. Dries quickly and is almost impossible to sand. After applying this layer, the surface of the walls becomes rough.

As a rule, leveling putty is applied to a surface made of brick or concrete. You can leave this layer without applying finishing putty, but it will not be possible to apply paint or wallpaper to such walls; instead, for example, panels would be a suitable option.

  • Finishing putty. Applied in a thin layer, it prepares the surface of walls and ceilings for finishing: painting, plastering or wallpapering. The fine-grained structure and plasticity of the building mixture make it possible to make the walls absolutely smooth. The finishing putty is usually creamy and should only be used on smooth walls. The thickness of the layer is usually no more than 0.5 centimeters; a larger layer is more difficult to sand, and cracks may appear on it after drying.

This type of mixture differs from leveling putty in being less durable. This putty is usually applied in several layers, allowing each layer to dry completely.

  • Universal putty. Can be used both as a leveling and finishing putty. This type suitable for any surface, provides a smooth and even coating without cracks, chips or other damage, completely ready for paint, wallpaper or plaster. However, such putty will not be cheap. The material is quite durable and easy to sand. But in general, the quality of such finishing will be lower than finishing using starting and finishing putty.

As a rule, universal putty is used by those who do not have experience working with more professional mixtures.

  • Special putty “Seam”. This is another type of putty mixture, which is intended exclusively for small repair work. Most often, drywall joints are sealed with this mixture.

By degree of readiness

What types of putties are there in appearance and packaging, what are their features? The putty can be dry or immediately ready for use. Dry putty is usually presented in powder form and is diluted with water. This variety is usually sold in bags of 5-25 kilograms. The shelf life is one year. It can only be stored dry, as the diluted composition dries quickly.

Ready-made putty is sold on a latex or dispersion basis in plastic buckets. This variety is quite popular among consumers. Special substances in the mixture usually ensure long-term storage of the product. Let's look at the pros and cons of each variety.


Its main advantages:

  • convenient dosage;
  • the ability to choose the consistency of the mixture;
  • preparing the solution yourself is quite simple;
  • can be stored for a long time in closed packaging at any temperature;
  • Not high price.
  • you need to have some skills to ensure high quality and durability of the finish;
  • loss of basic properties, inability to use for its intended purpose in case of improper mixing;
  • high drying rate, as a result - unsuitability for subsequent processing, which leads to difficulty in calculating proportions, and also makes it necessary to use putty immediately after dilution;
  • There is a high probability that the putty will spoil if exposed to moisture or stored in a room with high humidity.


The finished putty mixture has no less advantages:

  • plastic;
  • long shelf life even after opening the package;
  • no need to knead, can be applied immediately after purchase;
  • ease of application;
  • can be used not only for walls, ceilings, but also on wood, metal or drywall;
  • the surface treated with the finished mixture is highly durable and resistant to moisture and damage;
  • saving time on repairs.

The only negative is the high cost.

On a basic basis

There are different types of putties for interior work, which differ in composition:

  • Based on gypsum. Components are gypsum, polymer additives, as well as various fillers. Gypsum putties are most effective when finishing rooms with low humidity levels. This type is intended for interior work to ensure the safety of gypsum from moisture. The material is fairly safe, odorless, and generally inexpensive. It has good thermal insulation and fire resistance, is elastic, and is white in color.

The material “breathes”, playing some role in creating the microclimate in the room. However, this finish is easily damaged.

  • Cement based. Suitable cement putty for interior work and exterior finishing. It consists of several elements - cement (for binding), sand (as a filler) and water (solvent). The main focus should be on sand - coarse and clean sand is most suitable. The water temperature should be about 20 degrees. After the cement-based putty has dried, the surface must be sanded. The diluted mixture has a short shelf life, so it is better to use it within 5-24 hours.

The mixture is often used in rooms with increased level humidity, for example in bathrooms, kitchens, toilets. However, cement putty is not suitable for wooden covering. Disadvantages include a rather grainy composition, a yellow tint and inelasticity.

  • Polymer putty. It is a universal mixture for cement, concrete, gypsum or polyurethane surfaces. Usually has a high cost. Divided into acrylic and latex putty, it is an environmentally friendly, safe and elastic material.

  • Water-dispersive putty. It is used on concrete, brick, aerated concrete, wood, stone and other types of surfaces.

  • Oil-glue mixture. As a rule, it is used on wooden or concrete surfaces, preparing walls and ceilings for the application of enamel, oil or water-dispersion paint. It is a mixture of glue, drying oil with chalk and some additives. Effective when working with wet surfaces, for example, window bays, doors, window sills and the like. You can use it to eliminate defects.

This mixture is characterized by low cost, but it also has some disadvantages - it is short-lived, the components included in its composition can be harmful to health.

  • Acrylic. Typically used on final stage to create a smooth surface for subsequent painting, it is adhesive and weather-resistant. There is also a chemical universal acrylic putty with a fine-grained structure that is easy to sand. It is resistant to damage. It can be applied in both thin and thick layers, and is environmentally friendly, safe and of high quality.

  • Latex. Most often it is used to treat drywall, seams, niches or arches, but it can be damaged by low temperatures. It is quite plastic and durable, it is simple and easy to use.

  • Facade acrylic mixture. This is a separate subtype of acrylic putty, it is moisture resistant, it is convenient to use on surfaces made of concrete, wood or plaster. Virtually undamaged, durable, high speed drying, easy to sand.

  • A highly specialized putty – Shakril. It is used for skirting boards and leveling walls after plastering. After this, the surface is perfect for finishing with tiles or whitewash.

How to make the right choice?

Before purchasing this building material, carefully study the instructions, scope of application and properties. Based own preferences decide what is better - to buy putty dry or in finished form. Choose the composition in accordance with the type of surface, work conditions, and also take into account the purpose of the mixture.

It should be noted that if the surface needs to be prepared for wallpapering, then it is better to buy a dry mixture. Also in this case, the white shade of the putty surface will be a more optimal option.

When carrying out interior work, the use of putty with sand filler is not recommended. Experts advise purchasing putty materials from the same manufacturer, since they usually have the greatest compatibility.

You should also pay attention to the shelf life; as a rule, it is no more than 12 months. After the shelf life expires, the putty begins to lose its properties and its use will not be effective.
Purchasing a universal mixture, for example, acrylic, which is recommended for use by beginners, will help reduce the risk of making the wrong choice.

First of all, you need to decide on the subject of consideration. Putty - a powder or paste mixture for filling uneven surfaces intended for finishing works. The word comes from the German Spachtel (scapula).

There are many types of putties. Many are used to make them various materials: from glue to drying oil. There are two variants of spelling, reading and pronunciation of this word: putty and putty. The first one refers to professional vocabulary, and the second is commonly used.

Today there are enough big choice materials for leveling surfaces

Composition of mixtures

All putties on sale have approximately the same preparation formula:

  • Substances that form a film. Such as: various ester, epoxy, phenol-formaldehyde and alkyd resins.
  • Fillers. This role can be played by gypsum, chalk, and mica. In special types of material, more specific substances may be used.
  • Various pigments: ocher, zinc white.
  • Binder. Many compositions play this role: from PVA glue to special epoxy resins.

Types of putties

Modern builders and repairmen know 9 types of this material:

The use of putties for interior decoration

Regarding interior decoration premises, the following types of putties can be distinguished: starting, finishing, specialized and universal.

Starting lineups are the most common. It is very important to choose the right starting coating, since it is on it that the subsequent finishing will be applied. For this type of material it is important to have good adhesion to the base, have sufficient strength and maximum filling and leveling of defects. It is very common to use gypsum putty as a starting material.

For long-term work I use compounds with a lifespan of 8 to 24 hours.

Need to know!
The lifespan of the composition is the time from closing/opening the package until drying. Mixing the composition is the process of adding a solvent. In complex or special situations, it is envisaged to use compounds with a lifespan of half an hour to three hours.

Mechanization of coating application will help to significantly reduce putty consumption and time. With the help of mechanized means, it becomes possible to process 400 m2 of surface per shift.

The material can be applied to the wall not only manually, but also mechanically

Finishing compositions are designed to create a surface completely ready for subsequent finishing. The choice of a specific type of finishing composition depends entirely on the method of finishing the walls. Putty for painting must have a minimum radius of filler grains. The most best views materials have a filler fraction of no more than 100 microns. Such materials provide a perfectly smooth surface that does not require grinding. When choosing materials for wall decoration, it is very important to have an idea of ​​how they will interact with each other. Incorrectly combined basecoat or topcoat with paint can result in peeling, staining or blistering of the finish.

For applying wall putty under wallpaper, the size of the filler fraction is not so critical. From 150 to 250 microns is the best option. A lower value is better to use with thinner wallpaper or fabric materials for pasting. If the future coating is thick enough, then all putty on the walls under the wallpaper may be limited to the starting coating.

Specialized putties are designed to perform specific tasks. For example, putty for sealing joints between plasterboard panels without additional reinforcement or plastic putties for filling moving cracks. Due to the narrow application specification, the manufacturer specifies the exact area for each specific type of special putty.

Universal putties are three in one. They combine the properties of starting, finishing and even special putties. This is convenient for non-professionals. No need to get lost in choosing the most suitable option, you can take one type and do all the work with it - from small filling of cracks, to complete renovation walls In addition, using one type instead of three helps reduce putty consumption.

Car repair

No repair of a damaged body can be done without a special epoxy or polyester putty. The procedure for coating a car body is practically no different from covering walls with putty. The same starting and finishing layers. The only difference is the putty used to match the body paint. In the case of the body, another layer of finishing putty appears, filling microcracks and irregularities.

Putty market

The situation on the building materials market is very interesting. On the one hand, in the minds of the average person, foreign manufacturers are more popular, whose names are well-known: “Tikkurila”, “Semin Sem”, “Knauf” and other inhabitants of near Europe. On the other hand, the domestic market is full quality product locally produced, the same Tex putties.

Russian materials under the Tex brand are gradually conquering the market

In any case, there are as many opinions as there are people. Therefore, the choice between Finnish guests and Russian Tex putties is a personal matter for everyone.

Putty, as we have seen, is not just a material, it is a concept of a material. There are a huge number of types of putties, each of which perfectly copes with its tasks.

The final operation to level the surfaces is to putty the walls and ceilings. Home craftsmen successfully cope with the procedure of leveling walls, but with the ceiling things are much more complicated. Today there is a great variety of ceiling putties: gypsum, acrylic, adhesive, basic, finishing, ready-made, dry, expensive, cheap, domestic, imported... Not every professional consultant in a construction hypermarket, not to mention the owners, can figure this out who decided to level the ceiling. Today we will tell you which putty is best for the ceiling, and how to find the one you need among the wide range on the market.

Features of ceiling putty

Putty is a thick plastic mass that is used for work related to puttying of room walls, building facades and ceilings. Putties from mortar differ in dispersion - smaller particle size, the diameter of which is less than 200 microns. Putty mixtures contain binder fillers (cement, gypsum, lime and sand), with which the material hardens after a little time, and special additives.

In addition, ceiling putty mixtures may contain additional components that improve the properties of the mass, such as:

  • Regulators for hardening and setting of mass;
  • Plasticizers;
  • Water repellents - in putty intended for finishing rooms with high humidity;
  • Coloring pigments;
  • Cellulose polyesters - provide quick drying, high resistance to water and durability of the coating.

Ceiling puttying is carried out to level the surface and only on solid, clean and durable bases. Putty can be used to process plaster, stone, brickwork, concrete, gypsum concrete, light construction and insulating boards, plasterboard. Surfaces that are considered unsuitable for ceiling putty work are those that for a long time were in a wet state, metal, plastic and glass.

Typically, ceilings are puttied for only three purposes. The first of them is putty for painting. This is the most time-consuming and difficult option, because there is a need to obtain a high-quality coating, since after applying the paint, all defects will immediately be detected by the naked eye.

The second option is wallpaper putty. In this situation, there is no need to create a high-quality coating, but only need to remove large defects and visually level out unevenness. Of course, even this process can sometimes be quite tedious. The third option is putty for applying decorative plaster to the ceiling. In this case, there is no need to create an ideal, so-called “glass” coating.

Properties of ceiling putty

Buying the right putty will help you achieve high level finishing, like painting the ceiling surface with acrylic paint. Errors in choosing this substance or inappropriate use of putty can ruin the entire work, so always treat this procedure with increased attention.

Before choosing a putty for the ceiling, you should pay attention to the properties of the putty. The smaller the filler fractions are, the thinner you can make the putty layer. A composition with large ingredients (up to 0.6 millimeters) is intended for applying a base leveling layer. Mixtures with fraction sizes up to 0.3 millimeters are used for finishing ceiling.

Smaller inclusions (up to 0.2 millimeters in size) have polymer putties, which form the thinnest and smoothest leveling layers. The higher the grinding of the gypsum, the smaller its particles will be, and finishing coating thinner. To determine the minimum permissible thickness finishing layer for a specific material, find the numerical fraction size on the packaging of the finished composition and multiply it by 3.

Modifiers make the putty convenient, plastic and pliable to work with. It is important that when applying the substance to the ceiling, it smooths out easily, does not flow down and does not form visible seams. Therefore, it is recommended to clarify the time during which the solution will remain “workable” and will not begin to thicken.

Similar performance (based on one bucket of solution) is maintained on average for gypsum mixtures - 30 - 60 minutes, cement mass- up to 2 hours, and polymer ones - up to several days in a closed container. It is also recommended to find out the time when the layer of plaster applied to the ceiling will finally harden. All such parameters are influenced primarily by modifying additives.

Each manufacturer has its own technology for preparing modifiers. Therefore, before purchasing putty, you should carefully read the recommendations and instructions on the product packaging. Neglecting this rule will lead to disastrous results. If cracks appear on the hardened layer, do not judge strictly the poor quality of the putty. It is possible that the work was carried out:

  • at an air temperature of more than 30 or less than 5 degrees Celsius;
  • at air humidity that exceeds 80%;
  • under the influence of direct rays of the sun.

Remember that the most optimal working conditions, which meet the requirements of many instructions, are air humidity 60%, temperature close to 20 degrees. Try to create such conditions in the room shortly before applying putty to the ceiling. Other conditions require adjustment of the putty application technology in a certain direction.

Also pay attention to the presence of an ingredient such as sand in the putty. Substances with sand are best used for facade works, because due to the component used, their color is gray “dirty”. But for the ceiling it is better to choose putty without sand. It is quite difficult to work with such a composition, but the end result will impress you - the ceiling will be smooth and even.

Dry and paste putties

Manufacturers produce putties in the form of a dry mixture or paste, ready for use. Powdered material can be easily transported and stored even in cold warehouses. To prepare the solution, the dry product is poured in strictly defined proportions into a container with water, and the mass is stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To obtain a homogeneous mixture in large volumes and, moreover, without lumps, use a drill mixer with a nozzle speed of no more than 800 rpm.

In the putty layer, so-called “shells” - voids - are formed from such a mixture. Therefore, after the stirring procedure, the mass must be left alone for 5 - 15 minutes. During this time, the binder will have time to dissolve, the modifiers will “work”, and the air bubbles will come out. Then the whole mass is stirred again for 5 minutes.

Ready-to-use putties are intended for those owners who want to get a thinner layer when finishing the ceiling, and in this case there will be less dust. To obtain such a putty, manufacturers use a particularly fine filler with a fraction size of 0.002 - 0.1 millimeters. The kneading is done using special equipment; such a solution is almost impossible to make with a simple mixer, because dry substances will remain in the mixture after the “manual” method.

Ready-made putties are produced using an aqueous acrylic or vinyl mixture, as well as organic solvent. Unlike the dry mixture, the finished mixture cannot be transported and stored at negative temperature. The only exceptions are ready-made putties, which contain special additives.

Application of putties in different conditions

If you are interested in what kind of putty to putty on the ceiling, you need to decide in what conditions you will use the substance: inside the house or on the facade of the building, in a dry, damp or cold room. Each package contains technical description, where detailed instructions are given on when this material can be used. But despite this, the most common mistake many finishers make is using the wrong type of product for certain conditions and locations.

A typical example is walls in cold or wet areas many are finished with polymer putty. But moisture is contraindicated for such material. As a result, the applied layer swells, losing its strength with all the consequences that follow from this. In this situation, paint applied on top will not help, since most coloring compositions are hygroscopic, that is, they do not create an obstacle to moisture. Therefore, this is only delaying time for negative changes.

Now let's look at how to choose putty, depending on the conditions in the room where you plan to finish the ceiling. For wet and cold conditions, it is common to use a moisture-resistant cement putty. It withstands repeated thawing and freezing well and does not swell from damp air and moisture. And if the base is properly prepared, it is also suitable for dry rooms.

For normal conditions compositions with an organic, gypsum or polymer binder are intended. Gypsum putties are distinguished by useful natural properties; they are able to “breathe”, absorbing and releasing excess moisture and smoothing out the level of humidity in the room. But remember that this product will not withstand constant humidity and temperature changes, and the putty layer will begin to crack.

One more typical mistake repairmen is to apply cement putty to cement-lime or gypsum plaster. Therefore, it is worth remembering one important construction axiom: the strength of the foundation should always exceed the strength of the material applied to it.

Base and top coat

Putties are not a cheap material. Applying them in one thick layer or several layers is ineffective - expensive material will be consumed, and the drying process requires a certain amount of time. Therefore, to preliminary smooth out the irregularities present on the ceiling, you can use more cheap plaster. And then apply the base (1 - 3 millimeters) and finishing (about 0.5 millimeters) layers of putty onto it.

The compatibility of the materials described above, such as primer and putty, will be better when you use products from the same manufacturer. You can also apply only one layer of finishing putty, provided you create a high-quality, smooth plaster.

If the base cement base is smooth, then you can do without plaster altogether. To do this, prime the surface, and then apply a base layer of putty to it. After drying, the surface is sanded, dust particles are removed from the ceiling and covered with finishing putty.

Also, in some cases, you can get by with just a base layer. This is relevant if, after finishing the ceiling, you plan to stick embossed wallpaper, which have a higher density. Under light and very thin wallpaper or for future painting of the ceiling, it is customary to use finely dispersed finishing putty.

Choosing putty color

The color of the putty when finishing the ceiling is not too important criterion, if the surface will then be covered with thick wallpaper or painted. High-quality paint and varnish material has good hiding power, and any, even the most contrasting tone of putty, can be completely painted over.

We can talk in a similar way about ornamental and dense types wallpaper Neither the color of the putty material nor minor surface defects will be noticeable underneath. But if you chose thin and light wallpaper for the ceiling, it is better to use expensive colored cement-type putties. With the help of these compositions you can save money on decorative materials.

White putties, which contain polymer glue as a binder, can be applied to ceilings by spraying. The layer obtained by this technique is usually not even painted over. Such a surface will not turn yellow for a long time.

Cost and manufacturers of putties

If you have not yet decided which ceiling putty to choose, pay attention to this. An important factor What influences the choice of putty material is its price. The traditional statement is that ready-made composition is more expensive than a dry product, and gypsum putty is cheaper than cement putty - this is not always true.

There are several price segments - expensive and budget putties. When choosing, you should take into account that expensive putty materials have lower consumption than a substance in a similar package, but are cheaper in price. The real cost can be determined by the cost of cheap and expensive compositions per 1 square meter of surface, if the thickness of the putty layer is the same.

A reliable and proven manufacturer of quality products will usually have a higher price. Every company that produces primer and putty guarantees them good compatibility each other within the same line. Thus, you should not use cheap and expensive materials at the same time to putty ceilings.

On domestic market construction materials, putties are presented for various purposes and price range: Russian putties - “GLIMS-Production”, “Volma”, “Ural” Construction Mixtures", "Eunice", "Prospectors"; Polish materials - “Atlas”; German putty substance - “Kreisel” and “Henkel”; Swedish putty - “Beckers”; Finnish product - "Tikkurila"; American building material - "United States Gypsum".

At the same time, in the line of almost all manufacturers there are putty mixtures that are intended for finishing plasterboard sheets for the ceiling and sealing the seams between such sheets. A particularly large selection is offered by the manufacturer TIGI-KNAUF, which itself produces plasterboard sheets - Fugenfüller, Uniflot and Boardfinish. Their packages contain detailed instructions on how to putty a plasterboard ceiling.

Thus, you have already been able to decide which best putty for the ceiling. The quality of ceiling putty primarily depends on the properties of the material, the price segment, the type of putty, as well as the conditions in which it will be used. Before purchasing material, you should decide for which room it will be used. In addition, pay attention to the presence of an ingredient such as sand in the putty.

Putty is universal today building material, with which you can effectively remove defects, smooth out uneven surfaces and even improve the appearance of furniture. However, in the latter case we are talking about decorative composition. By visiting the market for the relevant products, you can find a huge assortment of mixtures used for puttying, each of them has its own purpose.

In general, putty is used to level walls and ceilings. After the base layer has dried, it can be painted or covered with any wallpaper. Quite often, putty walls are decorated with ceramic tiles. Depending on the composition, putty can be classified into several types, which will be discussed below.

It is also worth distinguishing mixtures by purpose, they are:

  • universal;
  • starting;
  • finishing.

The starting putty is applied in a thick layer or several layers, which allows you to rid the walls of significant defects. As soon as the layer of starting putty has dried, you can begin applying the finishing coat. Universal types putties are intended for finishing surfaces with starting or finishing layer. Putties can also be divided according to consistency; they can be ready-made or dry. The last type is the most common, because such compositions are affordable and easy to use. You can purchase dry putty in a bag, the volume of which varies from 3 to 25 kg.

Description of dry putties

Considering the types of putties, Special attention you should pay attention to dry formulations, because they have many advantages, including:

  • the ability to change the thickness of the mixture;
  • prostate solution preparation;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • long shelf life of dry putty.

You can change the thickness of the solution by adding a certain volume of water. Preparation is simple - just add the dry mixture to the mixing water and mix. To store the dry mixture, it is important to ensure a low level of humidity, but as for the temperature, it can be anything.

However, dry types of putties also have some disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • the need to follow instructions;
  • dilution of the mixture should be carried out in small portions;
  • the need to allocate additional time to prepare the solution.

It is important to remember that you will have to develop the composition quite quickly, because after a while it will begin to harden. If you are not ready to follow strict recommendations, then you should purchase ready-made putty, which is implemented in buckets. It can be used immediately after purchase. Such mixtures are great for novice craftsmen, because among the ingredients there are substances that prevent the solution from quickly hardening. However, you will have to pay a little more for it.

Types of putties depending on the composition: latex putty

When considering, you should pay attention to their composition. Latex solution is usually supplied in the form of a ready-made mixture, since it is latex that allows substances to remain in liquid form, making them more plastic. Such putties are easy to use and can be stored for quite a long time.

Cement putty

If you are thinking about the question of what types of putty there are, then you should take a closer look cement composition, whose ingredients include cement, protruding. Among other things, a solvent and a filler are used in the production process. The filler can be fine-grained river sand, pebbles, and other inclusions. If the sand contains more than 5% of such keys, then it is not suitable for preparing putty.

Dilution of such a composition should be carried out exclusively clean water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20 °C. When mixing, use the following proportion:

  • 4 parts sand;
  • 1 part cement;
  • water.

Cement putty is moisture resistant, so it can be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

Among the disadvantages, the fact that should be highlighted is that after drying the mixture shrinks, and the solution is not elastic, so it will be difficult to work with it concrete walls. On concrete surface It is better not to apply cement putty, because over time the layer may become covered with cracks.

Gypsum putty

Quite often, home craftsmen wonder what types of putty exist. Among others, we should highlight the gypsum variety, which adapts to the indoor microclimate and allows air to circulate. If you want to get perfect flat surface, then it’s worth using gypsum mixture, after drying, you can apply paint, stick wallpaper or do artistic painting.

The composition dries quite quickly and does not emit any odor. Gypsum putty is hypoallergenic, inexpensive and fire resistant. But such a mixture cannot be used everywhere; the coating will not last long if operating conditions are characterized by frequent changes in humidity and temperature. Plaster can be easily scratched or chipped, so it is not recommended to use this putty in playrooms or children's rooms.

Polymer putty

When considering the types of putty for walls, you should pay attention to the polymer variety.

Among the ingredients of this mixture are substances that provide high elasticity, so the cost of the material is quite high. Using you will ensure the durability of the coating and you will be able to get perfect result. When choosing a composition, pay attention to the manufacturer’s certificates, because when choosing this type of putty there is a risk of purchasing a fake.

Acrylic putty

This solution can be used for exterior and interior decoration; it is characterized by high weather resistance and has excellent contact with any surface. If you need a finishing composition, you should purchase acrylic putty which allows you to achieve perfect smoothness and evenness. It is applied in a thin layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 1 mm. Durable wood can serve as a base. This solution is also distinguished by the fact that it does not crumble over time and has no toxic impurities or odor.

Classification of finishing putty

Considering the types of finishing putty, you can understand that this material is classified according to the principle described above. Depending on the purpose, finishing putty can be divided into mixtures for external or internal work. Facade putties, which are applied at the final stage, mainly have a cement base, with its help it is possible to achieve resistance to external influences, strength and durability.

For living rooms gypsum is usually used finishing putties, which have high ductility and adhesion, after drying they give the walls White color and are easy to sand. Quite popular lately polymer types putties for interior work, which are applied as a finishing layer. Using them you can create perfect surface. Such compositions have the disadvantage of high cost.

Additional classification of decorative putty

When considering the types of decorative putty, you should pay attention to additional types of mortar. For example, an oil-adhesive mixture is used to level the following types of surfaces:

  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • covered with plaster.

Subsequently, oil-adhesive putty can be coated with water-dispersion and oil paints, as well as enamels. Water-dispersion putty is a solution for partially leveling and eliminating defects in aerated concrete, brick, wood, plastered and stone walls. The surface can be painted before applying this composition. Sometimes water-dispersion putty is applied to fiberboards.


Before purchasing putty, you need to decide under what conditions the coating will be used. The type of mixture depends on this. For rooms with low or moderate humidity levels, gypsum mortar is excellent. This should include living rooms and hallways. In the kitchen and bathroom, it is better to finish surfaces with acrylic or cement putty, because these compounds are not afraid of exposure to water.