home · Installation · Garden swing is a budget option. Swings for the dacha: types, how to choose, making it yourself. Support for hanging swing

Garden swing is a budget option. Swings for the dacha: types, how to choose, making it yourself. Support for hanging swing

Good afternoon. Today we will make a swing for summer cottage. I decided to immediately collect in ONE ARTICLE all the variety of swings for the dacha (from simple to complex). So that you can choose the swing model that you like best.

I will NOT ONLY show ideas - we will also LET'S CONSIDER each model in detail

And one more thing - I'll tell you HOW to attach a swing to a support beam - all 4 ways.

I will start from the SIMPLE ideas of a swing for a summer house - to more COMPLEX AND MORE INTERESTING ideas.

And the most original ideas swing for children- with slides, rope climbing frames and built-in wigwams - I put it in a separate article

So let's get started...

A SIMPLE idea - how to make a swing from a pallet.

If on your site (after delivering bricks or other... building material) there is a cargo wooden pallet (pallet) left - then it can be used as a basis for a country swing.

Needed wooden pallet(pallet) - a strong rope - and what we will hang it from. Or it will be a tree trunk. Or you can make a support on two strong pillars. We then - a little later in the same article- we will consider swing support options (and then I’ll go into more detail on this).

But... if you develop this idea of ​​a swing from a wooden pallet further... then you can make everything much more comfortable... Like this...

And if you have not one - but 2 whole pallets found in your household... then from two pallets you can make a cozy swing with a back... paint... put in sofa foam cushions... And voila 2 shabby pallets - turned into a luxurious swing for the dacha .

Of course, the pallets must first be cleaned, sanded with sandpaper (so that there are no splinters) and painted (with stain or paint) and even varnished (but preferably moisture-resistant).

How to attach such a swing – I’ll tell you at the very end of the article...

Rocking chairs are the SIMPLE IDEA of a swing for a dacha.

This is what this country swing looks like.

Please note - NOT JUST boards with a hole for a rope - but saddles, which are duplicated below by two more boards. So that the rope fastening holds tighter and there is no strong friction on the rope when swinging.

I think there is no need to explain for a long time how to make such a swing yourself.

ANOTHER MODEL – a swing with a rope for a summer house.

And here is also shown HOW you can attach a rope to a swing. That is, the essence is very simple:

We make 4 cuts (we cut out grooves) - 2 grooves at the end of the board - and 2 grooves along the edges closer to the corners of the board. (it is not necessary to make the edge of the board as semicircular as in the photo - the same principle will work on a rectangular section of the board).

And then, when 4 grooves are cut out, we place the rope in them in the same way as shown in the photo.

Although slots remain open– the rope does not jump out of them. Under the force of tension, it only fits more tightly into the grooves - and a completely reliable fastening of the rope to the swing seat is ensured.

A swing for a summer house is made from a snowboard.

Or here’s another idea for a summer cottage... Snowboards are made from very durable materials. Although such a board looks thin, it is actually very wear-resistant (it is extremely difficult to break). And therefore it can also be used as a seat for a swing in the country.

Do-it-yourself swing for a summer house, made from two logs.

And here is another variation of a swing seat - made from two logs.

In the photo above you can see how easy it is to make this swing from two pieces of rounded beams. Very simple model. We wrap two pieces of rounded logs with rope and fasten them with some tricky sea knot.

A swing made from a board - with a roll in the longitudinal direction.

But the swing model is when the roll (motion vector) is directed in the longitudinal direction. Such a rocking board can be made longer - so that friendly neighbors and children can swing on it.

AND LET'S COMPLICATE THE TASK... now there will be more serious swings...

Country swings are made of rounded beams.

How do you like this cozy country corner?

Nice, right?

Let's take a closer look at how to make such a swing yourself.

SUPPORT – two A-shaped structures from rounded beams - (two letters A are assembled from the beams - as we see in the photo) - put them on legs and we lay cross beams on them.

And so that this beam lies more securely on our A-shaped posts, we also (see it in the back) reinforce it with additional short beams.

ROCKING CHAIR... here is an interesting rocking chair.

seat– L-shaped bench made of beams and planks + armrests made of beams.

Seat holder – also cool – it’s not a chain or a rope.

This is the same rounded beam - which is tightly attached to the seat with its lower end (in area of ​​her lower seat beam And in the area of ​​the armrest beam).

And the upper end of the beam holder has a movable fastening in the form of a metal ring. And this ring is attached with fastening carabiner the suspension support itself.

Detailed drawing exactly THIS swing is made of timber- (with dimensions and large photographs from all sides) - I posted it in a separate article... In this article you will find everything about bench-type swings.

But here is almost the SAME MODEL of the support post - but in a slightly different variation. And then an elegant lathing was added to the side of the support spreaders.

Swings for the dacha - made from rough timber.

Here's a model...

It can be made with a bench seat.

With two board seats - you get a swing into two separate places.

Moreover, note that We hang them from the same anchors on which the swing-bench hung before. This way you can hang different rocking seats on the same swing support.

Or here’s another combination for the same swing support. Combined swing with a seat-chair and a seat-board.

Fastening elements are standard for swings - chains and carabiners made of metal rings and hooks.

This is what two chains from the back and seat of the chair look like - they meet in one ring and then go to the carabiner for fastening the beam.

And here it is - a fastening anchor with a carabiner for attaching a rope (or chain)

But I got ahead of myself...

I will show you in more detail (below in the same article) 6 ways to attach a swing to a support beam...there we will dwell on carbines in more detail...

In the meantime, we continue to look at what other models there are..

Almost the SAME model - but with a continuation for another swing.

Here is a variation of this model– where the cross beam extends beyond the lateral boundaries of the support beams and a light rocking board is suspended from it.

Wooden swing with canopy.

But the swing model is complemented by a canopy roof - in case rainy summer in the country.

And pay attention - there is already a ROPE HOLDER - another system of carabiners.

We will make these A-shaped swings (with supports in the form of beeches A) step by step in a separate article “Swings for the dacha - STEP by STEP we make it ourselves.”

Everything will be simple and clear there - in pictures like this.

You may also have a question...

What should I do if I want to build a swing?

but I don’t have beams - only boards?

Here is the answer - a double board easily replaces timber in terms of endurance and load.

Well, now let's talk about ways to attach the swing to the support.


(6 WAYS)

Fastening the swing with a carabiner (with a girth around the beam)

Here we see photographs of fastening systems for swings - which are attached either to a rectangular beam (square girth of a carabiner) - or to a rounded beam (round girth of a carabiner).

Through fastening - with a carabiner (with drilling of timber)

Or special anchor devices for through fastening to the timber. Most of the swings from our photographs in the article are attached precisely to these anchors.

Who hasn't dreamed of sitting on a swing in your own garden, swaying dreamily and looking at clear sky or to the stars. But it’s so easy to arrange, you just need to want it. Beautiful and modern, located in the garden or on the lawn, in addition to convenience, they also diversify the landscape. In this article we will talk about how to make a children's swing at the dacha with your own hands from metal and wood, and also show drawings, photos and video materials.

Swings for every taste

Of course, today's market offers many options for finished products. However, if desired, the swing can be made of any kind, for example, for children, designed for light weight, including for infants. They can be as wide as a sofa, of any shape, for the whole family to relax. They can be built from metal, wood, or, in general, any auxiliary material.

Before building a swing, you need to determine for yourself its type, whether it will be used only by children or designed for the whole family. The design of their support and the type of seat will depend on this.

A swing for children should not only be comfortable, but also have especially strong and reliable fastenings.

If they are intended for a relaxing holiday, then they must meet maximum comfort, but at the same time, withstand quite a lot of weight. Ah, choosing suitable material, you can focus solely on your taste, since both metal and wood are equally durable. Various combinations of these materials are quite suitable, plastic or plastic parts, twisted ropes, cables and metal chains are also used. These elements are designed to lighten the design and make it more elegant.

The most simple swings, familiar to everyone since childhood, are well-polished planks that are attached to a stand on ropes or cables (sometimes simply to a thick tree branch). Of course, fastening to racks is more reliable and lasts much longer. To install such a metal rack, it is best to take three pipes with a diameter of 100-120 millimeters. Two pipes will play the role of racks, and the third can be used as a crossbar on which the swing is suspended. This structure can be made from wooden beams with a thickness of 100×100 mm. However, such simplest design Suitable only for swinging children, given their low weight.

If the swing is intended for children, then it is made with a back and a fixing bar in front.

To build a simple garden swing for a summer house, which is suitable for relaxation for the whole family, you need to make a more stable support. Typically, four support pillars are used for this. They are dug into the ground to a depth of about one meter (at least 80 cm) and concreted. Using metal structures All cut edges should be carefully sanded using grinding machine, otherwise you may get hurt on the edges. The connections between the posts and the crossbar are connected by welding (so a welding machine is required).

When used for racks wooden poles, before burying them in the ground, it is necessary to treat the pillars with antiseptic agents.

And to connect the racks to the wooden crossbar, bolts and nuts or self-tapping screws are used. A horizontal beam is attached to the top of the resulting structure (made of any material).

First of all, in order to get a seat, you need to make two frames. One frame will be the seat itself, and the second is intended for the backrest. Plywood is attached to both frames. Connect the back and seat with corners (usually at an angle of 120 degrees). It is not recommended to connect at right angles: it is less comfortable for sitting, much less for relaxing. To make armrests (optional), you need to install the bars at right angles.

After the racks are installed and the seat is made, you can begin hanging it from top crossbar. To do this, you need to attach strong hooks or special reliable brackets to it. A cable, ropes or chains are pulled through the resulting hole. In this case, you need to choose the correct seat height. To do this, preliminary measurements are taken - the legs of a sitting person should touch the ground with their toes.

Of course, if you build a swing at the dacha in this way, then it will be hard, and it is unlikely that we can talk about proper rest. In order to sit comfortably on the seat, you can purchase or sew special pads yourself. For longer service life, they can be dressed in waterproof polyethylene covers. And if you put a garden awning on the same posts, you can enjoy relaxing in the garden in any weather.

The seat made of two small logs (diameter about 85 millimeters, length 700 millimeters, the distance between the ropes with which they are fastened is 500 millimeters) looks very original. Ropes are stretched between the logs, they are wrapped around each of them, released again and tightened into three strong knots. This type of swing is suitable for any mounting, but it is designed for only one person.

The flexible seat looks unusual in its own way. In order to make it, it is necessary to attach one special carabiner to each side of the belt of such a seat. These carabiners are also tied to ropes with strong triple knots. Thanks to this, the seat can be easily removed.

Wooden swing benches

We suggest considering making a swing that several children can sit on at the same time. If necessary, you can reduce or increase its size. Birch, spruce or pine are perfect for making. To work with this material you will need the following set of building materials:

  • 15 boards 2.5 m long and section 100x25 mm.
  • 1 board 2 m, section 150×50 mm.
  • About 40 self-tapping screws 80x4.5.
  • 250 self-tapping screws 52×3.5.
  • Welded chain 5 mm, length equal to the height of the swing.
  • Carbine – 6 pcs.
  • Galvanized screw 4 pcs., 2 pcs – 12×100 mm and 2 – 12×80 mm.

As for tools, you will need:

  • square;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • a circular saw;
  • drill and set of drills.

When purchasing self-tapping screws, pay attention to their color. It is better if they have a contrasting shade or wood color. If you purchase contrasting screws, this will give the swing an impressive look.

So, when you have everything ready, you can get to work. To begin with, it would be a good idea to prepare a drawing of the future design. By following the plan, it will be easier to complete the job accurately.

If you have not yet decided on the type of swing, then at the end of this article there are many diagrams and drawings that will help you bring your ideas to life. However, the designs for both children and adults are different.

By following the instructions below, you will be able to complete all the work without the involvement of specialists:

  1. First of all, cut the workpieces 1.5 m long. In this case, the cut should be made at an angle of 90°. For the seat, you can use a board 20 mm thick, and for the back, 12–13 mm is enough. To make a seat according to our sample, you will need 17 slats 50 cm long and 15 slats 45 cm wide.
  2. It is not recommended to tighten screws without first drilling a hole. This is especially true for pine wood. It may crack.
  3. To make the back more comfortable, make the base details curly. To do this, use the thickest board 150x50 mm. There should be 6 such blanks, and using a pencil or marker, draw the outline of the desired shape of the blank.
  4. The next step is to decide on the angle of the backrest. Then attach the planks at equal intervals. In order for them to be screwed evenly, the ends need to be fastened on both sides, and then the part is fixed in the middle.
  5. It is also worth taking care of the manufacture of armrests. To do this, you can use timber of any width. Attach one end of the block to the back frame, and the other to the seat.
  6. At this stage you can attach the chain to wooden frame. The best place for this location is Bottom part the armrest where it is connected to the seat, as well as the upper part of the frame base on the backrest.
  7. The chain is fastened using a nut and washer. If you do not use a washer, the nut may become embedded in the wood and compromise the integrity of the structure. As a result, a special element, with a ring on one side and a thread on the other, is attached to the seat frame and to the crossbar on which the entire structure will be supported.
  8. Finally, all you have to do is connect the rings with a chain, and your swing is ready.

It is best to secure the assembled swing benches on an A-shaped post. Strong logs should be used as support.

Making a stand

Now let’s look at an example of making a stand that resembles the shape of the letter “A”. This rack is quite reliable, and using strong logs, you can hang a seat of any shape, size and material. To work you will need the same set construction tools, as for making a seat. The work process consists of the following stages:

  1. You will need to make two identical stands, with the same size, in the shape of the letter "A". As a result, they will be installed at a suitable distance, and connected at the top by a crossbar.
  2. It is very important to accurately calculate the angle of connection of parts standing vertically. In the upper part, pillars or beams should be fastened with powerful bolts. To prevent these parts from falling apart after a while, install the crossbars at 1/3 of the height.
  3. To do this, you can use self-tapping screws and metal corners. It’s good if there are two racks, the crossbars will be installed at the same height.
  4. In most cases, one bar at the top of the rack is sufficient, but you can add another one for added strength.

The structure itself is installed directly into the ground. It is enough to dig a hole up to 80 cm deep. At the bottom you make a 20 cm cushion of crushed stone, insert the posts and fill them with concrete. To prevent rotting wooden racks in concrete, they can be insulated or treated special means against rotting.

If the swing will be primarily used by children, then take care of their maximum safety. All sharp corners eliminate it and that's it wooden elements sand well. Although this rule is important for swings of any purpose that are made of wood.

Metal swing

Unlike wooden structure However, metal swings are more difficult to manufacture. After all, there is no way to do without welding machine. So, you will need a tool like this:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pipes.

We will look at one of simple types metal swings, the manufacture of which does not require much skill from you. First prepare 4 pieces of pipe, each 4 m long. In pairs, cut each end of the pipes at an angle of 28–35°. When comparing, both angles between the pipes must be equal. Concerning further work, then there are 2 directions:

  1. Drive the pipes into the ground at the required angle. Next, weld the tops together. The result will be 2 triangles with the vertex looking at the sky. This method is considered the simplest.
  2. This option is more complicated, so rarely anyone uses it. You should first weld the triangle by adding a crossbar at the base. Next in in the right places a hole is drilled 1 m deep. As a result of such actions, you will only have to lower the triangle into the trench. Although the construction of such a structure will require a lot of effort and time, from the technical side it will be much stronger.

As practice shows, additional load is unlikely to cause the pipe to burst. The structure will come out of the ground faster. So consider whether it's worth the time to invest in a complex support beam with a reinforced bar.

To make a beam, you will need the following set of tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • steel strip;
  • pipe;
  • reinforcing rod;
  • steel rings.

To attach the beam, you will need to make holes in the top seam of the triangular structure for a smaller pipe diameter. Use a grinder for this job. It is very important to ensure that the seam is not damaged after making the hole. If you find microcracks, make marks with chalk and, when installing the beam, weld the seam again.

A smaller diameter pipe is used as a beam, unlike racks. A reinforcing rod of the appropriate diameter is threaded inside. Even under high loads, such a structure will not burst, but will bend at most.

Next, weld 2 metal rings onto the beam. They are necessary in order to limit the horizontal movement of the chain. Between these rings a circle with free movement is mounted from light sheet become. Top part The rings should be 2.5–3 cm higher in relation to the level of the beam. Weld another partition on top. The result is a kind of tunnel. The final touch will be to install the finished beam into the holes made, after which the workpiece is securely welded.

One of the last stages in the construction of a metal swing is the manufacture of a cradle. To do this you will need the following set of tools and materials:

  • channel or corner;
  • nuts and bolts;
  • primer;
  • brush/roller;
  • chain;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

The size of the cradle can be different - single or double. There can also be several cradles on the beam, but in this case you will need to make several tunnels for greater strength on the beam itself. As for swings for a summer house, in most cases a sofa or a single cradle is suspended from a beam. The frame should be made entirely of metal. To do this, you can use a corner or channel.

It is much easier with a corner, since if you use a channel, you will have to select the beams/boards according to size.

It is advisable that Basic structure was square or triangular, this will prevent the workpiece from bending. Using bolts and nuts, you need to secure it to the base. wooden blocks. To do this, first make appropriate holes in the corner. This way the seat will be ready.

The next step is to install the chain. It should be attached to each corner of the cradle. Next, weld steel rings in the designated places. If they are not there, then you can get by with reinforcement or another rod. There is not much difference, the main thing is to use solid and reliable material. When the rings are ready, pass the chain through the tunnels.

If you need to remove the swing, you can use carabiners. Their presence will also allow you to change the chain without any problems.

Although some weld the chain tightly to the cradle itself. There are no rules here, it all depends on your vision of the situation.

Upon completion of all work, the entire resulting structure should be coated with a primer and painted in the desired color (the first layer of primer should be water-repellent). Pre-treat all welding seams with a grinder. This will avoid snags and injuries. So, metal swing Made for a dacha.


Probably on every private property somewhere there is a old tire. And in the garden there grows thick and durable wood. If such a tire is hung horizontally on 3-4 metal chains, then several people can swing on such a swing at the same time. And if the tire is tied with one rope to a tree trunk (it hangs vertically), then one person can easily swing.

Since people with original thinking can make a swing in the country, an unusual and interesting option is very suitable. This product has a ring made of durable metal. The metal ring is attached horizontally to the support using four chains. In a special hoop they arrange from large quantity chains is the so-called socket. These chains must be attached at one end along the circumference of this hoop, and the free ends intertwine each other, and thus are fastened. To prevent chains from scratching a person, they are wrapped tightly and soft cloth, and a special pillow is placed in the nest itself.


We bring to your attention a video dedicated to a homemade swing for a summer house.

If you decide to buy a swing for your dacha, then first of all you should look in online stores garden furniture, since prices there are often lower than in regular stores. Also, if you are looking for something cheaper, we recommend keeping an eye on sales at specialized markets.


And now, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the diagrams of swings of different shapes:

A comfortably swaying garden swing - it’s hard to imagine greater pleasure in the countryside. After all, the swing beckons us to take a break and relax for a couple of minutes.

We hope you will be inspired by our photo gallery of beautiful swings for the garden, where you can find both large swing beds and very small but fun children's swings.

Enjoy the view from a swing, whether it's an exotic swing over a forest cliff or a regular swing in your garden.

The swing, located in a windy area, is ideal for relaxing or just reading a book in the fresh air.

It’s beautiful if the swing is in harmony with the surrounding nature. This swing, made of branches and driftwood, is like a continuation of a small cozy terrace in the garden.

What does yours look like in the evening? Starry sky, the scent of flowers and a quiet swing on a swing with a glass of wine.

Expand your home's living space with a small terrace near your home. Create a space there with the help of a small swing where you can have fun, play, relax or just dream.

This big swing bed is about country house allow the owners to relax after a hard day, swinging on a swing and admiring the wonderful view from the terrace.

Create your little one Magic world in the country. This beautiful swing made from branches and old stumps can become a real highlight of an ordinary summer cottage.

The beauty of the surrounding nature and cozy corners of your dacha may inspire you to add another pleasant element to your dacha life - a beautiful garden swing.

To make them look brighter, add bright and comfortable seat cushions to them.

What could be more pleasant than sitting on beautiful swing take in your surroundings?

So everyone’s favorite garden swing-bed can be made.

Garden swings allow us to enjoy the uniqueness and completeness of the current moment.

You should not mistakenly believe that swings in the country are made exclusively for children’s fun. In addition to swings designed for the weight of a child, there are plenty of interesting options who will become beautiful element landscape design and a place of relaxation.

Traditionally, swings are made of wood, metal, and a combination of these materials. However, the swing seat may be made of plastic, metal pipes, beams, strong rope, an old chair or chair without legs. Tires and other waste materials are often used.

The main thing is that it is comfortable and safe to sit on the swing, and that the stands can withstand the loads placed on it.

Country swings are often equipped with canopies made of fabric, polycarbonate, wood, roofing materials. This “roof” protects from bright sun rays, you can sit on the swing without the risk of burns.

What types of swings are there?

Soft swing chair

Before building a swing, you should think about its purpose (for children or adults to ride), location (excessively large models are inappropriate in small areas), seasonality (not in all dachas it is appropriate to leave swings under the winter). open air). It is also important to choose a model that fits well into the overall picture of the country landscape.

The swing can be mobile (collapsible) or stationary.

In turn, mobile swings can be suspended or equipped with a prefabricated frame that is installed on the ground.

Do you want to make a children's swing at the dacha for a child?

Children's swing is great idea, how to entertain a child at the dacha, and the portal website also offers you information on. If you already have a sandbox, then read the article about building a playground with your own hands -.

You can make your own swing-balancer, swing-hammock, swing-sofa. Special attention deserve designs that are far from the classical representation of a swing design. Unusual swing can be:

And just recently, swings for disabled children appeared. The design with a platform for a wheelchair allows you to ride even for those who, unfortunately, cannot move independently.

Prices for garden swings

Garden swing

Making a hanging swing with your own hands

There is no frame provided for such swings. We will only make a seat, which we will later attach to the ceiling beams or thick branches.

Have you decided on the design of your swing?

Option 1. The most simple swing- This is an old tire tied with a rope and hung on a tree. You can also use a chain and secure it with a screw and nut.

Option 2. Place the tire horizontally. We cut 3 or 4 holes, insert metal hooks into them, which we secure with washers and nuts. We thread ropes or chains into the loops of the hooks.

Option 3. This is the most difficult option, which will require mastery of an angle grinder. The tire should be cut according to a certain pattern, bent and secured with long pins so that the resemblance of an animal or bird is obtained. One of the methods for making a country swing can be found below.

A swing made from boards (cut logs, wooden lattice, etc.) and ropes is a classic. It is enough to make 4 holes in the corners of a wide board and thread the ropes.

You can use an old board instead high chair, sawing off the legs and tying it with ropes.

A metal (steel or aluminum) hoop must be equipped with rope weaving so that a cobweb-seat is formed in the center. It is advisable to wrap the edges of the hoop with foam rubber and cover it with thick fabric. And to hang the swing, you will need several strong ropes, metal rings or other fasteners that must be secured to at least four points around the circumference.

As one of the options, you can consider a swing-hoop, inside of which a metal basin is inserted. The edges of the pelvis should hold firmly to the hoop. Subsequently, the structure can be easily disassembled and re-qualified as a flower garden.

To make such a swing you will need two wide metal triangles, rivets and the material itself - tarpaulin. We fold it in several layers, stitch it around the perimeter, insert triangles and fasten it with rivets. All that remains is to hang the swing on a branch or beam.

For assembly wooden swing on the racks we prepare the following:

We use galvanized bolts as fasteners for such swings. We refrain from using simple screws and nails.

For additional protection material from damage and preservation natural look we use glaze. We first coat all wooden structural elements with it.

The finished swing is hung on a strong branch or fixed on racks with a cross beam. For assembly supporting structure use wooden beam.

The lower ends of the wooden posts are treated with bitumen. To fix the racks, it is enough to dig a couple of holes about 1 m deep, install the racks in them, fill 20-30 cm of the height of the hole with a mixture of sand and crushed stone, and then pour concrete.

You can do it separately if you wish. concrete pillars and attach a wooden beam to them anchor bolts. Do what is most convenient for you. When using the second method, be sure to lay moisture-proofing material between the metal and wood. To give the frame greater stability, we support the racks with braces.

Options for attaching a seat for a swing

We make the swing itself in accordance with the following step-by-step instructions.

First step. We make supporting arcs-sticks. To do this, we use boards 22 mm thick (preferably pine) and plywood 12 mm thick. In accordance with the diagram, we draw a template and cut out 6 clubs.

Second step. Using plywood blanks, we outline the outlines of the core. The layer in the middle is made of glued board. In the outer layers of the outer sticks we create cutouts for the ends of the rope.

Third step. We fasten the parts of the support using waterproof glue. We tighten the support with clamps. We remove them only after the glue has completely dried.

Fourth step. We process the edges of the supports with a sander, giving them a rounded shape.

Fifth step. We cut out round pieces for the rope holders from a pine board. This is easiest to do using the appropriate drill attachment.

Sixth step. We treat the supports and finished rounds with a primer or weather-resistant paint.

Seventh step. We screw metal rope holders into the supports through roundels, and then cover the wooden elements

Eighth step. Let's move on to creating a seat for a homemade wooden swing. First of all, we align the picket fence.

Ninth step. Next, drill holes for screws in each plank. To make the holes as carefully as possible, we put a corner on the edges of the picket fence (can be made from plywood) according to the size of the planks with pre-made holes in the right places.

Tenth step. Screw the pickets to the supports. To ensure an even step, we place planks between the slats.

Eleventh step. We fix the armrests to the supports. We also make them from picket fences. Screw it in metal bolts at the end of the planks. We place a wooden round between the support and the armrest.

Twelfth step. We thread the rope through the holes of the holders fixed in the swing support. We tie the rope to knot, after that we wind a wire, strong thread or cord around it.

Thirteenth step. Cut off the free edge of the rope using a knife.

Fourteenth step. We pass the rope through foramen ovale in the armrests. We rest the armrest itself on blocks mounted on a pair of half-rings secured with bolts.

Fifteenth step. We wrap the rope around the cable thimble and tie it with a rope.

Finally, all that remains is to hang the ring from an alpine carabiner, fixed to the crossbar of a support or a thick tree branch. Your swing is ready!

Metal swings are also easy to make with your own hands.

First step. We cut blanks from pipes. We need to make 2 two-meter side racks, a 1.5-2 meter crossbar, as well as 4 pipes of arbitrary size for the base (2 pipes will go on each side).

Second step. We clean the pipes from burrs using metal sandpaper or a file.

Third step. blanks for the base at right angles.

Fourth step. We weld the rack to the finished base, and then weld the crossbar to the racks.

How to install a crossbar on a metal swing

Fifth step. Let's get started earthworks. You need to dig 4 holes with a depth of 80 cm.

Sixth step. Insert into prepared holes metal beams slightly longer than the depth of the pits.

Seventh step. Filling the recesses with beams concrete mortar. You can make your own concrete from one part cement, one part crushed stone and two parts sand. Add water to the dry mixture and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Eighth step. We leave the concrete to gain strength for about a week.

Ninth step. We weld the hooks to the crossbar. Anchors can be used to make hooks.

Tenth step. We weld the frame of the swing to the metal beams.

Eleventh step. We attach the seat.

At this point, the homemade metal swing is ready. You can test it and put it into permanent use.

Video - Do-it-yourself swing for a summer house

Video - DIY baby swing

When studying the catalog of garden swings, be sure to decide on the model that is optimal in size and installation method. Of course, it is important how much a garden swing costs , But you shouldn’t focus only on the price; you risk purchasing a model that is unsuitable for certain criteria.

Swings for the garden - buy in the online store "New Products Center"

Sale of garden swings and other furniture for country houses and dachas, the main type of our professional activity. We suggest you use the following good selection algorithm.

  • Outdoor garden swings - best option by cost. If you need a model in which you can relax even on a windy or rainy day, then we recommend taking a look at products with mosquito net and a tent-roof.
  • A garden swing-gazebo is a good option for a family holiday or gatherings in a warm, friendly company. Our online store offers big choice models designed for several adults, and a noisy group of children will no doubt find it cozy, comfortable and interesting.
  • Hanging garden swing-bed, or other modifications (hammock, chair) - the best option sleep for an hour in the air, read a book. Maximum comfort and privacy are the main advantages of such models. You need your own piece of comfortable territory, choose this option.

If you decide to buy a garden swing through an online store, choose the “New Products Center”, our consultants will help you avoid mistakes.

Garden swing - choose wood or metal

You have the opportunity to order a garden swing, the main structure of which is assembled using such materials. When choosing, study their following features:

  • The tree looks aristocratic and elegant. If you need just such a swing for your garden, it is better to buy wooden models. But such structures require careful care, protection from precipitation and direct sunlight. On winter period they should be hidden indoors.
  • Metal is more durable protective coatings resistant to various influences. Modern models look no less attractive than a wooden swing.

Don’t think twice about where to buy a garden swing; our website offers the maximum selection of optimal price. Contact us now. Delivery in Moscow and the regions.