home · On a note · Make faux brick on the wall. Imitation brick for interior decoration: panels, tiles, interesting DIY options. Nuances and design examples

Make faux brick on the wall. Imitation brick for interior decoration: panels, tiles, interesting DIY options. Nuances and design examples

The cheapest method of textured finishing is imitation brickwork. It fits almost any interior style, and even an inexperienced craftsman can handle this texture. Therefore, now we will talk about how to create such an imitation.

Method one - wallpaper and paint

The simplest brick wall decoration is done using textured wallpaper and paint. To do this, you need to purchase wallpaper for painting (preferably made of fiberglass - it gives the most interesting texture), paste it over the area intended for finishing and take the following steps:

  • Let the wall dry completely and go about our business for 2-3 days.
  • We go to the store and buy thin masking tape.
  • We paste strips of tape onto the wallpaper, placing them parallel to the baseboard with a pitch (distance between adjacent strips) of 6-7 centimeters. There is no need to make it wider - in this case your “brick” will not look entirely natural.
  • Cut 7-8 centimeter strips of tape. You need a lot of them - to count the number of stripes in one “row”, you need to divide its length in centimeters by a factor of 12.5.
  • We paste these strips onto the wallpaper, perpendicular to the horizontal rows, placing them in increments of 12.5 centimeters. Moreover, in the first row (from the floor or ceiling) the strip is glued at a distance of 12.5 cm from the corner. And in the second row - at a distance of 6.5 cm from the corner. This way we can simulate the overlap of a vertical joint in real masonry with a top brick.
  • The next step is using tape. You buy water-based paint, mix brick color into it and apply it to the wall with a roller, painting over both the tape and the “windows” obtained with it. After an hour, this operation will have to be repeated and the paint should be allowed to dry for 2-3 hours.

Next comes the dismantling of the tape strips. They are carefully torn off, creating seams between the painted bricks. After this, you need to pick up a brush and carefully paint this seam with a different color (usually white or black). And if you accidentally paint over the edge of a brick, then you don’t have to worry - this creates the effect of an uneven edge. But drips are categorically excluded here, so when painting the seam, the bottom row must be covered with thick cardboard.

A visual imitation of a brick wall can be done with your own hands in just a day. Or even faster if you involve friends or family members in the process of cutting and gluing the tape. Moreover, water-based paint does not smell at all. Therefore, this technology can be practiced even in the cold season, when the room cannot be ventilated.

A significant disadvantage of the technology is the lack of masonry depth. The color can be selected with a successful color shift, the texture is provided by the relief surface of the wallpaper, but in this case depth cannot be obtained. Therefore, the falseness of the visual imitation will be noticeable already from a meter distance. However, the simplicity and low price of such finishing cover this drawback almost completely. In addition, the “bricks” can be removed from the wall along with the wallpaper or painted over if you feel that this finishing option is not at all suitable for your home.

Gypsum and ceramics - presentable, but expensive

The most realistic brick look is created using gypsum or ceramic imitation of this building material. You prepare the wall, purchase finishing material of any color and texture and prepare the adhesive. The process of gluing tiles to look like bricks does not differ from the technology of tiled cladding. That is, you apply the solution to the back of the element with a notched trowel and press it against the wall. In this case, the horizontal line is checked by a level, the seams are indicated by inserts from the tile trim, and every second row begins with half a decorative brick.

With this, an imitation of the checkerboard structure of the masonry is achieved. Finally, the seams between the tiles are filled with cement or special grout. Let’s say right away that this imitation of a brick wall with your own hands takes a very long time and is not always of high quality. An inexperienced master spends more than a day working on even a small area. However, if you know how to work with tiles, then this method of tiling will not cause you any difficulties. In addition, decorative imitation brick for interior decoration is not cheap. But you can do it yourself, reducing the price of such cladding by saving on materials.

To do this, you need to purchase or rent a silicone mold for casting such “bricks” and a bag of finishing plaster mixture. After this, you make a medium-thick solution and pour it into the mold, pressing it with a spatula. After some time, the dried tiles are removed from the mold and glued to the surface. Self-made finishing material is no different from a store-bought counterpart, however, the speed of manual production is usually depressingly low - 10-15 tiles (and this is in the best case) per day. Therefore, some home craftsmen cut out such bricks from plasterboard, freeing it from the top paper layer after cutting.

The masonry imitated using homemade bricks turns out to be surprisingly realistic. It has both texture and depth, and the color can be selected using. Factory-made bricks give the effect of 100 percent of a real brick wall, which does not differ from real masonry either in color or in feel.

Method three - panel finishing

If you don’t like painting to match the masonry, and you can’t build a tiled brick wall with your own hands due to a complete lack of experience in facing work or the incredible curvature of the surface, then panel finishing will be the best way out of this situation for you. In this case, you cut out a brick from foam and glue it to a drywall panel. After repeating these steps many times, you attach the plasterboard covered with imitation bricks to the section of the wall to be finished. Next, you need to fill the seams between the polymer tiles with plaster and paint the bricks in the desired color.

Decorating walls with decorative bricks on panels allows you to work with frame structures. That is, you may not actually have the wall itself - it is replaced by a plasterboard slab, which is very convenient if you are trying to decorate a new interior partition or box covering utility lines in this way. In addition, this technology will be useful when finishing curved walls. To make bricks from polystyrene foam, or even better, from extruded polystyrene foam (this kind of hard foam plastic), you need to cut a standard slab into strips 6-7 centimeters wide, from which bricks 12.5 cm long are then cut out.

The recommended slab thickness is 2 centimeters. If you do not plan to create a textured surface, then instead of a thick slab for wall insulation, you can use thin tiles for finishing the ceiling. Fixing foam on drywall is done using glue or finishing plaster. You draw stripes on the surface of the base in increments of 7-8 centimeters and stick imitation bricks on them. In addition, they can be screwed to the plaster with self-tapping screws 20-25 millimeters long, but in this case, try to use furniture hardware that does not rust.

Fastening drywall to the wall is carried out in a standard way - using self-tapping screws to a metal or wooden frame. The seams between the bricks are filled with ordinary mortar. For painting it is better to use thick water-based paint.

The main disadvantage of this option is the high flammability of the bricks. According to building codes, foam plastic in interior decoration is supposed to be covered with a centimeter-thick layer of plaster, even if this material was foamed using carbon dioxide rather than air. Therefore, before making an imitation of a brick wall from polymer cubes, you need to calculate the possible risks of fire hazards. Do not use such cladding near outlets, in the kitchen or in a children's room.

Plaster wall - cheap and effective

Decorative bricks for interior decoration are not cheap, the foam version burns and poisons the air with harmful chemicals, and the painted one does not look realistic. As a result, the discerning homeowner is left with only one option - to build an “almost brick wall” out of plaster.

Moreover, the lack of experience in plastering surfaces in this case will be more of a plus than a minus, because we do not need a smoothly rubbed wall, but a torn texture with multiple layers, cavities and other defects. And the only tools you will need are wide and narrow spatulas and a screwdriver with a mixer attachment. The process of making cladding in brick format with your own hands is as follows. Clear the area under the wall. Lay old newspapers on the floor, covering a meter-long area. This will come in handy when you clean the floor from blots of plaster solution.

Coat the wall area with a primer that will increase surface adhesion. The very possibility of holding the plaster on the wall surface sometimes depends on whether priming was done or not. While the primer is drying, you can prepare the solution for the decorative coating. To do this, take a bucket, fill it with 300 milliliters of water and add the dry mixture. Moreover, as a base it is better to choose not finely dispersed finishing plaster, but a starting composition with a coarse structure. After the mixture is poured into the water, beat the solution with a construction mixer to obtain a plastic mass.

Next you need to apply a 5mm layer of plaster. To do this, take a small portion of the solution from the bucket with a narrow spatula and apply it to a wide tool; turn the wide spatula with the mortar towards the wall and, laying it almost parallel to the surface, spread the plaster over the surface to be finished. Repeat this procedure until the entire area is covered with a layer of plaster. You will end up with a sloppy finished surface, which is very good. After all, we are not creating an evenly worn plane, but a texture that imitates the rough edges of a brick.

After application, the solution is allowed to partially dry for 30 minutes. During this time, you must apply a masonry grid to the surface using a ruler and thread. And this is done like this: you measure 7 centimeters from the ceiling on both sides of the wall, then your two assistants pull a thin but strong thread along these marks, and you, holding the middle of this segment, pull the thread and sharply release it, leaving it on the damp plaster a clearly visible groove. After this, the procedure is repeated again. And so on all the way to the floor.

After 30-40 minutes, the plaster will dry out, but will remain plastic, and you can cut horizontal grooves in its body using a jointer - a masons’ tool used to remove excess mortar from masonry joints. It can be made from an old spoon by cutting the semicircular handle to a width of 8-10 millimeters. In addition, instead of jointing, you can use a centimeter-wide carpenter's chisel. The process of making a groove is carried out as follows: press a plaster rule or a flat board against the filled line and run the joint along it, pressing it into the wall. Once you have scratched through the soft finish and pressed against a hard surface, you can release the pressure. Just don’t try to remove a layer of plaster in one pass by jointing - this way you can damage the entire texture by accidentally tearing out more mortar than necessary.

The next stage is the formation of vertical seams. To do this, we will need a 12.5 x 6 centimeter foam brick, which we will place between the horizontal seams, outlining the vertical ones. At the same time, we must not forget that the vertical seam of the bottom row must be covered with bricks from the top. After the plaster has completely dried (1-2 days from the moment of application), you can sand the edges of the bricks, obtaining rounded edges, like on old masonry. Next you will have to paint the main surface and masonry joints.

As you can see, anyone who can read these instructions and hold a spatula and jointing board in their hands can make an imitation of brickwork from ordinary plaster. Moreover, such finishing is carried out at the speed of painting and gives the same reliable result as tiling with decorative tiles. A wall made according to this scheme is not afraid of fire, looks very realistic and can be easily removed after the home owners become bored with such decoration. But before applying the decorative layer, the surface to be finished must be prepared.

How to prepare a wall for finishing with your own hands

If your goal is a realistic imitation of brickwork, then you cannot do without the wall preparation stage. After all, real masonry gives a smooth surface (if it is laid by a skilled mason). And before applying the textured layer, it would be a good idea to trim the walls. Moreover, a lopsided plane can be corrected with the help of hired specialists, while a relatively flat brick wall can be corrected with your own hands. And for this you do not need to have the skills of a master plasterer - just buy a sheet of drywall and secure it to the surface using pre-drilled holes with sealing inserts and self-tapping screws.

You can stick any decorative bricks onto a plasterboard surface - even an inexperienced finishing specialist can do this work. In addition, it is easy to apply plaster on it - primed drywall has very high adhesion. And ideally even drywall will not allow you to make a mistake if the floor or ceiling is skewed - just place the sheet on a level and sculpt bricks on it, retreating the required distance from the edge without additional checks of the horizontal and vertical of each row.

How to paint decorative bricks - different options

In conclusion of the material on decorative wall decoration, we offer you some tips on the selection of paint compositions. After all, unsuccessful painting will destroy the fruits of the painstaking work of even a professional finisher.

Therefore, at this stage you should adhere to the following tips:

  • There is no need to paint purchased bricks - its surface is coated with the correct color at the factory. And there is no need to repaint it either - this will kill the planned presentability.
  • Do-it-yourself foam bricks cut from a standard sheet can be painted well with water-based acrylic emulsion. Solvents are fundamentally excluded here.
  • Any water-based paint is suitable for wallpaper, but the ideal option in this case is a thick composition, reminiscent of sour cream in consistency.
  • Before painting, plaster must be primed and painted in at least two layers. In this case, first the brush goes along the horizontal lines of the seam, and then along the vertical grooves.
  • If the composition is not thick enough, then PVA glue can be added to the water-based paint.

A brick wall is relevant among various interior styles, but when it is unrealistic to build it, then you can imitate in some way. In this article we will look at how you can paint a brick wall without resorting to the services of artists. Three methods will be presented, which will require simple materials, a little patience and accuracy.

What does it look like

Painting a wall to look like brick is perhaps the cheapest way to imitate it. Plus it's practical. While wallpaper can get dirty or damaged by pets, this will not happen with painting. Unlike wallpaper, you don’t have to rip off the paint if you get tired of it—you can simply repaint the wall.

Painted brickwork, of course, does not look as impressive as the original, but it will also suit any design solution. A clear example of this is in the photo below.

  • On the prepared and dried background, you need to make a stencil with narrow masking tape - these will be masonry joints. The size of the bricks may vary depending on your preferences. If at this stage you are not lazy and glue the masking tape evenly, then in the worst case it will take 3 hours, depending on the size of the wall.
  • Next, paint the entire wall brick color with a roller, but you can use a spray gun. Let the paint dry thoroughly, after which you can remove the tape.
  • In order not to get confused during marking, you can divide each brick in half - this is already a vertical masonry joint for bricks at a higher level, and mark the brick itself with a cross using a simple pencil.
  • As a result, you will get a neat imitation of brickwork.

Method 3: using foam rubber

It is advisable to take several pieces of foam rubber, in case the first one becomes very hardened by the paint. The shape and size should be like a real brick, that is, rectangular in shape, approximately 25 cm wide and 6.5 cm high.

  • Dip the foam rubber stamp into a pre-prepared tray of paint. Do not forget to remove excess paint from the stamp, it can ruin the entire composition.
  • Then apply the foam to the wall, thereby leaving an imprint.
  • Thus, leave stamps in the form of a brick along the entire desired section of the wall. Try to leave equal space between bricks.

Highlighting volume and texture

This is perhaps the most important part of finishing - without this stage, the work done will not look as natural and natural as possible. In addition, the given methods for decorating bricks are suitable for all three methods of simulating masonry.

  • To make the painted brickwork more realistic, it is necessary to add additional shades. To give the appearance of volume, the upper edge can be lightened, and the lower edge, on the contrary, can be darkened.
  • To give the wall a little “carelessness”, you can add various strokes and strokes with a sponge, thereby creating the effect of antiquity.
  • In order for the pattern of masonry joints to look “deeper”, it should be outlined with a thin brush, a shade slightly darker than the main one.
  • When you apply a drawing, mistakes in the form of random lines and extra spots are quite possible. They will need to be removed immediately, using ordinary water, because acrylic paint dries very quickly.

Even without any artistic skills, you will be able to paint a wall like a brick, the main thing is to avoid making gross mistakes.

We hope that the article was useful to you. Leave your questions and feedback in the comments below.


The construction market offers a wide variety of materials for interior and exterior decoration. Among them, plaster occupies a special place, thanks to the use of which it is possible to create an imitation of the cladding of the facade or walls inside the building with various kinds of textured elements, for example, finishing surfaces like brick.


Decorative plaster gives the base a relief texture, due to which the surface acquires excellent aesthetic and operational features. Brickwork has already become a common and effective solution for decorating walls in rooms for various purposes. In the interior, the brick wall has acquired a slightly different meaning than before, now this is not an indicator of the poverty of homeowners, but a creative and modern cladding option. That is why most famous designers use brick-like plaster for interior decoration of modern offices, apartments and country cottages in order to place accents in the interior, emphasizing the chosen stylistic direction.

In addition to the popularity of this material in terms of aesthetic purposes, plaster ensures that the living space remains the same size without cluttering up the space, and also represents an environmentally friendly solution for tiling work, regardless of the type of mixture that will be used during plastering of the walls.

From the point of view of characteristics relevant to the consumer, textured plaster imitating brickwork has some advantages and disadvantages. Several points can be highlighted among them:

  • Simplicity of work, due to which there is no need to involve specialists in completing the task.
  • Affordable cost of the material - the price of plaster is almost on the same level as the cost of wallpaper. In particular, in the case when putty will be used as a mixture.
  • The finished surface or the solution itself can be painted in any color and shade you like, and you can also give it even the most intricate shape.
  • By treating the surface of the walls with plaster, a special additional layer is formed on the base, the presence of which increases the sound-proofing and heat-insulating properties of the entire structure.
  • Among the variety of products for wall finishing presented on the modern construction market, plaster, which creates an imitation of brickwork, is an environmentally friendly material that does not form dangerous volatile compounds released during operation.

  • The long service life of the finish is ensured by such quality characteristics as resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress. The presence of these properties of the mixture makes it possible to successfully use it in rooms with large traffic flow, for example, in the kitchen or hallway of a living space.
  • The finished surface can be repainted over time, eliminating the need for major renovations after several years.
  • The weight of the coating is several times less than the weight of the base lined with decorative brick.
  • Minimum lead time for wall finishing.
  • Resistance of the coating to humidity and heat.
  • Thanks to correctly applied plaster on the wall, you can get a full-fledged 3D effect.
  • The versatility of the material, based on the possibility of a harmonious combination of such a finished surface with any style in the interior.
  • Brick plaster is a reliable and low-maintenance material.

The disadvantages of such cladding include the high level of statics of the finished surface, due to which dirt and dust very quickly collects on it, especially in the grooves.

In addition, in order for the finishing to be done well, pre-treatment of the working base is necessary.


There are several options for plaster mixture, with which you can finish both outside and inside the room:

  • cement-sand mortar;
  • lime-sand mixture;
  • clay-based solution;
  • gypsum plaster.

Each type of material allows you to include additional components in the main composition, for example, plasticizers, additives or coloring pigments. The substances make it possible to increase the resistance of the coating to adverse atmospheric conditions. Most manufacturers regularly update their range of products., producing ready-made dry mixtures for cladding, which have various properties and features.

This trend has a positive effect on consumer demand, since, after reading the instructions supplied with the product, you can easily select the desired composition that will satisfy all the requirements in a given situation.

Therefore, anyone can do plastering of the bases with minimal construction experience, regardless of the type of working material, made of gypsum or any other mixture.

Style and design

You can decorate a room using plaster that imitates brickwork in all sorts of ways - decorate all the bases or combine it with other materials - tiles, wallpaper, painted surfaces, and so on. However, the most popular will be certain design techniques in design using this material:

  • Cladding of openings– this applies to areas near window and door structures, arches, niches, the attractiveness of which will increase significantly through the use of such a design technique. This option will allow you to highlight these objects in the overall design of the room. At the same time, by finishing the window slopes, you can increase the resistance of such surfaces to mechanical stress.
  • Placement on walls elements with bricks in a chaotic order. Thus, you can make a kind of frame for pictures on the wall or mirror panels, fireplaces or any other objects in the room.
  • Complete finishing of only one wall in the room - this option is considered the most common.

Necessary tools and mixtures

Carrying out any construction work is impossible without a specific list of tools. To apply textured plaster you will need the following equipment:

  • a dry and clean container for diluting the mixture;
  • masking tape;
  • several spatulas of different sizes;
  • rule and cord;
  • brush or roller;
  • drill with whisk;
  • jointing tool.

To ensure that the textured surface is aesthetically attractive and has a long service life, experts recommend using the following materials during work:

  • plaster mixture;
  • products for surface priming;
  • coloring compounds or pigments.

Preparatory work

Applying plaster under brick, in addition to having a certain list of materials and equipment, requires preparing the base itself for work.

Surface preparation will make it possible to eliminate the risk of cracking of the material on the wall during operation. To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  • if there are any old finishing materials on the base - wallpaper or tiles, they must be removed;
  • surfaces with cracks, chips or other defects need to be repaired;
  • plastering problem areas on the wall.

How to dilute and apply?

The technology for creating imitation bricks on a selected surface or a separate section of a wall requires performing work according to an established scheme, guided by the recommendations of specialists. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carry out work only after all the preparatory stages have been completed, including various processes where it was necessary to apply different compositions to the base. The treated wall should already be dry before starting work with plaster.

The cement-sand mortar is mixed at the rate of 1/3. The lime-based mixture is prepared in a proportion of 1/4. Clay plaster includes 1 part lime paste, 0.25 clay and three parts sand. Gypsum solution consists of 1 part gypsum, 0.6 clay and 3 parts sand.

The solution, ready for use, should be cream-like in thickness and not run off the trowel. It should be taken into account that some solutions harden very quickly - approximately 30 minutes after dilution. Based on this, the mixture must be stirred only before application and in small quantities.

Dry ingredients are immersed in water in portions, stirring well. Dilution in the reverse order - by pouring water into mixtures that are already in the bucket - is prohibited.

You should not neglect priming the surface, since applying this composition will increase the bonding of materials and reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of harmful bacteria. Priming should be done using a roller and brush.

Marking the “brickwork” is an important stage in the work. It should be done with a pencil, highlighting the boundaries and contours of each element. To create a decor that will visually resemble brick as much as possible, the dimensions of the parts and seams must be equal to natural ones.

Only a clean and dry wall is treated with plaster with or without coloring pigment. Using a spatula, the mixture is poured onto the base and leveled according to the rules. Real brick is rarely the correct shape, so you should not level the mortar until it is perfectly smooth. Acceptable thickness varies between 0.5-2 cm.

Excess mixture that will form during work on the base must be removed from the wall with a rag. This must be done at a time when the solution has not yet completely hardened.

After the mixture has completely dried, you need to remove the masking tape and perform the final correction of the textured surface; sandpaper or other abrasive material is used for this work.

There are options for forming bricks using a roller, a special matrix or templates. The process of working with plaster does not include any particularly complex technological steps, and the use of auxiliary tools will allow you to create an attractive and high-quality surface.

Every day, a brick wall is used more and more often: previously, such surfaces were carefully decorated, but today, on the contrary, they are even artificially created. Moreover, not only professionals, but also ordinary people can reproduce such an imitation. All you need is a little patience, a great desire and this article, from which you will learn all the secrets of creating an imitation brick wall with your own hands.

Option 1 – brick wall made of cardboard.

To build it we will need:

  • Ruler and pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • directly sheets of cardboard - thick, like in packaging boxes;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • brush;
  • varnish, paints;
  • hot glue gun with rods;
  • thick paper napkins.
  1. Let's prepare the surface on which we plan to create a false brick wall. To do this, we will clean it of old wallpaper, if there is any on it, and prime it (instead of a primer, you can use an aqueous solution of PVA glue, the ratio of water to glue is 2 to 1) or, if the wall has been painted, thoroughly wash it from dust and degrease.
  2. Next, you should decide on the size of the brick and which side it will lie on. There are several options for both sizes and installation methods. Exactly how your wall will look should be decided at this stage. And to make this easier, pay attention to the schematic drawing below; on it you will find the most popular brick sizes and the correct name for each of its faces (number 1 indicates bed, 2 - spoon, 3 - poke).

Let's say you need an imitation of red brick masonry - a 228x65 mm spoon.

  1. We take a sheet of cardboard and draw it according to the given dimensions.
  2. When all the “bricks” are drawn, cut them out.
  3. Let's complicate the problem in the example and assume that the brickwork should not be solid, but should reveal a certain drawing, for example, from a calendar. Let's mark its location on the wall. If the drawing opens partially, we glue it right away.
  4. We cut some of the cardboard bricks in half, they will be needed to create a chess “order”.

  1. We start laying the “bricks” from the lower left corner with an indentation of 7-10 mm. The same indentation should be made between the rows. Every second row should start with a half.
  2. When all the cardboards are glued, you will need to wait until the glue dries. Construction PVA will require at least a day. Only after this can you proceed to decorating with napkins.

  1. Apply glue to the surface of the “bricks” with a brush, crumple the napkin in your hands until folds form and apply it to the cardboard coated with glue. Again, coat the top with glue, press out the gaps with a brush or finger, and when the entire wall has been treated in this way, leave it to dry for a day.
  2. The glue has dried and hardened, which means you can proceed to the last stage - painting with the chosen color. In this example, we are creating an imitation of a “bare” brick wall, so we need a brick color, to obtain it we will mix orange, red, black and white paints. You can apply this color with a brush, or you can use a sponge; most importantly, do not forget to coat the “seams” between the false bricks with a thin brush. Here you can also choose the color according to your preferences, but light gray looks most often and most realistically.

  1. To protect the surface from dust and moisture, it is additionally recommended to coat it with varnish.

Option 2 – brick wall made of polystyrene foam.

To set it up you will need:

  • glue;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plywood;
  • soldering iron;
  • spray paint for cars;

When everything you need is at hand, begin to act in accordance with the instructions.

  1. Cut the foam into equal sized rectangles. In our case it will be 20x6 cm.
  2. In the case of arranging an interior element, coat the plywood with glue and glue the “bricks” to it at the same distance from each other (gaps). If you plan to imitate a brick wall with your own hands on the wall, then the latter must first be cleaned and primed.
  3. When the glue (you can use standard construction PVA) dries, use a soldering iron to imitate the structure of a brick. Just wear a mask - melting foam is very toxic!
  4. That's practically all. All that remains is to treat the resulting wall with spray paint in 3 layers (each of them must dry well before being covered with the next one).

Option 3 – traced brickwork.

To simulate it you will need:

  • kitchen sponge;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • paint of the desired color (in our case it will be obtained by mixing the available 2 red and 3 dark paints).

That's the whole list.

  1. Cut the sponge to the required brick size.
  2. On the wall where the imitation will be created, draw the lines along which you will work.
  3. Dip the sponge into the paint (or mixture) and press it firmly against the wall. Do this several times until you get the print you want. Next, make a gap (indent) and repeat this step again until the entire wall is covered with these “bricks.” And don’t be afraid if something isn’t perfect – it’s even more natural.

Option 4 – brickwork made of putty.

To recreate it you will need:

  • directly putty (any except finishing);
  • level;
  • pencil;
  • putty knife;
  • window seal with a thickness equal to the desired joint of the false brick wall.

A furniture stapler may also come in handy (if the glue you choose cannot securely hold the seal), but it is not necessary.

So, the standard brick dimensions are 250x65x120 mm. In accordance with them, basic surface markings should be carried out.

  1. Step back 65 mm from the floor, use a level and a pencil to mark a straight line and glue the window seal onto it.
  2. Step back 65 mm from it again and do the same thing again. And so on until the entire surface of the future “brick” wall is filled with these horizontal stripes.
  3. Make vertical markings. To do this, step back from the lowest point (from which one, it doesn’t matter, unless there is a corner in your false wall, otherwise you need to start from there) 250 mm and draw a vertical line, then another 250 mm... and so on throughout the first row. The second row and each subsequent even row should be done in the same way, only in order to get a checkerboard order, the first “brick” must be halved. Afterwards, glue all the drawn lines with a sealant.
  4. Dilute the putty, fill the resulting “honeycomb” to the entire thickness of the seal (there is no need to cover it) and leave until completely dry (about 24 hours).
  5. Peel off the seal (this is not difficult to do, since it does not “resist”), paint the imitation brick wall with your own hands in a more natural color, and after it dries, cover the seams with tile grout or cement.


When carrying out renovations, everyone wants to add a decorative element to their apartment that will distinguish their home from a series of monotonous and boring rooms. One such option is to decorate the walls with decorative bricks, which makes the surrounding space lively and cozy.

Many people think that a brick wall with their own hands can only be built by an experienced builder, and such repairs will cost a pretty penny. Our material is intended to prove the groundlessness of such misconceptions, so today we will talk about how to create an imitation brick in your room and what you will need for this.

Necessary tool

The list of necessary means at hand depends on the method by which we plan to decorate the walls with brick in the interior, but we will certainly need:

  • Container for preparing the solution;
  • Drill with a nozzle for stirring it;
  • Scotch;
  • A set of spatulas, you will need both wide and narrow ones;
  • Provilo;
  • Painting cord for placing beacons so that the resulting wall is smooth and beautiful;
  • Oilcloth and various rags - this type of repair generates quite a lot of dirt.
  • Plaster and paint for finishing our wall;
  • Brush and roller with which we apply our finishing materials;
  • And so that our decorative brick does not differ from the real one, we will need to draw the seams - using jointing or even a simple pencil.

Preparation and calculation of the required material

The main part of the costs for such repairs falls on the purchase of material with which we will imitate a brick wall with plaster - that is, cement plaster or putty itself. The usual plaster consumption is approximately 8.5 kg per 1 square meter with a layer thickness of 10 mm. We will need half as much decorative plaster - such a thick layer is not needed, and therefore we multiply 4.25 kg by the area of ​​​​the area that we plan to use for decorative finishing of brick walls.

Plaster is usually sold in packages of 30 kg, and therefore we round the resulting number up, because in practice the consumption may turn out to be higher - beautiful and even bricks may not turn out the first time, somewhere you will need to make a slightly larger layer, and so on. The price per bag usually varies from 250 to 500 rubles, but we recommend not saving, because low-quality plaster can ruin all your efforts.

In the same way, you will need to calculate the amount of materials needed for finishing, but we believe that you can handle the paint without boring advisers.

Preparing walls for work

The preparatory stage, during which we put the walls in order and rid them of layers of previous finishing and other debris, is key to obtaining a high-quality repair. If you haven't gotten rid of previous layers of plaster or adhered dirt, your plaster brick wall may crumble along with the old coating. All depressions and protrusions must be carefully sealed and brought to the general level. Measure the level of curvature using a rule and carefully tidy up the wall.

We also don’t forget to prime our wall - this will help ensure good adhesion between the finish and the wall, and also prevent the formation of fungus and mold. After the primer has dried thoroughly, we can begin to construct our brick wall in the interior, for example, in the hallway.

Technology of applying brick decor

There are two main ways to make an imitation of a brick wall in an apartment with your own hands:

  • with cutting seams using a scraper;
  • using masking tape.

Read and choose the one you like.

Cutting seams with a scraper

First of all, we apply plaster to our primed wall and level it with a spatula. The spatula should be wide, about 20-25 cm; it will be great if you also have a narrow spatula on hand, with which you can apply the plaster to hard-to-reach places. When the applied mortar has dried, it’s time to begin our main task - marking the seams, which will turn our boring plaster into an original brick.

We apply a spatula to the plastered area and draw seams with the sharp side; their width should be about 0.5-1 cm. The pattern is at your discretion, but we recommend following the dimensions of a standard brick - 250-120-65 mm. Now we have a diagram according to which the seams should be drawn - it’s time to arm ourselves with a scraper; its role can be either a chisel or a homemade product in the form of a steel strip. The depth of the seams should directly depend on the layer of plaster; if you applied 10 mm, then the seam should be from 3 to 6 mm.

You can also arm yourself with jointing, with its help you can give the seams a convex or concave appearance. After our site is ready, it is worth checking it for flaws and eliminating them in a timely manner - this will not be easy to do with dried plaster. Now we remove excess plaster from the bricks, wipe their surface with a rag and wait for it to harden. After this, the wall is ready for painting or other finishing work. Using this method, we can get a brick-style wall at half the price than using another finishing option - tiles that imitate brick.

Forming seams using tape

In this option, immediately after priming, we mark the wall and stick tape onto the marked seams. The plaster is applied directly on top of the tape, and as soon as it is leveled and allowed to dry a little, they pull the tape and leave a pattern of seams on the surface.

This method is a little more complicated and takes longer - you will have to clean the edges of the bricks. In addition, not every beginner will be able to remove the adhesive tape without pulling the solution behind it, and therefore we recommend using this method only for people with extensive experience in repair work.

Finishing walls

Now we need to bring our wall, already covered with bricks, back to its proper form, and therefore we sweep away the dust from it and thoroughly clean the excess with sandpaper.

The next step is re-priming - you need to apply it not only to the bricks, but also to each seam. You can either apply the paint or omit this procedure, depending on what color and texture of the bricks you would like to get.

Well, in general, that’s all. Such work requires a lot of time, effort and diligence, but the result of such cladding will be beyond all expectations - the effect that a brick wall, made with your own hands using simple means, produces on guests will certainly amaze you.