home · Measurements · Sofa by the window: interesting solutions for an impeccable interior. Choosing sofas according to Feng Shui Where to put a sofa in a small room

Sofa by the window: interesting solutions for an impeccable interior. Choosing sofas according to Feng Shui Where to put a sofa in a small room

The famous Chinese teaching Feng Shui is one of the ways to teach people to live in harmony, to be a balanced, balanced and self-sufficient person.

According to the system, even the shape of furniture and its arrangement can affect our sense of self, mood, health, success and prosperity.

For those people who do not intend to limit their freedom to a set of Asian rules and recommendations, we only advise you to listen to some advice. And adherents of the teaching should choose sofas exactly according to Feng Shui.

Furniture preferences according to Feng Shui

1. According to Chinese teaching, the arrangement of furniture in residential and non-residential premises plays an important role. It is believed that sofas and other upholstered furniture should be placed along the walls or a small island should be arranged in a semicircle around the table. This should facilitate a beneficial exchange of energies between family members and guests, creating genuine communication. It is advisable to leave free space in the center of the living room so as not to interfere with the movement of positive flows that bring good luck and prosperity.

2. When buying a sofa, it is advisable to choose upholstery in a muted color, with a beautiful, low-contrast pattern. Great choice- velor or chenille, and if it is tapestry and jacquard, then give preference to patterns with smooth lines, without angular geometry.

The basic rule of Feng Shui is the streamlined shape of sofas, where there are no sharp corners and sharp boundaries of planes.

3. It is believed that streamlined objects and rounded shapes are not only more pleasing to the eye, but also have a positive effect on everyone living in the room. Adherents of the doctrine explain this by the fact that in nature there is no pure rectangular geometry, and it is easier to produce mass-produced furniture of just this shape. But even if you already have such a sofa, try to place it across the corner to cut the corners a little. Behind it you can place a tall floor lamp, a large exotic flower or a corner shelf.

4. In a small room, the sofa is selected in proportion to the space so that Their dimensions did not take up almost half the room. A large corner or modular sofa, especially when unfolded, should not overload the decor so that there is no stagnation in the movement of positive energy. It is believed that due to such congestion in apartments, there are no positive changes in people's lives. That is why it is important to get rid of all rubbish and old angular furniture in a timely manner - to attract good luck and positive novelty.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the “correct” furniture should not be too high, that is, sofas should not be much more than 1 meter.

5. Moreover, it is desirable that the seat height be small, and the sofa must have legs - for the flow of energy, so that there is no feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

6. The functionality of the sofa is also important, since objects not used for their intended purpose should not fill the living space. In addition, sofas and other upholstered furniture should not be used for storing unnecessary clothes in niches or for unfinished needlework. This will promote sedimentation and amorphism. In the linen niches, of course, store bed linen and bed dress, and always clean. An unfolded sofa should not stand like this all day or not fold up at all - this attracts the energy of sleep and makes the inhabitants of the house lazy and sleepy.

7. According to Feng Shui, all things have a specific energy, including the materials from which they are made. Therefore, it is important to give preference to sofas made from solid wood. In ancient times, products made from dried wood were avoided. And a giant broken by lightning generally has the most negative energy imprint. In ancient times, nothing was made from it, so that the products would not take away vitality. Wood taken from an intersection is also considered negative. Oak is known to bring good health, and coniferous trees carry more positivity than other woods.

8. And lastly, the teaching of Feng Shui does not advise buying other people’s old sofas, including antique ones, especially if the history of their owners is unknown. Used sofas remember the history of their owners, especially their negative sides, so you can imperceptibly attract it. However, if the sofa was in the office of a rich boss of a successful company who is updating the furnishings, then buying such a sofa can bring obvious financial success. A sofa from happy spouses, passed down by inheritance, also promises an influx of positivity.

Dowsing studies have divided wood into:

  1. giving off positive energy (ash, linden, chestnut, willow, apple, maple, oak, rowan, birch, acacia and pine);
  2. neutral (pear, beech, elm, cherry spruce, walnut);
  3. energy-consuming (aspen, bird cherry, poplar, alder, aspen).

However, according to other ancient teachings, according to the horoscope, everyone has a corresponding type of tree, which is the most harmonious for each person - choose it.

Of course, you can't always know what a sofa is made of, but when it seems like it's having a negative impact in some way, it's best to buy a new one. When purchasing, try to sit down and think about it eyes closed about something pleasant if nothing good comes to mind, move to another sofa, and if you want to sit there and dream without getting up for a long time, this is energetically your option. It is also known that it is recommended to make upholstered furniture for offices from oak, kitchens - walnut or cherry veneer, beds - from pine.

  • It is not advisable to place a sofa under objects hanging from the ceiling, beams, cornices, chandeliers, or heavy structures.
  • Sofas that promote a comfortable posture are more positive, for example, with high and soft armrests, with headrests on the back.
  • The sofa in the corner far from the window takes away more strength than an aquarium or fountain standing in other places, but standing nearby will balance the energies.

  • Sofas with armchairs and ottomans arranged in a semicircle promote warm relationships.
  • It is not recommended to place the sofa with its back to the entrance or to the window, it is better to have its side or face, or you can additionally use low partitions to divide functional areas.
  • Listen to your own feelings and intuition, any discomfort is negative. The same applies to style in interior design.

Many lovers of non-standard design solutions know that a sofa by the window can become the main highlight of the living space of a living room or bedroom. Currently exists a large number of zoning methods using this piece of furniture, without which it is now hardly possible to imagine any house or apartment. A correctly positioned sofa by the window in the interior can visually correct layout deficiencies, become a cozy relaxation area if we are talking about a sofa-window sill, and also significantly save free space in the room. It's worth taking a closer look at everything available options placements and choose the most suitable one, taking into account personal tastes and preferences.

Pros and cons of placing a sofa near a window

When remodeling, developing a new design or renovating a bedroom, living room, kitchen, library or dining room, most homeowners ask themselves whether it is possible to place a sofa by the window. In fact, it is not only possible, but also necessary; this multifunctional item has long been combining several functions. It is often supplemented with spacious cabinets and drawers, in which it is very convenient to store books, dishes, bedding and personal items. When it is placed under the window, this allows you to significantly save space in the room, which is especially important for small rooms.

For this reason, the sofa under the window is a real find; if placed correctly and harmoniously in the interior, it can easily combine several pieces of furniture at once. Those who like to read near the windows will certainly appreciate this great solution, a soft sofa with big amount pillows and a warm blanket will become a comfortable and favorite resting place for every family member. Regardless of whether it will be placed in a house or apartment, you need to think in advance about the arrangement of other items yourself or with the help of a designer.

In addition to all the advantages, this type of zoning also has its disadvantages. It is not suitable for rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows, since a sofa placed near such a window will disrupt the unified design of the room. In these cases, it is best to limit yourself to small banquettes or traditionally place a sofa or sofa near the wall. In fact, the advantages of such placement significantly outweigh all possible disadvantages, but in the process of arranging furniture it is better not to break the main rules.

In what cases should you place a sofa by the window?

This piece of furniture can be placed near the window, including in apartments with a standard layout; with the right approach, it will easily fit into the interior and take its rightful place in it. A corner sofa by the window in the interior always looks quite impressive; this model must be chosen when purchasing if you like it separately standing sofas, not built into a window sill or window opening. A compact sofa with a headrest can be placed along the wall under the window if the room has modern radiators that will not interfere with the arrangement of furniture.

Professional designers are able to effectively fit a standard or unusual sofa into the interior of even the smallest bedroom or kitchen, replacing an ordinary window sill with it. In this case, it will be built into the window opening and consist of a lower cabinet equipped with drawers, standard shelves or open compartments, as well as a soft sleeping place. You can place a sofa along the window in almost any living space; it will always look original and unusual, attracting the attention of every person who enters the room.

What to remember when placing a sofa near a window

The answer to the question of whether it is possible or not to place a sofa near a window often depends on its type, so too bulky free-standing models will look ugly not only in a small room, but also in spacious room. They will make it difficult to access the window opening, so for small apartments best to choose corner options, which partially or completely cover the wall under the window. A standard model of this shape can be installed in two ways, depending on its dimensions and the size of a particular room. In a large living space, a sofa or sofa with a low back can be safely placed at the bottom of the window, this will not affect overall design and planning.

Zoning should always be thought out; sometimes positioning a sofa in the right way is not so easy, especially if you need to place several such items in the room at once. It is not recommended to place it close to heating radiators; sleeping on such a sofa will not be very comfortable, in addition, the material of its back part may be damaged during the heating process. If you have difficulty with correct location this item, it is best to contact a designer who will suggest the most best option.

Which sofa models are suitable for placement under a window?

Photo of corner sofas near the window

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Sofa by the window: 5 ideas for true romantics

Tell me, did you, as a child, love to climb onto the window sill in the living room, watch passers-by through the window, or just read an interesting book? If the answer is yes, then you will probably like the idea proposed in the article for creating a cozy window sill-sofa. Below I will talk about the most good ideas on the design of this solution and describe the features of creating such a cozy place.

The Fab Five

Sofa under the window - great idea for decorating a living room, and even a kitchen. It will allow you to add a room usable space and will become a real highlight of the interior. I'm not talking about how comfortable and cozy you can make such a place to relax.

In order not to be verbose, I will give as an example a few ideas for arranging a cute sofa from a window sill.

Idea No. 1. Little library

Why not use your existing window space as a small personal library? Install several in the opening bookshelves and fill them with your favorite literary works.

Sitting comfortably with a cup of tea on a compact soft sofa (I’ll tell you how to make it below), you can forget about almost all your problems.

Idea No. 2. Accessible minimalism

Show a little imagination, and your reward will be a seemingly simple, but incredibly stylish and cozy place. Warm blanket, several soft pillows– and your interior will receive original zone recreation.

Idea No. 3. Sleeping area

If the square footage allows, then the window sill-sofa can be turned into a full-fledged sleeping place. In the summer, sleeping on it will be easy and pleasant, and for winter evenings I recommend insulating the windows and the bed itself.

Idea No. 4. Cabinet

A sofa by the window can not only perform a decorative function and serve as a place to relax, but also become a compact storage for bed linen and other household accessories. You just need to equip it pull-out shelves- and the trick is in the bag.

Idea No. 5. Kitchen addition

Kitchen with a small sofa V window opening looks incredibly elegant and cute. Believe me, with this design you will not want to leave it, and evening gatherings will become even more enjoyable. It is enough to place a round table next to the sofa - and dinner Zone ready.

Features of creating a place to relax

If the ideas and photographs presented above fascinated you, then it’s time to think about creating such beauty with your own hands. Arranging a sofa under a window is a much simpler task than it might seem at first glance. After all, in fact, you only need to do wooden box, decorating it will be even easier.

So that the layout with a sofa near the window is not only stylish, but also does not interfere with full heating in the room in winter (after all, standard apartments the batteries are placed exactly under the window), you should listen to some recommendations.

  1. Make a bench-sofa 30 centimeters below the window sill. This decision is due to several factors:
  • Because the standard height the window sill is 75-85 cm, climbing onto it will not be very convenient.
  • A sofa on a windowsill in a nursery, for example, is not the safest solution.
  • By making the seat a little lower, from the window sill you will get an excellent shelf for a book, flower pot or cups.
  1. Instructions for arranging a sofa by the window would be incomplete without mentioning the following nuance. Don't forget to provide an outlet for through which heat from the battery will flow in winter. It seems to me that the most simple option there will be neat grilles located directly under the seat.

  1. Equip a bench additional modules for storing various things. It's practical and convenient.
  2. Make sure that the color and style of the mattress and pillows on the sofa fit harmoniously into the existing interior.

Rules for making a window sill-sofa

To final result met your expectations, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic design rules wide window sill as a sofa.

  1. If the window sill intended for the sofa protrudes from the wall by more than 10 centimeters, it should be strengthened. The price of your negligence is a broken place after just a couple of months of use.
    I recommend using it as a boost metal corners, which will add greater rigidity to the edges of the protruding surface.

Even after improving the design, you should not put too much stress on the corners of a homemade sofa, as they can easily become deformed.

  1. In order for the window sill-sofa to fit tightly, it is necessary to install spring brackets along the entire surface at a distance of 20-25 cm, securing them with self-tapping screws.
  2. Before strengthening the product with polyurethane foam, every surface should be thoroughly cleaned. The foam itself must be applied to the middle and ends of the structure.


A soft and stylish sofa by the window is a good purchase for true romantics who know how to appreciate every minute of peace and quiet. This decorative element will add sophistication and comfort to the interior, and will provide you with a complete place to relax. Needless to say, how many warm evenings Can you spend time there with a cup of hot coffee or tea?

Even more interesting and useful information You can learn about the window-sill sofa from the video in this article. In the comments I'm waiting for your opinion on this. design solution or questions you are interested in on the topic.

September 22, 2016

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Today it is difficult to imagine a living space without a sofa. This piece of furniture is not just for sitting and watching TV. You can also sleep on it. The various models on the market today differ in their transformation mechanism, type of upholstery, design, purpose, and more. Sooner or later you have to change the upholstered furniture in your apartment. Many consumers are lost in the variety of models that exist today. Next, we’ll figure out how to choose the right sofa. From the article we will learn what these products are, and also get acquainted with the main points that you should pay attention to when purchasing.

Today, many people do not know how to choose the right sofa. First you need to decide on the purpose of the product. For example, in one family a sofa will serve as a bed. That is, you are supposed to sleep on it. In another family, the product can be used to watch TV and be a resting place for all family members. After the functional task has become clear, the quality of the furniture should be studied. It must be said that the widely held opinion that the most best furniture- Italian. Today, the condition of elements such as frame, filler and upholstery will be used to assess quality. You can choose the design of your future sofa in accordance with your personal preferences. But experts recommend taking into account the overall interior of the room where this piece of furniture will later be placed.

Many people wonder how to choose the color of the sofa? In this case, you need to focus on the walls. Depending on the gamma finishing material, the color of the sofa is also selected. Here you need to consider how the tones will combine with each other so that the product does not get lost against the background of the walls. It must also be said that in design all the details are interconnected. This means that even minor changes may lead to changes in the entire interior. For those who prefer universal options, manufacturers offer models with a wooden frame. The upholstery of such products is usually done in classic style. Such models can be combined with almost any design. If preference is given modern products, then here you need to pay attention to sofas made in Hi-Tech style. But at the same time, experts recommend observing the measure. It should be remembered that trendy products will not always be appropriate in the interior.


Before choosing a sofa, you should evaluate the area of ​​the room. By size, products are divided into 2- and 3-seater. The first ones are more suitable for those who live alone and sometimes receive guests. The second option is more spacious. He is chosen to the house where the family lives. If you still like a double sofa, then for ease of placement, purchase additional armchairs. The end result will be great couch for the whole family. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you should first determine where the sofa will stand. Often thoughtless purchases lead to the fact that the product is difficult to place in the room, since it takes up quite a lot of space. You need to measure the width and length of the area where the piece of furniture will be placed before choosing.

Corner sofa

Products of this type are considered one of the most popular today. These models are equipped with a variety of transformation mechanisms. Such sofas can be either right- or left-handed. Before purchasing, you should accurately imagine and plan the location. Although with corner sofas As a rule, no difficulties arise. Many manufacturers offer collapsible models. Products of this type can be assembled, like a construction set, by swapping elements.


There are quite a lot of devices for transforming a structure today. If you plan to use the sofa as a bed infrequently, then a folding bed mechanism is suitable. One of the lightest mechanisms is considered to be withdrawable. But when unfolding it it is necessary large space. The simplest and cheapest option is the “book” option. Along with its advantages, this mechanism also has significant drawback. When transforming, a certain margin to the wall is required. Today there is a more improved version of this mechanism - the “Eurobook”. It's more convenient. The following will provide information on how to choose a Eurobook sofa.


The Eurobook transformation mechanism is convenient, practical and durable. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple. In order to unfold the sofa, it is enough to roll the seat forward, then move the back from a vertical to a horizontal position. The convenience of this design is that, unlike previous models, there is no need to leave a gap between the product and the wall. This sofa, among other things, is equipped with drawers for linen. When purchasing such a product, experts recommend paying attention to the presence of a spring block. The design must contain orthopedic armor, as well as molded elastic polyurethane foam. This material is present in soft elements seats and backrests.


It can be made of different materials. The main ones are metal, wood and timber with chipboard. Each frame has its own advantages and disadvantages. The service life of structures also varies. How to choose quality sofa at an affordable price?

Wooden frame

In a room whose interior is made in a classic style, it is preferable to place a sofa, supporting structure which is made of natural material. Such models are popular because they create additional comfort and a feeling of warmth in the room. The types of wood used in the manufacture of the frame may differ in both price and quality.

Common type of wood

Manufacturers use coniferous species most often. What is the reason for this choice? This is due to the fact that in Russia they are very common and grow almost everywhere. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of production, saving on transportation. At the same time, the quality of the products remains at the proper level. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa for the living room in a house where few people live, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frame is made of coniferous wood.

Frame durability

How to choose a sofa so that it lasts for decades? First of all, experts recommend paying attention to models whose frames are made of hardwood. These include, in particular, ash, oak and beech. It must be assumed that the cost of such products is significantly higher than those described above. Birch frames also have the necessary strength. This breed is stronger coniferous trees, but inferior to ash and oak. Mahogany is used in the manufacture of luxury furniture. This breed has many advantages, including a very long service life and reliability.

The strength of the frame structure is also ensured by the fasteners. The more reliable it is, the more stable the product. Since you often have to choose a sofa for a house where a large family lives, you need to pay attention to the type of fastening of the elements Special attention. This is due to the fact that with sufficiently active use, the frame can very quickly become loose, and the product will become unusable. In this regard, experts recommend choosing those models in which the elements are connected not with screws, but with bolts. The parts placed on the glue must fit tightly to each other.

Condition of the frame wood

The quality of the material is of no small importance. It is necessary to evaluate how well the wood is dried. There are cases when, over time, moisture from the material began to evaporate after the sofa was upholstered. In addition, poorly dried wood can produce an unpleasant squeaking sound when a person sits down or gets up from the sofa. The strength of the structure also depends on the number of knots on the tree. The fewer there were, the better. You can evaluate the condition of a material by the smoothness of its surface - the more ideal it is, the better the quality of the product.

Metal carcass

Relatively recently, such designs were not very common. Typically, metal was used to make chairs or tables. Over time, this material began to be used in the production of other pieces of furniture. Metal is most actively used in the manufacture of products in the Hi-Tech style. As many experts note, metal frames are quite practical and durable. In addition, they are easy to repair. TO metal frame Almost any upholstery fits perfectly. If we talk about color or profile, then consumers are presented with enough wide choose. Experts recommend purchasing products in which the frame elements are connected by welding. Such designs last much longer.

Combined frame

How to choose a sofa without a large amount of money? One of budget options is a product whose frame is made by combining materials. The design, which uses bars and chipboard, is in last place in popularity. However, these products are also in demand on the market. The advantages and disadvantages of such frames are similar to wooden ones. In a number of cases, in an effort to reduce the cost of products as much as possible, some companies produce products with frames made exclusively from chipboard. However, experts do not recommend purchasing such products. This is due to the unreliability and fragility of the material.


How to choose nice sofa? Undoubtedly, maximum comfort is achieved on a soft, but at the same time elastic surface of the product. According to experts, the density coefficient in different areas of the sofa should be different. The back, armrest and seat should be more rigid. The last element is subject to the greatest wear. In this regard, its density should be maximum. However, you can do more than just sit on the sofa. Very often this piece of furniture is installed in bedrooms. How to choose a sofa bed with the optimal stiffness coefficient? IN Lately The most popular among consumers are products containing foam rubber or polyurethane inside. Preference is also given to models equipped with spring blocks.

Foam filling

As practice shows, this material is used in cheap models. Moreover, the lower the cost of the sofa, the worse the quality of the filling. As for foam rubber, in products that are in the low price category, this material is placed inside them in pieces. Many people want to save money and buy just such models. However, as practice shows, after a year or two the filler begins to crumple. The appearance of the product suffers from this. How to choose a sofa made of foam rubber? First of all, the material must be solid. In this case, the service life of the product will be at least 4 years. However, after this period, the furniture may have to be changed, since the material will still lose its properties.

Spring blocks

The sleeping area should not be too soft. Otherwise, the spine will experience increased stress. To prevent negative influence Experts recommend purchasing products equipped with spring blocks. As a rule, these are orthopedic sofas. How to choose the maximum comfortable model? Design elements can significantly reduce the load on the spine. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to assess the condition of the spring blocks. Few people know how to choose an orthopedic sofa bed. First of all, you should not look at cheap models. As a rule, the elements in such products are of low quality. As a result, you can not only not get any benefit, but, on the contrary, make the situation worse. The cost of an orthopedic sofa depends mainly on the number of springs. The more of these elements, the higher the price. However, you don’t mind paying for comfort while sleeping. Some models are additionally equipped with special orthopedic mattresses.

Other filler materials

Many manufacturers make products using polyurethane. This material retains its elasticity longer than foam rubber. However, its cost is not too different. More expensive products contain a very durable, strong and elastic material - latex. When answering consumers’ questions about how to choose a sofa for sleeping, experts recommend giving preference to models with multi-layer fillings. For example, the lower tier is made rigid. This gives elasticity to the filler. Upper layer It is made softer to give an additional feeling of comfort. More expensive products use a coating made of synthetic fibers. Such material is holofiber or synthetic winterizer. The first one is considered the most preferable. This is due to its ability to quickly restore its shape after deformation. Holofiber has a high wear resistance coefficient. Thanks to this, the sofa retains its original appearance for a long time. Of course, such quality will cost the money.


Speaking about how to choose a sofa bed, we should also talk about the upholstery. Today there is a wide range of products on the market different materials. Many consumers have a question: how to choose a sofa for sleeping so that its surface retains an attractive appearance for a long time? Upholstery is another element on which the service life of the product will depend. As you know, leather is considered the most elite material. However, today there are many other options that are not inferior to it in their properties. How to choose leather sofa, let's look at it a little lower. First, let's get acquainted with general recommendations specialists.

What should you pay attention to?

When purchasing a sofa in a store, experts recommend asking the seller if there is Teflon impregnation in the upholstery. This coating has the property of repelling water. Thanks to this, accidentally spilled liquid is not absorbed into the upholstery, but simply flows down it. In addition, the coating provides additional protection from dust and dirt. Of course, such products will cost more. But you can save a lot on cleaning later. There is another option. Some models are coated with special Teflon coating. It performs the same functions as impregnation. However, the technology is much cheaper, and therefore the final cost of the product is lower.

Elite upholstery

Some experts equate chenille to leather. Both materials are considered elite. Chenille is pleasant to the touch, soft and very practical. For those who do not know how to choose a sofa for a child, the recommendations of experts are very simple. Professionals advise installing products upholstered with chenille in the children's room. This is an ideal option for rooms where there is a high risk of staining furniture. However, it must be said that the cost of such models is quite high. Wealthy buyers buy leather sofas. It should be said that some companies, in an effort to increase the cost of products, even perform back wall from this material. Therefore, if overpayment is not included in the plans, attention must be paid to this element.

Manufacturers of quality products, who have been working on the market for a long time and have managed to establish themselves, attach a passport to each of their models. It indicates all the characteristics of the product. Experts recommend not to be shy and carefully read the information. Undoubtedly, when choosing a model, you should examine it externally. Leather, as well as any other material, should not have defects, stains, or cracks.


This fabric has been used in the production of upholstered furniture relatively recently. Microfiber is practical and high quality. An undoubted advantage This material is that during its production a Teflon coating is already applied to it. Therefore, microfiber sofas are often installed in living rooms. In addition, the material is very resistant to dirt. Distinctive feature microfiber is its high strength. The material is very difficult to damage. In addition, it does not fade or fade in the sun.

Upholstered furniture for a children's room

When choosing a sofa for a child, first of all you need to pay attention to the safety of the product. There should be no corners or sharp protrusions on it. Environmental friendliness and quality of materials are of particular importance. Ideal option, according to professionals, will become wooden frame. However, all parts must be processed to protect the child from abrasions. Experts recommend paying attention to models with sides. For children under 7 years old, such sofas will be the safest. The products of Giovanni (Italy) are the most popular among consumers. The furniture of this company is of high quality.

It's always a little difficult process, because he demands correct calculation the dimensions of such a piece of furniture, the choice of color and texture of the upholstery that would be combined with general style rooms. However, choosing a place to put it is no less simple, and here it is not enough to take into account only the dimensions.

For rules for placing a sofa, as well as other upholstered furniture, you can turn to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, which will make it possible not only to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, but also to improve relationships in the family.

Nine Zone Rules

According to Feng Shui, in any room there are 9 zones, each of which has a specific meaning:

1. The eastern part of the room is considered the family area.

2. North - career zone.

3. Western is responsible for children and creativity.

4. The northwestern zone is called the zone of patrons and helpers.

5. The southern part of the room is the glory zone.

6. The southeast is called the zone of financial well-being.

7. Northeast - zone of wisdom and knowledge.

8. The center of the room is responsible for health.

9. The southwest is considered the zone of love and happy marriage.

The best option for a sofa according to Feng Shui is the family area, so placing this piece of furniture in the eastern part of the room is the best option, which will add harmony, trust and strength to the relationship, and will contribute to a good rest in family circle. It is important that the wall behind the back does not have a window - this arrangement will add confidence and tranquility. For energy circulation, you need to leave a little between the sofa and the wall. free space. And most importantly, it is not advisable to place another sofa near the sofa or easy chair. It is advisable to separate them with a small bedside table or coffee table, on which one of the Feng Shui symbols is sure to have its place.

How to choose a sofa

The choice of the sofa itself is no less important than its placement. Since the family zone provides relaxation and tranquility, then select too bright colors This piece of furniture is not worth it. It is not advisable to purchase sofas with flashy designs that irritate the eyes, because they will not only interfere with peace, but will also bring commotion into life. And you can simply forget about retaining positive energy. It is better to give preference to brown, golden, peach, green or burgundy.

It is also important to pay attention to the upholstery fabric, which should be pleasant to the touch, soft and in no case cause unpleasant sensations. Speaking about the length of the pile, smooth and velvety options are preferable. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to use leather for the living room, because it accumulates all the negative energy that appears in the house. But if a leather sofa is the best option in terms of style and design, then you can “dilute” this effect by using soft bedspreads.

On any type of sofa, regardless of the upholstery, you need to place several pillows, even with embroidered images or ornaments, which are sure to become a source of positive energy.

As for the shape of the sofa, there are certain nuances here too. In the living room it is better to place a sofa with rounded edges, since sharp corners, according to Chinese teaching, will only aggravate emerging conflicts. It is also important that such cushioned furniture had at least small legs for free air circulation, which the presence of drawers and other compartments does not contribute to.

Using a sofa from a Feng Shui perspective

In addition to accommodation and appearance sofa, Chinese teaching also determines the rules for using the sofa. So, according to Feng Shui, such upholstered furniture should be used for its intended purpose, that is, to sit or sleep on it, but in no case should it be cluttered with things, because in this case the energy responsible for success at work and personal life is destroyed.

But its use as a place to sit and sleep is a huge plus, because using the sofa both day and night does not allow energy to stagnate. But in this case you need to remember a few important rules:

    positioning the sofa as a place to sleep in such a way that your feet point toward the door while resting is unfavorable. This position is considered a dead person’s pose, which has a bad effect on health;

    placing it in a draft will not only cause a cold, but will contribute to the unfavorable Feng Shui of the room, because the flow of Qi energy should be smooth and soft;

    sharp corners of other furniture should not be directed onto the sofa while sleeping, and Chinese teachings do not recommend placing massive paintings, chandeliers, shelves and electrical sockets;

    You should also not sleep on the sofa with your head towards the window, because this will bring anxiety into your sleep, and illness and lack of support from loved ones in your life;

    It is undesirable to place books with negative content above the sofa, because their energy transfers to the person;

    when sleeping on the sofa, the sleeper should not be visible in the mirror.

In addition, Feng Shui attaches great importance to the bedspread that is placed on the sofa, as well as the bed on which the rest takes place. If the sofa is used by a married couple, then it is not recommended for them to cover the bedding. of blue color, because it cools marital passion. To strengthen it as a decor, it is advisable to place red pillows in the shape of hearts or paired items on the sofa. And the last rule for using a sofa according to Feng Shui is that it must be completely stable and not broken, so if necessary, you need to tighten it up or repair it in a timely manner.

A few more important points

The teaching of Feng Shui does not recommend purchasing old things, but on the contrary, it advises getting rid of them, so buying a used sofa will definitely not contribute to harmony and positive energy in the house. And yet, if antique upholstered furniture was donated by close relatives with whom they were or are a good relationship, then she will definitely bring prosperity and well-being to the house, protecting it from adversity.

There is also such a thing as sofa energy. It is determined by the materials from which the sofa is made, especially the frame - as the basis of the entire structure, which is usually made of wood. According to Feng Shui, there are three types of wood:

    giving energy to a person - this includes oak, linden, ash, willow, maple, apple, pine, birch, rowan, acacia;

    energy-consuming - aspen, spruce, poplar, alder and bird cherry;

    neutral - all others.

When choosing a sofa in terms of frame material, you should pay attention to the first group of tree species. Such upholstered furniture will have a positive effect on health, provide energy, and protect against diseases.

And most importantly, when listening to the advice of Feng Shui, you should not forget about your own inner voice, which can often suggest the most best location and sofa parameters.