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Design of the courtyard of a private house. Choosing a stylistic direction. Landscaping yard Modern landscaping of yard

Availability personal plot opens ample opportunities to implement different ideas. In a beautiful frame the main thing will look impressive. The territory can be marked for recreation and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To make it easier to formulate your own wishes and prepare terms of reference, you need to familiarize yourself with implemented projects. The following examples in the photo are accompanied by comments that explain individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands, providing good protection foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions for decades without damage. But over large areas such coatings do not look expressive enough. We should not forget that this technique involves “wet” labor-intensive processes. To provide high quality you will have to carry out work at air temperatures above 0°C, in dry weather.

For your information! Yard surfaces made from asphalt mixtures are not recommended. Vapors from petrochemical products can have negative impact on human health.

In this photo, concrete imitates painted natural wood. The original relief looks impressive on sites of different sizes. It prevents slipping, so it is useful for outdoor use. Factory in-depth application of dyes is characterized by increased resistance to wear.

Paving with such products is suitable for pedestrian paths, driveways, and parking lots. If necessary, it can be performed in difficult weather conditions, immediately or in stages. A layer of paving stones is created on a bed of compacted gravel and sand with a slight slope to the side. An additional advantage of this technology is good maintainability.

Sandstone, as in the photo, is cheaper than granite. Its rough surface provides high level safety when walking in the rain.

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For your information! It is easier to figure out how to pave the area if you take into account the future use. If increased mechanical loads are expected, more resistant materials are chosen.

Landscaping and landscaping

For creating land plot There are no special GOST standards near a private house. Necessary activities on beautification local area you have to plan on your own. Accept correct solution The following examples and photos with recommendations will help.

If you reduce the number of plants near the house, caring for the area will be simplified. Flowerpots can be used for seasonal planting of flowers.

For your information! To figure out how to properly plant a house garden, in addition to plant parameters, you need to take into account additional important factors. You should consider the location of flower beds and the design of relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, electrical networks. Complex preliminary analysis will help optimize the design of a summer cottage and accurately calculate cost estimates.

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An ideal solution for fencing an area that will not only serve protective functions, but also to delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read in our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package yourself. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How to beautifully plant flowers in your yard so that they look good from important vantage points ( entry group, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering succession and create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • Which flowers suit the overall design style.
  • How to arrange network engineering, passages for relief.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account exact location disembarkation

Beautiful compositions are created using unique flowerpots and special design options

For your information! To study implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options, you should evaluate the complexity of the work and the reality of repetition technological processes on our own without unnecessary labor and money costs.


The beauty and harmony of the yard of a private house is the pride and heritage of any owner. But for all this it is worth making a lot of effort to achieve the final and desired result.

Before you begin design work, you should understand the features of the landscaping itself and the rules for its planning. And also find out about some of the main elements. Only then can you start somewhere.

Basics of yard design and landscaping

1. Taking into account the characteristics of the territory . By using modern technologies, professionalism of the workers, it is possible to make the entire site level, which will require a lot of physical and financial investments. But is it worth breaking all this?

After all, on the site of a hill you can build a beautiful and modern alpine slide, and in the depression there is a transparent reservoir. But if the differences are simply huge, then you can use the services of a vertical planning specialist who will make the desired picture for you and turn it into reality.

2. Harmony with the building and various small structures. The design of the courtyard of a private house should be adjusted to the structure itself, which plays a dominant role. With the help of landscaping, you can hide outbuildings and create a beautiful approach to the main element on the territory. The opening of the view of the front of the house should be smooth and organic.

3. Functionality - this means planning the territory by zones . It all depends on the preferences of the owners, their type of activity, and the presence of children.

For example, the following zones must be present: front (entrance), utility ( orchard), quiet recreation area, sports, active recreation, children's area (if there are children), and others. The breakdown is made in advance, carried out by the road and path network system.

4. Visibility of the territory. It is necessary to think in advance about how the yard looks from all the windows and balconies. After all, even while at home, you can admire the open views.

It is not at all interesting if from the bedroom the owners watch the place for drying clothes, or the car standing peacefully in the parking lot. It’s more pleasant to look at a beautiful landscape design, pond or sculpture.

5. Lighting will help diversify and make a beautiful yard. . You can play with light throughout the entire area.

Thinking through this process is very important. For example, illuminated paths with small lamps, or the use of special lanterns built into tiled paving.

6. Gardening and landscape design . A lot depends on these processes - this includes leisure, a person’s internal perception of the environment, and the aesthetics of the yard. Also, such processes are the final stage of design and improvement.

Examples of yard decoration and landscaping designs

But you can decorate the yard of a private house with your own hands; it is very important to correctly follow the above rules and have some idea about it. Why, and it is necessary to provide several illustrative examples interesting designs design and improvement of courtyards.

Option 1. There is a landscape style in the design (smooth paths, lack of symmetry).

Several main zones immediately stand out here: a children’s room (the presence of specialized small architectural forms), an entrance (a wide entrance and flower beds), a recreation area (a gazebo, beautiful tree and shrub compositions), and an arboretum. There is a small pond with walkway, which fits very organically into the environment.

Option 2. Also, everything is decorated in a landscape style. The most interesting thing here is the originally allocated economic zone: a vegetable garden, an orchard.

The emphasis is on modular rectangular beds, which will look very aesthetically pleasing when growing crops. The front area is located on the reverse side; it must be present in any design.

The main elements that contribute to the process of designing and landscaping the yard of a house

Arrangement of the yard of a private house begins directly with the project itself, after which estimates are drawn up and planned expenses are calculated. Then purchased Construction Materials, small architectural forms and planting material.

There are basic elements that should not be forgotten. These include the following components:

1. Buildings and structures. These elements are basic and dominant. On private territory There must be a house to live in, as well as some buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, an outbuilding (storage of work equipment, various accessories), a greenhouse, etc.

2. Road and path network . It divides all zones among themselves according to the functions performed. When planning, you should lay all paths only along the shortest distance, which will save time when moving and financial resources for building materials.

The yard of a country house may contain complex systems paths having diverse different variants paving.

3. Lighting – availability is provided lighting fixtures . It can be used not only for practical purposes, but also to create a beautiful decorative effect.

4. Flower beds – adding aesthetics to the area . Probably not a single owner can imagine how to arrange a yard without planting flower plants.

There are a huge number of such elements: flower bed ( correct form flower garden), mixborder (complex flower garden consisting of perennial flowers), border (flower garden along the paths), rockery, rock garden (complex flower garden including natural stones and various mountain plants), and others. This element will perfectly complement any area.

5. Small architectural forms . Thanks to them, you can distinguish which zone is which. It's different garden furniture, sculptures, fountains, lanterns and lamps.

6. Trees and shrubs . They can be planted beautiful groups, create hedges and beautiful unique tapeworms. Thanks to correct landing, the creation of surprise is guaranteed open views, their smooth transition into each other.

7. Ponds are a great element that will perfectly add a sense of nature. , naturalness and natural beauty. It can be small ponds, fountains, cascades and decorative waterfalls, streams and pools. They look very beautiful with natural stones and aquatic plants.

Thanks to proper planning territory and the presence of basic elements, your yard will be the most irresistible and beautiful, constantly attracting everyone's attention.

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D For owners country houses spring is a favorite time when... summer cottage you can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers are the most important element when creating landscape design, so before planting trees and various vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free-form flower garden

Front gardens and various flower beds bring vitality to the area. You should not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose suitable option and complete everything step by step. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, and also in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in various shapes:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They create beautiful compositions, starting from the outline of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden with a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to create beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or star look impressive.

  • Landscape design can be decorated with structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into awkward areas.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Types of flower beds

You can examine and select flower beds in the courtyard of a private house based on the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. They mainly differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:

  • The front garden is the space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • A rock garden is a hill of stones on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

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DIY Alpine slide. Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent planning of your own unique composition on your summer cottage. Recommendations from designers and some tricks in special material.

  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common characteristic.

Stylish solution - solitaire

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Review of conifers and deciduous plants for self-creation beautiful hedge, examples beautiful solutions and care tips in a special publication.
  • The rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by strict consistency. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and select and plant flowers.

Choosing a suitable location

Before you start making flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is selected so that the plants receive lighting for at least five hours a day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

Ask a Question

“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various cultures with evergreen cover."

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be planted in an area with any type of soil. If the soil is clayey, you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It increases soil fertility and also improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. You can choose suitable plants for any soil.

Methods for preparing soil loosening

Before you start arranging flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which are given in the article, you need to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up using a garden fork or shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • The markings are applied using pegs and a cord.
  • The turf is removed.
  • Drainage is made from pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer is filled up.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleared of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked using tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time to carry out all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate correctly

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, the photo suggests the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good ability to adapt after transplantation.

Some simple plants Look great as a border strip or in small groups. These are begonia, marine alyssum or ageratum. Crops of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used to decorate a flower garden. These are coleus, heuchera, silver cineraria and irezine.

The most the best option for flower designs are long-flowering and low plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvias and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is removed from the pot along with the soil.
  • The roots with a lump of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and compacted.

Helpful advice! For flower arrangement Plants that grow quickly are not suitable. They remain decorative for several weeks and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentra. They can be planted in groups rather than in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

To design for a long time retained its decorative properties and required constant care. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. Bark or sawdust are used for mulching.
  2. The flower garden needs to be weeded regularly to remove weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden needs to be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed provides limitless scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The slate design in several layers looks stylish.

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Step-by-step instruction on production, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication in our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. Using an electric saw, a niche is cut out where drainage is laid and soil is filled. The surface of the log can be varnished.

The appearance of a private house and the impression it makes largely depend on the well-groomed and comfortable surroundings of the area. Gone are the days when the main and only requirement for arranging a yard was functionality; now the exterior is no less important than special purpose objects and buildings.

For those who want to make their home and yard not only more comfortable, but also beautiful, landscape design - the art - comes to the rescue harmonious combination buildings and plantings in a certain cultural or historical style. Is it possible to master the basics of this business on your own? Without a doubt. What nuances need to be taken into account when decorating a site with your own hands and the basic techniques of landscape design will be discussed today.

How to decorate a yard: design features for large and small areas

Any yard can be made more comfortable

One of the most important parameters, from which you will have to start - the size of the plot. Naturally, the more you have at your disposal free space, the wider the possibilities for decoration. If the yard is very small and represents only 1-2 acres of land, you need to approach the planning of landscaping work more carefully.

How to decorate a yard with small square footage? It’s better to avoid large verandas and lawns; a swimming pool will also look out of place. If the area between the porch and the gate is small (10 meters or less), it is worth allocating this space for flower beds and other green spaces that will make the area more attractive from the outside and also hide inner part yard from prying eyes.

Large areas allow you to place almost anything: a recreation area, a barbecue with a gazebo, a swimming pool, flower beds, lawns and even decorative pond. But at the same time it appears new problem– place all objects so that they are in harmony with each other and do not create clutter or voids. Let's look at the basic techniques for combining different buildings and areas of the site with each other in more detail.

Cozy yard with your own hands

A small pond will delight you and your guests

Before you begin to redevelop your yard, you need to decide on your goals and draw up a plan for future changes. A gazebo can add coziness, flower beds will decorate and enliven the area, and decorative fences will highlight functional areas. If you want to surprise guests, create a small fountain or decorative pond. Also near the house you can place:

  • pool;
  • bath;
  • domestic buildings;
  • grill or barbecue;
  • playground;
  • parking spaces, etc.

Having selected the necessary objects from the above or added something of your own, you should transfer your wishes to paper, that is, draw up a diagram of how you imagine a cozy yard. In addition to personal preferences, it is also necessary to take into account the principles of zoning of the territory and general style registration

Landscape near the house: design, zoning and choice of style

Design is the most important part of landscaping. To create a sketch you will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper, preferably with markings (millimeter) for ease of scaling;
  • pen or pencil;
  • compass and ruler.

If possible, after thinking about the landscape near the house, you can use special design programs to sketch it.

You can create a sketch using special programs

Territory zoning

Large areas must be divided into functional zones. The main ones:

  • Front door. This is a place located between the main entrance to the house and the road.
  • Household. As a rule, it is reserved for buildings.
  • Gardening. Designed for growing various vegetables and fruit trees. Its size depends on the wishes of the owners, in some cases it may be completely absent. It is better to locate this area in well-lit and convenient places for watering.
  • Relaxation area. It is often placed in the courtyard, but there may be several such areas (sports ground, benches, etc.).
  • Gaming. The area allocated for... It is usually placed near the house or in another clearly visible place.
  • Parking lot. Parking space for personal vehicles.

Arrangement of the front area

When locating these zones on a site, the landscape of the area, as well as existing structures and plantings, should be taken into account. If there are fruit-bearing trees, then it is better to preserve them, organically fitting them into overall design yard

Choosing a Design Style

Having decided on the division into zones and the number of objects and buildings, you need to think about uniform style registration It can be developed independently, based on several design directions, or selected from existing ones. The most popular styles for decorating areas are:

Modern. This design is characterized by minimalism. All elements have their purpose, any unnecessary details are absent, and plantings are used as an addition and are of secondary importance.

English. A landscape made in this style resembles a miniature landscape and looks as natural as possible, but at the same time neat.

Italian. It is characterized by the use of various wooden products, untreated stone and lush vegetation. Often the focus of attention is on some artificial pond, reservoir or fountain.

Mediterranean. It is in many ways reminiscent of the Italian style, but the emphasis is on decorating with stone in the form of various terraces, walls and flowerpots.

Asiatic. This includes traditional Chinese and Japanese motifs: minimalism, a large number of stones, alternation of hills and flat areas, ponds, rounded shrubs.

Natural. With this design, the landscape is as close to natural as possible. However, it is important to take precautions so that the site does not seem abandoned. Preference is given irregular shapes, winding paths and lawns of wild plants.

Regular. This style is quite strict, straight lines and regular geometric shapes, the principle of symmetry is observed whenever possible. It looks especially appropriate on large areas (from 15 acres or more).

Before making a choice, you should carefully study each of these styles and compare them with the size of your site and your financial capabilities. It is important to consider that for a harmonious appearance of the yard, all elements, from the facade of the house to flower beds, paths and garden lanterns, must be combined with each other.

Patio design: setting up a patio

As a rule, it is in the inner part of the yard that the main areas for recreation and entertainment are located, so it is worth considering the features of its design in more detail. In Spain, this part of the yard is called a patio and there is a small stone-paved area equipped with a table, benches, a canopy, and sometimes a barbecue or barbecue. Often, for greater comfort, it is surrounded on several sides by green spaces.

Cozy patio on the lawn

Design patio may be different. It is often placed at the back wall of the house or in the garden. If this is not possible, then hedges made of bushes or climbing plants. The dimensions of such a site usually do not exceed 4 square meters. m., and it itself is complemented by a standard garden set - a table and chairs or benches.

One of the main decorative elements patio – paved area. Stone is traditionally used to create it, but it can be replaced concrete slabs, paving bricks or even wood. However, you need to understand that a base made of boards will last several times less than a stone one and will require additional processing antiseptics.

It is recommended to choose natural and soft colors for the site so as not to disturb the atmosphere of rest and relaxation characteristic of this part of the yard. Good materials For patio furniture there will be wicker, wood, plastic or wrought iron. Sofas and chaise lounges, especially wicker ones, look appropriate here.

Patio adjacent to the house

And, of course, an integral attribute of the patio are the plants surrounding it or located inside it in pots and flowerpots. If you like evening gatherings at fresh air, then you also need to take care of the lighting of the site.

Possible difficulties when decorating the site

Not all yard landscaping work always goes smoothly. One of the main problems that you may encounter is the unsuitable terrain of the site. Significant surface unevenness may make it impossible to plant some plants and locate buildings. Harsh climatic conditions or excessive soil moisture can also become an obstacle to the implementation of the plan.

In this situation, you need to think about how to turn existing disadvantages into advantages. For example, if the house is located on a hill, then it is worth focusing on its design. Uneven terrain can look good combined with terraces or a rock garden. And in the lowlands it is very convenient to place a pond or pool.

Properly selected decor will hide the imperfections of the site

If, on the contrary, the site is too flat, and you want to add variety to it, then creating artificial embankments is not recommended - they look unnatural. It is better to arrange an alpine hill, flower beds and a garden instead.

Beautiful landscapes of private houses (photos)

As you can see, there are options for decorating the yard and garden territory there is enough. All you have to do is use your imagination, put in a little effort and your yard will turn into a real oasis. And the beautiful landscapes of private houses shown in the photos below will help you get inspired to create your own masterpieces.

Landscaping the territory of a private house is a process no less complex, creative and labor-intensive than. Everyone dreams of a beautifully designed garden plot or back yard. But not everyone can hire a landscape designer who will design everything. If you don’t have such an opportunity, but really want to create one, then our review will help you with this. In the article you will find practical recommendations and simple solutions on how to improve your local area with your own hands and without large financial expenses.

If you decide to create a landscape design with your own hands, then, first of all, you will need suitable designs. Before purchasing seedlings and certain materials, you need to make a clear plan for how to arrange all the elements of landscape design in the local area. The most simple ideas you can look at the photo. You can also see how to make a simple yard design project in the video below:

Before you start planning, look at what they look like, as well as design options small yard. Beautiful landscape you can create it yourself from available materials.

The landscape of a private house requires a specific plan, on which you need to note:

  • buildings around the house, including gazebos, a playground and an outdoor shower;
  • bodies of water It is worth considering that laying is done first;
  • structures made of stones and alpine slides;
  • garden paths near the house;
  • areas for planting shrubs and trees;
  • placement of flower beds and flower beds. The choice of material and time for arranging elements near the house will depend on the type of flower bed;
  • local area;
  • systems

For your information! The marking of the territory must be carried out after careful preparation. A detailed plan will not only allow you to think everything through well, but will also help you save money.

Site development

When deciding how to plan your yard, first of all, start from the house and the style that matches it. You should not allow excess decor in the local area. The plan involves dividing the site into separate zones.

The recreation area and children's playground deserve special attention. If there is not enough space in the yard, then perhaps some zones can be combined. Bushes and perennial plants can be used to limit individual areas.

If the layout is done correctly, then even in a small area you can place all the necessary objects.

The layout of the yard is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • terrain. How flat or hilly it is, as well as the location of mountains or ravines nearby;
  • type of soil: clayey, light or fertile;
  • plot shapes: rectangular, triangular, rounded or L-shaped;
  • area dimensions;
  • level ;
  • illumination and orientation to the cardinal points.

The courtyard design allows for rational placement of all communications elements. Zoning of a personal plot in a village or in another area involves division into the following parts:

  • residential denotes the main building and all that are adjacent to it;
  • economic zone denotes buildings for storing tools, all kinds of garages and places where fuel supplies are stored;
  • rest zone includes a swimming pool, children's playground, flower beds, gazebos and;
  • garden and for growing fruits and vegetables.

The layout of the yard area should be carried out taking into account the ground level. In some cases, it may be necessary to create a blind area or fill soil. To strengthen the slopes, slopes, terraces, etc. are needed.

Also, landscape design involves observing the cardinal directions. Experts recommend placing it on the north side big trees and at home, so that their shadow does not cover the green spaces. Planning a site near the house involves placing it inside the territory in order to protect it from prying eyes and noise.

When planning village house and the yard, you need to think about the gardening area. Shrubs and fruit trees must be distributed so that all crops have enough light and space. You can complete your landscaping plan yourself. For this zone, the sunniest place in the garden is chosen.

A vacation spot for a country house does not have to be located in one place. Individual areas can be found throughout the territory. Landscape design includes such decorative elements as flower beds, flower beds near the house and small ponds.

In the photo you can see wonderful ideas for a private house, as well as for plots in the village.

Sidewalk paths, platforms and fences in the courtyard of a private house: photo ideas

Arrangement of a personal plot always includes such activities as laying paths, installing fences and installing recreation areas and children's areas. When deciding how to lay out the paths, consider different options.

Some yard coverings can be laid out yourself and are very inexpensive. At the entrance, paving stones, cut stone paving or tiles will look great. To make beautiful fences around paths near your house, you can use low plants.

When deciding what to cover your yard with, consider original solutions. For example, an excellent path design can be obtained from wood cuts. In this case, the free spaces between them can be filled with sawdust or bark. You can also use narrow boards for the yard. They need to be tightly fitted to each other, and then painted or varnished.

May be considered different design paving stones, as well as interesting solutions It’s worth looking at the photo to see how to pave the paths.

A yard path can be classified depending on the material used:

  • stone options: pebbles, plastic, paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, as well as, photos of which can be found on the Internet;

  • wooden coverings: boards, sawn logs;

  • brick and concrete coverings;

  • paths made from scrap materials.

To visually delineate the local area, you can use a variety of landscaping. For example, you can use small fences in the design of the yard from perennial plants, annual flowers and dense bushes. For the environment sports ground or a seating area, a squat one will do.

You can look at the photo of the design of the fence of a private house. Arches or pergolas for paths can be a beautiful addition to such mini fences. In this case, you will get a luxurious covered fence in a private house. Climbing morning glory, clematis and roses are used for the designs.

For your information! Frames with slats or wooden panels with perforations look original. You can make partitions from rattan, wicker and bamboo.

Landscaping and landscaping

After planning and marking the site, the question arises of how to plant landscaping in the yard. Before planting anything, it is also necessary to complete a project for green spaces. Landscape gardening necessarily includes planting bushes and trees. They will help you do house design more diverse. In addition, they will protect certain areas from the sun and wind.

When decorating a small area near the house, you need to give preference to crops that bloom continuously. For the yard you can use. It is important to take into account that such areas also require care. Plants need to be trimmed and watered.

Landscape design involves the use of various flower beds and flower beds. A good solution for a closed yard. You can plant exotic crops in them, for example, cypress, pomegranate or lemon.

You can create great vertical gardening with your own hands. Such decorative elements will help create relief and volume for the garden. Supporting elements can be gazebos, fences and tree trunks.

Various examples of landscaping a private home and territory can be seen in the photo. Also, when creating landscape design, activities are carried out. You can highlight ponds, plants, sculptures and paths. To illuminate the area, you can use lanterns on poles. Fountains and sculptures can be installed in open areas. Plants that love moisture should be planted around the perimeter of the pond. This is swamp iris, reed or mint. When landscaping the territory, it is also necessary to comply with state regulations.

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Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos of original compositions

Flower beds and flower beds are a necessary element of landscaping a yard in a private home. Even with limited areas you can find a place for luxurious plants. That being said, you should know how to plant beautiful flowers in your yard.

When deciding how to arrange areas of the local area with your own hands, first decide on the existing types of flower beds:

  • regular flower beds, in which a variety of plants are planted for landscaping the area. But flowering occurs at a certain time;

  • irregular have crops that bloom throughout the warm period;

  • raised flower beds consist of various frames of stone, brick and wood;
  • vertical allow you to decorate walls and fences;

  • carpet look like a canvas;
  • monoflowers consist of a single plant;
  • beautiful Look good next to paths. They can be planted near walls;

  • discount is a construction made of different plants, which can land on one side.
  • arabesques have custom design. In this case, they apply low growing plants, which are planted in the form of different geometric shapes;
  • rock garden looks like a hill of stones;

  • front gardens usually located in front of the house and near the road;
  • mixoborders are mixed compositions. They are planted along buildings, paths and fences.

If you don't know what to plant or what flowers to use, take a look various options on the picture. Perhaps some idea will suit your taste.

Related article:

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on landscaping your territory, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds yourself. We will teach this in our article.

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo projects

If you have not yet decided how to arrange a beautiful territory and garden design for private homes, then draw up a carefully thought-out plan. First of all, highlight areas such as recreation, garden and farm.

To divide a private courtyard and garden into separate sections, you can use elements such as arches and screens.

Beautiful private gardens can be seen in the photos. Fruit trees, well-groomed lawns, and a variety of flower beds complement the various statues and. Many decorative elements can be made independently. Beautiful ideas You can also see the landscape design in the photo of a garden on a private plot.

Outbuildings in a private house: photos of beautiful structures

When planning the most important stage is a house and yard with outbuildings. Many yard elements can be done with your own hands. Without them, the landscape design will not have a complete look.

Let's look at what buildings in the yard can be used:

  • Separate area for the hearth. It could be a massive oven. Garden paths and the furniture can be tied to exactly this place. A good solution is to use a beam circuit.

  • Open dining room or kitchen provides a wonderful opportunity to eat outdoors. At the same time, all kinds of .
  • When deciding how to build a yard, you should use such small architectural forms as alcove.

  • You can also consider an option like grill house.
  • Recreation area can be supplemented.

  • Pool It can be done both open and covered.
  • Equipped provides a lot of joy for children and an opportunity for parents to relax while the children are busy.

Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house: photo options

Is one of important elements landscaping the yard in a private house. You can do it yourself. Gazebos can be closed, open or attached to the house.

If price matters, then you should choose the polycarbonate option. A similar structure is located in the depths of the garden to reduce noise. The design of the courtyard of a private house with a gazebo is popular, as this can give you another comfortable spot for relax.

You can consider the following gazebo options:

  • open structures are distinguished by simplicity and practicality. Such buildings are made of supports and a canopy. This pavilion offers a wonderful view of the surrounding nature;

  • closed buildings more like a light house;

  • gazebos covered, consist of a frame;
  • great option - construction B-B-Q.

How to arrange the gazebo inside depends on its configuration and design features. If the building is equipped with a fireplace, then you can also build a dining area.
