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Living room interior of a square room. Interior of a square living room: design recommendations. Color is important

Apartment design

The owner of an equilateral room does not need to suffer while coming up with living room design methods. It is practically not limited by any conditions and principles. Square is the perfect profile for any room, requiring very little: the formation of its design and organization of functionality that meets all the tastes of the residents. The owner of a long rectangular room has much more difficulties and less chances to show his creative nature. He'll have to use different methods, which can visually change the geometry of space.

Before we begin the arrangement process, it is necessary to determine all the functionality of our premises. It should contain everything you need for family gatherings, visiting guests, and just relaxing at home.

The elongated rectangular profile of the room itself encourages the creation of zones dividing the total area. This allows you to make the room more comfortable and hides its not very good shape. Often in a large living room there is an area in which the dining room is located. A dining group is installed here (table and chairs, furniture for dishes), and in the remaining space there is a certain center of the composition (large TV, false fireplace), refined with a sofa and armchairs. In such a room, upholstered furniture can be located either in the middle or along the wall structures. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember about free space, which allows you to walk around the room itself.

Everything you need to organize your workspace (computer desk, bookcase, shelves) is optimally placed near the window opening, in particular if the room is elongated perpendicular to it.

Long zoning narrow room

If the window opening is located on the long side, we recommend another method of installing furniture - a sliding wardrobe with door leaves the same color as the wall surface. The room is shortened to the depth of the cabinet, which brings it closer to square geometry.

The main thing is not to do the most common mistakes, which are usually done by owners of non-standard rooms. Mistake #1- arrangement of furniture along wall structures along the entire length of the room. Mistake #2- concentration of furniture in one place. The first mistake leads to a visual stretching of the room and even to a “corridor effect”, the second - to an excess of empty space and loss of harmony of the composition.

View of the floor surface and entrance door

A feeling of spaciousness can be achieved by widening the doorway. Optimal installation of sliding doors. It is difficult to imagine a more advantageous option for separating the dining room and living room, but only if the design door design fits the interior of these rooms.

Light-colored laminate flooring is often chosen for flooring. This material helps to visually give weightlessness to all large objects in the interior. You can visually shorten an elongated room using parquet boards located along short wall structures. The pattern of squares also looks harmonious on the floor. A good carpet won't hurt either. square shape in the middle of the room, which can emphasize the comfortable atmosphere in the place of relaxation.

Color palette for a narrow living room

When creating a room design, it is better to follow the advice of professional craftsmen.

  1. Light colors hide layout imperfections well, visually enlarging the room. To decorate ceiling and wall structures, use cladding in white, sand, pale gray, soft turquoise, and lavender shades.
  2. Wall surfaces look beautiful, the upper section of which is covered with wallpaper with a pattern of an identical tone (or decorated with panels). Such zoning of walls in the horizontal plane helps to visually expand the room.
  3. Do you want juiciness? Enter orange, gold, but try not to overdo these colors in the living room. Your room will be magnificent if you choose the right draperies and other decor.

Design of a long rectangular living room

  1. When selecting a palette, take into account the location of the room in relation to the cardinal directions. If the window openings are located on the south side, you can use cool blue, gray, white, indigo, and black tones. For rooms with windows facing north, take warm light green, orange, and sunny shades.
  2. To make the living room more picturesque, it is useful to use contrasts in its design. For example, highlight more dark shade wall niches in a room with light wall surfaces.

In order to visually bring small walls closer to the central axis of the living room (making the room more square), it is necessary to use “sultry” or dark tones to decorate them: for example, orange, scarlet, terracotta, warm chocolate or black. The elongated walls will be cool and light.

In order to issue living room in an elongated and narrow room, you must use the techniques already described in our article. But there are a few more known methods, which can help create harmony in an elongated space.

Professionals recommend not stopping only at the proper arrangement of various interior elements. Bulky furniture should not be used. It is better to choose lightweight poufs, non-massive shelving, and transformable pieces of furniture for furnishing. There is also an interesting technique for decorating the floor in a rectangular living room - a striped carpet, the direction of the stripes running across the elongated wall.

A perpendicular pattern can also be placed on ceiling structure(good for this).

Long rectangular living room

Modern ones can visually increase the space in a narrow living room. Their role in the design of an elongated and narrow living room is difficult to overestimate. You can always visually control the area with the help of beautiful images of natural landscapes, architectural sculptures, space themes and so on.

In addition, mirrors can become your assistants, which can significantly increase the space.

In order for the creation of a design in your apartment to please you with final successes and give you vivid emotions, experiment more and use all your creative potential, relying on the accumulated knowledge of professional designers.

To make your holiday with loved ones enjoyable, it is important to take care of the design of your living room. It is necessary to place a sufficient number of seats and allocate recreation areas. The design of a rectangular living room is a separate topic that requires a thoughtful approach. Here it is important to know the basic techniques that will help you create a harmonious and cozy space around you.

Key points in design

Ergonomics of space

In the room rectangular shape it is important to follow all the rules of ergonomics, especially if the living room has a small area. When planning your layout, be sure to leave enough free space so that movement is not difficult.

With large window, striped carpet and green wall decoration

Furniture selection

If the size of the room allows, you can choose furniture of absolutely any style. In this case, the only important thing will be how you arrange it. But when the room is quite narrow and elongated, it is best to turn to minimalist interior items. Simple armchairs and sofas without frills, a laconic coffee table, a few narrow shelves or shelves, instead of a TV wall, a low, elongated cabinet - all that is needed to decorate the living room. The decor should also be moderate.

To harmonize space it is good to use corner sofa. Its protruding part, if possible, is located across the long wall, marking the boundary of the recreation area. You can also put a chair. But it is important to consider that there is enough space for passage.

light green and beige colors in the interior

Zone allocation

Depending on the area of ​​the room and the habits of a particular family, the living room may consist of one or several zones. In the first case, you can create comfort by using a corner sofa or a soft group with an armchair placed perpendicular to the wall, as described above.

When two zones are required, it is important to arrange them so that being in each is comfortable. For example, the space between the sofa and the TV should, if possible, not be a walk-through area.

You can zone space in different ways. Most often, carpeting, through shelving, and elements of upholstered furniture are used for this. In the living room, as a rule, there are no more than two zones. In addition to the standard sofa group, a fireplace with armchairs and a coffee table can be provided, dinner table or workplace.

with black shelves, white sofa and gray wall decor

neutral interior with desk and sofa for relaxing

Techniques for creating visual harmony

You can ignore following tips. Following the rules of ergonomics and well-chosen furniture will help make the design of a rectangular living room quite comfortable for living. However, at the same time, you will constantly experience vague discomfort and will not be able to create a fully cozy atmosphere. To avoid this, take note of the following techniques.

The main focus on a wide wall

When you intentionally draw attention to a wide wall, the room appears more proportional than it actually is. Place a large painting or wallpaper on it, create shallow niches with interesting lighting, do something original, and leave the narrow wall in a neutral design.

paintings, TV and shelves draw attention to the wide walls

a large painting is a harmonious accent on a wide wall

wall decor in a contrasting interior

pale blue, pale yellow and light gray colors in the interior

Playing with color

You can create the illusion of proportionality using color combinations. For a narrow living room, it is best to choose light colors. They visually expand the space. And details will help make the design more vibrant. If at the same time you decorate a narrow wall in dark colors, then it will visually come closer, and the room will seem more regular in shape.


An excellent way to visually expand a narrow room is to use transverse stripes in the decoration of the floor and ceiling. They can manifest themselves in the location parquet board, ceiling beams, lamps, carpet decoration and other details.

brown, gray and beige colors in the interior with a fireplace and TV

Ideas for decorating a rectangular living room

Japanese style living room

When the living room is not only elongated, but also small, when decorating it it is worth taking as a basis Japanese style or minimalism, which is practically the same thing. Don't overload the space with furniture. One long corner sofa located along one of the wide walls. Place a simple rectangular low table in front of it, and place a TV opposite it. Refuse standard walls in favor of low ones hanging shelf or a narrow cabinet.

For decoration, use large paintings without frames, large floor lamps simple shapes. Better to hang it on the windows simple curtains- Roman, Japanese, roller or eyelet.

Give preference to neutrals light colors in most of the finishing. You can make the floor and some furniture elements dark. If you want to add color, then let it be present in decorative pillows, curtains, living plants, decorative elements.

This environment is conducive to a good home holiday with your closest people. There is nothing superfluous in it - only the main details to create harmony and comfort.

with white carpet and hidden lighting on the ceiling

with a brown carpet and discreet wall decor

neutral interior with original chandelier

Living-dining room

When the living room is adjacent to the kitchen, it makes sense to move dining area. This option is worth considering only if the space allows.

The living room should be immediately divided into two zones. It is advisable to place the dining table closer to the exit, but so that it does not interfere with free movement. The sofa group can be highlighted with a perpendicular piece of furniture and additionally designated with a carpet. So you will get harmonious room with a dedicated area for formal dinners. At the same time, in the kitchen it is important to provide extra seats for everyday meals.

bright interior with areas for relaxation and eating

When thinking about the design of a rectangular living room, be sure to take into account your own habits and the wishes of all family members. Provide a place for everyone, consider how many people usually come to visit you. When arranging pieces of furniture, remember how important it is to leave enough free space for comfortable movement.

Designers enjoy working with rooms of the correct shape. A perfect space does not require additional “leveling” or masking of an unsuccessful layout. This perfect option for the living room, because it allows you to try on. The article describes the design of a square living room.

To decide on a style, you don’t need to limit your imagination - all finishing materials will do. That is why the design of a square living room is one of the most common requests from private homeowners. Often, a project involves zoning a given space, which involves many nuances. To understand the layout of a guest room, let’s consider a competent approach to its design.

Features of organizing space

Due to its forms, which are close to perfection, the design of a square living room can maintain the symmetry of its arrangement in space or deliberately violate it. Decorative elements, furniture sets, even facing materials can together form an asymmetrical pattern, if that is how it was intended. In this case, it is advisable to correctly place pieces of furniture so that the distance between them is equidistant.

For example, this applies to the line between the sofa and the TV. By the way, about the last one. Its dimensions should be directly proportional to the size of the room. If you are designing a square living room of 15 square meters. m., then the plasma parameters will be the same. If the design of a square living room is 18 square meters. m., then a little more. It should be viewed from as many viewing angles as possible. A square room has an advantage over a rectangular one, since it does not need to look for space for a wall, so as not to narrow the area.

Keeping space in the center square room is the main argument among designers.

The larger the area of ​​the room, the more noticeable this advantage becomes. In the middle it is easy to imagine a dance floor or a dining table for all guests (if you place all the furnishings along the walls). This is a truly functional area! Here you can provide for the creation of options such as:

  • rest zone;
  • workplace;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • dining room.

However, there are conditions under which this advantage is somewhat lost. We are talking about an unsuccessful arrangement of windows. If two walls at once boast window openings, and the third is given over to the interior door, then it becomes possible to place a furniture set only at the last plane. This is hardly enough for a design project. The only salvation may be a large area of ​​the room, which allows you to take a closer look at the island method of placing furniture in the middle.

How to decorate a space if the room is small

The main condition here is to avoid massive elements of furniture decor so as not to clutter usable area. A huge sideboard will significantly complicate the movement of guests. Designers do not need to zone the space for a long time, since valuable meters of living space will be used only for the homeowners’ recreation. It is worth placing as little furniture as possible, various technical devices, and stylized accessories.

Very important. It is not recommended to install an interior door in a small room so that it opens inward. This steals the usable area of ​​the room. Here it’s time to think about installing sliding doors that will minimize the effect of cramping.

Will play an important role daylight. If it is clearly not enough, then competent planning will be needed. lighting fixtures.

Typically, the interior design of a square living room can be done without a multi-sectional wall, since it is quite bulky. Narrow shelving, low counters and various niches will look much more practical. Plasma TVs, collectible books, and elegant souvenirs are perfect for these elements.

As for soft elements situation, then you should avoid impressive, heavy products. This especially applies to those houses where the flow of guests is quite insignificant and allows you to get by with a couple of armchairs with a minimalist sofa. If you have to meet guests often, then it is possible to provide a two-in-one effect: when a neat table is placed in the center on a regularly shaped carpet, and cozy armchairs are placed around it to organize a soft zone.

A horizontal mirror above a soft sofa can help to visually increase the space.

What to do with space if the room is large

The large size of the room allows the designer to think about the rational zoning of space. The free flight of creative imagination does not at all imply cluttering the design of a square living room of 16 square meters. m with all kinds of decorative elements.

However, minimum set, consisting of a coffee table, a sofa and two armchairs may not be enough. If they are placed along the entire room, then guests will have to shout to be heard. Therefore, designers are faced with an interesting task - to divide the space into functional zones. This means the following:

  • Organize a workplace with a computer desk and an ergonomic chair;
  • Create a library with a reading sofa;
  • Provide space for a dining room;
  • Take care of the bedroom.

Optimal layout must take into account all the details of the organization and follow some rules. It is not recommended to install any partitions between them. Because instead of the desired effect of comfort, two uncomfortable narrow areas are formed in the guest room. It is better to use shelving, decorative floors or special design materials as a delimiter. It is also possible to use different levels of flooring. This is especially true if there is a piano in the living room, which a priori should be located at some elevation.

There is good news: you can forget about the outdated method of arranging pieces of furniture along the walls of the living room. On the contrary, it is provided widest choice various options for the arrangement of interior elements in a large room. Good decision in the design project there will be a corner sofa that zones the space without any need to use partitions. You can provide a large kitchen table with comfortable chairs, a sofa with a plasma screen opposite, a decorative table with soft poufs. That is, make a competent grouping of the typeface, taking into account perfect form space.

The interior design of a square living room with storage space allows you to fit in massive furniture pieces without risking filling up the entire usable area. The minimalist style of a large guest room is contraindicated, since the interior will look inferior and unfinished. Designers recommend a classic design style for such rooms. Where pathos is combined with strictly conservative forms, and the monumentality of products made from natural wood emphasizes the status of the owners. Arches and pilasters inherent in the style can further influence the ease of perception.

Creating a functional area: living room + kitchen

When planning a design project for a living room for guests that is functionally combined with a kitchen, you should be guided by certain rules. Proper compliance with the above standards will help avoid problems of irrational location of zones.

It is better not to deal with high partitions at all - they divide the room in an unfavorable way, narrowing it even more. It is much more effective to use bar counters. It is necessary to provide a kitchen table of impressive size and correct shape, since kitchen area obliges you to do this. The remaining elements of kitchen utensils can be placed in the usual way, under the wall. The use of typesetting modules is encouraged, which allows you to save space.

As for the flooring, it is better to choose it for the kitchen with a glossy sheen. Together with pastel colors other surfaces and multi-level lighting - this will visually expand the gaps.

For the recreation area, it is advisable to use a central place: place upholstered furniture and a coffee table there. This is one of the key differences between square apartments and traditional ones, where people relax in the farthest room.


Space of the correct shape is an invaluable advantage, a godsend for designers. Who should be able to use it correctly to emphasize best qualities apartments. If you deliberately do not overload the interior with unnecessary decor, then the imagination of the project developer can lead to results that are stunning in their beauty.

A square-shaped living room is quite common, especially in private homes and newly built houses. Decorating such a room does not cause difficulties even for ordinary people. However, if a living room with several functional areas is planned as part of a design project, then you will have to take into account a lot of subtleties and weigh many pros and cons. Even if you take the most ordinary plan for decorating a room for receiving guests, during its implementation a lot of features will emerge, which we will talk about later.

Features of a square-shaped living room

A square living room has one very important advantage compared to rooms of other shapes. The space on its floor can be used as usefully as possible, unlike, for example, a rectangular room. The fact is that it will be difficult to find a place for large furniture in a rectangular room, since it will further narrow the already rather narrow space.

Even if we assume that all the interior elements in a rectangular living room will be located against the wall, there is not much space left in the middle. There is only space left for more or less free movement. It will be quite difficult to arrange a get-together with a dozen friends, since it will clearly feel crowded.

A square room outperforms its “rectangular counterpart” precisely by preserving space in the center of the room. All furniture can be conveniently located along the walls, and the middle can be turned into a “floating” functional area, where, if necessary, you can install a table with food or even build a small dance floor. The larger the square room, the more striking its main advantage is.

The advantage of a square-shaped living room can be partially undermined by poor placement of windows. This can often be found in private houses, when window openings gape in two walls of the room, making it impossible to place any furniture there. And in one wall there is an interior door. And it turns out that only one wall is suitable for the full placement of interior elements, which is clearly not enough.

In this case, the interior of a square living room can benefit only due to the size of the room. In a large room, furniture can be placed in an island manner, that is, in the middle. Again, if we are talking about a rectangular room in which both long walls are occupied by windows and interior doors, even its large size will not be a salvation, since interior elements cannot be placed in the middle and cannot be placed near the walls.

Small living room design

Designing a square living room with a small area may require a number of serious decisions from you. One of them is the need to replace conventional swing doors with sliding ones. This is explained by the fact that such doors will save usable space in a room occupied by a door that opens inward. If for some reason you don’t want to change the doors, then you shouldn’t put furniture next to them.

A very important tip for those who have a small living room is to keep as little furniture in it as possible. These should be the most necessary interior items. Don't think that the more beautiful furniture, the more luxurious the living room will be. This is not at all true, because making the interior of the living room square will leave some free space in the center of the room. The feeling of cramped space will constantly put pressure on you, so it will not be entirely comfortable.

To avoid this effect, it is better to avoid any massive furniture. So, for example, instead of a full-wall closet, stop at small chest of drawers or hanging TV boxes. A good option would be a corner cabinet or corner display for storing dishes or necessary things. Pay attention to the color of the furniture; dark objects against the background will be optimal light walls. This design of a square living room looks harmonious and attractive.

As for upholstered furniture, choose a sofa or armchairs based on practical considerations. If you need a full-fledged sleeping place in the living room, then, of course, you can’t do without a sofa. In addition, if you often have large numbers of guests, then in this case you will need a large sofa. Well, if more often you stay in the living room with your family, then perhaps a small sofa for 2-3 people will be enough for you.

Believe me! The layout of a square living room is such that the listed furniture will be sufficient. The maximum that can be added is a small one coffee table and a mini-chair.

Large living room design

Square living room design large sizes also has its own characteristics. Its creation requires adhering to one important principle, which can be briefly formulated as follows: “in a large square room you need to try to occupy at least the minimum of the middle of the room.” If this principle is neglected, then the center of the living room will seem too empty and uncomfortable, which in itself spoils the interior composition.

When decorating the interior of a square room, it is customary for professional designers to place either large accent elements or significant, eye-catching functional areas in its middle. A striking example This is a seating area, a corner sofa, armchairs and a coffee table. Often also the center large room can take a display cabinet, massive, decorated various elements a dining table and even an indoor fountain.

An accent element fits very effectively into the design of a square living room, which at the same time plays the role of a border between functional areas. This can be a beautifully decorated half-partition with a niche, green hedge or just installed across large aquarium. Such an element looks impressive, occupies the middle of the room, in addition, it divides the room into two parts, resulting in the formation of good layout square living room.

By zoning the space of a square-shaped room for receiving guests, we get two full-fledged rectangular functional zones. Functional purpose such zones can be different:

  • bedroom area;
  • entertainment area;
  • children's Corner;
  • work zone;
  • dining area and more.

Due to the size of the living space, functional areas can be easily filled with everything necessary, with virtually no significant restrictions. When planning a room in this way, you need to understand that the interior composition must remain holistic. In other words, the color scheme, texture, style of both parts of the room should ideally correlate with each other.

Important! It is not at all necessary to decorate both parts of the room for receiving guests in the same color or texture. The main thing is that they are organically combined with each other and that a clear design concept can be traced in them.

So, the design of a square room has its own specifics. This is expressed not only in the arrangement of furniture, but also in the skillful zoning of space, as well as in the competent combination of colors. And if you take into account all the subtleties of decorating such a room, you will achieve harmony and comfort.

In order to create a cozy, comfortable and modern interior design, we, first of all, start from the shape and size of the room. IN spacious room With the correct shape, you don’t have to limit yourself in choosing a color palette, furniture layout and placement of diverse decor. But if the room is small, and even has an asymmetrical shape, in this case you will have to spend more time on initial stage for choosing color and texture solutions, as well as arranging furniture in such a way that the interior is not only visually attractive, but also effective in terms of ergonomics and practicality of use.

Rectangular rooms are one of the most common room options, both in apartments and private houses. The only question is how convenient a “rectangle” you have got and what functional area needs to be placed in it, and whether it’s just one. Let's look at several modern, practical, but at the same time aesthetic design projects for rooms with different functional backgrounds. And let's start with main room any home - living room.

The interior of a rectangular living room is a kaleidoscope of interesting ideas

For most modern homes the living room is a common room for family gatherings, where each member of the household has their own cozy place. The living room is also used for receiving guests and hosting parties. For some families, it is important to place a library in the living room; for some, it is necessary to move the office into this functional room. In any case, no matter how functionally loaded the common room is, we all want to decorate it with maximum practicality and visual appeal that will be relevant long years.

It is not so important what size your living room is - 12 square meters or 20, the main thing is that the result is a proportional, comfortable and easy-to-use room. As always, the big consists of the small. To effectively decorate a living room, you will need to think through not only the decoration, furniture layout and choose the main palette, but also calculate the necessary little things - textile window decoration (or lack thereof), the presence of living plants, wall decor and the presence of little things dear to the heart that do not perform any functions other than pleasing our eyes.

If your living room is a very elongated room, it would be most logical to place the largest furniture against the walls. The sofa and storage systems are installed against the walls, freeing up space for free traffic; light armchairs and small tables-stands are placed depending on the location of the door and window openings (if the windows are panoramic), they can easily be moved if necessary.

Living room combined with dining room and kitchen

IN modern apartments and private homes you can often find a combination of various functional zones in one spacious room. Sometimes a very small space is used to combine the living room with the dining room and kitchen. In any case, it is impossible to do without conditional zoning of segments with different functional backgrounds. As a rule, to maintain a feeling of spaciousness and freedom, an open plan is used, without partitions or screens. In this distribution of segments, zoning occurs only with the help of furniture; individual lighting systems are also used to highlight each zone, and sometimes carpeting.

In the living room, which shares space with the dining room, it is easiest to implement zoning using furniture. A spacious sofa placed across the room clearly outlines the boundaries of the relaxation area and becomes the starting point for the rest of the furniture - armchairs coffee tables or stands.

Living room with fireplace - how to arrange furniture

The ideal location for a fireplace in a rectangular living room is in the center of one of the long sides. With this arrangement, you can place the TV in the same area by hanging it above the fireplace. To maintain the symmetry of a modern interior, storage systems in the form of cabinets with fronts and open shelves or entire racks can be placed on either side of the fireplace.

If there is a fireplace in the living room, it automatically becomes the focal point of the interior, gathering around itself the main and additional furniture. In our country there is a long-rooted tradition of placing a sofa (as the largest piece of upholstered furniture) against the wall. For many years this arrangement was the only possible one, mainly due to the saving of usable space. Living rooms or small halls simply could not afford a different arrangement of upholstered furniture. But times change, everything appears more apartments improved layout, but in private houses there is always enough space for efficient and ergonomic arrangement of furniture. Therefore, many of our compatriots began to use European and American design techniques arrangement of furniture in the living room. Upholstered furniture installed in front of the fireplace (next to which the video zone is most often located) forms a kind of family circle communication with the hearth.

Color palette for a modern living room

For visual expansion It is best to use bright rooms color palette– all homeowners have already learned this axiom. But this does not mean that the walls of your modestly sized living room should be white - a whole spectrum pastel shades at your service. Delicate beige shades will give the living room the warmth of home comfort, light silver tones will add notes of luxury and nobility, soft mint and pistachio-white colors will add coolness to the design. If you are afraid of making a mistake in choosing the color scheme for a common room, use light beige tones, this is what the professionals advise.

In a living room with a modest area, one of the main ways to visually expand the space is to use panoramic windows and light colors. Even a small room looks larger if it is flooded with sunlight. But in order not to be captured by the snow-white idyll and not to get associated with hospital ward appearance rooms - use color or texture accents. Painting one small wall in a bright or dark tone will not only diversify the color palette of the design, but also bring originality, especially if equipped accent wall decor - a painting or a framed photo.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to create a modern and long-lasting color scheme for a living room interior is to use white for finishing the ceiling and walls in combination with light floor covering and contrasting, bright colors of furniture and decor. This design not only looks attractive and modern, but is also practical in the long term - if you want to change your decor, you can simply change the upholstery of the sofa or armchairs, replace the covers on decorative pillows or lay down a bright carpet.

White color will help you out if the living room not only has an asymmetrical shape, but also has a large ceiling slope. Snow-white surfaces will smooth out the impression of irregular shape premises and will become an excellent backdrop for contrasting, dark spots of furniture, appliances and decor.

Experts say that in modern design projects “gray is the new white.” An incredible number of shades of this very neutral color They can not only become the basis of the color scheme of your living room, but also add elegant nobility to even the most modest room. If you are afraid that gray shades will make the living room palette too cool, use wood-look furniture to raise the color temperature of the room. The natural grain of wood on the floor can also balance color scheme common room.

Bright walls in a modern living room are a real prospect even for rooms whose shapes are far from square. Using snow-white moldings to match the ceiling on bright walls look impressive, modern and original. No one can call such an interior boring or trivial.

Living room with original decoration

The use of unusual, textured finishes is possible even in living rooms with a small area. For these purposes, it is best to use one of the walls, making it an accent wall. Brickwork and its imitation, “stone” surfaces made of artificial material wall panels, embossed liquid wallpaper - there are a lot of options. As a textured and color accent, you can use not even the entire wall, but parts of it, for example, niches created on either side of the fireplace or video zone.

Using wood as finishing material looks original in modern living rooms, especially if they are located not outside the city, but within the metropolis. Impressive ceiling beams And wooden lining as facing material bring natural warmth to a modern family room design. Of course, such ceiling decoration is only possible in rooms with great height. It's also better to join the company wooden ceiling use walls in light colors.

Wood paneling can be used as an accent surface. This cladding will look especially impressive in an interior with elements of country style. In the living room country house wood trim looks most organic.

The living room can look modern even with the use of classical or baroque motifs in decoration. Stucco on the ceiling in combination with the classic design of the fireplace will be appropriate in the interior of the living room, if you focus on modern art objects as wall decor and light and practical furniture of simple and laconic forms.

Bedroom - features of a modern interior

In a rectangular-shaped bedroom, the arrangement of furniture will depend, first of all, on the location of window and doorways. Main piece of furniture sleeping area– a bed can be installed either on the long side of the room or on the short side, it all depends on whether you need to place storage systems or a workspace within the bedroom. If in a private house it is possible to organize both a separate dressing room and an office, then within a typical apartment it is most often necessary to design the sleeping area as a multifunctional base.

Even in small bedroom with an elongated shape, it is best to install the bed in such a way that a passage is accessible on both sides of it - at least 30-40 cm. It is obvious that in such a bedroom all attention will be paid to the main piece of furniture - the bed. And it should be spectacular, high-quality and, if possible, originally designed. In this case, the entire interior of the bedroom will look non-trivial and attractive.

In a modest-sized bedroom, you can deviate from the rules and install the bed in the corner of the room, saving a lot of usable space. Of course, with such a sleeping arrangement, the approach to the bed will be limited to only one side, but for some homeowners this situation is not critical compared to the space saved for installing storage systems or a desk.

In elongated bedrooms you can often find a part of the room separated for a bathroom. Zone water procedures separates interior partitions With sliding doors(most often from transparent or frosted glass). The main thing in this bedroom layout is that the bed fits ergonomically across the width of the room with the ability to approach the sleeping area from all sides.

In a rectangular bedroom, the wall behind the head of the bed can be used to create niches and place storage systems in the form of closed drawers, open shelves or combined modules. IN closed systems storage, you can fold bed linen and even wardrobe items; books and magazines are placed on open shelves.

In a bedroom with a shortage square meters and a shape far from square, storage systems can be placed around the window. Such placement of cabinets and shelves is only possible if the heating radiators (which are most often located under the windows in Russian apartments) are moved to another wall. Then, instead of a window sill, you can organize a place for comfortable sitting by the window; it will be very convenient to read here in natural light.

Children's room - the wonderful world of a child in a small room

In an elongated children's room, it is most logical to place furniture against the walls - a crib, a wardrobe or chest of drawers and a work space or a small table. With this arrangement, it is possible to free up the maximum possible amount of usable space in the room for games and creativity. In a newborn’s room, this layout creates a kind of “working triangle”, between the imaginary vertices of which it will be most convenient for parents to move.

In a teenager’s bedroom, not so much space is required for games, but more space is needed for arranging a workplace and installation various systems storage But the principle of arranging furniture does not change - we place the sleeping area and wardrobes against two free walls, and place the workplace against the wall with a window.

Office or library - features of combining functions

When the most space is allocated for an office or library elongated room dwellings, all that remains is to use wall-mounted furniture installation. Shallow storage systems in the form of shelving will help maintain a feeling of spaciousness even in a narrow room. Desk or a computer console also makes sense to install against the wall to save useful space in the room.