home · Installation · Windows are washed inside and out. How to clean windows correctly and quickly? It is good to wash windows in cloudy weather. When the sun is active, the spray dries quickly and leaves streaks

Windows are washed inside and out. How to clean windows correctly and quickly? It is good to wash windows in cloudy weather. When the sun is active, the spray dries quickly and leaves streaks

XVIII. Requirements to sanitary maintenance premises of preschool organizations

18.1. All rooms are cleaned using a wet method using detergents at least 2 times a day with open transoms or windows, with mandatory cleaning of places where dust accumulates (floors near baseboards and under furniture, window sills, radiators, etc.) and frequently dirty surfaces (door handles) , cabinets, switches, hard furniture, etc.). Wet cleaning in bedrooms is carried out after night and daytime sleep, in group rooms - after each meal.

18.2. Tables in group rooms are washed hot water with soap before and after each meal with a special rag, which is washed, dried and stored dry in a special labeled container with a lid. Chairs, changing tables, playpens and other equipment, as well as oilcloth linings and oilcloth bibs, are washed with hot water and soap after use; fabric bibs are washable.

18.3. For technical purposes (cleaning group rooms, toilets, etc.), a separate water tap is installed in group toilet rooms.

18.4. Carpets are vacuumed daily and cleaned with a damp brush or beaten out in specially designated areas, then cleaned with a damp brush. Once a year they are subjected to dry dry cleaning.

18.5. In rooms where corners of wildlife are equipped, daily wet cleaning, cleaning cages, feeders, replacing bedding, washing drinking bowls and changing water in them. Once every two weeks, cages, feeders, and drinking bowls must be disinfected, followed by rinsing with running water and drying. After disinfection, clean bedding and food are placed in the cage.

18.6. Sanitary equipment is disinfected daily, regardless of the epidemiological situation. Toilet seats, handles cisterns and door handles are washed with warm water and soap or another detergent that is harmless to children’s health every day. The pots are washed after each use using ruffs or brushes and detergents. Bathtubs, sinks, and toilets are cleaned twice a day with ruffs or brushes using detergents and disinfectants.

18.7. General cleaning of all premises and equipment is carried out once a month using detergents and disinfectants. Windows outside and inside are washed as they become dirty, but at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn).

18.8. In case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in subsidiaries, in order to prevent the spread of infection, additional measures are taken in accordance with the requirements sanitary rules.

18.9. Cleaning equipment for the toilet is marked with a bright color and stored in toilet room in a special closet. After use, all cleaning equipment is washed with hot water and detergents and dried. Disinfectant solutions and detergents are stored in places out of reach of children. Containers with solutions of disinfectants and detergents must have lids and clear labels indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and date of preparation. For ready-to-use products approved for repeated use, indicate the date of its dilution. All disinfectants and detergents must have instructions for their use and be used in accordance with them.

18.10. IN warm time every year, windows and doors should be screened to prevent insects from entering. To control flies indoors, you can use mechanical methods (sticky tapes, fly traps), as well as chemicals against flies, registered in accordance with the established procedure.

18.11. Exhaust louver grilles ventilation systems must be open; they should be covered only when sudden change indoor and outdoor air temperatures. As they become dirty, they are cleaned of dust. Exhaust ventilation shafts are cleaned as soon as they become dirty.

12.18. All types repair work It is not allowed to be carried out during the functioning of preschool organizations in the presence of children.

18.13. Before entering the group toys, purchased toys (with the exception of soft stuffed ones) are washed with running water (temperature 37 C) with soap or other detergent that is harmless to the health of children, and then dried in air. Foam latex tufted toys and soft stuffed toys are processed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Toys that are not subject to wet processing (washing, laundering) are used only as teaching material.

18.14. Toys are washed or washed daily at the end of the day, and in nursery groups - 2 times a day. Doll clothes are washed when dirty using baby soap and ironed.

18.15. In preschool organizations, rental and exchange of games, toys and other equipment is not allowed.

18.16. Medical instruments reusable items are subject to disinfection in accordance with current regulations regulatory documents. It is preferable to use sterile disposable instruments with subsequent disinfection and disposal.

18.17. Bed linen and towels are changed when soiled, but at least once a week. All linen is labeled. Bed linen, except pillowcases, is marked at the foot edge. Each child must have three sets of linen, including face and foot towels, and two changes of mattress covers. Clean linen is delivered in bags and stored in closets.

18.18. After use, laundry is placed in a special tank, a bucket with a lid, an oilcloth, plastic or double cloth bag. Dirty laundry is delivered to the laundry room (or special room). Cloth bags are washed, oilcloth and plastic bags are treated with a hot soap-soda solution.

18.19. Bedding: mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags should be ventilated directly in the bedrooms with the windows open during each general cleaning, and periodically taken out into the air. Once a year bed dress are subjected to dry cleaning or treatment in a disinfection chamber.

18.20. After use, washcloths for washing children (the number of washcloths corresponds to the number of children in the group) are soaked in a disinfectant solution, washed with running water, dried and stored in clean cloth bags. 18.21. If there are insects and rodents in the premises of subsidiaries, specialized organizations for disinsection and deratization will organize activities in accordance with sanitary rules, imposing sanitary and epidemiological requirements for carrying out disinfection and deratization measures.

XIX. Basic hygienic and anti-epidemic measures carried out by medical personnel in preschool organizations

19.1. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and food poisoning, medical workers of preschool organizations carry out:

Medical examinations of children upon admission to institutions in order to identify patients, incl. for pediculosis;

Systematic monitoring of the health status of pupils, especially those with health problems;

Work on organizing preventive examinations of pupils and carrying out preventive vaccinations;

Distribution of children by medical groups for physical education;

Informing the heads of the institution, teachers, physical education methodologists about the health status of children, the recommended regimen for children with health problems;

Daily outpatient appointment to provide medical care(if necessary), identification of sick children, their timely isolation, provision of first aid in the event of accidents;

Examine children for head lice once a week.

The inspection results are recorded in a special journal.

If children are found affected by head lice, they are sent home for sanitation.

Admission of children after refurbishment to preschool organizations is allowed if they have a medical certificate confirming the absence of head lice;

Children's stool charts are kept daily in nursery groups;

Systematic control over sanitary condition and maintenance of the territory and all premises, compliance with personal hygiene rules by students and staff;

Organization and implementation of preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic measures;

Work on organizing and carrying out preventive and routine disinfection, as well as monitoring the completeness of its implementation;

Work on the formation healthy image living with staff and children, organizing “health days”, games, quizzes on medical topics;

Medical control over the organization of physical education, the condition and maintenance of physical education places, monitoring correct implementation activities for physical culture depending on gender, age and health status;

Monitoring the catering unit and children's nutrition;

Maintaining medical records. 1

9.2. In order to prevent contagious helminthiases (enterobiasis and hymenolepiasis), the necessary measures are organized and carried out to improve the sources of invasion and prevent the transmission of the pathogen.

19.2.1. Identification of infested contagious helminth infections should be carried out by simultaneous examination of all children and all staff of preschool organizations once a year. Children and employees are examined three times for pinworm infection every 1 to 3 days; for infection with dwarf tapeworm - after 10 - 20 days.

19.2.2. All identified infected people are registered in the journal “Infectious Diseases” and given drug therapy by medical personnel.

19.2.3. With a single examination of children and employees and identification of 20% or more infested with pinworms, the health of all children is carried out and service personnel preschool organizations. At the same time, measures are being taken to identify sources of pinworm infection and their recovery in accordance with sanitary rules for the prevention of enterobiasis.

19.2.4. When registering cases of contagious helminthiasis among children and staff of preschool organizations, preventive measures are carried out both during the period of treatment of children and the next 3 days after its completion. In this case it is necessary:

Wet clean the premises twice daily (morning and evening) using a soap-soda solution;

Vacuum or treat with chamber disinfection (if it is impossible to irradiate with bactericidal lamps for 30 minutes at a distance of up to 25 cm) carpets, paths, Stuffed Toys and remove them until the final disinfestation is completed;

For 3 days, starting from the first day of treatment, vacuum blankets, mattresses and pillows. Blankets and bed linen should not be shaken indoors;

In 24-hour stay groups, change or iron underwear, bed linen and towels daily;

The fingernails of children and staff should be cut short;

Supervise the observance of personal hygiene rules by children and staff.

XX. Requirements for undergoing preventive medical examinations and personal hygiene of personnel

20.1. The staff of preschool organizations undergo medical examinations and examinations, professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner. The list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training is presented in Appendix 15 of these sanitary rules.

20.2. Each employee of preschool organizations must have a personal medical book, where they enter the results of medical examinations and laboratory research, information about vaccinations, previous infectious diseases, information about undergoing professional hygienic training and certification. In the absence of information on preventive vaccinations, employees entering preschool organizations must be vaccinated in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations.

20.3. Every day, before starting work, a medical worker inspects workers involved in the preparation and distribution of food for the presence of pustular diseases skin of the hands and open surfaces of the body, as well as sore throats, catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract. The results of the inspection are entered into the “Health Log” daily before the start of the work shift (Appendices 16 of these sanitary rules). Sick workers or suspected cases of illness are not allowed or immediately suspended from work. infectious diseases. Workers who have suppurations, cuts, or burns on their hands are not allowed to work on preparing food and distributing it.

20.4. The staff of preschool organizations must observe the rules of personal hygiene: come to work in clean clothes and shoes; leave outerwear, hat and personal items in individual closet for clothes; cut your nails short. The assistant teacher must additionally have an apron and scarf for serving food, an apron for washing dishes and a special (dark) robe for cleaning the premises. Before entering the toilet room, you should take off your robe and after leaving, wash your hands thoroughly with soap; employees are not allowed to use the children's toilet.

20.5. While working, food service workers should not wear rings, earrings, pin their work clothes with pins, or eat or smoke in the workplace. For employees of preschool organizations, at least 3 sets of sanitary clothing should be provided.

XXI. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules

21.1. The head of preschool organizations is responsible person for the organization and complete implementation of these sanitary rules, including ensuring:

Availability of these sanitary rules and communication of their content to the employees of the institution;

Compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees of the institution;

Necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules;

Organization of production and laboratory control;

Hiring persons who have health clearance and have undergone professional hygienic training and certification;

Availability of personal medical records for each employee;

Timely completion of periodic medical examinations;

Organization of course hygienic training and retraining according to the hygienic training program at least once every 2 years;

Working conditions for workers in accordance with current legislation, sanitary rules and hygienic standards;

Organization of disinfection, disinfestation and deratization activities;

Availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment;

Proper operation of technological, refrigeration and other equipment of the institution.

21.2. Medical staff of preschool organizations carries out daily monitoring of compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules. 21.3. For violation of sanitary legislation, the head of preschool organizations is responsible in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

1 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 N 277 “On approval of the regulations on licensing of educational activities.”

2 - SanPiN "Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements to the design, operation and quality of water. Quality control", approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2003 N 4 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 14, 2003, registration number 4219).

3 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.04.2001 N 262 “On state registration individual species products that pose a potential danger to humans, as well as certain types of products imported into the Russian Federation for the first time."

Appendix 5

Food products that are not allowed to be used in feeding children in preschool organizations in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and widespread non-infectious diseases (poisoning):

Offal, except liver, tongue, heart;

Uneviscerated poultry;

Wild animal meat;

Frozen meat and offal with a shelf life of more than 6 months;

Frozen poultry meat;

Mechanically separated poultry meat and collagen-containing raw materials from poultry meat;

Meat of the third and fourth categories;

Meat with a mass fraction of bones, fat and connective tissue over 20%;

Zeltsev, products from meat trimmings, diaphragms; rolls from the pulp of heads, blood and liver sausages;

Cooking fats, pork or lamb lard, margarine and other hydrogenated fats;

Eggs and meat of waterfowl;

Eggs with contaminated shells, notched, “tek”, “broken”, as well as eggs from farms affected by salmonellosis;

Canned food with broken cans, bomb cans, “crackers”, cans with rust, deformed, without labels;

Cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products contaminated with various impurities or infected with barn pests;

Any food products home (not industrial) production, as well as those brought from home and not having documents confirming their quality and safety (including when organizing festive events, celebrating birthdays, etc.);

Cream confectionery products (pastries and cakes) and creams;

Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk, flask cottage cheese, flask sour cream without heat treatment;

Yogurt "samokvasa";

Mushrooms and products (culinary products) prepared from them;

Kvass, carbonated drinks;

Milk and dairy products from farms that are vulnerable to diseases in farm animals, as well as those that have not undergone primary processing and pasteurization;

Raw smoked, semi-smoked, lightly smoked meat gastronomic products and sausages;

Dishes made from meat, poultry, fish that have not passed heat treatment, except salted fish (herring, salmon, trout);

Bone-based broths;

Food products and products fried in fat (deep fat), chips;

Vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot pepper (red, black, white) and other hot (hot) seasonings and food products containing them;

Hot sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces, pickled vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, apples) and other products preserved with vinegar;

Natural coffee;

Apricot kernels, peanuts;

Dairy products, curd cheeses and ice cream using vegetable fats;

Kumys and others fermented milk products with ethanol content (more than 0.5%);

Caramel, including candy;

First and second courses from/based on instant dry food concentrates;

Products containing synthetic flavors and dyes;

Butter with a fat content below 72%;

Products, including confectionery, containing alcohol;

Canned foods using vinegar.

Meat and meat products: - beef of the first category, - veal, - lean varieties of pork and lamb;

Chilled poultry meat (chicken, turkey), - rabbit meat, - sausages, sausages (beef), boiled sausages for baby food, no more than 1 - 2 times a week - after heat treatment;

Beef by-products (liver, tongue).

Fish and fish products - cod, pink salmon, salmon, hake, pollock, ice fish, pike perch, herring (salted), seafood.

Chicken eggs - in the form of omelettes or boiled.

Milk and dairy products: - milk (2.5%, 3.2% fat), pasteurized, sterilized, dry;

Condensed milk (whole and with sugar), condensed-boiled milk;

Cottage cheese with no more than 9% fat content and acidity no more than 150 T - after heat treatment; cottage cheese and cottage cheese products of industrial production in small-piece packaging;

Mild cheese varieties (hard, semi-hard, soft, processed - for feeding preschool children);

Sour cream (10%, 15% fat) - after heat treatment;

Industrial fermented milk products; fermented baked milk, Varenets, bifidok, kefir, yoghurts, yogurt;

Cream (10% fat); - ice cream (milk, cream).

Dietary fats: - butter(72.5%, 82.5% fat);

Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, soybean - only refined; rapeseed, olive) - for salads, vinaigrettes, herring, main courses;

Margarine is limited for baking.

Confectionery: - marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade;

Chocolate and chocolate candies- no more than once a week;

Biscuits, cookies, crackers, waffles, gingerbreads, muffins (preferably with a minimum amount of food flavorings and dyes);

Pastries, cakes (short and sponge cakes, without cream);

Jams, preserves, marmalade, honey - industrial production.

Vegetables: - fresh vegetables: potatoes, white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sea cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, eggplant, squash, onions (green and onions), garlic ( taking into account individual tolerance), parsley, dill, leaf salad, sorrel, spinach, celery, rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish, pumpkin, dried white roots, tomato paste, tomato puree;

Quick-frozen vegetables (peeled semi-finished products):

potatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, carrots, beets, sweet peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions (onions), spinach, celery, pumpkin, green peas, green beans.

Fruits: - apples, pears, bananas, plums, peaches, apricots, berries (except strawberries, including frozen ones);

Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons) - taking into account individual tolerance;

Tropical fruits (mango, kiwi, pineapple, guava) - taking into account individual tolerance. - dried fruits.

Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans, lentils.

Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnut kernels.

Juices and drinks: - natural domestic and imported juices and industrial-produced nectars (clarified and with pulp);

Industrially produced drinks based on natural fruits;

Industrially produced fortified drinks without preservatives and artificial food additives;

Coffee (surrogate), cocoa, tea.

Canned food: - beef stew (as an exception in the absence of meat) for preparing first courses);

Salmon, saury (for making soups);

Compotes, fruit slices;

Eggplant and squash caviar for baby food;

Green pea;

Sweet corn;

Canned green beans; - tomatoes and pickled cucumbers.

Bread (rye, wheat or a mixture of flour, preferably enriched), cereals, pasta- all types without limitation. Iodized table salt - in areas where iodine content is endemic.

Additionally, if there is financial opportunity, the following can be used in feeding children:

Sturgeon and salmon caviar, granular (no more than once every 2 weeks);

Salted red fish (preferably pink salmon, chum salmon) - no more than once every 2 weeks.

The main form of physical education is physical education lessons, which are recommended to be included in the curriculum for at least 4 hours per week.

2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for conditions and organization of training in educational institutions";

3. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education for children (out-of-school institutions)"

4. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of the educational and production process in educational institutions of primary vocational education”

5. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions”

6. Sanitary standards. Complete reference book. - M., Eksmo2006. edited by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Corresponding Member RAE and REA

FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tambov Region"

Department of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents

"I affirm"

Chief physician of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Center"

hygiene and epidemiology

in the Tambov region"


Test control of technical personnel educational institutions(schools, boarding schools, out-of-school institutions, vocational education institutions, technical schools, colleges):

1.How often is general cleaning carried out?

A) weekly B) once a month C) once a quarter

2.What law provides for liability for violation of sanitary legislation?

A) the law of the Russian Federation “On Health Care”

B) the law of the Russian Federation “On subsoil”

C) the law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”

3.For general cleaning, use:

B) Fluorography, therapist, test for helminthiases

C) Fluorography, therapist, dermatovenerologist (blood test for syphilis, smear for gonorrhea), test for helminthiasis

25.What types of liability arise for violation of sanitary legislation?

A) administrative, criminal, disciplinary

B) administrative, moral, disciplinary

B) administrative, criminal, physical

26.What should you do to avoid getting dysentery?

A) get vaccinated

B) brush your teeth regularly

C) wash your hands before eating, eat healthy foods

27. Sanitary equipment is subject to disinfection:

A) daily, regardless of the epidemiological situation

B) daily only during the quarantine period, the rest of the time once a week

C) 2 times a week, regardless of the epidemiological situation

28. Cleaning equipment for the toilet (rags, buckets, brushes):

A) marked with a bright color and stored separately from other equipment

B) marked with a bright color and stored together with other equipment

C) not labeled, stored together with other equipment

29.Administrative responsibility implies:

A) imposition of a fine

B) transfer to a lower paid position

B) reprimand

30.How often do school technical personnel undergo regular medical examinations?

A) once every six months B) once a year C) once every 2 years

To take the test, please follow the link:

http://test. appsoftware. ru/

(Hold down the "ctrl" key on your keyboard and left-click on the link)

18.1. All rooms are cleaned using a wet method using detergents at least 2 times a day with open transoms or windows, with mandatory cleaning of places where dust accumulates (floors near baseboards and under furniture, window sills, radiators, etc.) and frequently dirty surfaces (door handles) , cabinets, switches, hard furniture, etc.).

Wet cleaning in bedrooms is carried out after night and daytime sleep, in group rooms - after each meal.

18.2. Tables in group rooms are washed with hot water and soap before and after each meal with a special rag, which is washed, dried and stored dry in a special labeled container with a lid. Chairs, changing tables, playpens and other equipment, as well as oilcloth linings and oilcloth bibs, are washed with hot water and soap after use; fabric bibs are washable.

18.3. For technical purposes (cleaning group rooms, toilets, etc.), a separate water tap is installed in group toilet rooms.

18.4. Carpets are vacuumed daily and cleaned with a damp brush or beaten out in specially designated areas, then cleaned with a damp brush. Once a year they are dry cleaned.

18.5. In rooms where corners of wildlife are equipped, daily wet cleaning, cleaning of cages, feeders, replacement of bedding, washing of drinking bowls and changing the water in them are carried out. Once every two weeks, cages, feeders, and drinking bowls must be disinfected, followed by rinsing with running water and drying. After disinfection, clean bedding and food are placed in the cage.

18.6. Sanitary equipment is disinfected daily, regardless of the epidemiological situation. Toilet seats, flush tank handles and door handles are washed with warm water and soap or another detergent that is harmless to children’s health every day. The pots are washed after each use using ruffs or brushes and detergents. Bathtubs, sinks, and toilets are cleaned twice a day with ruffs or brushes using detergents and disinfectants.

18.7. General cleaning of all premises and equipment is carried out once a month using detergents and disinfectants. Windows outside and inside are washed as they become dirty, but at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn).

18.8. In case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the subsidiaries, in order to prevent the spread of infection, additional measures are taken in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules.

18.9. Cleaning equipment for the toilet is marked with a bright color and stored in the toilet room in a special cabinet. After use, all cleaning equipment is washed with hot water and detergents and dried.

Disinfectant solutions and detergents are stored in places out of reach of children.

Containers with solutions of disinfectants and detergents must have lids and clear labels indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and date of preparation. For ready-to-use products approved for repeated use, indicate the date of its dilution. All disinfectants and detergents must have instructions for their use and be used in accordance with them.

18.10. In the warm season, windows and doors should be screened to prevent insects from entering. To control flies indoors, you can use mechanical methods (sticky tapes, fly traps), as well as chemical fly control agents registered in accordance with the established procedure.

18.11. The louvers of exhaust ventilation systems must be open; They should be covered only when there is a sharp difference in indoor and outdoor air temperatures. As they become dirty, they are cleaned of dust.

Exhaust ventilation shafts are cleaned as soon as they become dirty.

12.18. All types of repair work are not allowed to be carried out during the operation of preschool organizations in the presence of children.

18.13. Before entering the group toys, purchased toys (with the exception of soft stuffed ones) are washed with running water (temperature 37 C) with soap or other detergent that is harmless to the health of children, and then dried in air.

Foam latex tufted toys and soft stuffed toys are processed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Toys that are not subject to wet processing (washing, laundering) are used only as teaching material.

18.14. Toys are washed or washed daily at the end of the day, and in nursery groups - 2 times a day. Doll clothes are washed when dirty using baby soap and ironed.

18.15. In preschool organizations, rental and exchange of games, toys and other equipment is not allowed.

18.16. Reusable medical instruments are subject to disinfection in accordance with current regulatory documents.

It is preferable to use sterile disposable instruments with subsequent disinfection and disposal.

18.17. Bed linen and towels are changed when soiled, but at least once a week. All linen is labeled.

Bed linen, except pillowcases, is marked at the foot edge. Each child must have three sets of linen, including face and foot towels, and two changes of mattress covers. Clean linen is delivered in bags and stored in closets.

18.18. After use, laundry is placed in a special tank, a bucket with a lid, an oilcloth, plastic or double cloth bag. Dirty laundry is delivered to the laundry room (or special room). Cloth bags are washed, oilcloth and plastic bags are treated with a hot soap-soda solution.

18.19. Bedding: mattresses, pillows, sleeping bags should be ventilated directly in the bedrooms with the windows open during each general cleaning, and periodically taken out into the air. Once a year, bedding is dry cleaned or treated in a disinfection chamber.

18.20. After use, washcloths for washing children (the number of washcloths corresponds to the number of children in the group) are soaked in a disinfectant solution, washed with running water, dried and stored in clean cloth bags.

18.21. If there are insects and rodents in the premises of subsidiaries, specialized organizations for disinfestation and deratization will organize activities in accordance with sanitary rules that impose sanitary and epidemiological requirements for carrying out disinfection and deratization measures.

In any room, the cleanliness of each room and its fullness of light depend on the cleanliness of the windows. Despite the fact that windows made of plastic do not require any labor-intensive maintenance, there are still some simple rules, which you should know when washing such windows.

The old methods that many are accustomed to will not work in this case. Cleaning windows with soapy water and rubbing with newspapers will take a lot of time and it is unlikely that they will bring exactly the result that you would like to achieve.

When and how often should you wash your windows?

The frequency of window cleaning largely depends on climatic conditions. It is mandatory to clean windows with the onset of spring. After all, over the entire winter period quite a lot of dirt accumulates on them. It is believed that it is no less important to prepare windows for winter, that is, to put the profile and glass in order. Many housewives start at home general cleaning before the onset of major holidays or any significant events,...

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A window in an apartment or office is that element of the interior that is invisible at first glance, which can spoil the entire impression of the room if it is not clean. Even if all the furniture and floors shine and sparkle, dirty window will bring all this purity to naught.

In addition, a dirty window is a source of trouble for your health. Dust and dirt particles slowly but surely destroy our body and cause severe chronic diseases.

Fortunately, all these problems can be quickly resolved by contacting a cleaning company for help. Its employees will help you rid your windows of dirt and give them an attractive look.

To ensure that the window is always in excellent condition and has great view, it needs to be washed on average 2 times every six months. If the area in which your office, apartment or house is located is in a relatively clean, not heavily polluted area, then calling a cleaning company to clean the windows will only be enough once every six months.

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Regular cleaning of the house not only creates comfort, but also a necessary condition for the health of all family members

Everyone has their own opinion about the frequency of house cleaning. Many women, due to their heavy workload or tight work schedule, devote time to cleaning when they have free time and strength, and not when necessary.

The frequency of cleaning your apartment is very individual, because some people go crazy if they see a speck on the carpet, while others think that their apartment is clean until clogs of dust start rolling around in the corners. When determining for yourself the frequency of cleaning your home, remember that cleanliness is a condition for the good health of your family.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the characteristics of the room

How often should you clean your apartment? It is difficult to establish a clear cleaning schedule, because it will depend on the most various factors: number of people living in the apartment, season, presence of animals. In some apartments it is enough to wipe off the dust and...

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Every housewife has to wash her windows several times a year. The process is not pleasant, but, unfortunately, necessary, even if modern double-glazed windows are installed in your apartment. Dirty glass can block up to 30% of the light flux! And it is extremely important for us that the house is not only warm, but also light. We will skillfully cut off excess light beautiful curtains or blinds, but when it is chronically lacking, the mood for some reason deteriorates - and this is a fact! Let's talk about how to properly wash plastic windows with minimal damage to the nervous system.

In this article:

What time of day and in what weather is it better to wash a window?

Our windows, it turns out, don’t care at all when they are washed. And not only the washing process itself, but also its result depends on this.

Do not forget that it is best to wash plastic windows in cloudy or at least cool weather. If at the moment when the thought came to you that “the windows seem to be somehow dirty,” the sun sets directly on these very windows,...

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How to properly care for a PVC profile window

To make plastic windows from PVC profiles could last a long time and all this time delighted with their attractive appearance, they must be properly and regularly cared for. What are the basic rules of care? modern PVC windows, which are sometimes simply called double-glazed windows?

Environmental requirements

First of all, in the room where new PVC structures, the air humidity should not be high. Otherwise, excess moisture will settle on the double-glazed windows and slopes.

Relative humidity of 40-50% is also favorable for normal functioning human body. To maintain a normal microclimate, it is enough to ventilate the apartment two or three times a day for 5-10 minutes. It is better when this process is carried out regularly, and in winter time year too. Regular ventilation will protect your windows from condensation.

How often should you wash...

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Modern world almost completely switched to plastic windows or double-glazed windows. They last longer and are easier to care for. Wooden windows require constant painting, as well wooden windows get dirty more and faster than plastic windows.

So, let's figure out how to take care of your windows, how to properly wash plastic windows, and what means are best to do this.

After installing a plastic window, you need to immediately remove protective film, because the glue works better when exposed to the sun and the film will then be difficult to peel off. Also make sure that there is no lime, pieces of cement or construction foam left on the frame itself and on the window. Over time, all this is much more difficult to wash off, so take care of it in the first hours.

Typically, housewives may not wash their plastic windows for six months; of course, this depends on the season. If it is autumn, then heavy rains will stain your window, and there is no point in washing it often.

There are several common mistakes...

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Until recently, cleaning windows in an apartment required almost a feat from housewives. With the advent of plastic double-glazed windows into our lives, the task has become indecently simplified, and the washing process has turned from endless ripping out frames and scraping glass into an easy procedure for wiping surfaces.

Of course, you need to start cleaning windows with good mood, on a dry sunny day. Slight cloudiness is even more preferable, since if the sun is too bright, you may not be able to remove it in time detergent, and then rainbow tints will remain on the glass.

At the same time, despite the obvious simplicity and ease of care plastic windows, you still need to adhere to some rules that will help keep all the window parts safe, sound and perfectly clean.

How to properly wash a plastic window profile?

When planning to wash the windows in an apartment, the housewife should know that first, dirt and dust should be...

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If you want to keep your home perfectly clean, you don’t need to polish furniture and floors every day without letting go of the rag. To optimize cleaning time and maintain order, you should listen to the recommendations of cleaning company specialists.

How often should you wash walls or vacuum mattresses? Professionals who specialize in cleaning have put together a simple calendar.

Every day:
- Put things in their places.
- Wash dishes, dry work surface table in the kitchen, stove.
– Dry the shower stall and bathtub to prevent mold and limescale.
- Wipe down the sink.
- To make the bed.

Twice a week:
- Vacuuming. The Samsung Aqua Cyclone SD9480 vacuum cleaner will help you with this. It is very easy to maintain cleanliness with such a vacuum cleaner: you just need to pour water into the dust collection container and you can start working. In that...

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A dirty, faulty building and damaged equipment cannot contribute to the development of cultural and hygienic habits in children and do not provide the necessary hygienic conditions to protect and strengthen the health of students and their normal physical development.

It is unacceptable that the school premises are poorly cleaned, the plaster is damaged by nails, the roof leaks, and the building becomes damp. Proper handling of the building, keeping it completely clean and tidy and skillful care of it, on the contrary, contribute to the creation of exemplary conditions for educational work in the school. Therefore, taking care of the day-to-day maintenance of the school building and equipment is particularly important.

Proper operation of a school building includes, first of all, taking measures aimed at preventing the appearance of dust and debris in the school premises, as well as preventing dampness. These measures include: installing devices for cleaning shoes from dirt at the entrance to the school, closing windows on the leeward side in dusty weather, carefully monitoring the sanitary condition of the premises, monitoring the serviceability of the roof, efficient heating premises. Systematic educational work with students to combat clogging of premises and careless attitude towards equipment.

Other activities are aimed at eliminating dust, debris, dirt, timely correction of breakdowns, repairing the roof, eliminating violations that interfere correct use building. The most important event This direction includes systematic cleaning of school premises (daily and periodically), current and major repairs of the school building and its equipment.

Dust control in a school building. Measures to combat dust and dirt in a school building are important both from the point of view of direct concern for the health of schoolchildren, and in relation to the development of hygiene habits among students.

Dust and dirt are carried into the school building by air currents or carried on shoes and poorly cleaned clothing. In addition, dust is formed in the building itself from chalk particles when writing on a blackboard, when walking around the premises (due to washing shoes), from food crumbs, pencil cleaning, graphite residues, etc.

To reduce dust drift air currents school buildings are placed, as mentioned above, at a certain distance (at least 20 m) from the street; serve the same purpose green spaces on the school site - conifers with a dense crown. We must ensure that the street and school grounds are kept in order and clean. In dry weather, it is very advisable to water the school grounds (especially playgrounds).

In the vicinity of industries that produce a lot of smoke or have dusty waste (cement factories, various mills, etc.), the school should, through the local council, ensure that these enterprises are equipped with dust collectors or smoke eliminators, thereby avoiding the penetration of dust and smoke into the school premises.

The accumulation of dust and dirt on feet is significantly reduced if devices for cleaning feet from dirt are installed at the entrance to the school. They also instill in children the habit of wiping their feet when entering school. At the entrance to the school, it is useful to strengthen the brackets to clear the feet of dirt; In winter, in case of snowy weather, you should stock up on several brooms to clean your felt boots. In addition, it is good to place wooden gratings at the entrance. Iron nets are less convenient, as they quickly become clogged with snow and become very slippery. Mats are usually placed in the dressing room, and rugs are laid out at the exit from the dressing room into the corridor for wiping your feet “clean”.

Paving the path to the exit with bricks or paving the approaches to the school and the utility yard helps reduce the drift of dirt and dust into the school.

To prevent the formation large quantity dust in school premises is necessary: ​​wiping chalk from the blackboard with a damp cloth, students putting cleaning materials and papers in the trash bin, students coming to school in clean clothes and shoes, and other sanitary and hygienic skills.

When removing dust, you must avoid cleaning methods that cause dust to rise into the air (sweeping with a dry brush, sweeping with a dry cloth, etc.).

Cleaning of premises should be done wet. The brush is wrapped in a damp, wrung out rag or the floor is first sprinkled with wet sawdust. Co school furniture dust should also be removed with a slightly damp cloth.

To avoid raising dust when students move and clean, floors are lubricated with mixtures that trap dust on the floor. Dust binders consist mainly of oils. When applied to the floor, they to a certain extent retain dust settling on the floor. When cleaning floors lubricated with these substances (dry brush), the dust is bound into small balls and therefore does not rise into the air.

If the school building is kept clean and tidy in an exemplary manner, parquet floors that are regularly waxed (mastic) are quite hygienic.

One of the means of removing dust from school premises is vacuum cleaners. Most convenient electric vacuum cleaners. They can be very usefully used in schools when cleaning premises, primarily libraries and other rooms in which school property is stored.

Rules for keeping the school building tidy and clean. In a school of any type, the teaching staff is interested in the good maintenance of the premises and participates (to one degree or another) in activities to maintain cleanliness and order in them.

In the course of educational work, teachers naturally monitor the ventilation of premises, the cleanliness of classrooms, and the quality of cleaning by technical staff. Maintaining the premises in complete order and cleanliness is possible only with conscientious cleaning - routine and periodic.

The careful implementation of these works is greatly facilitated by conversations between teachers and doctors and technical employees on the importance of these activities for instilling cultural habits and preserving the health of students.

Equally important is the regular (according to plan) implementation of the entire established procedure for cleaning and maintaining the premises.

Sometimes sweeping the floor is carried out in such a way that dust rises into the air in enormous quantities and the amount of dust and pathogens on the furniture after cleaning is much greater than what was the case before cleaning.

This kind of gross disorder is often underestimated by school staff; Meanwhile, the attentive, serious attitude of teachers to these “little things” can eliminate the danger of children becoming infected in such ways.

The teacher does not have the right to ignore all these violations, turn a blind eye to them, and consider all this to be the business of the school administration, doctor, or head of the household.

Daily cleaning of premises. The main cleaning of the building and preparing it for the arrival of children occurs the day before, immediately after classes end. As soon as the children leave school, the transoms or windows open. It is best to open the windows and arrange through ventilation, since it more easily removes dust particles from the room.

After this, the school's technical staff begins cleaning. Cleaning begins with the classrooms.

All areas of the school are subject to thorough daily cleaning: classrooms, corridor, teachers' room, etc.

The restroom, dressing room and stairs are washed daily with warm water. Toilet seats are wiped with a special rag soaked in a weak solution of bleach (one percent), toilets are washed, and the operation of water appliances is checked.

Rugs and boards are taken out into the yard to be cleaned of dust - to a specially designated place - and shaken out and cleaned of adhering dirt.

In the morning (no later than an hour before the start of classes), the cleaning lady (caretaker) inspects all the premises and equipment, wipes the classroom furniture with a dampened rag, ink sticks, puts chalk on each blackboard, moistens the rag to erase the chalk, pours water into the spittoon, opens the window .

Water is being poured into tanks in the corridors. In the dressing room, special attention is paid to the condition of foot cleaning equipment, water fixtures and the presence of clean paper are checked in the restrooms, new towels are hung in the washrooms, and the presence of soap is checked.

The school administration and teachers monitor the readiness of the premises for classes, immediately taking measures to eliminate any deficiencies that are detected.

During classes, as soon as the bell rings, you need to open the transom windows in the corridors and recreational rooms, inspect these rooms and sweep them with a wet method, flush the water and restore complete order in the restrooms. There is no need to open the windows in them, since otherwise there will be an influx of air from the restrooms into the rest of the rooms; It is advisable to open windows in corridors near restrooms and washrooms. If there is exhaust ventilation, it turns on immediately. Similar events are held after each break. During the big break, you need to go around all the classes and collect the rubbish. During all breaks, the windows in classrooms must be open.

Besides daily cleaning, at least once a week, painted floors are thoroughly washed, parquet floors are sprinkled with wet sawdust and wiped with a rough brush. The walls are wiped with a damp cloth along the entire length of the panels, dust is wiped off from the top surface of the cabinets, from the cornices, doors and windows, from the binding of the frames. The cobwebs are removed.

Once a month, during cleaning, desks are washed with warm water, and cabinets are cleaned of dust. At the same time, you can see if mouse holes or cracks have appeared under the cabinets. The paintings are removed and cleaned of dust. Wipe everything with a rag lighting, slats on the walls, etc. Washable wooden hangers in the locker room.

In restrooms, all toilet bowls are washed first with lye and then with a solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid to remove build-up on them. In this case, the acid must be washed off with plenty of water so that the pipes, especially settling siphons, do not corrode.

The glass is washed and, in winter, wiped with inside. Floors are waxed for the most part at least 4 times every quarter (2 months), otherwise the rubbing almost loses its importance, and the floors have a sloppy, dirty appearance. When washing floors, care must be taken to ensure that less water leaked through cracks and ventilation grilles in the underground. It is also unacceptable to sweep away dirt and dust from the floor in them, otherwise garbage and boards will rot in the underground, spoiled air will be drawn into the classrooms, and the floors and parquet will quickly rot.

In the fall, you need to wash the glass and frames, insert the internal frames and glue the gaps between the frames with paper (preferably paper dipped in some kind of oil or milk).

It is necessary to check the integrity of the putty on the glass. With the onset of spring, the frames are opened and the glass, frame frames and window sills are washed again.

It should be noted that a complete cleaning of the school premises should also be carried out before the start of classes (in August) after repairs made in the summer.

In a well-maintained school, disinfectant solutions, soap, brooms, rags, buckets and other equipment for cleaning the premises are stored in a separate cabinet (internal or mobile), but in no case in the restroom.

Cleaning of the premises must be organized in such a way that as a result of routine and periodic cleaning, the school is always clean and everything is in perfect order.

Teachers and especially class teachers are obliged to carefully ensure that during educational work children do not litter on the floor and observe hygiene rules. So, they must ensure that children put sharpened pencils in the trash bin so that the transoms in the classroom open on time. The class teacher is responsible for the sanitary and hygienic condition of the classroom. Careful adherence to the rules of school hygiene, careful handling of equipment by students - all this is necessary to ensure that the school is always clean and comfortable.

School grounds maintenance. The school site requires systematic maintenance. One of the requirements of school hygiene is to maintain exemplary cleanliness and complete order in the school area.

In addition to regular daily cleaning, necessary seasonal work must be carried out on time. For example, in the fall you need to clear the area of ​​leaves; in the spring, dig ditches in the snow in time to drain melt water from the building and drain the site more quickly, trim the crown of trees, and later carry out general cleaning of the site, planting trees and shrubs, grass sowing, and planting flowers.

If there is no separate utility yard, before allocating it, it is necessary to ensure that the delivery of fuel, garbage removal and other economic operations do not lead to contamination of the school site.

To prevent clogging of the site, it is necessary to have a garbage collection box on it near the utility yard.

Fire precautions. Bearing responsibility for the life and health of students, the school takes all necessary measures to eliminate fire danger in the school building and area.

The occurrence of fires is primarily prevented by regular monitoring of the serviceability of stoves and chimneys, and prevention of damp wires ( short circuit often causes fires). The readiness of fire-fighting equipment (if there is a water supply - fire hydrants, if there is no water supply in the building and buckets) is absolutely mandatory.

Current and major repairs of school buildings and equipment. The use of the school building must be organized in such a way that any deficiencies that arise are immediately noticed and eliminated during the current or overhaul. For example, it should not be allowed that a weakened stair railing is not immediately noticed and corrected.

Current repairs are exclusively great importance, since thanks to it, further destruction of the building and equipment is often stopped, the appearance of dampness and dust is prevented, further damage to furniture is stopped, and accidents are prevented.

Careful monitoring of the building and equipment by school staff ensures that defects are detected in a timely manner. At the same time, minor deficiencies - screws coming out of desks and similar defects - must be eliminated by technical personnel (cleaning lady, watchman) in the process of daily maintenance of the premises.

The summer and winter holidays are used for work such as whitewashing the building, checking boilers, and for major repairs.