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The rain pours in, how to help onions and garlic. How to preserve onion harvest in rainy summer. Should you add salt to garlic?

To ensure a large harvest of cucumbers, save most ovaries on the bushes, to organize the friendly ripening of fruits and to protect plants from diseases, during the growing season you need to spray the leaves and stems with solutions of mineral and organic compounds. Having figured out in advance how and what to spray cucumbers during the growing season, you can save a lot of time and effort.

How to spray cucumbers against diseases

To prevent the spread of diseases, the fight against them must be started at an early stage.

Source: Depositphotos

Regular treatment is safer than spraying cucumbers after the disease has developed.

The main diseases of cucumbers and means of combating them:

    • Powdery mildew. Appears as dots or matte spots white (gray) color on the leaves. Neutralized with a solution of copper oxychloride or the preparations “Artserid”, “Homecin”, “Polycarbacin”.
    • Downy mildew. Yellow spots angular in shape, covered with a whitish coating with back side leaves, gradually drying out the leaf. For control, preliminary measures are important - spraying still healthy cucumbers with dew with a solution of soda and liquid soap. Soda - 25 g, soap - 5 g, water - 5 l. In the initial phase - treatment with fungicides: “Oxyhom”, “Kurzat”, “Ridomil”.
    • Gray rot. The ovary, fruits and edges of young leaves are affected. It is necessary to reduce watering of the plant and treat it with Quadris, Rovral or Strobi.
    • Olive spot. It appears as light brown spots, which gradually darken and dry out the leaf. It is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or the drug “Oxychom” - 20 g per 10 liters of water.

Regardless of the nature of the disease, it is necessary to promptly remove the affected parts of the plant and burn them.

The same effect is achieved by treating with a mixture of 20–30 g of laundry soap, 1 liter of milk, and 30 drops of iodine solution per bucket of water. Treatment is done once every 10 days.

How to spray cucumbers for ovary

In order for young leaves to successfully form and quickly gain mass, flowers to appear, and the ovary not to fall off, the plant requires a regular supply of boron or phytohormones - “Epin”, “Zircon”.

Solution boric acid 0.05% is applied from a spray bottle once every two weeks to the young parts of the plant. Factory-made drugs are diluted according to instructions.

Take action on time, and cucumbers will delight you with a rich harvest.

Kira Stoletova

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that is very demanding temperature conditions, watering, is easily affected by fungal and viral diseases. They, in turn, shorten the growing season and affect the quantity and quality of the harvest. Preventive treatment of cucumbers against diseases, timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid losses.

You need to start by identifying the symptoms that correspond to a specific disease. Then choose the most effective drug and carry out processing. In addition to the more or less toxic compounds produced by the chemical industry, there are many folk remedies for treating cucumbers. Let's get acquainted with the main cultural diseases and ways to combat them.

Powdery mildew


The disease most often develops in cloudy, cool weather. The first signs are white spots on the leaves that resemble flour. Over time, their number increases and they merge, affecting the entire leaf. Ultimately, the leaves dry out and the vines stop growing and bearing fruit.

Powdery mildew affects plants that receive an excess of nitrogen and experience a moisture deficiency. The development of the disease can be prevented by eliminating favorable conditions. Correct crop rotation and destruction of plant residues help prevent powdery mildew.

Prevention and treatment

Effective on initial stage diseases treatment of cucumber shoots with Topaz. This systemic fungicide is also used for prevention at the beginning of the growing season. It has the following advantages:

  • quickly absorbed by plants, so there is no risk of being washed off;
  • It has high speed and duration of action: affects the pathogen within 2-3 hours and retains the therapeutic effect for 2-2.5 weeks;
  • well tolerated by most gardeners garden crops;
  • small consumption rates.

Topaz is used in the treatment of other diseases: fruit and gray rot, rust, purple spot, etc.

To prepare the working solution, the contents of the ampoule (2 ml) are dissolved in 10 liters of water. How much to spend depends on the phase of plant development and the degree of disease damage. One ampoule is enough to process 1 hundred square meters on average.

Downy mildew


The damage to the plant by peronosporosis (downy mildew) is indicated by the appearance of a large number of light yellow spots that have an oily surface. A plaque forms on the back side of the leaf plate. Then the leaves turn yellow, acquire a brown tint and dry out. Buds and flowers turn black and fall off.

Like other fungal diseases, downy mildew most often appears after rain. It can be triggered by watering cucumber beds. cold water. The disease can destroy a bush in a week. The disease spreads very quickly in the greenhouse.

Prevention and treatment

Conduct heat treatment trays for seedlings. Cucumber seeds must be pickled (you can use Epin), and planting is carried out in disinfected soil. If not allowed:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • waterlogging of the air and moisture getting on the leaves;
  • thickening plantings
  • and water the cucumbers with warm water, then the risk of developing false powdery mildew will be kept to a minimum.

Fungicides, for example, Ridomil, have a good preventive and therapeutic effect. The cucumbers and soil are treated with a soap-soda solution. For treatment, the procedure is repeated several times with an interval of 7 days. Before spraying, be sure to remove and burn damaged leaves and shoots, otherwise the effect of using the drugs will be reduced to zero.

Gray rot


The infection affects all parts of the plant: roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits become covered with brown spots with a gray coating containing spores. The wind carries them to neighboring bushes and beds. The danger of gray rot is that it quickly spreads among vegetables, berries, and garden plants.


In addition to observing crop rotation and basic rules for caring for cucumbers, in order to avoid gray rot, you need to spray with fungicides (Fitosporin, 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture), a solution prepared from 1 cup of ash, 1 cup of chalk, 1 tsp. copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.



The disease is caused by fungi affecting the plant entirely. The leaves begin to wither. The bush may die if measures are not taken. The danger of fusarium is that it cannot be immediately diagnosed. Seeds or seedlings may become infected. The disease appears during flowering and fruiting. The sooner it is detected, the less harm it can cause.

It is possible to determine that a cucumber bush has contracted Fusarium blight by looking at the cross section. If the vessels of the leaf or stem are affected, they become brown in color. As soon as the first signs of wilting appear, such a diagnosis is carried out. After this, treatment begins immediately.

Prevention and treatment

They start by preparing the seeds. Gardeners speak well of Fundazol and Previkur. Two days before planting seedlings, the soil is treated with biological products. Afterwards you need to spray the seedlings:

  • biological products Trichodermin, Baktofit, Trichofit are suitable;
  • to increase immunity, seeds and seedlings are treated with Humisol;
  • at the initial stage of the disease, the drugs Quadris, Gymnast, Acrobat are used.

A solution of whey with the addition of copper sulfate also helps (for 10 liters of water, 4 liters of whey and 1.5 tsp of copper sulfate).

Pests of cucumbers and their control

Pests are often the reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow, become spotted and dry out. Most often the crop is affected by aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Pests can become carriers dangerous diseases vegetable crops.

Aphids and mites settle on the underside of the leaf. They pierce the tissues of the plant and feed on its juices, as a result of which the described symptoms appear. A barely noticeable cobweb indicates that cucumber bushes are infested with mites. The insects are very small in size: aphids - up to 2 mm, mites - 0.5 mm. The appearance of a whitefly can be recognized by dark spots on the leaves: it secretes sugary substances on which sooty fungi settle.

You can prevent the appearance of pests if you destroy weeds in a timely manner and disinfect the soil in the spring, before sowing seeds or planting seedlings. Pest larvae overwinter in plant debris.

To prevent and control insects, cucumbers need to be treated several times with insecticides: Fufanon, Intavir (Inta-Vir), Aktara, Bi-58. It has been established that pests can become addicted to active substance, therefore, for repeated treatments, it is advisable to change drugs.

Traditional methods

Homemade fungicides

Fungicides industrial production can be dangerous to plants, insects, animals and humans. The use of pharmaceutical drugs and “home” remedies is becoming increasingly popular.

Folk remedies

How to treat cucumbers against diseases:

  • mullein infusion (1 kg per 3 liters of water, soak for 3 days, strain, add another 3 liters of water);
  • sour milk (mix with water 1:1);
  • baking soda with laundry soap (50 g diluted in 10 liters of warm water).

Treatment is carried out at least 2-3 times with an interval of 1 week.


Gardeners share their experience of preventive and therapeutic spraying with furatsilin. Inexpensive drug, which is used to gargle and treat wounds, will help cope with powdery mildew. To do this, cucumbers need to be treated with a solution prepared from 10 tablets and 2 liters of hot water (tablets do not dissolve well in cold water). For prevention, you can take 10 liters of water for this number of tablets.

Why did I title this article so broadly - it includes diseases of cucumbers, and the fight against them, and feeding, and fertilizers? Maybe it would be more appropriate to talk separately about fertilizing, and then about diseases and pests? By the way, I did just that - articles about and also about have already been published. But every year, feeding my cucumbers in the garden, I noticed that feeding and fertilizers help not only to get a good harvest. They are very important for controlling diseases and pests of cucumbers.

After all, nature itself puts everything in its place: strong plant can better resist diseases and pests.

So some mineral fertilizers, fertilizing will help protect cucumbers from diseases and pests.

As you know, the most common diseases of cucumbers are powdery mildew, downy mildew (downy mildew), and others. For these diseases, it does not matter where you grow cucumbers under temporary shelter, in a greenhouse or open ground.

Ash will help fight cucumber diseases

So, ordinary water helps well against these main diseases and pests. wood ash. This is both a top dressing and also a means of combating the above diseases of cucumbers. Ash can be dusted, sprayed or watered with an ash solution at the root (1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water, leave for a day, strain). You can treat or feed plants even during fruit bearing. This is absolutely safe remedy. Spraying with a daily ash solution is especially useful.

Don't forget that cucumbers are heat-loving plants, which means you need to spray or water them only with warm water, not cold solutions or infusions - their optimal temperature 25-28ºС.

At the first sign of powdery mildew disease on cucumbers, agronomist experts advise increasing the percentage of potassium in the fertilizing. And this can be achieved with the help of ash.

I’ll tell you another recipe for combating cucumber diseases. For 10 liters of water, take 1 glass of wood ash and 700-800 g of mullein (0.5 liter jar). Leave for a day, strain. This is both feeding and disease prevention. You can spray this infusion, you can pour it at the root - 0.5 liters per plant. Don't forget to water the cucumbers before feeding. The soil should be moist if you pour the nutrient solution under the root.

Foliar feeding against diseases of cucumbers

6-7 sprayings are done per season. I'm talking about the total number of sprays of cucumbers per season. That is, 6-7 sprayings with different solutions. Alternate them. Spraying is recommended every 10-12 days.

To prevent powdery mildew (this is the most common disease), you should spray the leaves not only from above, but also from below with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water). Signs of powdery mildew - a whitish coating appears on both sides of the leaf.

Powdery mildew on cucumber leaves

If there is no potassium permanganate, then it can be replaced soda ash(sodium carbonate) – 50 g per 10 liters of water. To better coat the leaves, you can add 1 tablespoon (30 g) of liquid soap.

There is one more old recipe fight the disease - it works without fail. By the way, over the past two years, modern gardeners have increasingly begun to use this recipe. Fill a spray bottle with whey (it forms after the curd is prepared). Spray all plants along the leaves. You can spray cucumbers with serum for preventive purposes. Typically, the danger of powdery mildew infection occurs in the second half of the season, when warm nights give way to cold ones. So spray your cucumbers even if there are no signs of disease yet. If the whey gets on the fruit, then nothing bad will happen. Such “edible” spraying will not harm your body. But powdery mildew spores will not be happy. Pathogenic fungi will not be able to develop in acidic environment, because whey contains lactic acid.

Root feeding against diseases of cucumbers

In the fight against diseases of cucumbers, root feeding with this solution helps: for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of urea (urea), a few grains of potassium permanganate (manganese), 3 g (at the tip of a knife) of copper sulfate and boric acid powder.

Downy mildew or peronosporosis

Downy mildew or downy mildew

Greenhouse cucumbers are often affected by downy mildew. Another name for this disease is. Characteristic signs– yellow or brown spots appear on the upper side of the cucumber leaf. The leaves and stems then dry out and a whitish coating becomes visible on them. For this disease to appear, it is enough for the leaves of your plants to be wet, in droplets of water, for more than 6 hours. That is, the main reason is high humidity air (above 80%), as well as temperature below 20-22ºС. Such conditions contribute to the rapid spread of the disease. Therefore, carry out watering and processing in the greenhouse no later than 16 hours, be sure to ventilate so that the leaves dry before nightfall.

When the first signs of the disease appear, do the following therapeutic and preventive feeding: add 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine to 9 liters of water.

Fertilizing with a solution of urea (carbamide) - 1 g of urea per 1 liter of water) also gives good results. This is both a preventative against peronosporosis and a good nitrogen supplement that will help plants become stronger.

Prophylactic spraying with copper-containing preparations – Bordeaux mixture (1% solution) or HOM (see instructions) gives good results. Spraying with these preparations is especially useful if the weather is rainy and cloudy and night temperatures are below the recommended limit.

For peronosporosis, it does not matter where your cucumbers grow - in a greenhouse or open ground. This disease can develop anywhere it wants. The insidiousness of this disease is that it can equally successfully attack your cucumbers in hot, dry weather. If moisture and dew drops remain on the leaves for longer than 6 hours, then downy mildew disease is more than likely. That is, water, fertilize, and spray, especially in a greenhouse, at such a time that all the leaves are dry by night. Therefore, preventive spraying is necessary even in hot weather.

How to control pests on cucumbers

To protect your cucumbers from aphids in the garden, it is useful to sow dill along the edges of the garden bed, which will attract ladybugs, surfid flies (hoverflies), natural enemies of aphids.

Treating cucumbers with this composition helps against aphids and other pests: add 3 tablespoons of ammonia to a bucket of water. This treatment repels pests while feeding your plants. Repeat it every 10-14 days.

Experienced gardeners advise, at the very beginning, when they notice aphids on cucumbers, to pollinate them with ash. Ash will help you fight. Of course, it will not destroy aphids, but with its help an unfavorable environment will be created for them. They simply cannot live in such conditions. For example, cucumber leaves dusted with ash will become rougher, rougher, and therefore inaccessible to aphids.

The photo below shows cucumbers treated with dry ash.

A few days later the ash was washed away by sprinkling. The leaves damaged by the pest, of course, had to be removed so that they would not take away the strength of the plant. And after some time cucumber bed became like this. Is it really pleasing to the eye?!

To control pests of cucumbers and at the same time as a top dressing, use the following mixture - 100 g of superphosphate + 50 g of potassium chloride diluted in 10 liters of water. It is better to spray plants with this solution in the evening.

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I introduced you to some methods of combating diseases of cucumbers in the garden, protecting them from pests with the help of fertilizing and fertilizers. The practical experience presented in the article is, of course, not only mine. Or rather, I tried almost all of this on my site, but it was not invented by me. This is the experience of several generations of gardeners. Surely it can be supplemented. Write in the comments whether you use fertilizing and fertilizers as measures to combat diseases and pests of cucumbers in the garden. Which? How?

Cucumbers are one of the most common crops, found on almost any garden plot. However, it is predisposed to many diseases, especially fungal infections. It is always better to prevent a problem than to eliminate the consequences of a disease that leads to the death of plants and a decrease in yield.

It is important for novice gardeners to know the basic rules of agricultural technology and crop life support parameters, how to treat cucumbers against diseases, so as not to be left without a harvest as a result. There are many known methods of pest control, treatment and prevention of seedlings.

Conditions for growing cucumbers in greenhouses and open ground

Parameters for growing greenhouse cucumbers that must be observed:

  • temperature regime,
  • air and soil humidity,
  • fertilizing,
  • loosening,
  • mulching.


The root system of cucumbers is vulnerable and cannot tolerate even short-term frosts. Low temperature can lead to poor growth, morbidity of roots and root collars up to the complete death of seedlings. The minimum value for the period of planting seeds is +16 g, although cucumbers will quite survive a short-term decrease to +8 g.

Important! When planting plants in open ground the temperature of the top layer of soil should be +16+18 degrees. Closer to June, the level should be lowered to +15 degrees.


The optimal air humidity for a greenhouse is 80%; it must be maintained to protect the soil from drying out. When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, the soil must be constantly moist, so you need to water it more often with warm water (especially during the growing season), preferably in the first half of the day. Ideally, it is worth watering for rooting seedlings - 3 times a week, for the formation of flowers - once every 4 days, pouring 2.5 liters of water under each bush, for the formation of ovaries - 2-3 times a week (up to 9 liters of water for 2-3 bushes).

Eating water

Loosening the soil

To ensure access of oxygen to the roots of plants, it is important to loosen the soil under the bushes before and after watering. This will help prevent root rot, absorb nutrients, and normalize breathing.

Advice. You need to loosen the soil carefully, to a depth of 7-8 cm.

It is also worth mulching it to avoid evaporation of moisture from the soil and the formation of a crust on the soil surface, and adding humus (peat) to preserve heat when planting cucumbers in the winter.

Top dressing

Foliar feeding of cucumbers (potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, mullein, manganese sulfate, double superphosphate, urea, boric acid) should be done regularly, 5-6 times per season. Inorganic and organic components are added during watering or the lower surface of the leaves is sprayed with solutions.

Hilling and pruning

Hilling is carried out after gartering immature young seedlings to stimulate the growth of the root system.

Pruning is carried out as the 4th lower leaf grows. The excess ones are removed along with the shoots from the axils, the side shoots above the 7th internode are thinned out in order to avoid a decrease in yield due to the large number of branches.

Reference! It is better to water cucumbers from a watering can, so as not to accidentally damage the delicate roots and stems with water pressure. You can lightly refresh wilting leaves by spraying warm water from a hose.

If there is excessive humidity in the greenhouse, it is necessary to ventilate after each watering.

Danger of cucumber diseases

Cucumbers most often get sick during the period of planting seedlings or growing (ovaries) of fruits in a greenhouse. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate a virus or fungus. Sometimes the affected plants have to be urgently disposed of, and the tools (equipment) used must be disinfected in order to avoid massive contamination of the leaves, fruits and seeds of cucumbers, even to the point of complete death.

The most common diseases of cucumbers and what they lead to:

  • Anthracnose with the appearance of white spots on the leaves, leading to slower movement nutrients on stems and shoots, drying out and death.
  • Mealy dew with rashes on the leaves of cucumbers in the form of white flour, leading to drying out and death of seedlings.
  • Buraya spotting with damage to fruits that are no longer recommended for consumption.
  • Gray rot, which causes slimy spots on the stems of cucumbers, provokes rotting and death.
  • Ordinary mosaic with the appearance of light green spots on the leaves. As a result, the ovaries fall off, the leaves fade and curl, the growth stops and the seedlings die.
  • Fusarium, causing infection of the upper part of the plant with rot, moves down to the roots, ultimately causing the death of the plants.
  • Necrosis cucumber with the formation of spots on the leaves, lack of flowering and plant growth.
  • Bacteriosis- a contagious disease leading to damage to fruits, shoots, and leaves. If infected, cucumbers may be left completely without ovaries during the flowering period.
  • Black leg, causing damage to the root system, leaf lethargy, and death of bushes.

Knowing how to treat cucumber seedlings, these problems can be avoided.

Consequence of the disease

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Known different ways eliminating cucumber diseases. Of course, a special role is given to prevention, because it is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later. Measures will help minimize the risk of developing diseases, get a good harvest of cucumbers right up to autumn.

  • It is important to process planting material potassium permanganate before planting in the ground.
  • Purchase cucumber seeds only from trusted manufacturers, since strong seedlings are less susceptible to pests.
  • Avoid thickening of plantings, excessive drying out of the soil, and frequent watering to create excessive moisture in the greenhouses.
  • Maintain crop rotation. Plant cucumbers on same place no earlier than 3-4 years later.
  • Ventilate greenhouses in a timely manner and remove plant debris from the beds.
  • Destroy potential disease carriers using chemicals and folk remedies.
  • Fungicides(colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, Sandofan M8, Oxychom, Acrobat MC, Bravo, Strobi) to destroy fungus, anthracnose in cucumbers.
  • Bacterial facilities(Fitosporin) with seed treatment during soaking in the solution for 1.5 hours to destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Insecticides(Fitolavin 300, Confidor, Fufanon, Actellik, Abiga-pik, Kuproksat).

How to spray cucumbers when infected with powdery mildew and root rot

  • Pentaphage for seed treatment;
  • Quadris with top spraying, lower parts shoots and leaves;
  • Rhizoplane, which quickly suppresses downy mildew spores, does not accumulate in the soil;
  • Topaz (solution) for treatment in combination with water (2 ml per 10 l), spray the plants immediately when the first signs of the disease appear in dry, windless weather;
  • Bordeaux mixture for the prevention and treatment of bacteriosis or angular spotting in cucumbers. Spray seedlings with a 1% solution during the growing season

Reference! Before irrigating cucumbers with chemicals, you should carefully read the instructions for use. After treatments, you cannot harvest immediately; you need to wait a certain period of time.

Viruses are tenacious organisms, so chemicals may be powerless. It is best to carry out preventive measures, fight weeds and buy virus-resistant varieties of cucumbers.

For preventative treatment For cucumber diseases, simple but effective solutions are used:

  • Ash and copper sulfate (1×1) in the fight against blackleg, viruses, rust when a whitish coating appears, brown spots on the leaves.
  • Whey and copper sulfate when cucumbers are infected with fusarium and spores.
  • Milk (50g) with the addition of brilliant green, iodine in case of a mosaic in the form of spots on the leaves of cucumbers.
  • Baking soda for treating leaves from gray plaque when infected with fungus, downy mildew.
  • Whey, iodine and ash for powdery mildew.
  • Fungicides and copper sulfate for cladosporiosis, brown olive spot in cucumbers, root rot when a red coating appears on the ground and plant roots.
  • Zelenka, boric acid, potassium permanganate, Trichopolum, Fitosporin (in tablets) for treatment against gray rot of cucumbers with damage to leaf tissue.
  • Ash, ammonia, boric acid, colloidal silver, copper sulfate to prevent spider mite attacks.

It is recommended to dilute copper sulfate (0.5-1%) in an enamel or plastic container. Cucumbers should be sprayed at an air temperature no higher than +30 degrees. To prepare the solution, pour 100 g of powder hot water(1 l), dilute the mixture to 10 l of water, spray in the morning and evening. To disinfect the soil, use a 0.5% solution (50 g per 10 liters of water).

Reference! Copper sulfate- an excellent remedy in the fight against many diseases of cucumbers: gray and white rot, cladosporiosis, fusarium, rust, anthracnose, whitefly, blackleg, root rot. You can also soak seeds in vitriol before planting.

It’s not enough to know what to spray cucumbers with; to get results you need to follow the instructions exactly.

How to spray cucumbers and leaves: folk recipes

  • Grate laundry soap (3 tbsp) into milk (1l), add 25-30 drops of iodine. Spray the plants shortly before the end of the growing season.
  • Ash solution, because it is wood ash that is good at getting rid of many pests (diseases), promotes the growth of cucumbers, prevents the development of bacteria, and slows down the development of powdery mildew. Sift the ash, pour 1 glass of boiling water (2 l). Grate laundry soap (10 g). Spray seedlings 2 times every 7-10 days.
  • Iodine and greenery. Add 10 ml of brilliant green and iodine to a bucket of water. Treat the stems with a solution, diluting with water 1×1.
  • Soak rye bread in water. Add iodine (30 ml) to a bucket, pour the solution over glass bottles, seal, leave for storage in a cool, dark place. Spray with infusion. 1 liter of liquid per 1 bucket of water once a week. For fungal diseases - up to 3 times a week.
  • Whey, 2 l + sugar (150 g) + water (10 l). Stir and spray the cucumbers once every 2 weeks.
  • Onion peel (700g). Pour water (10 l), bring to a boil. Leave for 12 hours. Dilute the infusion with water (1 l). Spray 2 times a week.
  • Whey (3 l). Add copper sulfate (10 g), water (7 l). Treat plants against powdery downy mildew.
  • Finely chop garlic (30 g), add water (1 l), wait 24 hours. Dilute with water (9 l), irrigate the bushes immediately at the first manifestations of the disease.
  • Mullein, fresh manure add water and leave for a day. Stir, water the row spacing with 10 liters per 1 square meter. meter of area. Use slurry in combination with water 1x4, leave in a dark place for up to 7 days.
  • For disinfection of greenhouse and soil. Combine copper sulfate (20g) with water (10 l), urea (10 g). Spray with the prepared solution, pouring 1 liter per 10 m2 of area.
  • Iodine is good at eliminating root rot. You can lubricate the stems of cucumbers with a solution containing water, repeating the procedure several times. When deciding what to spray cucumbers with, you should choose a combination of iodine and brilliant green. It shows good results because copper connections quickly suppress plant diseases of cucumbers.

Important! The serum must be diluted with water. Mullein tincture - environmentally friendly pure fertilizer, but it is advisable to use it immediately when primary signs of disease, gray plaque or rot appear on the leaves of cucumbers.

Most often, cucumbers are exposed to diseases during the flowering period, so it is extremely important to take preventive measures; they should be carried out as soon as the first flowers appear. Otherwise, pest damage will lead to:

  • death of seedlings;
  • absence of ovaries;
  • reduction in fruiting and productivity.

Despite the many cucumber diseases, they are not difficult to treat and folk remedies are quite helpful at the initial stage. The main thing is to know what you can use to process cucumbers, choose correct solutions and proportions depending on the degree of infection of cucumbers. For minor lesions, preventive measures are suitable. folk compositions. In case of severe infection, it is necessary to use more aggressive chemicals.

How to spray cucumbers against diseases good harvest

A sufficient amount of sun, regular watering, fertile soil and the absence of pests and diseases are the key to a rich harvest of cucumbers. But often even experienced gardeners Questions arise about how to spray cucumbers against diseases, what preparations to use for feeding and in what quantities. Let's consider folk remedies that are used for the prevention and treatment of the most famous cucumber diseases.

Treatment of cucumbers against diseases

Cucumbers are most susceptible to fungal diseases. Among them are powdery mildew, root and gray rot, and bacteriosis. The danger of these diseases is that they affect several vital parts of the plant at once, which leads to a decrease in yield or to the death of plants. Let's consider publicly available folk remedies that can be used for treatment and prevention.

Treatment with iodine for root rot

The causative agents of root rot are fungi that live in the soil and multiply when high humidity. Rot manifests itself after planting seedlings in browning of the roots, yellowing of the lower leaves, and death of the ovaries. Regular pharmaceutical iodine will help to cope with root rot.

Treatment of cucumbers with iodine is carried out with a dilute solution: iodine is mixed with cool water in a ratio of one to two and the plant stems are lubricated 10-15 cm from the ground. Treatment is carried out every 3-4 days until the signs of the disease disappear.

Preparation of a solution for feeding cucumbers with iodine

Treatment of cucumbers with milk and iodine is considered effective. To prepare the product, take 1 liter of milk, kefir or whey, 1 tablespoon of crushed laundry or liquid soap and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liter bucket of water. Cucumbers are sprayed with the prepared solution once every 10 days.

Gray rot is bacterial disease, affecting all plant organs. It appears in the form of gray or brown spots, which increase in size over time and completely cover the leaves, fruits and stems with a gray coating. A large number of moisture contributes to the development of the disease. Kitchen soda helps to deal with gray rot.

Preparing to spray cucumbers against diseases with soda

Treatment of cucumbers with soda is carried out weak solution(75 g of soda are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water). Plants are sprayed every three days.

Treatment of cucumbers with trichopolum against bacteriosis

Bacteriosis of cucumbers or angular spotting appears in conditions of high humidity on open beds and in greenhouses, it appears in the form of brown angular spots on leaves, cotyledons and fruits. The disease is especially dangerous during the flowering period of cucumbers.

Treatment of cucumbers with trichopolum

To treat plants, spraying and watering with a trichopolum solution are used. For spraying, dissolve two tablets of the drug in 1 liter of water; for watering, use five tablets per 10-liter bucket of water. As a preventive measure, before planting, a Trichopolum tablet is placed in the hole, and a few days after planting, it is sprayed with a freshly prepared solution.

Treatment of cucumbers with brilliant green against downy mildew

Downy mildew or downy mildew is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases of cucumbers. The first symptoms most often appear during flowering and fruiting in the form of yellowish-green spots on the upper part of the leaf and a gray coating with a purple tint on the lower part. Over time, the spots increase in size and the leaves become brittle and crumble. As a result, the development of fruits slows down, already ripe fruits lose their taste qualities.

The danger of downy mildew is that fungal spores can remain in the ground for several years and infect plants every year. For treatment, use brilliant green. Thanks to the copper contained in the preparation, the solution not only acts as an antiseptic, but also feeds the cucumbers.

Preparation of solution and treatment of cucumbers with brilliant green

Few people know that damaged cucumbers can be stored. If the skin of the fruit is slightly damaged by a disease or pest, carefully treat it with brilliant green. If there is surface rot or mold, it must first be cut out. A wound treated with brilliant green is covered with a film and the fruit can be stored for several months.

Treatment of cucumbers with brilliant green is carried out with the following solution: 50 g of urea, 2 liters of whey and 10 ml of brilliant green are dissolved in a bucket of water (10 l), and sprayed once every 10 days. As a preventive measure, spraying is repeated three times a season after the start of flowering, once a week.

Feeding cucumbers

Cucumbers, like any plants in the garden beds, need fertilizing. We recommend using root fertilizers (adding nutrients to the soil, under the roots); their effectiveness is much higher due to the rapid penetration of substances into the root system. Foliar feeding (spraying) is important in preventing diseases and the spread of insects.

Feeding cucumbers with iodine

In addition to its powerful antiseptic effect, iodine, even in small quantities, accelerates metabolism and stimulates plant growth, increases the yield and taste of fruits, and promotes the accumulation of vitamin C.

To feed, add a few drops of the product to the settled water for irrigation. Watering cucumbers with iodine is also a preventive measure against the development of powdery mildew and root rot.

Iodine can be used with milk or whey. To do this, dissolve 30 drops of alcoholic iodine and 1 liter of milk in a bucket of water and leave to infuse. Watering cucumbers with milk and iodine is carried out every 10-14 days.

Preparing and feeding cucumbers with milk and iodine

Feeding cucumbers with brilliant green

It is worth treating cucumbers with brilliant green not only when yellow or brown spots appear on the leaves of cucumbers, but also as a preventive measure. To spray, add 5 ml of brilliant green (the contents of half the bottle) to a bucket of warm water.

In addition to fighting diseases, fertilizing with brilliant green promotes the accumulation of copper in the soil, which is especially important for areas in swampy areas. This microelement improves plant metabolism, promotes the formation of chlorophyll, and accelerates fruit development. To prepare a solution of 10 l cold water add 10 drops of brilliant green. Water the cucumbers once every 2 weeks after the first leaves appear.

Feeding cucumbers with soda

Baking soda is one of the most useful and affordable fertilizers for cucumbers. It protects plants from fungal diseases, microbes, insects, increases productivity and improves the taste of fruits.

Cucumbers are treated with soda to prevent the appearance of aphids and the development of powdery mildew. To prepare the product, add 1 tbsp to 5 liters of warm water. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tablet of acetylsaleic acid (Aspirin-S). Spray the prepared solution once a month after sunset or at cloudy weather, due to the likelihood of plant burns.

Watering cucumbers with soda to feed and protect against diseases

Watering cucumbers with soda begins when barren flowers appear on the ovaries. To prepare the mixture, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in 10 liters of water and water the cucumbers once every few days.

Bottom line

Processing cucumbers with iodine, milk, soda and brilliant green is very popular due to the availability of ingredients and a wide spectrum of action. Few store products will be able to boast of simultaneous feeding and protection from diseases. The use of folk remedies in correct proportions will help you grow a magnificent harvest and save on the purchase of expensive drugs.


Spraying cucumbers with boric acid for ovary

Today there is such a huge variety on the market of modern fertilizers that we often forget about simple, but very effective ways help your plantings. Among such products, we must definitely remember boric acid, which perfectly helps increase productivity, stimulates seed germination, and acts as a microfertilizer.

If the soil contains required quantity boron, the plants produce greater yields, germination improves, and resistance to various unfavorable environmental conditions increases. Boron can be used as independent remedy, or may be included in complex fertilizers.

The benefits of boric acid for cucumbers

Greatest benefit boric acid is beneficial for plants planted in brown forest and soddy-podzolic soils, but boron will also be useful in chernozem areas with light soils. Boric acid increases the number of ovaries on cucumbers, stimulates the growth of roots and new leaves, increases sugar and improves the taste of the fruit.

If there is a lack of boron in cucumbers, the internodes are greatly shortened, the plant does not grow, remaining dwarf in size. The first signs of boron deficiency appear on the youngest leaves and at the top of the shoot. The leaves become hard, denser and thicker than usual, and the edges of the plates bend downwards. If there is a large deficiency of boron, then the ovaries and flowers begin to fall off the plant, and the shoots become brittle. The root system develops poorly, the roots acquire an orange tint. Side shoots are formed, but after the first leaves appear, the tops die off. In addition to developmental delays, the plant is at risk of developing dry rot, bacteriosis, and brown rot. Boron deficiency is most severe in dry years.

Application of boric acid

Foliar feeding using boric acid is carried out as follows. Five grams of boric acid are diluted in ten liters of water. This must be done gradually. First, you need to dilute the boron in hot water, and then, stirring all the time, add cool water to the required level.

Cucumbers are sprayed with boron for the first time during the formation of buds, then at the moment when the plants are already blooming. Further feeding should be carried out at the time of fruiting.

If boric acid is not used as an independent agent, but in combination with other trace elements, then its amount is reduced to 0.05 percent. You can also use boron superphosphate, which is available in the form of granules.

It is very useful to carry out fertilizer in the form of spraying, which allows the mixture to reach all parts of the plant evenly. For spraying, it is best to choose calm weather so that there is no precipitation. It is recommended to do this procedure either in the morning or in the evening. If spraying is carried out during the day, then choose cloudy weather without precipitation.

Do not forget that boron improves seed germination. So cucumber seeds can be soaked in a boric acid solution to speed up the germination process. To do this, 0.2 g of boron is diluted in a liter of water. For cucumbers, soaking for twelve hours is sufficient.


To prevent cucumber leaves from turning yellow, spray them with these compounds

To prevent cucumber leaves from getting sick during the growing season, use these simple, proven tips. We bring to your attention recipes for folk remedies for spraying cucumbers, which are absolutely harmless to human health. Smart Tips recommend using them early in the morning or evening so that droplets of water on the leaves, like small lenses, do not cause sunburn.

Recipes for treating cucumber leaves against diseases

We have already told you how to protect cucumbers from diseases, today our collection of recipes will be replenished with several more.

1. In the development phase of the cucumber plant, spray 3–4 leaves the following composition: for 10 liters of water, 20 g of brown 72% laundry soap, a liter of milk and 40 drops of iodine. Treat cucumber leaves with this solution every 10 days.

2. Soak a loaf of gray bread in a bucket of water overnight, thoroughly knead it into a homogeneous paste. Add 20 ml of iodine, the solution is ready. Before spraying, add 1 liter of this liquid to 1 bucket of water. Pour the remaining solution into jars, close with nylon lids and store in a cool place.

Take note: Growing tomatoes from seeds in open ground

If you treat cucumbers once every 2 weeks with this composition, they will remain green until autumn and will delight you with a good harvest.

3. 2 liters of whey, a glass of sugar per 10 liters of water. This solution should be sprayed on the cucumber leaves and watered at the root. It fights fungal diseases well and stimulates the formation of ovaries.

Cucumber can be used not only for food. There are also unusual ways using cucumber in different situations, so it’s worth making an effort to grow such a healthy vegetable.

4. Boil 1 liter jar onion peel, bring the solution volume to 10 l, leave overnight. Add 1 liter of strained onion infusion to 4 liters of water. As in the previous recipe, thoroughly spray the tops and water at the root.

5. For 5 liters of water, add 1 liter of whey. Spray to prevent fungal infections once every 7-10 days.

Take note: How to prepare potatoes for planting

6. Irrigation regime affects the quality of the crop. Cucumbers love regular watering with warm water. Watering is done at the root; sprinkling is contraindicated for cucumbers.

7. Protect cucumber leaves from precipitation; they react very sensitively to harmful chemical impurities contained in rainwater.

Find out also How to grow cucumber seedlings at home so that they are strong and less susceptible to disease.


How to process cucumbers so that the leaves do not turn yellow - folk methods and compositions of products

The gardener's task is to get a good harvest. Unfortunately, when growing cucumbers, yellowing of the leaves in spots or along the edges often occurs. To solve this problem, you need to establish the cause of the phenomenon and take specific actions aimed at preserving the harvest.

How to treat cucumbers against diseases

Yellowness on the leaves is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Cucumber mosaic - the virus infects young leaves a month after planting. The carrier is aphid.
  • Fusarium is a fungal disease that leads to thinning of stems and browning of tissues. Increased soil moisture promotes the spread of infection.
  • Pythiosis is a fungus that affects root system. A prerequisite for its development is unbound moisture in the soil.
  • Peronosporosis - causes harm in all phases of development of garden crops, dangerous even for seedlings. Fungal disease reproduces by spores.

How to treat cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow in spots? Biological preparations that do not pose a threat to the body help combat pathogenic bacteria. human body. The products contain beneficial bacteria that suppress pathogenic flora. The drugs are used to treat seed material and as garden crops develop:

  • Trichodermin;
  • Planriz;
  • Pentafage C;
  • Fitosporin M;
  • Gamair;
  • Alirin B.

Another reason for yellowing of cucumber leaves is pests that suck the juices from the plants. These include:

How to treat cucumbers to prevent leaves from turning yellow from pests:

  1. A folk remedy that helps against whiteflies is tobacco planted around the perimeter of the garden bed. The accumulation of these pests on leaves and stems can be treated with Inta-Vir, which causes paralysis in insects.
  2. Spider mite afraid of being sprayed with garlic or onion infusion(200 g of husk per bucket of water).
  3. Aphids do not tolerate treatment with ash (200 g per 10 liters of water with 50 g of grated laundry soap) or Inta-Vir.

How to treat cucumbers if there is a lack of nutrition

Leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients - potassium, magnesium. Dark green veins indicate a lack of iron and manganese. With copper deficiency it dries out top part plants. What should you spray on cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow? Plants can be treated with fertilizing:

  • Agricola for pumpkin - contains a set of useful microelements;
  • fermented liquid infusion of manure, diluted with water (proportion 1:10);
  • urea per 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water for 1 square meter;
  • ordinary ash obtained after burning wood or grass.

Zelenka and iodine for cucumbers

Folk remedies are successfully used by vegetable growers in the fight against diseases of garden crops. Zelenka for cucumbers has antiseptic properties. Copper, which is part of the drug, makes it a valuable fertilizer, especially useful on marshy soils. Iodine for cucumbers in a greenhouse, with the correct dosage, treats plants from diseases and improves the growth of vegetable crops.

How to treat cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow? Do this:

  • Add brilliant green (10 ml), whey (2 l), urea (50 g) to 10 liters of water. Treat cucumbers at the beginning of flowering and a couple more times at weekly intervals. Milk is suitable instead of whey.
  • Mix water (9 l), skim milk (1 l) and iodine (10 drops). Spraying cucumbers with iodine serum should be done so that the foliage and the soil underneath are moistened.
  • Combine whey (1 l), water (10 l), iodine (40 drops), peroxide (1 tbsp). Treat plants infected with late blight 2-3 times in the evening at intervals of 10-12 days.