home · Appliances · Rectangular bedroom with one window is simple. Design features of a rectangular bedroom. Room arrangement and decor. Small bedroom in purple tones

Rectangular bedroom with one window is simple. Design features of a rectangular bedroom. Room arrangement and decor. Small bedroom in purple tones

Interior rectangular bedroom, which, in addition to everything else, small size, can be a real headache for owners. It seems that a 3x4 m bedroom design should only take into account the small size of the room itself, while a 3x5 m bedroom design or a 3x6 m bedroom design should already “fight” with too elongated room space.

This design of a rectangular bedroom allows you to visually expand the two long walls of the room and neutralize the “oppressive” effect of the elongated space. This effect is further enhanced by the opposite floor and ceiling - the dark bottom and light top expand the space above, which further reduces the negative effect of an elongated bedroom.

Narrow bedroom layout

The main requirement for small roomcorrect installation sleeping place.

Everything else is already a trifle. But if your bedroom is long, things get more complicated. It is necessary to choose the largest bed that the room can accommodate.

It can be installed across the room or along long walls. To do this, proceed from the size of the bed and bedroom. For a double bed, leave passages of at least 70 cm to both places and install it along the wall.

The disadvantages of this layout include the inability to place other pieces of furniture in the room: a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a dressing table. If you need to place a large number of interior items, install the bed across. In this case, both passes or one to the far one are preserved. Otherwise, one person will have to jump over the other every time to lie down in their place.

Make sure you have space to store personal belongings and bed linen. To do this, use the wall at the head of the bed. Place in a "P" shape hanging shelves and cabinets. For compact bedroom is a convenient and functional solution.

If the room has a niche, place a wardrobe with mirrors there, which will visually expand the space.

Narrow bedroom design

To ensure that interior items fit perfectly and harmoniously into the room, order custom-designed furniture.

This way you will fit more necessary furniture and maintain the ability to move freely around the room. The design of a long and narrow bedroom does not include large items. Work area, it is better to equip it in a corner with upper shelves on the walls and lower drawers.

A corner cabinet will not take up a lot of space, but on the contrary, will save it than a regular rectangular one. Worth thinking about modular furniture. For example, a good option is workplace in the closet, and make a coffee table from the bedside table.

Use walls wisely, install hanging shelves and cabinets to store personal items and decorative items.

Consider the option of placing furniture in a “U” shape. If the room is too narrow, use an “L”-shaped arrangement.

“Treatment” of narrow and long bedroom It is also possible by installing additional partitions, which shorten the length of the entire room by creating additional sections. This solution to the problem, coupled with the appropriate arrangement of furniture, gives an exceptional effect and can completely rid the room of compressive walls.

Moreover, in the example above, all the above means are enhanced by color and light: long walls, being light, also receive a lot of light. The result is obvious - the room is not perceived as elongated.

Rectangular room design

To make a narrow and rectangular bedroom into your favorite relaxation place, you need to follow the rules in the interior:

  • choose the right shades. Avoid choosing dark and gloomy colors that will make the room appear smaller and narrower. Warm and bright colors visually enlarge the space. Choose peach, orange, lemon, terracotta colors. Focus on one of the walls: cover the long ones light wallpaper, and the end one – dark and bright. It is allowed to use photo wallpaper or a bright pattern on it;

  • zone the room. In an elongated bedroom, it is allowed to arrange two adjacent areas. You will get two separated zones, approximately 2.5 by 5.5 m or 2 by 4 m, delimited by a partition or cabinet, curtains, shelving without back wall, aquarium. Place the sleeping area closer to the window, for guests - closer to the door;

  • use accessories that visually increase the volume of space. Mirrors and wardrobes with mirrored doors will help you. Place them opposite the window, perpendicular to the end wall;

  • turn a “rectangle” into a “square”. To get a sleeping area of ​​4 by 4 m, arrange the furniture asymmetrically around the perimeter, fill the area with square accessories;

  • install proper lighting. In narrow areas of 3.5 by 5.5 m, provide lighting in each zone. Use sconces or table lamps. Install a chandelier on the ceiling, which will play a decorative function.

Depending on the room, it is enough to allocate an area of ​​2 by 3 m to organize a sleeping place. Here you can choose the perfect design.

To finish the ceiling, use emulsion paint. A long bedroom should be as spacious as possible. To enhance perspective, use a wooden floor with floorboards laid crosswise.

Do not place photographs on cabinets and shelves, but hang them on the wall.

An elongated room can be transformed with the help of what a square bedroom design looks like: we are talking about the fact that when creating a design square room in an elongated position, you can achieve the desired effect. In this case, the design involves the presence of relatively tall objects blocking the space along the long side of the room. The same trick will be appropriate so that, for example, the design of a 3x3 m bedroom does not seem compressed by the walls.

Another technique for “finishing” space based on the same effect visual expansion, you can admire the photo of this small sleeping area. Here, a kind of negative bed against the background of the headboard and ceiling shifts the visual perception of space small room and allows the eyes to travel a longer distance. It is due to this that there is a feeling of a room with one bed that is a little larger than it actually is.

The design of the corner bedroom is no different from ordinary rooms, except, perhaps, for the presence of windows in two adjacent walls. In this case, the designer only decides how to properly manage the space around each window with the greatest benefit for the inhabitants.

Photo - 45 The main rule for visually increasing space is light and color

In general, for small rooms they use the same rule to increase visual space - light and color. For example, the sample above, in addition to the bedside lamps, also uses a row of paintings on a white background. Their placement in a row horizontally can visually expand the wall on which they are located.

Photo - 48 The meaning of paintings in bedroom design

In fact, there may be many solutions to the problems that arise in connection with long narrow rooms, but each of them requires an individual solution.

Photo - 50 Dividing a narrow bedroom into functional areas

Naturally, every person wants to do something original and interesting in their bedroom, to bring their ideas and fantasies to life. At the same time, everyone wants to create a unique style that no one else has. However, unfortunately, the layout of the room does not always allow you to bring all your ideas to life and do something truly grandiose here. But today we will talk about how you can create an original design even in the smallest bedroom.

Now the market is very wide, and styles do not limit a person’s imagination. Using your capabilities correctly, you can create not only unique design, but also visually increase the space by placing the right accents with the help of building materials. It is logical that furniture also has a significant influence when creating a bedroom.

If the bedroom is not large and its dimensions are no more than 15 square meters, then it is necessary to think in advance about everything that will be installed in it, down to the smallest detail.

Bedroom layout

First of all, it is necessary to assess the situation, since much depends on the shape of the room, and it can be: square, elongated or rectangular.

Based on the exact shape of the room in a particular case, it is necessary to plan the bedroom arrangement project in advance. For example, in a rectangular bedroom, the dimensions of which do not exceed 15 square meters, the furniture should be arranged like this:

  • Bed. It is installed with the headboard against one of the walls; it is better to place the table near the window in order to create natural lighting due to daylight.
  • Dresser and wardrobe. It is best to place them closer to the door, or occupy free corners with them, so that it all looks organic. You can also use ottomans, which should be placed around the perimeter of the room. Their advantage is that all small things can be hidden inside the ottomans.
  • Sofa. An alternative to a bed can be a sofa; a folding one is especially good because it doesn’t take up much space.

Deciding on the design of the bedroom

On this moment There are many different styles and designs: high-tech, modern, classic, baroque and others. People who are not experienced in this will not be able to correctly use this or any other style due to their inexperience. In order to create an original and unique design, but at the same time adhere to one specific style You should contact specialists who will help make your bedroom unique.

If the funds do not allow you to attract an outside designer, then you should rely on your taste and inner feelings; for greater confidence, you can correct yourself according to the designs presented in the photo on the Internet.

The bedroom is a place of rest, solitude and release from unnecessary thoughts. This is where a person can relax, take off the burden of a hard day's work and enjoy the silence. To create a pleasant atmosphere it is best to use Blue colour and its shades that can soothe nervous system, create warmth and comfort in the room.

Taking orange or similar bright color you can feel joy and charge yourself with positive energy. However, it often happens that such tones quickly begin to irritate and excite, and not everyone likes this. For maximum comfort and calm, it is better to use bed colors that can relieve the nervous system after a hard day.

We should not forget that the bedroom is not only a place for relaxation, but also for passion. In this case, it is better to use red colors, but it would be more correct to use them only partially, decorating only one of the walls with this tone.

Black color will become very popular in 2018, but this can bring darkness to the bedroom design. In order to avoid this, you need to have good and bright lighting that can highlight the black tones.

Those who seek unity with nature and environment can use green colors in soft shades. You can complement this picture with the help of properly selected wallpaper or curtains, photo wallpaper with a view of nature.

In general, it is worth noting that there are quite a lot of ideas for designing a small bedroom and it all depends only on the choice of the homeowner. If you approach this matter correctly, carry out high-quality repairs and try to stick to one specific style, you can create an interesting and fashionable bedroom. By selecting quality materials, decorative elements and wallpaper with original look you can make your dream come true - to create a comfortable and cozy bedroom, capable of pleasing the eye every day for many years.

As soon as the renovation was completed, the bedroom found the right type, you should take care of the furnishings of the room, correctly arranging everything you need in it. First of all, this is a bed, which must be as comfortable as possible, but not take up much space. Then comes the TV, life without which in the 21st century is quite difficult to imagine. It is best placed opposite the bed (sofa), placing it in front of the eyes in a sitting position. You can put the TV on the bedside table, or install it on the wall, which will save extra square meter. It must be taken into account that the distance must be appropriate, otherwise your vision can be damaged.

You also need to install a chest of drawers or a closet here. There should be a mirror so that you can bring beauty; it is best to use a mirror integrated into the chest of drawers; it can also replace a table. By correctly using the functionality of furniture, you can minimize its quantity, thereby creating a little free space even in a small bedroom.

The armchair and ottomans are installed at will, depending on how much they are needed. Special attention should be paid to the decor, these could be paintings or figurines, decorative flowers and other elements that create additional comfort in the room.

In general, it is worth noting that correctly planning a small bedroom is a difficult task, but possible. If you approach this matter responsibly and carefully think through everything initial stage, then you can create a cozy and modern bedroom With original design, which will delight you every day.

Anyone can decorate and competently design a rectangular bedroom of 16 sq m. Modern designers willingly share their secrets and give useful tips, Besides, basic knowledge in creating an interior can be obtained through special literature. The whole process is divided into several stages, each of them includes a large amount of work and is very significant for the final result.

Anyone can beautifully decorate and competently create a design for a rectangular bedroom of 16 sq.m.

In fact, a rectangular bedroom is quite common and today there are many various options for creating beautiful design. It is worth saying that there are also children’s rooms, halls, living rooms and kitchens of this size and shape. Such parameters are not an obstacle to beautiful and stylish design premises. But each of these rooms, of course, requires a special atmosphere and compliance with the rules in the interior.

Before starting work, you should still familiarize yourself with the basic rules in the designer’s work on the interior of a small and rectangular room.

The first point is the development of a schematic plan of the premises and the selection of various options.

Create a drawing

If you are working on a rest and sleep room, then you should first create a small drawing on paper and schematically transfer the area of ​​the room. Next, you need to think about the location of the furniture and its parameters. It is possible that the headset will have to be made to order for individual measurements.

The bedroom interior should not be overloaded; it needs enough space for complete physical and emotional rest. There should be a minimum amount of furniture in a rectangular room; the most necessary ones are: a bed, a nightstand, a dressing table and a wardrobe. Perhaps, if you have a dressing room, there is no need to place wardrobes in the bedroom, and sometimes a dressing table is not a priority for many. When planning and thinking about how to arrange furniture in a rectangular room, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the bed takes up the most space. Its parameters must be initially determined and included in your plan.

Who the room is intended for plays a big role. For example, if a design is being developed for a children's room, then the set of furniture changes a little. This room must be furnished correctly and take into account all safety measures for the child, since in a small room you will want to create several zones for the baby, where he will not only sleep, but also lead an active lifestyle. Quite often, a sports slide is placed in the design of a small children's bedroom; in this case, it is important to place it away from the bed and avoid it near the corners of interior items.

The choice of furniture will depend on the age of the child and the tasks set in the layout. If there is a preschooler in this room, then a bed, a small cabinet and a table with open shelves along the walls will be enough. But if this room is intended for an older child, then it will be necessary to zoning the total area. A young family member needs to create an area for sleep and relaxation, a corner for studying, and for this it is necessary to place in the room a table and a comfortable chair, a cabinet and, possibly, a bedside table and shelves for books. The arrangement of furniture in a rectangular bedroom should be done in such a way that visually the room takes on the shape of a square.

Modern designers willingly share their secrets and give useful advice.

Designers quite often complement the design of a rectangular living room or bedroom with large mirrors, sometimes they occupy an entire wall. In fact, this technique will visually expand the space and adjust the shape of the working area. It is worth remembering that you should not place mirrors opposite the bed, as this can cause some internal tension and disturb the peace of sleep. Such elements best complement the design of a rectangular hall or living room. In addition, glass or mirror shelves arranged in tiers along the longest wall look great. Experts do not recommend loading the space with massive paintings, heavy curtains and big amount small details.

Gallery: rectangular bedroom design (25 photos)

Bedroom interior design (video)


All these nuances should be thought out in advance and carried out accurate calculations to avoid mistakes.

When drawing up a plan, you can consider several options and suggest how to carry out zoning in such a room. There are actually several options. In the first, the room is divided into 2 equal squares and a place for sleeping is placed in one, and a work corner or place for games is placed in the other. The design of a long bedroom for adults can be visually divided by a beautiful, forged screen or a canopy can be secured above the bed. For a bedroom 17 sq. m, you can divide the area using plasterboard partition for half the room, but in this case it is necessary to think about how the lighting will be located in each zone.

If you place a standard bed in the center of a short wall, there will still be enough free space on both sides, and this arrangement of the bed allows you to separate the sitting area from the rest of the space in the room. In this case, it is best to choose wallpaper for the walls that matches each other: this way you can decorate both long sides with the same color, and shorter walls with a material with a pattern on a darker background.

Zoning is recommended to be done using open shelves. The shape of the structure can be rectangular from the ceiling to the floor, in the form of a slide, or, conversely, in several boxes to the middle of the wall. You can also isolate each zone from each other with the help of a beautiful curtain.

Color spectrum

At the second stage of work, it is worked out and thought through to the smallest detail. color scheme in the interior.

First of all, you need to choose wallpaper or other covering for the walls; now painting has become popular and photo wallpapers have returned to fashion. It is necessary to take into account that long room requires enough light to visually expand the space, so wallpaper is most often chosen in pastel colors. Larger role in selection color design It depends on who will live in the room: for a married couple, different shades are suitable depending on the chosen design style; a bachelor can decorate the room in shades of green, blue, beige and dark brown; the combination of white and black looks quite advantageous.

It is better to give preference to a young girl pastel colors on the walls. You can place color accents in the room using bright curtains on the windows or use extraordinary textiles for the bed, this could be a bright bedspread and small pillows.

Wallpaper for a children's bedroom should not be in dark tones; most often it is light canvas with a printed pattern. Each option should be selected in accordance with the chosen design direction.

First of all, you need to choose wallpaper or other wall covering; painting has become popular now

But for a long living room it’s quite combination is suitable beige, burgundy colors and gold elements in the decor. Classic option Almost any room will have walls decorated in beige tones in combination with different shades of brown and bronze. Contrasting color combinations, according to experts, are more suitable where a rectangular kitchen-living room is decorated. Different types of colors on the walls perfectly emphasize the zoning of rooms. Wallpapers that complement each other are very popular today. In specialized stores you can purchase “partner” wallpapers of any choice and color; they will perfectly decorate the interior of a rectangular hall or living room.

When it comes to choosing colors in the interior, the presence of windows, their format and presentation play a rather important role. natural light inside the room. It is possible that using the color of the walls you will have to adjust the lighting and space in the bedroom or in a long living room or hall. Accordingly, the question of lighting in a rectangular living room, bedroom or hall plays an important role, and the design of a rectangular room depends on its quality.

Basic principles of bedroom design (video)

Lighting must be thoughtful

There are several rules that experts use in their work, for example, placing the chandelier in the center elongated room It’s not worth it, as this will only emphasize its shape and will not provide sufficient lighting. In addition, you should take into account the height of the walls: if the ceiling in a rectangular room is low, then the hanging lighting fixtures should not be bulky or bulky.

In a room where zoning has been done, it is worth placing lighting points correctly: this will help visually correct the oblong appearance of the room.

The “eye” lamps mounted in the ceiling in the shape of a zigzag or semicircle look very good; in addition, you can put a tall floor lamp in the work corner, and hang stylish sconces above the bed. A correctly placed light accent will help to visually expand the space and advantageously emphasize each area in the room.

Experts in the field of interior design and interior design are happy to share their knowledge and give the following recommendations on how to properly design an elongated living room, bedroom, office or hall:

  1. If laminate or parquet is installed correctly in such a room, you can visually adjust the shape of the room. It is worth placing the drawing not along the walls, when it will stretch the shape, but across it: this is what will give the desired effect. You can achieve the desired result using a square pattern on the floor. Carpeting or rugs the desired shape will look advantageous on an area of ​​sixteen or seventeen square meters.
  2. You should avoid placing furniture along the walls: this typical mistake leads to the effect of an elongated corridor.
  3. If there is little space in the room, then a large bed can be placed close to the wall.
  4. For small areas it is not necessary to use every square meter. If this is a bedroom, then a minimum number of pieces of furniture will provide the necessary space.
  5. You should not get carried away with a large number of decorative things and accessories in the interior: this will create a feeling of clutter and a heavy atmosphere.
  6. Wallpaper on long walls should not be in dark colors, as this will lead to a tunnel effect.

Carrying out this work, it is worth remembering that, first of all, the room should have a comfortable and cozy environment that will be conducive to relaxation and tranquility. Allow yourself to show your imagination and bring bold and extraordinary ideas to life, use the advice of modern designers, take the interior you like as an example and stick to this example.

Attention, TODAY only!

", can turn into a real problem for its inhabitants. However, according to experts, it is much easier to arrange such a room than a hallway or a small kitchen. So, if you approach the matter wisely, you can end up with a rather cozy and practical room for relaxing and sleeping.

Having decided to arrange a narrow bedroom, first of all, you should draw up its layout on paper. This will help to correctly install all the necessary furniture in the “Khrushchev” building. Be prepared for the fact that you may have to give up something because narrow room Don’t clutter it with unnecessary items. This will only emphasize the poor shape of an already small room.

Most acute standing question– how to arrange furniture correctly. If space small bedroom allows you to put other pieces of furniture in it, in addition to the bed, then you should take into account simple rules for their placement:

  • The main point to adhere to when planning is not to place furniture along long walls. This will make the room look like a corridor.
  • Furniture should be placed in the Khrushchev building in the shape of the letter “P”. In this case, all the furniture will be concentrated in one part of the room, and in the second there will be free space. This is convenient in a small children's bedroom.
  • Try placing furniture in an L shape if your bedroom is very narrow.
  • Use asymmetrical furniture arrangement. In addition, use objects of different heights, which will visually expand the room.

Bed Installation - Basic Ideas

Perhaps the only attribute of a small bedroom that you cannot do without is bed. All experts agree that it is better not to skimp on it. The bed should be as comfortable as possible. However, for a narrow bedroom, its installation can be problematic. In such a room you can place a bed either along a long wall or across it.

When installed across it, there will be enough free space for other furniture. However, the necessary passage should be left on both sides for double bed.

It will be enough to allocate 70 centimeters on each side. If it’s not a problem for you to climb over another person, then you can leave room for only one passage. This will save space.

One of the most good ideas for a small room - install the bed along a long wall. It is ideal if there is space for passages on the sides of the bed. However, in this case, the rest of the space suffers: placing other furniture may be problematic.

That's why choosing a bed location in a narrow bedroom is always a compromise between convenience and functionality.

The design of a narrow bedroom plays not only an aesthetic, but also a functional role. By using correct design You can make a room not only beautiful and cozy, but also visually expand it.

An important role when decorating a bedroom is played by its color scheme. By using different colors you can achieve both a visual expansion of space and, on the contrary, its compression, therefore in this issue you should be extremely careful.

In order to visually make a narrow bedroom wider, you should use the following color schemes:

Combine cold and warm colors. Paint short walls warm shades, for example, in peach, orange, terracotta. And long walls are in cold colors, such as snow-white, light lilac, soft green, blue and other tones. This will visually give the room a square appearance.

Advice! Try to avoid dark shades in the interior!

Use colored details. Perfect option– use of wide stripes. Place horizontal stripes on a short wall. For this you can use curtains, if the window is successfully located on such a wall.

Advice! Don't use vertical stripes: they will make your bedroom look even narrower.

Use horizontal stripes on the floor as well. Lay a striped carpet on it, for example.

Decorating a narrow bedroom

When making accents in the form of details in a narrow bedroom, stick to one simple rule: less is more. Excessive clutter as it is narrow space unnecessary details can only aggravate the situation. The design of a narrow bedroom requires minimalism.

Below are some tips on how to properly decorate a narrow bedroom:

  • Position mirrors on one of the long walls, which will visually expand the space.
  • Don't neglect. If you properly cover one of the walls with them, it can optically enlarge the space, as in the photo.
  • Particular attention should be paid to lighting. It is better to avoid placing lamps around the perimeter of the room. Prefer central lighting. The design of a narrow bedroom includes decorative candles, table lamps and floor lamps of various shapes. This will expand the space.

Narrow bedroom interior

Without a doubt, the main feature of any bedroom is the bed. However, you want to include other essential items in the room: a closet, a desk, a chair. And what woman would refuse a chest of drawers and dressing table? With a competent approach to interior design, you can fit these pieces of furniture into a narrow bedroom.

The optimal solution in this case may be multifunctional furniture. So, the desktop can be made hanging. It will be easy to put away after finishing work and will not take up much space in the room.

A small bedroom is a common occurrence in modern housing. It is much worse if it is elongated relative to one side. The design of a narrow bedroom is not an easy task: her mandatory element is a bed that should look organically in an irregularly shaped room. In addition to it, you need to fit other furniture, make the room cozy and hide the oblong shape as much as possible so as not to feel cramped.

Stylistic solutions in the interior

The choice of style is the first question on which the entire further work plan for creating the interior of an elongated bedroom will depend. It is worth considering the purpose of the room: here is a place to sleep and relax, the style should not be too catchy and defiant.

The design of a narrow and long bedroom in a minimalist style is the most common option today. Thanks to the space created by this direction, it is possible to hide the proportional flaws of the room. The design uses light colors and the number of interior details is kept to a minimum. Within the framework of minimalism, it makes sense to expand the window and give preference to natural light.

The second most popular is the marine theme. By successfully combining cold shades of blue and warm beige, in the manner of the sea and sand, you can completely hide the elongated shape of the bedroom. The embodiment of the wave theme on a short wall is the way to visually lengthen it.

Using modern style or modern, you can also present an elongated bedroom in a favorable light. The effect is achieved through the use of abstract forms, bright non-standard accents and an admixture of eco-notes into the overall symphony of the room.

Surface finishing

Using the right finish, you can visually correct the shape of the bedroom. There are such design techniques for walls:

  • Long walls should be finished in cold colors, and short walls should be finished in warm colors.
  • Using squares as a pattern creates a subconscious association of the room with this shape.
  • A horizontal stripe on short walls will lengthen them. But you shouldn’t walk her across the room: this will give the bedroom back its irregular shape and visually trims the height.
  • Give preference light colors finishes: white, beige, yellow, blue.

Avoid dark colors and a small pattern: this will create an uncomfortable tunnel atmosphere.

As flooring It is preferable to use a floor close to natural: parquet or laminate. Completely out of place here ceramic panels and tiles: they are slippery, cold, and it is unpleasant to step on them with bare feet. Floor elements must be fastened diagonally or towards a long wall.

Another way to correct the proportions of a room is to use multi-level ceiling With square shape in the middle. Under no circumstances should you glue wallpaper to the ceiling along a long wall. It is better to give preference to modern tension and suspension structures or use the classic win-win option - paint in White color paint.


Before you start arranging furniture, you need to think about its placement in the room. You need to draw up a plan on paper. This will allow you to make sure in advance that all the necessary elements will fit, saving budget and time.

In an elongated bedroom, layout options are limited. There are 4 types of them:

  • Linear. Suitable for narrow spaces. The furniture is located along one of the long walls, opposite the door.
  • L-shaped. Suitable for medium width room. Most of the elements are placed along a long wall, and one of them, most often the bed, is placed along a smaller wall. When the bed is single, it can be placed against the main wall, and a closet or work space can be placed near the short one.
  • U-shaped. The layout option is suitable only if the bedroom has impressive dimensions, allowing you to place furniture along three walls. There should be a comfortable passage in the center for an adult.
  • Asymmetrical. It involves placing elements along each wall in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not interfere with free movement around the room.

Space zoning

The interior of the narrow bedroom seems to suggest dividing it into two small rooms. This does not have to be achieved by building a wall. It is enough to know zoning techniques by dividing the bedroom into several functional zones.

The design of a narrow children's bedroom especially requires the implementation of this technique: the room will be used for relaxation, study, and games.

There are several ways to accomplish this:

  • Finishing. You can achieve the effect of separating part of a room by finishing its surfaces differently from the main one: ceiling, floor and walls. For example, you can paste other wallpaper in the second half of the room, emphasizing the division with a multi-level ceiling.
  • Furniture layout. By placing some furniture crosswise, you can physically separate one part of the room from another. A closet placed in this way will hide the sleeping area from prying eyes.
  • Decor. Various elements decor can also help with zoning. For example, an ornate screen will fit perfectly into the design of a small bedroom in the Provence style.
  • Curtain. Often the division is made using a fabric curtain covering the second half of the room.

The bed as the main element of the room

Planning the entire bedroom space depends on its width at its narrowest point. Based on this parameter, choose the bed, the main part. Experts in this field recommend giving preference to the most expensive model available: a high-quality bed is the key good night and investing in your health.

The first question that torments every owner of an oblong bedroom is to place the bed lengthwise or crosswise? There is no universal correct answer; the decision must be made in each individual case. When taking into account the size of the room, you need to calculate, in addition to the width of the bed itself, whether it will be possible to approach it from each side. The width of the passage that is comfortable for a person is at least 70 cm.

If you need to save as much space as possible in the room, especially if the size is no more than 2 by 4 meters and you plan to install other furniture, then you can leave only one approach to the bed. This solution is not always convenient for the spouse who will sleep against the wall: he will have to constantly climb over the one who will sleep on the edge.

The bed sets the style of the entire room, so when choosing it, it is important to adhere to the direction chosen initially. The key detail of the bed is its headboard, which can become the main accent of the design of a narrow bedroom.

When choosing a practical bed, you should pay attention to the capacity of its linen drawer: if you are saving space, it can become the only place for storage bedding.

Furniture selection

In conditions of limited space, when choosing furniture, you need to be guided not only by your tastes. Modern designers have come up with many interesting furniture solutions for the interior of a narrow bedroom.

The bedroom must have a place to store bedding, pajamas and other things. Interesting idea will connect the wardrobe and bed together, giving preference folding design. It will save most space and looks stylish. There are full-fledged furniture systems with folding bed. By placing it along one wall, the furniture problem is immediately solved completely.

When filling the space of a small room, you must not forget that furniture can be located not only on the floor. It is convenient to use hanging cabinets and shelves that are mounted above other elements: a table, a bed, etc. If you hang them on different heights, the room will become more comfortable. The TV is also hung on special brackets.

Instead of armchairs, you can give preference to poufs. And combine the dressing table with desk, hiding everything you need in drawers. Be sure to have bedside tables or a table near the bed: it’s convenient to put all sorts of little things on it for the night, charge your devices, etc.

Advantageous lighting

When creating a long and narrow bedroom design, Special attention given to lighting. Proper use of it can radically affect the visual presentation of the room.

Having natural light from a window in the bedroom is key. Opposite it you can put a mirror, then in daytime the light from it will be scattered throughout the room.

There is no point in hanging massive lamps here: it will only worsen the situation. It is better to give preference to several small ones lighting fixtures V functional areas or spot lighting along the square perimeter of a multi-level ceiling. It is worth equipping a short wall with additional light if there is no window on it.

As a decorative element, you can equip hanging shelves with lighting.

Be sure to provide additional lighting to the area near the bed. This could be a small night light bedside table, a lamp built into the headboard or sconce above the bed.

It will be convenient to build in a light brightness control, which will allow you to adjust it from bright lighting for work or cleaning to intimate, muted twilight.

Room decor

The size of the room forces one to refrain from using large quantity elements. Otherwise, it will create the effect of a cluttered corridor, which will significantly affect the interior of a tiny narrow bedroom.

They will help create an atmosphere of comfort family photos or paintings. It is better to hang one or several large frames, do not overdo it with the quantity. A picture above the head of the bed can become the main accent that will distract the guest from the awkward shape of the room. The best choice would be abstract art or perspective.

Usage indoor plants in the bedroom it will not only enliven its interior, but also make the air cleaner and increase its humidity.

You can use stripes and square motifs on curtains, bedspreads, and upholstery. You should avoid directing them along the long walls of the bedroom.

A square rug is one of the key decorative items for a narrow bedroom. With its shape, it visually corrects the proportions of the room, and its texture and color complement stylistic direction, make the room more comfortable and warmer.