home · Installation · Do-it-yourself brutal wooden lamp. How to make your own wooden lamp. Log floor lamp

Do-it-yourself brutal wooden lamp. How to make your own wooden lamp. Log floor lamp

To stand out from the crowd of apartment designs, many decide to create unique interior. Wooden lamps often help achieve the goal. They stand out brightly against the background modern options, attract the attention of guests and are inexpensive. Moreover, such chandeliers, sconces or table lamps can be made with your own hands. Let's consider the advantages of wooden lamps, what types of designs are available and what you can do yourself.

In this article:

Advantages and disadvantages of wood

Wood has been used in interior design since the advent of man, and it has not lost its relevance even now. Among the main advantages, we note two points:

  • Environmental friendliness. Unlike plastic lampshades, wood does not emit dangerous fumes, even if it is heated. Moreover, coniferous materials can fill the room with a pleasant aroma. In some cases, this property helps fight colds.
  • Ease of processing. It is difficult to find a more pliable material for DIY production than wood. A person has a wide scope for imagination, which can be realized with a few basic tools. And the finished product will be able to surprise everyone who sees it; it will compare favorably with the factory versions.

Still, there are good reasons why manufacturers rarely produce wooden lamps. The disadvantages include:

  • Flammability. No matter how the surface is impregnated, wood can still catch fire, especially if you use incandescent lamps.
  • Pests. Corrosion is terrible for metal, but for wood - various insects. The finished chandelier can be undermined by bugs, fungus and other unpleasant organisms.
  • Hygroscopicity. It is not recommended to install wooden lamp In bathroom. This material swells, deforms and breaks down over time due to the fact that it absorbs moisture. To some extent, special impregnations will help protect against water.

The most resistant type of wood for lamps is needles. It is less susceptible to insect attacks and copes better with humid air.

We select the style of the lamp in accordance with the interior

Homemade wooden chandeliers fit well not only into the spacious royal halls, but also into an ordinary apartment. Currently, there are several interior styles that work well with such lamps:

  • Country. The main idea is to create a simple rustic comfort. Lamps made from pine needles are perfect.
  • Provence. Here you need to work hard, because such chandeliers are made from high-quality processed wood so that its texture is clearly visible. The look is not complete without sophisticated lampshades.
  • Oriental. To create such a decorative lamp, use unusual materials, for example - bamboo or vine.
  • Chalet. These are rude simple lamps, the basis for which are old wooden things - dry barrels, baskets or troughs.
  • Rustic. This style is not much different from the previous one. The only thing that can be noted is the more sloppy shapes. Lamps are made from untreated wood.
  • Modern. Square, strict chandeliers made from thin slats can complement the interior of a living room or dining room.

Options for making your own lamp

The tree gives practically unlimited possibilities for the production of unique lamps. You can use all available materials, even waste that you find in the forest. To work you will need simple tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver/drill;
  • nails and screws;
  • glue;
  • materials for impregnation;
  • dye.
  • Finished wood products

One of the most popular base options for lamps made by hand from wood are ready-made products, for example, a cart wheel. In the past, such chandeliers were hung in taverns, and the material could be found at almost every turn. Now such a product is available for purchase only in a specialized store.

To make an original wooden chandelier, take a base wheel, a certain number of lamps, depending on the dimensions of the product, chains for fastening and materials to hide the power wire. Small touches will help create an additional feeling of immersion in antiquity - you can trim the wood with forged parts. This lamp is suitable for wooden house and will fit perfectly into the overall interior.

If you can't find a cart wheel, you definitely have regular wooden clothespins. From them you can make a chandelier, sconce or table lamp. Some models will require glue, others just time and enthusiasm. As an example for the basis you can use metal mesh, roll it into a cylinder large enough to fit the lamp inside. WITH outside Attach clothespins without glue or nails, just slide them onto the base. You can involve a child in the work, and warm light The finished lamp will be a pleasant reminder of the time spent together.

You can make a lamp from wood using regular hangers. Simply stack them on top of each other so that there is room in the center for the lamp. To make the design look more attractive, rotate each subsequent hanger a little around its axis. For fastening you only need glue. Do not doubt that such a lamp self made will not leave you indifferent.

In a similar way, you can independently come up with ideas on how to make a lamp from wood. Anything can be used: old barrels, a ship's wheel, popsicle sticks and much more.

Natural materials from the forest

If for previous options you had to buy the basics, then in this section we will look at wooden blanks that can be found in the forest. As an example, use birch bark instead of a lampshade for a lamp. It will dim the light and make the room more romantic and calm. The only thing you need to remember is that this material is highly flammable and it is better to use LED lamps.

If your imagination runs out, and a lamp for the garden or local area still needed, take a stump and drill a hole in it. Place a kerosene lamp in the finished niche or run a wire for LED lamps. Can be fixed at the top solar panels and then there will be light in the yard, even when it is turned off in the house. This lantern is weatherproof and looks interesting under the snow.

For some, driftwood is garbage, but for us it is the basis for a lamp. Of course, the wood must be sanded and varnished or painted in advance. At the top of the structure, secure one or more spotlights with a thin base. To get subdued light, you can use the lampshade described above or make it from paper or fabric. Even if you decide to make another similar lamp, the finished products will definitely have different unusual shapes.


By collecting a bundle of thin twigs, you can make an elegant lamp at home. Glue the sticks to the round ring, pointing them vertically downwards, alternate different lengths to finished chandelier looked even more unusual. Install a light bulb in the center and such a lamp can be hung in the kitchen or dining room. If you cut an arc (for example, from an old bucket), then outer surface You can glue the branches. This homemade product will serve wall lamp in the hall.

There are no limits to your imagination. You can come up with a unique decorative design for the lamp yourself and assemble it yourself. Finished design will serve you long years, will make the evenings more comfortable and warmer.

An exclusive do-it-yourself wooden chandelier will become a worthy interior decoration. An unusual wooden lamp is selected taking into account the style of the room. The variety of ways to design lighting fixtures is amazing. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive models from recognized design specialists. It is quite possible to assemble an original wooden chandelier with your own hands. The proposed ideas will make it easier to choose the shape of a wooden lamp.

Timeless classic

Massive wooden ceiling chandeliers appeared at the dawn of the 16th century. Most often, the main ones were tree branches, the edges of which were crowned with candles. Castles of wealthy gentlemen and churches were the main areas of application for unique lighting devices at that time. But if previously wooden chandeliers performed a purely practical lighting function, now more attention is paid to the appearance from the point of view of decorating the room.

The emergence of new practical materials and the development of technology have not weakened interest in natural sources. The tendency to care about the environmental friendliness of surrounding objects and one’s own health is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of wooden chandeliers.

Attention! The variety of forms of wooden lamps allows them to be used not only in traditional rustic styles, but also harmoniously introduced into more modern trends interior

For country and chalets, antique wooden chandeliers are still relevant. Adherents of a brutal interior can easily assemble a simple chandelier with their own hands, where the frame is a powerful wooden beam. For lovers of original configurations, the designers have prepared a lot of interesting ideas, many of which can be implemented independently.

Worry about high cost chandeliers are justified only when choosing complex configurations, where jewelry work on processing the array is required or there are additional expensive materials. In most cases, the price is in the budget category.

A variety of wooden chandeliers are shown in the photo:

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden lamps

A wooden lamp is always stylish. Buy finished model won't be difficult. But if you decide to decorate a wooden chandelier with your own hands, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the positive and negative aspects of such a choice in advance.

Main advantages:

The numerous advantages of chandeliers are overshadowed by some disadvantages:

  • Initially, wood is a flammable material and therefore requires special treatment. Protection with fire retardants and insecticides will prevent the lighting fixture from igniting or damage to the frame by insects.
  • If you want to make it yourself or purchase a chandelier made of oak or mahogany, you will have to part with a large sum.
  • Use of insufficiently dried wooden blanks or poor quality Preliminary processing material will lead to deformation of the chandelier.
  • Even though reliable protection, the use of wooden lamps in rooms with increased level humidity is undesirable.

Attention! When designing a lighting fixture, you should think in advance about the type of lamps used. LED spotlights or LED spotlights are ideal for these purposes. fluorescent lamps, which are not prone to heating.

Wooden chandeliers ceiling models of various models are shown in the photo:

Antique chandeliers

Antique wooden lamps can be divided into groups according to the category of complexity. Some are presented simple forms and are available for DIY production even by novice craftsmen. Others are more complex and require specific woodworking skills and special tools on processing.

Exploring a broad model range will give you an idea of ​​the possible options for decorating a room with a wooden chandelier.

Simple geometric shapes, connected by chains and decorated spotlights, it is quite possible to assemble it yourself. The deliberate roughness of a wooden chandelier will look trendy in a village hut or a simple country house.

Another original wooden chandelier model demonstrating simplicity rustic style. The highlight of the lamp is given by light ropes, contrasting in color with the dark wood. The configuration is ideal for DIY assembly. A suitable setting for such a lamp is a country-style interior.

Another example of a chandelier made of wood with a laconic shape, which does not require significant effort to make yourself. A couple of bars, a small piece of chain and 4 LED lamps - and the main part of the kit is already at hand.

Artificially created contrasting veins are part of the designer's intention. You can assemble a similar model of a wooden chandelier in one weekend. The only thing you should take care of in advance is to find suitable lampshades; classic glass would be inappropriate here.

Working on numerous lampshade strips can take a lot of time and effort, so if you don’t have enough experience, it’s better to purchase a similar wooden lamp ready-made.

A chandelier that harmoniously combines wood, metal and glass invisibly immerses you in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, where you can meet a knight in armor along dark corridors. This lamp will fit perfectly into the interior of a spacious living room. country house or a cafe where the theme of antiquity is interestingly played out.

Candle-shaped lamps most closely match the antique theme. Ceiling chandelier made of wood with numerous hanging elements can dispel the darkness even in large room. If you have experience working with metal, you can assemble such a wooden model yourself.

Another example of the designer’s original concept, where everyday objects become an accent element of the interior. A hunting lodge or a village tavern is a suitable place for a non-trivial wooden chandelier.

Comment! Such wooden models on chains are best hung in rooms with high ceilings. Standard height 2.5 m will not be enough.

Unique torches are another simple way to find yourself in a medieval setting. The finishing of the wooden lamp with metal and the lamp in the shape of candles fully corresponds to the idea of ​​antiquity.

The wooden chandelier, where the frame resembles the steering wheel of a ship, looks more sophisticated than previous examples. A similar wooden model will harmoniously fit into the interior with Mediterranean style. It will be difficult to translate the idea into reality with your own hands due to the presence small parts and glass shades.

Experienced craftsmen will be able to make such a chandelier from wood. The lamp is ideal for interiors where eco style prevails.

Horns of wild animals as the frame of a wooden chandelier - what could be more interesting. It will be difficult to find such a base, so it is better to satisfy the idea you like with a ready-made lamp.

The section of antique wood chandeliers ends with a photo of a unique combined example of the two previously presented models.

Original design ideas

Country, chalet, eco style are not all areas where wooden lamps are applicable. An interior in the Art Nouveau style often includes non-trivial solutions for common household items. This tradition extends primarily to chandeliers.

Place and suitable design for those presented below original models everyone will determine for themselves.

The laconic outlines of a wooden chandelier, topped with LED lamps along the edges of the branches, are optimally suited for an interior where minimalism and functionality are at the forefront.

The complex-looking geometry of the following wooden lamp is quite simple to make with your own hands. LED lamps and bars corresponding to their length are the main parts of a non-standard wooden chandelier.

Another example of laconic and at the same time original form wooden lighting fixture. Here you will need to prepare in advance wooden slats grooves for gaskets electric cable. Lamps of a different shape give a completely different perception of the chandelier than in the previous sample. Undoubted advantage Both wooden models, which can be easily assembled with your own hands, have the ability to illuminate a large space around, so they are ideal for arranging a terrace or gazebo.

Another wooden specimen intended for outdoor use. The unusual shape of a wooden chandelier is fixed on a pole and provides full illumination of the surrounding area.

A real wooden masterpiece, appropriately complemented with glass inserts, will adequately decorate the most presentable interior. Scandinavian style or another eco trend will organically accept a sophisticated wooden chandelier.

An identical model of a smaller lamp is suitable for the interior of a small room. This could be a kitchen or a children's room.

Returning to the topic of geometry, I would like to present another simple and at the same time interesting example of a wooden chandelier, which will not be difficult to assemble with your own hands.

An unusual combination of an openwork base, complemented by matte shades. A similar chandelier made of wood and glass will not go unnoticed and will successfully act as an accent element of the interior.

The lamp made of metal and wood is highly functional due to the ability to adjust the direction of light flows. The idea is difficult to implement on your own, so it is better to buy a ready-made copy.

DIY wooden masterpieces

To assemble a wooden chandelier with your own hands, experience with wood will not be enough. You will also need basic electrical knowledge. You can take a ready-made wooden model as a basis or develop your own original design. Depending on your skills in handling metal, choose an exclusively wooden lamp or a lighting device supplemented with metal elements. The photo gallery will demonstrate once again possible options making your own wooden chandeliers.

Wooden chandeliers are stylish element interior, which is suitable not only for rustic design trends with national flavor, but also modern ideas room decoration. Country and chalet, Scandinavian and eco style, modern and loft - for each style you can choose a successful model of a wooden lamp.

All photos from the article

Over the past few decades, there has been virtually no design direction left that does not use wood products to one degree or another. A lamp in general and a chandelier in particular are objectively one of the most noticeable interior items, therefore hanging chandeliers made of wood are deservedly considered perhaps the most popular trend at the moment.

Features of wooden ceiling lamps

Any wooden object in the interior of a room is associated on a subconscious level with warmth and comfort. Traditionally, homemade wooden chandeliers are used in all areas of oriental themes, where geometric regularity of lines and at the same time warmth natural wood promote peaceful relaxation.

A trend like country music is generally impossible without using natural materials. The rural style has always been characterized by the use of slightly rough, unusual shapes. The massive appearance of such lamps creates a feeling of reliability.

An antique wood chandelier is associated with medieval romance and knightly tournaments. Forged inclusions metal elements They give this design an exquisite lightness and unique flavor.

Advantages of wooden lamps

  • The first thing that catches your eye is the naturalness of such a chandelier. Hard to find more environmentally friendly pure material. Moreover, being constantly near a heat source, wood releases health benefits into the atmosphere. essential oils and microelements.
  • The technology for processing this material, as a rule, is not very complicated.. Even children can assemble relatively simple wooden structures.

  • Wooden dacha chandeliers are deservedly considered to be perhaps the most the best solution . After all, the dacha itself is intended for countryside holiday closer to nature.
  • The price of the structure plays an important role. Even if you use, the total cost of a homemade chandelier will be affordable for almost any budget. But as a rule, all costs end with the purchase of cartridges, light bulbs and wires, and a few planks or branches can always be found at any dacha.

What are the disadvantages of such lamps

  • Opponents will immediately point out to you the fire hazard of such a chandelier. There is, of course, some truth in these statements, but with proper installation and use of LED or other low-heating light sources, you are in virtually no danger. In addition, there are a lot of natural impregnations on sale that prevent fire.

Important: such homemade lamps, no matter what you impregnate them with and no matter how competently you assemble them, it is highly undesirable to place them near sources of open fire. For example, next to the fireplace or in the barbecue area.

  1. Usability assessment
  2. Preparation of material
  3. What lamps to use

Original wooden interior items bring comfort and coziness to the environment. If the furniture is made of solid wood, carvings on the shelves will not surprise anyone, then a floor lamp, chandelier or sconce made of plywood, branches or driftwood will definitely attract the attention of guests.

However, wooden products are not cheap, especially original ones. We suggest saving money and creating a lighting fixture with your own hands. Besides this great way implement bold ideas, spending very little time. To make lamps and sconces you will need standard carpentry tools.

Usability assessment

To understand how good a wooden lamp is, let’s weigh the pros and cons of this unusual decorative item.


  • The environmental friendliness of wood is an important advantage over polymers and other synthetic materials.
  • When heated and in its normal state, the tree emits aromatic substances from resin - ether, which relaxes and heals.
  • From wood materials any shapes can be created - the raw materials can be easily processed with carpentry tools.
  • An unusual option for interior decoration. Wooden chandeliers in residential buildings and offices are rare.


The disadvantages are reduced by using different impregnations and appropriate preparation of the timber. Therefore, a lamp made of wood can be called useful accessory, which will emphasize the style of the room and give it charm.

Preparation of material

Lamps and sconces are made from any wood materials. Boards, branches, driftwood, plywood are used - the choice is determined by the idea. Nevertheless, no matter what the design for the lamp is made from, it is important to properly prepare the lumber:

  • The wood must be dried.
  • The workpieces should be treated with complex impregnations with fire-resistant, insecticidal and antiseptic components.
  • It is worth choosing solid lumber without signs of rotting.

In addition to wood, light bulb sockets, carpentry tools and glue (preferably epoxy) are prepared to make lampshades.

What lamps to use

Since wood is a highly flammable material, you need to be careful when choosing a light source. It is better not to use an incandescent lamp for bedside lamps and lampshades - when burned, it strongly heats both the socket and the wood.

LED lamps and strips are suitable for such homemade products - they emit white light and do not heat up surfaces, and are fireproof. LED strips are ideally combined with wood of any color and texture.

Master class: lamps made from boards

There are countless ideas for making home lamps. We'll tell you how to do it homemade chandelier– it can be taken as a basis for creativity.

For manufacturing, you will need beams of any cross-section, for example 100×100 mm or less, depending on the desired dimensions of the finished product, as well as a mirror. We recommend making a drawing of the chandelier in advance, which will reflect the lengths of the sides and the area of ​​the mirror part (it should protrude beyond the internal perimeter in order to rest on the beams).

  1. We make a blank from 4 bars of equal length.
  2. Next, we form a “lock” - cut out a rectangular cup half the thickness. A cup cutter or jigsaw will help with this.
  3. We assemble the structure and glue the parts together.
  4. After this we carry out painting.
  5. We pull the wiring with the socket from the top edge and fix it to the inside with brackets or small nails.
  6. We attach a mirror on top. It will act as a light reflector. We fix it at the corners.
  7. All that remains is to attach a pendant, for example, a chain.

The accessory is ready.

The video shows a version of the manufacture of such a lighting item, the operating principle is the same:

More ideas for lamps made from boards:

Lamps built into false beams. To make them, we connect 3 boards in a U-shape; wires and cartridges will be hidden in the resulting niche.

The wheel will create an antique effect or hunting lodge, forest bungalow. We attach the electrics to the top side of the wheel facing the ceiling.

Another interesting solution from the boards, watch the video

Master class: lampshades and lamps made of plywood

Plywood – light material, easy to process. You can create a variety of products from it. For example, an unusual night light for a children's room or hall. It will look equally good on the terrace country house and in a city apartment.

Or this:

For a house-shaped plywood night lamp, take a universal pattern on which you can make any pattern!

Now let's start making:

  1. We transfer the templates prepared for all 4 sides onto a sheet of plywood of any thickness.
  2. We send it for cutting using an electric jigsaw (or a laser machine for the finest detailing of petals and small fragments). You can use it manually, but you will have to tinker with a complex pattern.
  3. Sand the cut edges with sandpaper.
  4. Roofing work is done in the same way. We cut it to size, make a pattern and polish it.
  5. Glue the pieces together. To ensure that the thin sheets hold each other securely, we install bars inside the house in the corners, onto which we glue the walls.
  6. We start the cartridge and fix it on the right side interior space. The wire can be inserted into the pattern or a separate hole can be made for it.
  7. We fix the roof and make the bottom. We also glue all the parts onto the corner bars.
  8. We make a suspension or fastening in a convenient way.

The house is ready. A homemade night light or chandelier can be simple with a simple ornament or designer with a complex idea, wall or tabletop. We present a video master class on making a house from several sections.

A plywood lamp can have any appearance. The main thing in working with this material is the need to cut holes for the passage of light. More photos of night lights and lampshades:

To assemble such a lampshade from plywood, you need to cut out a groove lock on each piece. Then the parts can be connected without glue.

A wooden chandelier diffuses light throughout the room. The parts are connected using decorative screws.

Master class: lamps and chandeliers made from branches

Branches are the most available material for creativity. You can collect them at any time in a park or in a square near your home and immediately start creating. The difference between branches and other wooden pieces is that they do not need to be dried. As long as there is moisture in them, they can be bent and created different shapes. Over time, they will dry out and no longer straighten out.

Before harvesting the branches, you need to decide on the design of the lampshade or chandelier. Will it be weaving or tying thick sticks with rope, will wood be combined with other products - forging, metal frames etc. Here are some interesting ideas:

A master class will help you make such an interior accessory:

Generalized instructions for creating a lampshade from branches:

It’s easy to make a lampshade from branches; you don’t need any special skills or tools.

Master class: log lamp

An ordinary log or even a snag can act as a blank for a chandelier. The main thing is that the material is dried and neutralized from insects and microflora.

  1. We give the workpiece the required size.
  2. At the points where the cartridges are inserted, we make holes of the same diameter as the hidden part of the electrical device.
  3. We attach the hangers.
  4. We insert the electrics.

You can watch the master class in the video:

Snag or stick unusual shape can be turned into a masterpiece by adding a simple lampshade to it:

Bottle chandeliers

Combined lamps look non-standard, for example, wooden base And glass bottles as lampshades.

Glass diffuses light and creates shades different color. It’s easy to make such a lampshade:

  1. We form holes for bottles in the wooden board. The neck should fit tightly, so we select the diameter as accurately as possible.
  2. We attach a hanger to the top of the boards. The chains by which the structure can be suspended from the ceiling look original.
  3. We prepare the bottles. In order for them to give off light, the bottom must be removed. This can be done by heating the glass with boiling water, then quickly transferring the bottle under running cold water.
  4. We insert the bottles into the holes in the board and pull the electric wire through the neck.

The video shows the process of creating an interesting table lamp.

Since ancient times, people have valued what was created by nature. In the old days, almost all household items were made from wood. And this is no coincidence. More environmentally friendly and safe material difficult to find. And the natural beauty of the unique texture amazes with its exquisite outlines. That is why modern interior design cannot do without this valuable material. Wood can be used not only for decorating a room or for making furniture. Wooden ones look unique, original and inimitable lighting, especially if these are homemade wooden lamps. Often such an element in the interior is used to emphasize a certain style. Therefore, the configurations can be very diverse.

Simplicity and sophistication. Driftwood chandelier

Making a lamp from wood with your own hands is not that difficult. Moreover, some products do not even require a special type of wood. You can even use driftwood found in the forest. Moreover, each of them has a unique shape, each of its curves is perfect, since it is a creation of nature itself. Now the main thing is not to spoil its natural beauty during processing. A lamp made of wood (driftwood) will become not only a source of light, but also a wonderful ceiling decoration.

Manufacturing technology

Preparatory work consists of cleaning the driftwood from bark and unsuitable wood, as well as thoroughly drying it. Then the driftwood is thoroughly sanded using sandpaper. Based on the type of lamp, the necessary components are purchased. It should be remembered that wood is highly flammable, so a lamp made of wood requires the use of energy saving lamps. LED ones are also suitable.

Holes for wiring should be drilled in special places. On the side of the branches that will be located closer to the ceiling, you can use a narrow blade to make grooves for the wire. After laying the wire, all holes must be filled with putty. At the ends of the driftwood, sockets are installed on which lamps and shades are attached. The driftwood is attached with chains to the ceiling. All wooden elements must be varnished. Ceiling lamp made of wood ready.

Japanese style. Desk lamp

Table lamps can be an excellent interior decoration. Wood is the best choice for making such a miracle. So that work does not bring unnecessary hassle, you should prepare all materials and tools in advance. To make it, you will need a processed piece of board, square (preferably the wood is the same), light veneer, wooden tenons, PVA glue, and a drill with a disk attachment. For such a lamp, a lamp with a small base is used. Electrical components also require a cartridge and a wire.

Manufacturing process

Table lamp It is very easy to make from wood with your own hands, especially if you have the appropriate skills.

First you need to drill holes in the corners of the wooden plank. To do this, measure one and a half centimeters from each edge and outline the squares on which the vertical bars will be installed. Marks are made for holes in the center of each square. If the tenons are made by hand, then their size should be adjusted to the diameter of the drill. Otherwise, the drill should be selected according to the size of the dowels. There is no need to drill holes all the way through. Up to half the thickness will be enough. It is also necessary to drill holes in the bars and glue spikes there. In the center of the base board you need to make a large hole for the cartridge. If difficulties arise, you can simply drill a hole for the wire. Shallow cuts should be made between the holes on the base for the veneer. You also need a deep enough channel for the wire. The wire cord must be secured in the cut. A table lamp made of wood, created with your own hands, is almost ready. The last step left is assembly. The bars are glued to the stand, the cut veneer plates are inserted into the cuts. The original wooden lamp is ready.

Lamp made of wood and coffee service

Making such an original lamp is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a suitable size board from valuable species wood, pre-treated with stain and varnished. Three more will be needed coffee cups with saucers with holes in the bottoms (can be drilled to strengthen decorative effect It is best to use thin glass cups. The wires connected to the sockets are passed through the holes in the lampshades (saucers and cups) and attached to the board. All wires are brought out to the part of the board that will be hidden, connected to each other and to the main wire. This design can be mounted on the wall or hung on the ceiling with chains or a twisted cord. Option c is more modern. But with the help of such a lamp you can create the effect of antiquity. To do this, instead of cups and saucers, you can use clay pots, and sand the board itself with sandpaper. This wooden lamp will fit perfectly into the design of a country house kitchen.

Original arrow lamp

Dimensions are selected individually based on the characteristics of the interior. It looks quite impressive when the arrow lamp occupies the entire wall vertically. One such device is enough to illuminate the entire room.

When making such a miracle you will need imagination. The most simple solution will take a long board for the base of the arrow and several small strips for the point and fletching. All parts must first be fastened together with glue. For reliability, you can additionally connect them with wooden plates and screws. Best used as a lighting element street garland. Based on its size, holes should be drilled in the wooden structure and light bulbs should be inserted there. On the reverse side it is necessary to secure the wires well with tape and glue. It will not look very neat, but all this will be hidden when installing the lamp.

A little imagination and you can do something like this original lamps made of wood. Photos may give some ideas.

Plank lamp

Each carpenter ends up with a lot of valuable wood scraps, which are usually difficult to find a use for, but there is no need to rush to throw them away either. You can make an unusual one from them. Moreover, for this design you won’t even need nails, but a lamp like this will come out of wood. The photo cannot even convey all its beauty and effectiveness.

To make it you will need seventeen identical sized boards. Multi-colored and different textured boards look more impressive. Each plank must be given a wedge shape. To attach the blades to the base you will need wooden pins. A hole is made in the base into which a cartridge with a wire is placed. The design is extremely simple to manufacture, but it looks amazing in any interior.

Log floor lamp

A real masterpiece of LED lighting technology is quite easy to make with your own hands. Create original LED lamp can be done using an ordinary log, the dimensions of which depend solely on the idea.

To make a lamp you will need wood glue, a transparent tube, varnish wooden products, LED Strip Light, brush, hammer, saw and drill.

Manufacturing sequence

A well-cleaned and dried log must be cut into uniform rings of approximately 5 cm. A hole should be made in the center of each ring, corresponding in diameter to the tube with LEDs. It should fit tightly there. Holes are made in the lower and upper rings to cover half the thickness of the log. A small hole is made in the base for the wire. Each ring is varnished. Then a tube with diodes is inserted into the holes of each of the rings.

To make the interior modern apartment or in a country house in an original, interesting and effective way, you can make lamps from wood with your own hands. Photos of the most unusual specimens made from branches, clothespins and others wooden elements is given below. There are simply a huge number of options.

In order to create wooden lamps with your own hands, you need to use your imagination. Floor lamps made from clothespins are simple, cheap and original. For such a lamp you need a frame made of metal rods and wooden clothespins. Its external outline depends on the bending of the frame.

A chic chandelier made of branches will transform any room. It's very easy to make it yourself. Thin branches of some trees do not even need to be treated. The wire is drawn from the main source, wrapping around each branch, and approaches the lighting socket.

Having imagination and certain skills, you can make your own wooden lamps with your own hands. The photos given in the article are only a small part of what you can come up with. Moreover, wood is the most environmentally friendly material.