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European table setting. Table setting at home. Maintaining a unified style

The main thing here is to figure out which cutlery is intended for what and in what order they should be placed according to the rules of etiquette. This must be done without fail, because getting confused and putting a regular one instead of a fish utensil is completely undignified!

Where does table setting begin?

Serving begins with the choice of cutlery. And their choice depends on what dishes you plan to put on the table.

Even if you plan to change dishes ten times, you shouldn’t be afraid, and even more so, you shouldn’t try to cram all the available appliances in the house at once, since they simply change during the course of the play.

We ate lunch - we put away the dinnerware and take out the dessert set. Or fish, or fruit, or tea. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to understand the point: to choose the right cutlery for each stage of the feast and arrange them according to the rules.

Once you have decided, you can cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth, under which it is advisable to put some kind of fabric so that the dishes do not knock when you put them on the table.
Immediately place additional serving utensils on the tablecloth, which are chosen depending on the type of dish. You will find an approximate list of them below.

And after that you need to put the main appliances on the table. But for this it would not hurt to know exactly which of them serve what. Read the next block and you will be up to date; we have described everything in as much detail as possible.

All types of cutlery: what are they for?


Tablespoon Served with soup, has an oblong shape
Broth spoon About the size of a dining room, but round in shape

Dessert spoon Served for desserts that do not require cutting, that is, not cakes and pies, but mousses, puddings, etc.

Tea spoon For tea, everyone understands it

coffee spoon For coffee

Ice cream spoon This spoon is small, like a coffee spoon, but with a long handle.

salad spoon They put it in a salad bowl so that everyone can put a portion on their plate.

Caviar spoon A small spatula, often shell-shaped

Spoon for pate Designed for transferring pate onto a plate

Scoop spoon for sugar bowl No comments

Spoon - scoop for sauces They put them in gravy boats


table fork For any main courses except fish

Dessert fork For cakes and other hard desserts
Fish fork For fish

Spaghetti fork The fifth tooth allows you to conveniently hook long pasta

Sprat fork A fork with four prongs and a bridge is placed in a common saucer so that guests can put sprats on their plate

Crab and seafood fork A two-pronged fork that is useful for eating oysters, crayfish, crabs and snails

Lobster fork Fork with two small tines and a long handle, used for lobsters and lobsters

Oyster and mussel fork Its left clove is wider than the other two and with its help it is convenient to separate meat from shells

Herring fork A small fork with two teeth that are curved to the sides. Used to serve herring rather than food

Salad fork Placed in a common salad bowl

Cocotte fork Three-pronged fork for mushroom julienne

Lemon fork For transferring the sliced ​​lemon

Olive fork A very convenient fork, shaped like a spoon with a hole.

Fruit fork With three prongs, served with fresh, sliced ​​fruit. Can be replaced with a regular four-prong dessert fork


Table knife For main courses, except fish

Snack knife For any type of snack

Meat knife Knife with serrations. Placed in a common dish on which a large piece of meat is served (whole pig, chicken, ghoul), so that everyone can cut off the right piece for themselves

Fish knife It cannot be confused with anything, it has a curly shape - a spatula

Cheese knife Has two teeth curved upward, used for slicing cheese

Butter knife A small knife with a round blade that is placed in a common oil dish

Fruit knife Served if there are unpeeled fruits on the table (apples, oranges, etc.)


Ice tongs Placed in a common ice bucket

Pastry tongs Place on a plate with sliced ​​cake or cookies

Asparagus tongs Asparagus tongs. They are very convenient to grab asparagus

Salad tongs Located in a common salad bowl

Spaghetti tongs Needed if a shared dish of spaghetti is placed on the table

Lobster tongs Served with a special fork, separately for each guest. Used to break claws


Table plate (deep and shallow) This is for lunch, two are served at once if a change of dishes is provided. Deep is placed on top

Snack plate (deep and shallow) Placed next to the dining room

Dessert plate (deep and shallow) Served separately when the dessert table is served

Pie plate Placed next to the dining room, bread and buns are placed in it

Fish plate It has an oval shape. She is served a table only if each guest is served a whole fish.

Chill plate For mushroom julienne

Menagerie plate Rarely used in classic table settings. Basically, they are placed where the buffet is served, so that you can get several different dishes at once.

Salad bowl Comes in different sizes, from large to small. Placed on a common table

Herring girl Oval plate for slicing herring

Egg plate Plate with ears for serving fried eggs

Saucer Served with tea or coffee cups

Socket Container for jam, honey, condensed milk. Served separately to each person

Kremanka It serves mousses, ice cream and jellies.

Glasses and glasses

Champagne glass There are two types and you can choose any of them
Red wine glass Always a little wider than for white

White wine glass Thinner and lower than for red wine

Port wine glass Small glass

Liquor glass A narrow small glass, more like a shot glass

Cognac glass It can be convex or with concave edges - this is for a regular skate. But for high-end cognac, glasses with curved edges and smaller sizes are served

Martini glass A triangular glass, probably familiar to everyone in the world

Whiskey glass Regular round and low glass
Shot glass or glass for vodka There are completely different ones, mostly 50 grams

Cocktail glasses


Tea cup Served with saucer and spoon

Coffee cup for espresso The well-known “thimble”

Coffee cup for cappuccino Tall transparent cup with handle

Iced coffee cup Trapezoid cup

Additional serving utensils

Dish For main courses that do not need to be served hot

Rams Dishes with round lids for hot main courses
Tureen Must be placed on the table if there is a second course
Champagne bucket Must be filled with ice

Ice bucket Served if guests drink whiskey or cocktails. There should be ice picks on the edge

Fruit bowl For unpeeled fruits

Teapot For brewing tea

Coffee pot For brewing coffee

Jug For water, juices, compotes

Decanter For vodka, wine

Placemats Placed next to the plate, and cutlery laid out on them

Napkin rings A cloth napkin is threaded through them

Napkin holder Placed in the middle of the table

Oil can General, placed in the middle

Caviar Usually comes in the shape of a shell, complete with a caviar spoon

Poshatnitsa Stand for soft-boiled eggs

Salt shaker Comes with a special spoon

Sugar bowl Comes with a sugar spatula

Gravy boats Comes with special sauce spoons

Milkman It is set differently for each guest if coffee or tea with milk is served. But, if the table is set with a service in which there is only one milk jug, then shared use is allowed

Krennitsa For horseradish, mustard and other hot sauces. Comes with a special spoon

Table setting: sample diagrams and photos

Now that you have figured out what kind of utensils you need, look at the diagrams for arranging it all on the table.

This is how the breakfast table is set:

Dinner serving is the most difficult, look and remember the order:

And this is how the table is set for serving dessert:

Here is a typical table setting with fish dishes:

In conclusion, I would like to say: etiquette is a delicate matter. And we, after all, are not countess to follow all these rules.

If you don’t have any device, don’t fool yourself and don’t be upset!

Most likely, guests are also not aware of how everything should really be, because not even all restaurants follow the correct arrangement and do not have all the cutlery available.

A woman, in addition to taking care of herself, must not forget about the family hearth and everything connected with it.

One of the most important moments in a woman’s life is creating home comfort and beauty in her home.

A woman should not only be able to cook delicious food, but also know how to set the table at home for a particular occasion.

Since feasts are an integral part of our lives, beautiful table setting at home is not the last thing a hostess needs to know if she wants to surprise and delight her guests and family members.

A beautiful table setting will create a pleasant impression of the skills of the hostess, and will undoubtedly improve the appetite of those present at the table.

A beautiful table setting at home can be very chic. To set a table beautifully, it is enough to know some tricks and secrets on how to set a table.

By combining the rules of table setting with original ideas on how to set a table at home, you can always welcome guests at a wonderful table in a pleasant atmosphere.

What to consider before preparing the table setting

Probably, many women can imagine a situation where they need to quickly prepare for the arrival of guests.

Lack of time can play a cruel joke on the hostess, causing her to blush when something is discovered on the table that should not have been there at all.

We are talking about poorly washed or wiped cutlery, dishes that have cracks, unsharpened knives or a stain on the tablecloth that can catch the eye of all guests.


To prevent this from happening, it is better to prepare for the holiday in advance so that such unpleasant moments do not have a place on your holiday table.

If this happens to you, try to always have spare cutlery, a clean tablecloth and extra napkins on hand.

Wipe cutlery with towels, which will not leave lint on the glass.


Wash glasses and wine glasses with detergent to remove all traces of contact from the glassware.

Table setting for any holiday should be thought out to the smallest detail. In addition, you must think about the arrangement of not only the cutlery, but also the dishes that you will treat your guests to, for example, where the meat snacks will be located, where you will put the hot dishes, and where the sweet plate and fruit slices will be located.

Let's look at table setting ideas for certain occasions, which will undoubtedly be useful to housewives in table setting design.

Beautiful table setting - ideas for super housewives

Beautiful table setting at home is carried out depending on the type of feast that is being organized.

Most often, each housewife has her own secrets and rules for table setting, which determine what the festive table setting will be like, what kind of fun children's table setting will delight the kids at a children's party, what amazing table setting will be appropriate for a feast on New Year's holidays or name days.

Beautiful table setting can be made in different styles depending on the kitchen and the preferences of the hostess.

A beautiful table setting for a birthday or any other occasion does not have to be expensive.

You can decorate a table beautifully at home and without much luxury, but at the same time the table setting can turn out to be very original and unusual.

What does proper table setting include?

Every home table setting starts with a table and a beautiful tablecloth. Choosing a beautiful tablecloth means setting the right rhythm for decorating the entire feast.

A beautiful table setting with a white fabric tablecloth or a tablecloth of any other color in a monochrome version looks elegant.

We don’t argue that a bright tablecloth with a rich print is also suitable, but still, setting a table with a plain tablecloth is more solid.

If the table setting is organized on a white tablecloth, you can play with the color palette, choosing not only white and transparent dishes, but also multi-colored tableware options.

A beautiful table setting with white dishes looks lovely on a dark or bright plain tablecloth.

If you are planning a children's table setting, here you can create a colorful explosion by setting the table with colorful dishes of different colors and with different patterns on a tablecloth with children's ornaments.

Housewives often use an oilcloth tablecloth to prevent the main tablecloth from getting dirty.

If you are preparing a table setting at home (for a regular home lunch, breakfast or dinner), you can still afford this, but for guests, try to set the table without such experiments.

A beautiful festive table setting involves the selection of napkins, which are not only an integral part of the decoration of the feast, but also an original accessory.

You can serve the festive table with paper napkins to match the overall serving composition, but still, when expecting dear guests, it is better to put fabric napkins.

A beautiful holiday table setting can be very different. Today, photo ideas on how to fold a napkin with your own hands are presented in large quantities.

After seeing several similar examples, you will quickly learn how to make original options so that your beautiful holiday table setting is unsurpassed in every detail.

Remember that proper table setting for a holiday should include both fabric and paper napkins.

A very important step in the process of setting the table will be the arrangement of dishes. Think in advance where which appliances will be located so that there is still room for decorative elements.

In order for the table setting to turn out beautiful and correct, you must think through the menu, estimating how many and what utensils you will need in order to serve all the prepared dishes to the guests.

Proper table setting: types and features of how to set the table

Each festive table setting, created with imagination, will look like a real masterpiece, because today it is not a familiar and boring process, but a whole art.

A beautiful table setting for a holiday, business dinner, children's party or any other type of feast will differ in design, because each theme has its own table setting rules.

So, children's holiday table setting should not only be beautiful and bright, but also comfortable for children.

You can place spoons for the children instead of forks. This way, kids can eat calmly and easily, and parents won’t worry about their safety.

It’s clear that a fork is a sharp object, and children are fidgety. Children's table setting can be decorated with children's figurines, balls, multi-colored napkins, and unusually shaped dishes.

Children's table settings are often done using plastic or paper dishes in bright colors. This makes it more fun for the children and less hassle for the mother.

Festive table setting for the New Year or Valentine's Day takes into account not only the rules of serving, but also the special atmosphere of these holidays.

Therefore, table setting for New Year's events, as well as a romantic feast setting, can be done in bright colors, for example, red with decor that symbolizes the spirit of these events.

New Year's toys, tree branches, pine cones, small gifts, original New Year's figurines - all this is a beautiful table setting for the New Year.

Rose petals on the table, red tablecloth and napkins, many flowers and floral decorative elements, hearts, etc. - such decor can be present if you are looking for ideas on how to set the table in a romantic manner.

Business table setting, of course, will be more restrained and calm in design, because although table setting should arouse an appetite and a desire to relax among those sitting at the table, table setting for partners or business people should not distract from the purpose of the meeting.

The wedding table setting is chic. Today there are so many ideas on how to set a table for a wedding that young people can combine several of their favorite options to organize a grand feast.

The wedding table setting supports the overall theme and color scheme of the wedding party.

The wedding table setting will definitely not fail if you decorate the wedding table with bright accents, for example, bouquets of multi-colored tulips, delicate wildflowers, and mysterious roses.

Table setting - choosing the right decor and placing accents

Probably the most interesting process is at the stage of decorating the table. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the hostess.

Everything is possible, the main thing is not to overdo it with a lot of decor. The original table setting can be decorated with candles, branches, flower arrangements, ikebana, themed figures and holiday symbols, etc.

Any table setting will be interesting if the decor complements the cutlery in a unique way, making your feast extraordinary.

In order not to talk for a long time about the decor, arrangement of cutlery and other elements, we decided to offer you a photo selection “How to set a table: table setting at home.”

Here you will find stunning photo table setting ideas that you should definitely implement at the upcoming holiday.

Watch and learn: how to set a table beautifully

Lunches, friendly dinners and just tea parties with friends - you really want to do everything correctly and beautifully, so that everyone feels comfortable, so that
the time spent was truly enjoyable for everyone. But surprising guests with culinary talent or entertaining them with an interesting conversation is not everything.
No matter how tasty and original the treats are, it is important to serve them correctly and present them according to the rules and etiquette. Perhaps for some this seems an unimportant “tribute to tradition,” but think about it, this “science” of table setting is hundreds of years old.

The art of table setting has been formed over thousands of years, improving with each new generation. It represents a multifaceted and interesting feast culture. Just think how many peoples and nationalities there are on our Earth! Each and every one of them has not only its own cuisine and its own way of life, but also its own principles of serving dishes and rules for table setting. This science can be studied endlessly, without ceasing to be surprised and find something new.

Of course, today we will not be able to cover the entire scope of existing traditions and features, but it is quite possible now to “open the door” to this interesting World and give several answers to the question of how to set the table. I offer you several rules for the generally accepted, “European” table setting, used in many countries, including Russia.

Simple secrets of table setting that we sometimes tend to forget about

Firstly, I would like to immediately clarify that each housewife makes her own decision on how to set the table. There are many options that meet the basic rules. The main thing to remember is that this “art” largely depends on the taste and wishes of the person setting the table. You shouldn’t reduce everything to financial capabilities. Believe me, a simple tablecloth with paper napkins can look very beautiful and elegant.

When starting to set the table, try to take into account the number and type of dishes, and take care in advance of the availability of the necessary dishes, cutlery and other items. For example, if the menu contains dishes that must be eaten with your hands, stock up on enough napkins or prepare a bowl for washing your hands.

When setting the table, focus on the circle of invitees (close friends, colleagues, family with children, etc.). It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for each of the guests. If you plan to have small children at the table, most likely you will need to replace the fork and knife with a tablespoon or dessert spoon.

It is important that the table setting matches the type and occasion of the feast.
If this is a business or dinner party (for example, a get-together dinner), it is better to stick to a more restrained, neutral style. If only friends and loved ones are invited, the table setting can be more free, using additional table decorations and other things.
It is also important to remember that all elements of the table setting should not only be combined with each other, but also fit organically into the overall interior of the room. The classics are transparent glass glasses and white plates, which are universal for almost any table; if you don’t have them, try to choose the most suitable set from the available ones.

The main “favorites” of table setting, as already partially mentioned earlier, are: tablecloth, napkins, dishes, cutlery and various decoration elements. In order to correctly and quickly arrange the numerous items involved in setting the table, a certain sequence of actions is provided; guided by it, let’s try to set the table.

Answering the question “how
set the table,” it would be appropriate to say about the tablecloth

Naturally, before setting the festive table with dishes and cutlery, it must be covered with a tablecloth. Today in stores you can find plastic and oilcloth tablecloths of different colors and patterns. They are certainly beautiful, but are more suitable for everyday use.

A linen (fabric) tablecloth is considered truly festive and “homey”. It can be colored, plain or with a pattern around the edges. Her choice depends on the type of feast, the color of the dishes used, and the general interior of the room. Ideally, it should go well with curtains and upholstery (if there is one in the room).

The best option is a tablecloth with a plain, preferably light, central part. Bright and colorful canvases can not only distract from the dishes, but also quickly tire you due to the saturation of colors and the contrast of the pattern. If you decide to use a dark-colored tablecloth, try to choose light-colored dishes to match it, this will make the appearance of the table more harmonious and pleasant.

And, most importantly. Whatever tablecloth is preferred, it must be spotlessly clean and well ironed. If you are concerned about its quality and appearance, in some cases you can cover the tablecloth with a thin transparent oilcloth or unfold a beautiful matching napkin under each plate.

Crockery and cutlery

After covering the table with a tablecloth, arrange the plates, glasses and cutlery. At the same time, it is recommended not only to wash and wipe them thoroughly, but also, if possible, to polish them to a shine. Multi-layer paper napkins or hard cotton towels that do not leave lint work well for this.

On the eve of the feast, do not be too lazy to clean the cutlery; they should not have stains or water stains. Moreover, this is not acceptable in the case of glassware for drinking: wine glasses, glasses, glasses and glasses need to be perfectly transparent, which can be easily checked against the light.
After bringing the serving items into the required condition, we begin to arrange them:

    1. a snack plate (medium-sized plate) is located at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the edge of the table strictly opposite each chair;
    2. To the left of the snack plate (at a distance of 5-15 cm) a plate for bread (pie) is placed. However, it is rarely used at home, even festive, feasts;
    3. If several dishes are provided, a small dining room is placed under the appetizer plate.

During the meal, timely change of plates is provided, in accordance with the dishes served.

Next we move on to the cutlery. The knife and tablespoon are always placed on the right side, the fork on the left. The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate, with the handle to the right. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that according to the rules, a person begins to use the utensils lying at the outer edge, then, as the dishes change, he takes the utensils towards the plate. The distance between adjacent cutlery, as well as between the cutlery and the plate, should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

Wine glasses, glasses, tumblers, etc. are also designed for only one type of drink. The wine glass is placed on the right, the water glass on the left. More often they are displayed along one line, but it is not customary to display more than three items in a row. When the table is fully set, items for drinks are placed in two rows.


How to set a table with napkins, or rather how to serve napkins, is a special conversation. Someday it is necessary to devote a separate article to him, talk about

folding options and possibilities for decorating the table with them. Now let’s outline a few basic rules.

This important serving attribute is used at all feasts without exception. For important holiday celebrations, linen (linen, cotton) napkins are often used; sometimes they can be replaced with paper ones. A folded napkin is placed on the appetizer plate for each guest. If paper napkins are used, they can be placed under the right edge of the plate.

Arrangement of cutlery with spices

Spices are placed at the end of the serving. They are installed in the middle part of the table on special stands. Salt and pepper are a must; mustard, table vinegar, vegetable and other seasonings - as needed (according to the menu).

How to set a festive table and
casual with jewelry

The main decoration of any table is, naturally, flowers. They are pleasing to the eye and pleasing to almost everyone. But, at the same time, when using them for serving, try to take into account several nuances:

    1. The most important thing is to make sure that none of the invited guests are allergic to this type of plant.
    2. Do not use flowers with a strong scent for a table bouquet. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can become cloying and produce an undesirable effect.
    3. Place the vase at an appropriate distance from dishes and cutlery, so that pollen or stray petals cannot get into the food.

In addition to flowers, figurines, various figurines and souvenirs are also used to decorate the table. So, if the reason for the feast was some holiday or family celebration, you can use the appropriate paraphernalia to decorate the table.

For example, for Christmas or New Year, make a beautiful composition from candles, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations or souvenirs (observing safety precautions when lighting candles); for a wedding celebration use small figurines of doves, figurines of the bride and groom, flowers; when preparing a youth or children's birthday, focus on bright colors; for children, choose images of your favorite characters; When decorating a table for colleagues for a professional holiday, a good solution would be to use small items associated with professional activities, etc. The main thing is to remember that reasonable measures are important in everything.

And also, no matter what decoration you choose, be it a flower bouquet or a figurine, it should be of such a height that all guests can easily see each other.

A few words about etiquette
Try to create comfortable conditions for each of the invitees. Remember that the hostess can suggest certain seats to guests, or allow them to choose them themselves.
A used linen napkin left by the hostess on the table can serve as a sign for the end of the feast. Otherwise, even when temporarily leaving the table, both guests and hosts should under no circumstances place the napkin on the table (only on the chair).
When inviting guests, the hostess must ensure that the menu includes dishes for all guests. If for some reason a guest does not eat any food, it is important to notice this in time and, without focusing attention, offer him an appropriate replacement.

Enjoy your feasts and happy holidays with your family, friends and loved ones!

Tatiana Raduga

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Today, setting the table is a process that can accompany not only holidays, but also regular meals with family. You don’t have to wait for guests to arrive to get beautiful dishes and a crisp, clean tablecloth.

Especially for you website has prepared general recommendations for serving, which are designed to help decorate the table beautifully, save time and money, and create a delicious atmosphere.


Elegant breakfasts on weekends become a good tradition in many families, bringing family and friends closer to each other. To turn an ordinary breakfast into a small celebration, all you need is a beautiful service and the correct arrangement of serving items. And, of course, don’t forget about the bouquet in the center of the table - a good mood is guaranteed for the whole day.


Are you expecting guests for dinner? For holiday serving, you will need several types of plates, cutlery and wine glasses. Napkins are no longer enough here - prepare a beautiful tablecloth that will highlight the table decoration. You can also decorate the table with a bouquet of flowers, placing it in the center: you will certainly cheer up yourself and your loved ones.

Formal dinner

1 - butter knife;

2 - plate for bread;

3 - guest card;

4, 5 - dessert cutlery;

6, 7, 8 - glasses for drinks;

10 - plate for the main course;

11 - salad plate;

12 - napkin;

13, 17 - devices for fish;

14, 16 - cutlery for the main course;

15 - salad fork;

18 - soup spoon;

19 - cup.

Setting the table for a formal dinner is an art of its own. You can't do without a perfectly white tablecloth and napkin rings. Properly arranged dishes and cutlery, stylish decor and pleasant little things not only help create a good mood, but also help to express your attention and love to your family or guests. And for seating a large number of guests, use special cards - guests will appreciate it.

A banquet table is like a battlefield - you can arrange hordes of plates, glasses and wine glasses correctly
only a great tactician

The festive table is not only about luxurious dishes, but also about their original design. Beautiful table setting plays an important role in creating a festive mood for banquet participants.

Banquet table setting directly depends on the menu, and all the subtleties of the process of preparing tables for a meal are described in detail in all restaurant etiquette manuals. Thus, a certain sequence of actions helps to correctly and quickly cope with the arrangement of numerous objects. However, it should also be remembered that different types of banquets are served according to their own rules - dinner party, dessert table, reception, buffet or banquet.

There are many variations, but let's look at the principles of classic banquet serving.

1. If the theater begins with a hanger, then a banquet begins with the correct arrangement of chairs. The distance between them should be from 50 to 80 cm so that guests feel comfortable while sitting at the table.

2. The next step is to cover the tables with a tablecloth. It should not only be perfectly ironed and clean, but also be sure to cover the legs of the table, hanging 20-30 cm from the edge. To prevent the knocking from dishes and cutlery from distracting guests, place a soft cloth under the tablecloth. Traditionally, a tablecloth is white, but a tablecloth with a pattern that matches the general style or decor of the dishes is also considered good form. But dark or bright plain tablecloths are used only for dessert and tea tables, as well as special ceremonies.

3. When the tablecloths are already laid out on the tables, start arranging the tableware. There is a certain order here: first they place porcelain or earthenware, then cutlery, and only after that they place crystal or glass.


Let's start with the types: deep - soup plate, large shallow - serving plate, medium shallow - for a hot dish and the smallest - pie plate.
We place a serving plate in front of each chair, strictly monitoring the distance from the edge of the plate to the edge of the table - 1.5 - 2 cm. Professionals try to measure the distance as accurately as possible using the folded index and ring fingers, placing them between the plate and the edge of the table.
We place a napkin on the plate and place a plate for hot dishes, and on the left side, along one line, at a distance of 5-10 cm from a small dinner plate or snack plate, we place a pie plate. The distance between them should be at least 60-80 cm.

During the feast, the plates may change, but the serving plate always remains in place.


The number of cutlery depends on the menu, but there are never more than three pairs of forks and knives. The distance between the devices themselves is half a centimeter. But the distance from the table is 2 cm. To the right of the serving plate we place a soup spoon, snack and table knives, with the blade towards the plate, and place the forks on the left. The only fork located to the right of the plates may be the oyster fork. Place the forks with their tines up, and the spoons with their convex side on the table.
Cutlery is arranged according to the following principle: the dish served first is the farthest cutlery from the plate, the last is the closest.
So, we go from right to left: a knife for appetizers, a spoon for soup, behind it there are knives: a fish knife, and at the very edge of the plate the largest one is a knife for the main hot dish.

Place forks to the left of the plate. A fork for the main hot dish should be placed next to the serving plate. Next, place a small fork for the next dish and a fork for fish.
Place dessert cutlery on top and across the appetizer plate. The knife and spoon should be turned with their handles to the right, and the fork - to the left. The spoon usually lies further from the plate, the fork is located nearby, and the knife is placed closest to the plate. On the right hand (next to the knives and spoons) we place a saucer, on top - a tea cup with the handle turned to the right. And place a teaspoon directly on the saucer.

At the end of the meal, cutlery - forks and spoons - are rotated 180 degrees around their axis.


Now comes the turn of crystal (glass) dishes. Each drink has its own serving item. Place the wine glass for the drink for the main dish against the knife blade, at a distance of 1 cm from the tip. And a little lower and to the right we place a glass for a drink for a snack. There is a general rule: glasses and goblets should be placed slightly to the right of the main wine glass in the order in which dishes are served. They are placed in a block in two rows, in a semicircle or in length. The distance between glasses should be approximately 1 cm.

An indispensable, but very important detail of table setting is napkins. They are divided into lunch and tea. The place of the napkin is on a snack bar or pie plate. It is important that in color, texture and pattern they are in harmony with the tablecloth. This way you will enhance the impression of a beautifully set table.

And flowers, which are an integral part of festive table decoration, will help to add solemnity or romance.

These are the general rules for classic banquet table setting. Be guided by them in the process of preparing your feast. But in the case of a big celebration, it is advisable that a professional decorator take part in the table setting.

Have a great mood and bon appetit!